chantalvdreijden · 2 years
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Hiding from the burning sun.... #seekingshade #seekingshadows #sunshine #tropicaltemperatures☀️ #tropicalheat #brandendezon #summer #zomer #pinetree #dennenboom #nature #natuur #instanature #ignature #natureshots #lovenature #lovephotography #photographer #photography #fotografie #fotograferen https://www.instagram.com/p/Chm6SRTjF3R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamcathystewart · 4 years
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Today’s trek was a pleasant surprise. Still comfortable (thank you active dynamic warm up) and I did the full 2km run unbroken for the first time! Kind of a big deal to non-runner me. 2.1km running 7.5km total #teamcaketrot #ontariotrot #slowaf #seekingshade #jeebus #iamstreaking #300kminJuly #allthechallenges #notarunner #accountability #heatwave #hatnotoptional #scavengerhunt #wgtdt #notthatday (at Dalrymple Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNSHcdF5a4/?igshid=1rq80mtmuaisz
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About the Mun
01.    NICKNAME : Starscream, Birb
02.    REAL  NAME : Claire
03.    ZODIAC : Ares
04.    HEIGHT : 5′6″
05.    WHAT  TIME  IS  IT? : 10:34 am
06.    FAVOURITE  MUSICIANS / GROUPS : Metallica, Guns n Roses, Marty Robbins, ..... mostly I listen to soundtracks
07.    FAVOURITE  SPORTS  TEAM : I don’t really have one
08.    OTHER  BLOGS : @ausefulblogforputtingthingsin​ (personal, mostly random), @pottedplantson​ (tfp OC), @thechimneynest​ (another tfp OC but haven’t done anything with her yet), @seekingshades​ (a story I’ve been working on for a while. please check it out and send asks so I can be motivated to work on it XD)
09.    DO  I GET  ASKS? : yup
10.    HOW  MANY  BLOGS  DO  I  FOLLOW ? : 369
11.   ANY  TUMBLR  CRUSHES  : nah
12.    LUCKY  NUMBER  : not lucky, but my favorite number is 27
13.    WHAT  AM  I  WEARING  RIGHT  NOW  : gray workout pants, megatron socks, and a star wars tank top
14.    DREAM  VACATION  : japan!!!!
15.    DREAM  CAR  : either a bigger truck, or the type of cadillac CTS that looks like a vehicon, or a used forest service bus to haul our growing family of robot cosplays around XD
16.    FAVOURITE  FOOD  : lol where to begin? ribs, wings, any form of potatoes, roasted crispy brussel sprouts, asparagus, squash, steak, elote, street tacos, sonoran hot dogs, raspados, sushi, ramen
17.    DRINK  OF  CHOICE : coffee in any form but not too sweet, genmai cha,, sugar free energy drinks (if I’m going to drink sugar, i should save those calories for some quality adult beverages XD) such as..., mesquite smoked bourbon, various craft beers (not IPAs)
18.     LANGUAGES  : English, a little Japanese, a little German, and I can kinda translate French if I read it
19.    INSTRUMENTS  : nope
20.    CELEBRITY  CRUSHES  : nah
21.    RANDOM  FACT  : I am left handed, but besides drawing and writing I do all sports right handed (throwing, batting, punching, sword fighting, etc.)
Tagged by: @cosmic-gemstone
Tagging: everyone!
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ohbabyboston · 6 years
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Hot day- great family outing though. @KimballFruitFarm puts on great corporate events. We had a blast, were well fed, well hydrated, and of course topped it all off with ice cream and bumper cars. #minigolf #summertime #summerboys #hazyhotandhumid #keepingcool #seekingshade #familyfun #visitma #golf (at Westford, Massachusetts)
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momentumspinner · 7 years
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Seeking the shade! #photography #underthetree #seekingshade #shade #shady #chillin #palmtree #tree #sun #sunny #summer #greatthingsarecoming #sunshine #hotday #chilling #vans #newyearseve #newyears2017 #newbeginnings #funtimes #newyear #2017
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tracyconnery · 7 years
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Perfect #elopement style! #casualbride #elope #smile #altwedding #weddingstyle #easystyle #relaxed #nostress #nomussnofuss #sunhat #beattheheat #seekingshade #gorgeousbride #beautifulbride #wedding #weddingphotography #weddings #weddingday #beautiful #bride #beauty #mountainwedding #canadianrockies #ido #columbiariver #weddingphotographer #summerwedding #explorebc #beautifulbc
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smallstudiodesign · 7 years
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Who's your Daddy? Man, it got hot today! Sensational, after a cool, productive meeting/interview & effortless efficiency ... we wrapped early. I emerged in a mood so lifted by wellbeing ... that "Nice! now, 'done' for the day" and like a kid, "I can go out & play!" Back out onto blistering city sidewalks ... me falsely refrigerated (my chilled meat tingling to searing temperatures sizzling by noon. Eyes adjust to blazing brightness, so blinding ... feel so silly wearing layers - my former cool, now insta-fool. Couldn't wait to get home & changed into ... a lot less. I suddenly sneeze out in the heat ... stuffed up catching a chill. ... oh self made world ... thieves we are robbing our great mother at every turn. These my 'Notes To Self' - thoughts for "National Selfie Day". Yet more fitting - National Aboriginal Day 🇨🇦 I sip cold brew (coffee) & pause to consider such. No complaint; only report & observe our urban disconnect from nature; #staytuned - "News at Eleven". #nationalaboriginalday #nationalaboriginalday2017 I'll fill you in on how I honoured our esteemed First Nations People's Twin Spirit (later). #selfieday #nationalselfieday #nationalselfieday2017 #solstice #firstdayofsummer #hot #cool #seekingshade #shades #shade (at Emery Barnes Park)
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thenigerbend · 8 years
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#streetphotography #seekingshade #Africanvillage #Africanhouse #TheNigerBend (at Benin)
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Views not bad this morning #seekingshade #swelteringheat #tropical
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rosecorcoranwrites · 5 years
11 Questions
I declare myself tagged by @seekingshades. I’m gonna do it for the alternate-history/fantasy/mystery WIP.
What are you most egotistical about/proud of in your WIP? I think the setting is super original, but I’m also keeping it hush hush right now, so you’re all gonna have to wait for me to brag about how cool it is.
Did any character start out one way and surprise with who they’ve become? Not really? I guess I’m surprised by the presence of one character, though I shouldn’t be, because the WIP is a pastiche, and he/she was in the original canon, so...
Which character is easiest to write and which is hardest? Gerard (the semi-love interest) is by far the easiest to write. I think that Constance, one of the two MCs, is hardest. She’s a nurse, so that’s pretty foreign to me, but also, I haven’t quite pinned down her arc and personality yet.
What would you enjoy most about your setting if you lived there? There’s magic in it, which is rad.
What would you hate about your setting if you lived there? There are a lot of curses and ghosts and stuff floating around, which is not rad ;-;
Share a few songs that would be in a soundtrack or playlist for your story. “My Way” by Sinatra, “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis, “I Will Walk Looking Up” by Kyu Sakamoto, and the theme to Hawaii 5-0, to name a few.
Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel and taste to describe the aesthetic for your WIP. Sight: A gun in an evidence bag, and the evidence bag has an onmyodo talisman slapped onto it for safe keeping. Smell: Cherry tobacco smoke (don’t know what this smells like, but it sounds good, right?) Sound: Electric typewriter keys clicking. Feel: The feel of someone’s hand holding onto yours Taste: A burger and fries from a diner
What is a surprising talent or weakness one of your characters has (doesn’t have to be plot relevant)? Benio knows shockingly little about politics and current events, despite reading tons of newspapers (she just ignores the politics sections :\ )
What kind of scenes do you like writing the most? The bantery and/or romantic (but not really romantic because the MC’s too dumb to notice it) stuff
What’s something you really want readers to notice and enjoy in your WIP? I want them to enjoy my characters’ little foibles and oddities <3
Was there one bolt of inspiration that gave you the first idea for this story, or was it more of gradual inkling? There were two bolts, based on two stupid puns, but like I said, it’s a little under wraps right now, as to what those puns are.
I tag whoever wants to play, for the same 11 questions!!! This includes you, @seekingshades!!!
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chantalvdreijden · 2 years
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Verkoeling zoeken.... Seeking some shade... #view #uitzicht #greennature #groenenatuur #trees #water #sloot #natuur #natuurfotografie #instanature #park #seekingshade #schaduwzoeken #lovenature #lovephotography #photographer #photography #fotografie #fotograferen #outside https://www.instagram.com/p/CgMN-Kdj9k1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamcathystewart · 4 years
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Ego check. If you train without rest, you will eventually hurt yourself. I walked and ran comfortably today because I rested yesterday AND did dynamic warm up today. Take home message: check your ego at the door, warm up properly and be able train tomorrow. Interval run 3.5km Total distance 9.9km #nevermissamonday #teamcaketrot #ontariotrot #slowaf #seekingshade #jeebus #iamstreaking #300kminJuly #allthechallenges #accountability #heatwave #hatnotoptional #scavengerhunt #wgtdt #notthatday (at Dalrymple Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKUbcoFgIG/?igshid=1dvxeb396p0lx
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leonardsali · 7 years
12 Fun Halloween Candy Alternatives
Jeannie Krill
For many families, trick-or-treating is an exciting Halloween activity that’s hardly given a second thought – it’s a given. But for kids with food allergies, health concerns can unfortunately take the fun out of the age-old tradition. Treats don’t have to be limited to candy or food-related items. There are many other things than can be given to trick-or-treaters and can help all children feel included – and most importantly, keep them safe.
You might have heard of the Teal Pumpkin Project®. It’s an initiative that helps families identify homes that are handing out non-food treats on Halloween night. You can find a map of participants around the world here. And if you’re thinking about adding your own house to the map, participating is easy: paint a pumpkin teal, place it in front of your house, and offer safe treats for all children.
We’ve got 12 candy alternatives that can help make Halloween and trick-or-treating fun for everyone:
12 Non-Candy Halloween Treats You Can Buy or DIY
DIY Jewelry – This unique idea is great for school-age kids. Just fill a Ziploc snack bag or a plastic tube with orange and black beads and a string long enough to make a necklace or bracelet. Children will be able to choose which they’d like to make…and the finished product will last a whole lot longer than a bite-sized Milky Way!
Art supplies – The month of October brings Halloween- and fall-printed pencils galore. Not to mention crayon packs, markers, and erasers, all of which can be used for days (and likely, weeks!) to come.
Ghost pencil toppers – With just a thick piece of white paper, a hole punch, a black marker, and a knack for ghost-drawing, you can make a plain old pencil fit for the season.
Coloring books – In addition to art supplies, Halloween- and fall-themed coloring books are easy to find this time of year, and will provide pages upon pages of entertainment.
Stickers – They’re fun and multi-purpose! Children can stick them to their clothing, put them in sticker books, or use them as part of an art project.
Glow bracelets – These fashionable accessories will help children light their way as it gets dark on Halloween night. They also come in different colors and can be a great addition to many costumes.
Journals – Don’t underestimate a simple orange journal…not only can children do whatever they want on the inside, they can also decorate the outside!
Green monster slime kit – If you’re feeling crafty, package up the necessary supplies in a clear cellophane bag, along with instructions on how to make the magical, slimy substance. And don’t forget to tie it off with a festive Halloween ribbon!
Silly straws – Kids love the way colored straws seemingly make their milk (or water or juice!) a different color. Orange silly straws can help make a fall meal or snack more exciting.
Monster bubbles – Think giving away containers of bubbles sounds uninteresting? Think again! With googly eyes and a black marker, you can add funny monster faces to the outside of each container.
Lego pumpkin treat bags – Did you know you can buy Legos in bulk in the same color? Put a small handful of orange Legos into a clear cellophane bag, tie it with a green ribbon, and voila: a Lego pumpkin! Take it up a notch by drawing a face on the outside of the bag with a black marker.
Playdough treat bags – Along the same lines of making a pumpkin treat bag out of Legos, you can also make treat bags with colored playdough, clear cellophane bags, ribbon, and a black marker. Make pumpkins with orange playdough, ghosts with white or light grey, and monsters or Frankenstein characters with green. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can make the playdough from scratch, too.
This Halloween, talk with your child about other children you know who have food allergies and think about what the holiday is like for them. If you’re making non-food treats and/or participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project, encourage your child to help!
How is your family celebrating Halloween this year? What are your kids planning on dressing up as? Feel free to share in a comment below!
I’m a former Bright Horizons pre-kindergarten teacher living out my passion for writing and kids in the BH home office. I love all things crafty and am a self-proclaimed good cook, always looking for a new recipe to try. On any given weekend, you’ll find me and my husband trying a new brunch spot or hiking with our fur child, Jordy, a Mini Australian Shepherd.
Photos courtesy of the following blogs: SeekingShade, C.R.A.F.T, and RepeatCrafterMe
Editor’s Note: This post was first published in 2016.
What to Read Next:
Read more posts about Halloween from the Family Room bloggers.
E-family news: Understanding Food Allergies
The Family Room: Get ideas for allergy-friendly recipes from our guest blogger Nicole.
The post 12 Fun Halloween Candy Alternatives appeared first on The Family Room.
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Walking in the desert this morning before the sizzle gets too intense. #everydaywalk100 #seekingshade #110degreesbynoon
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withgraceandgrit · 8 years
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≫•≪≫•≪ b u e n a s ≫•≪≫•≪ #seekingshade #afternoonvibes #hottropics
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christietayloronline · 11 years
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Catching a hot breeze on the pew. #summer #heat #seekingshade (at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store)
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