#seer cueball
leftsharkhypocrite · 1 year
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My turn so
PSYKER CUEBALL (for @theterrornaut )
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theterrornaut · 11 months
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DARKTIDE PSYKER! (no caption)
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thewertsearch · 15 days
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So pacified, he listened to what I had to say, a8out my recent travails with the law, and Pyralspite, and what I'd come for in truth - the treasure he'd 8een keeping safe for me.
There's the fucker.
I cradled the oracle in my synthetic hand, as if appraising 8y w8 the mystic qualities it still concealed. With my vision 8fold seared away, I was as 8lind to its secrets as the old Doctor was to its present wherea8outs. I'd learned to keep it cloaked from the awareness of the man who once called me his protege, a 8ackhanded term of endearment from a smug manipul8or. Loc8ing his so called dark pockets was the only gam8it I had in countering his milktongued dou8lespeak.
Milktounged is such a great descriptor for Scratch's bullshit. I'm willing to bet that the Expatriate came up with that one.
I wonder what Scratch's plan was for Mindfang? Perhaps she was just another vector for manipulating Vriska - a particularly effective one, too, since she's serve as a mouthpiece her descendant would naturally trust.
The expatri8 for indiscerni8le reasons seemed naturally surrounded 8y such a void in the Doctor's awareness, and so was uniquely fit to inherit the or8. The Doctor could not see his treasure, nor I into it.
It's been implied a couple of times that the ancestors have access to Aspect powers. The Expatriate appears to have some sort of passive Void ability, and Mindfang's (presumably) effective use of the Fluorite Octet suggests that she, too, can manipulate luck. She also referred to Redglare as a 'true seer' in her journals, implying that that each Guardian might also share their offspring's Class.
This is a pretty interesting idea. The Guardians are children of Sburb, same as the Players, so there's nothing really stopping them from having pseudo-Player status themselves. They don't seem to have Dream Selves, but it's not out of the question that they could even ascend to God Tier, if they died on a Quest Slab.
It also means that the human Guardians probably had powers, too. Could their advanced knowledge of Sburb be derived from Mom Lalonde's status as a pseudo-Seer?
I guessed exploiting some technological means of gazing through its surface may have 8een simple enough, 8ut I hesit8ed. Every expedient granted 8y its counsel, though never instantly, came at a price. Knowing his n8ture, I'm surprised I only now recognize it as yet another instrument of his spurious 8enevolence, dangerous 8y way of selective divulgence. The sense of infalli8ility his oracle 8rought me was superficial, and in hindsight weakened my readiness.
Unsurprisingly, the cueball's answers have the same asterisk attached to them as Scratch himself. It doesn't lie, but you'd be a fool to think that means it can't manipulate you. Like all of Scratch's games, it's rigged as hell; you can't win, and you probably shouldn't even try.
…mind you, there might be a way to keep its answers unambiguous. If you restricted your queries to yes/no questions, then it couldn't phrase its responses to give Scratch an advantage.
At the same time, though, there's nothing forcing it to answer a given query with a single word. It'd probably just insist on answering in full sentences.
The gr8est mistake I have ever made was asking the or8 when I would die. 8ut as I revisited the prophecy surrounding this unfortun8 query, something struck me. I thought of the man I would have as a m8sprit centuries from now, who was said to command an army of 8easts. The one it called the summoner.
Mindfang dated Primordial Tavros?
...that poor bastard.
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lint-beetle4 · 2 years
Act 5 + Side Note: Class Myths
There’s a lot of symbolism within the Homestuck classpect system, however this also comes with its fair share of stereotypes within it. As such, I am here to provide my own opinion on such ideas that have formed in the community when I last saw it.
I couldn’t think of anything for aspects as they tend to be tied to their symbolism rather than tropes a person would follow. I will gladly try to explain my own views on aspects however, should I be asked.
The Visionary classes are often seen as all-knowing and wise characters, and while part of this is true, they can be idolized greatly.
Seers, mostly, are often taken in high regard due to their title, but these classes are essentially learning as much as they are guiding. Mages and Seers, to be frank, start off knowing Jack shit. They may know parts of their aspect, but their main problem is actually understanding and knowing where to apply their aspect.
Mages are also seen as a 'suffering class,' and while it's a trend in Homestuck. Their type of learning and knowing is through experience rather than study. Muelin and Sollux both experienced their aspects in different regards; Sollux hearing the voices of the dead, or doomed souls, and Muelin engaging in her aspect through shipping. Both have a personal connection with their aspects that Seers often lack. Likewise, Seers are more knowledgeable about their aspect compared to Mages.
Knights and Pages are treated differently due to their paths. 
Pages, as stated before, are infantilized due to their slow growth. This makes them appear weak or useless to their group despite the immense potential they have. 
Knights are also treated like pillars of strength, leading others to disregard, or not take into account, the issues they may struggle with.
The Exploitation class is a powerful one, yet as the saying goes "With great power, comes great responsibility." This statement weighs on both exploitation classes who often require someone to see eye-to-eye with them and kinda chill with them.
For Stealers, I can't think off the top of my head for major major misconceptions. However, I do need to address something about thieves that I've seen once or twice in a few other analyses.
The concept of Thieves being selfish is a fair, yet wrong assumption to make. I consider Thieves to be more hoarders than anything. A Thief's own ability comes out of fear of a lack of their aspect, so to compensate, they fill themselves with it, taking it from others.
And, I also have to state, Alternatively, Rogues aren't all good either. At times, they, too, can be selfish. Starting out, Rogues will also hoard their aspect, but not through gathering like a thief, rather they suppress their aspect. 
Roxy and Vriska both come to mind for each of these issues. Vriska dealt with a very unfortunate life in Alternia; her nothing being abusive as well as Vriska having the blood of countless trolls on her hands. This led her to be filled with a life of emptiness. Trying to fill that void, Vriska roleplayed as her idol, Mindfang, despite such roleplays containing far much more murder than her friends intended. She also had a cueball, giving her physical knowledge to create a sort of control in her life.
Roxy, likewise, was already filled with Void, drinking herself to oblivion. As such, she would be invisible to her session and friends. Roxy would later solve her issues alone, unknown to her friends until she broke her sobriety during the whole lollipop thing.
Overall, the Stealing class tends to be a hoarding class, just one takes from people to fill themselves, and the other suppresses themselves as a ‘sacrifice’ of sorts.
Again, I’m kind of blanking out on issues to discuss, but there is a bit of an issue –not serious as other people tend to get this right– with Witches. I’ve seen Witches described as extremely powerful with their aspect, considering that they actively Manipulate it. However, this is mainly given with Jade’s own abilities, not taking into consideration with her dogteir abilities.
As such, a brief explanation: Witches aren’t that powerful, and Jade’s abilities were enhanced via Bec, the First Guardian of Earth. Thus, her usual abilities would include growing and shrinking per normal, but teleportation and such is solely due to Bec. Jade is still badass as fuck.
Witches are given more creative freedom with their aspect as an active Manipulation class. For example, a Witch of Heart would have powers that align more with changing a person’s character or drawing out fractures of a personality to their bidding. Yet, they would not physically change a person’s character (in my opinion, that would be rather OP and leaning towards Lord territory), rather take pieces and arrange them as they like.
Heirs, on the other hand, are often seen as complacent or detached from their aspect, yet this is mainly a John is an Heir of Breath and cannot represent every Heir issue. Breath players are likely to be detached in some sense, yet Heirs are more known for a calm attitude and general friendliness to their peers. They’re actually cool guys, and not a ‘Please-Think-I’m-Cool’ person like the Striders are (No hate, I love the Striders).
The Destructive classes have a bad reputation of being ‘villainous’ due to the negative connotation of destruction. However, destructive classes are just as important as other types of classes.
Imagine Gamzee, the Bard of Rage, the entire session was filled with a bunch of angry teens stressed out about the extinction of their race. Gamzee and a few others were often invisible or treated badly by their fellow players, and in Gamzee’s case, his own beliefs were challenged by the very beings they created. As an addict and cult-attendee, Gamzee was filled with Hopes and Miracles, but once he became disillusioned and sober, those crashed right in front of him leading him to question and jump to the next truth he could see. That being, the reality of the caste system in Alternia. Gamzee became aware of his power, and in his rage, used it as a way to vent out his struggles. 
It is also important to mention that Gamzee was also influenced by Caliborn’s own rage and corruption via Lil’Cal which also ties in with his Bard class.
Despite this, Gamzee’s actions pathed a way to victory for his session, allowing Terezi and Vriska to work together (in a good timeline, that is) as well as creating a more unified bond for Karkat to work with. In a sense, he did create Hope via his destructive Rage.
The same sense goes for Princes as well who take their destruction in more literal senses.
Creation classes suffer from the opposite issue to destructive classes; instead of being villainized, they are idolized due to their role.
In it's own form of irony, two of the Creators in Homestuck pose as an antagonist. Aranea is the cause for the death and future retcon of what was the alpha session, and Jane is her own asshole character (mainly talking about epilogues here). Creators aren't going to be all good saints; that's just bad writing. Rather, just like Aranea and Jane (I could also include Kanaya and Porrim), they will be equally selfish, and sometimes just be straight up bad people using their abilities to create overabundance.
Side Note: Female/Male Classes
In Homestuck, Calliope has stated that classes tend to sway between genders. Examples of these being Princes being majorly male and Sylphs being majorly female. However, an interesting take I’ve seen on this is that the Cherub species is inherently sexist, not by nature but by ignorance. As such, Calliope and Caliborn tend to take on ‘traditional’ views of genders. Therefore, I believe that classes, no matter which one, are all supposed to be gender neutral (Hussie has said this, but for all purposes, I will repeat it), and the titles are merely by name. Meenah has shown that a player can customize their godteir outfit to their liking, and I will take this as: your class is your class, and gender is fucking stupid.
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charcherry-weekly · 3 years
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 47
Hello! Mage of Light Nick Card here! It's getting pretty interesting lately!
Mine your own Business, Together!
Recently, the group has been increasingly getting closer to the stated goal of the game: to defeat the Black King on the Yellow Battlefield. This message has been interpreted as meaning the "Defeat the Enderdragon in The End". Many of the group has been training for the final battle in response to this. Reportedly Rogue of Heart (Page of Life in-game) Charles is at the point where they can one-shot an ogre. Your Dear Newsletter Writer (somehow also a Mage of Light in-game) started playing again, and decided to tackle some dungeons on their land, the Land of Brightness and Wood. I managed to get floored by imps many many times, even managing to discover that there were two different dungeons I was getting slammed in. In the first dungeon, I managed to discover an incredibly rare Magic Cueball in one of the treasure chests. It was only due to Witch of Time (Seer of Mind in-game) Katyleen Kitten's assistance and her high-level equipment that one of the dungeons could safely be cleared.
The other one within first gate territory still needs to be tackled.
In other minecraft news, Magical Fey Brae Emit managed to find a way into the minecraft world by possibly magical means, and is now showing up on occasion to build things and such. She seems to be having a good time there.
This makes me wonder about her method of appearance possibly having ludomantic implications, though I’m trying not to overthink it.
Reportedly the End Portal has been located and is being filled with Eyes of Ender. The date of the final battle is still to be announced, as more preparations are to be done.
Here be dragons
A day ago, Magical Fey Brae Emit sent a selection of dragon eggs to various people, having bought them in the Otherworld so as to make sure they went to properly caring homes.
Heir of Time Rise Emit got a gold dragon (Goldie), Witch of Time Katyleen Kitten and her wife Samus Kitten got a copper dragon (Carrot Cake), Rogue of Heart Charles got a bronze dragon (Lil B), Page of Mind Samm got a silver dragon (Jewel), and Warlock of Time Coleman got a brass dragon (still unnamed).
Goldie reportedly gave Rise a great deal of trouble, mainly involving hot pursuit. Lil' B managed to cause an explosion in Charles's house, causing him to be hospitalized. It is very likely that Lil' B was also responsible for the brief rainstorm in Desertia Town earlier today. There has been no known incidents involving the other dragons so far.
Apparently the wyrmlings are indeed being cared for well, though the jury's still out on how things are going with Charles and Lil' B.
Now if you excuse me, I’ve got a game to work on for three weeks! Wish me and my team-mates luck on development of Left Beef Chapter 2!
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gammarama · 4 years
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finally. a Plot. kinda. i don't want this post to look too long, so i'm gonna explain under the cut
first panel isn't really jack shit, no specific event, it's just fun to edit stuff. i'm fairly certain that the humans evacuate their session at some point or another. not sure how or when, though. so. ship!
major plot bit is that roswel gets mind-controlled by aranea for an extended period of time. i mentioned this in a previous post, but that one's very stream of conciousness. mostly i thought the panel suited the situation and i wanted to get aranea's costume set. big azula vibes. she also has a Light cape bc i say so
im gonna be honest i just really like editing that third panel, and i don't draw Cicero very often. but jade's possession reminded me of part of morgan's story, i don't think she's totally possessed but her powers as a seer of space are used by aranea. she has a lot of guilt over this bc i'm sure it leads to some disaster or another, but nobody that matters blames her.
last one is Timeline B, only slightly less canon. not completely certain what happens, but it's more "grimdark" and at some point they crash the other timeline to steal shit that helps them go head to head with aranea, who's much more of a big deal here. magic cueball, caledfwlch, stuff like that. in this panel, averie is a prince of doom, kittie is a maid of blood, and rhea is a bard of mind. i'm not certain about averie, but i'm in the middle of sorting that one out.
i'm making progress on a less plot-centric artwork, so that should be out soon too! i think it's coming along quite nicely.
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[TT] I’ve done away with my cueball and decided to trust my own Seer abilities.
[TT] I’m glad I did, because I believe I have found another lost friend.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
So, what do you think Dirk's Grand Plan is?
This is a good excuse to paste the conversation I had with someone else over Discord about this:
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  back on the continuation topic
of whether or not there will be anything else, any "work" after this that this epilogue is actually leading up to the eventual release/start of instead of just implying
I mean, almost every logistical factor SEEMS to prevent this, to the point that I still conceive of the idea as kind of ridiculous
how the hell would Andrew manage or sell a story like that with so much carryon baggage that it cant fit in the goddamn plane
even if this tries to leave as much behind in the black hole as possible
the only thing that really makes me question, is that fucking Candy stinger
because of two things
one, Rose doing Dirk's laundry, even if she says there was just nothing else to do
he knows we won't fucking stand for that, he's not going to LEAVE things like that
and two, the thing he implied about where this fuckery is going, which is the missing fucking half of Homestuck.
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  I missed that?
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  hm?
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  The missing half of Homestuck?
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  ah:
this whole fucking story was a Creation Myth that ended up only describing the fucking Destruction Myth.
it was the eight ball session that ended Paradox Space.
all of reality splintered into a black hole, with one little universe still drifting outside of it once the debris had mostly fallen.
The End?????
you're missing half
"It’s an M-Class planet. The right size, right age, right distance from the sun. There’s no advanced life yet. It’s exactly what they’ve been looking for all these years.  [...]
The thoughts in her powerful brain race. What will they name the planet? How long will it take for the ship to arrive? Once the new race has established an advanced enough civilization thousands of years from now, who will the lucky kids be? The ones who get the chance to play what will arguably be the most important session in the history of Sburb? "
so yeah
seems pretty obvious
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  I'm still not clear what's so important about that session, in part because it could be a lot of things.
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  it's the Creation part
it's the session that makes Paradox Space in the damn first place
Dirk's trying to repurpose that to become the narrative voice behind all creation
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  I suppose that does fit.
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  part of why all my theories were wrong is that they were arrogant and misguided and just all-around regrettable and I thought I "knew" what Andrew morally wanted out of a story when he wasn't after the same thing at all
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  That's a big thing to say.
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  but the OTHER part of why they were wrong is that they assumed everything would be addressed in THIS story
in the original Homestuck run
so when things ended before half the shit that I thought "NEEDED TO HAPPEN" happened I was fucking flabbergasted
we ended all Paradox Space without even creating it
and now the characters are abruptly on a ship-board quest, in the drift between the void outside Reality, on a chase set to end in the creation or re-creation of all that exists
which is REALLY eerily similar to what I thought the end-leadup of Homestuck was about to go into
like the cherub breeding where the "winner" keeps his territory (LE) and the "loser" goes off to claim new territory or some such, and how the "victory knows to one who knows how to yield" thing dictated that the latter was true victory in this case
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  So, are you one of the folks who thinks that Dirk is Andrew Hussie and Was The Narrator All Along
Because that is some Theatre of Coolty right there.
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  he IS suspiciously orange, but nah, or at least not literally
maybe like some brain-damaged offshoot of him like how the cueball might be a corruption of Ultimate Rose serving Dirk/Doc Scratch while robbed of much of its agency
but Andrew's presence in there doesn't really need an explanation
(even though Dirk was always pretty much the most like him, Andrew's pretty much just a weird distillation of Dirk and Dave. or they were weird distillations of him, rather.)
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  Anyway, I don't know if I have quite so much to say about the details as you do - you are the Seer of Doom, and not I.
BlastYoBoots  04/26/2019:  :p
Sumerian Bara Husband  04/26/2019:  But I consider that in any honest story, there is a simple truth:
The Way the Universe Works is Fundamentally Benevolent. Though it may take a long time for it to occur, a happy medium must be reached for all sentient life that doesn't hem itself willfully out into the void.
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lettersofsky · 5 years
DistantPastZine - The Handmaid - Time is a River
Last piece I wrote for the @distantpastzine
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom:Homestuck Character:The Handmaid (Homestuck) Language:English
Time is a winding river and your existence is bullshit. So you deal with it.
Time is a winding river.
It has many little offshoots and creeks that will eventually dry up and fade away into nothing, not even worth considering when the main body of the river continues to flow as it always does; ever onwards towards its predisposed destination.
You think that’s bullshit.
You let everyone around you know just how bullshit you think that is.
Which means you let the Cueball that is “raising” you know exactly what you think of his attitude and opinion towards time and the continuum of it all. He, of course, mocks you for your “childish” thoughts in comparison to his boundless knowledge but that doesn’t stop you from thinking that each and every time he stars spewing words about destiny and pre-decided upon paths that he’s just pulling a load of bullshit from the depths of his empty, white head.
You know time. You know it better than he does.
You know time. You have to know it to break it, shatter it, make it do what you want of it in ways no one else had ever thought possible. It’s what you do, it’s what you were created to do.
And that gall of him to think you’ll just lay down and fall into whatever set of decisions and paths he and his “Lord” want of you is beyond laughable, it’s disgusting.
So you ignore him. At basically every occasion.
And it annoys him to no end.
And they can’t kill you for it. Killing you would be a blessing, a relief, it’s what you want so they can’t threaten you with that when you misbehave and ignore orders and suggestions.
Which you do often by taking time into your own hands like you’re supposed to and instead of contributing to the main body of the river, you ignore the ever-flowing continuum for something infinitely more appealing and enjoyable to experience. Even if you can only experience it yourself from the side lines.
That’s enough for you.
Well it isn’t but there’s no point being upset or angry about it when you’re on your own. No, it’s best to direct those emotions to someone deserving of being on the receiving end of them instead of keeping them trapped inside your own head with no outlet to project them at.
Keeping anger to yourself is just stupid. Being angry on your own is just stupid.
You’re not stupid. You’re not doing that.
What you are doing, is watching one of the creeks you’d decided to intervene in.
You’ve set this one into motion and now you’re going to sit back and watch it play out.
The main body of the river did not have a very kind outcome for the trolls you’ve been observing on and off through its flow of time, which was both rude and awful so you were going to ignore it as long as you could. Which, considering that you could ignore the rules of time however you wished by breaking them in new ways and the fact that you had a limitless life span to figure out new and interesting ways to do so, was a very, very long time.
You had so much empty time to fill however you wanted to.
And what you wanted right now was to watch the lives of this band of outcasts and rebellion sowers go about their lives together now that Really Red Tiny One wasn’t going to be strung up and executed by some unhappy Religious Clown asshole.
Well, actually they’re being a bit boring right now what with their quadrant-blurring antics and the like, right now so you might just skip ahead into the future a bit to see if you can find a more interesting viewpoint and everything is on fire.
You promptly say ‘fuck that’ to that conclusion and tear yourself a way into a time somewhere between the disgustingly affectionate quadrant-blurring antics and the firey doom of something having gone wrong and find yourself somewhere much more interesting.
Your favourites have somehow gotten themselves to survive long enough to meet up with Winged Pretty Boy, and it looks like this time around he’s gotten himself a collar made out of clown teeth scars, which certainly is something you’ve never seen before. Probably because you tend to pass Winged Pretty Boy over for the more interesting figures that are Spider Pirate and… the other one… whatever he was, it’s unimportant. The point is that your favourites have met up with him and there looks to be an argument breaking out between then and Winged Pretty Boy and fuck yes. You have chosen a great place to pop back in on the timeline.
Sparky is shouting at Winged Pretty Boy, Winged Pretty Boy is shouting back, Really Red Tiny One is trying to calm them both down, Predator Big Cat is looking between the three of them like she’s as ready for a fight to break out as you are, though for different reasons of course, and Caregiver looks to be sporting the beginning of a headache.
You hope a fight does break out, that would be so much fun to watch.
It probably won’t because you’re sure that Sparky is more arguing with Winged Pretty Boy because Really Red Tiny One can’t quite look at the other mutant without his eyes stalling on the ring of hideous looking scars around his throat. Also you know for a fact that Sparky agrees somewhat with Winged Pretty Boy; shared experiences giving them similar mindsets and all but fuck.
You would really like to see a fight break out though. Just think of how dramatic that would be!
You’re starting to wish that you had something to munch on while you watch all this drama unfold before your eyes when your whole mood takes a urn for the worst as Cueball makes an appearance.
Asshole can’t even let you enjoy the unfolding drama the way you want to without coming in to check that you’re going to do what he wants, which is bullshit because neither you nor he would exist if you hadn’t done what he wanted at some point in your future so why can’t he just leave you be to experience the closest thing you have to an actual existence?
Fucking asshole Cueball. What does he want now?
“You can’t possibly be at this again, can you?”
Yes? So what if you are? It’s not as if any time you waste actually means anything does it? Not when you can just tear your way into whenever the hell you want to. Or does his limitless knowledge gloss over that little glaring detail?
“It’s foolish to see these timelines past where they diverge from the main timeline,” and he’s fucking ignoring you again. Even though you both know for a fact that he can hear every single, tiny thing you’ve ever thought to yourself. Asshole Cueball. “Even more so when you further them past the point where they should have collapsed in on themselves from their lacking relevance.”
Again… so what if you are? What’s he going to do about it? Is he going to kill you? Is he going to lock you in your room like a child refusing to do her chores before she goes out to play? Is he going to lock your powers away? Tell Big Bad Skull Man on you like a little snitch?
You’d like to see him try.
“I don’t need to do any of that. For you’ve already lost your interest in these pathetic lower life forms and whatever nonsense they get up to with their fleeting lives.”
… Fuck.
“The timeline is already starting to fall apart without your attention on it, isn’t it? It isn’t stable enough to support itself this far away from the main timeline.”
“Even if you wanted to put it back together and hold onto it longer, which we both know you don’t, you’ll just be acting as the voyeur once again. Always watching from the sideline, never able to interact in ways that would be anything that even ghosted as satisfactory, aren’t you?”
Maybe you like being the voyeur? Had he never thought of that? Fucking asshole Cueball coming in and ruining a whole timeline, a whole new scenario and situation with so many off-branching possibilities, for you.
“I believe we both know the answer there.”
… Fucker.
“I will see you after you sow the Seer’s death into the Clown’s primitive scripture, you have another assignment waiting for you afterwards.”
Of course you do, you have nothing but assignments, task after task after task with nothing in between and you’re alone again.
Fucking Cueball just leaving like that, fuck him.
And the timeline you were watching is gone too; collapsed in on itself before it got to the juicy part like they always do. Enough to catch your interest by never enough for you to really enjoy it like you want to.
This is also bullshit.
Your whole existence is bullshit.
You suppose you should get to work then, not like you have anything better to do then ensure the river of time flowed like it was supposed to.
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Homestuck Liveblog #183
UPDATE 183: Narrative Takeover
Last time everything went wrong for so many characters. John’s fight with Caliborn went awry, Jane’s plan to seduce Jake didn’t work because he kept thinking of Dirk, and Dave and Karkaroni’s political strategy meeting got derailed by Jade deciding it was a good time for romantic overtures. So now let’s continue.
So, now that they have been dumped in middle of the chaos that’s destroying all the known existence and reality, John checks the situation. Lord English is up there, in front of the black hole, seemingly impervious to its strong absorbing effect.
Unlike his younger form, his eyes aren’t flickering wildly. They’re locked in place, an eight ball in each socket.
If I remember correctly from the booklet about pool I read like six years ago when I started playing pool for fun, the eighth ball is the last one you must sink, so I’d say it indicates it’s endgame. I think it also had happened in Arc 7. Symbolism!
Tavros is over there, leading an army, Vriska is nowhere to be seen and presumably is very dead, and Meenah was supposed to be going away, I think? Anyway, it’s fight time! Everyone already has their weapons at the ready – all the weapons that are supposed to hit Lord English pretty hard – and Rose tries to remind them what exactly their plan is. She barely gets a single word out before she’s dead.
But Rose doesn’t get to finish what she was trying to say. Lord English’s mouth roars open and a wave of energy blasts through your group. Rose is the only one caught in it. She dissolves in slow motion. You can see the outline of her body in shadow. One arm thrown up over her eyes, shoulders pulled up defensively, cape billowing out behind her. She leaves an afterimage of shimmering light in her wake and then dissipates, drifting apart like a handful of salt tossed out to sea. You can almost hear the cosmic clock counting down, tick tock, and a chime to accompany her fate: Heroic.
This fight lasted like three seconds before it all looked grim as heck for John and friends. This is going to wreck everyone’s morale and ruin whatever effective plan they had, as I really doubt Rose was supposed to stand aside and let everybody else act. They’re so doomed.
As if to underscore how screwed they are, Jade tries to use her powers and finds out the black hole up there is where the green sun used to be. It made Lord English vulnerable, but she’s powerless now too. Whooops. Kind of a big oversight. How didn’t John or Future Rose foresee that detail? It’s kind of important!
With that, two of the four are now dead and they haven’t gotten started for real. Dave is trying to cut Lord English with the cueball sword, John is...standing around, I suppose, until he snaps out of it and surrounds Lord English with wind, capturing him until he tries to smash his skull with the hammer. Lord English eats the hammer. I’m...okay, I didn’t see that coming. I appreciate the move a lot. John can’t do much else because his glasses are broken, so he can’t see well at all. Good thing Meenah is around now! What a lifesaver!
Time to assess the situation and check how badly things have turned in...like a minute or so. As I always say: a minute is quite a long time in a fight!
Ghostly Tavros and another one of John’s hammers join the list of casualties, Meenah deciding to go in for the kill. Not unless you turn into Dave, gal! Not that Dave is faring much better, he’s trying to harm Lord English but he’s way too fast, even for Dave, who is no slouch in the agility department. That’s incredibly quick, and he’s not fueled by the green sun right now. Everything is awful for the heroes here!
Meenah is launched away and I can only guess she’s dead, because in this scenario being thrown away is kind of fatal due to the huge black hole up there. Dave is under Lord English’s foot, John barely saves him by throwing more hammer at Lord English for him to eat, and tries to set up a hammer barrier to prepare that silly thing he made with the legendary Zillyhoo and Vriska’s dice. If they need a lucky hit they sure need it now!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < waaaaaaaaaaaait
...oooooooh no. I had completely forgotten this existed. Hey, what’s new? Will you be able to defeat Lord English? At least Dave is reacting with horror, which is the right reaction when you see a copy of yourself that was merged with a cat. Davepetasprite is being inspirational, trying to psyche up Dave, and it works!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i know it looks pawful right now but we can do it
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < in fact were literally the only ones who can do it
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < after all
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < it is our destiny B33
You also are the last three people left here, so I don’t think it’s much about destiny at this point.
Somehow, between the three of them they manage to do real damage on this monster. John’s hitting him with hammers even if Lord English keeps eating them, Dave slashes and actually gets blood, and Davepeta scratches with the claws. The cycle continues, Lord English almost eats John’s favorite hammer, just that this time he almost gets John himself. Well then. This story is truly something.
Apparently John got injured with Lord English’s teeth or something, because he’s bleeding heavily. I swear, if John dies because he got bitten by Lord English I’m going to be astonished, because that was never a cause of death I imagine would ever happen.
You lift your chin and see it: Lord English’s gold tooth cracked off at the base and embedded in your chest. It must be stuck between two of your ribs, you think, because it hurts like a bitch when you try to breathe.
Oof, you’re in big trouble! When you have something embedded into you you really shouldn’t take it out unless you’re in a professional’s hands, so it’s pretty likely John will have that tooth embedded into him for quite a while. Dave isn’t doing too badly, managing to stab Lord English with the cueball sword up the hilt, unfortunately leaving him vulnerable to Lord English’s maw. Oh god, he has tasted human blood, everyone run! Too late for Dave, though, he gets his head bitten off.
Won’t lie, that’s pretty brutal as far as deaths go. Damn!
Obviously this enrages Davepeta, who grabs Lord English and flies up to the black hole, dragging him along. That was an option? Maybe it’d have been great to have done that much earlier, before Dave died. Really would have been nice.
The black hole—the gaping, implacable, cosmic embodiment of the dead cherub, his long-departed sister—finally welcomes Lord English home.
English and Davepeta are sucked in with a subatomic whimper. The reunion sends shock waves across the pitiful remains of Paradox Space. And then everything is wholly, utterly, and categorically silent. It’s over. Lord English is dead.
Ding dong, the witch is dead. Somehow it’s done! Excellent! Now, here comes opinions about this whole sequence.
To be perfectly honest, this left a lot to be desired. The least of my complaints is the length – for a climactic fight it’s a little bit short. Which isn’t really a problem here, given this isn’t Homestuck anymore, it’s the epilogue. The fight not getting focus is fine and dandy, honestly. I’m actually surprised we got a fight at all.
What I will complain about, though, is that for something that pretty much only Davepeta got to do something worthwhile. It feels like pretty much everyone else who intervened, both alive and dead, were there just to die. It’s pretty disappointing, really. I think I’d have been okay with that if they at least had managed to do something before dying.
Curiously enough, if this had been incorporated into the story, characters dying so fast would have been less bad. I’d say this being part of epilogues is what makes this be treated differently to how it’d be otherwise. But yeah, Lord English is dead, and there’s plenty of epilogue left. I suppose that means the political stuff is what’ll fill the rest of the epilogue in this route, no?
You collapse against whatever is passing for the floor at this moment of utterly null corporeal conditions surrounding you. It doesn’t feel possible. You’re not sure you can even trust your perception well enough to believe it. But it seems to be over. You’ve convinced yourself of this truth well enough to allow yourself to exhale. Enough to allow yourself to suddenly acknowledge the agony coursing through your body, emanating from the gold tooth lodged in your chest. Enough to allow yourself to succumb to the overwhelming urge to sleep.
He’s so dead. And so, all the Wonderkids are dead, total party kill. They tried and they succeeded, mostly thanks to a timely intervention by what turned out to be the best sprite just for killing Lord English, and now they’re all dead. I’m pretty sure by now this makes Homestuck qualify as a Greek tragedy.
Ah, there’s the conversation Rose and Dirk are going to have. She starts by talking about that novel she wrote in her diaries, the ones about wizards. She feels the story as written by the adult Rose Dirk knew from his original world didn’t have as much passion as she did when she wrote the original draft in her journals. Maybe! When you write something for a widespread public, you have to kill a liiiiittle of your own passion to tailor it for a wider audience. It’s a cynical thought, I admit, but I believe I’m right.
ROSE: Anyway, my point is that I’ve long suspected my story was a pre-manifestation of my Seer of Light powers. I was seeing beyond my universe into another.
Doesn’t sound farfetched to me, I must say. It’s possible that, from her early ages, she was unconsciously starting to tap onto the many powers and abilities that come with her title and role. I mean, Mom Lalonde was there, and I believe in her own way she’d help pave the way for the kids to achieve what was needed to triumph. She may have done something, inadvertently or not, that led to Rose writing her novel in a fit of inspiration. Who knows. Certainly not me, and it’s such a minuscule point in the vast net of Homestuck I doubt it’ll be ever touched.
I hadn’t noticed until now that in the end a total of twelve players had crossed the door into the new universe. Fun number for that. Also, Terezi’s name is among them, so she did get to the new universe after all. What happened to her?
All these numbers may or may not have significance. Hah! Well it depends on what kind of author writes the story. Given it’s Hussie, well, I’m inclined towards thinking there’s some significance. Whether the reader will find out about it is an entirely different manner, of course.
Of course Dirk has given his current situation a lot of thought, he even has theories about what’s it. I’m listening, pal, enlighten me about this new plotline.  
DIRK: I mean, some of us have stopped using our powers completely. Not a whole lot of need for emergency resurrections or complex timeline manipulation on a planet that’s never had a conflict more serious than a sportsball riot or a rumpled hat shortage.
DIRK: But even aside from how often they’re used...
DIRK: Some powers don’t lend themselves to the infinite expansion of one’s mind, the way ours do.
ROSE: I see.
ROSE: So what you’re saying is, it’s more a matter of one’s aspect than it is whether one’s powers are practiced further, or allowed to atrophy.
DIRK: Yep.
So it all depends on the power. It’s not like everyone’s going to start suffering this too, it seems to be limited to what aspect it is. Perhaps Jade and Dave would go through this too? Other than them, I’m not sure anyone else would.
ROSE: In that case, perhaps Terezi had the right idea.
ROSE: Getting away from this place, I mean.
ROSE: Maybe I was a fool for imagining I could settle down here.
Ah, so that’s what happened to Terezi. She left. Maybe she had a feeling things wouldn’t go well, it does make sense she’d be feeling the awfulness Dirk and Rose feel right now. With her Mind aspect, it does make sense she would. Where’d she go, though? Is she a nomad around the world or something?
Dirk’s taking this easier than most would because he’s used to multitasking. Ah, right, he did have his dreamself and his realself, dealing with both must have given him some practice. Still, two is nowhere close to the infinity of everything, so I’m skeptic it’s as good of a training as he says it was.
ROSE: I’m caught in the liminal space between reality and reverie, where people once believed demons dwelled. But the only reason the demon is still sitting on my chest is because I refuse to banish it. All it would take is looking directly at it.
ROSE: I’m forcing myself to stumble through my life as a sleepwalker. All this pain and sorrow could go away if I would just allow myself to wake up.
DIRK: Then why don’t you?
ROSE: Because I’m not sure that the person opening her eyes will be me.
Brings to mind that about us being someone’s dream and, when that someone wakes up, it’s all over. It’s the kind of thing that brings existential crisis when you think about it too hard, isn’t it? So, if Rose here’s experiencing something similar, she’s not going to have a good time because she’s the kind of person who thinks a lot. Nobody should be jealous of these two, that’s awful.
Dirk, in what’s unusually close to sympathy, crouches and takes off his sunglasses, looking straight at Rose’s eyes. He admits he’s a very flawed person and shouldn’t be always right, and that he knows all about his own flaws.
Rose’s eyes have grown distant, almost mirrorlike. Dirk can see himself reflected in her vacant stare.
ROSE: All the pieces in their place.
ROSE: The mechanisms all running smoothly.
She says this in a hollow tone. It’s the disarming voice a puppeteer ventriloquizes for a marionette.
...okaaaay, something happened. If I’m understanding this and the next few sentences correctly, Dirk pretty much took over Rose. I don’t know why, he just did. Althoooough...hm. It’s still early. Maybe the reasons will be revealed later. But hey, you can’t say this was predicted! Also, if I had to guess, the moment Rose was taken over was when he took off his sunglasses. It just makes sense, really.
Whyyyy is the text turning orange. Dirk, are you taking over the narration?
Yup, he did, and he’s addressing the reader. He sounds pretty bitter there are readers, and brags about he can make the reader’s perspective change and turn into a character’s perspective. No complaints from me for you doing that, really, be my guest.
But I haven’t revealed myself to you just to boast about the abilities arising from the gradual obliteration of the constraints on my consciousness. I’ve only taken a moment to answer a few questions. Not ones I heard you ask—because again, you are nonspecific and therefore do not matter—but ones I imagined you asking. And by imagining these questions, they became less fake, and as such, demanded similarly non-fake answers. No, in truth, the time has come to make my presence known in order to start bringing my plans to fruition. It’s time to get down to fucking business.
Eh. Sounds to me like Dirk wants to ramble and wants an excuse to do so, even if he has to make that excuse himself. Golly, pal, you have free control of the narrative. Ramble all you want, go ahead.
To continue the narrative, John has to wake up and does so. I suppose he being sleepy and exhausted after the fight was just he being sleepy and exhausted instead of being borderline dead because of blood loss. Dirk forces the narrative to make John apologize to no one for everything that happened in the battle, and it’s all so heavy-handed even John notices something’s going on with his head. Dirk, you’re not doing a very good job at being subtle.
Suddenly you remember: Lord English’s tooth is still embedded in your chest. You panic, wrap your hands around the base, and give it a little tug. It’s excruciating. The tooth makes an awful grating sound as it grinds along one of your ribs. You gasp and lose your grip, biting the inside of your mouth so hard that you taste blood.
Can’t blame you for trying, but I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Without someone to administer proper medical care, you’ll bleed to death pretty much instantly.
Yeah, exactly! Not that there’s anyone to administer proper medical care in the middle of literal nowhere, so he’ll have to transport himself somewhere else before he touches that tooth any further. Where’s John, anyway? Is he still lying around underneath the black hole? Did he zap himself somewhere else?
On the other hand, the tooth is poisoned. So you’re pretty much fucked either way, and that’s really all there is to say on the matter.
Oh. That’s a thing now? Well then, guess you’re screwed, John. Thanks for everything, have a nice death. I suppose it would count as a heroic death because he received that fatal wound fighting someone who was obliterating reality, so being revived isn’t an option, I suppose.
John wanders around for a very long time, depressed and feeling pretty awful, until he sees Dad Egbert’s wallet. It’s a coincidence to find it anywhere in the infinite expanse of reality! John opens the wallet, aaaaand...end page! Quick, make a distraction and go check some other place. It’s the usual Homestuck style, so that’s what happens.
Jade’s explaining Dave and Karkaroni’s political ambitions to Roxy and Calliope, once again using the terms ‘neoliberal austerity measures’. I’m still unsure what that’s supposed to mean, but whatever it is makes Roxy groan, no doubt because she has heard about said measures too much already. They’re bad, and Karkaroni’s underdog populism is the counter to those, she argues. Give him a chance! Unfortunately for Elect-a-Troll 20xx, it doesn’t seem like Calliope and Roxy are very interested in getting involved in this at all.
ROXY: i just dont rly
ROXY: care about politics that much i guess
I suppose this means she’s not going to support Jane either. Hey, better for her to not be interested than for her to be on the opposite side. This is a victory of some sort.
She’s reticent to supporting anyone not only because she’s not interested in politics, but also because it’s a fight between her friends and she sure isn’t eager to going against a friend. She also knows this is something Jane has been planning for a long time, so she’s not into ruining Jane’s plans – even though she won’t really go out and say she supports Jane. I really disagree Jane is fragile, though. She’s anything but fragile.
In the spirit of full disclosure, Roxy’s the only one left I haven’t been able to crack. Her mind remains a total enigma to me, just like it always has. If I had to guess, it’s her Void powers that make her invisible, even to increasingly omniscient parties such as myself. For all intents and purposes, it’s like her thoughts don’t exist. She’s the same person, as far as I can tell. She still wears her heart on her sleeve. But the bottom line remains: Roxy Lalonde is still utterly fucking inscrutable.
Which is a very good thing for her. I wonder if this means Dirk would be unable to do anything with the narration involving Roxy, if she’s invisible for even the increasingly omniscient parties. In that case, she’s the luckiest person in this entire canon. Good thing, too, given how Dirk is a fervent supporter of Jane, so he can’t manipulate her into doing anything.
Roxy’s staying out, but what about Calliope? She doesn’t want any of this either, because it’d be stressful as all hell and that’s a very valid reason to not want to get involved in politics, especially if it’s between competing friends. At least Jade understands well enough and doesn’t insist.
Apparently Roxy asking Jade to call both Calliope and her by ‘them’ throws Dirk off to the point he has to hastily say aloud he doesn’t care and that he’s very okay with this, you guys, it’s totally okay. I don’t know, when this kind of thing is written or said like he did I can only think that person is indeed not okay with it. Dirk really should stop his rambling for once before he shoves his feet deeper into his mouth.
For a person that’s starting to be omniscient and spent an entire page mocking the reader and being vainglorious he sure is pretty concerned with keeping up the appearances.
ROXY: i mean what am i gonna do
ROXY: get married and pop out 100 bbs?
I mean, with ectobiology that’s far easier and simpler than you make it sound. You don’t even have to get married for that.
I choose to believe Dirk has gotten so flustered by the conversation about Roxy and Calliope being non-binary he chose to make Jade be unconscious. He had to stop the conversation somehow, so he made her do astral plane stuff. Smooth, Dirk, smooth as a brick.
I may as well stop here for the time being.
Next update: next time
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leftsharkhypocrite · 10 months
Meet the most toxic squad on Mourningstar
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Alright from the left
Dumbass loner (me)
Sauri ( @sin-arts-0 )
Trigorgan ( @pamaizai )
And Baldass ( @theterrornaut )
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classpectanon · 5 years
Well ok. Wtf is a Seer of time. asking for a friend. also, do you know if it is possible to have more than one session in a universe?
a seer of time is someone who invites learning about time or invites learning through time. they give lots of timeline exposition, their time travel device probably has some kind of viewport, or they might even alchemize some kind of method of scrying across time like how Jade’s cueball scrys across space, or they freely get spoilers from future selves.
hussie implies as such in the commentaries that, yes, you can have more than one session even per planet - part of the job of the exiles is to reconstruct civilization for the next sapient species to come along, re-discover sburb, and run another session, destroying the planet and re-starting all over again.
(he also implies this might have happened to Earth already!)
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thewertsearch · 2 months
AA: there was another half by scourge in two parts AA: one part three symbols AA: and the other AA: five AA: why the scale was tipped in this way between sisters AA: i cannot say!
Well, Bec's code was originally implanted in a Seer, so maybe Terezi’s brain is just better-suited for carrying gene sequences. It is one of the most obviously cerebral classes.
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Four codes, each born from a separate Vriska Incident.
This is why Scratch was egging Vriska on so much. He was contributing to his own creation.
AA: each fragment would be transcribed in our rulebooks AA: sealing the collaboration between rust bloods and blue bloods AA: completing the code for our sessions architect
I still can't tell if each code is a fragment of MEOW, or if MEOW is only one of the four sequences that created Scratch. I certainly hope it's the former, because if Scratch's MEOW has been tampered with, his abilities might differ from those of a normal First Guardian. We'll have no idea what he's truly capable of.
This isn't the first time I've been confused by Scratch's origins, either. There's a small discrepancy in the comic, concerning the nature of the cueball he was (presumably) spawned from. I haven't brought it up before, but since this scene appears to leading into Scratch's creation, it may be my last chance to speculate.
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So - the cueball. The magical little orb that Scratch is a dead ringer for. Barring the surprise introduction of a second white sphere in this infodump, it's the only item in the comic which would create a cueball-headed First Guardian. Franky, if he's not made from the thing, it just raises further questions, and I think it's essentially confirmed.
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And it makes sense, doesn't it? The cueball can answer any question, so it clearly has access to some wellspring of absolute knowledge. Clearly, it's the reason for Scratch's omniscience... right?
Well, no! That's the problem! The cueball's omniscience is completely redundant, because the MEOW code already contains an omniscience gene!
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According to the Scratch loredump, any 'intelligent' host for the MEOW code will be granted near-omniscience. Scratch didn't need the cueball, provided his humanoid component was sufficiently clever. Considering Scratch's own analytical personality, this was obviously the case.
Like - you get what I'm saying, right? Scratch's omniscience has two completely independent origins. It's an extremely strange discrepancy, and I'm not sure what it could mean.
The best theory I currently have is that Scratch arranged this himself, to give himself an advantage. Maybe having two sources of omniscience makes him even more knowledgeable than his peers? It would be very Homestuck for some characters to be 'more omniscient' than others.
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AA: there was another fragment […] AA: an additional eight symbols AA: from a wild card source i suppose AA: it came from a timeline not meant to happen
Wh- Gamzee interfered in the creation of Scratch?
This is why Scratch is so uniquely malevolent - because Gamzee injected some foreign DNA into his sequence, creating a mutant First Guardian, with motives transcending the planet he was ostensibly made for.
I suddenly understand jack shit - but there's one thing I am sure of, and that's who to blame. A powerful, neutral Sgrub NPC was corrupted into joining the cult of English, and he has to be the one pulling the strings here.
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 7
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mmmmalo · 6 years
red-zora replied to your post “I think Karkat's "I gave your universe cancer, Jade." speech may yield...”
i would offer a minor correction and say that while physically speaking Arquius is a component of Doc Scratch alongside the cueball, Doc Scratch's personally is a mirror to Arquius' and contains pretty much no trace of Gamzee or fuckface's
So I’d say that Arquius IS Doc Scratch
Very very fair.
red-zora replied to your post “Idle thought”
it would make sense in conjunction with Heir lining up with the Jungian Orphan archetype and Witch lining up with the Jungian Creator archetype...
That actually brings up the chief semantic counterpoint, since ‘create’ is seemingly already taken by the Maid/Slyph pairing within some schema. Kanaya’s mending of fabric calls to mind both Godhead Pickle Inspector mending the cosmos with thread and needle and Stitch mending Lord English’s coat, described as the fabric of space-time, acts of creating by mediating with a third element, as it were. A semantic similarity between sowing and auspisticism. Healing is one way to characterize these actions of a Sylph (as emphasized by Aranea restoring Terezi’s vision), but healing is conceptually preceded by a rupture. To avoid the heirarchy implied by ‘restoration’, ‘healing’ was generalized as ‘creation’.
Kanaya is elsewhere characterized by her verbose clarity and meticulous de(con)struction of ideas such as time. Her mode of breaking down the complex by asserting its basic tenets sets up a template for contrasting the destruction of Time (death, end, complexi) with the creation of Space (birth, beginning, basic).
The above is a framework which may or may not be true. I mention it only to point out that if ‘willing’ something into being amounts to metaphysical ‘creation’, those definitions of Witch and Sylph may not be compatible. You either need to alter the verb around which the roles orbit or take Kanaya’s description of a Sylph as a ‘magical Witch’ at face value, pair the two classes, and then try to justify Heir/Maid as the new counterpoint to Seer/Mage.
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The annoying thing about classpect is that once you have a verb in mind, it can be exceedingly easy to perform the semantic leaps necessary to justify that paradigm. Like if I wanted to further justify Witches as Willing, I might point to Jade’s compu-sooth spectagoggles, which replace her eyes with a pair of dream bubbles (from the Charles Dutton book) emblazoned with some sort of alchemical symbol. The idea of alchemical creation, bringing dreams into reality through the eyes, could certainly serve the idea of ‘willing’. But you could also characterize the goggles as simply conveying a fixation of Jades that is not necessarily related to her role, in the same way that Dave’s iShades display his obsession with forbidden fruit.
It’s been pointed out before that both Kanaya and Jade become the things they dream about being (vampire, furry), while Calliope executes the transformation post-dream-mortem within her little sanctum, so goggles that assert the reality of dreams are certainly relevant (I currently view them as a signal to question whether Jade is discovering or inventing her current events), but whether this motif is specific to class or aspect or both or neither is kind of up in the air.
(There’s also the matter of how the spectagoggles (often worn with her Iron-lass suit) make Jade’s eyes a spooky robotic red and black, just like Crockertier!Jane, but Jade’s seeming identification with robots is a separate question that I ALSO don’t adequately understand)
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gammarama · 5 years
i dont have a ton on the plot, but i've been thinkin on some stuff
one thing i know is that the canon timelines are going to be a major part of it. im fairly certain the earth c cast will play a major role, i know for sure that aranea serket will be an antagonist. i think a few other canon characters may serve as villains, like alt calliope, and ive been playing with terezi or aradia doing something or other as well
idk what araneas motivation will be? maybe the reason gamma gets so tangled up with canon is because they have the ring of life or something
i like that actually. its like free plot
so basically i think araneas gonna chase them out into dreamspace being all intimidating and shit, but thats probably after the midway point at least bc we still need to get through the session
she worms her way in early though, her fucking with roswel and her spy-ders are a major part of roswel's character right now
im pretty sure he dies. if he does, aranea is what kills him.
im not sure if itll be direct or indirect, but i thought of a specific scenario this morning uhh death description tw?
itd be some kind of psychic reacharound like serkets have done before, but roswel has weak psychic power because (hrmnnmnnrm plot) and his brain just fucking pops. hes just straight up dead.
death description over
so thats what ive got for roswel lol
im thinking once they all leave their own session, araneas gonna track them either by a cueball or by using the seer of space as a medium
i think im gonna change her name back to morgan, and lean into her magicky thing a bit more
theres also a few character arcs ive got in my head, and a few romances, but this post is long n thatd be off topic
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