#seikan hikou dance
meowchela · 5 months
my ichimatsu nendoroid watching as i dance around my kitchen embarassingly to seikan hikou:
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frostclawdragoon · 5 years
TRUST NPC - Rayana Cobrastrike
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Selection: “I will do my best.”
Job: Songstress (DPS/Healer)
Weapons: Two War Fans, casts spells by singing
AI Behavior: A mixture of song and dance, Rayana is a support healer capable of getting her hands dirty if need be. She mostly will stand in the back, providing support with her songs, such as damage boosters, heals and esunas. She will run away from AoEs and do her best to keep her party members alive, and will usually choose a DPS as her partner. However, if given the chance, she will bolt into the fight quickly, and attack enemies using her war fans before sprinting back out of the fight to resume her place as support. It should be noted, however, if she is partied with Silianaux, she will only ever choose him as her partner, and will become flustered and worried by his presence, resulting in her goofing up mechanics by trying to either protect or impress him. (Tip: You should only really ever plan to take Rayana into a dungeon if you really, really like listening to music.)
Battle Lines:
“We do this together!” - Battle begins
“Oops! Sorry!” - Attacking enemy, variation 1
“Don’t hurt people! It’s very rude!” - Attacking enemy, variation 2
“... May you find peace.” - Lands a killing blow
“Let our hearts beat in-sync!” - Using Closed Position
“I will give this performance my all!” - Entering Standard and Technical Step
“Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” - Charging in to help or gather for a stack mechanic
Song: “Bokura no Senjou“ - Casting damage boosts /  Devilment
Song: “Seikan Hikou“ - Casting protection magic / Shield Samba
Song: “God Bless You“ - Casting healing magic / Curing Waltz
Limit Break:
“I can do this…!” - Using limit break with 1 bar
“Was this power in me all along...?” - Using limit break with 2 bars
Song: “Sayonara no Tsubasa” - Using limit break with 3 bars
 “I--... I’m sorry…” - Variation 1
 “I failed again…” - Variation 2
 “Oww… That will hurt more in the morning...” - Variation 1
 “Thank you! I’ll do better next time!” - Variation 2
Templates are from here!
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arishamod · 7 years
Arisha’s 3rd Fan Meeting Experience
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As many of you have seen from my updates, I finally had the chance to see Arisha live at her Fan Meeting, which happened on 16 July 2017. Here is a small report of what I could remember and my spaghetti on everything that happened!
More under the cut~
(Warning a lot of spaghetti/random fanboying happened while I was typing out this post...)
Day 1 & 2
Let’s start with the trip~ I flew from Singapore to Japan on a 7 hours Singapore Airlines Flight. Rather enjoyable flight since it was SIA and I was with my Dia neso : >.
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On day 2 I did a little shopping in Akiba on the second day, buying UOs and Mari nesos for the SG squad :3 Kinda regretted after someone showed me how easy it was to get them from crane games... But meh I’m not paying for most of the nesos anyway :3
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Arisha 3rd Fan Meet
I woke up and saw a tweet about fans queuing at at 7am and i knew i wont be able to secure Arisha Merchandise ):. So i went out with the rest who were in Tokyo on that day at Akiba. We went around looking at merchandise at Kbooks.
After having lunch, Fotc, Nozoheh and Astrobunny (from the /r/ll discord) went to the Sega cafe while i went back to my hotel first since i have forgotten my money that i left aside for the merchandise in my hotel (and since the venue was really nearby too). I went down to the venue early at 4pm for the sales of the goods and it was crowded AF. 
Flower stands:
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Here are the merchandise i managed to grab:
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I waited a while for Fotc (who was my plus 1) and we went in together and i was really, REALLY EXCITED. THE KIND OF EXCITEMENT WHICH MAKES YOU WANT TO THROW (or maybe it was just me being super nervous meeting my #1 favourite). Once the lights deemed and Arisha started announcing her fan meeting was about to begin, everyone went crazy!
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When she came on stage, my heart skipped so many beats x.x SHE WAS IN A PINK DRESS AND HAD BRAIDS THAT ENDED IN TWINTAILS OMGOSH! She immediately started singing “Natsu Matsuri” ( 夏祭り ) and we started going along with the chants and waving our Kingblades. Some of them even broke UOs the moment she came out (which i regret not bringing TT) Her voice was so good omgosh and the song was sang really well.
She then ended the song and introduced the MC for the day, Maeda-san. He was pretty good, since he was able to lead the conversation and did everything a MC did. They chatted a little, welcomed everyone and moved on to the second song.
(This is how Maeda-san looked like btw)
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Holy sheets the second song! I saw it from the song lists that were leaked from tweets from the first session and already knew what it was. I changed my Kingblade to yellow and followed the calls to “Busters Ready Go!”. It really brought back memories and Arisha's take on the song was so good! Not biased at all! She sang it with some rock in her voice and the chances of that is so rare outside of her fan meets. It was really enjoyable!
Next was sailor moon's " Moonlight Densetsu ". This song really brought about the 90′s vibes LOL. Now that I am thinking about it, the two songs were significant since she mentioned that she started dancing and performing by pursuing two of her favorite shows, the sentai series and sailor moon series. I didn’t know the calls to this song very well (since i never saw it when i was young as my mom never let me near it and the song came out before I was born ) but i knew some of it while researching on Arisha. After that they had a skit segment for Arisha (sad face coz no Q&A). She was to pick out from 4 boxes and perform a small skit based on it. (Imagine the skit segments in Aqours’ Niconama). First box was the theme, second box was the location, the third box was the person, and the last box was what she was doing. There were funny scenes like -Preparing for dance with a male partner while eating leftover food. (She perform the skit where she was dancing and eating at the same time and it was hilarious) -Eating an entire cake at a hospital and getting caught by her Senpai (i forgot the name of the senpai... sorry!)  I either couldn’t remember the rest or i was not able to catch what they were saying. (Sorry im still not great at listening to japanese especially when they were sometimes talking at super speeds for the segment) The segment was fun because she was showing off her acting skills omgosh i almost fainted x.x After that she performed “Seikan Hikou”( 星間飛行 ). I recognised it from Macross but didn’t really know the calls, but it was a pretty fun song to wota to ^^. Once again her voice is really good omgosh the highs (even though her lows are much nicer :x)
She then performed "Platinum”.( プラチナ ). Cardcaptor Sakura! This feels so much like my age group :x (thinking of it we are pretty close in age maybe we can get married)
After the songs there was a present chuusen. Basically it is like a lucky draw where they gave out signed version of her merchandise. She would pull out a number and if it matched your ticket number you can redeem it after the show. 
The highlight of this portion was Arisha encouraging people to shout "YAY" if they got it. (Imagine the same yay she did at Kanshasai Gu~rinpa segment). Someone went "YATTA" and the MC, Maeda-san told him it was YAY and everyone laughed when he was asked to YAY instead LOL. After that she perform her "last" song, “Touch” (タッチ)  and ended the performance. But those in the second session knew about the song list anyway so we chanted for an encore. 
She came back for an encore!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. She was in this skirt and her Arisha Happi over her shirt (im sure this picture came from the 1st session though cause her hair...)
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The last two songs she performed was still the most lit. “ Cruel Angel's Thesis”   (残酷な天使のテーゼ ) from Evangelion was so hyped and her voice was so amazing! She did her own version though :x
The last song she did was “Lion” (ライオン)   and omgosh even though her voice waver at some parts, her take on the song and her energy while singing it was soooooo good. The best way to end it off! After that we had post encore MC and she ended it off with group photo taking. She took pictures with 3 different part of the crowd. Each separated by pillars at the venue. She really is the dorky Arisha that I love cause she keeps YAYYYYY-ing with all of us 
Some random thoughts from the fan meet:
-i was kinda salty cause the venue was an open area except for this three pillars in the middle that blocked the view of those at the back. I was one of the few that had moments where i could not see Arisha TT -The site did mention that there was a female sitting area and males were in the standing area.  There were seats on the second floor that were exclusively female only. When Arisha point or waved at the center portion of the crowd you could actually hear them fangirling from the second level. Arisha talked about the girl only area and then they started to fangirl again. The funny thing is that the guys on the first floor felt left out were imitating them and screaming in high pitch voices together with the girls. The MC picked up on it everyone laughed about it.
-Someone collapsed or something happened to them (it was on the other side of the venue so i couldn’t see what happened) during the skit segment and they handled it so professionally, letting the staff take over, taking the opportunity to remind everyone to stay hydrated cause of the weather, and continued on. -When we were taking photos at the end, Arisha took a photo with each section of the crowd from the stage. At the start everyone was cheering for Maeda-san to join them. He reluctantly accepted and Arisha proposed that they take a picture without him, and one together with him. At one point of time after taking a group picture with the center audience, everyone was shouting for Maeda-san to come in and were patronising him. Arisha stood up and reminded everyone that this was her event not Maeda's and everyone laughed. She got jealous in my opinion omgosh so cute
And yeah that is the end of whatever the hell i could remember from the event! (well... I blanked out a lot cause I couldn’t believe Arisha was in front and her beauty and her voice and ane’fglkasdpgd)
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ame77lala · 7 years
Day 2 Anisama
01. 僕は僕であって (Boku wa Boku de Atte)/ angela×fripSide 02. イグジスト(Exist)/ angela 03. 全力☆Summer! (Zenryoku☆Summer!)/ angela 04. ドラマチックLOVE (Dramatic LOVE)/ KING OF PRISM 05. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY~EZ DO DANCE / KING OF PRISM feat. DJ KOO 06. go to Romance>>>>> / Luce Twinkle Wink☆ 07. Fight on! / Luce Twinkle Wink☆ 08. §Rainbow / i☆Ris 09. Shining Star / i☆Ris 10. イチズ (Ichizu)/ i☆Ris 11. You Only Live Once / YURI!!! on ICE feat. w.hatano 12. ハートシグナル / 羽多野 渉 Heart Signal / Wataru Hatano Nao Toyama 13. イマココ ( Ima Koko)/ 東山奈央 14. 月がきれい (Tsuki ga kirei)/ 東山奈央 Megumi Nakajima 15. TRY UNITE! -extended version- / 中島 愛 16. 星間飛行 (Seikan Hikou)/ 中島 愛 Suzuko Mimori 17. Dokidoki Tokidoki TokimeKiss♡ / 三森すずこ 18. サキワフハナ (Saki Wafuhana) / 三森すずこ Sphere 19. My Only Place~Super Noisy Nova / スフィア 20. MOON SIGNAL / スフィア 21. HIGH POWERED / スフィア 22. SHINE!! キラキラ☆プリキュアアラモード / 駒形友梨 SHINE!! KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode / Yuri Komagata 23. シュビドゥビ☆スイーツタイム / 宮本佳那子 Shubidubi☆Sweets Time / Kanako Miyamoto 24. Let's・La・Cookin'☆Showtime / KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode Kenichi Suzumura 25. HIDE-AND-SEEK / 鈴村健一 26. SHIPS / 鈴村健一 27. 英雄 / 鈴村健一×羽多野 渉 eiyuu / Kenichi Suzumura x Wataru Hatano Minori Chihara x Suzuko Mimori  28. Don't say "lazy" / Minorin Mimorin(茅原実里×三森すずこ) Shouta Aoi 29. キミに捧げる鎮魂歌(Kimi ni Sasageru Chinkonka)/ 蒼井翔太 30. DDD / 蒼井翔太 31. ムーンリバー (Moon River)/ fhána 32. Hello!My World!! / fhána 33. 青空のラプソディ(Aozora no Rhapsody)/ fhána 34. おジャ魔女カーニバル!!(Ojamajo Carnival!!)/ スフィア(Sphere)×i☆Ris Kiyoshi Hikawa 35. 限界突破×サバイバー(Genkai Toppa x Survivor)/ 氷川きよし 36. CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA / 氷川きよし 37. Dreaming! /The Idolmaster: Million Live! 38. PRETTY DREAMER~ Carnival Japanesque ~ Up!10sion♪Pleeeeeeeeease!~ Eternal Harmony /The Idolmaster: Million Live! 39. dear...~Praline~Aisle~Shooting Stars /The Idolmaster: Million Live! 40. Brand New Theater! /The Idolmaster: Million Live! 41. black bullet / fripSide 42. The end of escape / fripSide×angela 43. clockwork planet / fripSide 44. only my railgun / fripSide 45. Playing The World / Anisama 2017 Starring artists
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sugarcomatosed · 7 years
What do you think of fans who say Ranka and Freyja are similar ? Sorry if my question is weird.
On a base level, I’d have to disagree.
True Ranka and Freyja are supposed to be the cute ones when compared with Mirage and Sheryl but personality wise?
Night and day.
Ranka’s got really bad self esteem issues. Not a criticism just a statement. Even after becoming an idol she still lacks a lot of confidence.
You could argue that Freyja does too but not at all on the same level.
Freyja runs headfirst towards her dream, while Sheryl and Alto need to press Ranka to go for it. 
Honestly, I think Ranka has more in common with Mirage. They’re still different people! But they both overthink and live in their own head. Sheryl and Freyja conversely are a lot more spunky and self propellent. There’s a reason why I’m dying for a Freyja version of Northern Cross, I think the song speaks to a short Windermere lifespan way more than a cute Seikan Hikou cover (WHICH IS STILL ADORABLE) but.
Nah. I’d say they’re really different. They both make cute faces and memetastic things though.
Her cute little When my Rune Sparkles Dance and Kira are both pretty iconic.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Macross Delta VA Unit Walküre Releases 11-Minute Digest Clip from Their Latest Live DVD/Blu-ray
FlyingDog's official YouTube channel has posted a 11-minute digest clip from "LIVE2018 Walküre wa Uragiranai at Yokohama Arena," the upcoming new live DVD/Blu-ray of the Macross Delta anime franchise's five-member girls idol unit Walküre to be released on October 24, 2018. The sold-out concert was filmed at Yokohama Arena (capacity: 17,000) in Kanagawa Prefecture on February 24 and 25, 2018. The clip including special guest appearances by May’n (Sheryl Nome) on the first day and Megumi Nakajima (Ranke Lee) on the second. 
    【ワルキューレ】熱狂の 3rd LIVEを収録したライブBlu-ray&DVDが10/24(水) 発売!ワルキューレ史上最高のライブと名高い、そのライブのダイジェストPVが完成!https://t.co/CbOkj3nmE5 「完全新作!『劇場版マクロスΔ』制作決定」と発表され、彼女達の動向から益々目が離せない! pic.twitter.com/qfHeEK6cDE
— フライングドッグ (@FlyingDogInc) 2018年9月23日
     "Day-1" song list:
  1. "Koi! Halation The War ~extended version~"
2. "Yokoso! Walküre World he"
3. MC 1
4. "Change!!!!!"
5. "Absolute 5"
6. "Kaze wa Yokoku naku Fuku"
7. MC 2
8. "Ikenai Borderline"
9. "Onyanoko☆Girl"
10. "Silent Hacker"
11. "Namidame Bakuhatsuon"
12. "God Bless You"
13. MC 3
14. "Walküre Attack!"
15. "AXIA ~Daisuki de daikirai~"
16. "GIRAFFE BLUES ~Kaname Solo Requiem~"
17. "Ai, Oboeteimasuka" (Instrumental)
18. "Walküre ga Tomaranai"
19. MC 4
20. "Hear The Universe"
21. "Ichido dake no Koi nara"
22. "Zettai Reido θ Novatic"
23. "Hametsu no Junjo"
24. MC 5
25. "Walküre wa Uragiranai"
26. "Dancing in the Moonlight"
27. Encore/ voice appearance: Roid (Kaito Ishikawa), Keith (Ryohei Kimura), Bogue (KENN)
28. "Diamond Crevasse" / MikumoΔJUNNA feat. Sheryl Nome starring May’n
29. "Iteza☆Gogo Kuji Don't be late" Sheryl Nome starring May’n
30. "Bokura no Senjyou" / Walküre feat. Sheryl Nome starring May’n
31. W Encore ~ MC 6
32. "Rune ga Pikatto Hikarittara"
    "Day-2" Song list
  1. "Koi! Halation The War ~extended version~"
2. "Yokoso! Walküre World he"
3. MC 1
4. "Change!!!!!"
5. "Absolute 5"
6. "Kaze wa Yokoku naku Fuku"
7. MC 2
10. "Jiritic♡BEGINNER"
11. "Namidame Bakuhatsuon"
12. "God Bless You"
13. MC 3
14. "Walküre Attack!"
15. "AXIA ~Daisuki de daikirai~"
16. "GIRAFFE BLUES ~Kaname Solo Requiem~"
17. "Ai, Oboeteimasuka" (Instrumental)
18. "Walküre ga Tomaranai"
19. MC 4
20. "Ikenai Borderline"
21. "Ichido dake no Koi nara"
22. "Zettai Reido θ Novatic"
23. "Hametsu no Junjo"
24. MC 5
25. "Walküre wa Uragiranai"
26. "Dancing in the Moonlight"
27. Encore/ voice appearance: Roid (Kaito Ishikawa), Keith (Ryohei Kimura), Bogue (KENN)
28. "Seikan Hikou" / FreyjaΔMinori Suzuki feat. Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima
29. "Anata no Oto" Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima
30. "Fukakuteisei☆COSMIC MOVEMENT / Walküre feat. Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima
31. W encore ~MC 6
32. "Rune ga Pikatto Hikarittara"
    Source: FlyingDog
   (C) 2018 BigWest/Macross Delta Production Committee
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pockyholicart-blog · 7 years
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KIRA🎤 After painting Sheryl yesterday, I had to draw Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier as a pair. I know the full dance of Seikan Hikou by Ranka too... I like thus piece over Sheryl, despite both took around the same amount of time. I think I will use a darker colour to outline these small pieces, it makes them sharper. I think I will do these Macross Frontier pieces as mini prints! On another note, I have Hyper Japan Christmas Market booked 💪 #macross #macrossfanart #macrossfrontier #rankalee #rankaleefanart #animefanart #mangaart #animegirl #watercolours #watercolors #traditionalart #instaart #gansaitambi #kuretakegansaitambi #kuretake #kira
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lunamori-13 · 7 years
Smitten with you by Nicole Dollanganger
You're so Cool by Nicole Dollanganger
Crave You by Flight Facilities ft. Giselle
Black Waterlillies by Aurora
Runaway by Aurora
Dance if you wanna by Vivian Girls
Through the Eyes of a Child by Aurora
First Love / Late Spring by Mitski
 Francis Forever by Mitski
Seikan Hikou Macrosse (piano)
 Once more to see you by Mitski
Conqueror by Aurora
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guusagi · 12 years
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