cincincinnanom · 6 months
I feel like a just watched a three hour plot line about an enimes to lovers Yuri childhood friends having forgotten each other
Yes I am talking about selee and bronya. Hoyo legit thought I was about to forget them being gay af in honkai impact. They are soul mates.
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ethernalium · 4 months
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This ship is a must, what is the name? Breele, Seebro, Seenya, Brole, Broneele... I liked broneele
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.......so whats it called then. seenya?
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ohmdo · 3 years
I miss ur art...it's so good u__u
you’re so sweet. thanks seenya.
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detachhunter · 5 years
@zombutt replied to your post: You know you’re cursed when you get five Harrow...
God you make wanna play Warframe again
DO IT!!!
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ewanmrozny · 7 years
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444names · 2 years
dragon names + the entire middle quenya dictionary + 444 names generated from the everything mentioned above
Acticende Adhelta Agiang Aging Agobwe Agoldo Ailift Airist Alamber Aldove Alika Allticki Angichate Anlily Anolde Anove Antinya Anwered Apper Arime Arpeele Arrass Aspir Atted Aurge Avent Baharina Balled Barya Bearro Behtorme Beron Bitya Blarde Blockly Bouter Brathed Brelle Brilen Broure Buianting Buret Buril Calmerys Carbrie Cards Carta Caughta Cavenya Chaide Chile Clapolde Clatopy Cloant Coldore Comend Comera Condoods Conel Conyave Coungs Courna Cractit Croth Dales Deged Deldoun Dephime Derroh Derytile Deviar Dexish Difenye Diffice Dingu Dista Dition Diven Domba Dombaht Dompa Dookal Dotorp Drart Drave Drista Eandy Earka Ecita Efyron Ehtalf Eleft Ellear Ement Eminnoce Empace Engat Eretivea Erevent Esseareat Etyares Exalto Extel Eycle Factind Falor Famptilap Farinde Farra Finualde Fiven Fleative Flove Flowe Foine Foiwer Folta Forimbe Fousel Freat Frilday Fughta Fusce Fáron Fírimakse Gambeitya Gambot Ganutsmo Gerya Getsearse Gianyave Glind Govelme Graindo Grakaring Granced Guaraft Gyrbalma Habetione Hadert Hadject Halina Hamahang Haurya Havahtang Hembely Hemity Hemneme Hertinta Hiuya Hlicuo Homere Horic Humnahta Huout Hyankards Iantil Ickeld Imputa Imírielwa Inang Inell Ineukumes Ingum Inyanulf Istake Istass Istio Istrese Kainemya Kalea Kalla Kalmang Kalyary Kapacke Kelmalma Kiriser Knotursed Knouring Kulta Kulthli Kumar Kunese Kurightya Kénarn Kúveo Lagedent Lainyast Lambacer Lamen Lande Lanyancy Lappee Larrood Lasal Lathfut Latinged Leasse Lihtya Likseect Lilina Limakon Limbe Linempa Lingen Linwanga Liston Lithu Littal Lockille Lorse Lostay Lounda Lowel Lumparme Láregalen Láretull Lóter Lúrea Lúrunt Mages Mahtanhor Maimang Mandoide Mantanlya Marda Marron Masserf Meling Mendarp Minaulta Mitek Miumme Moncer Mookse Mosouta Mough Moungue Moura Míwarass Nanie Natimakka Nedly Nemba Nempa Nerfean Nessandem Nilimpa Ninounda Nintie Nislem Nista Noire Noublorie Novande Nownsidet Nuateren Numestuar Nurse Nutser Nyaldew Némanta Nérew Nítily Nóreave Númak Ocaveal Oiangle Olouts Operna Ormengsh Ossingwa Oughtalen Ouldaybe Oundyonda Palinglow Panockely Paskingla Pastimo Pastre Pelmooron Pendlora Pinday Piranye Pista Polderj Poselle Prafts Premba Prima Prohtoide Proute Prowl Psance Pully Pulma Pulóker Pusid Puske Pyreeper Qencene Qenko Qeque Qettend Qáqispira Qéning Raega Ranockwa Rapoither Reenew Resse Rimed Rince Ringa Ritantel Roloch Rourna Rámar Rénestely Rómailigh Róresserl Saikeep Sakinver Savaling Scars Seenya Sencen Shistang Shistaugh Silda Singe Sinnele Siollo Sionlina Sistro Sitál Slowdeav Smorien Smourwa Somerme Soubmewa Spidderma Spiditál Spint Spreddy Stamme Stelde Stell Stimo Stuilda Suckicat Sudesda Suffil Surtu Swifts Swinwala Swolve Systorste Sáriol Sólanko Súlescur Tainkinya Talaháya Talet Tanovess Tearken Tearvic Thampaiya Theavie Toditerka Torta Tranwa Treameny Treata Troweft Tullow Tulose Tulóke Tumbar Tumblen Tundert Tundyoung Tuounder Turne Tutaut Tyúle Tárever Umbay Umirinara Undenqe Unqent Upoithic Uponcia Ustopta Uvalqele Vagobst Vahairy Vaily Vaing Vaires Vealse Verineve Verow Vighto Vinko Vitekko Vorna Vortanya Wanda Wankarde Weartive Weeze Werge Whelthe Whenya Whing Winsorlpe Wisda Wista Witea Woldil Woodind Wooness Woorrok Woura Wours Wrina Wrind Writek Yantalf Yantent Yelma Yelpar Yelusqeng Yendle Yenseilwa Yetto Yince Yuellea Yulder Éleasta Íraugu Úvendu Úvirwelk
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greatfay · 6 years
please tell us about the movies customers get wrong
Where do I even begin. How about the simple titles that somehow get fucked up, here we go:
Customer: “Two tickets for the train movie”
Me: “which one? The Commuter or Murder on the Orient Express??”
Customer: “Yeah that one”
Customer: “One Player”
Me: “... Ready Player One?”
Customer: “ticket for that one movie, uhhhh Pink Panther?”
Customer: “uhh that Jedi movie”
Me: “It’s Star Wars! How can you forget the name of Star Wars!”
Ooh and then there are the people who add words to really simple titles!
Customer: “Lemme get two seenya (senior) tickets for The Greatest Show on Earth”
Me: “... sure thing! Two tickets for The Greatest Showman” (with emphasis!)
Customer: “Here to see Fun Games at Night”
Me: “how did you even come up with that wtf” (they meant Game Night)
Customer: “I want a ticket for The Darkest Moment In History”
Me: “alright, so that’s... The Darkest Hour”
I have to repeat the movies back to them with the correct titles because on several occasions they came for one movie and got it mixed up with another. Notably, 90% of these interactions were with citizens over the age of 42, also a lot of them are from New York and they’re not very nice. And usually very condescending for someone who can’t get their movie titles right. Bonus:
Customer: “three tickets”
Me: “For which movie?”
Customer, rolling their eyes: “for the movie”
Me: “Sir, I’m happy to tell you we actually show more than one movie here!”
Customer, real sarcastic: “Oh really? Who’d have thought”
Me: “So you’ll have to tell me which of our 11 movies you’re here to see”
Customer: “The one coming up”
Me: “There are four different movies starting in the next twenty minutes...”
Customer, motioning with Italian Hands™: “The one with that weird, long name”
Me: “so... Tyler Perry’s Acrimony or Chappaquiddick?” (because customers have fucked up those names all week)
Customer: “Yeah, that one”
Me: *proceeds to smash my head against a wall*
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cbwalive · 4 years
Super Estrella part 3
Thanks guys I’m standing by with the CBWA Univision Television Champion The Colombian Dragon and Dragon another successful title defense last Sunday against Johnny Seenya but later on in the show The Phenomenal AJ Styles laid out a challenge to you at Drug Wars 5 to put that Television Championship to which you counter that not only you will put the title on the line but let’s steal the show and make it an Iron Man match, how are you going to get prepared for this match and also still being a fighting champion and defending the title on a weekly basis?
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Well that is what makes a good champion into a great champion, I can take the easy road and just defend this title against anybody that’s not in the same league and have the fans say twenty years down the road, yeah he was a good champion, or I can have the very best match with the best wrestlers and have the fans say twenty years down the road, he was a great champion, not just a great champion but the greatest champion, when I won this title I made it a vow to make this title mean something and that’s exactly what I plan on doing and when AJ came to me last Sunday, I knew what he wanted so I called his bluff and him being the great competitor he is I knew he accept my challenge, so you have two of the very best going right now in the CBWA in the ring, doing what they do best and that’s wrestle, then to top that you make it an Iron Man match on the biggest stage of them all that Kenny is a recipe to be the greatest match of all time, but AJ remember this, when those fans look at this match twenty years from now, they will talk about it no doubt but they won’t remember who lost the match, they will only remember who came out on top and who the greatest was, Drug Wars 5 will go down in history as being the pay per view that had the greatest match of all time I hope you bring your A game AJ because you will have to kill me to take this away from me and in front of over a hundred thousand people in Estadio Metropolitano Roberto Meléndez stadium, all you will hear is the biggest Si chants you will ever hear, Si! Si! Si! Si!
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Now if you excuse me I have a title to defend
Alright strong words from the champ as we take you to the ring and the Fink
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The following contest set for one fall is for the CBWA Univision Television Championship
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Introducing first currently in the ring is the challenger weighing in at 223lbs Frogman Leblanc
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And his opponent weighing in at 236lbs he is the CBWA Univision Television Champion The Colombian Dragon!!
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There is perhaps as he says the greatest The Colombian Dragon, I’m not taking anything away from The Dragon last Sunday he and Johnny Seenya torn the roof off if the SS Bogotá had a roof which by the way Gordon appreciate you picking up the tab, what a night we had
Certainly was Jimmy, I can’t remember the last time I blacked out that many times but I wouldn’t trade it for anything
Absolutely not, I still haven’t found my wallet, but folks I urge you if you by any chance missed the pay per view last Sunday to get the encore presentation this Saturday night as the bell rings and we are underway as The Dragon and Leblanc show some respect there, collar and elbow tie up as Dragon is easily putting on a clinic on Leblanc
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And now The Dragon setting up for the running knee
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He nailed him cover, this one is over let’s get the official announcement
The winner of the match and still CBWA Univision Television Champion The Colombian Dragon!!!
Another successful title defense for the champion as we are going to take a quick break we will be right back, wait Roberto is here, we will hear from the real Roberto Gibson when we come right back, don’t you dare touch that dial
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mysimsbad · 7 years
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L to R: Mercedes Meeks, Skylar St. Julius, Lacey Leggett, Toya Snow, Dorian Hayes, Alessandro Pancakes, Makaylah Reddix-Brooks, Dee Smoot, Malea Lockridge, Jhermi Smith, Lauren Batista, and Yahir Swain.  (not pictured Kadaisa Snow, and Kris Pancakes)
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The MW Evers High School Seniors of 2017 get together one last time before graduation. It has been a great and eventful year for our Evers seniors. I’m really going to miss this class! 
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dailygrays · 7 years
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seenya pictaas;)
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seenyaph-blog · 7 years
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© 2017 All rights reserved Seenya – Lima
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closetofanxiety · 8 years
I went to a lot of indie shows in the late ‘90s/early ‘00s and have almost no memory of them. To be honest, my memory is pretty terrible these days, something that’s of moderate concern to me.
However, once in a while, something will come back to me, unbidden, and lately it’s been the spate of “tribute gimmicks” in the northeast indies right around the year 2000. These were guys who pretended to be famous wrestlers, with just enough of a difference to hopefully stave off a cease and desist from the lawyers at VinceCo or Time Warner.
The ones I remember the most were Big Slam Vader, who eerily looked in 2000 the way Vader looks today, and The Smoke, a guy doing a Rock gimmick right down to the eyebrow, but optics-wise, imagine a Rock who, instead of playing on the national championship-winning 1991 Miami Hurricanes, had never progressed further in football than playing for a high school that always got mauled by other high schools. 
But the one that haunts me is a guy I saw in a minor league ballpark in Waterbury on a card with the Honky Tonk Man, Big Slam Vader, and some lower-tier ECW guys: a fake Patriot. I didn’t realize this at the time (how could I?) but the guy who worked under the Patriot mask on the indies for a while in the early 2000s wasn’t Del Wilkes, but a Patriot impostor.
Why ... I mean, I get why you’d impersonate the Rock or Vader (there was also a Cactus Jack “tribute” guy around ... Cactus Mack, maybe? Rick Foley? It escapes me), those were huge stars. Also, “tribute gimmicks” were hardly new in wrestling: Britain had them for years, and Jack Pfefer nearly wrecked Chicago for wrestling in the early Sixties by promoting shows with such feared grapplers as the Nature Boy, Buddy Roberts and Lou Thezz. 
But why on earth would you pick the Patriot, one of the most “oh, right, that guy” wrestlers in the history of the post-Hulkamania wrestling business? A Glacier tribute almost makes more sense, but is in the same vein. 
Anyway, I wonder, apart from your Alabama Doinks and so forth, if that kind of thing happens anymore. Is there a Jon Seenya urging people in a minor league ballpark somewhere in America to Never Give Up?
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Brain surgery or hobby? What do you think? 😎 #flyfishing #angler #womenfishtoo #womenanglers #orvisflyfishing #5050onthewater #catskills #catskillsny #catskillsflyfishing #instatravel #travelling #catskillstrouttales #river #visitthecatskills #iloveny #ilovenewyork #coolcatskills #portrait #seenyas #upstatenewyork #upstateny #upstate #andnorth #escapebrooklyn #vacationwolf #passionpassport #roamtheplanet #dametraveler #LP #traveldeeper #greatwesterncatskills #spillian #fishing #streamfishing #trout #troutfishing #troutbum #fodorsonthego #tlpicks #theglobewanderer #dunmagazine (at Catskill Park)
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ewanmrozny · 7 years
seenya replied to your post: I’m tired, depressed and I have a stomach ache but...
Co oni znowu zrobili, bo ostatnio newsów nie śledze
Dobra, żartuję, po prostu przypomnieli mi się wszyscy popierdoleni księża i katecheci/katechetki, z którymi miałam do czynienia i teraz jestem wkurwiona
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ewanmrozny · 7 years
Sends in some bee cavarly to deal with the overly thirsty anon
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