#sega 6-pak
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aaronmeterchanges · 6 months ago
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More recent Sega Genesis acquisitions!
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sonichedgeblog · 11 months ago
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The 6-PAK compilation for the SEGA Genesis, which includes ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ and other SEGA titles.
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retrogamelovers · 1 year ago
Which game would you play first from the Sega Genesis 6-Pak?
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suntodayseeds-blog · 1 year ago
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retrogamerj · 1 year ago
Horror Gaming: Conplus Creepypasta Review
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A new edition of Horror Gaming is up, and the Halloween season has begun for us to celebrate the usual ghastly festivities. To start the spooky season off, this edition has us take a look at an original gaming creepypasta called Conplus. During 2014, gaming CPs as explained many times weren’t known for quality storytelling aside from a few gems. It was also a time when a few writers tried breaking away from the constant tropes that often was the scary part of these plots. Godzilla NES and Metroid II: Secret Worlds were the first to raise the bar thanks to good writing. Another thing that made these set the bar higher is the quality depictions of what the characters explained were happening to them. While you don’t need imagery to create a unique horror tale, it does add to the immersion and allows your imagination to go even more wild. In the early 2020s, creepypastas began losing their luster thanks to poor writing, authors who can’t take criticism and obnoxiously long one to two sentence titles. The bar might’ve been raised high but it’s obvious these gaming CP authors have moved to a much better format of Analog Horror. ​ Conplus is an original gaming creepypasta similar to the Theater and Pale Luna that tells a tale of a man recalling playing an odd Super NES title. It was also a multicart in the same vein as Action 52 that is known to have poorly designed games on them. However, unlike Action 52, Conplus's games were developed competently with no broken designs according to the story. There is one odd feature of this cartridge, and it’s how a plastic bubble was placed on the top right. The only cartridge based release to have this feature was the Game Boy Camera. The CP does have that uniqueness to the theme and there was never a Super NES cart to have a camera like function. That really does add to the curiosity of what it could’ve been based on the fact the cover gives no indication of being a multicart release. When we look at the Sega 6-Pak and Super Mario All Stars, usually these carts tell us what’s inside. Conplus features six games each being from rarely used genres in the industry. However, the man remembers some strange things about playing each one after going through their challenges as an adult. Will the man discover the games were as he remembers them or something evil, he finds there as an adult?
Conplus Creepypasta Review
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magnoliacelebration · 5 years ago
Ga bisa tidur. Terus nemu thread di twitter yang agak nostalgia masa SD (walopun sedih). Dan pengen juga. Karena aku kebanyakan inget masa SD-ku yang sedih-sedih doang dibanding yang seneng, aku kepengen ngelist hal-hal cukup menyenangkan pas SD yang (semoga) bisa mengobati diri. Hahaha.
1. Kelas 3 SD punya sahabat, yang lucunya out of nowhere dia yang "ngelamar" aku sebagai sahabat. Ya like, "Kita sahabatan yuk!" padahal dia anak perempuan di kelas yang paling jarang interaksi ma aku. Terus sejak saat itu lah dimulai persahabatan kami. Anaknya mantan rektor ITB, btw, sering nginep di rumah dia di Bojongkoneng. Pas reuni jaman kuliah, si pak rektor masih kenal aku huhu terharu. Udah lama banget ga kontak, kabarnya dia dah nikah dan udah dapet gelar doktor dari Jepang.
2. Kelas 6 SD mulai dilesin pelajaran. Sejak saat itu nilai Matematika-ku meroket. Pernah sekali dapet nilai 10 sempurna dan satu-satunya di kelas. Dapet hadiah apa yah, aku lupa, pas itu keknya satu-satunya masa disegani ma temen-temen sekelas, sampe ada si yang paling terkenal jago Matematika ngehadiahin stiker buatku =)) Nilai Ebtanas-ku paling gede Matematika dong, cuman salah satu soal.
3. Anak paling cantik di kelas deket rumahnya sama aku. Dan sering maen bareng ke rumahnya nyaris tiap minggu. Kelas 6 SD kali yah, atau kelas 5? Lupa. Pokoknya aku rutin maen ke rumah dia, haha, walopun dia dikenalnya ngegeng sama geng paling terkenal di angkatanku. Hobi kita maen sega/PS apa yah, maen Mortal Combat =))
4. One of most hated girl di kelas, suatu hari jadi sahabatku. Yap di masa-masa akhir sekolah selain si sahabat nomor 1 ini, ada si nomor 4 ini. Pas itu ya seneng aja berteman sama dia walaupun posisi dia pernah kusebelin (karena peer pressure), anaknya fun kok.
5. Dilesin mama keyboard dari SD. Pas ujian akhir praktik Seni Musik, perform keyboard pake lagu The Way We Were-nya Barbra Streisand sama Mr. Bojangles-nya Nina Simone (selera musikku terpaksa jadul karena buku musikku lagu lama semua, Frank Sinatra lah pas SD udah apal banget). Nilaiku paling tinggi :")
6. Walaupun lariku boyot, tapi aku selalu suka main kasti di lapangan sama temen-temen. Aku ga ngerti kenapa ga kapok, pasti selalu maen. Kupikir kelas 6 SD semuanya membaik sih.
7. Naksir-naksiran jaman SD, aku inget pernah ditaksir balik (ga lama sih). Anaknya fun dan salah satu yang emang konsisten baik (ikutan peer pressure buat bully sih tapi ga terlalu keras bully-nya). Anaknya udah meninggal, sekitar tahun 2014-2015-an.
8. Sama sahabat nomor 1 suka bandel beli es krim walls pas pulang sekolah. Ini parah kalo ketahuan sama guru sanksinya, bisa disetrap pas upacara diliatin semua angkatan. Tapi kita gak pernah ketahuan hahaha
9. Pernah juga dilesin gambar, pokoknya sejak saat itu nilai kesenianku membaik. Ada tugas gambar ilustrasi, nilaiku paling gede.
10. Gara-gara bisa keyboard, aku diminta ngajarin guru Bahasa Indonesia di ruang guru setiap Jumat. Namanya Bu Dewi. Udah meninggal juga Beliau, pas SMP/SMA aku tahunya
11. Suatu hari bawa catur ke sekolah dan sejak saat itu aku dikasih label "si jago catur". Yap, ada masanya aku obsesi catur, sampe semua artikel pertandingan catur yang ada langkahnya, kuguntingin dan aku kipling T_T Suka kalo lagi senggang nyobain langkah-langkah catur itu, sampe beli bukunya juga. Pernah sekali menang tanding sama kakak kelas, dianya ngambek hahaha.
12. Man, kelas 6 SD semuanya serba membaik kalo dipikir-pikir.
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roxynano · 5 years ago
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Fun fact you guys we are in hell! However it doesn’t mean you can’t have a hell of a time in hell as this proves it. My best friend @mary_teets unfortunately is going through so much especially with all of the Covid stuff going on. It really brought my mood down seeing her in a gloomy mood and the fact we can’t see each other physically during this time really brought my mood down quite a bit too. As a bonus this was going while her birthday was going on, but I wasn’t going to make it a crappy birthday because of life around us. I have a spare Sega Genesis that I wanted to give her as a present but this is the time to give it to her. Everything in the bundle included: Toilet Paper Sega Genesis consoles (With cords, controller, and other required stuff) Genesis 6-PAK Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Complete in Box) Sonic 2 WITH A LINE!!!! (Hopefully you guys get the joke like Mary and I did) Sonic 3D Blast Mortal Kombat II Columns Mother 1+2 (GBA) Mother 3 (GBA) And more! So yeah I went all out with this present but I didn’t spend too much as most of the games were spare copies I’ve already had. (For the ones that were the only copy I had, I had other ways to play them from combinations and more) Am I insane? Yeah but Mary deserves everything in this gift box and deserves even more. She is the most selfless person I know and the closest friend that helped me in my darkest hours as well as make my most magical moments in life even more magical. Seeing your reaction to the gifts and how it really did make you the most happiest I’ve ever seen you was the best feelings I’ve had in quarantine. (One of the best feelings I’ve had even in my life to be honest) This really shows something important. Just because life sucks right now doesn’t mean we can’t make the best of it. If anything it shows us that all of us will make it through and eventually we will see each other again. Mary I can’t wait for that day to come. I love you with all of my heart and everything thing in my body. I’m extremely exuberant that you really cherished the gifts I’ve given you. (I’m glad that Rose is enjoying it just as much as you are too!) -Roxynano ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBRI7XoFhJ2pLa_0UsqTM2iWeaozTDovRv8phE0/?igshid=1gxcpeg0gc8nf
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makctoys · 5 years ago
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6-Pak: Sonic The Hedgehog / Golden Axe / Street of Rage / Revenge of Shinobi / Columns / Super Hang-On / картридж Sega / 150 гривен Артикул - C244 makctoys.com . . . . . . . #videogame #game #sega #vintage #retro #arcade #fighting #sonic #goldenaxe #картридж #игры #видеоигры #аркада #сега #ретро #коллекция (at Odessa, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PGe5gnHuB/?igshid=r39i3r5pj23r
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erikrunner · 5 years ago
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Vaučerskiot sistem = Igri na sreka za manipulatori
Vaučerite se za postignati rezultati, a ne igri na sreka, pa koj ke mu tekne da si aplicira!
Neli e sramota da apliciras za vaučer, a znaeš deka od tebe ima mnogu podobri atletičari… ili nikoj ne ti kažal deka si prosečen atletičar.
Definitivno krivicata e vo AFM koja ne napravila čistka pred da gi odobri aplikaciite… ili da objavi spisok na klubovi I atletičari koi možat da apliciraat.
Pošto pak Delta ili jas ke ispadneme lošite, a ne onie sto se prosjačat od AMS... i se zamisluvaat ramni na Adri, Jovan, Dario i Drita… Neznam kako da im se objasni deka toa što go napravile e sramota. Ili ednakvo na kražba!
Lugje… ne se pravete naudreni. So rezultati od plus/minus 600 bodovi po tablica vie ste rekreativni trkaci… I ne zaslužuvate nikakva pomoš od državata. Vo normalna država ke vi bide zabranet pristap na stadion, za da ne smetate tamu kade što ne vi e mesto… Rekreativcite - na kej!
Čestitkite za dobienite vaučeri se ednakvi na čestitki na političarite za ukradenite pari od budžetot. Kako da mu čestitate na nekoj sto pominuva na crveno svetlo... ili vrsi nužda na avtobuska stanica... krade ženski tašni na ploštad…
Takvite, ako utre… na nekoja trka gi fatite kako ve kradat vo šatorot za presoblekuvanje… ke im čestitate na ukradenite raboti? Kao… aj so sreka da si go koristiš ukradeniot Ajpod!
Možebi i ne sum vo pravo i samo trerskam gluposti… možda sum roden vo pogrešno vreme… ili na druga planeta, ama… drugari… mi se gadi od site vas što mislite deka Adri i Kokan vredat isto... počnuvajki od AMS, pa AFM i na kraj site zaslepeni, nerealni... podložni na manipulacii, lagi...
Ako i posle ova ispadnam jas budala… slednata godina od Delta ke aplicirame cel klub, duri i onie sto namale nitu eden nastap... a ima i takvi na spisokot od srekni dobitnici na vaučer.
Jas.. no i mnogu drugi koi nemaat smelost da go kazat svoeto mislenje… na aplikantite što se zanesuvale deka se nekoi golemi atletičari, gledame kako na cirkuzanti. Za mene toa se sitni duši, koi za od 7.000 do 84.000 denari se spremni da lažat sve živo i divo... duri i samite sebe.
Vi prilog... spisok na sreknite dobitnici so dopišana vrednost na rezultat po tablica... necelosen, bidejki nemam rezultati na nekoi atletičari
P.s. Za sporedba ke go napišam rezultatot na Katerina Dimovska (18.5 godinišna) postignat posle 4 mesečno neozbilno trčanje na kej. Tolku treba za 684 bodovi (3.21.19 na Skopski maraton 2008). I nikogaš ne pomisliv... nitu togašnoto rakovodstvo na AFM, deka treba nekoj da ne nagraduva za toj rezultat. Sega ispagja deka imame opasni atletičari so pomalku bodovi, koi treniraat najmalku 5-6 godini...
P.s.s. Atletikata e sport... ne e igra na sreka!
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princewatercress · 6 years ago
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octogenius · 8 years ago
spent most of my day digging through boxes to find all my old video games and organizing them and kinda taking inventory with an app to track what i’ve got. can’t find my Genesis, Sonic 2, NBA Jam, or the 6-Pak cart.  might have sold them at some point? im not sure, doesn’t seem like a thing I’d do especially since I still have Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Rampart for the genesis.
also missing a 2nd copy of Donkey Kong Country 2 i think i had(which is not a big deal since it was an extra), but the extra copy of Super Mario World is here where it’s supposed to be. not missing any of my SNES games except the ones i sold earlier this year (chrono trigger, mario RPG)
had more NES games than i remembered, including a complete-in-box Tengen RBI Baseball which i totally forgot about, and i’m really glad I’ve got City Connection and Slalom because i didn’t remember buying those before and they were at the top of my to-get list for NES stuff.  and i forgot i had Legend of Mana for the PS1 so that was a cool surprise since i thought i only had Chrono Cross and Monster Rancher still around.
so i guess once the Retroblox kickstarter hits and i know what kind of money to set aside for that, i’ll pick up some Genesis and Sega CD games.  and some 2600 ones.
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aaronmeterchanges · 5 months ago
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Finally managed to clear the "junior" stage in Super Hang On!
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shelbymustanglover-blog · 7 years ago
AtGames Sega Genesis Classic Game Console w/ 80 Built-In Games - NEW 2016 MODEL!
AtGames Sega Genesis Classic Game Console w/ 80 Built-In Games – NEW 2016 MODEL!
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AtGames Sega Genesis Classic Game Console w/ 80 Built-In Games – NEW 2016 MODEL! List Price: $ 73.00 Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B01MG9JNC7″] [wpramareviews asin=”B01MG9JNC7″] Sega Genesis System with 6-pak game included! Nice in box sega Genesis with 6-pack Games Sega Genesis Unit 1 controler Ac Adaptor, Tv Hookup, 6-in 1 Genesis Classics Game Cartridge Columns, STreets of Rage, Sonic the…
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Thought via Path
SETUNGGAL MUHARAM Tanggal 1 Muharam, minangka pengetan taun anyar Islam dipengeti dening warga Jawa kanthi maneka warna. Kenang apa kok 1 Muharam iki dadi sawijine bab kang sakral tumraping warga Jawa.....? Bab iki amarga proses akulturasi budaya Islam lan Jawa kang dumadi nalikane jaman pamarentahan Sultan Agung. Sadurung dumadine proses akulturasi, wong Jawa isih nganggo penanggalan Saka tinggalan Aji Saka kang migunakake metode srengenge. Nalika iku ing dalem taun 1555 Saka Hindu kang padha karo taun 1633, kangjeng Sultan Agung netepake konsep penanggalan Jawa, saka adhedhasar puteran srengenge (Syamsiyah) diganti mawa rotasi Mbulan (Komariah). Pengantian sistem penanggalan iki lumaku ana wewengkon pulo Jawa lan Madura, nanging ora kalebu Banten. Amarga wektu kuwi Banten dudu wewengkone Mataram Islam. Bab iki bisa diwaos ana ing Primbon Adji Çaka Manak Pawukon 1000 Taun kang ditulis nganggo basa Jawa. Nalika iku, penggantian penanggalan Saka Hindu marang Saka Islam dumadi ing taun 1555 Saka kang bebarengan karo tanggal 1 Muharam 1043 Hijriah. Bebarengan uga karo tanggal 8 Juli taun 1633 Masehi. Penanggalan anyar kasebut ora banjur ngilangi taun 1555 Saka, nanging nerusake taun sing ana. Saliyane iku, uga ngganti jeneng sasi / wulan, saka basa Hindu / Sansekerta dadi basa Arab utama memper Arab. Nanging jeneng pasaran, pawukon apa dene taun tetep nganggo jeneng Jawa asli ora malih. Ing kene katon kawicaksanane Kangjeng Sultan Agung ing babagan agama, budaya lan politik. Maneka Warna Pengetan ing Sasi Suro Ing sadengah papan ing tanah Jawa, sasi Suro dipengeti kanthi maneka cara. Ing kraton Surokarta Hadiningrat, saben malem siji Suro bakal nganakake arak-arakan kebo bule kang diwenehi jeneng Kyai Slamet. Kebo bule minangka kewan kang dikramatake dening kraton lan sawetara warga sakupenge kono. Sedheng ing tlatah kraton Ngayogyakarta dhewe pengetan sasi Suro dianakake kanthi tapa bisu ngupengi beteng kraton, kanthi nggawa piranti pusaka. Lelaku tapa bisu iki kaanakake ing malem Suro, wanci tengah wengi nganti tabuh telu sadurunge subuh. Kabeh sing melu nglakoni ora oleh alok apa maneh nganti ngobrol nganti rampung anggone ngayahi lelaku. Sedheng esuke dianakake Grebeg Suron, yaiku arak-arakan tumpeng gedhe sing digawe dening kraton lan diarak tumuju ing alon-alon. Sawise tekan alon-alon, para warga biyasane padha dene rebutan isi tumpeng. Ana sing oleh segane, lawuhe apa dene campurane. Rata-rata para warga kang padha melu rebutan sega tumpeng raseksa iki ora kanggo didhahar dhewe, nanging saperlu kanggo ngalap berkah. Muga-muga apa sing disuwun sadurunge rebutan sega tumpeng iki diijabahi dening Gusti Allah. Ing kutha Ponorogo Jawa Wetan, pengetan sasi Suro uga dikantheni acara Grebeg Suron. Adicara iki dipandhegani dening pamarentah Ponorogo mligi kanggo grmbakakake budaya lan wisata. Mung sing aeng nang kene, yakuwi dianakake Festival Reog Nasional kang dieloni para seniman reog ing sadengah Nuswantara. Saliyane iku uga dianakake larung sesaji ing tlaga Ngebel. Iki sing mbedakake karo acara grebeg Suron ing Jawa Tengah. Ing papan-papan liyane, pengetan sasi Suro kaleksanakake kanthi adus ing sendhang-sendhang utawa padusan liyane. Uga ana sing nganakake ritual kungkum nang kali tempuran, kaya kang biyasa dianakake nang Semarang. Ritual iki diwiwiti sepisanan dening Pak Harto suwargi (mantan Presiden RI kapindho), kang lumaku terus nganti saiki. Lelaku Pengetan Suro tumraping pribadi Menawa panjenengan uga kepengin nglakoni tarak brata ing sasi Suro kanggo pribadi, bisa katindakake ing ngisor iki. 1.Siram jamas (jinabad), siram iki bisa katindakake ana ing sendhang, belik apa dene tempuran. Sing penting niate kanggo reresik awak, jiwa raga kita pribadi. 2.Melek-melekan tekan tengah wengi, sokur dene bisa nglakoni tapa bisu, kanthi mlaku-mlaku ngubengi kampung utawa dhusun ing tengah wengi nganti ngarepake subuh. 3.Nglakoni pasa Suro, pasa iki paedahe kanggo reresik diri pribadi lan bisa kanggo kajat liyane. Anggone nglakoni bisa sarana ngebleng menawa wis kuwat apa dene kaya pasa ing sasi romadon kae. Jumlah dinane ganjil, kaya ta: sedina, telung dina utawa pitung dina. 4.Dedonga ing tengah wengi, ing latar utawa papan sing ora katutupan pyan. 5.Nyadran ing sareyane para leluhur utawa wong tuwa sing wis sumare. 6.Ing malem kawolu, gawe dhaharan arupa bubur Suran. Bubur iki arupa beras kang digawe bubur, diwenehi santen lan pandhan. Sabanjure diparingi jangan arupa opor lan sambel goreng, kanthi lawuh krupuk urang, bergedel, endhog dadar, timun, kacang goreng lan liya-liyane gumantung karepe ati. Nuwun – Read on Path.
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suntodayseeds-blog · 1 year ago
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retrowarriors · 7 years ago
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A Brief History of Obsession
By: Justin Baker
We spend a lot of time on the showing discussing our personal histories with various consoles and games. So, despite the slightly narcissistic nature of the topic, I thought it would be benefecial for me to put into writing my own personal history with a handful of consoles that we talk about regularly. My thinking here is that, as the host of the show, my personal history often paints our rhetoric. And while we don’t claim to be objective by any means, it might help to set in stone my own biases based on my own personal history. You’ll notice that I’ve not included handheld consoles here, because then the article would be so massive as to become unwieldy. If this gains some interest, perhaps I’ll follow up with a handheld-centric version.
Nintendo Entertainment System
This was the first gaming console that I can remember. While a lot of people my age also tend to have vague memories of Atari systems sitting unused in dusty corners, my gaming life started with Nintendo and their grey toaster. Like most other young gamers, my library of titles was modest. Early ones I remember include: Mario 1-3, Milon’s Secret Castle, The Guardian Legend, Battle of Olympus, Castlevania, and Trog. And, with the exception of Milon’s Secret Castle, I have very fond memories of every one of those games.
Our NES saw plenty of play long after the SNES released, since titles were cheap and our library had grown far larger. It wasn’t until the N64 released that I started to let the NES go. But as a teenager I returned to my roots and picked up another NES (my brother retained our original unit) and started building my collection. I haven’t stopped collecting for it since.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Somewhere, in my pile of home videos, is one of my brother and me ripping into our first SNES. I honestly can’t remember the exact year, but it was a while after its original release. Our excitement was so through the roof, and our expectation of actually receiving one so low, that we asked every single family member for SNES games and accessories. To the point that we opened two copies of Super Mario All-Stars that evening alone. Other titles from that night include: Super Mario World, Mega Man X, and Mario Paint.
Having an SNES in the house was a big deal, but I was still pretty young. As neo-hipster as it sounds, I often preferred the more simplistic (albeit much more difficult) NES games. That’s not to say I didn’t dump hundreds of hours in Super Mario World and Mega Man X though.
Nintendo 64
We famously dog on the N64 at basically every opportunity, but the truth is that in its day I adored my N64. Sure, I still looked over the fence at the evergreen grass of the PlayStation camp from time to time, but if you cut me I’d bleed tiny Marios. I mowed grass for a whole summer, and spent several evenings rolling change from a huge bin in my mother’s closet to afford mine. It was the first console I purchased with my own money, and I fondly remember going to KB Toys at the mall and triumphantly returning home to have my face melted off by Mario 64.
My issues with the system are how poorly it has aged, how difficult it is to view in any measure of acceptable fidelity, and how obtuse the controller feels in my adult hands. But the honest truth is that the reason the N64 feels so dated is because it was such a defining system in so many franchises I love, that everything since then has been an explicit improvement on that foundation. Mario 64 isn’t the greatest 3D platformer of all time, because it was the most influential 3D platformer of all time and every game since then has worked to improve on its formula.
Sega Genesis
For any regular listeners, it probably won’t be shocking to learn that I never owned a Genesis when it was a “thing.” In fact, I was so entrenched in the Nintendo-verse that I barely even noticed the thing. As a teenager my uncle ended up with one at his house, and I spent a decent amount of time playing Sonic 1-3 (and Knuckles, of course) and the fantastic Sega 6-Pak. I was never really in love with the console, but I squeezed quite a bit of enjoyment out of a relatively limited amount of games.
As times goes on my appreciation for the Genesis and its various add-ons continue to surprise me, especially the Sega CD. But, for the most part, I enjoy the flavor of SNES games more than their Genesis counterparts.
PC Engine/Turbografx-16 & Sega Saturn
While drastically different systems, my introduction to both of these consoles is the same: Chris Saturn. My very own co-host coerced me to try them, and I’ve found quite a lot to love. In fact, the trajectory of my appreciation corresponds directly to the podcast’s growth. In the early episodes when we covered the PCE and Saturn, those were the byproduct of me purchasing those systems and beginning to explore their libraries.
Both feature huge amounts of must-have Japanese exclusives, strange marketing from their American counterparts, and a metric ton of fantastic shmups. Honestly, the similarities between both systems is pretty striking, and could probably warrant an entire article on that topic alone. But my love for both has grown from a mild interest to a near obsession.
So there you have it. For any major home consoles not listed here, it’s safe to say that my experience with them was average or unremarkable. PlayStation has been a mainstay, but I’ve never had any sort of special obsession with it or grand nostalgia for it. The same goes for Xbox, and most of NIntendo’s non-handheld post-N64 systems. All good systems, but nothing that have served to define my gaming tastes and obsessions nearly as much as those listed above.
Anyway, I’d love to hear from you all! I’d very much like to stretch this topic out into a full episode, but sitting there talking about myself for an hour feels just a tiny bit pathetic. So reach out and give us your own interesting histories!
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