#seeing other interpretations is neat and awesome sauce
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affluent-havoc · 11 months ago
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Drawn on Nintendo 2ds. Via the camera on theeeeeere. Not the first but yeah (I'd link the others right but i'm lazy) Also, drawing that Ace flag took FOREVER!!! The color picking was pain T-T Like, for the gray. grey? i forgot which one is the british version and which one is the american. am bad at the spells so i try and do it intentionally sometimes as a joke to cope! HAHHA! :D
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kuriquinn · 8 years ago
Prompt/Request - Gal Friday [Pt 2]
Anonymous said:
Your stories are frigging awesome. I fell in love with Gal Friday and it’s the best boss and Asst fic I have ever read in any fandom. You made Sakura so Bamf without Mary sue tendencies. I am desperately hoping for a small sneak peek into Sakura and Sauce's interactions at the office from Sauce's Point of view. It can just be a one-shot as I know you are very busy. Take your time and keep up the awesomeness Kuri.
AN: Well, I was eventually going to continue this one but I figured, why not, let’s treat it like a prompt/request :P Also, I’m posting early because I might not have time tomorrow and I don’t like to use the queue option because for some reason it mucks with my formatting...
Once again I shamelessly stole from Suits, but I just love the idea of Sakura Haruno being as chill and confident as Donna Paulsen. Inner Sakura is totally reigning in this fic…
Sasuke arrives work the next morning with a throbbing headache and a larger than usual disdain for the world.
He hates mornings on principle, but powers through them because he has to. Today he’s regretting that second tumbler of whiskey – alcohol tolerance is one of the few areas that he doesn’t shine – and wishing he could have just stayed in bed.
The surreal meeting with someone named Haruno feels like no more than a dream, and he thinks it’s entirely conceivable that he hallucinated her –
Except when he exits the elevator and heads into his office, there is a perplexingly familiar pink haired person standing by his desk.
What the…?
He strides forward, trying to disguise his confusion with a scowl.
“What are you doing here?” he demands, his head pulsing painfully with every word. He hopes to convey several other questions with that one demand -  how did you get in the building without identification, who let you up, why wasn’t I informed?
“I have my ways,” she informs him, sounding maddeningly cheerful and enigmatic as she hands him a cup of coffee. “Here – black, no sugar and a dash of cinnamon and chili power.”
He blinks, so caught off balance by the segue that he automatically reaches for the cup.
“How do you know that’s how I take my coffee,” he asks, eyes flicking disdainfully down to the cup, all the while blaming sleep-deprivation and the hangover for his uncharacteristic malleability this morning.
“The same way I know you’ve decided to hire me.”
He narrows his eyes. “You know I’m going to hire you because I haven’t called security yet.”
“Oh, I knew you were hiring me the second you let me help sneak you out of that soiree early,” she retorts easily as he shifts in surprise – he doesn’t remember that – and continues smugly, “I did tell you I know people better than they know themselves.”
Sasuke considers her again for a further minute, and then relaxes. He’s not sure if it’s in resignation or acceptance. At least she’s dressed appropriately for work today, pink hair aside. And she brought him caffeine, which is a start.
“Fine,” he says, reaching for his chair. “When Hokumono gets in tell her –”
“Already done.”
He raises an eyebrow, only slightly taken aback. “You didn’t kill her, did you?”
“While that’s not outside of my power, no, I had Nanmono-san reassign her,” she informs him unconcernedly. As if there’s nothing outstanding about some strange woman walking into a major business and ordering a man three times her size to reallocate another employee.
“Shikamaru Nara.”
Sasuke’s mouth twitches, because he knows how much that will piss off the other man – and have the added bonus of ensuring he can’t nod off watching clouds. Hokumono Tayuya swears like a Yankī at the most random moments, and he’s pretty sure she would rather head a biker gang than be working as a corporate assistant. He vaguely recalls hearing that a powerful relation or something got her the job – which she kept due to the general uselessness of the former CEO and Sasuke’s own distaste for filling out paperwork.
It’s a change he welcomes, although he doesn’t tell this to the unbelievably cheerful woman before him. Instead he deflects, inquiring, “Other than firing my assistant, do you actually know how to complete administrative work?”
“Really, Sasuke-kun, you’re still doubting my abilities?” she teases, reaching for a tablet beside her. It’s this more than anything that stops him from reacting with knee-jerk annoyance at the casual form of address.
“Where did you get that?” he demands, staring at the company issue digital tablet that her fingers dance across.
“I know someone in IT,” she answers, and then passes him the device. He stares uncomprehendingly down at the screen and sees that – somehow – she’s managed to space out his double- and triple-booked meetings and appointments throughout the week according to maximum efficiency. The most important individuals are always scheduled in the morning, just as he likes it, and she has even accounted for his kendo schedule and a weekly luncheon at his favorite restaurant.
She looks as if she’s expecting him to compliment her or acknowledge his amazement at her skills, but he was raised in a family that didn’t waste praise on qualities a person knew were exceptional. She’ll learn that quickly if she expects to stay here.
“Hatake will never be on time for these, no matter how adequate you are at scheduling things,” he points out, gesturing to his Tuesday and Thursday appointments with his head of advertising.
“We’ll see about that,” she says, grinning wolfishly like she has taken that as a personal challenge. Sasuke thinks he doesn’t envy Kakashi having to face that particular resolve.
“Hm,” he says, because he has nothing to say to that.
“On that note, I have paperwork to file, and you have phone calls to return,” she goes on, passing him a notepad with neat writing on it.
“You answered my phone,” he deadpans.
“Well, Hokumono wasn’t going to, she was busy swearing a blue streak all the way down to the fourth floor. Also, your mother called – ”
“… you spoke to my mother?”
“ – She wanted to know if you were coming to your nephew’s birthday.”
Sasuke’s eye twitches. “What did you tell her?”
“That the Taka merger is today and you can’t miss it, but because you know the importance of family you’ll squeeze in a half hour on your way there,” she answers without missing a beat, “which will give you enough time to make a quick round of greetings and drop off a gift.”
“I don’t have –”
“Yes, you do, you’re giving him a giant Lego set, which is fun enough for a boy Haochizuki’s age and is educational – it helps with motor skills, fosters lateral thinking and creativity.”
“Did you memorize the brochure?” he grumbles, trying get over the constant sense of being thrown off balance.
“No, I played with a lot of Lego as a kid.”
“Of course you did,” he mutters.”
“Anyhow, given the short time frame you have, you won’t be able to stay very long – and if you greet the following guests that I’ve noted at the bottom of the page there –”
“Hold on, you know who’s attending?”
“Of course, once I called your sister-in-law to make sure the gift was age appropriate –”
“How the hell did you get Izumi’s phone number?” he demands, all ability to pretend aloofness disappearing.
She smirks at him. “Ways. I have them. Now stop interrupting, you have a tight schedule this morning and don’t have time to be basking in my awesomeness.”
Sasuke’s mouth snaps shut with an audible click.
“As I was saying, if you greet all those people I listed, you can make some valuable network connections, and also limit the amount of time you actually speak to your brother to about a minute and a half. Forty-five seconds if you stop in to compliment Inuzuka-san about his dog. It’s up to you which one you’d rather stomach.”
“Do you ever breathe?” he asks dimly.
“Only when I have to,” she chirps. “I told you – I’m not like any other assistant you could have. I’m Haruno Sakura. And I’m really looking forward to working with you.”
Again, he doesn’t know what to say to that.
It bothers him that somehow this…this person manages to put him off balance to easily, to the point he actually has to interpret what she’s saying to him because it makes no sense. He wonders if this is what it’s like for Naruto when Sasuke talks to him.
So, instead of commenting, he instead says, “Whatever,” and sits down.
“I’m taking my conference calls now – don’t let anyone disturb me.”
“You got it, boss!”
She strides confidently from the room.
“And for the record, I don’t take cinnamon in my coffee,” he calls after her.
“You will when you try that,” she replies without even turning her head.
Sasuke scowls at her retreating back through the glass windows of his office and sits back in his chair, somehow already exhausted.
How can anyone be so…exuberant this early in the morning?
Considering the merits of just firing her and finding a quiet, boring secretary – someone like Hyūga Hiashi’s daughter – Sasuke takes a resentful sip of his coffee.
And then startles at the sharp kick that shoots through him as he swallows.
Because it actually tastes good. Spicy, not sweet, and it feels like someone has hooked up an IV of caffeine directly to his veins.
“I told you so,” he hears Sakura singsong and when he glances up, she is grinning at him from her place at the desk outside his office.
Sasuke scowls at her and pointedly shoves the coffee cup away, reaching for his phone to dial his first appointment of the day.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
So, as I said, I’ll continue this one whenever the mood strikes me. It might not update as much as other stuff, but hey, when I’m inspired, you’ll get a chapter.
Reviews and concrit are appreciated!
Next Chapter
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midnight-byte · 8 years ago
Alright ya nerd, ocean ask time! Sails, lighthouse, turquoise, waves, seafoam, storm, boardwalk, coral, nymph, seawater, siren, aquamarine, tidal, azure, coastline, voyage, cerulean, shoreline, tsunami, hurricane. ENJOY ALL THE WORK, NERD!
Sails - describe your perfect partnerHmm…Not really sure how to go about answering this one since I don’t really look for relationships. Still, I guess in terms of friendship, I look for someone who is first of all kind and compassionate. Extra bonus points if I can geek out with them and talk about my favorite games with them and they have played some of those games too though this is not essential. Lighthouse - how much makeup do you wearNone! Get the stuff away from me! Props to anyone who can wear it and enjoy it, but personally it feels so unnatural and I’m not into beautifying myself since I am decently happy with how I look. Turquoise - weirdest dream you’ve ever hadThis is a tough one since I’ve had so many. There was one dream in particular that comes to mind though. It started with my house being lifted into the sky and flying similar to how that works in the movie Up even though I hadn’t watched it recently when this dream occurred. The only difference was sails rather than balloons and the controls were much more complicated. I landed on a beach and had some sort of clear, glass-like barrier keeping out some sort of big, wild animal. I think they were bears, but they ended up being unimportant anyway. I saw footprints along the beach so I followed them to this guy dressed in a red cape crouched on the sand writing something in it with a stick. As I got closer, I realized he was Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII. He then bitterly told me his life story with the difference being in the dream that KFC somehow stole his girlfriend, Lucrecia Crescent from him. Once done talking, he then continued walking along the beach alone, drawing the phrase’ “KFC SUCKS” in the sand occasionally. He might have cried. Another dream involved a miniature Dumbledore harassing me through the woods telling me to follow the yellow-brick road (which didn’t exist!)  in a really squeaky, high-pitched voice. My dreams are weird, man. Waves - favorite season and whySpring! Call me a sap, but it just seems very poetic and beautiful in terms of the whole death to life transition in nature. Perfect hiking weather, the birds come back, it’s all good! It probably also helps that I don’t have allergies to bog down on things. Seafoam - describe your ideal summer vacationDefinitely would be traveling back to China for an extended amount of time. It would be a dream come true to have a whole tour across the providences, taking in all the cultures and sights while trying some amazing food! Stopping in other countries on the flight there and/or back would also be ideal!Storm - do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why notI have my own ears pierced, but that’s as far as I’ll go personally. I enjoy the self-expression piercing and the earrings can provide so they are really cool in that sense. I certainly don’t mind people who get additional piercing as long as they are within reason and aren’t harmful. Tattoos are awesome! I wouldn’t get one myself, but I have a deep appreciation for the art form and the meanings they can hold for the people who get them. Boardwalk - who is your favorite fictional coupleZack Fair X Aerith Gainsborough Coral - if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and whyThis is tough. Maybe a pizza? The underlying things are the same: crust, sauce, cheese, but the toppings can vary and I’d like to think those toppings represent my friends who make my life all the more flavorful! Nymph - old-fashioned or modern decorIt all depends on how it’s handled really. Overall though, I guess I do like a more modern sort of look since there are so many possibilities with it. More often than not, it makes everything seem so nice and neat while adding a unique spin on things. Seawater - scariest movie you’ve ever watchedI honestly don’t know. Not a big horror movie fan and the last movie that was in the horror movie genre was really lame in all honesty. I guess I could go by what scared me the most after viewing it when I was young and that movie was Gremlins, though I enjoy the movie nowadays. Siren - in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mageRogue! I just find it more enjoyable over all. It’s a well rounded class in a way that does allow for more clever or unconventional solutions to problems should they arise. They can attack when possible, but I do also enjoy the sneaky - sneaky approach on occasion. Aquamarine - describe your dream dateAgain, I am not really seeking out relationships or anything so I haven’t really thought about this sort of thing. Still, I guess it would be the same things I enjoy doing with friends. Maybe talking a long walk somewhere, possibly the wilderness, exploring an interesting shopping district, maybe even going to an attraction of some sort or just staying home to play video games. I guess I’m happy with whatever and bonus if  food is somehow related during or afterwards.Tidal - what is a color that best describes your personalityI’m gonna have to say blue. I won’t specify the shade of blue though because that is the beauty of it. It can be calm as the sky, or as deep, mysterious, and unreachable as the sea. There are different interpretations, and meanings behind each one and I feel I can relate in a way with the many layers and experiences within my own life. Azure - what is something that you do that makes you happyA lot of things make me happy. Reading a good book, seeing an OTP get together, drinking some tea or hot chocolate, playing video games, hanging out with friends, watching a Disney or Dreamworks movie. A ton of things and I’m not picky since I’ll enjoy them as they come. Coastline - what is your favorite flowerGiven my URL, it would be absolutely criminal to say anything besides lilacs! Still, I do enjoy several others such as snapdragons, azaleas, and lotuses. Voyage - what are your favorite namesI really like unique names. This is probably because I have the simplest, most plain name in the world >Cerulean - do you believe in true loveEhh this is iffy. Can’t really say I’ve experienced basic love outside of the feelings people may express toward friends or family. To say that true love exists for me would then seem like a huge stretch. I guess maybe it can exist for others and their relationships, but that is all conjecture since I can never really feel what others do and I am merely a bystander taking a logical look at something highly based on emotion. Shoreline - if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and whyTough choice. I’d have to pick Chinese though since I do have a love for the language and culture and hope to travel there again in the future. Also, it’s a pain to learn normally so if I could just magically learn it, that would be wonderful!Tsunami - describe a dream outfit of yoursI don’t really care what I wear, like at at. I guess fandom wear and shirts with creative graphics on them are nice. Still, if it can be outside of casual wear and all that then Give. Me. Frickin’. Armor. I don’t even care if I can never wear it, it’d be awesome as all heck!Hurricane - describe a strange habit of yoursI always wear a ring that has a spinning component to it so I do like to fiddle with that a lot more than I should. Thanks for the ask, ya nerd! You listed pretty much everything on there so it took a while to do, but I had a ton of fun doing it!
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