spurgie-cousin · 1 month
ok I know this is besides the point but hello??????
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joy my dear my darling you look so goddamn hot, meanwhile Michelle Junior over here
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I'm jk but Jessa is so beautiful I would just die to see her in a similar dress. Also dying to see Jinger's, I can't tell if she's a bridesmaid but I just know it will either be wonderful or the weirdest thing I've ever seen
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fundieshaderoom · 2 months
Funny Shade from Jessa
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Just a family photo, not a potential pregnancy announcement…Right?
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fundieinfoplace · 4 months
Breaking News: Another Seewald Engaged
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Little late to posting this one but couldn't find a good photo. Danielle Seewald is engaged to marry Lawson Howard
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fundiepredictions · 2 months
Happy birthday
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Fern Seewald celebrates her 3th birthday today.
She is the fourth child of Ben&Jessa Seewald (Duggar). She has four siblings, Spurgeon (8), Henry (7), Ivy (5) and George (0)
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hyperions-fate · 6 months
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The Shepherd (Der Hirte) (1919)
Richard Seewald
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sols-actual-main-blog · 6 months
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duggarbatesfan · 3 months
Happy Father's Day
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To Jim-Bob Duggar, John-David Duggar, Derick Dillard, Ben Seewald, Jeremy Vuolo, Joseph Duggar, Josiah Duggar, Austin Forsyth, Jedidiah Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar.
To Gil Bates, Zach Bates, Chad Paine, Lawson Bates, Nathan Bates, John Webster, Bobby Smith, Trace Bates, Evan Stewart, Kelton Balka and Travis Clark.
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wtffundiefamilies · 5 months
Also, I guessed George because I figured they'd name a kid after George Whitefield at some point.
...has she said who inspired his name? I'll be impressed with myself if I'm right.
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
Semantic games serve only to obscure the truth. There is no ethical concern with doing a D&C following fetal demise, because there is no life to save except the mother’s. The child, tragically, has already died. Removing their body — and the rest of the associated products of conception — from the womb is no more ethically fraught than having to remove uterine fibroids or a too-attached placenta following a delivery.
A D&C procedure, in and of itself, is morally neutral. It becomes problematic only when it is used as a tool of violent destruction. Elective abortion involves the intentional snuffing out of a unique human life. A D&C used to kill a preborn human is very different from a D&C used to remove an already dead body.
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spurgie-cousin · 5 months
here's a ✨quick recap of the Jessa and Ben interview from the "Now That We're a Family" podcast✨for @undercoverduggarblog and anyone else who's curious if they spilled any tea.
I will say the couple who was interviewing them seemed to be the exact same flavor of fundamentalist as the Seewalds, so it was mostly the same cheesy fundie platitudes you hear in any "interview" the Duggars or similar fundies do. so this might be kind of short but there were a few interesting parts I'll highlight:
Jessa and Ben said that they were really focused on teaching catechism memorization to their kids, which I guess isn't super shocking information, I've just never heard anyone besides Catholics talk about catechisms lol. The Catholic Catechism for those who don't know is a separate thing from the Bible which kind of summarizes the principles of the religion, kind of like a cliff notes situation for all of Catholic theology. Other denominations usually focus more on individual stories from the Bible to summarize the principles of their faith, but according to Ben there is a Baptist Catechism too and the Seewald kids will be memorizing it. -
Ben says he was working for Jim Bob at the time he and Jessa got married doing lawn care, remodeling, and construction, idk if I knew that previously. He said he started tutoring Jessa's siblings after that, and now he's been a pastor for 4 years after doing an internship at his previous church. -
Jessa says some of the first conversations she had with Ben pre-relationship were about theology, and that she had been reading more about the Reformed tradition and practices at that time after talking to Ben. Ben says he got Jessa's phone number originally by asking Jim Bob if it was ok to talk to her about theology outside of church stuff. -
Both said even before marriage, they had a lot of disagreements theologically (obviously, bc Jessa was raised by Jim Bob and Michelle who basically made up their own version of Baptist). Ben says some of their biggest disagreements were on the topics of predestination (as we know, since he also got into it with JB over that), how God decides who should be saved, "The Atonement" which I assume just means Jesus dying for our sins (not sure what there is to argue about there), etc. He goes on to say he didn't see it as a deal breaker as far as courting Jessa because he was very into her, and also "a lot of Christians disagree on these topics", but he did want to try to eventually "figure it out". -
They say that they put the theological discussions on pause after Ben proposed. Jessa laughingly says "don't worry, we picked back up (after we were married)" and I guess for me personally I just don't understand how you can talk about these things SO much and never resolve them. Like how are you talking about predestination for MONTHS? and if you guys disagree about a subject to the point that your conversations end in anger and crying (i'll get to that soon) I don't understand not just agreeing to disagree. Honestly to me, it really sounds like Ben had a campaign from the beginning to change Jessa's mind about these things, which is good in some ways I guess bc he's slightly more progressive than she was raised, but still. It definitely feels like that was always the goal, to get Jessa to believe what Ben does, and I mean what other choice does she have in this world they live in but to give in? -
Ben says the theological differences really started bothering him after marriage (shocker). So they continued their arguments, Ben showed Jessa endless books and shit "proving" his points, and Jessa says she started to get pretty heated about their disagreements (at one point she says Ben was like "maybe we should just pray about this" to which she answered "you pray!!"). They both say they were never at the point of yelling, but Jessa would sometimes start crying out of frustration, as would Ben after seeing her cry, and they'd just end in the same place they started. Ben says he thought that if he just "presented a good argument" it would change Jessa's mind about these things they disagreed on and that he hadn't anticipated that they would struggle over this so much (have you met any Duggars, Ben??). -
Ben says that he realized these conversations weren't productive and that he wasn't "leading" Jessa well (🙄) so he started trying to diffuse hard conversations by being like "hey, let's drop this and go on a date", or doing something that would distract both of them before things got heated. -
Jessa says nowadays she agrees with Ben on more things and considers herself a four-point Calvinist. She says Ben used to have "hyper-Calvinist" tendencies and that he's chilled out a bit in that area (I don't know what she means by this lol). -
The couple who are interviewing them are also from big Christian families, and they ask Ben and Jessa if they ever get exhausted from trying to maintain so many relationships with both of their large groups of siblings, in addition to Ben's church members. Ben says yes, and that with Jessa's siblings (he specifically mentions hers and not his lol) there are just some that they see and have over a lot, and some they just "don't connect with as much" and don't see often. Jessa cuts him off here and says that her family does have weekly/monthly things they do where they see everyone. She also says there are certain family units that she and Ben try to connect with more than just at the big family gatherings (1. why'd she say it like that and 2. i wonder who 👀). Overall, Jessa says she always feels like she's not doing enough to maintain her relationships with all of her siblings and that it's a struggle. -
Ben and Jessa get asked about the time they take for just the two of them. Ben says they used to do a date night at least once a week, but that since having more kids there have been "seasons" where that hasn't happened (I'm so tired of hearing that word at this point in the interview). Nowadays they both say that they do maybe one or two date nights a month where they go out, and also a lot of at-home dates where they watch a movie or read together. The reading together sounds sweet don't get me wrong, but for me personally, I feel like I would be driven to insanity by taking turns reading aloud and not just getting to go at my own pace (I've got attention problems tho). -
The types of books they read together are also usually about theology (they just can't get enough). They say right now they're reading a book on prayer, and in the past they've read about things like Baptist Covenant Theology, which Jessa says "went over her head". The way Ben talks about it, I feel like the reading together thing is another attempt to sell Jessa on his beliefs (Ben seems super geeked about Calvinism). The interviewer husband says their reading together is good because it prevents them from developing separate world views from each other without the other one knowing (sounds threatening?). -
As far as the movies they watch for date night, Ben says "westerns, sci fi, something black and white". They say as far as morality and movies go, they're pretty similar on the things they "don't want to see" and they use those rating websites for parents to decide if a movie is "clean" enough for them to watch. Ben says he really loves fantasy, sci fi, and imaginative stuff whereas Jessa says jokingly that she prefers movies "with humans" or things like Dick van Dyke. Ben says he got Jessa to watch Star Wars once, which she describes as "everything I don't love", but she got into it a little bit by the end. They both like movies like Pride and Prejudice. -
The wife interviewer tells a weird story about how she and her sister got mad at their husbands for showing them Lord of the Rings because it's "creepy and weird"?? which I just included because of how egregious a statement that is lol. Ben defends Lord of the Rings and the interviewer husband says that he and Ben can appreciate fantasy bc they have the ability to think "deeper" than their wives (he's joking but it still made me mad). Jessa said she originally was worried that watching fantasy was dabbling in the occult and the other wife agrees. which isn't surprising but makes me sad.
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fundieshaderoom · 7 months
Fundie and Adjacent Families I Follow: February 2024 in a Glance
Gabby Barrett and Cade Foehner welcomed Ivy Josephine on Feb 17. She joins an older sister and brother.
Elli (Perez) and Andy Cieslak welcomed Daniel Carson on Feb 17. This is their first child.
Hannah (Wissmann) and Jeremiah Duggar welcomed Brielle Grace. She joins an older sister.
Josie (Bates) and Kelton Balka welcomed Miles Kelton on Feb 21. He joins 2 older sisters.
Emily (Haight) and Justus Stangl welcomed Brooks Michael on Feb 27.
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Karissa and Mandrae Collins are expecting their 11th child in August. This child will join 3 older brothers and 7 older sisters.
Sutton and Nate Eisenmann are expecting their 4th child. This child will join 3 older brothers.
Artemesia and Isaac Anderson are expecting their 1st child. It's a boy!
Priscilla (Keller) and David Waller are expecting their 7th child. This child will join 3 older brothers and 3 older sisters.
Myla and Ethan Seewald wed on February 24.
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Gender Reveals:
Nurie (Rodrigues) and Nathan Keller announced that they are expecting a little girl. She will join 2 older brothers.
Danielle Seewald hard launched her relationship with Lawson Howard.
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Marriage Break Ups:
Grace Stewart went back to her maiden name and deleted all IG pictures of Ethan Stewart. She also unfollowed him. This comes after their miscarriage in 2023.
Lydia (Romeike) and Trace Bates suffered the loss of their second pregnancy due in September 2024.
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If y’all missed it Jessa finally confirmed the pregnancy. She released a YouTube video and it looks like they found out in April so, she’s probably due soon, November maybe?
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fundieinfoplace · 7 months
Breaking News: Ethan and Myla
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Ethan and Myla are the new Mr and Mrs Seewald. They married Feb 24th 2024.
Fun tip Feb 24ty is actually my wedding anniversary. My husband and I celebrated our first anniversary yesterday
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fundiepredictions · 4 months
Happy birthday
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Ben Seewald celebrates his 29th birthday today.
He married Jessa Duggar in november 2014. Since then they had Spurgeon (8), Henry (7), Ivy (4), Fern (2) and George (0).
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sols-actual-main-blog · 8 months
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Antiques & Esoterism Quentin Seewald
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