#seeing the aspect wheel itself all rebalanced is something
santostrife · 2 years
How is kausat the seer of 2 aspects?
It's the result of a Session Wide Glitch!
Life and Light have swapped places on the Sovereignstuck aspect wheel. Which not only rebalanced the whole thing, but also caused two of the players, Kausat Stolar and Retris Morage, to Embody their opposite Aspects. They are Voidlife and Doomlight Respectively. (I've linked to a much more in depth post by @nekropsii for a better explanation!)
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miasmapuddle · 5 years
Mars conjunct Jupiter/ the wheel turns from Pisces to Aries -
The sun sits at 29°51' Pisces as I write this, just minutes of a degree arc away from the moment of reset, when we move from the last to the first. This is the vernal equinox, which exacts tonight *3/19/20* at 11:49pm EST.
We sit at the cusp of a fresh turn of the wheel, perched upon the degree of the zodiac that is both 360 & 0 - the zero point that is also infinity.
This moment exemplifies a full spiral within itself, yet also the space between two distinct spirals - two separate zodiacal years.
We burst into Aries Season with Aries' ruler, Mars, exalted in Saturn's sign of Capricorn. This union of the malefic planets will bring struggle and rebirth, signified in the heavens by Mars' current exact conjunction to Jupiter, who is in his fall in Saturn's sign, and who will soon move on to conjoin with Pluto in mid April.
The spring ram & the sea goat - two signs that form a whole sign square to one another, an aspect which is also of the nature of Mars. Tension, repression, conflict, electricity. This energy is palpable, coursing throughout the collective.
The message I have been getting lately is : all we can do is focus on keeping our integrity intact.
Especially in the face of recent external restrictions - Saturnine themes of social distancing, isolating, purifying, waiting - We are learning to expand through contraction, a phrase that has been floating around the astrological collective since Jupiter entered his fall in Capricorn - the planet of expansion and abundance in a sign of restriction and discipline.
We are seeing this clearly now, and things will only continue to come to a head as the Sun moves from the anaretic degree of Jupiter's Pisces into the ultimate zero-point of Mars' Aries, just as these same two heavenly bodies are precisely conjunct in the sky.
During the tail end of Pisces season, we have had time to mourn the end of the world as we know it. Now we are preparing for battle, moving into Aries season, a time of newborn solar energy, individuality, assertion, and proud singularity -
The energy of springtime is unfurling all around us, but it is not a light and airy field this year. This turn of the wheel does not feel rejuvenating. It is not a sloughing off of the old in favor of a fresh slate. It is a tenuous step into the unknown, but with a new and potent self awareness and sense of conscious responsibility.
These are the themes of aries-capricorn - initiating and then assessing - directing and then doubting - we have to pay attention to both our self certainty and our self doubt in order to balance both sides of the equation
With mercury having turned direct & re-entered its fall in Pisces, we are revisiting mercurial themes that arose around the end of February, when mercury retrograde was traversing backwards through these same degrees of Pisces.
There is a sense of compassion and absorption of other's pain and suffering, as well as a desire to share our private projects with the world. We can be clumsy and indirect, but also may experience heightened intuition and synchronicity.
The dreamtime is extremely active, and while this realm will still reflect the tension of our waking world, it will do so in a strange new light that will prove helpful to the deeper levels of our subconscious.
Mars is nearing its exact conjunction with Jupiter at the 22° marker of capricorn, the same place where the Saturn Pluto conjunction occurred on 1/12.
The 22nd degree, the master builder, brings in codes that are very relevant to this year of 2020 . During Saturn-Pluto this degree of capricorn was radiating a dark stagnant energy, showing us the inertia in our lives, the immovable objects that seem to laugh at our helplessness.
Now, with Mars & Jupiter occupying this same degree, the cracks in these old paradigms are beginning to show & we are already making plans for what we will do when they are toppled over. But at this moment, despite our tiredness, we are still in the midst of battle.
This is what it takes to purge a rotted foundation
Mars, the planet of war, drive, ambition, aggression, and Jupiter, the planet of exponential growth and excess - are coming together, triggering an abundance of Martian energy. This is an explosive, egocentric, and warlike influence, and in Saturn's sign of Capricorn, gives us opportunities to prove our integrity by walking away or staying silent in times when we would normally react.
Over these next few days, and already over the past week, we have been being tested, prodded, and poked at by dark forces. Before there can be calm - things must come to a head, and this is the process that is occurring now.
We are all going through uncomfortable shifts. And we have all known they were coming for some time now.
On a galactic scale, star codes from Lyra & Fomalhaut are rushing into our etheric bodies- old galactic conflicts rising up alongside new inspiration, the waters & alchemizing fires of change coming together to form something that is utterly new and undefined.
In dangerously potent times like these, I do not like to make predictions. This is a time of lessons and karmic rebalancing - we are being taught lessons in quick succession, and when we say something will happen, it tends to come true. And even the good predictions (especially the good predictions) bring darkness within their fruit.
We are being shown by the divine forces that we are not capable of playing God. They will make us look stupid and make us feel helpless until we stop resisting them. Until we stop claiming we know the truth, stop saying we have conjured up a perfect antidote for all our suffering.
It is a time to listen, not to prove.
And with the revved up Mars influence rushing through the subtle planes, it will be a challenge to control our urges and slow down our desire body. But there is only one way to get through it - breath by breath.
We can either take deep full breaths, bringing oxygen deep into our lungs, or we can take these same breaths shallowly, anxiously, rushing to get to the next one & the next one, and then the next, until we realize there is only the current breath, stretching on forever, as our consciousness swims on, in all directions at once, through the ever expanding matrix of time and space.
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