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dancincu · 4 years ago
#coffeesketch #3dart #coffe #doodleart #segafredomoment of @segafredozanettiofficial • Audio: Powfu - "Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) @pow.fu (la Time - Coffee & Snacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNCeiNGp1hm/?igshid=8ixvzxly21dp
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stefaniaguizzo · 6 years ago
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•on the road, escaping from hot temperature⛰🥵 #LocandaMezzoCason #Camprogrosso #RecoaroTerme #Vicenza #Veneto #Italia #Italy #segafredomoment #segafredozanetti #coffee #espresso #coffeeoftheday #caramelbiscuits #mountain (at Locanda Mezzo Cason) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MOKx8oagt/?igshid=1sv9ji3rgsur5
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dancincu · 5 years ago
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If it's Friday then it's the #freefountainpenfriday of @appelboompennen . . . . today with my #Opus88flora from @opus88writing and a #Segafredomoment and a #quarantinequotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YR8gfp4kP/?igshid=t1492fqch7ub
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dancincu · 5 years ago
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Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ Oggi @dancincu ci porta sul Campanile di Sant’Andrea del Duomo ad Amalfi. Da quassù, fra gli archi intrecciati ed i colori gialli e verdi delle maioliche della torre immaginiamo di goderci un panorama unico di questo splendido mare con il nostro #SegafredoMoment! #towerofcoffee #amalfi #segafredozanetti #italy #italia (la Amalfi, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2kCzBMCkND/?igshid=1hpmg5iofaa7y
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dancincu · 5 years ago
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Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ Oggi seguiamo l'artista @dancincu in #Umbria, nel suo viaggio alla scoperta delle torri d'Italia. Dal fianco sud della Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi, inserita nella lista dei Patrimoni dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO, si innalza la Torre campanaria con un gioco di cornici e archetti pensili: una meta imprescindibile per gli amanti dell’arte, sempre accompagnati da un buon #SegafredoMoment . #TowerOfCoffee #Italia #Italy #Assisi #segafredozanetti #coffee #caffè (la San Francesco Assisi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B21JG36ChX-/?igshid=oze7sm5sfprr
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dancincu · 5 years ago
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Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ L'artista @dancincu, nel suo viaggio attraverso la penisola, oggi è stato a Cervia alla scoperta della sua Torre. La Torre è intitolata a San Michele Arcangelo, santo protettore del Conte Maffei che la fece costruire a difesa della preziosa risorsa del sale. #segafredomoment #segafredozanetti #towerofcoffee #coffee #caffè #italy #italia #cervia #sketch #towers #coffeelover #coffeesketch (la Cervia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2RWDJbiOLH/?igshid=kkx5oqi31fiv
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dancincu · 5 years ago
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Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial ・・・ @dancincu dedica a Modena la sua #TowerOfCoffee di oggi: la Torre della Ghirlandina svetta con i suoi 89,32 metri al fianco dell’abside del Duomo ed è il simbolo della città. Ma forse non tutti sanno che deve il suo nome al doppio giro di balaustre che incoronano la guglia “leggiadre come ghirlande”. Uno scenario spettacolare per un #SegafredoMoment! #segafredocoffee #coffee #italy #modena #ghirlandina #towerofcoffee #segafredozanetti #italy #sketch #towers (la Ghirlandina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_OYWHCtzF/?igshid=h15hguw0ieo6
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dancincu · 5 years ago
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Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial ・・・ Oggi la protagonista delle creazioni di @dancincu è la Torre Guinigi di Lucca. Non sarebbe favoloso gustare un #SegafredoMoment nel giardinetto pensile sospeso nel cielo? #towerofcoffee #segafredocoffee #segafredozanetti #italy #sketch #towers (la Torre Guinigi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dvvnMi-Ph/?igshid=co8tzhb05hut
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dancincu · 6 years ago
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Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) #Repost ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ Il viaggio alla scoperta delle torri d'Italia ci porta nella città eterna: oggi ci troviamo a Roma per ammirare la Colonna Traiana interpretata da @dancincu. Ricaricati con un #SegafredoMoment veramente speciale! #towerofcoffee #segafredocoffee #segafredozanetti #italy (la Fori Imperiali) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Dxx_8Cbc9/?igshid=d6lwnv6hrzk7
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dancincu · 6 years ago
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My weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ #Repost @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ Oggi l'artista @dancincu ci porta a Firenze, con la sua personalissima interpretazione del campanile di Giotto, la torre campanaria della cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore. Sei pronto a goderti un #SegafredoMoment in piazza del Duomo? #towerofcoffee #segafredocoffee #segafredozanetti #italy (la Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0xxnmhit-v/?igshid=v0r6y89pgb7x
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dancincu · 6 years ago
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Buongionro. Check out my weekly project with my caffeinated dear italian friends from Segafredo Zanetti. You will have your coffee next to the know towers of my/their Italy. Every week a different tower from a different city from Italy. A tribute to the architecture and coffee of Italy. ・・・ @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) #Repost ・・・ Oggi il nostro viaggio attraverso l'Italia delle torri ci porta a Bologna. Le riconoscete? Non vi piacerebbe gustare un #SegafredoMoment su in cima, ammirando il panorama? @dancincu #towerofcoffee #segafredozanetti #segafredocoffee #italy (la Bologna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0k_8_-iwLo/?igshid=8789k4cfushe
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dancincu · 6 years ago
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#Repost @segafredozanettiofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ Estate, tempo di viaggi.... Parti assieme a noi alla scoperta delle più belle torri italiane! Oggi siamo a Pisa: ecco come l'artista @dancincu ha interpretato l'inconfondibile Torre! Ovunque tu vada, un #Segafredomoment è sempre con te! #towerofcoffee #segafredozanetti #segafredocoffee #art #italy https://www.instagram.com/p/B0S6ovDClkV/?igshid=ayjmb7zukn0f
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dancincu · 4 years ago
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I had an interesting coffee chat with this mittens guy this morning about the aspects of social democracy as practiced in the Scandinavian countries. . . . #berniesanders @berniesanders #segafredoMoment @segafredozanettiofficial (la Time - Coffee & Snacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKV6t9WAhZR/?igshid=119iw1rf7agwm
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dancincu · 4 years ago
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"I would rather suffer from coffee than be senseless" #NapoleonBonaparte • • • ¤ #daco #permanentmarker & #paintmarker of @paintdrops_bydac [ ] Hashtags ... please ignore: #WhatArchitectsDraw #Architect #DanCINCU #ArchitectResita #Drawing #InkSketc #SketchBook #ArchitectureSketch #fountainpennetwork #FountainpenInk #fountainpensketch #FountainpenGeeks • #coffeecups #cardboardcup #cardboardart #quotes #segafredoMoment #napoleon • #DoSomethingCreativeEveryDay [ ] #设计师 #معماری (la Time - Coffee & Snacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMJd-y4AWE7/?igshid=dil7hv3rgfzt
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dancincu · 4 years ago
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Şcoala Pittner, prima şcoală muncitorească din Reşiţa, a fost mutată de la Oraviţa cu scopul de a forma muncitori pentru uzina metalurgică din oraş şi a fost construită în jurul anului 1900. Interesant la această clădire este ceasul cu cadran solar care se află în curte de care puţină lume ştie de existenţa acestuia. Astăzi, clădirea se afla într-o stare avansată de degradare, la fel şi ceasul. Astazi cladirea deserveşte, în prezent, ca şi locuinţa socială, atât pentru familii de rromi cât şi de români • Imobilul va fi consolidat, restaurat și reabilitat total, cu păstrarea elementelor de arhitectură ce îl definesc: curtea interioară, luminatorul, ceasul cu cadran solar. urmind a se dori punerea în valoare a cladirii prin transformarea într-un centru expozițional și de evenimente, cu săli de expoziţie, spații de prezentare, birouri și ateliere creative de pictură, de artizanat, restaurare sau literatură.  • Categorie: Gimnazii/şcoli/grădiniţe Perioada: mijl. sec. XIX Importanta: B Cod LMI: CS-II-m-B-10918 Adresa: Str. Furnalelor 13B Cartier Reşiţa Montană Localitate: municipiul REŞIŢA Judet: Caras-Severin Regiune: Banat • • • [ ] Hashtags ... please ignore: #WhatArchitectsDraw #Architect #DanCINCU #ArchitectResita #Drawing #InkSketc #SketchBook #ArchitectureSketch #fountainpennetwork #FountainpenInk #fountainpensketch #FountainpenGeeks • #ScoalaPittner #theMonumentsOfResita #resita #monument #monumente #coffeecups #cardboardcup #cardboardart #segafredoMoment • #DoSomethingCreativeEveryDay [ ] #设计师 #معماری (la Time - Coffee & Snacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKdvEEhpP1M/?igshid=1xcwpdarywng
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