moonxwing-blog · 7 years
The little sparkling came back online to the sound of screaming klaxons and thick, dark smoke permeating the cabin of the shuttle, and she was frightened.
She immediately began looking around for her creator, her EM field instinctively casting out in search of his comforting presence, but she did not see nor feel him. The sparkling (a seekerlet, incredibly young, still in her initial chubby protoform-frame, with wide crimson optics and silver plating accented with conservative blue highlights) trilled fearfully, calling out for him, but he did not answer.
Tiny fingers fumbled with her safety harness, struggling to undo the clasps that kept her safely anchored to the seat. Where was her Creator? He was not in her sight. The last thing she could remember was that he had been sitting at the controls, trying to control their freefalling craft as they descended into the atmosphere. Where had he gone? Once free of the harness, she clambered down from the seat to look for him. Frightened and in pain from the numerous dings, dents, and ugly scratches she’d gotten from their crash landing, she inched her way through the warped shuttle.
She found a broken body further back in the cockpit. It was beyond her knowledge how he could have gotten there, but there was something terribly wrong with how still he laid, how his normally bright red optics were dull, how his mouth was frozen in a terrified snarl. There was a pool of energon, bright blue, gathering beneath him. She did not see the shrapnel embedded in his chest.
“Papa,” she whimpered, and crept to his side, her hand shaking his shoulder. When she got no response, she shook it again, more insistently, “P-Papa! Wake up!”
He laid there, unmoving, and this frightened and upset her. She was young, and naive, and had no concept of death, and so perhaps this confusion was to be expected. She shook his shoulder again, but he did not awaken. She reached out with her EM field to him, but did not feel the familiar, comforting buzz of his field against her own - she felt nothing, nothing at all, not even the dormant presence of a bot in slumber. She bit her lip, fearfully pondering this, but decided that he must just be in a very deep recharge. Why else would he not wake up?
Well. She would have to wait for him to wake up, now, wouldn’t she? The seekerlet settled in close to him to wait, a tiny ball of silver tucked next to his red-and-orange side, blissfully unaware of the danger she was in as the fires grew closer and closer to the fuel tank of the craft.
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salty-rey · 7 years
<p> @seekerofintegrity | Liked a Starter
It wasn't for the neutral to stumble upon Decepticons on his travels. Most of them leave him alone, not worth his time while others decide to play a little "game" with him, chasing him around either on land or in space.
So when his ship informed him that there's a Decepticon signal nearby, Double Tap didn't feel too worry and decided to land the ship. A single Decepticon signal won't make him run away in fear.
After landing, the green mech began to use his scanner to look for some Energon, both for fuel as well as for experimental purposes. He also made sure to keep an eye on the Decepticon signal, making sure to not invade their space in a way to avoid getting in a fight.
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ask-smokescreen · 7 years
Primus, your voice is so cool though dreadwing I could listen to you say anything even while you’re blowing me up I swear.
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seekerofintegrity stared following you.
“Greetings, sir.” Factoria smiled. “I am Factoria, goddess of the planet Diversa.”
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praeteritcs-blog · 7 years
The Femme was hunting, her alt form was that of a large saber tooth cat. the desert was calm and shadow was able to relax. how long had it been since she last relaxed? a month? vorns? putting her nose to the ground she followed a scent, her gate was an easy trot. Looking upwards she gave a low rumble before letting out a low and almost subsonic call, it echoed for a few miles.
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alacrityabound · 8 years
@seekerofintegrity Wait, I thought you were... On second thought, reckless and dangerous are overrated.
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ask-dr-knockout · 7 years
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Sure! Armada couldn’t quite fit so they are located on a box shelf section unto themselves near the animated figures I have.
Armada-Cybertron is one of my favs and the first trilogy continuity that got me into transformers as a kid!
I would watch it just before DBZ came on Toonami. (my fav before TF) come to find out I also loved Beast Wars as a kid and try to watch it every chance I could.
but ironically I didn’t know it was associated or Transformers till later once I got more involved with the fandom!
Hope you enjoy! :)
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eliteseeker · 7 years
RP Muse Meme
Post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. Feel free to go over ten, too. )
Dreadwing ( @seekerofintegrity ) Thundercracker (Cybertron) ( @littleblueseeker ) Skywarp (Cybertron + TFP) ( @voptothetop ) Red Alert (Trilogy) ( @coderedalert ) Optimus Prime (Trilogy) ( @sparkofcombination ) Optimus Primal ( @thatsjustprimal ) Kicker Jones ( @energonguardian ) Skyfire (TFP) ( @lightboundvoyager ) Nautica ( @nautorious )
Demolishor (Trilogy) ( @tanktactician ) (maybe) Jetfire (Trilogy) ( @aerialcommand ) Shoutmon (Digimon) (maybe??) Gaige (Borderlands) (prolly not but who knows)
Detective O'Brien (Terminator: Genisys) Eris Morn (Destiny) Ikora Rey (Destiny) Linda-058 (Halo) William Fowler (TFP) A couple of fandomless OCs that I am afraid of dropping in.
Tagged by: @matrixbearer Tagging: @ask-scattorshot @starboundshuttle @destruction-robot @splitsparkedseekers @moralchaos @four-living-primes @uchuuchannel5 Aaaaand anybody else that’s into memes n stuff. 
And I didn’t do ten of anything because oh my god no.
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untamedheart · 8 years
// so i’m gonna break the rules a little bit and recommend more than one blog :3 
@matrixbearer , @warforger , @naviyeager , @seekerofintegrity , @vietalis ( an awesome oc blog ) , @asgardianhammer ( bow to the thor god! ) , @squeakersquawker 
all the muns behind these blogs are simply awesome and write their muses with such talent that it never ceases to amaze me. these are just a few of the blogs that i love to see on my dash, i encourage you to go and check them out! ♥
[ meme reference ] 
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masterslightningbug · 7 years
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
::I do apologise for my sparkling spitting up on your pede…::
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titanwhispers · 8 years
Her blue optics flickered as her painted face darted back and forth between the three Decepticons. What were they doing? She wondered.
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matrixbearer · 8 years
☠ u don't laugh at my puns. u just hang up and say ur done. and that hurts.
If you find me to be INTIMIDATING in any way, anonymously send ☠  along with the reasons why.
puns punch my second-hand embarrassment and I’m so jelly! I wish I could pun.
「 meme reference 」
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// i am sORRY THIS BIG LUG IS A JERK THAT JUST LIKES TO PULL ON EVERY HEARTSTRING HE POSSIBLY CAN. ;n; And that I'm only around like once a week to reply lmao. But he's just. Absolutely loving that thread. ur gr8. *pets*
(( AHSHHHHHHHHH SHH I KNEW WHAT I WAS GETTING INTO XD & don’t worry about that, I’m chill with waiting ! I always get excited seeing your reply tho x3
I have a feeling once Pearl calms down a little she’ll be a lot easier to deal with, she’s not very happy right now bUT THAT JUST MAKES ME HAPPIER TBH–
aaaaaaaa ;7; *pets back!!!* ))
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autobotscout · 9 years
Send ♚♔ For Our Muses To Meet As Royalty From Opposing Nations
The young prince was rather hesitant when it came to visitors from other nations but his father told him that he needed to greet the guest to show that they were welcome. They were here in hopes of  establishing a deal or treaty between the two nations. He took a deep breath before walking up to the visitors.
“Greetings! Welcome to the kingdom of Iacon! I trust that you had a safe and comfortable time getting here.”
He smiled at the other with happiness in his voice although he wasn’t very sure how to feel as he never had much encounter with other royalty. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad but he still felt incredibly uneasy.
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ask-smokescreen · 8 years
seekerofintegrity replied to your link:Smokestream!
// Is that the Armada one bc that is the greatest game of All Time ™
Nope! It’s boxyverse
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moralchaos · 9 years
“It there I something that I can help you with?” the black seeker looked at the other seeker curiously, but on guard when he saw his Decepticon symbol on his chest.
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