#seeing my friends on friday/Saturday and i literally feel like its christmas eve
writing-makes-me-antsy · 11 months
I am so normal about my friends (lie)
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mysweetestcreature · 5 years
Tomorrow Never Knows (President!Harry) Chapter 12: All I Want for Christmas
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Author’s note: Hiiiiii, so I honestly have no idea what happened to the post scheduled for earlier, but Tumblr has always been a little b*tch so I’m not surprised lmao. This version isn’t as well edited as the one that disappeared, so please excuse any slips (it’s late and I’m kind of drunk so teehee). ANYWAY! Happy Holidays, everyone! Thank you so much for everything you do for me. From the bottom of my heart, I love you all :’)
Saturday December 13, 2008
With the holiday season comes all things festive; from brilliant and twinkling lights wrapped around post lamps, to an army of nutcracker statuettes that line town square, and finally that wishful little mistletoe hung above a few select archways and unsuspecting doorframes. There’s a different attitude that floats in the air during this time of year, an unexplainable elation swirled in with a dash of mild intensity.
You’ll never see more people in one place than at the mall, when everyone is on a mission to find that perfect gift, maybe even the perfect outfit for the office Christmas party with the cheap wine, or something of a school dance that may or may not be the social event of the year (unless you’re a senior, then prom is most definitely the only thing to look forward to).
“Why can’t I see it?” Harry pouts, peeking into the gaps of the brown Bloomingdale’s paper bag. 
She rolls her eyes; this is probably the eighth time in twenty minutes he’s asked her. For some reason he’d been under the impression that he’d get to see her try it on. Much to his dismay (but to her amusement), however, it had been a quick and easy pick up from the alterations department on the third floor. “Because I’m your girlfriend, and I said you can’t.”
Harry frowns slightly, eyebrows furrowing. “I don’t really see a correlation between those two statements, although. . .” He backs her against a wall, hands finding their place on the curves of her hips. A cheeky grin replaces his former expression, dimples making their indents on either side of his mouth. “I do like it when you call yourself my girlfriend.” 
Humming, she tilts her head to the side and wraps her arms around his middle. He swallows when she grazes the tip of her nose to his, his mouth parting in anticipation. They’re close enough that he can easily smell her strawberry lip balm. “Yeah?” she speaks meekly. The radiant look in her eyes makes his heart beat thrice its usual rhythm. He nods in response, just about ready to lean down.
Of course, timing has never been their strongest point, and Harry’s phone rings annoyingly from the pocket of his North Face. He sighs, dropping his head down, eyes squeezing shut when he sees the name lit up on the screen. “Are you gonna answer that, or should I?” Y/n giggles, snatching his cell from between his fingers. He shakes his head and pleads her not to pick it up, but she flips the cover open and brings it right to her ear. “Hi, Anne!” 
There’s a string of mumbles from under his breath. He had assumed that they’d be free from interruptions once they’d finally gotten together, but time and time again (an average of three times a week, he’s noticed) there’s always someone out to mess with him. The other day, Mason had squirmed his way between them while they were cuddled up under her favorite fluffy blanket, and Harry had only taken notice when he turned to peck her on the cheek only to end up with half his face covered in peanut butter frosting (his girlfriend––and he really can’t stress enough how happy the title makes him––thought it was absolutely hilarious).
“Yeah, we’re just about finished. . .” She playfully pushes his face to the side when he gives her another pout. “Okie dokie, we’ll be out in a sec. . .see you in a bit!” The call ends with the clap of the main screen against the keypad. She gives him a toothy grin and rises to the tips of her toes to press a gentle kiss to the side of his mouth. “Let’s go?” 
She’s on her bed when Cici barges into her room, a tote full of clothes hanging off her shoulder that she then drops by the closet door. “Where’s your knight with shining curls?” her best friend snorts as she plops herself down on her bed. She’d texted earlier saying that she would be hiding at the Y/l/n residence to escape the arrogance of her visiting aunt’s family. 
Y/n looks up from flipping through her latest issue of Teen Vogue. “I think he should be here quarter of.” He’d left over two hours ago to help his mom and sister decorate their Christmas tree. 
“I see you got your dress,” Cici notices, reaching for the bag by her nightstand. She pulls the stapled edges apart with an approving look from Y/n, then pulls out the garment until the bag falls back to the floor. “Oh damn!” she whistles, kneeing the mattress as she holds it up. “Has Harry seen this yet?”
“I’ve literally done everything in my power to avoid that,” she mutters, falling back against her pile of pillows. The implications of not going to the dance with her boyfriend hadn’t registered with her until yesterday when Zoey had showed him the exact corsage that she wanted him to get her. Now she feels almost sick thinking about Zoey’s perfectly manicured and deadly nails racking around her boyfriend’s body while she forces him to dance. And maybe that’s why she doesn’t want Harry to see her dress just yet, she wants to surprise him the day of because the petty part of her wants to send Zoey a clear message. 
Cici snorts loudly, laying down next to her, and both girls just stare up at the ceiling. “If you want my honest opinion, I think you should just go together. So, what if a few people get butt hurt? Do you really want to see that bitch try to make moves on him?” 
“Obviously not, but. . .” she lets out a long sigh. “Jasper.” She keeps having to remind herself that she’s Jasper’s date, and it just wouldn’t be fair to him if she were to be an absent companion. “He keeps saying how excited he is for this, and I don’t know Ci. I don’t have the heart to tell him that I don’t want to go formal with him, let alone that the reason being that I want to go with my boyfriend of what? Two weeks now?” She’s given this whole lot of thought, really, she has! Sure, the easiest solution would be to call off her date with Jasper, but she doesn’t want him to think that he was only a stand in for Harry until they finally admitted their feelings. No one should be subjected to that kind of impairing thought. 
“You’re being way being too nice––maybe the pope will canonize you one day. ‘Saint Y/n’ patron saint of the criminally kind.” 
She pulls a pillow from behind and whacks the side of her friend’s head, who then whacks her back with just as much force. “Stop being so dramatic, this isn’t Gossip Girl.”
“And it’s a travesty,” Cici tuts, but her eyes start to twinkle as she loses herself in thought. “If it were, I’d be Mrs. Nathaniel Fitzwilliam Archibald by now. Don’t you think Chace Crawford and I would make the most beautiful babies?”
“They’ll have the best eyebrows, that’s for sure.”
Friday December 19, 2008
The last day before the winter formal––and furthermore the last day until winter break–– and it’s all the students of Ashwood can talk about. At every turn, all that can be heard is who’s attending with who or what designer their dress is from. Almost all of their classes have resorted to study halls since apparently no one can stay focused for more than five minutes at a time, which really is stupid since midterms are scheduled only two weeks after they come back. 
On the plus side, since they’re screening Home Alone 2 in Spanish, it at least distracts the rest of the class while she and Harry giggle to themselves in the back-left corner of the room. During the beginning of their relationship, they had at least tried to remain discreet so as to avoid all the theories of conspiracy from the school’s notorious gossips over at the Ashwood Almanac. As the final days of the year dwindle down, however, all precautions to keep everything on the down-low have disintegrated, and they’ve probably shared a few not-so-private (though none have ever been in front of a grand audience. . .about five people, max) smooches when they part ways after a long history lesson with Mr. Noone.  
“As in right in the nuts?” he laughs through the question, his arm wrapped around the back of her chair as his fingers tread through loose locks. She’s telling him all about how Mason had thrown a snowball, which had actually ended up having a moderately sized rock lodged in there somehow, directly between Jeremy’s legs. And yeah, he does feel bucket loads of sympathy because he can’t even count how many times he’s had a football to the groin in his years of being an athlete, but he’s more so charmed by how animated she is when she talks about her family.  
“I don’t know how he did it, but then Dad went completely cross-eyed when it hit him. Like this.” For a split second, she’s able to mimic his reaction and it has him trying to contain his amusement with her shoulder before Señora Gustavo can scold them for being too disruptive. 
After a few moments settled within a comfortable silence, enough time for them to let Jeremy’s many woes fade from consciousness, their eyes meet again, and he just smiles at her. It’s one of those sappy lovesick smiles that would have surely made her knees buckle had she not already been sitting down. 
“So, Mum’s Christmas Eve party, you’re all going, right?” he asks, his thumb grazing the side of her arm. For as long as he can remember, Anne’s been hosting this party every year without fail. He supposes it started when she and his dad were still together––maybe even before then––since he’s seen pictures from the early nineties before even Gemma was born. Even when they’d moved to the States, his mum has always been the sociable sort, so during that first year away from Holmes Chapel had been filled with the company of their neighbors and over a dozen of her colleagues. This time around, Harry’s excitement is beyond a scale’s capacity because his granddad is flying in to celebrate with them. After all their long phone calls, he’ll finally be able to introduce him to the girl he’s been gushing over for months. 
Y/n nods eagerly. “And I already know what I’m making,” she says. There were a few options that she toyed with before falling asleep until ultimately deciding on one special dessert that she sure hopes will be a crowd pleaser come the 24th. It’s something that in theory she knows how to make, but it’ll require a few test runs and backups since she’s aiming for nothing less than perfection. “Your mom mentioned it during Thanksgiving, so I really hope she’ll like it!”
“Don’t want you going through too much trouble. Mum will like anything you make. Went on and on about those pumpkin spice cookies you brought around the house Sunday.” 
“I know, but. . .” Her lips curl inward and trap themselves between her teeth. She looks down into her lap, fingers messing with a stray thread where her skit had been hemmed. “I just. . .I don’t know. Do you think she’s mad––okay, not mad, but you know. . .annoyed––at me for the whole Jasper-Zoey thing? You keep saying it isn’t, but it’s a hundred percent my fault that we’re not going together.”   
“Baby, no. Don’t say that,” Harry frowns, and he doesn’t realize the new endearment to have tumbled off the tip of his tongue. “This whole dance thing doesn’t mean anything anyway, and it definitely doesn’t change this.” He gestures between the two of them, a lopsided smile spread from cheek to cheek. 
Her eyes narrow as she crosses her arms. “You’re being all cheesy because you want me to kiss you again.”
A loud scoff erupts from the back of his throat, and Señora Gustavo glares up from her laptop to give him another warning. There’s a moment when his face impersonates annoyance (but his arm still remains around her frame), and he begrudgingly turns his attention to Kevin McCallister wreaking havoc on his two unmatched foes. She does the same, but from the corner of her eye she sees the way his mouth plays with his words. In her head, she counts backwards from five, holding in a smirk as the numbers dwindle down. Harry pouts to himself, before he turns back to her. 
“Are my chances high, at least?”  
Saturday December 20, 2008 
“Sweetheart, you look so beautiful!” Liv gushes as she brushes Y/n’s hair back, standing behind her in front of the vanity’s mirror. Y/n looks at herself carefully, her lips pulled up but pressed firmly together. The day has finally arrived, and she doesn’t think she can feel any more anxious than she does right now. Half her hair is pulled back while the rest is curled into the soft waves that fall just beneath her shoulders. Her dress is hung to the side, the sequins almost blinding as they reflect in the bathroom light. 
They’d spent the last two hours doing her hair and makeup, which Liv had insisted she do herself since aside from dentistry and orthodontics, is probably her second passion in life. There’s a story she always likes to tell, about how she’d worked for a beauty salon during college for some extra cash but had ended up staying all four years because she found the whole transformation process to be exciting for both herself and her clients.
“I remember my first high school dance,” her mom continues, and she takes the dress off the hanger and signals for Y/n to stand up. “Now, my dress wasn’t nearly as form-fitting as yours. I mean, what do you expect from the 80s?” She chuckles lightly, shaking her head as she remembers exactly what she wore in her freshman year. Y/n braces herself against the wall as she steps into the pooled dress. “Philip Russo had asked me, and boy oh boy, was he something.”
Y/n snorts as she holds the lace fabric to her chest. “Does Dad know you still think about your high school boyfriend?”
Liv rolls her eyes, zipping the back up with one firm pull. “Oh of course, I talk about him every night before bed. You know what, honey? If I hadn’t met you, I would probably be living in Austin with Philip Russo and our seven kids. It makes for great pillow talk.”
“Did someone call me?” Jeremy’s voice calls from the master bedroom. Followed by his much shorter shadow, he saunters into the bathroom. 
Mason scampers past his dad and wraps his arms around his sister’s legs. “You look like a princess!” he giggles, picking at one of the beads. 
“You really think so, Mase?” she smiles, cupping his cheeks in her hand so he can look up at her. 
The little boy nods furiously. “Yeah! And that means Harry’s your prince, right? Because the prince and princess always kiss each other, right? You and Harry kissed yesterday! I saw it!” He even looks to Liv for support. “Right, Mommy?”
Y/n digs her nails into her palms. The three of them had agreed to keep Mason upstairs when Jasper picks her up just to avoid all awkwardness if her brother wonders where Harry might be. That’s not to say that her parents are completely on board with the idea of this bizarre arrangement. Jeremy had been quite vocally against it because he much rather send his daughter off with a boy he’s come to know and like, rather than. . .well, he’s never met this other boy, so that’s already a red flag in his book. 
“Now what I want to know is why you were snooping on your sister and Harry, huh?” she counters, hands on her hips and toe tapping with parental flare. 
“Because Daddy said I have to keep an eye on them when he’s not home.”
Jeremy’s jaw just drops. “You little traitor,” he grumbles, glaring down at his son. “I told you not to tell the girls about our little secret.”
“Secret secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone!”
“Enough out of you.” Jeremy lifts the boy up and places him over his shoulder. It’s now that he’s able to get a good look at his daughter, his not so little girl. Y/n notices a glisten in his eyes the longer he studies her.
“Dad,” she whines, “remember you said you wouldn’t be dramatic?” 
“I know, I know, but. . .” He twirls her around, a couple times before taking in her full image once more. “First, it's just a school dance, then it’s your wedding day. Jesus Christ, I’m getting old.”
The theme of this year’s winter formal is Winter Wonderland, and despite its cliché nature, student council and the decorations committee had managed to transform the events hall into somewhat of a festive paradise. There’s fake snow falling gracefully in the backdrop at the photographer’s station, where some of the more smitten couples strike their cutest poses as their arms wrap around the other’s figures. Dressed to the nines in their best attire, a few students are already swaying to the DJ’s soundtrack, while others mingle in groups by the punch bowl. 
Harry is somewhat part of the latter category, his one hand occupied with his untouched beverage, the other buried deep in his pocket as he stands stiffly at Zoey’s side. She’s bragging about the price tag on her dress, gushing over how her daddy bought it right from the designer himself. “And he totally gave me his number and said I could stop by the New York office any time.”
“Bunch of bollocks,” Harry snorts into his cup, the fruity red liquid just barely grazing his top lip. 
Zoey turns around, a sickeningly sweet and glossy smile greeting him. “What was that?” she asks, far too perky in her mannerisms, in his opinion.   
“Nothing.” He takes a long sip for no other reason than to keep himself distracted. It works for a few more minutes, with him only participating in their conversation when he’s directly addressed, or if Zoey wants another damn refill of water. 
Now, he isn’t quite sure what had possessed him to ask Zoey, of all the girls he could have chosen, to the dance. It was right after Y/n had told him she’d be going with Jasper, and he’d gone outside to clear his head. Who was the first (okay, second, but Señora Gustavo does not count) person he’d run into? The decision had been made in a split second, and for fuck’s sake his biggest regret is not taking a few more to think about it. 
“Harry!” He turns on his heel at the call of his name, the first genuine smile of the night cheering up his downcast features when he sees Cici and Maxxie arrive through the doors. Excusing himself, he all but runs to them, enveloping both in a hug that’s filled with every bit of relief. 
“Oh, thank god,” he sighs. “She’s driving me up the walls.” 
Cici looks over his shoulder, brow raised as she glares at the redhead. “Are those next season’s Christian Louboutin’s? Unbelievable!”
“Jealousy is not a good look on you,” Maxxie teases, poking her side. “I’m not jealous. Just annoyed that the nasty ones always get first serve. And it’s honestly super annoying that she looks kind of good.”
“She’s beautiful. . .” Harry says suddenly, and both Maxxie and Cici gasp at his confession. The latter smacks his chest, and steam practically flares from her nostrils because she’s always had that protective instinct. Maxxie is more sensible, however, and he follows the line of Harry’s gaze right the source. It’s then he takes it upon himself to turn their friend around.
“What are you–”
It’s a scene right out of a movie as Y/n steps through the door, gently shielding her eyes as one of the moving spotlights casts down on her. Her dress reflects a light just as strong, and it manages to catch the attention of a majority of those around. She searches for something, fingers fiddling at her front as she looks unsurely through the room. It’s when she sees the three of them that she smiles widely. 
“Guys!” she waves to them, lifting the skirt of her dress as she jogs over. “Oh my gosh, Ci! You look amazing!” she squeals, hugging her friend. 
“I know.” Cici has never been one to maintain modesty, but it’s one of the reasons why Y/n loves her. “But look at you! Oh my god, you look like Hilary Duff.”
“That seems to be the consensus apparently,” she blushes. She gives Maxxie a kiss on the cheek, giggling when he whispers something in her ear. It earns him a pinch to his side, and he playfully huffs as he directs himself and Cici to one of the empty tables. 
It just leaves her and Harry. 
He has to resist the urge to reach out.
“You look. . .wow,” he’s at a loss for words. 
Her eyes fall to their feet. “Still trying to get that kiss, I see.” And maybe she wishes she didn’t have to pretend like she doesn’t want to. It happens so quickly that she would’ve missed it she wasn’t paying any attention. His lips press against hers in a kiss. . .or maybe more appropriately a peck. But as her eyes flutter open, she’s met with a cheeky smile to top off an expression that constantly reminds her how in love she is with the boy in front of her. 
She thought that maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to see Zoey hang off her boyfriend like some pathetic sloth until right at this very moment. And she knows she shouldn’t let it all get to her because Harry had assured her over a dozen times over the phone that she’d be the only person he’ll be paying any attention to, but she really can’t help but feel mildly insecure. She hasn’t even had the chance to tell him how handsome he looks because Zoey had abruptly whisked him away as soon as Mariah Carey had started playing through the speakers. Take that, and the fact that Jasper had finally found his way to her after he’d talked to a few friends by the entrance. 
The car ride here had been a bit awkward, if she’s being honest. Jeremy hadn’t been so successful in keeping Mason upstairs, and the little boy had even been the one to open the door because he had been anticipating a completely different face. “You’re not–” Luckily, Liv had been there to cover his mouth before he could say anything more. “Kids! Am I right?��� And after a few quick snaps from her mom’s camera, they were off in his dad’s SUV, both sat in the back seat with the middle completely empty. There was some small talk, mostly questions of ‘are you excited’ or ‘hopefully the food is good’ and whatnot. She had tried her best, she really had, to keep things light and non bothersome, but she can sense that he knows something’s up.
“Hey,” she touches Jasper’s arm. “I’m just gonna go to the ladies’ room.” 
When she walks out of the bathroom, she feels herself being whisked to the side. Before she can let out a yelp, she catches a whiff of his familiar scent, and it’s enough to soothe her panic. 
“Are you crazy?” she giggles, looking down at the other end of the hall. “We’re supposed to be in there.” 
Harry shrugs nonchalantly before leaning his forehead against hers. “Just a little.”
“Thank god we got that settled then.” She lets her hands fall into his hair, loving the way his soft brown curls feel in the slope between her fingers. For the first time tonight, she feels completely at ease as their bodies sway gently to the echo of a song. “Hi,” she whispers.
It’s then he gives her a proper embrace, holding her as close to him as he can, letting everything around them fade into the back of his mind.
“Hi.” He buries his nose into her hair. “I’m sorry this is how we have to share our first dance.” 
He then pulls away just enough to look into her eyes, his heart swelling when she cups his face and presses a long kiss to his lips. The hold he has around her waist tightens as he deepens it further. 
“It’s okay,” she answers when she breaks free in need of air. She giggles as she swipes his mouth of any traces of her lip gloss. “I’m actually surprised you were able to get away from your date.”
Rolling his eyes, Harry lets out a humorless snort that she happens to find greatly entertaining. “It wasn’t easy, let me tell you. I had to make up some excuse about how my stomach was feeling all out of sorts when I saw you walk out. Figured it was the perfect opportunity to get my girl alone. Plus. . .” He directs her gaze above, and she can’t help but laugh when she sees a mistletoe hung above them. Without missing a beat, his lips find their way back to hers.
Come talk to me about our babies!
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thefandomsinhalor · 5 years
The Lucky Pairs of Christmas Underwear
An Advent Calendar fic by thefandomsinhalor 
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Not Rated (it is rated as such until I finish the fic, right now it’s leaning on Mature.)
Summary: Due to heavy workloads and conflicting schedules, Sam and Dean, living in different cities, are both disappointed when it appears that they won't be able to spend the holidays together—something they had always managed to do in the past.
This turn of events, however, offers them both the opportunity to seek someone else to share their respective holidays with, and when Dean's last year crush is paired up with him at the Gift Wrapping booth, and Sam keeps running into a charming new acquaintance, by helping each other, the brothers feel hopeful that Christmas time might not be ruined after all.
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Chapter One: A Holly Jolly Time
“Dean? Hello? Did you—are you still there?”
Sitting on a very uncomfortable chair at an overpriced café, for someone of his limited means anyway, Dean swallowed hard. Still holding the phone to his ear, he lowered his eyes as he felt his heart growing heavy at the news he had just heard.
“Dean?” repeated Sam at the other end of the line.
“Yeah. Still here. Sorry. Just—I didn’t expect that.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I feel awful. It’s just—work is crazy.”
“It’s okay, Sammy. I get it. Hell, I’m in the same situation. If not worse.”
“And this is why I’m really sorry. I had agreed to be the one to—”
“Sam, stop.” He cleared his throat. “I—it sucks, but like I said, I get it. We’ve been lucky so far, but I guess that this year…” he let out a deep sigh. He couldn’t even finish the sentence.
“I promise I’ll do my best to change it, but right now, um, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to join you for Christmas,” Sam said in a desolate voice.
Dean nodded blankly. “Any other good news?”
Sam let out a deep sigh in turn.
“I—I just, Dean, I hate the idea that you’ll be alone for Christmas.”
“Me? I’ll be fine, Sam. What about you? What are you going to do?”
“I’ll be okay too. I’ll be at work.”
Dean lowered his phone and shook his head for a moment, and then he brought his phone back to his ear. “That’s what I mean, Sam. You, not being able to make it here because of work, deadlines and travelling schedule, that’s one thing. But to actually work on Christmas? I mean, I’m not even doing that and all I do is work.” 
“I don’t have a choice. And honestly, it’s just, you know, one day. For a few hours. Which is really annoying when said like this, but...Work will be a nice distraction. And we can still talk. And skype for the rest of the day if you want. It’s ridiculous, but we can do it. I was almost going to suggest that we postpone Christmas and meet up soon after, but….”
“Nah. I mean, even if I knew for a fact that we could do something in the following week, I feel like we would have missed it. It would still be cool, but you know.”
“That’s what I thought too,” agreed Sam. “But we should do something for New Year’s Eve. I’m definitely working on that.”
“All right. Work will still be nuts on my end, but it should have diminished a bit by then. Or maybe I could make it to your end this time.”
“Dean, no. I—unless you let me help you out with money—”
“No,” blurted out Dean.
“—but I know you won’t agree to it,” said Sam, sighing.
Biting his bottom lip, Dean pondered on Sam’s suggestion. “I’m not saying yes, but I’ll think about it,” he brought himself to say.
“You will?”
“Just because I haven’t seen your freaking face for far too long now. But still. Not a definite yes.”
“But you’ll consider it?”
“Yeah. But it’s still too early in the month to have a clue of what the situation’s going to be at that point. So, I’ll leave it to that for now.”
“All right. That’s great,” said Sam.
Dean could hear how happy Sam was at the idea, so he decided that he should make an effort to make it happen.
“And Dean, even if for whatever reason that doesn’t work out either, I promise I’ll visit you soon, okay?”
“All right, Sammy. But don’t worry. I’m—it’s disappointing, but I know you tried. It will be okay.”
“Thanks Dean. I—thanks for understanding.” There was a long pause, and then Sam asked, “So, besides that? Anything new?”
Welcoming the change to a less depressing topic, Dean said, “Not really.”
“What about work? Is the holiday frenzy rising?”
A slightly less depressing topic.
“The frenzy is settling in, all right,” he sighed.
“Is the music driving you nuts already?”
“It’s been driving me nuts for the last two weeks. I was actually freaking humming Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer yesterday and I didn’t even notice it. I only did when a customer mentioned it.”
Sam let out a laugh. “Sorry. A few more weeks and it will be all over. And it’s better than last year, right? Since you’re at the Chocolaterie this time. I thought you said it was a bit more shielded than the rest of the store now that they moved its location this year.”
“Yeah, well that was the plan, but not anymore.” Dean leaned back into his seat.
“What? I—what do you mean?”
“I was about to tell you earlier. I was transferred a couple days ago to another department. Sort of.”
“No! What? But why?”
Dean cleared his throat. “It just needed to be done.”
“Why? Dean, what does that mean?” asked Sam, nearly aggravated as though he already knew the answer.
Dean debated for a moment whether or not he should share the specifics with his brother, knowing that Sam would most undoubtedly be worried and annoyed at him.
Nor would he be shy to express his views about it.
And Dean had worked really hard to avoid this particular lecture.
But since Sam had been honest about his work situation, he concluded that he owed him the same courtesy.
So, Dean replied, “Because another position opened up at the last minute and it offered more hours. I gave my name and here we are.”
“Dean,” groaned Sam.
I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.
“It’s all right, Sam.”
“Is it? How many hours are we talking about now?”
“Twenty hours.���
Sam swore loudly. “On top of your full time job at the garage? And the gig that Jo got you with Pam?”
“I was hoping you forgot about that…”
“I didn’t. Dean, this is nuts. How are you even able to pull this off?”
Dean crossed one arm over his chest, lowering his eyes.
“Bobby is helping me out. I’m solid during the day at the garage throughout the week, so I can have my nights and the weekends to do the rest.”
“That’s not what I meant. Do you even have a day off? A night off?”
“You’re one to talk, Sam. And it’s just for December. Everything will be back to normal after that.”
“December starts tomorrow and it’s already insane. And answer the question.”
Dean sighed. “I work at the store on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. And in the afternoon during the weekend. And then Saturday nights, I wait at Pam’s events, which is really not a big deal. I did it this summer. It’s good money.”
“You did it once, Dean. One wedding. Not four in a row on top of—”
“No weddings this time. Pam said it will be Christmas parties for companies. The first one is tonight. It’s gonna be fine.”
“That leaves you with what, though? For free time?”
“I still have my evenings Sunday through Tuesday.”
“If you’re not pulling extra hours at the garage, you mean? Which I’m guessing you’re already doing in the mornings during the weekends? Am I right?”
“Sam,” warned Dean.
Sam remained silent for a good minute, until he said, “Dean, I’m worried.”
“Don’t be. It’s all going to go in the piggy bank so I’ll be able to catch my breath during the harsh winter,” he joked.
Sam let out a deep sigh. “And what about the new position at the store? Shit, Dean. I—I know you were really happy about—you were actually looking forward to the Chocolaterie. Now, I feel even worse about not being able to go.”
“It’s not your fault. And anyway, it’s just a job for the holidays. No matter what it is, we both know the novelty would have worn off eventually.”
“Okay, hold on here. Because we both know the real reason you wanted to work in that department. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the job in question…”
Dean pursed his lips, lifting his head to look at the ceiling, annoyed.
“Ugh. Not this again, Sam. I told you, it was…it’s not important.”
“Bull. You’ve been whining about this guy for, like, literally a freaking year now. A year.”
“Well, whatever,” urged Dean. “Doesn’t change anything now as he’s not even here.”
“But you said that last year he hadn’t shown up until a week or so before Christmas.”
“I said I only noticed him at the end of the season. Nuance.”
“But you also said they had added employees as Christmas approached. So maybe he was one of them. And he will be this year too.”
Dean let out a sigh. “I don’t know, Sam. All I can do is wait and see.” And after a short pause, he added in an urgent manner, “If I cared. Which, I don’t. Not really.”
Sam snorted. “Right.”
“What about you, huh? Made any headway with your office crush?”
“I—there’s been progress.”
“Yeah? Asked her out yet?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
At the sound of Sam clearing his throat, Dean shook his head.
“Did you or did you not ask her out, Sam?”
“I…okay, I haven’t yet, but—”
“God, Sam,” said Dean, cutting him off. “What are you waiting for?”
“If you would let me finish, I was going to say I’m going to. I’m just waiting for the right opportunity.”
“And when’s that? On your wedding day?”
Sam huffed. “I’ll get to it. The timing and the setting have to be right.”
Dean was not impressed by this statement.
“Don’t wait too long.”
“I won’t.”
Not wanting to push it too far, Dean asked, “Got anything else planned for today?
“Not sure. Kevin texted me. He and some of his friends are going out tonight. He told me the address of the bar. He said he invited Bela too…”
“Perfect! You can make your move then. You’re going, right?”
“I don’t know. I have so much work to do.”
“Sam, I swear if you don’t go, I will somehow teleport to Chicago and drag you there myself.”
“Dean, this isn’t really my scene.”
“That’s precisely why you should go. Live a little. And if Bela’s there, she gets to see you somewhere else than at the office. A different setting, like you’ve been waiting for. And if she’s not there, you still get to have fun.”
“But hitting on her at a bar? Like, that’s just—that’s not really how I had pictured it.”
“Sam, maybe start by finding out if she’s interested? And when you know that she is, feel free to execute whatever fantasy of courtship you had planned out,” he said with a grin on his face. “At least, go to the damn bar and enjoy yourself, huh?”
“In which department are you working at The Milton’s now?” asked Sam.
“Changing the subject, huh? Nice try.”
“I’ll think about what you said,” he assured him. “But I’m curious and you didn’t say earlier.”
There was a reason for that.
“The…I’m working at the Gift Wrapping Booth.”
There was a pregnant pause. “Sorry, the what?”
Dean groaned. “You heard me.”
After a long pause, Sam said, “I see.” Sam hadn’t laughed, but Dean knew full well his brother was most likely holding down a massive fit of laughter. “I’m—wait, aren’t those usually managed by volunteers? And it’s for donations or—”
“It still is. The donation part, I mean. Look, I don’t know the whole story, but apparently, there was an issue last year with some of the volunteers, so this time, they decided to offer their own Gift Wrapping services. Nothing has changed. Every customer is entitled to the services, to donate however much they want, and all the funds goes to the Children’s Hospital, just like last year. The only difference is that the store is employing people instead of relying on volunteers.”
“Is this unusual?”
“I have no clue, but it creates jobs, so I’m not gonna complain about it. It’s actually kinda nice of them to do that since they really don’t have to. And the store is providing the wrapping paper and everything, and let me tell you, it’s not the cheap stuff either.”
“Cool. Cool. I just have one question.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
“Had they seen you wrap anything before they gave you the job or…”
“It’s wrapping, not rocket science.”
“I’m fine,” he said defensively. And then, after a short hesitation, he added, “They do have a certain fancy way of doing it.”
“Thought so.”
“But I’ll manage. I practiced at home a bit—I mean it’s wrapping for God’s sake!”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine, Dean. I was just curious,” said Sam sincerely. “And how do you feel about it so far?”
“Well,” sighed Dean, “honestly, it’s been somewhat uneventful. I’m the only one in the booth—it’s more like a box, but whatever. At least I don’t have anyone boring to tear my ears off, but people haven’t been super eager to have their purchases wrapped so far. So it’s basically been me, sitting on a stupid chair and looking at people buying stuff I can’t afford. While listening to the same twelve songs.”
“Well, I don’t know if that’s encouraging or not, but I’m pretty sure the pace will pick up soon enough.”
“Yeah. Not sure that’s a silver lining.” Moving the phone away from his ear, Dean looked at the time on his phone. “All right,” he said, after putting the phone back, “I have to head back. My break is almost over. I’m lucky they even give me one, so… Thanks for the phone call.”
“Same. Though, I wish I had better news. Hang in there, Dean. The holiday season will be over soon.”
“I will. I’ll call you back tonight after my gig. And you better not answer because you’re out having fun for once,” he said with glee.
“We’ll see.”
“You freaking better.”
“Fine! Bye!”
Dean, walking to his booth, trying not to drag his feet, passed by toys’ department and spotted his friends, Charlie and Jo, looking at the board games.
Not in a talking mood, he simply waved at them and continued his route.
“Dean, wait!” said Jo.
Dean came to halt and let his friends catch up to him. “Sorry, I have to go back.”
“We’ll walk with you a minute,” said Jo. “Are you still good for tonight?”
“Yup. Pam called me Thursday night to double check. She gave me the address and everything. And a reminder of the regulations. I’m trying not to take it personally,” he said, beaming.
“Don’t. She did the same for me too.”
“Thanks again for giving her my name.”
“No problem.”
“You going too, Charlie?”
“Yes,” she sighed. “Which sucks. That’s when I had my D&D meet ups.”
“Create a new one, then,” said Jo. “I’ll join.”
Charlie lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t toy with me, Harvelle.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Then Charlie, smiling, said, “You think we can convince this one too,” she said, poking Dean’s chest with her finger.”
“If I had time to have a life,” he said, “I would.”
Charlie squinted at him. “We’ll have to see about that then.” Continuing walking side by side, she asked him, “So, do you like your new position, Dean?”
“I’m not thrilled, but it’s not bad, either. And if I’m honest, it’s certainly an improvement from last year…”
“That wasn’t very hard to beat,” pointed out Charlie, remembering full well as she had been stuck in the same boat as he had.
Having reached the booth, Dean pushed the half-door, stepped inside the booth, and approached the counter facing the girls.
“Wait, I thought you were at the Chocolaterie?” said Jo. “That was like perfect for you.”
“Yeah. I agree,” said Dean. “But I switched for the hours.”
“So, who is manning the Chocolaterie now?”
“Meg,” said Charlie. “I saw her this morning.”
“What?” exclaimed Dean. “Oh, man! I didn’t even know she was back.” And he made a face of disgust.
“She’s actually not that bad,” said Charlie.
An opinion that was not, it seemed, overly shared with her friends.
“Not that I care about that kind of stuff, but she always seemed kind of a manipulator to me,” said Jo.
“I don’t trust her,” said Dean simply.
Charlie lifted an eyebrow. “Um, one, you barely trust anyone. And two, I’m pretty sure the main reason why you don’t like her is because you saw her lurking around that guy you had heart-eyes for last year.”
Jo turned briskly towards her. “What’s that now?” A smirk appeared on her face. “What guy?”
“You didn’t know this?” asked Charlie.
“No. What guy?” she repeated.
“No one,” said Dean, busying himself by moving the wrapping paper around, which was utterly unnecessary.
“Not no one,” said Charlie. “Last year, there was this guy—dark hair, killer blue eyes, about yay-high—he was one of those last-minute employees. You know the ones who are brought in within the last few days before Christmas for emergencies, substitution or additional help?”
Jo nodded, understanding and eager to hear the rest.
“Okay, well, last year,” she continued, “Dean and I were elves helping out kids to have their picture taken with Santa. Which was not very far from the Chocolaterie. And this guy showed up just a few days before Christmas for additional help there, and from that moment on, all Dean did was constantly stare at his pretty face.”
“I didn’t constantly stare at him…”
“You didn’t ask him out?” said Jo.
Dean, pursing his lips, let out a deep sigh. “I never got to. As it was the last days before Christmas, I didn’t have one second to myself. I don’t even know his name or even exchanged a few words with him. And I didn’t work here after Christmas. I, um, did stop by the store a few times, but…and since I’ve been back, I tried to find out if anyone knew anything, but I haven’t had much luck so far.”
“I asked around too since they kept me on after Christmas, but nothing,” said Charlie.
“The only one who may have something is Meg and the only thing she had said to me last year was that his name was Clarence and I’m pretty sure it’s a goddamn lie. Hence: I don’t trust her.”
“Uh-huh. Were they a thing?” asked Jo to Charlie. “‘Clarence’ and Meg, I mean.”
“Who knows?” said Charlie. “It’s possible. I think Meg was the only one who got to interact with him. But he didn’t stay around for that long and I haven’t heard anything suggesting that either. The guy’s a mystery.”
Frowning, something was still bothering Jo. “Why not ask Rowena? If anyone knows who he is, it would be her, no?”
But Dean and Charlie shook their heads. “Rowena wasn’t here last year, remember? It was that atrocious-ass Adler.”
“Right. I think I had repressed that,” she said with a grim face. “Still, there has to be a way to find out. A record or something?”
But Dean was officially done with the subject. “Whatever,” he shrugged. “It’s not like my life depends on it. It was, like, one guy. Who may or may not have been good-looking. From afar. Whatever.”
Charlie and Jo exchanged devious looks.
Ones that made Dean roll his eyes. He waved them goodbye, as he knew they both needed to head back to their own departments, and watched them stroll down the aisle.
And so, left by himself, and with no customers in sight (for him, at the very least), just as he had told Sam, Dean pulled up a chair, sat down and…waited.
Attempting to seem alert and ready to help.
And not appear overly depressed at doing nothing.
At least it’s not complicated and it certainly beats dealing with rude customers.
On the other hand, killing time by staring in front of him blankly felt like a waste of time. Even if he was technically earning money while doing it.
But he knew he shouldn’t complain. As Sam had mentioned earlier, soon enough, he would most likely reminisce on the time when he was bored out of his skull.
But being kept in that booth with nothing else to do but to watch the people around him, while he was stuck alone, served as a painful allegory to his life. Everything around him was moving and there he stood, waiting for someone to come to him, while he was expected to just smile as if he was having the time of his life.
And now, the one silver lining he had had for the holidays was apparently gone as well.
No Sammy. No traditional cookies. And no making fun of old Christmas movies, while eating junk food and drinking eggnog.
They had never spent Christmas apart before. Even when Sam had been away at college. Even when either of them had been in a serious relationship (though that had mostly been Sam’s case, not Dean’s), they had still celebrated the holidays together.
No matter what. That was their thing.
And now he would have to spend it on his own.
Assuming he would survive the crazy amount of workload awaiting him in December.
And not be driven mad by this infuriating Christmas music.
I hate my life.
Dean nearly jumped out of his skin. A hand over his heart, he turned to his left only to realize someone was standing next to him.
In the booth.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was told to join you today.”
Regaining his composure, Dean said, “Cool. Um, the place has been pretty de—”
And the rest of his sentence died in his throat, the moment his eyes fell on his new co-worker.
Dark hair.
Killer blue eyes.
About yay-high.
It’s him.
And he’s here.
With me.
At the freaking booth.
Dean gawked at him.
Chapped lips.
Stubble beard.
And a deep voice that—
And all I’ve been doing is staring at him like a complete moron.
“Hi!” Dean nearly yelled, waving his hand.
Stop now.
And he immediately dropped his hand.
“Hello,” the man repeated.
“Dean,” said Dean, pointing at himself.
“Hello, Dean. I’m Castiel. Nice to meet you.”
“Um, same. Hi, Castiel.”
And he smiled at him like an idiot.
--End of Chapter One----
Read Chapter Two and the rest of the fic on AO3 :)
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thegravecartel · 6 years
((Alright, this ooc post will be under the cut since there’s actually quite a lot to read.  It’s basically a recap on what’s been going on irl for the past few months since the crisis is finally over, and hopefully it’s actually the end of it.))
((So, from October to after December, three other roommates and I have had to deal with a now ex-roommate that was an absolute dickhead.  That asshole was thirty-years-old, and acted like a goddamn man-child after he broke up with his girlfriend during the first few weeks he lived in the apartment five of us share.  We didn’t see any warning signs before that happened, but it eventually spiraled out of control.  During the Thanksgiving holiday, everyone was supposed to be out of town to see family because it was established among all of us that that had been the plan.
Saturday, after Black Friday, I get a text from his mother saying that she was concerned for the cat he had living with him at the time because he was in the hospital for some unknown reason.  I tell her what he told me- which was that a friend was supposed to take care of his cat while he was gone, but to my shock, he never left town for Thanksgiving.  On that very same day, one of my roommates who also has a cat living with her, sent me texts on what she came home to when she got back from Thanksgiving.  The common area (living room and kitchen) was completely trashed and looked like a hoarder’s nest.  Food from the freezer (that belonged to various roommates because we all have to share one fridge) had been strewn out on the counter and was left there to rot; the ex-roommate’s furniture was cluttering the whole living room space; all of the lights were on along with the ceiling fan; the window screens of the living room had been torn out of their frames; beer cans and dirty dishes flooded the two sinks; and the ex-roommate’s cat was starved, scared, and parched from being locked out of his room where her litter box was.
On top of that, the smoke detectors had been torn out from the ceiling.  When I got back from holiday, I immediately fed the cat and gave it water.  I tried cleaning up the common area, but ended breaking into hysterics when I tried to start cleaning up the mess by myself, so I ended up calling on my parents to help me.  Thankfully, the roommate who returned first helped me clean up the common area and get the loose cat back into the ex-roommate’s unit.  
Now, what he told us when he tried to explain the story, was that the fire alarms went off and he freaked out.  He admitted to breaking the window screens because he was trying to escape the apartment (even though we all know that he could have just used the front door, we literally live across the street from the fire department station, and we live on the first floor), but the police arrested him when he broke out.  This ended with the police taking him into custody, and incapacitating him with ketamine.  With that in mind, he made it seem like he was a victim of police brutality and only focused on trying to convince us of his innocence.  However, whenever we tried to ask him why the apartment was in such a state of utter shit, he went off on complete and utter nonsense that was completely irrelevant to what we were asking.  
Then, I turned to the property manager of the complex we live in, and they gave me information that cleared things up a bit more.  Turns out, he got the cops called him because he was freaking out when the fire alarms went off, and he wasn’t the one who tore the smoke detectors out like we speculated.  We also know that complex security locked the apartment when no one else would be in there while the ex-roommate was in the hospital, so no one broke in and just wrecked the place.  That fucker was the one who did it, but we know that he will neither admit, nor remember doing it.  This is because it turns out that this guy was not only an alcoholic, but a frequent heavy drug user.
To make things worse, the roommate who helped me clean up the wreckage confided in me that the ex-roommate had attempted to steal something from her room.  Not only that, but he consistently stole food and used her kitchen items without cleaning them afterwards, nor did he even ask for her permission to use them.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, she had told him that she’d be around the apartment over Thanksgiving because she didn’t trust him to be in the apartment by himself, but while she was packing her things to leave, she saw him staring at her through her bedroom window.  Remember, this is a thirty-year-old man subletting in an apartment with people who are in their twenty’s; my other three roommates are college students, or at least the other two are, I’m not sure about the third one.  Even creepier, the two roommates who are sharing a unit that are the youngest, told me about how the ex-roommate went to college parties to hit on the girls; alongside stalking the one other roommate when she went to campus.
For the following months, it was misery for the rest of us.  That dumbass may have apologized to us, but he never made any attempts at improving his disgusting behavior, and continued to get worse.  He’d come back to the apartment high as fuck on god knows what, waste the electricity and water by leaving all the lights on and running several loads of laundry at a time.  Not only that, but he fucked up the common area AGAIN after my roommate and I spent an entire Sunday cleaning up that goddamn mess.  Eventually, he got arrested and taken to the hospital again for breaking stuff in the apartment complex lounge.  When the cops came to the apartment, I let them in to investigate his room, and it turns out that he smuggled his cat back into the unit (which he actually never registered, and he had it there illegally) after the poor thing was previously taken out of the unit by his friend, and his room was an absolute horror show.  
Even the cops couldn’t believe the state of the unit, and after I told them everything from the Thanksgiving incident, they were in shock and ended up putting me in charge of feeding and watering his cat until further notice.  Mind you, I have a cat of my own, and don’t have enough resources to take care of two cats long-term.  However, I was able to do as instructed and made sure the cat didn’t starve.  Unfortunately, this cat was always scared and hissed at everyone, old, and required medication for anxiety.  At this point, I had recommended surrendering the cat to the local humane society if he struggled so much to care for his cat, but he refused to do so and claimed that the cat would die, as he put it (which is stupid because humane societies are no-kill shelters).  At this point, I had been constantly trying to get animal control involved, but I eventually broke down into hysterics when dispatch told me nothing could be done, and the ex-roommate would be returning to the apartment sometime soon (I was triggered, I suppose).
Fast-forward to Christmas.  The ex-roommate was supposed to have been transferred long before December even rolled around, but the law wasn’t on our side for the most part.  In fact, they ended up prolonging to suffering, much to all of our dismay.  The court system prevented the ex-roommate from moving out because he was months behind on rent, and this ended up having even more problems because I had to leave town for Christmas, leaving one of the other roommates along with the ex-roommate.  Before I had to leave, however, both of us were walking on eggshells because the ex-roommate came back into the apartment one night, high as hell, and tried breaking into her room.  While she was still in there, changing so she could get ready for a work party.
That sleazy-gross-ass fuck.  This one roommate, in specific, had the misfortune of having to deal with the brunt of the guy’s repulsive behavior.  While the rest of us were gone, he decided to spite everyone by wasting as much water and electricity as he could (which pissed me off quite a bit because I’m the one who pays everyone’s electricity bill, and he hadn’t paid me back for the previous months) to the point of forcing the other roommate to take a cold shower because he wasted all the hot water (WHICH WAS USED TO SUPPLY A FOUR BEDROOM FLAT); he threatened, screamed at, and harassed the other roommate.  He even accused her of discriminating his mental disabilities because she confronted him about tampering with her mail (which is a FELONY).  During all of this, I had been texting with her to make sure she was safe, especially because she wasn’t able to make outgoing phone calls due to being unable to pay her phone bill.  
On Christmas Eve, the ex-roommate was acting out violently, so I called the police for her, and had them reach out to her (A friend of mine pointed out that- I think- the police department can be contacted through text, but I had no idea at the time).  Finally, I return to the apartment, and unfortunately- the ex-roommate is still given the rights to enter and leave the apartment as he pleased.  But at the time, I was far too pissed off to remember this; as a result, he got locked out of the apartment.  Funny thing is, while he had screamed and cursed at the other roommate for dead-bolting him out because she didn’t feel safe, he did absolutely nothing after he was finally let back in.  He realized I had come back, and because he thought he could have his last hoorah while I was gone, I made the last days he was living in the apartment an absolute hell for him.
It wasn’t even hard to do, all I had to do was be there.  The very day I got back, he acted like an animal with its tail between its legs once he realized I had returned.  Mind you, it was just my other roommate and I currently present when he started cowering, we even laughed about it in the kitchen while he was in his room- and could hear us throw shade.  I stared at him through the opening of my bedroom door when he came back into the apartment, he just ducked right back into his room without a word.  Even better, I had the chance to tell him right to his face that his apologies didn’t mean shit to me, and that was all I needed to say to verbally destroy him.  
He couldn’t even talk shit to the other roommate the one time I was out of the apartment; she was in the kitchen, made eye contact with him and waited for him to say something, but he just hung his head in shame and went back into hiding.  I had never wanted to physically hurt someone so much in my life, but at least the story was coming to an end.  He eventually just disappeared- which we found out that it was because he got arrested for forgery, and he got arrested again for misconduct on the apartment complex property.  Unfortunately, he left behind his cat, and she had been left to starve in his room with some hairband bracelet thing around her neck.  Even after reporting this to animal control, and having the property manager try to push for an officer to take the cat into custody, I once again volunteered to feed and water the cat until the authorities could reach a proper decision.  
Over the course of the days, I did my best to get the cat used to socializing (because she was constantly locked in the ex-roommate’s unit all the damn time), and she warmed up more and more each day.  Finally, I was given legal permission to take her to the humane society and surrender her myself.  Vet techs were able to remove the thing around her neck, and I got to see her again during my last volunteer shift.  She remembered me, and let me pet her; it was rewarding to see her so happy for once, and it is an absolute relief knowing that the ex-roommate can no longer try to take her back.  She belongs to the humane society I volunteer at now, and that was an accomplishment that I was glad to keep persisting on achieving.  
In the end, the ex-roommate is officially no longer allowed to step foot on the complex property by law, the locks have been changed, and all the trash called his belongings that were left in the common area were finally removed today.  I thank you all for being so patient with me, not just during the time of the irl problems, but also just in general.  My energy has been on a weird on-and-off basis lately, and this had greatly taken a toll on my muse.  I’ll keep doing my best though, and rest assured, I have the threads in my Drafts.  I’m just constantly tired.))
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anxious-bisexualll · 6 years
GODAMMIT @sasschabodcrane
pumpkin spice: what’s your drink of choice?
BITCH u already know its literally coffee allll day every day or water
wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
SWEATERS also sleeping with 6 blankets on top of me
chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather?
Uhhh least fave would be sweltering hot and fave is SNOW
scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
leggings with a baggy t shirt and no bra obvi. 
apple cider: if you could throw a party, and invite absolutely anyone, who would they be?
all my friends and chris evans and sebastian stan and allana from yt 
haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?)
literally every time my dad has had a heart attack cause i thought i would never see him again 
falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
Pineapple pizza, Pineapple Pizza and i think Pineapple Pizza. 
smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent?
COFFEE or coconut
big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
Cold so i can wear warm sweaters
halloween: if you could dress up as anyone/ anything and pull it off absolutely flawlessly, who/what would it be?
Probably like someone crazy sexy celebrity or a cartoon character like poison ivy 
cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
alone in my room on my bed
hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone?
………..last Saturday
cinnamon coffee: is there anyone you want to kiss?
girls and boys
flannel: what’s your favorite day of the year? is there a reason it’s your favorite?
Christmas eve honestly is always so amazing. Its so happy and joyful and full of promise. 
fuzzy boots: if you could live in any year/era, which would it be and why?
I love the 60′s fashion but I would also love regency for all its pomp and circumstance 
thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
friends and family for always putting up with my bullshit
black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own?
A villa in some tropical place OR the perfect studio apartment in NYC
apple picking: if you could go anyhere, where would it be and why?
I want to back to Italy very very badly. 
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
I’m not a bad singer and im very short 
hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?
lmao is teleportation allowed?
the color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it?
Violet Hill by Coldplay or Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons
windy nights:if you could go to any concert whose would it be?
Beyonce, Frank Ocean, Hozier, Coldplay
holding hands: do you believe in soulmates?
no, I believe in love and communication
watches: do you think black cats are bad luck?
candy corn: favorite fall thing to bake/cook?
uhh i just try not to burn down the kitchen making toast but my grandma makes a bomb pumpkin cream cheese roll and I like to watch her make that 
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saintkimora · 7 years
well i finally found time to type this all up so! here is the story of how last last friday and saturday night went (not the ones from this weekend but the weekend before so like a week and a half ago). it isnt really a nice story but it is significant. first part is tristan then joel then tristan again, the tristan parts are good but the joel part is pretty bad. this is only part 1 btw! sorry @ that one anon a few days ago bc this might make you even more mad lmao
first part: tristan! so on friday i was in the library holding an online eboard meeting for gsa and tristan (the first guy i talked to for a while then hooked up with like 2 years ago and last christmas eve) was apparently studying in nexus which is the building next door to the library. and he sent me a snap (it was clearly the type you send to a lot of people it wasnt like an individual one) of him captioned i hate studying so i sent him one saying i hate planning events bc thats what i was doing. so we snapped back and forth for a while and then the library closed so i was leaving and he was like “come say hi to me in nexus” so i was like ok! 
so i went and sat across the table from him and we talked for like an hour and a half and it was so nice! hes v good to talk to but our conversation dynamic was kinda similar to me and joel’s dynamic so that was interesting. he called me my voice cute at the beginning bc i was like “sorry if i sound weird im a little congested today” and he was like “no you sound like you always do, its cute” so i was like hm so then we talked and caught up and it was very good conversation! then at one point after asking how i was in general he was like “so how are you doing....romantically” and i told him how i was with someone rn but i was kinda having some issues and he was like oh ok and i asked him and he said hes looking but its hard bc people keep ghosting him so i was like aw :/ (but on the inside i was like well thats what you get for ghosting me all those years ago lmao) 
also at one point i told him i go to the gym now so i have a little bit of muscle and he was like “yeah haha sure” and i was NOT about to take that so i was like “i can show you right now if you want” (i was wearing a tank and a zip up hoodie) so i took off one hoodie sleeve revealing my arm and i flexed and he was shook he was like “oh wow you werent kidding, thats actual progress” and i was like ha
after an hour and a half he had to go meet his friends or something so i went home. overall it was super nice! i loved talking to him so later that night i just sent him a nice text thanking him for spending time w me and saying how much i enjoyed it and then he thanked me for keeping him company and said he really enjoyed catching up so that was nice! then later that night things took a turn for the worst.....
so at this point it was friday night and joel and i were texting as usual, we were having a nice convo and were making jokes and what not. then after i asked about his day he texted me this “its fine but i just got another fucking email from slut A and im over it” and i was like “slut A......” and he was like “fucking tinamarie” (the girl who always causes trouble for his theatre club that gets him really pissed off even though it really isnt that serious) and i was like “yeah i figured but did you really need to call her that” and he was like “if youre literally gonna criticize every single word i say then im just gonna stop talking” so then i apologized like 3 times but he left me on read and didnt talk to me for the rest of the night
so! the second i read that final text i had like......a panic attack? or something? idk but it was a mess i got soooooooo cold instantly like i put on sweats socks a hoodie and 2 blankets and i was still trembling and my teeth were chattering so hard i couldnt even talk bc it just came out as gibberish and my toes were numb and my heart was beating fast and you know all that good stuff. i texted several hunties but none of them answered so i decided to text tristan! he was v nice and he comforted me and talked me through it which i appreciated. but like getting that text reminded me so much of the texts i would get from caleb so it just made all those feelings come rushing back and it was v overwhelming but i wasnt about to call joel about it bc he was already mad at me and i was scared i was gonna make it worse
about an hour later i sent him a long text saying how sorry i was bc he wanted to vent to me and i shut him down when i shouldve just taken his side and stuff bc i wanted to try to fix the situation. half of it was lies though like i was not sorry for what i did at all bc he should not be calling this tinamarie girl that! he didnt read that text until the next morning but even after he didnt respond. he was def still awake when i sent it though bc i saw him active on fb messenger slightly afterwards. anyways the next day tristan texted me again to check on me and see if i heard from joel which i hadnt by that point but i really appreciated that he went through the effort of doing that! joel and i had plans to go to the mall that day so i texted him around 4pm (this is saturday now) saying i hope his auditions went well and asking if he wouldve still liked to go to the mall w me. he said he wasnt feeling up for it bc hes tired and i was like not up for the mall or not up for me and he was like just the mall, you can come over instead. so i went over and brought him popeyes bc he was hungry and we hung out and watched dragula and talked and it was like a completely normal day so i was a little surprised he didnt bring up the events of last night. so like 3 eps into dragula s1 i asked him if he could pause it so we could talk so he did and this is where things got worse
so i was like “so....how are you feeling about what happened last night?” and he was like “well it was fucking annoying because i wanted to vent to you and you tried to school me, im already socially conscious, i know its wrong but it was the first thing that came to mind at the time” and i was like “well if you are mad at a woman and your first instinct is to call her that then that might be a problem” and he was like “can i be a fucking human?” like ???????????????? the STUPIDEST excuse like that makes no sense! you can be human without saying misogynistic things like.....annoying. he just had soooo many excuses he was like “oh its ok bc i would never actually say that to her face” like...ok great to know that being socially conscious is just a performative thing for you! if you only do it in public but are still problematic in private then like...whats the point
he was also like “it may seem like a small issue that isnt important to you but her emails are actually a huge problem. YOU wouldnt know since your organization isnt as involved, but her actions affect every area of the organization so its stressful to deal with her” like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeee we go again idk why he always tries to drag my gsa for no reason. i didnt even say he couldnt be stressed or angry with her i just said he shouldnt call her what he did! 
so now for when it got personal. so i told him i was like “i know you were mad and wanted to cool off so i wasnt gonna force you to talk to me, but it wouldve been nice if you just sent me a text like ‘oh perry im mad and dont wanna talk rn, i need some space ill talk to you later’ instead of just ignoring me for the rest of the night” and he was like “well i didnt have time i had too much going on with the organization” and i was like “i mean it takes 10 seconds to send a text” and he was like “well i didnt want to” OH so now the truth comes out! and then he was like “i was already stressed out with the email so then its like ‘oh now i have to deal with perry too’” and like..............that was really hurtful bc literally the main reason i rarely ever bring up any issues i have to him is bc hes already so stressed with everything else and i want to be a source of happiness in his life not another source of stress so im afraid to bring things up bc i dont want to add to his stress and be another thing that he has to “deal with” so like, he literally vocalized the exact reason im afraid to talk to him about these things so its just confirmed my suspicions and now i feel even worse about bringing up any issues i have with him 
i didnt tell him about the panic attack yet but i did say “well i mean im sure you can tell i was upset, since i sent you a long ass apology text an hour after the convo ended. and if it was the other way around and i knew you were upset about something i said i wouldve dropped everything and called you right away to fix the issue” and he said.............. “well im not gonna prioritize you” like.... !!!!!!!!!!!!! ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great! we already knew i was at the bottom of his priority list but at least now he basically admitted it :/ i was just like well ok
that is the end of part 1 bc im splitting up this post lol
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answer all of them
answers under the cut! only doing this cause im that bored
200: My crush’s name is: no one 199: I was born in: 1996198: I am really: bored197: My cellphone company is: wtf who cares?? 196: My eye color is: green/blue 195: My shoe size is: 6.5194: My ring size is: idk small 193: My height is: smol 192: I am allergic to: cats and all of nature in the spring and summer 191: My 1st car was: an hhr or as i liked to call it a poor mans hearse190: My 1st job was: an in home care taker aka i cleaned elderly peoples homes189: Last book you read: god i dont read188: My bed is: my best friend 187: My pet: is the loml 186: My best friend: she lives too far away tbh 185: My favorite shampoo is: i use old spice 2-in-1 like the basic bitch i am184: Xbox or ps3: ps3??? what year is it the switch is where its mfkin at 183: Piggy banks are: dope af 182: In my pockets: nothing cause im a broke bitch 181: On my calendar: nothing cause im a boring bitch 180: Marriage is: cool good on everyone who is married to their best friends 179: Spongebob can: new spongebob can die cause its garbage 178: My mom: is the best 177: The last three songs I bought were? who buys songs? 176: Last YouTube video watched: air crash investigations (dont ask) 175: How many cousins do you have? idk 174: Do you have any siblings? one sister 173: Are your parents divorced? nah 172: Are you taller than your mom? nah 171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play the violin and guitar but not anymore 170: What did you do yesterday? tried not to die [ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: idk maybe? 168: Luck: sure 167: Fate: yeah sure 166: Yourself: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha no 165: Aliens: fuck yeah 164: Heaven: ehhh no 163: Hell: no 162: God: not really 161: Horoscopes: lowkey160: Soul mates: every one has one 159: Ghosts: kind of 158: Gay Marriage: nah why would gays want to get married 157: War: war is p stupid 156: Orbs: wtf is an orb??155: Magic: no [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: black 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: cold 148: Summer or winter: winter 147: Autumn or Spring: autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: this is dark chocolate erasure and i will not stand for it 140: Mac or PC: mac 139: Flip flops or high heals: neither both are garbage for the feet 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: im already sweet and poor sooooo137: Coke or Pepsi: where is my dr. pepper representation 136: Hillary or Obama: obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated id like to go out in a burnin glory even if im already dead 134: Singing or Dancing: singing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are you people 131: Small town or Big city: big city 130: Wal-Mart or Target: im a lesbian so target obviously 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither 128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure only cause they message my feet and legs 127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: xmas cause snow 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither who cares about baseball [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: men bein garbage 121: George Bush: why? 120: Gay Marriage: hell yeah we got it 119: The presidential election: we might as well have elected a crackhead 118: Abortion: let women get them safely so they dont fucking die its that simple117: MySpace: jesus is it 2006 again 116: Reality TV: its trashy but ill watch it cause im trash 115: Parents: love your parents kids (unless they are abusive) 114: Back stabbers: are awful just like maybe dont stab people in the back literally and metaphorically 113: Ebay: ive literally never used ebay in my life 112: Facebook: its p garbage i barely ever use it 111: Work: capitalism has killed workers and quality work 110: My Neighbors: they are there 109: Gas Prices: i havent gotten gas in like 2 months so like idk 108: Designer Clothes: why are they all like so ugly??107: College: stressful and only vaguely worth something 106: Sports: fun to play but boring to watch. i only go to sporting events for the alcohol 105: My family: is v dope and i love them 104: The future: stressful and i hate thinking about it [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: last night it was my dad 102: Last time you ate: last night lol 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: probably back in december with my best friend 100: Cried in front of someone: oooof all the time 99: Went to a movie theater: like 2 wks ago 98: Took a vacation: january i went on a cruise 97: Swam in a pool: last summer i think 96: Changed a diaper: uhhh never…. 95: Got my nails done: god way back in high school when i thought i was straight 94: Went to a wedding: last friday! 93: Broke a bone: 3 wks ago haha 92: Got a peircing: i havent gotten a piercing since i was like 6 91: Broke the law: uhhh i plead the fifth 90: Texted: i texted my mom like 40 mins ago [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: myself 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog shes so cute 87: The last movie I saw: spiderman into the spiderverse 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: a vacation to see my aunt in indiana 85: The thing im not looking forward to: going back to school 84: People call me: uhhh my name? 83: The most difficult thing to do is: rn? pretty much everything 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: im a leo 80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 79: First time you had a crush: first time i remember was freshman yr of college 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: i dont remember 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody im a lonely bitch 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully something to do with neuropsychology 74: I have/will get a job: 73: Tomorrow: wtf does this even mean 72: Today: or this one 71: Next Summer: and this one 70: Next Weekend: and even this one 69: I have these pets: a golden retriever mix 68: The worst sound in the world: 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: hahaha myself 66: People that make you happy: my family and friends 65: Last time I cried: yesterday 64: My friends are: amazing wonderful people that i love 63: My computer is: my lifeline 62: My School: is small but good 61: My Car: is a lesbian wagon that looks like i live in it 60: I lose all respect for people who: cheat on their s/o 59: The movie I cried at was: i dont usually cry during movies 58: Your hair color is: confusing kind of blonde also kind of brown 57: TV shows you watch: she ra, killing eve, grey anatomy too many others to list 56: Favorite web site: youtube 55: Your dream vacation: to go to germany 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk maybe my post surgery foot pain 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare the only way a steak should be eaten 52: My room is: always a disaster 51: My favorite celebrity is: taylor swift 50: Where would you like to be: idk 49: Do you want children: noooo 48: Ever been in love: yes i have 47: Who’s your best friend: we aint naming names on here 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: playing with my dog 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: A43: Do you have a 5 year plan: god no i dont even have a 5 hour plan 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nah 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope40: Last person I got mad at: myself39: I would like to move to: somewhere other than where i am now 38: I wish I was a professional: at being not depressed [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: bottle caps or ritter sports 36: Vehicle: subaru wrx hatchbacks with a wide body kit are b nice 35: President: who tf has a favorite president 34: State visited: oregon or washington 33: Cellphone provider: who has a fave cell provider???32: Athlete: none31: Actor: idk like chris pratt or something 30: Actress: rn jodie comer 29: Singer: hayley williams 28: Band: paramore 27: Clothing store: h&m 26: Grocery store: target 25: TV show: law and order svu 24: Movie: princess mononoke 23: Website: youtube 22: Animal: red panda 21: Theme park: disneyland 20: Holiday: halloween 19: Sport to watch: none they are all hella boring 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: none i dont read 16: Book: i dont read books cant concentrate for that long 15: Day of the week: idk saturday 14: Beach: ive been to a beach like 3 times and i barely remember them 13: Concert attended: paramore after laughter concert last summer 12: Thing to cook: cooking stresses me the fuck out so i dont have a favorite thing to cook 11: Food: pasta!! 10: Restaurant: uhhh i dont really have one 9: Radio station: its 2019 who listens to the radio 8: Yankee candle scent: i dont really use candles 7: Perfume: i dont wear perfume 6: Flower: peach roses probably 5: Color: red 4: Talk show host: i dont watch talk shows they are all boring 3: Comedian: john mulaney or iliza schlesinger 2: Dog breed: corgi 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? hahahahaha
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junker-town · 7 years
A weekend at Army-Navy, college football’s most heated, petty, loving family reunion
Perhaps no rivalry in college football is as historic and meaningful ... nor as polite.
PHILADELPHIA — Army-Navy is college football's best rivalry, because it's historic and petty and exceedingly polite.
The schools have an extraordinary history of mascot thefts. Army fans and cadets mercilessly make fun of Navy’s midshipmen for their lolly-gagging form during march-ons, when the student bodies enter the field and then go to their seats. Navy fans loved to lord their school’s 14-year winning streak over Army fans, until it ended in 2016.
How’s it feel to lose? “It’s like your puppy dying,” West Point class of 2014 grad Danny Little says. He came from Fairbanks, Alaska, for this game. For him, one of the best things about 2016’s streak-breaker win was that “Navy had never known a loss.”
But amid the schools’ desires to top each other is more mutual respect than in any other college football series. Army-Navy goes as hard as any game, but it’s really light on actual fighting — physical or verbal, in the parking lots or the stands.
The most audacious thing I heard anyone say during hours of Saturday tailgating was a Navy fan yelling “Shut up!” at a woman who’d yelled “Beat Navy!” toward his tailgate. Her response was a smiling “That’s very rude! That’s very rude!”
There are crowds where such an exchange would lead to charges of fan incest (Pitt-West Virginia or the Iron Bowl, maybe), NCAA violations (virtually any SEC game), and the like. You don’t get that at Army-Navy. You get something like this:
“There’s always a little battle of one-upsmanship, and whatever that might be,” says Larry Needle, the executive director of PHL Sports, the agency that brings the game to Philly. “If Army’s bringing in a big tank, then Navy wants to bring in their bigger ship.”
At Army-Navy, there are just two things that feel out of place: the forward pass and any serious trash talk.
James Lang-USA TODAY Sports
Philly has this down to a science now. The city has hosted 87 of the academies' 118 games against each other. Needle’s group estimates the city gets an influx of 50,000 people, who take up the majority of the nearly 70,000 seats at Lincoln Financial Field.
"They love to drink," says Jimmy Masiak, the general manager of Tavern on Broad, on Friday night, the eve of the game. "They love to drink. I think that's why they always come to Philadelphia, because we're a drinking city. And they fit right in. They were like locusts last night. They came in and just drank everything."
Masiak's bar required restocks, because an Army-Navy crowd goes through whiskey and bourbon fast; Maker's Mark and Knob Creek, largely. The people who come to town may arrive as rivals, but they're there in the same spirit.
"They're just cutting loose," says David Hall, a Navy vet whose son, Matt, used to play fullback for the Mids. "They're having a good time. They don't get that opportunity. Especially the cadets, they don't get that opportunity all the time."
Army-Navy visitors don’t amount to a full-on takeover in a city of about 1.6 million, but they give businesses a big bump from about Thursday night to Sunday. Wherever they congregate becomes a celebration of college football and common bonds.
These are often the same bars where college kids are showing up in Christmas sweaters to drink and dance to “Jenny from the Block,” while a bunch of Army parents from Massachusetts gather in a corner. Sometimes Army-Navy festivities spill out of the bars, into the streets.
An example: On Friday at 11:19 p.m., a guy sits in the passenger’s front seat of a cab at the intersection of Broad and Walnut streets, outside a Wawa. He yells to a 20-something in an Army jacket, “Nice shirt!”
The red light is just about now turning green, but the guy in the Army gear runs over: “That’s a nice ring!” he tells the guy in the cab, whose driver would very much like to move.
He examines the guy in the cab’s class ring for several seconds, then darts across the road and into the bar, yelling “Beat ‘em! Beat ‘em! Beat ‘em!”
This year’s game is extra contentious because the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy, given to the team with the best record in games between these schools and Air Force, is on the line. That annual series often ends in a tie, in which case the trophy stays with the school that had it the year before. Army hasn’t won the trophy since 1996.
“Of the three, we’re not known for being good at football, so this would be huge for us to take this back and prove to everyone that we are that school who’s best at everything,” Little, an Army captain, says. “Because we’re better than Navy and Air Force at pretty much everything else, but being better than them at football’s what matters.”
The stakes are high, and yet good vibes abound.
“There’s nothing bitter,” says Chris O’Connor, a 1989 West Point grad and Army major who served 10 years. We’re talking at a tailgate the next morning, while some Black Knights play cornhole on U.S. Army boards that are covered in snow. “You look at other rivalries, and they actually get angry. Nobody gets angry at each other, and we realize that after this, you know, we’re together, and we have to kind of go out and fight this fight.
“Brothers in arms, I guess, people have called it.”
That’s the prevailing view among people who make the pilgrimage to this game. “Camaraderie” is the word that comes up most when you ask someone why they’re in Philly.
“We love them,” says Rita, a Naval vet tailgating a few hundred yards away who preferred not to give her last name. “We love the Army, because they are our sister service. But we love the Navy.”
At an Army tailgate, outside Lincoln Financial Field.
You’ll meet cool people at Army-Navy weekend. Here are some I met:
A three-generation military family from Greeley, Colorado. None of the four men had ever attended before. The grandfather is an 87-year old Navy vet, a petty officer second-class named Juils Jorgensen who joined up in 1950 and went to Korea. He’d wanted to make this game since that year, and now he was with his kid and two grandkids, who served in the Marines and the Army. “So yeah, I’ve been looking forward to this,” he said. “Matter of fact, I went to see my doctor and I says, ‘Doc, you’ve gotta keep me healthy for another year.’ He said, ‘OK.’”
Tim and Mary Flynn, a couple from La Plata, Maryland. They’re Army people, ever since Tim went to West Point and graduated in 1985. I met him at a bar and asked, “Navy fan?” because it was dark and I thought his yellow and black rugby shirt was actually yellow and blue. He was gracious, and the two of them invited me to their tailgate the next morning. They insisted I come and eat. Two of their kids are deployed now, one an Army nurse in Iraq and the other a solider in Korea. They put on a tailgate for their family, friends, and some classmates of their son, Tim, the one who’s in Korea. They said I’d fit right in.
I think this is why Army-Navy is the most respectful football game in the world, even on a day when boxed Fireball is flowing by about 7 a.m. It’s fun, and it’s a salute to the academies and service members — absolutely. But it feels like a family reunion first of all, with “family” defined broadly. Typically, nobody’s going to be mean at a family reunion.
“It’s the only football game I’ve gone to where everybody’s on the same team,” says Phil Bedard, an Army dad visiting with a group from Hopedale, Mass. “You’re up in the stands, and you could be sitting next to a Navy person, and you’re all on the same side. You’re all kind of rooting for the same thing. You want Army to win, of course, but there’s a camaraderie here that you don’t get at other events.”
The academies have homecoming weekends during the year. But this game has a very Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving feel to it.
“I mean, I can’t wait to get [inside the stadium], because I’ll run into classmates when I get in there that I haven’t seen in 10, 15 years,” O’Connor says.
Not everyone there is an Army or a Navy fan. A tricked-out Rutgers tailgating truck makes an appearance near the stadium with fans who just wanted to be there, and who had some military backgrounds among their group.
“It’s the best college football game of the year,” says David Levy, a 31-year-old Rutgers law student from Brooklyn. “It’s amazing, ‘cause even though they’re heated rivals, everybody’s pretty nice. It’s pretty calm.”
At 11:03 Saturday morning, I’m talking — tailgate-provided Yuengling in hand — with another Army dad about the triple option. We’re wondering if the snow that has blanketed Philly is going to stick on the grass at Lincoln Financial Field.
(It will. Army will win on a snow-aided missed field goal on a day when its players, in all-white uniforms, are literally camouflaged into the field.)
Mary Flynn holds up a phone of her son, Tim, FaceTiming from Korea.
Mary Flynn brings over an iPhone and introduces me to her son, Tim, who’s FaceTiming from Korea.
“Welcome,” he says.
It’s after midnight where he is, and this is the first year in many years that both he and his deployed sister, Aileena, aren’t at this event. But this is still their tailgate.
I can’t describe how intrusive I feel. This should be college football’s most exclusive game, given what you have to give up to become part of the academies or the military branches they service. But Army-Navy welcomes all. That includes writers who fans meet in bars, and even the people on the other side of the stadium — to a point.
“Everybody coming here, coming together, just being one big family even though it’s a rivalry and we want to win," says Aidan Flynn, Tim’s brother and Mary’s son. "And we desperately want to win.”
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Monday, 4:51 am
my best friend on the whole wide planet ruined her life, and now she wants me to ruin mine. you see, she grew up living with her controlling and abusive grandparents. parents were drug addicts, never gave a shit. she turned 18 in march of 2016, had a beautiful daughter in april. moved out of their house in may or june. left all her shit (by force). she moved in with her mom, which didn't work out too well. some time in june or july i had to get her and all the shit we could get quickly and leave. she stayed at my sisters for a while. everyone in my family told her that she could stay with any of us, permanently. my nana and papa already had two teenagers (18 and 16), but they didnt have a spare room. my sister was 7 months pregnant and newly wed, they have their own place which is two bath and four bed. one room i was living in, the nursery was in the back by their room, and the room they were ready to make hers was right beside mine. my parents with three kids but only one living at home (my brother, 16) (i moved out in june due to a very bad fight with my dad which ended in me in the icu, and my sister is 24 so) had two spare rooms, one which was already being made into a nursery for their soon to be grandchild, the other completely empty since i left. however, she wanted to move to texas to go live with her long distance boyfriend she had never met. so, in august, she moved states to be with an abusive asshole. there were signs he was definitely abusive before they were even dating, and she ignored them all because he also did nice things. he bought her and willow gifts and mailed them. he bought promise rings. he sent her his jackets so she could wear them, he sent her letters, tagged her in memes, etc. he also called her fat. (not the worst thing to others, but she's been suffering with eating disorders since she was a child, and she was 8 months pregnant at the time.) he also triggered her ptsd. he would belittle her, push her around, and manipulate her into doing things she didn't want to do. every fight he would call her a bitch, irrational, overreacting. she has multiple disorders where it's hard to tell if she is overreacting or being irrational. he would leave her on read during a panic attack. actually i can't think of a single time he talked to her when she was freaking out. he always said it was stupid and that "she'd calm down eventually". anyways. so she moves down there. its good for maybe two or three weeks. after that it was non stop with the fighting. "Toriy he's such a dick" "i hate it here, i don't know anyone and the city gives me anxiety" (san antonio is like 300 miles, and she's from a small ass town) "Toriy please call me" "____ did x, y, z today and I haven't eaten in three days" at first it was shit that i wasn't surprised by. he called her fat, he ignored her during a panic attack, he put his friends before her. then christmas week happened. it started put early in the week. he was mad because something that happened at work or whatever, and he was (as usual) taking it out on her. she didn't say anything, just kinda took it. the next few days were pretty similar. his family celebrated christmas on christmas eve, and she didn't know hardly any of them. he has a pretty large family. she only knew his mom, dad, sister, brother, and other brother. she was so anxious and she spent half the night in the bathroom crying. not so shockingly, he ignored her existence the whole time. that night when they got home, was the worst. he broke up with her, sent her several messages calling her a shitty mom (lemme just tell you, she is an AMAZING mom. also lemme just tell you one of the "reasons" he used for her being a shitty mom was that she washes her childs bottles????), he accused her of lying about being raped, he said so much shit. christmas day, at two something in the morning, he got physical. the baby was crying and my friend could not handle it. she asked the dude to watch her for a second so she could go to the bathroom and wash her face and calm down. he started screaming at my friend, slammed the baby's head (she was 8 months old at the time) into the metal bed frame, kicked my friend in the stomach and the legs, and punched her a few times. i can't even begin to tell you how bad the phone call i got that night was. three months later, and he hasn't been physical since, but he hasn't changed anything at all. tonight he got in a fight with her because his parents took her to get chinese while he was at work but they wouldn't bring him whattaburger. he got home, said "fuck you" to her, and left. shes spent the whole night having panic attacks and blacking out. i haven't heard from her in three hours and the last thing she said to me was "im going to hurt myself". the other day she asked me to move there. if me her and him can get a place together. i have spent the last eleven days doing nothing but mentally cussing her out. (excluding friday night / saturday morning bc BOI) Fuck you, ____. I hate boys. I hate loud and aggressive boys. I hate boys who think the world owes them something. I hate boys who have the audacity to think that triggering someone's PTSD is fucking funny. I would rather go live with my fucking dad. At least then someone (my mom) would have the balls to say something. Fuck you, ____. Fuck you for letting this boy fuck up your mental stability that you and I worked SO FUCKING HARD on leveling out. Fuck you for letting him put his hands on you and your child. Fuck you, ____. Fuck you for making me feel like shit because I want to hang out with friends. Fuck you for begging me to move there because you "need" me. Fuck you for moving there in the first place. I told you he was abusive. My mum, the lady who literally has been married to an abusive ASSHOLE for almost 30 years, told you that him "being a dick" was the start of abuse. Literally you're so fucking smart. Why the fuck. Fuck you, ____ for even THINKING of asking me to get a place with a guy who calls me a crackwhore because "her reaction is funny", jokes about raping girls, and is physically abusive to you. Fuck you, ____ for telling me that if he does some shit while I'm down there visiting you for your birthday to not hurt him. I will hurt him. I will stab him in the face and I will not apologize for it. Fuck you. Fuck you for expecting me to move away from my family and friends and my boyfriend to live with a guy who abuses my best friend and makes me physically ill every time I talk to him. I get it, ____. You love him, or whatever. I cannot and I will not put myself in that situation again. I got away from my rapist and my abusive dad and Andrew and Dylan and I will not put myself anywhere near that kind of situation again. i couldn't leave here even if i fucking wanted to. the last time i was over two hours away my dad got physical with my mum. he won't go near her or Justin if im close. i cant risk that. (the only time he's ever gotten physical w my mum I threw a knife at him and the only reason it didn't hit him was bc my mum pushed him through the fucking door to protect him. i guess a broken arm full of glass shards is a better story than "14 year old kills her father" huh?) (also little brother is basically my child considering my dads an alcoholic and my mum worked 24/7 when i was kid so guess who grew up literally raising a kid two years younger than her??? hahahahahah me.) i get it. all your friends and family you could easily leave behind. i cant leave my mum and brother like that. i can't leave Xander at all ever. if my bestfriend kills himself while im in another state because his dad died and he lost both his parents, youre going to find me bled out on the bathroom floor. i get that you miss me, but i can't fuck up my schooling or my therapy and i can't just whimsically move like you did. i fucking cant. fuck you for thinking i can.
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itspookiepopblog · 8 years
My first 10 days of this festive month was full of report deadlines, presentations, results, stress, tears and too many mental breakdowns to count.
However, I did it! I had (just about) survived 3 and a half months at university, I was indestructible and I felt I could conquer the world! On the 15th, my dad came to my flat in Edinburgh to drive me back home to Glasgow for Christmas and New Year and I went back home and lived happily ever after my dad crashed the car.
We were on the motorway heading towards Glasgow and the lane we were in was coned off and was diverting traffic into the other 2 lanes, my dad thought he could cut in late… He couldn’t. He then preceded to knock down a minimum of 15 cones while there were cars racing up behind us, beside us, everywhere. Cars were swerving all over the M8 to avoid the trail of cone destruction we left behind us. However, plans for a quick getaway were foiled by the 5-10 cones stuck underneath the car stopping the car from moving.
We then temporarily blocked off the other lane to turn a 3-lane motorway into a 1-lane before being escorted by security into a cordoned off area while we waited for the police.
Usually, people get embarrassed by their parent’s dancing or clothing, I wish my dad kept it on a low-key scale like that.
An hour passed before the police showed up for less than 1 minute before we were on our way again, it actually got to the stage where I was hoping the police would take us to the station, give a fine, lock us up, just something to at least justify us being unable to move for a full hour.
Urgh, frustrating. However, fast forward to my birthday weekend…
Friday, 16th
Boys night! The first night we’ve spent together since Ryan went into the XFactor house, I moved to university in Edinburgh and Daniel, well he’s still there. So the 3 of us got a few beers, snacks and then headed back to Daniel’s for some boy time – no girls, no phones, no drama.
Saturday, 17th
After a chilled day,  I was soon only hours away from my 24th birthday. I was having a quiet night at my friend, Daniel’s flat playing some Fifa and having a few beers, until our dear friend Ryan calls us up and wants to join. Well, I’m not saying he’s a bad influence but our night went from a “quiet one” to this…
I also had the pleasure of joining Tommy from the Glasgow reality-show, Glow. Reality “stars” often come across as cocky, douchey but again you have a select few who are genuinely nice, down to earth and a good laugh, Tommy definitely fits the latter category. A truly nice lad who invited us to join him and his friends at their table, it was such a nice way to see in my birthday with my closest friends and a group of people who know how to have a good time. I was glad to be home, I LOVE GLASGOW!
Sunday, 18th
I get woken up to the inevitable hangover but also a full English and a cup of tea courtesy of my dear mother. A few days prior to my birthday, Ryan broke the news to me that Emily had got him tickets to see The 1975 on the Monday, a band me and him both love – and we had seen in March that year. INCREDIBLE! However, for my birthday they both got me a ticket to Clyde 1 Live, so I could literally see The 1975 on my birthday along with Tom Odell and Blossoms at the SSE Hydro. FAR. TOO. HYPED.
I met Ryan and Emily at the venue and we went and got seated at the back of the middle tier, I was third-wheelin’ but when The 1975 are on-stage I could be 33rd wheelin’ and I still not care. Blossoms followed The 1975 and then Kaiser Chiefs performed before a 20-minute interval. In that time, Ryan and Emily got noticed, I went to the toilet, came back and there was a full-blown queue so people could get pictures with them. Fair play to them for smiling for each picture while I sat next to them like a right gooseberry. I was lowkey tempted to tell the queue that they were ruining my birthday. However, shout out to Molly and Emily who invited me to go and sit with them while the queue should no signs of slowing down. Unsurprisingly, Ryan and Emily left pretty much soon after, I stayed for Tom Odell with my new friends before going home. It’s been a long one but finally, my birthday was over, but the party wasn’t.
I am one day older than my very dear and beautiful friend, Carly Starrs so to celebrate her birthday we attended the Atlantic bar and Brasserie in the city centre of Glasgow. The food and customer service was spot on and I recommend it to anyone looking for a place to go in Glasgow.
The highlight of this night was being surrounded by all my friends and especially seeing my best friend have a smile on her face on her big day. The girl is a true friend and I was glad I was able to see in her birthday with her.
That weekend took its toll on me and left me needing a few days of recuperation but if I was feeling fragile, that was just the beginning of my family’s health problems. In the following days, my great Aunt Neta went into hospital after blanking out, her sister, my gran went into hospital due to having problems breathing but she was luckily let out on Christmas eve. Two days after Christmas and my gran then gets taken back into hospital and gets diagnosed with pneumonia, all of this while knowing my mum has to go for an operation on the 30th to get gallstones removed.
The 30th December is the day where people get prepared for New Year’s Eve, they’re buying alcohol, they’re laying out their outfit for the following evening and looking forward to welcoming in a new year. I, however, had my great aunt in a hospital in Glasgow and I had my mum AND my gran in another hospital on the same day. I remember coming back to my house after leaving my mum in hospital to an empty house and it’s a weird feeling sitting in an empty house and having neither your mum there or being able to go to you visit your gran.It was probably the only time where I had ever felt truly alone.
I completed my errands for my mum and Gran and managed to visit my gran and also my mum post-op who was clearly still a bit dazed from the anaesthetic. My mum, got out the following day but sadly my Gran had to stay in for at least another week.
You may be wondering what happened between the 19th and the 30th, I’m not going to lie, it was purely family and friend time but here’s a breakdown:
I consumed my weight in turkey and pigs & blankets.
The world also lost musical icon, George Michael on Christmas Day and we paid tribute to him with this beautiful video
I managed to spend Christmas day with my family – and Boxing day with my second family – The Lawrie’s 
  but the highlight of December was definitely taking this beautiful woman to the Glasgow Christmas Market. All the partying, all the studying and everything in between means nothing without this woman. The light of my life and my inspiration to become a better person and how she handles any sort of problem that encounters her path with such grace and dignity. The best mother I could ask for.
Jay Carrington
My Online Hiatus Is Over (Part 2) December HERE WE GO! WOOO! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! WRONG. My first 10 days of this festive month was full of report deadlines, presentations, results, stress, tears and too many mental breakdowns to count.
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