#seems like it would suckkk
Pandora and Dorcas: *sitting by each other*
Barty and Evan: *sitting by each other*
Regulus: I can’t believe i’m the only one of us that is single
Everyone: WHAT?!
Regulus: i’m not stupid you know
Regulus, pointing at Pandora and Dorcas: I know you two are dating
Regulus, pointing at Evan and Barty: and I know you two are dating
Regulus: you’re not as discreet as you think
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stuffyflowers · 4 months
Oh no pressure or rush or anything, but I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on Starlo's family and his relationship with them because truly no one talks about them despite Starlo being the fandom's darling, even though I find the way his family feels about him and the Wild East fascinating 👀
writing this at 3 in the morning sorry if it SUCKKKS lol
YEA YEAHHHHHH I love how each of them have their own unique perspective on star n the wild east.. though I do think there’s a pretty depressing through line that.. they kinda look down on what he does in one way or another
ok so. orions the most blatant abt it. he’s condescending as fuck towards clover after assuming they’re from the wild east. and it’s more him projecting his jealousy n resentment of stars life than anything else, seeing himself as the one burdened with “real” responsibilities
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crestina is a bit more subtle, seeing the whole thing as something he needs to overcome so he can live a “proper” life (probably expecting him to follow in her and her husbands footsteps)
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Solomon is the only one who really acknowledges the wild east in a positive light, but even then it’s bc he’s able to justify it as starlo using it to save their farm (even tho afaik there’s really no hard evidence that was his intention)
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i see a lot of people joking about how weird it is that star never talks to his family when they live like. 3 ingame rooms across from his town but honestly? I can totally understand why. his family does love him (just look at how devastated they are when he “goes missing” in neutral) but they don’t seem to really consider that this life he’s built for himself is how he finds fulfilment and feels happy about who he is. like. every time kid star is talked about before he found those westerns he’s anxious at best and miserable at worst, they should all know star wasn’t happy living this life
I do like that we see them all setting up for the markets w/ the wild east residents in the pacifist credits: the implication that they’ve come to terms with who starlo is, no longer looking down on his accomplishments, and r finding a middle ground w him. joyous. more people should talk about these guys I love them
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okthatsgreat · 4 months
Reversing it, what would your Danganronpa OCs be as DnD characters?
HEHHEHEHEHEHEEHHEHEHHEHHEHHEHEHEHEH. so fucking awesome. kicks my feet giggling
billie: starting with her is so fucking funny because she is just a npc. born to be a halfling npc with the commoner stat block. shes not even necessarily an important npc either shes mostly just somebody the dm would make should a player character ever need to ask for directions. if i were to really try to give her a story i reckon she would resent how horrible she feels as a boring commoner and TRYYY to become an adventurer but she really doesnt fit into any category LMAO
erin: GLAMOUR BARD!! pippy would fucking THRIVE in this universe where it is way more acceptable to take out her instrument and start randomly playing something. still just as annoying but you cant hate her for this... race wise i can see her as a gnome BUTTT honestly just a regular human might make more sense for her lore lmao. as a race that is notorious for having a fleeting lifespan in comparison to a lot of the other fantasy races she would be far more paranoid with keeping up her persona while also lamenting the fact she cant stay young forever
naomi: STARTS AS A SCOUT ROGUE DEFINITELY that skirmisher ability........... possibly turns into a phantom rogue later on down the line! she would be an extremellyyyy agile adventurer and definitely stock up on so many goddamn invisibility potions. either a wood half-elf or (more likely) a tabaxi for that feline agility ability, paired with bonus action dash she would FLY out of any combat she finds herself in hfjkgds. kinda like her as this more humanoid looking cat with brown and ginger spots Yknow
mika: definitely would not be an adventurer, still an npc but with a better stat block than billie!! human merchant that seems kind of jealous of you when you walk in but will give you a cool amulet if you are patient
rie: eloquence bard/pact of the archfey warlock :)) she is extremelyyy charming and able to weave her way out of so many situations with her words alone, in a way that exceeds normal bard limits. like shes definitely got multiple people suspicious about her and accusing her of dark magic already LMAO, and they arent WRONG, she definitely took a pact with an archfey, but her success is what is keeping her family afloat so she cant complain that much. i think she's an elf :) that beauty is ETERNAL baby!!!! theres no ending this torment!!!!!!
ryobe: ok its actually a bit of a toss up for me here because ryobe's stats are definitely high charisma/high intelligence, but im not super suurreeeee what that would translate to class wise....... im honestly thinking yet another bard LMFAO. possibly a glamour bard/arcane trickster rogue multiclass???? which isnt the best optimisation but. yknow GDFKGFD. i kinda like him as a satyr, gives him a reason to prioritise fun as much as he does
sae: path of tempest barbarian that THINKS shes a beast master ranger that kinda sucks at magic for soooo much of her life. the last time she went into any sort of rage was when she was a kid and even then she was in denial bc her rage manifests in this terrible storm so she just assumed it was natural and nothing to do with her LMAO. its a mix of both "that cant be my doing. surely" and "i can not be an angry person i canttttt be a barbarian" that prevents her from reaching her full potential for while, and even when she does comes to terms with the fact shes a barbarian its still badddd bc her rage is explosive as FUCKKK. she'd be one of the more physically intimidating races like a half-orc i think. maybe a firbolg but most likely half-orc
yoshito: life domain cleric of ilmater 😁 ohhhhh buddy your saviour complex is gonna SUCKKK in this universe, but he would definitely be an adventurer that tries to help out as many people as he can as a roaming cleric!! he would mostly act on his own but possibly joins a party at some point for the more dangerous quests :) im thinking he's a drow half-elf?? his mother and himself both came from a place theyre not fond of but they both found ilmater or something and now it motivates him to help others out
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angeldiaries777 · 10 months
u all suckkk
this is such a depressing mindset but i am clincally depressed saurr
"innocent babies and children" well they'll just grow up to either be averge or shitty people. nothing about them is special. just because they haven't been cruel or hurt someone yet doesn't mean they won't in the future. im sorry im a teen and i hate kids. like they're just people and ik ik their brains arent developed enough but they're so mean and annoying and such an inconvience. would always baby sit when i was like 13/12 for my "aunt's" toddler at the time and like i didn't get enough pay. anyway yeah i am overly kind to everyone and give everyone sm grace and i truly truly shouldn't.
yeah kids suck and they will just grow up to be shitty adults. obviously be kind to kids blah blah blah but i swear even if peoples development isnt fucked they will still be just another average pawn in the stupid world. life isn't valuable because its human srry. humans suck. the more people i meet the less i wanna go out. whyyy do people ruin everything. all the abuse ive faced from everyone of all ages over and over again just pisses me off. i dunno sorry for being nice to you when u didnt deserve it?? sorry for being young and pretty???
if someone as sweet and adorable as me gets hated on and hurt over and over than i don't think humanity is worth it. i honestly wouldnt be able to look myself in the eye after treating another human badly. yet everyone seems to be okay with it. its the little subtled ways they do it that make me wanna stab myself. like the sneaky ways that make u look insane if u call it out. pathetic. sincerely fuck everyone. i wanna murder everyone that has ever hurt me and left me this deeply scarred. FUCK YOU
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buddielove · 3 years
I don’t approve of what Athena did but as a child who pushed their parents to their absolute limit I understand why she did it. For a long time my house felt like a war zone, my mother and I fought constantly and violently, and it always felt like any moment could be the end of the world (I’m 28 now, and our relationship is better, just fyi! I’m ok) I suspect Athena is feeling like this. I’m not sure but it seems like Harry’s mind is all over the place (totally understandable) and I’m hoping as the season progresses we get a little more depth into his mind, though I suspect it’s like static on the TV. A lot of whatever that ahole told him but also pieces of his past experiences with his parents because he is a kid and this personality switch happened so quickly. He knew exactly what to say to Athena to make her snap, and I wouldn’t be surprised bythe was he was tuning Michael out tonight we are gonna see him do something similar to his father soon.
I also want to say it seemed very off brand for Michael be spring the therapist thing on Athena, especially since therapist are mandatory reporters (tbh Bobby is too and May probably) and that could have lead to a lot more issues than it did (especially after a kidnapping incident, the therapist could potentially deem Michael and Athena unsafe parents and have Harry removed from their care), but springing therapy on a woman like Athena is not a good idea and you’d think the man who was married to her for like 20 years would know there needs to be a better way, like we have SEEN him do things for Athena in other seasons. Get it back in brand yall. Also if Michael lashes out and blames Athena too I probably wouldn’t be surprised, he didn’t seem to cope with his part in Harry’s kidnapping and not much else.
As for Buck I’m really questioning what the motive behind ‘I’m going to leave the 118’ was? It was almost like a pitty party, like it was delivered so meekly and then everyone was like ‘ ehh, anyway’ like was it supposed to bring an emotional reaction from the audience? Buck also should probably say sorry to Ravi, though I think he didn’t because he didn’t see what he was doing was wrong necessarily (even thought it was him taking his frustrations out on Ravi) and no one else around him seemed to notice (probably cause they all got hazed like 10x harder. It’s not right but I’m thinking that’s why no one called Buck on it, it’s a normal thing to them). In the coming episodes I’d like for him to show Ravi some more compassion, and get to know him as more than a probie to haze.
Chim and Maddie CONTINUING to put Buck in the middle sucks, they fucking suckkk for this and I hope when they get back (and if we get good writing that day) Maddie and Chim will acknowledge what they did was wrong, and Buck doesn’t accept the apology but instead says something like ‘I understand why you did it. Don’t do it again.’ I think all of the 118 should probably show up at a therapists office. In the next episode if Buck calls Chim and is like ‘she’s here!’ And then for the rest of the season Buck and Chim and Maddie play phone tag, then hiatus and then Chim and Maddie finally reappear because Buck’s connected the clues for them (andit will probably in LA tbh).
Also the weird ass tension between Hen and Eddie?? Like I get Hen’s in an emotional state with Chim being gone but we have seem her and Eddie work together? They’ve never been stepping on each other like they did tonight? Also I don’t think Eddie was being weird persay, I think that might have just been part of Buck’s pitty party lol.
Also Taylor’s emotional growth in the last two episodes (??) I am glad rn Buck is with someone who can realize he both needs to understand he is not the center of the universe which all bad comes from BUT ALSO understands that sometimes you need to feel like you’re the only person who matters.
Buddie still the end game though.
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pillowfluffs · 6 years
Soulmate!Wonho Chapter Summaries
So I’ve been gone for quite some time... If you’ve been reading my Soulmate!Wonho story from the start, first, THANK YOU, and second, it has been a significant time so here’s a general and brief summary on each chapter so you can read this next chapter and not be confused! 
If you are a new reader, I highly recommend reading the series, though! It sounds much better than these summaries! The story is Wonho X a female reader btw, in second person (you)! The reasons for the terrible summaries you’re about to read are: 1) I suckkk at summaries and 2) I want you, if you haven’t read it, to read it. It’s my first long story and it means a lot to me. 
Note: This story has flashbacks, character perspective switches, a lot of jumps at times so I hope those aspects/factors don’t ruin or make the story confusing to readers. I tried hard to make it not confusing plus I wanted it to be essentially balanced so you as the reader knew what was going on. 
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Chapter 1: You’re a first year at Mapnerry Academy of the Arcane, in a world where everyone has a soulmate. If you draw on your skin, it show’s up on your soulmate’s skin and vice versa, how magical.. You’ve learned many things growing up, but it seems you’ll learn something pivotal to your life one day while being at home..
Chapter 2: A strange character emerges into the story, beginning to follow you, watching you. While walking to a cafe off campus, you can’t help but feel creepy and weird vibes from him when you bumped into him earlier as you left class. Over time, you suddenly meet someone... very special.. 
Chapter 3: After meeting the very important person and becoming closer with him after hours of talking together. On the way back to your dorm, you were suddenly washed over with a heavy sleepiness, resulting in him carrying you to your room. In the morning, he served you breakfast. A week later, you two were in a relationship since you two were going to be bound together anyways. One day when you were about to leave your room to see him, you were taken.
Chapter 4: You awakened in a new place you didn’t know where. You faced the stranger; he spoke to you as if he knew you. After pleading to be released, you finally retaliated, making him bleed even though you were tied up. Your punishment was something you never expected; your nightmares became reality and they seemed to never end. 
Chapter 5: In your dream world, you began wandering around, noticing you were in a forest near your house before you moved to Mapnerry. The stranger was able to connect his skin to yours so now he could write on his skin and it would appear on wonho, your soulmate’s skin. Your dream world began a nightmare and there was no escape..
Chapter 6: The headmaster of Mapnerry returns, calling you into his office since you have the powers to essentially copy other people’s powers so he had you copy his demonic powers. You would meet up with the headmaster for lessons but recently, he went somewhere. Now that he;s back, it’s time to see an update on how you were doing, but you never showed up to his office when the announcement was made. Wonho showed up though, as well as a new character. The new character goes through his admission to Mapnerry which is a demonstration to the headmaster of their ability and from that, the headmaster determines whether you’re accepted or not
Chapter 7: my fav chapter omweifhwe s Remember in chapter 3, I mentioned there was a week and then at the end, you two were dating? Well the beginning of this chapter is a flashback of Wono telling his brother, changkyun, of a time when you went over cause you had a nightmare and its so flufffy, you should read it, and then he takes care of you. They share a meal together off campus while you were now in the place of your childhood home. 
Chapter 8: After sharing a meal, the two brothers return back to the dorm while you were wandering through the woods as you were still unconscious at the unknown location. The stranger spends time with you even though you are cursed. He draws you, repeatedly, telling his own story which reveals a dark history.. but is it true?  
Chapter 9: Honestly this chapter is like tied as my fav chapter with chapter 7 but it’s cause this chapter reveals some stuff.. which you should totally read the actual series to know what and who I’m talking about. Anyways, oh yeah, so Wonho and Changkyun’s family, as well as the headmaster, and now that you have the headmaster’s ability, demonic abilities, so you were going to be affected by a special moon rise which only occurs every 100 years: The Blood Harvest Moon. The moon will basically amplify the abilities to those affected which were mages who had elemental (like nature and earthy and such abilities) Anyways, the main point of this chapter is basically the “fight” between Changkyun and Wonho in a special arena. (*Notice: These summaries are so vague and open and loose-ended. It’s cause I want you to actually read the story! T^T It’s my first official long long story). Throughout this chapter, there’s a flashback to the past when Changkyun and Wonho were kids and Changkyun first experienced the most powerful ability move? he has. Then it cuts to you in your dream world, but ofc something goes wrong. Then it cuts back to the story the strange character was telling you. End of the chapter is the reveal of the strange character
Chapter 10: The headmaster appears in the setting of the story the stranger is telling you. (so this is in the past). Anyways, They talk, but a series of surprising events unfold between the stranger and the headmaster.. Perspecitve changes to Wonho and Changkyun about after the fight. So they fought all night even though it didn’t seem long but okay listen, it was my first like physical fight scene to write, cut me some slack. Anyways, now they’re going to sleep and rest until sundown and then they have to go meet with the headmaster to go find you since today is the rise of the Blood Harvest Moon. Then the story cuts to your perspective and now you’re running form a danger in the woods. The reason why you’re in the woods in the first place is because you woke into another nightmare in the house you grew up in and your parents didnt recognize you. You go through the woods, now injured from the danger, and you go to the cafe where you met Wonho, but he didn’t recognize you either and you pass out from the injury. Then the final scene is well.. it’s hard to explain soo.. Just read the story ;)
So: go read! and if you have been reading this series, then here is the long awaited Chapter 11 ;)
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thechampagnelovers · 4 years
As if I could feel you need somebody to motivate you, Beer nony is back once again to tell you I believe in you and your fic! It can take so much time and it can be so exhausting and I feel the pain of stringing it all together... I believe in you!
Other than that I have to say... my last ask really wasn‘t my brightest moment but I am happy people seem to like me? Not everybody can have a beer nony because I am exclusively yours but if anybody wants some anonymous love from me, call upon me here and I‘ll hop over to your blog. 😌
I need to tell you, you always make me laugh so hard oh my god! That Zarry and Jail comment? And I don’t even wanna start on how I cackled about the masturbation comment hahaha. Personally I am more of a using it to sleep kinda gal hahaha.
I‘ve had insomnia for the better part of five years so I should be used to it but it still suckkks. Maybe something to tackle this year and maybe get some guidance on what to do. I just always thought it couldn‘t be fixed after like tea and pills didn‘t work... We‘ll see.
Thank you for my daily education. 💆🏾‍♀️ I should read up on this I feel really uneducated!! Isn’t it creepy how there is still and always things you have never heard about and until you die there will always be things you will never know about? Just thoughts that fuck with my head. :))) Facebook marketplace - a thing I have never heard of hahaha. What is that??
Yeah white men and their ✨ sexism ✨ (as you so beautifully put it) is something that genuinely unsettles me. Tell me if it gets somewhere (fingers crossedddd, not sure I‘ll get my hopes up).
Oh what I wanted to throw your way: I am such an idiot I had Atlas At Last im my bookmarks and didn‘t even recognize the title ahsjsks I apologize! I will give a review when I am through, it is next on my list and something I am sure to enjoy (pansexual characters, Queen, and roadtrips? Yes yes yes)!
And lastly the album will be out in approx. 6 hours and I can‘t wait! I love that we have the same song too but when it comes to ot5 (single and group) I am somehow incapable to find my faves? Especially like as group I always say i.e. top 5 and then I remember that banger and I switch it around and then I‘m like fuck but I need the other one and then I remember this song that makes me cry and I am like???? I can‘t decide I hate it. 😭😭😭 Maybe you can start and I will try my best to keep up!
thanks love <33333 i really want to write this, maybe as a break from the big project i'm working on, but writing detective stories (or as i found out, what i’m working on is called a “cozy mystery”) is way harder than i had thought at first. but i know something good can come out of this so fingers crossed
people love you nony, and who wouldn’t tbh?? and i love to hear im exclusive but i don’t mind sharing, everyone deserves a beer nony <3
sdksklfj i’ve used it to sleep too, but it usually wakes me up more than anything. I’m sorry to hear about your insomnia tho, like if pills and tea and masturbating didn’t work then it must be something else :( hope you can find something to help you, and i really wish i had more advice here
ugghhh i knoooow, that’s why i like internet sm, if it wasn’t for this hellsite and youtube videos i would be even more of an idiot than i already am lol but it’s okay not knowing about everything too, so dont worry much, the fun part is learning stuff (i’m such a nerdddd)
facebook marketplace sdfjsjdkj is hell, basically. yk that horrible instagram update where you can “shop” now? it’s the same thing, literally, that’s where it comes from bc facebook owns instagram
hopefully the book is good, and i want to like it bc i like the author. i take sexism very lightly in books because i always give the authors the benefit of the doubt yk? like, they must have a purpose, a reason why they’re writing this character the way they are, to prove a point. for example like lolita, the dude is disgusting but that’s the whole point, reading all those horrible things from the criminal’s pov. that’s what makes you think and reflect. but sometimes the sexism has no purpose and it’s there because a man wrote it lol
ohhh please i want to hear all your thoughts about it! it’s truly probably my fav fic ever, the dynamics, the setting, the music, the characters. i love me some good ot5 dynamics (as everyone who follows me and reads my shitty fics know) and this fic has one of the best i’ve read. it’s also not that long which is something i appreciate because i can’t read lol
also fhsdjkjdsk i loooove that, and totally get it because they truly have so many bangers and hits. okay i can go first then, my top 10 1d songs (in nor particular order) are: love you goodbye, ready to run, where do broken hearts go, diana, fireproof, what a feeling, AM, alive, why dont we go there and i would i couldn’t do a top 5, it was too hard i want to hear yours
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uwulix · 6 years
hmmm for the ship thingyyyy I’ve got light brown hair kinda blonde-ish and i wear contacts cuz glasses suckkk. I’ve got green/yellow/light brown eyes. I usually wear punk sorta fashion and i like to skateboard and paint nature stuffs. My fav animals are rats and mice omg they’re so cute. I can’t stand horror movies I get too scared and I’m a lonely extrovert. But when I’m around my few friends I’m very hyper and positive. Thank you! (have a good day b)
Okay dunno if this makes sense but I’ll go with WoojinWoojin doesn’t seem like an introvert, more like an extrovert that loves talking to people but keeps his closest friends to his heart, which basically means he thinks it’s better to have a few real friends than a thousand fake ones. So you’d be somewhere with your friends and you saw Woojin going around with the members and your friends would start arguing about how cute they were and they’d just approach them and started saying hi nd stuff but as soon as you saw woojin and greeted him you felt something click and well. you continued talking AND BOOMAlso he’d protect you during a scary scene in horror movies and tell you how he’ll fight the monsters if they get near you
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