#seeing as Tara was born in 2002
autism-swagger · 2 years
I know it's a continuity error and she's canonically 18 in Scream 5, but based on the birthdate on Tara's hospital wristband, Tara would actually be 19
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evilwickedme · 11 months
So like, the love triangle/extremely complicated shape timeline in the buffyverse is something like
1753: Angelus gets turned by Darla. They're together for the next 150 years or so
1860: Drusilla is sired
1880: William has feelings for Cecily, who turns him down. Spike is sired. They're together for the next 120 years or so
Sometime in the middle there: Spike and Angelus have sex "that one time"
Sometime in the middle there: Angelus and Drusilla have sex multiple times
1898: Angelus gets cursed to have a soul, although he doesn't fully leave the whirlwind until after Spike kills the boxer rebellion slayer in 1900
1980s-1990s: Xander and Willow become friends, they "date" in kindergarten, Willow develops a proper crush later in life
1997: Buffy moves to Sunnydale. Xander develops a crush on her. Buffy and Angel begin their doomed love affair. Angel kills Darla. Xander asks Buffy to the dance, and she turns him down; he tries to get Willow to go with him instead, and she turns him down also, for very different reasons.
1997-1998: Xander starts dating Cordelia. Willow starts dating Oz. Buffy sleeps with Angel, then kills Angelus.
1998-1999: Buffy dates Scott for a short while before he dumps her, has a weird situationships with Faith, and starts dating Angel again. Drusilla breaks up with Spike off screen. Xander and Willow cheat in their SOs with each other, leading to Cordy dumping Xander. Xander sleeps with faith. Faith kisses Angel, and then who she believes is Angelus. Cordelia and Wesley have sexual tension, then the worst televised kiss of all time. Xander and Anya go to prom together. Angel and Buffy break up.
1999-2000: Buffy sleeps with Parker. Anya and Xander start dating. Harmony and Spike date on and off. Oz leaves Willow because he cheated on her with werewolf girl. Willow starts dating Tara. Oz comes back into town, only to leave again, for good this time. I Will Remember You doesn't happen. Buffy starts dating Riley. Cordelia and Doyle kiss, only for Doyle to immediately die. Cordelia kisses Angel, Wesley, and a bunch of other guys, trying to get rid of the visions.
2000-2001: Spike realizes he's in love with Buffy. Riley is the worst for half a season, then leaves after he sluttily lets every vampire in town bite him. Darla comes back to life and Lindsey falls in love with her, rip. Darla and Angel sleep together, leading to Angel's wasted attempt to give her a second chance at life instead being turned into a pregnancy. Lindsey leaves town. Drusilla tries to get Spike to come back to LA with her, but Spike wants to kill her to impress Buffy, so that doesn't work out. Harmony also leaves him over this. Xander and Anya get engaged.
2001-2002: Cordelia and Angel develop feelings for each other. Upon finding out Buffy is alive, Angle and Buffy go out to "a place" and do something, for sure, we'll never know what - not sex though, since Angel still has his soul. Spike and Buffy start sleeping together. Wesley develops a crush on Fred. Fred and Gunn start dating. Darla kills herself so that Connor can be born (can we reverse that somehow?). Willow and Tara break up over Willow's abuse of magic. Cecily is Halfrek, Anya's best friend, and the two of them recognize each other, although they don't expand on it. Riley comes back into town with a wife nobody can seem to dislike, leading Buffy to break up with Spike. Xander leaves Anya at the altar, but still wants to date. Connor gets kidnapped into a demon dimension and returns the world's worst teenager. Anya comes back as a vengeance demon, but can't get anyone to curse Xander; instead she sleeps with Spike for comfort. Everyone finds out about Spuffy. Willow and Tara get back together, then Seeing Red happens. Spike leaves town and gets his soul. Cordelia and Angel agree to meet to finally talk about their feelings, only for her to get ascended to a higher plane and for him to get trapped in a box at the bottom of the ocean by the world's most ungrateful son (does anybody like Connor? Are there people for whom he's like, their fav?).
2002-2003: Spike comes back to Sunnydale ensouled and insane. Cordelia comes back from being in an upper plane of existence, but has total amnesia. Spike and Xander are jokingly implied to have slept together. Buffy goes on a date with Wood, Xander goes on a date with a demon lady who tries to sacrifice him to the seal in the school basement. Cordelia gets her memories back but is acting incredibly strange, including *sleeping with Connor and getting pregnant*. Xander and Anya have breakup sex. Fred and Gunn start having problems and eventually break up (I'm not actually up to this in my Angel rewatch and I usually skip season four so I don't remember this in detail). Willow starts dating Kennedy. Willow goes to LA to help give Angel back his soul and bring Faith over to season seven of Buffy in the only good arc in season four, and she and Fred have insane chemistry, leasing to Willow letting Fred down easy ("I have a girlfriend"). Angel finds out about Spike and is jealous. Spike and Buffy share one last night together, although it's left purposefully vague what they did in that basement. Spike dies. Connor gets erased from all Angel Investigations' memories, and Cordy is in a coma.
2003-2004: Spike comes back to unlife, and when he gets corporeal form again, he has enthusiastic sex with Harmony, who is Angel's secretary. Magic makes Angel and Eve sleep together, although it's revealed Eve is together with Lindsey (I don't remember how that plot is resolved). Buffy is rumored to be dating some guy both Spike and Angel hate called The Immortal (iirc), and they both decide not to chase after her, although not until Spike alludes to that one time he slept with Angelus. It's generally a very homoerotic relationship all throughout the season. Cordelia wakes from her coma, kisses Angel, then is revealed to have died in her hospital bed (You're Welcome is so good but less than she deserved). Fred and Wesley finally get together only for Fred to be killed and replaced with Ilyria the next episode or something like that. When Wesley dies, Ilyria puts Fred "on" like a mask to comfort him as he passes, and she's sad that he did.
I purposefully skipped Giles, since he's not actually involved with any of the other main cast members, and therefore not part of the love... Whatever this is
Comic canon (just a few highlights): Buffy didn't actually date The Immortal, that was a body double left to party through Europe to foil assassination plots or something. Buffy sleeps with a younger slayer and it's never brought up again by anyone except the fandom. Buffy and Angel have sex in the middle of the apocalypse or something? Season eight was confusing to me and I last read it almost a decade ago. Spuffy become the canon couple for the rest of the comics. Dawn's season five crush on Xander turns into a relationship, which I find gross for different reasons than TikTok fans do. Anya comes back from the dead as a ghost for a while? I didn't actually read past s9 so I don't know what happened in any of that.
Did I miss anything big?
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krikeymate · 1 year
Okay but the real question is: in your larger age gap au, is Sam born 5 years earlier, or is Tara born 5 years later?
Both options would change different things, like whether Tara has the same friends as in canon or not. If Tara is born 5 years later, then she probably wouldn't be friends with Amber, so Amber and Richie's plot would have to be carried out differently.
On the other hand, if Sam is born 5 years earlier, then she would be much closer in age to the teens from Scream 4, which could also be really interesting.
You've exposed one of my fatal flaws, which is that when I'm thinking about Sam and Tara, I forget other characters exist.
This has given me some really interesting things to think about! And think I did as I made my dinner.
So the intention is that Tara is born 5 years later, in 2007 instead of 2002. I hadn't considered Sam being the one born earlier, and I think unless you really fuck with the Scream timeline in major ways, it wouldn't work. I actually thought out a detailed way of how that could work with Billy having escaped and actually still being alive and then I realised I was actually having Sam be born 5 years later not earlier, whoops, but great opportunity if you wanted to make Tara Billy's daughter too lmao. You could have Billy and Christina both be older and out of school, it would have the added bonus of making his relationship with Sidney extra creepy, but otherwise, I like to stick mostly to canon as much as possible.
So, here's what I'm thinking. Hicks and Sam have an entirely different relationship in this AU. Sam does get into some trouble with the law, she does have some trouble with drinking and drugs, but she doesn't go entirely off the rails. Hicks sets her straight, reminds her that between her and her mother, Tara is likely to get taken away. Hicks is the reason she wins a custody fight against her mother.
Sam still babysits Wes and his friends at Judy's (she lets her bring Tara), and even though they're older, they're so gentle with her baby sister. By the time the babysitting group are becoming teens (around 12/13 or so), they're too old to need a babysitter really, but Judy and Martha still pay her to do so (to keep them out of trouble). They start to invite their new friend Amber over. Sam doesn't really get why they're friends, her relationship is mostly borderline nasty snide comments and arguing with Mindy, but kids will be kids. Amber doesn't seem to like her friends, she definitely doesn't care for Sam (and feels the need to comment on them still needing a babysitter), but for whatever goddamn reason, this girl seems to adore Tara. Amber doesn't even like children! She's got a little sister of her own, and they've all seen the way she recoils from kids in the park. Now to be fair, Tara is very adorable. Who wouldn't love Tara? But still. It's weird. But Sam isn't going to deny Tara someone else who will be affectionate with her.
Years pass. Sam feels a bit weird that her friends are all high school kids and their moms, but these people buy her little sister birthday presents and invite them over for Christmas... they're like a family to her. Chad teaches Tara soccer, and Mindy introduces Tara to scary movies (Sam nearly murders her for this), and Wes, well he just does whatever Tara asks him to, the softy. Amber's her second confidant, she tells her things she's not ready to tell her sister. Sam doesn't like how close they are, but as Tara becomes a teenager, she knows there's no point fighting it. It isn't a hill she's willing to die on.
Sam never runs away, she stays in Woodboro, she gains custody over her sister. She rents a small two-bedroom home from a compassionate elderly woman who lives with her son now and is sweet on her sister. She's had some problems with... seeing things, her therapist still hasn't settled on a diagnosis yet, but the antipsychotics she's given her work, and that's all that matters her therapist says. All that matters is figuring out whether it's genetic and whether her sister is going to have problems too, is what she retorts.
She works at the bowling ally, she's thinking about Judy's offer to have her work at the station. A few months ago a new guy rolled into town, looking for a fresh start away from a toxic family, and they've been having fun. Richie keeps asking when she'll introduce him to her sister, and she laughs him off, he's so not at that point.
She's a couple of blocks away from home - the boss let her go early and told Richie he'll be making up for his constant slacking by staying late to clean - when a piercing alarm sounds from her phone. It's her security system, alerting her the police have been called.
Sam sprints the rest of the way home.
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aonoexpat · 2 years
Getting my bearings
Okay please do not expect me to keep up this rate of posting on here because I do not intend to but I just have SO MUCH NEW STUFF TO SHARE RIGHT NOW
It feels like I've been here for two whole weeks already, with how much I've been up to. I've seen the local shopping district (blown away by the caliber of the thrift shops here, I am living for it), gotten in a (minor, no worries) car accident, gone to that board game night (played Viticulture, cool but not entirely my thing) and most of the administrative process has been taken care of by now, which means:
a local phone number: much needed to get around if you want future employers to be able to reach you. I have a dual SIM phone but I've taken my Dutch SIM out anyway, because the rates are staggeringly high: 254 cents per minute of outgoing or incoming calls, 51 cents per text message and 500 cents per MB(!) of data. No thank you. I do still want to keep my Dutch number so I've just downgraded my plan to the bare minimum to save some costs.
a local bank account: it took some back-and-forth, but now I'm officially banking with Kiwibank :) I chose them for their omnipresence, and because I'd read online that they're one of the more sustainable and inclusive options out here.
a local tax ID: is on the way, this is necessary for NZ and NL to communicate about my income and any taxes that apply.
an actual job: working on it, printing CVs tomorrow but I also managed to get my hands on a beautiful guitar so busking is now officially on the table!
The time I wasn't working on these things, I spent out and about, enjoying the views and the culture shock. Yesterday's highlight was Zealandia: a 255 ha wildlife sanctuary that sits right on the fold line where two tectonic plates meet. It's home to many a species of birds, reptiles and plants, some of them endangered, and offers some killer views:
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Here's a little selection of who I met there:
The Pied Shag / Kāruhiruhi / Phalacrocorax varius varius
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Not to be confused with a regular ol' penguin. Seemed very chill
The Takahē / Porphyrio hochstetteri
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Very sleepy, and the most reminiscent of its undoubtedly dinosaur ancestors. Also clearly a menace to keep inside its designated area:
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The California quail / Tikaokao / Callipepla californica
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Standing guard on the fence as its whānau rummage about in the garden below 💚
Tuatara / Sphenodon punctatus
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The Kākā / Nestor meridionalis septentrionalis​
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According to the volunteer park guide who was kind enough to give us a talk about them on her time off, the park started out with 14 of these back in 2002. At the time the Kākā hadn't been living in the Wellington area for over 100 years. Since then, over 1000 new Kākā chicks have been born in the sanctuary due to their tremendous efforts to protect these intelligent birds. The feeders they put out for them require them to step on a little pedal to lift the lid and access the food. They've done experiments with them where they put a little wooden block under the pedal to block it, and the young ones quickly learned to remove it to regain access. They've also suspended food from pieces of string hanging from the branches to see what they would do, since Kākā are unable to hover. Even this they managed to solve by sitting on the branch and pulling up the string until they could reach the food. They look like they're having great fun, hanging upside down from branches and being real acrobats in the trees as well as the air 😍
I'm definitely visiting this place again when I have the chance, because there's a lot more of the park to explore!
My current plan is to stay here in Te Whanganui-a-tara until the beginning of April. Then I can catch a ride up to Hobbiton and then Tāmaki-makau-rau (aka Auckland), after which I'll travel back down, in order to visit the South Island in May, most likely! So for now my focus will be on saving up some money and enjoying the wonderful weather while it lasts 🌞
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wearewitch · 6 years
Why do they all say cornelia hale is taurus? If the official witch magazine released in 2005 or 2006 I do not remember correctly, does she say that she is from Virgo? and has all the characteristics of a Virginian, was it the idea of ​​the fandom to say that she was born in May? because she was born she is virgo according to a witch magazine, im gemini 😄😄😄
So, it happens that in some contries the Witch girls profile have beem modified for reasons I don’t know. Their birthday and zodiac sign for exemple. I can tell you, for sure that in Brazil (my country) Cornelia was Taurus, like in many other countries, Italy included (Witch's original country).
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for exemple this image was at the first brazilian special edition (2002), and each witch girl represented their signs (will, capricorn/ Irma, pisces/ Tara, aries/ Corny, taurus/ Hay Lin, gemini). I don’t know, Cornelia can be very taurus if you ask me. Stubborn, vain, romantic, proud, loyal, serious, realistic, down to earth ... in the and some of these characteristics are comon to the 3 earth zodiac signs. because you know, they are earthy qualities. But if you want to see her as a virgo, that's ok, I mean, if was officialy publishied we can't say it is not cannon
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Wonderful!  Thank you😁❤️❤️❤️❤️
Camilla’s very personal patronage: the story of Elephant family
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“The dedicated efforts of Elephant Family are helping to highlight and resolve the issues faced by Asia’s vulnerable elephants. Not only are these magnificent animals trapped in a daily battle for food, water and space with an ever-expanding human population, but they also face the increasing threat of being killed for their skin to supply a growing illegal market.
Elephant Family’s work is helping to secure a long-term future not just for Asia’s elephants, but for the wider biodiversity of Asia’s forests and wild landscapes which are vital to the survival of us all.”
– Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall Joint Royal Presidents, Elephant Family
When the Duchess of Cornwall’s late brother, Mark Shand, met an elephant called Tara, little did he know it would change the course of his life. His journey across India with Tara is chronicled in the book Travels On My Elephant, which won him British Travel Writer of the Year, but it’s the charity Elephant Family that is Shand’s greatest legacy.
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Inspired by Tara, Shand joined with four conservationist friends (Dugal Muller, Robin Russell, Caroline Casey, and Nicholas Claxton) and set out in 2002 to raise awareness for the plight of the endangered Asian elephant. Elephant Family was born to try to change the dire situation these animals were in, and Shand dedicated the last 27 years of his life to saving the Asian elephant.
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In the afterword of Travels On My Elephant, Shand writes:
“Ninety per cent of the Asian elephant population had been wiped out in the previous hundred years. Ninety-five per cent of their forest homes had been destroyed to make way for plantations, farms, mines, roads, railways and villages…. The last remaining elephants were forced into tiny pockets of forest where they were competing with their human neighbours for food, water and space…. In India alone, a person kills an elephant, and an elephant kills a person every single day of the year…. Elephant Family is dedicated to ending this daily battle.”
Whilst one of the main goals of the charity focuses on raising awareness for the Asian elephant, they work tirelessly on campaigning to change government and corporate policy, as well as to carry out conservation projects.
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Shand was instrumental in pulling together major fundraisers for Elephant Family, raising millions at events such as the Elephant Durbar at the Petersham Nurseries in 2006, London’s Elephant Parade in 2010, and Jungle City in Edinburgh in 2011. Elephant Family also received massive press from the Fabergé Big Egg Hunt in London in 2012, and in New York in 2014, when oversized fibreglass eggs were hidden around the respective cities and decorated by world-renowned artists and designers.
A Sotheby’s auction of the eggs in New York, which took place the night of Shand’s sudden and tragic death, raised more than a million dollars for the charity.
Since Shand’s passing in 2014, his sister, the Duchess of Cornwall, along with her husband, the Prince of Wales, have stepped up to become co-presidents of Elephant Family. The Duchess, inspired to carry on her brother’s life work, has launched events such as last year’s Concours d’elephant, a cavalcade of traditional Indian vehicles which toured London to raise awareness for the organisation.
On 13 June, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will host The Animal Ball at Lancaster House. The glamorous charity ball will raise money for conservation projects in Asia and “inspired by Truman Capote’s Black and White Dance of 1966, this year will see twenty-six of the world’s greatest fashion houses – Prada, Missoni, Chloe, Temperley, Sabyasachi amongst others – dress a bestiary of beautiful creatures from all corners of British society in bespoke couture animal-themed masks,” according to the event’s website.
Although Shand’s death was a massive loss for the charity, Elephant Family continues to flourish. The charity has supported 200 field projects in recent years, including in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Cambodia. A recent victory occurred after lobbying from Elephant Family and other organisations: the UK passed a law making it illegal to buy or sell items made from ivory, regardless of antiquity.
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shanellearucan · 2 years
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When a lovely couple decided to get married it represents their readiness for their settlement in life. They are now ready to build their own lovely family because that is one of the primary essences of being a married couple. This is how all family started, it begins into planning until it became real by the God’s grace, perfect time, and plan that will give every married couple to have their greatest blessings in their entire life and that is their child. In this significant instance, one of the couples who attain it is my parents. They told me how lucky they are as I came into their life that really change them instantly because when the time I came, I fulfilled their dreams to become a parent as I am their eldest child. 
Having said that, my parents considered me as a miracle baby because my mother’s due date in giving birth to me must be in August 29, 2002. But by unexpected chance, I exceeded the due date that I was supposed to born that it’s why my birthday became September 2, 2002. When the time comes my mother will give birth to me the doctor found out that I had been pop in my mother’s womb and I was already eating some of it. The doctor told to my dad that my mother needed to have a cesarean operation instead of normal delivery even if she was able to do it because our life of my mother will be in danger if she would continue to deliver me in a normal delivery. As I turned 5 year old, my parents told me that when they held me, they genuinely happy and said that I am a fighter of my life. And of course I asked why? because I do not understand what is the meaning of it. They answered, I am a fighter of my life and I have a big purpose in this world. One of those is being the light to my parents sufferings when they are hopeless if they still can have a child. Hence, I am their answered prayer. 
Fast forward, this little girl is now big girl. I am an extroverted person who always wants to make people happy. For instance, I loved to joke to see other people smiling and make them laugh. Due to the fact that I am warm and friendly. That’s is why one of my personality is having greater strength in interpersonal skills.  Thus, I have no trouble engaging in social interaction because of her personality. I gained excitement from talking and discussing ideas with other people. Furthermore, I am a loving person. i am  inclined in comforting others to make them feel okay whenever they are sad. Also, I find satisfaction in loving and helping others. This indicate that I appear to be sentimental person. 
Thus, this is the glimpse of myself that when I shared, it gives the overview of who am I. 
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Five years from now, I am now officially a clinical or industrial organizational psychologist, I can now help people with my own knowledge, abilities, love, and strength. After this wonderful moment of my life, I am now able to fulfill my other dreams which is to have my own charity in helping those children, teenagers, and adults who have been abused and pursuing my mission which will soon be called "Tara, usap tayo mission". In addition, I can have my own clinic if I choose the other option which is to become a clinical psychologist. With that, I want to prioritize my career to have a stable job to live and fulfill my other dreams and aspirations. In this way, I am now able to help my family and also grant their dreams and wishes. Therefore, building a stable, satisfied, genuine, and committed career is what I wanted to be five years from now.
Moreover, in order for me to achieve this dream career, I can say that choosing to study in SPUP is the key to my success. It serves as a bridge for me to enhance and develop my knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that can truly shaped me to be a better version of myself. Indeed, SPUP is the best choice to experienced quality education while shaping my good moral values. Most importantly, it will guide me to strengthen and deepen my relationship with God. Hence, SPUP is wholesome.
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Ms. Shanelle is the eldest child of her parents. She has two siblings, and both of them are boys. Experiencing having a complete family lasted when she was 12 years old. An accident happened to her father when she was in Grade 8, at that time she is 13 years old. This is now the beginning that the relationship between her parents started to change. She always saw her mother crying because her father is keeping her distance from her. As a result, her parents are gradually separating. When she was in grade 9, her father changed. She said that they couldn't talk to him anymore and her father was always telling to her mother to send him to the hospital even though the doctor said that he just needs bed rest. At that time, they also started to experience a financial crisis.  Their family problem got worse when her father's siblings left him with no inheritance. Until the time came when her mother gave up because her father always tells her to leave him. And this remarks the greatest pain of Ms. Shanelle in her life. 
Her complete family became a broken family. She also knew to herself that her parents have now empty love. In contrast to this tragic journey, she still trying to motivate herself to do well in school because she is hoping that when she takes home medals her parents will reunite again. And when that happens the bond of her family will possibly return, it will now come back into its old life. However, even if she can take home medals or achievements from grade 9 until she graduated from her senior high school, her old dad is still not coming back. But regardless of her problem inside their house, she still managed to have fun when she was at her school. She said that she likes to joke and make people laugh. In her circle of friends, she is the one who talks often because she is gaining excitement when she is with them. When she is around her friends, she feels like she is living with her true self. Where she is energetic, cheerful, and warm. She also confirmed that she is easy to make friends with because of her personality. This makes her temporarily forget her problem.  However, she is very private in her own life which is why when she needs to vent out, she just keeps writing in her diary. In addition, she said that she also found God in this trial of her life.
 Moreover, when she was in Grade 10, she is losing hope that her family will be complete again because there is someone who make her mother happier and feel love. As time goes by, Ms. Shanelle is partly blaming herself for seeing her mother be with someone else. She said that her mother asked her if she is okay to entertain another guy because she is losing herself and maybe entering into a new relationship will make her okay again. She agrees to that request even if she is disagreeing with it because she thinks that if she won’t, she will not just lose her father but also her mother. She is also aware that her siblings are greatly affected by seeing their family broken. Even if she wants to address it and talk to them, she doesn’t know how to start and what are the things she will do to ease the pain that they are experiencing. 
Furthermore, she said that they are still living under one roof. Her parents treat each other as companions in the house. Her mother let her father stay in their house because she asked it from her mother. She thinks that her father is experiencing mental illness. After his accident, she said that he starts to isolate himself inside their house up until now. She saw how her father change into a powerful man and became a person who is fragile and vulnerable. Her father starts to fully become dependent on them. She said that the hard work of her mother and the help of her relative helps them to surpass their financial crisis.  In choosing her course in college which is Bachelor of Science in Psychology, her father is the main reason why she took it. She wants to better understand the situation of her father and have the courage someday to take him to seek professional help. Her mother is vocal about her new relationship because she saw the guy sometimes visiting their house. She said that this set-up of their family is making her feel contradicting emotions. She sometimes feels love for her parents but sometimes doubting them if they care about her feelings for her and her siblings. Consequently, she is still enduring the pain of having a broken family and she is still having a small piece of hope wishing her family will be complete again. And she is still pursuing to motivate herself to get achievements at the end of her college journey. Hoping that both of her parents will be with her when that day comes. 
........and there lies the story of a girl who shared a glimpse of her. Reminding us about the quote that saved her life:
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she was once a blank space, now a colorful canvas.
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secretlymysti · 6 years
Malin Åkerman Biography, age, weight, height, husband, scandal, body measurement
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Malin Åkerman Biography, age, weight, height, husband, scandal, body measurement. Malin Åkerman is a Swedish actress, model and singer. She was born
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in Stockholm, Sweden on May 12, 1978. She appeared in many films, Televisions including,  The Utopian Society (2003) and Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004).  
Malin Åkerman Biography, age, weight, height, husband, scandal, body measurement
Date of Birth: 1978 , May-12  Age: 40 years old  Birth Nation: Sweden  Height: 5 Feet 8 Inch Name Malin Akerman Birth Name Malin Maria Åkerman Nationality Swedish Birth Place/City Stockholm Ethnicity White Ethnicity Profession Acress, Model Net Worth $ 10 Million Eye Color Blue Hair Color Blonade Body Measurements 34-26-35 inch Shoe Size 8.5 US Weight in KG 56 KG Married Yes Married to Roberto Zincone (m. 2007) Children Sebastian Zincone Divorce Roberto Zincone (m. 2013) Education York University Awards Not Yet Online Presence Facebook, Twitter, Wiki, Instagram Movies The Final Girls TV Show Welcome to Sweden Siblings Jennifer Akerman, Mikaela Akerman
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Malin Åkerman Movies
Year Title Role Notes 2000 The Skulls Coed in Caleb's Apartment 2002 The Circle Tess 2003 The Utopian Society Tanci 2004 Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle Liane 2007 The Invasion Autumn Uncredited 2007 The Brothers Solomon Tara Anderson 2007 The Heartbreak Kid Lila Cantrow 2007 Heavy Petting Daphne 2008 27 Dresses Tess Nichols 2009 Bye Bye Sally Sally Grimshaw Short film 2009 Watchmen Laurie Jupiter / Silk Spectre II 2009 The Proposal Gertrude 2009 Couples Retreat Ronnie 2010 happythankyoumoreplease Annie 2010 The Romantics Tripler 2011 Elektra Luxx Trixie 2011 The Bang Bang Club Robin Comley 2011 Catch .44 Tes 2012 Wanderlust Eva 2012 The Giant Mechanical Man Jill 2012 Rock of Ages Constance Sack 2012 Stolen Riley Jeffers 2012 Hotel Noir Swedish Mary 2013 Cottage Country Cammie Ryan 2013 The Numbers Station Katherine 2013 CBGB Debbie Harry 2015 The Final Girls Amanda Cartwright/Nancy 2015 Unity Narrator (voice) Documentary 2015 I'll See You in My Dreams Katherine Petersen 2016 Misconduct Emily 2016 The Ticket Sam 2018 Rampage Claire Wyden 2019 Friendsgiving Molly Also producer; In post-production 2019 To the Stars Grace Richmond In post-production Read the full article
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loadinggrab724 · 3 years
Cast Of The Movie Knives Out
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The new murder mystery movie Knives Out is filled with famous actors many audiences already know and love. But there's one face in the cast who might not be as familiar to fans. For now, at least. In Knives Out, Johnson will play Richard Drysdale, the husband to Jamie Lee Curtis' Linda. Recently, the Tin Cup actor went on The Deep Cut podcast and raved about his experience on set. Knives Out features a massive ensemble cast including Daniel Craig in Knives Out, Christopher Plummer, Chris Evans, Ana De Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Don Johnson, Michael Shannon, Toni Collette.
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The new murder mystery movie Knives Out is filled with famous actors many audiences already know and love. But there's one face in the cast who might not be as familiar to fans... for now, at least. Ana de Armas, who plays Marta Cabrera in Knives Out, is a total standout in the film, and has audiences excited to see more of her (which they will).
In Knives Out, De Armas' Marta is the protagonist and caretaker of the famous and wealthy author Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer). When Harlan dies suddenly and gruesomely, Marta is forced to deal with his greedy extended family — and a big secret of her own — while a team of detectives investigate the whole situation. Even among the big, stacked cast, which includes Daniel Craig, Jamie Lee Curtis, Katherine Langford, Chris Evans, Toni Collette, and more, the relative newcomer stands out in her dynamic role.
With Knives Out as well as another major upcoming blockbuster, it's been a busy time for de Armas. 'I’m not complaining, because it’s taken me a long time to get here, and I’m living my dream,” de Armas told the Los Angeles Times. 'This is exactly what I want to be and what I want to do — but gosh, I’m tired. I feel like I repeat that a lot. But I’m tired. I think 2020 will be the year for me to sleep a little bit more.”
The actor might be going to sleep in 2020, but that'll be the year audiences will definitely be seeing a lot more of her. Here are the key facts you need to know to get ready for what's shaping up to be the Year of de Armas:
1. When She Arrived In Hollywood, She Didn't Speak English
De Armas was born in a small town just outside Havana, Cuba, in 1988. At age 18, she became a TV star in Spain, and she then moved to the U.S. in 2014 to take on Hollywood. She didn't speak English when she arrived, so she did months of intensive language studies before landing roles in movies like War Dogs and Blade Runner 2049.
2. She Initially Turned Down 'Knives Out'
The character description for de Armas' character Marta simply said she was a 'pretty Latina caretaker,' and, unhappy with that description, she decided she didn't want to be involved with the project. She explained to The Hollywood Reporter:
Getting an email that described the character like that — without any more information or a script attached because it was high-profile and secret — just really didn’t speak to me. So, because of the character description, my imagination immediately went to a portrayal that was not necessarily very positive or exciting in relation to Latin culture.
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Luckily, she learned Marta was much more nuanced. She said to THR, 'When I finally read the script, I realized that the description didn’t fit at all because Marta is so much more than that.”
3. She's Co-Starring In A Film With Ben Affleck
De Armas and Affleck are playing a wife-andohusband duo in the upcoming thriller Deep Water. The movie is expected to come out toward the end of 2020.
4. She's The Next 'Bond Girl'
James Bond is known for having a badass woman by his side in each movie, and de Armas is going to play the part in the upcoming No Time to Kill. Unlike some Bond films of the past, however, the Los Angeles Times reports there will be 'a very different dynamic' between 007 and his co-star this time around.
Knives Out is in theaters now.
By/Nov. 18, 2019 6:18 pm EDT/Updated: Oct. 19, 2020 12:01 pm EDT
After directing critically-acclaimed films like Brick, Looper, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson turned his attention to the murder mystery genre, giving us the star-studded Knives Out. The movie currently sits at a lofty 97 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, which is quite the accolade, and Vox's Alissa Wilkinson describes the flick as 'a delightful Agatha Christie-style whodunnit made for 2019 America.'
Perhaps the film's most obvious asset is its wildly talented cast, consisting of former superheroes, super villains, super spies, a few legendary Hollywood superstars, and everything in between. But while watching a murder mystery movie, the only thing you want to be trying to solve is who the killer is, not who the actor or actress playing the killer is and what other films you've seen them in before. So, before you watch the movie, here's a handy who's who for Rian Johnson's whodunnit, Knives Out.
Daniel Craig steals the show as Detective Benoit Blanc
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past decade, chances are good that you're familiar with Daniel Craig and his prestigious body of work. The English actor's breakout role was that of the iconic 00 Agent, James Bond, in 2006's Casino Royale. It was a role that, thanks to multiple sequels (four to date), landed him on Forbes' World's Highest Paid Actors list in 2015. However, the handsome Brit is far from a one-trick pony. Over the years, Craig has excelled in a vast array of genres, ranging from dramas like 2002's Oscar-winning Road to Perdition to comedies like 2017's Logan Lucky. He's certainly come a long way from playing a love-struck stableboy in Disney's mid-'90s medieval stinker, A Kid in King Arthur's Court.
In Knives Out, Craig plays Benoit Blanc, a private detective brought on to investigate the apparent suicide of a famous crime novelist. Craig was actually the first actor to sign on to the project, and he was apparently flattered to have been offered the part. As he explained to Cinema Blend, 'I hadn't read something like that (screenplay) before, and I was just over the moon that he (Johnson) offered it to me.' With a lead like Craig, it's no mystery why so many critics are crazy about Knives Out.
Chris Evans stars as Ransom Drysdale
Agatha Christie lovers ... assemble! Although the MCU's Captain America obviously won't be making an appearance in Johnson's murder mystery, Chris Evans, who's played the star-spangled Avenger several times since 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger, will be. The Boston-bred hunk has flexed his dramatic ability in films like Before We Go and Gifted, but not as often as he's flexed his impressive physical physique in action flicks like Push, The Losers, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
With an apparent affinity for playing 'the good guy,' Evans has played not one but two different superheroes, first starring as the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four franchise. His role of Ransom Drysdale in Knives Out, however, will be quite the opposite. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Evans explained, 'I'm usually tasked with playing guys who are a little more noble, and this guy is a little bit more vile. It's fun.'
Toni Collette is Joni Thrombey in Knives Out
Although it didn't exactly light up the box office, 1992's The Efficiency Expert, starring acting legends like Anthony Hopkins, Russell Crowe, and even a young Ben Mendelsohn, marked the film debut of Toni Collette. In the decades to come, the Australian actress would enjoy a highly successful career, most evidenced by her massive award-season love.
Cast Of The Movie Knives Out
In 2009, she was cast as the lead role (or, perhaps more appropriately, lead roles) in Showtime's United States of Tara. As Tara, a mother coping with dissociative identity disorder, Collette earned wins at both the Golden Globes and the Emmys. On the big screen, the actress has excelled in dramatic comedies like Little Miss Sunshine and About a Boy. However, she's perhaps most recognized for her work in a pair of iconic horror flicks: 1999's unforgettably twisty The Sixth Sense and 2018's disturbingly dark Hereditary.
In Knives Out, the decorated actress plays Joni Thrombey, a 'lifestyle guru' (drawing obvious inspiration from Gwyneth Paltrow and her company, Goop) and daughter-in-law of murder victim Harlan Thrombey. When speaking to Deadline, Collette showered the murder mystery's script with praise, saying, 'It was all in the writing. In reading it, it just kept opening up and changing, and it was so swift, and so smooth, and so surprising.'
Katherine Langford appears as Meg Thrombey
What Katherine Langford's filmography lacks in quantity, it makes up for in quality. At the ripe age of 20, the young Australian actress landed the role of ill-fated high school student Hannah Baker in the Netflix smash series 13 Reasons Why. Langford stole the show as Hannah, even earning a Golden Globe nominee for her performance. Her newfound stardom landed her parts in two movies in 2018, The Misguided and Love, Simon.
Although she'd previously worked with some fairly big names, such as Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhamel, Langford was admittedly quite starstruck when seeing her Knives Out co-stars in action. Talking with Yahoo! TV, Langford said, 'I get so in awe of everyone. ... I've watched all of these people.' While sharing the screen with A-listers like Daniel Craig and Chris Evans must've been incredible, the young starlet, who plays Meg Thrombey in the whodunnit, went on to specifically give praise to her fellow Aussie actress. 'Toni Collette, who plays my mom in this film, she's a legend in her own right. To work a lot with her is amazing, and to work with everyone is amazing.'
Knives Out features Michael Shannon as Walt Thrombey
Michael Shannon has quietly evolved into one of the most well-rounded actors in Hollywood. The two-time Oscar-nominated actor has appeared in a plethora of movies over the past 20 years, ranging from action blockbusters to dramatic thrillers. The first movie he ever popped up in was actually 1993's classic comedy, Groundhog Day, but he's really made much more of a name for himself in serious roles, such as the mentally disturbed John Givings in 2008's Revolutionary Road.
You might also recognize Shannon from parts he played in films throughout the 2000s, including Vanilla Sky, 8 Mile, and Bad Boys II. He's given notable performances for director Jeff Nichols in movies like Take Shelter andMidnight Special, and on HBO's Boardwalk Empire, he portrayed Nelson Van Alden, an agent for the Bureau of Prohibition. He even went toe-to-toe with Henry Cavill's Superman as General Zod in 2013's Man of Steel.
In Knives Out, the Kentucky-bred actor plays Walt Thrombey, the new CEO of his father's publishing house. In an interview with Slash Film, Shannon mentioned how great it was to work with Rian Johnson on the set, saying, 'I had a blast, man, that was so much fun. ... Also, Rian is a super, super sweet guy.' Having a sweet boss must be a major plus on a movie production.
Ana de Armas is playing Marta Cabrera
Although her official acting debut came in a Spanish film in 2006, Ana de Armas' Hollywood career really started in 2015, starring alongside Keanu Reeves as Bell in the dark thriller Knock Knock. After that, she played Miles Teller's girlfriend, Iz, in War Dogs, and then the holographic Joi in the trippy Blade Runner 2049.
Although she's starring alongside Daniel Craig in 2020's new Bond film, No Time to Die, the gorgeous Cuban starlet first shared the screen with him in Knives Out. As Marta Cabrera, the recently deceased Harlan Thrombey's live-in nurse, de Armas is one of the prime murder suspects. But while de Armas admittedly had a wonderful experience on set, shooting in Boston had one particular downside. As she explained, 'It was my first time in Boston. It was freezing, for a Cuban especially.' The actress may have been cold, but is she actually Knives Out's cold-blooded killer?
Jamie Lee Curtis is showing up as Linda Drysdale
Jamie Lee Curtis is truly an American treasure. The California-raised actress has appeared in so many films and TV shows through the years that it's hard to keep track of them all. If you're a horror fan, you probably know her best as Laurie Strode in John Carpenter's Halloween franchise. However, she's so much more than a scream queen. Curtis has starred in action classics like True Lies, kids' movies like Freaky Friday, and a slew of feel-good comedies, including My Girl and You Again.
With an ensemble cast as star-studded as that of Knives Out, it's hard to imagine any one person really standing out. However, when speaking to Entertainment Tonight, director Rian Johnson had a clear cut MVP: Jamie Lee Curtis as Linda Drysdale. The award-winning actress would show up early to set every day, even when she wasn't scheduled to be in the scene. 'I was like, 'Jamie Lee Curtis is here! Film her!' She got into scenes she wasn't even supposed to be in — just because she was there!' Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
Knives Out stars Don Johnson as Richard Drysdale
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Detective James Crockett has certainly aged well. Don Johnson, who won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of the snazzily dressed, undercover detective in the classic '80s TV series Miami Vice, remains a big name in Hollywood, still popping up in movies while well into his 60s. Since 2010, the Missouri-born actor has starred in a few Western-themed action flicks, such as Machete and Django Unchained, as well as a couple of romantic comedies, including The Other Woman and Book Club. He's also been an apparent go-to-guy for HBO, starring in both Eastbound & Down as Kenny Powers' father, Eduardo Sanchez, and more recently as police sheriff Judd Crawford in Watchmen.
In Knives Out, Johnson will play Richard Drysdale, the husband to Jamie Lee Curtis' Linda. Recently, the Tin Cup actor went on The Deep Cut podcast and raved about his experience on set. He also disclosed that he was able to see an early screening of the film, and it blew him away. 'Actually it's so good that I am super proud of it.'
Christopher Plummer is playing Harlan Thrombey
Canadian actor Christopher Plummer solidified his status as an acting great by taking home an Oscar for his portrayal of Hal, a closeted gay man, in 2010's Beginners. With acting credits dating back to the 1950s, Plummer has enjoyed an exceptionally long and fruitful career, and it's still going strong. In 2001, he played Dr. Rosen in the Oscar-winning A Beautiful Mind, and in 2017, he played J. Paul Getty in the Oscar-nominated All the Money in the World. He certainly has a knack of being attached to prestigious projects, going all the way back to The Sound of Music.
In Knives Out, Plummer is playing Harlan Thrombey, a famous mystery author who's found dead. In the film, Harlan is tended to by his live-in nurse, Marta, played by Ana de Armas, and it sounds as though the two performers really developed a strong relationship on set. When The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Plummer at TIFF, the Barrymore actor was asked, of all the people in attendance at the film festival, who he would most like to be stuck in an elevator with. And the man replied, 'Apart from my wife, I think Marta (de Armas), our beautiful lady who is such a good actress. ... That would be very pleasant.' It's safe to assume that most guys would agree with Plummer's response.
Jaeden Martell is taking on the role of Jacob Thrombey
He may look young, but don't make the mistake of thinking Jaeden Martell isn't already the man. He's not even 20 years old yet, and he's already starred in a couple of major movies and TV shows. Before playing Bill Denbrough, the leader of the Losers' Club, in 2017's It, the young star shined alongside Bill Murray in 2014's St. Vincent, and he also played Johnny Masters in Showtime's often raunchy drama, Masters of Sex. (He was also the title character in The Book of Henry ... although the less said about that particular film, the better.)
Cast Of The Movie Knives Out Full
In Knives Out, Martell plays Jacob Thrombey, the internet-trolling son of Michael Shannon's Walt. Interestingly enough, this isn't the first time Martell and Shannon played father and son on the big screen. In 2016, the duo co-starred in the thrilling sci-fi mystery, Midnight Special. It must be nice to have a father figure like Shannon on set.
Movie Knives Out Cast
Lakeith Stanfield will try to solve the mystery as Detective Lieutenant Elliot
Life has been especially good for Lakeith Stanfield over the past ten years. The California-raised actor's first big break was getting cast as Marcus in Short Term 12, alongside Brie Larson. He then was cast as Jimmie Lee Jackson in 2014's Oscar-winning Martin Luther King Jr. biopic, Selma. Since then, his career has really caught fire. Although he's appeared in popular films like Get Out, Sorry to Bother You, and Netflix's Death Note, perhaps his most recognizable role is that of the philosophical stoner Darius in Donald Glover's comedic drama Atlanta. Then again, he also portrayed a young Snoop Dogg in 2015's Straight Outta Compton, so you be the judge.
For Knives Out, Stanfield is playing Lieutenant Elliot, a detective investigating Harlan Thrombey's death who initially believes it to be a suicide. However, as more clues begin to surface, his character starts to suspect something more sinister is afoot. The award-winning actor will, much like the audience, try to solve Rian Johnson's whodunnit.
Cast Of The Movie Knives Out Netflix
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Riki Lindhome will be appearing in Knives Out as Donna Thrombey
Who Is The Cast Of Movie Knives Out
Riki Lindhome is undoubtedly one funny chick, but she doesn't limit herself to just comedy. Although she and fellow comedian Kate Micucci make up the comedy duo Garfunkel & Oates, Lindhome's first on-screen part was as Mardell Fitzgerald in Clint Eastwood's Oscar-winning Million Dollar Baby. After that, she landed the recurring role of Juliet in the sixth season of the Gilmore Girls, as well as parts in films like My Best Friend's Girl, Changeling, and The Last House on the Left.
Cast Of The Movie Knives Out Cast
In Johnson's murder mystery, the Emmy-nominated actress is playing Donna Thrombey, the wife of Michael Shannon's Walt and mother of Jaeden Martell's Jacob. In addition to working with some major movie stars, Lindhome has certainly enjoyed the movie's many twists and turns, telling Yahoo! Entertainment, 'You see a lot of movies, and they'll have like one big twist. With Knives Out, there's just one after the other after the other. ... By the end everything's woven together in this sort of masterful puzzle.' Count us in!
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Digna
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[Photo: James Michael Avance]
This Filipino fantasy has been giving us our whole life in NYC for quite a while now... but after taking a sizable break from the biz she’s back and better than ever. Thotyssey dishes the T with the delicious Digna!
Thotyssey: Digna, hello! Thanks for chatting tonight! How was your Memorial Day Weekend?
Digna: It was amazing! I was able to take a weekend trip out to the Hamptons to hang out with some friends, and made it back in time for Alegria on Sunday night!
Was Alegria work or play?
Oh it was all play, I love me a circuit party!
I’ve seen the pictures! These giant circuit parties are struggling to find big spaces to accommodate their brand these days... has that affected how fun / successful they are today, from your perspective?
Um, yes and no. Alegria used to be at Webster Hall, and that place was massive. So many wonderful memories and friendships were built there, so these days you just can’t help but compare! Ultimately though, every one of these parties have their own vibe, and they all offer different experiences. I go for the music, the dancing and the company of my favorite people in the world... so it’s all good!
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So you’ve been part of NYC nightlife for awhile now. But before we get into all that, where are you from originally?
Well I’m Filipino; I was born in Manila. I moved to the US in 2002: Memphis, TN to be exact.
What do you remember about living in Manila?
Honestly, what I remember the most was being spoiled by my grandparents. My mom left to work in the US when I was 7. Also, my older brother and I would always bicker, and I’d chase him with a knife crying, lol!
A drama queen from day one! When you moved to Memphis, was that a difficult adjustment for you?
Honestly, it was okay The hardest part was getting the English language out of me. In Manila, you learn English from the day you start school--but for some reason it just wouldn’t come out of my mouth! It took me a while to get comfortable, but once the comfort was there, I was trouble! Besides that, going in to a new school and meeting new people was easy-breezy.
Being super social at a young age was probably a good indicator that you were gonna be a star someday! Were you always interested in performing? And makeup and fashion, for that matter?
My grandmother is an amazing singer. So is my mom. My gay uncle was in theatre, so I guess I can say I was surrounded by performers! Growing up, I’ve always had an eye for fashion; makeup came later in life.
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What brought you to NYC?
Well, I was young and ambitious. Still am, okuuurt...! I had $200 cash with a motivation to conquer the world! Actually I moved here to do makeup. That’s all I had in mind. That didn’t work out well--the competition was REAL!  I ended up working at Dunkin Donuts for almost a year. The makeup gig didn’t pickup until a couple of years in. Now it’s my career, too!
How did you discover drag?
Ha! Great question. Before I knew what drag actually was, there was my older brother. He loved to dress up for Halloween. And even at home, he would wear my grandmother’s “daster”--which is a sun dress--and prance around. So growing up, the idea of dressing up was there... and I guess I can say my brother introduced me to it. He was my favorite drag queen!
I'm sure he's honored! When did you start going out as Digna?
The first time I did it was for my going away party in Memphis, right before I moved to NYC. But I didn’t actually start going out in drag until 2011.
You used to be known as "Digna Shei."  What’s the origin of that name?
I go by just “Digna” now. In the beginning, a friend of mine told me I was too pretty to have a pretty name. He came up with Digna--in the Philippines it sounds like a maid’s name, Haha!
Werk, maid! How did you start getting gigs?
Just like everybody else: showing up and and doing numbers here and there!
And soon you started working at The Web.
Yes! I started as a gogo boy / shot boy and I promoted myself to a drag queen! 
Oh, the stories I hurrrrd about the life of a gogo boy at The Web!
Yeah... no, not my story! Lol
There was a time where there was this huge, fierce posse of Asian queens in the city, many of whom worked at The Web: Jiggly Caliente, Yuhua Hamasaki, Kara Sucia... and I'm not sure if they worked there also, but Tara Miso Rice and Asia Persuasia were part of that crew, and “pre-Jasmine” Jasmine Rice (aka KimChiChi Shamalan-Something-Whatever)! Some of those queens are still here and and amazing, but many have moved away from drag or out of the city. Do you miss that big sisterhood?
You know what, I actually produced a shoot with Magnus Hastings with all of these girls! We called it “Haus of Asia.” Jasmine didn’t work at The Web, but I knew her from the beginning so I invited her to shoot with us. Tara was my big sis and Asia was my daughter, and they also did not work at the Web. We are all still sisters, just doing our own things!
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[Photo: Magnus Hastings]
Would you say your passions with drag lie more in the aesthetic side than the performing side?
I would say both... I love the aesthetic part of drag. And even though I’m not the best performer, I am visually appealing... so I am definitely someone worth watching!
Vivacious told us that you and your cosmetics expertise were instrumental in getting her makeup skills up to par as she prepared for her season on RuPaul’s Drag Race.
I like to help anybody, if I can. She was one of the nicest and funniest queens I’ve worked with.
Regarding this past season, it was cool seeing Yuhua being Yuhua on the show, wasn't it? 
Yes! The bitch is insane, and I am so happy for her. 
It's a bummer that she couldn't spend more time there.
I was kind of sad when she got booted off. I know she will make it super far in life though, the girl is smart!
Do you have interest in doing the show at some point?
Yes, it’s on my To Do list.
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It seems like you kinda stepped away from drag for about year, until recently.
It was for a year and a half, I believe. I just needed a break, I was going through a rough patch, and I had to step away for a bit before it consumed me.
But now you're back in a big way. First off, you are a weekend hostess at the Ritz! What’s that like?
It’s awesome! I have Friday nights at The Ritz, it’s such an amazing party. The energy is just insane, and the crowd is so eclectic on Fridays. You never know what to expect! I host a quick 2am show, with a special twist that involves the audience. You’re gonna have to come to see what it is! I also do some Saturdays, whenever we have a huge circuit DJ from overseas.
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You're also part of the Lucky Chengs drag dining experience, which has been situated in a number of very different venues at this point but currently resides in Stage 48. Chengs has a long history of serving the fiercest Dinner Queens, how are you liking it there?
I love it! Lucky Chengs is my home. I’ve actually been with them on and off since the beginning of my drag career. Now I am a permanent cast member at the Stage 48 venue!
They've been doing interesting things there lately, like showcasing out-of-town queens and big name NYC girls. And now they're trying something else: outsourcing! 
Oooohhh yesss, the cat’s out of the bag! On June 4, we are launching our brand at Megu at The Dream Downtown. Different cast, different vibe. This is another side of Lucky Chengs we are super excited to showcase. On our opening night we have Patti Spliff, Nick Gaga, Phaedra Phaded, Astala Vista and of course ME.
That’s an amazing lineup! And will this be weekly dinner and shows moving forward?
That’s right! Get this sushi, baby! It’s going to be every Monday night at 7:30!
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Congeatulations! Okay, in conclusion: in light of Kim's recent meeting with Trump.... who actually is the greatest Kardashian?
Ummmm, duh: Kimora Blac!
Hey, you’re right! Thanks, Digna!
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Digna hosts Friday and select Saturday nights at the Ritz (10pm), select weekend nights at Lucky Chengs at Stage 48, and select Mondays for the Lucky Chengs takeover of Megu (7:30pm). Check Thotyssey’s calendar for all upcoming gigs, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
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gushingaboutgames · 7 years
Sega Dreamcast
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I hated middle school. There’s a whole swath of memories I’d rather do without as far as the years 1999 through 2002 are concerned. There is, however, one memory I hold near and dear to my heart during this time frame. After reading about it in magazines and being really excited for it, my mother took me to Toys’R’Us one evening to get me a Sega Dreamcast. We brought that puppy home with a copy of Sonic Adventure, hooked it up, fired it up, and took it all in. As the opening cinematic played on my TV, Mum said “It’s like playing a movie!”
Boy, if we only knew what games would go on to look like now.
The Dreamcast was, and to this day remains, my all time favorite console. It’s the swan song of a company that was perhaps a bit too ambitious for its own good, a marvel of gaming technology many years ahead of its time, and home to some of the best and most unique games to ever come out.
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At the time of its release, the Dreamcast was the most graphically powerful console on the market. Sony’s Playstation boasted 32-bit graphics, and the Nintendo 64 had double that, at -wait for it- 64 bits. Dreamcast had double of that: 128 bits of beautiful graphics, thanks to the GD-ROM, a proprietary disc format born from squeezing every bit of memory out of a regular old CD as was physically possible, before DVDs and Blu-Ray became as ubiquitous as they are today.
Even the method of memory storage was unlike its competitors; the standard memory card for the Dreamcast was the Visual Memory Unit (VMU), a cross between a memory card and a Gameboy that let you manage data and download minigames to extend the functionality of many games. The only other thing like it that I can think of being made is Sony’s Pocketstation, and that never saw the light of day outside of Japan. You would not believe the number of button-cell batteries I burned through caring for Chao on the go.
Of course, all of the fancy tech and cool gadgets wouldn’t amount to much if the games on offer weren’t fun at all. Tiger’s Game.Com bragged of being a versatily console and handheld device, but the games for it all stank like a fragrant dog poop laying on the sidewalk on a hot Floridian summer day. Thankfully, fun games were something the Dreamcast had no shortage of, even in the brief few years that it was on the market, a slew of which I’d like to bring attention to.
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
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Maybe they haven’t aged as well as I’d like to think, but DAYUM if these weren’t some fun games back in the day. Sonic has always struggled with 3D, but the first attempts at true 3D Sonic games remain quite novel. The first Sonic Adventure had different play styles for each character, some of which were great (Sonic and Gamma, for me at least), others...not so much (the less said about Big, the better), in addition to, for its time, an intricate plot with each character’s story intertwining and playing out differently depending on which character you’re playing as.
Sonic Adventure 2, meanwhile, streamlined the gameplay and improved upon some of the first game’s flaws, cutting out the non-platforming related stages (aside from the treasure hunting stages, which are a touch better than in the first game). It’s story was also very compelling, being one of the darkest storylines in the entire series; government conspiracies, weapons of mass destruction, fucking murder! Maybe that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I think we can all agree that SA2 handled “dark and gritty” a lot better than Shadow the Hedgehog’s stand-alone game.
Both games also featured a mini-game that could prove to be just as addicting, if not more so, than the games proper: Chao Gardens. Chao were little, adorable water monsters that players could raise like virtual pets, their popularity likely owed in part to the ubiquity of other virtual pets like Tamagotchi near the end of the millennium, as well as how easy-going and casual raising a Chao was compared to a Digi-Pet that would not wait for you to clean its shit up: you can enter and leave Chao Gardens freely, and you wouldn’t have to worry of your Chao dying of neglect in your absence. There’s also very deep mechanics at work for raising Chao, with their growth and evolution depending heavily on how well you raise them, what animals you give them, and what fruits you feed them, all so you can have them participate in races. The aforementioned VMU also expanded Chao functionality considerably, letting you raise them anywhere you wanted.
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My relationship with Shenmue, these days, is very much that of a love-hate relationship. On the one hand, Shenmue popularized two aspects of gaming today that I loathe; Quick-Time Events, and over-blown game budgets (this game would’ve had to be bought by every DC owner TWICE before it could break even). On the other hand, there’s no denying that this game was a labor of love by Yu Suzuki. The attention to detail in Ryo Hazuki’s hometown of Yokosuka is staggering. Everything you can imagine can be interacted with, down to the last dresser drawer in Ryo’s house. Every resident of Yokosuka was unique from the others and had their own behaviors that they would go through, unlike every other NPC in the town, or other games for that matter. The story may be a tad formulaic, and most of the voice work left something to be desired, but the world of Shenmue was one that was very fun to explore.
Plus, this game introduced me to Space Harrier. If that’s not a good thing, you tell me what is.
Jet Set Radio
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I had to convince my mother this game wouldn’t turn me into a graffiti-painting delinquent. It was a hard sell, but it paid off, and boy am I glad it did.
Jet Set Radio is very much unlike other games, then and today even. This was the game that helped to popularize cel-shaded graphics; the thick black outlines around the character models made this game look like an anime come to life, and eventually paved the way for the wicked-awesome graphics we see today from Arc System Works with Guilty Gear XRD and Dragonball FighterZ. The idea of playing a roller-blading hooligan throwing tags around the city and evading the police was also unique, and kept players on their toes as techno music accompanies their shenanigans. The game was a bit on the short side, but was challenging and fun enough that multiple playthroughs were warranted.
Making my own graffiti tags was also quite the timesink.
Phantasy Star Online
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I may be a late bloomer to the Phantasy Star series, but it has become one very dear to me for helping me meet some of my closest friends (Hi, Tara!).
Phantasy Star was a series of JRPGs by Sega meant to compete with other big franchises like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The original PSO, on the other hand, is an online multiplayer dungeon crawler that would change the course of the series from that point forward. As interstellar colonists investigating mysterious phenomena on an alien planet, players would delve into unique locals with characters they would create themselves to slay monsters, collect valuable items, and unravel the mysteries of the planet Ragol.
The original PSO is also very notable for its attempt to break the language barrier with a unique conversation system. While good ol’ fashioned keyboards remained in vogue, players also had the option of constructing sentences to transmit to other players in the area or party in those players’ native languages. Using this system, you could send a message saying “Help! This dragon is too powerful!”, and your friend in Japan would read it as “助けて!この龍は強すぎる!” It may not have seen much use, since players are more likely to congregate and play with those that can speak a common language fluently, but it was very kind of Sega to provide the option.
One thing that gets me straight in the feels is something from the original beta trailer for this game: “The world of Phantasy Star Online lasts for an eternity!” It is not uncommon for trailers and developers to hype games up with hyperbole (just ask Peter Molyneaux), but this is a statement that has held true for PSO! Even after the last official server for the last iteration of PSO shut down in 2008, private servers continue to run the game to this day, ensuring that the world of PSO truly remains eternal. Even with a proper sequel Phantasy Star Online 2 proving to be a pop culture staple in Japan, the original PSO remains one of the most beloved and enduring MMOs in history.
Skies of Arcadia
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I’ve got friends who would skin my hide and leave me to hang like the Predator if I didn’t mention this.
Just about every console since the NES has a JRPG, and the Dreamcast is no exception. While Phantasy Star shifted towards MMO territory, those hoping for a sweeping single-player adventure still had Skies of Arcadia. As the daring sky pirate Vyse and his motley crew of adventurers, players fought to stop an evil empire from awakening an ancient evil while flying across a world of floating continents in a kickass airship. This game is among the most challenging JRPGs in the genre; a clever mind and strategic acumen are needed to survive battles with other pirates, monsters, and rival airships. The world of the game is also incredibly beautiful; I personally think it has much in common with Castle in the Sky, my favorite Hayao Miyazaki film. The soundtrack compliments the game incredibly, and is a joy to listen to by itself.
There are plenty of other games that made the Dreamcast incredible, but this article is long enough as it is, so I’ll have to give those games their proper due later. Suffice to say, though, the Dreamcast is a historical console that remains one of the most beloved in the history of the medium, not only by myself, but by hundreds of thousands of gamers the world over. It may have only been on the market for a few years, but it is said that the brightest stars are the ones that burn out the quickest.
And make no mistake, the Dreamcast is one of the brightest stars there ever was.
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jodonfan · 4 years
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ICONIC FILM & TELEVISION LEGEND Tara Reid joins the cast of DIRECTOR Massimiliano Cerchi Upcoming film MIDWAY 2! Tara Donna Reid (born November 8, 1975) is an American actress. She played Vicky in the films American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001), and American Reunion (2012), and Bunny Lebowski in The Big Lebowski (1998). In 2013, she starred as April Wexler in DIRECTOR Anthony C. Ferrante phenomenon film franchise Sharknado’s as she reprise the role. Reid made her film debut in A Return to Salem's Lot in 1987. Her other film appearances include Urban Legend (1998), Dr. T & the Women (2000), Josie and the Pussycats (2001), Van Wilder (2002), My Boss's Daughter (2003), and Alone in the Dark (2005). She had her own reality travel show on the E! network called Taradise in 2005, and was a housemate on the 2011 British reality series Celebrity Big Brother 8. Please checkout the campaign and see how you can join Tara’s film with your so kind donation. Thank you! CAMPAIGN LINK: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mayday-2-feature-film-starring-michael-pare?fbclid=IwAR31c0lwtTp_DDhdgxInouq3Hf5JMFVBThDNIlnCToNMDOW3C37SI2uVyLk#/ cc: @massi_borelli @tarareid @anthonycferrante https://www.instagram.com/p/CFu3iK7Fycp/?igshid=152664uc0ie7s
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2017: #4-SPIES
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There’s a man who leads a life of danger To everyone he meets he stays a stranger With every move he makes another chance he takes Odds are he won’t live to see tomorrow Secret agent man, secret agent man They’ve given you a number and taken away your name. - “Secret Agent Man” by Johnny Rivers.
James Bond is not an uncommon Halloween costume; so many different Bond outfits could be used, but white tuxedos are sure to win the day.  There are other distinctive spies that one could create costumes for Halloween.  Patrick McGoohan was one of the first actors to regularly portray a spy, John Drake, in the British series, Danger Man, from 1960-62.  In the half-hour episodes, John Drake worked on various cases as a United Nations agent.  The series returned from 1964-67 as Secret Agent in one-hour episodes.  In Secret Agent, John Drake now worked for the British secret service.  The storylines were sophisticated and realistic.  McGoohan performed his own stunts, and there were excellent supporting actors.  Johnny River’s song, “Secret Agent Man” was created for this series.  In 1967, McGoohan went on to co-create The Prisoner, a science-fiction/spy, cult tv mini-series.  McGoohan wore a distinctive outfit in The Prisoner, perfect for a Halloween costume, including a black blazer with white piping.  The Prisoner sure seems like the continuing Orwellian nightmarish misadventures of John Drake, even though McGoohan’s character is only referred to as Number Six in the seventeen episodes.  Who has kidnapped him?  Where is he?  Who is Number One?  And what are those growling, large, white bubble monsters (see 2011: #2-STRANGE TV MONSTERS)?  The Prisoner is one of the most artistic and intelligent television series ever made, and has social commentary ranging from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest to 1984.  In fact, The Prisoner is one of the top ten best tv series ever.  The Prisoner has a definite ending which is so strange that it makes a werewolf yodeling Swedish songs in a hot tub filled with gravy to be rather normal.  In the 1960’s-70’s, McGoohan was offered the role of James Bond three times, but he turned it down because he felt that Bond was an immoral character.  Actors who portray spies often feel that they are villains.
In 1962, Dr. No, the first James Bond film, was released starring Sean Connery.  When he tired of the role, George Lazenby became the second James Bond for one film.  Meanwhile, a popular British spy tv series had started since Danger Man had begun: The Saint.  The Saint ran from 1962-69, black and white and then into color, and featured the thief, but honorable cultured man, Simon Templar, as played by a young Roger Moore.  Roger Moore then graduated to become the third James Bond.  He extended his tongue-in-cheek persona of Simon Templar into his characterization of James Bond.  The Saint was resurrected in 1978 with The Return of the Saint British tv series and starred Ian Ogilvy.  Timothy Dalton then replaced Roger Moore in the 1980’s as the fourth James Bond.  The 1982-87 American tv series, Remington Steele, became popular which was about a Simon Templar-like character, starring Pierce Brosnan.  After waiting for his Remington Steele contractual issues to end, Pierce Brosnan became the fifth official James Bond.  But there have also been unofficial James Bonds.  The 1967 film, Casino Royale, was not included in the James Bond film series.  Instead, it was curiously created as a comedy with multiple actors portraying James Bond including David Niven and Peter Sellers.  For villains, Casino Royale starred Orson Wells as Le Chiffre and Woody Allen as Dr. Noah.  Back in the proper James Bond series, in 2006 Daniel Craig became the sixth James Bond.  He portrays Bond the most accurately as compared to the character in the books.
The James Bond original novels were written by Ian Fleming who also strangely released, Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang.  He wrote fourteen James Bond books from 1953-66 which provided full characterizations of Bond.  They are worth reading if you like spy novels.  The Bond in the books is a bit different than the Bond in films.  The novels characterize Bond as more of a gourmet and less of a lusty womanizer, who tries to live life to the fullest because he expects to die any day.  The central characteristic of Bond and any superior spy is thinking outside of the box – and probably blowing up the box!  In 1968, Kingsley Amis continued the Bond series with Colonel Sun.  Then the Bond book series died, until 1981-96 in which John Gardner continued the series with sixteen more novels.  Some of his Bond novels were exceptionally awful.  The series was then continued by Raymond Benson with nine novels from 1996-2002.  Since then there have been four new novels written in the series, each by a different author, such as Devil May Care by Sebastian Faulks.  There is also a Young Bond series that started twelve years ago written by two authors and containing eleven books.  
James Bond is a major acting role just like Batman or Sherlock Holmes.  There are some noteworthy actors who turned down the role over the years besides Patrick McGoohan.  Richard Burton and Cary Grant both turned down the role.  Adam West and Clint Eastwood refused the role because they felt the actor should be British.  There are many actors who auditioned and were not selected for the role: Michael Cain, Paul McGann, Mel Gibson, Sam Neill, and Jeremy Brett (see 2012: #12-THE ADVENTURES OF SHEERLUCK HOMIE).  It would be fascinating if a future James Bond film brought back the surviving Bond actors including Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan as villains.  When considering Bond-related Halloween costumes, take into account distinctive Bond villains such as the bald Goldfinger or the three-nippled Scaramanga.  But there are spies beyond Bond!
Perhaps the most stylish, elegant, and entertaining spy tv series is The Avengers starring Patrick Macnee as John Steed and Dianna Rigg as Emma Peel.  Steed was a spy who wore custom-made, light blue or gray, Pierre Cardin suits, wore a distinctive armored bowler hat, and carried secret-gadget umbrellas, all suitably swell for Halloween costumes.  The first season featured Dr. David Keel who meets the spy, John Steed.  The second season included Steed mostly working with Cathy Gale played by Honor Blackman who appeared in Goldfinger.  The third and fourth seasons were the best and introduced Steed to Dianna Rigg as the wonderful Mrs. Emma Peel.  Mrs. Peel’s colorful catsuits and full leather bodysuits qualify for being cool Halloween costumes.  The fifth and sixth seasons had Steed working with his spy boss, Mother, played by Patrick Newel as he was assisted by the spy-in-training, Tara King, played by Linda Thorson.  The Avengers ran for six seasons between 1961-69 with one hundred and sixty-one episodes.  Some episodes crossed over into science-fiction/horror with possible ghosts, time travel, Frankenstein monsters, and UFOs.  Guest stars included Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee (see 2018: #1-GREAT HORROR FILM ACTORS).  In 1976-77, two seasons of The New Avengers ran with Patrick Macnee reprising his role as an older Steed as he directed the spies Gambit and Purdey, who was portrayed by Absolutely Fabulous’ Joanna Lumley (aka Patsy).   The Avengers was adapted into a 1998 film that was panned by critics but included Ralph Fiennes, Sean Connery, and an appearance by Patrick Macnee as an invisible man.  I met Patrick Macnee in 1992, and I asked him to impart his wisdom and he told me, “Do whatever you have to do to get through the day.”
There are many other popular spy tv series.  The Man From Uncle was popular; so was I, Spy.  Mission Impossible was a tv series and has also been a film series.  The Wild, Wild West was a decent spy series with a lot of perilous dwarf villains.  In the 1970’s, Edward Woodward was the lead in the dark, gritty British spy series, Callan, who sometimes performed assassinations.  In the 1980’s, Woodward swam to the U.S. to star in The Equalizer for four seasons.  His Robert McCall was quite similar to a retired Callan.  24 was a very popular, anti-terrorist, action-oriented series.  Most recently, Person of Interest was a science-fiction/spy series similar to The Prisoner in some ways.  Get Smart was the first spy/comedy tv series, and Archer is now a popular, spy/comedy, animated series.  There are many spy films, and many of those are based on previous tv series and are never as good as the original.  
There is one fresh and new, spy video game character that offers a distinctive Halloween costume: Sam Fisher.  Sam Fisher is the central character in the Splinter Cell game series.  There are Splinter Cell books and a film is planned potentially starring Mad Max’s Tom Hardy.  Sam Fisher is more athletic than James Bond, and mainly performs special operations for a subdivision of the NSA.  His ninja-like methods are reinforced by his gadgets.  He uses a light meter to stay in shadows and wears distinctive night-vision goggles with his trademark three green glowing lenses.  Sam Fisher typically wears high-tech black bodysuits and creeps about using lethal force on high-stakes missions.  Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is the best game in the series, and it features a really great soundtrack by Amon Tobin.  I expect that in the future Sam Fisher will be much more well known after the film is made, and he will provide popular Halloween costumes.  
There is one great, non-fiction, spy tv series, Reilly: Ace of Spies starring Sam Neill.  Reilly: Ace of Spies is a 1983 mini-series consisting of twelve episodes that followed the life of the real spy that inspired Ian Fleming to create James Bond.  The spy was named Sidney Reilly, but his original name is believed to be Sigmund Rosenblum (see center photo).  He was born in Russia, faked his own death as a young teenager, stowed away on a ship to Brazil, and soon ended up meeting British spies.  He ended up working for the British Secret Service, and went undercover in other countries for extended periods of time.  Reilly was utterly ruthless.  He once was sent to help another spy steal design plans, and he became the man’s roommate without telling him who he was.  He let the other spy be caught and die as Reilly left with the plans.  Reilly was a major factor in causing wars.  He tried to overthrow Lenin and set himself up as the head of Russia, and he got very close to achieving that to such an extent that he was listed in Russian history books as an enemy of the state.  He had no problem poisoning or even executing people.  Even Sam Neill, in his returned correspondence to me wrote that, “Reilly wasn’t such a good guy, really.”
Reilly went undercover, became a millionaire, and soon his identity was very fuzzy and even the British did not know if he was working for them.  He did not have any sort of regular employee-employer relationship with the British Secret Service anymore, and he became a force to be reckoned with.  He moved to the United States, met with captains of industry, and started his own private secret service organization.  Before WW2 broke out, Reilly disappeared.  It was believed that the Russians finally captured and executed him, but it never confirmed.  In fact, there is conjecture that he survived the 1930’s and remained a hidden manipulator of world events after his disappearance.  Maybe he was always working for Russia.  Even though spy costumes and tv series are fun, real spies live in a world of paranoia and tend to be dark figures that border on being villains.
Even a mask of Spy vs Spy from Mad Magazine is swell for Halloween.  But don’t just tie a black mask over your eyes and go as a criminal!  Take a chance, lead a life of danger, and dress up as a spy for Halloween!
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rodgersodimba · 6 years
Carson Daly Net Worth, Salary, Height and Age
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Carson Daly is a man who is easily recognized anywhere he goes as a famous host of various NBC shows and programs as well as the reality singing television series called ‘The Voice.’ Carson has made a huge name for himself by his frequent appearances in NBC as a host and correspondent and also as a host, VJ and DJ of multiple radio and TV entertainment shows. Learn more about Carson Daly’s Net Worth and career in detail through us and while you’re at it get to know interesting facts about his wiki-bio as well like his height and age. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "442568836"; medianet_versionId = "3111299";
Carson Daly Net Worth and Salary.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Caron Daly is estimated to possess an astounding amount of net worth of more than 25 million dollars. He makes up for such a large net worth thanks to his annual salary of nearly 5 million dollars. Carson Daly’s Net worth and salary can be predicted merely looking at his most successful career.
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Carson Daly net worth is $25 million He is the host of hit reality singing show ‘The Voice‘ as well as the host of his show ‘Last Call with Carson Daly.‘ He has also gained more and more significance as his position in the NBC over time. He even has appeared as the social media correspondent for NBC’s ‘Today’ show. These are just the main highlights of Carson Daly’s career that goes on to make up for his incredible net worth and salary. Carson Daly has also had a long career with MTV. MTV spotted Caron Daly at the very beginning of his career when he was broadcasting for radio station KOME in San Jose and its sister station KROUQ in Los Angeles, California. MTV hired Carson Daly as a VJ for a program. Soon MTV hired him permanently as a VJ after which he moved to New York and began hosting MTV Live, and he also hosted Total Request Live from 1998 to 2003. He debuted in the talk show ‘Last Call with Carson Daly’ in 2002. He also began hosting and executive producer of ‘The Voice’ since 2011. As the show’s executive producer, Carson Daly has won the Emmy Awards for Outstanding Reality Competitions for four times, once in 2013 then consecutively in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. The Vice host is also one of the founding members of the 456 Enterprise and Entertainment, an independent record label alongside Jonathan Rifkind, Jonathan B. Davis and Bam Margera. So his enormous net worth and salary aren’t much of a surprise.
Carson Daly’s Married Life with Wife and Girlfriend History
Carson Daly is married to the lovely Siri Pinter. Carson’s wife Siri Pinter is a food blogger and also the daughter of famous soap opera actor Mark Pinter. Carson Daly and wife Siri Pinter got married on 23rd December 2015 in a private ceremony surrounded by only close family and friends. Daly had once spoken about his wife to people, “She would walk into our meetings, and I would look at the other dudes in the room, like, ‘Do you see what I see?’ It was undeniable.” The couple’s marriage was more than called for since the couples already share three children together and on top of that have been together for more than 13 years. They got engaged in 2013. Among their three children, their first son Jackson James Daly was born in March 2009, their daughter Etta Jones Daly was born in September 2012 and their second daughter and third child, London Rose Daly was born on 20th of August 2014.
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Carson Daly with his wife Siri Pinter Carson Daly was previously dating actress and singer Ashlee Simpson for a short while in 2003. Ashlee Simpson is the sister of singer Jessica Simpson. He was also rumored to be dating Christina Aguilera before that in 2002. He was also known to be dating former girlfriend Tara Reid who he met while he was hosting MTV’s TRL in March 2000. Their dating life became severe, and they moved together into a New York City apartment. They got engaged on 29th of October that year but broke their engagement off in June of next year.
Carson Daly Height and Age
Carson Daly was born on June 22 in the year of 1973, in Santa Monica, California, the USA which makes his age as of today to be 45 years old. Carson Daly has a height of 6 feet and 2 inches or directly 189 cm. In contrast, he weighs around 203 pounds or 93 kilograms.
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Carson Daly height
Carson Daly is a famous American host, RJ, DJ, and producer. Carson Daly is probably most famous for being the host of ‘Last Call with Carson Daly’ and as the host and producer of ‘The Voice.’ His mother is Pattie Daly Caruso who was also a TV personality from Coachella Valley. His father Jim Daly who was also known as JD was a car salesman. His father passed away when he was just five years old. This “The Voice” host is of Irish descent and Catholic by faith. He graduated from Santa Monica High School and attended the Loyola Marymount University but dropped out to pursue a career in golf which he was pro-active in since high school. Trending. Cheap Celebrities Who Are Terrible Tippers Rich Celebrities Who Live Humble Lives Celebrities Who Are Incredibly Generous Tippers. No 8 might surprise you. Best Animal Shows that You will Love. Celebrities Who Drive Most Expensive Cars In The World Read the full article
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Attina Monroe Triton - Character Sheet
all these couples are kissing / and i can't stand the heat / i lost my shoes and left the party / i wander in the street
i put my feet into the fountain / the statues' all asleep / no use wishing on the water / it grants you no relief...
Archetype — The Caregiver Birthday — June 22, 1991 Zodiac Sign — Cancer MBTI — ENFJ Enneagram — 2, the Helper Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff (burned) Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Envy/Lust Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Water   
Mother — Athena Triton (nee Oceana) (deceased) Father — Jeffery Triton Mother’s Occupation — Homemaker Father’s Occupation — CEO of Triton Industries (they fund coral reef preservation and ocean clean up) Family Finances — Wealthy (from shipwrecked goods) Birth Order — Oldest Brothers —  None Sisters — Andrina (Anna Kendrick FC, Birthday: February 7, 1992), Adella (Tara Lynn FC, Birthday: March 14, 1993), Arista (Lily James FC, Birthday: March 22, 1994), Aquata (Brianne Hildebrand FC, Birthday: September 20, 1995), Alana (Grace Phipps FC, Birthday: September 23, 1997), Ariel (Sophia Lillis FC, Birthday: December 4, 2002) Other Close Family — Melody (cousin, Lily Collins FC, September 2, 1994), see family tree here. Best Friend — Nala Calame Other Friends — I’m sure she has them. Her sisters. Enemies — Guys that have broken her heart or fucked w her sisters. Pets — None. Home Life During Childhood — Happy, though, had to keep being a mermaid a secret and that was rough. Town or City Name(s) — The Ocean, Boscombe Reef. Swynlake, England. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Shared with Andrina. Was constantly picking up after her. Had bright colors--yellows and oranges and reds. Any Sports or Clubs — Band/Orchestra. (Harpist/keyboard.) Favorite Toy or Game — She totally has a little blanket that she’s had ever since she was a baby and it’s all ragged but she lowkey keeps it in her purse. Schooling — Swynlake Secondary. Favorite Subject — Biology! Popular or Loner — Popular Important Experiences or Events — First time a guy broke her heart (16? Same year mom died.) Health Problems — OCD Culture — Mermaid culture. Religion and beliefs — Uhhh?? They believe in the ocean???
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Sarah Drew Complexion — Pale Hair Colour — Red Eye Colour — Green Height — 5’4 Build — Petite Tattoos — a whale tail on her finger. Piercings — ear piercings Common Hairstyle — lots of various styles, attina loves to mess with her hair Clothing Style — brightly colored, trendy Mannerisms — talks with her hands, laughs awkwardly a lot Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Not really. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — Anxiety, Depression, OCD. Allergies —  Seasonal Grooming Habits — Attina does it all--face masks, pedicures, bubble baths. She loves it all! Sleeping Habits — A pretty good sleeper, but a light sleeper. Eating Habits — Can skip meals when stressed. Probably eats more sweets than she should. Exercise Habits —  Does yoga sometimes. Emotional Stability — 5 out of 10. Tina has a lot of anxiety and her OCD can make her really hard to function sometimes, she is quick to panic and quick to anger and quick to tears. Sociability — So. Friendly. Too friendly. Body Temperature — Runs a little cold to the touch, but isn’t actually cold Addictions — none Drug Use — recreational Alcohol Use — all the time.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — she’s ocd so there is a plethora to choose from Good Habits — always diligent lmao she locks doors like 15 times Best Characteristic — so caring, so sweet Worst Characteristic — sooooo nosy and lowkey desperate Worst Memory — learning that her mother had died Best Memory — each time her sisters were born. Also her first kiss (even if the guy was a dick) Proud of — her degree and her sisters Embarrassed by — pfft everything?? She gets so easily flustered, mostly bc she overshares Driving Style — Doesn’t drive. Strong Points — fiercely loyal and fiercely kind Temperament — bubbly but self-deprecating Attitude — optimist but also a pessimist about her own life Weakness — uhhh so many things? Her desperateness for love she could be easily used if someone tells her they love her Fears — unlovable; something happening to her sisters Phobias — well--OCD is kind of a phobia of disorder Secrets — she’s a mermaid, lol. Also, she got a job at the great barrier reef she turned down Regrets — turning down the job offer (but not really, she’d do it again) Feels Vulnerable When — she likes someone; when her sisters tease her about being overbearing Pet Peeves — when her sisters DONT LISTEN TO HER; messy people (aka all her sisters) Conflicts — wants to live her own life but feels a duty to her fam Motivation — her fam Short Term Goals and Hopes — keep everyone safe Long Term Goals and Hopes — get married. Have a family. (have a job she likes) **disclaimer: she’s given up on all of these Sexuality — Straight Exercise Routine  — she goes when andrina drags her, otherwise she swims and walks a lot. Day or Night Person — Day. Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert. Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist.
Likes and Styles:
Music — she likes lots of pop; megan trainor lana del ray katy perry. Basic bitches. Also movie soundtracks Books — anything romantic. Literally. Anything. She reads those 10 cent novels you buy at the grocery store that literally no one reads Magazines — vogue def. Probably whatever the british equivalent of People is (the Sun??) Foods — she’s a pescatarian. She lovesss fresh fish. But also fruits and veggies. Lovesss smoothies. Drinks — Smoothies. Also drinks lots of water or she’ll start looking like she’s dying Animals — starfish are her fave but she loves all sea critters. Especially coral reef dwellers bc she’s actually spoken with them Sports — uhhh does marching band count? Social Issues — magicks rights/a kinda skewed feminism/she’s p socially aware Favorite Saying — a boat is safe at shore, but that’s not what it was built for. Color — orange! Like her tail! Clothing — she dresses kinda like vintage but cute Jewelry — she wears like pearl earrings every day as a staple and different necklaces. Her mother’s stuff on special occasions. Games — uhh?? None rly. Tho im sure she’d loves those like shoot ‘em up games idk Halo? skyrim? Websites — tumblr def. Facebook def. Insta DEF TV Shows — god she loves trash reality. Movies — likes gore. Likes romance. Loves when ppl die. Greatest Want — to keep her family safe Greatest Need — to take charge of her destiny
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — She lives in Castle Suites, in a three bedroom apartment with her sister Andrina. (The third bedroom has two sets of bunkbeds and probably a futon in it so hypothetically all the sisters could stay the night.) Household furnishings — Pretty modern and always, always organized and clean. Her house always looks like it is getting ready for a photoshoot, though she has to get on Andrina for putting things away. Favorite Possession — Anything that was her mother’s, or that her mother gave her. Most Cherished Possession — A handwritten letter from her mother that Athena gave her the day her tail “popped” Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — Jason Madison (only serious boyfriend, they dated for nine months when she was 15-16). Children — Nope. Relationship with Family — She’s very close to all her sisters and keeps in touch with the cousins (on land) the best that she can. She’s the Perfect Daughter. Car — N/a. Career — Clerk at Whosits and Whatsits Dream Career — She wants to preserve the coral reefs in the world. Dream Life — Travel the world, but then, settle down and have a family. (Preferably have a partner during her worldly travels) Love Life — She dates around. She says “non-existent” Hobbies — Trashy reality television. Hanging out with her sisters. Knitting (bc she’s an old lady.) Watching documentaries. Hanging out in nature. Guilty Pleasure — Chocolate. Attina is always trying the newest diet craze, but when she sad chocolate is her go to. Sports or Clubs — She was in the chess club as a secondary student. She was also the favorite for student body president but she didn’t run during her upper sixth years. Talents or Skills — Attina is a talented piano player, harpist, and singer, though she hasn’t practiced any of these in quite a while. Intelligence Level — Attina is very bright, but she definitely dumbs herself down for boys. Smh. Finances — Her family is rich, but she makes a pretty meager salary at the shoppe.
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saxafimedianetwork · 4 years
Laas Geel, one of the most important rock art sites in the region, is located in the north-western part of the Horn of Africa, in Somaliland, in the road that links Hargeisa and Berbera. The site is placed on a granite outcrop that rises from a plateau at an altitude of 950 meters above sea level, at the confluence of two seasonal rivers, a key fact to explain the existence of rock art in the outcrop.
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Even today, the name of the site (“the camel’s well” in Somali) makes reference to the availability of water near the surface of the wadis. The panels are placed at three different levels and distributed mostly throughout the eastern flank of the outcrop, although isolated depictions can be found in other slopes.
View of semi-desert landscape. A building and three four-wheel drive cars can be seen at the background. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
The site was discovered in 2002 by a French team led by Xavier Gutherz which studied the beginning of Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa. Along with the paintings, lithic tools were found scattered throughout the site, and tombs marked with stelae and mounds can be seen in the neighborhood. The paintings are distributed along 20 rock shelters, the biggest being around 10 meters long. Most of them correspond to humpless cows with curved or lyre-like white horns (sometimes with reddish tips) and marked udders. Paintings are enormously colorful, including red, white, black, violet, brown and yellow both isolated and combined. However, the most distinctive feature of these cows is their necks, depicted rectangular, abnormally wide and either blank or infilled with red and white stripes, either straight or wavy. These strange necks have been interpreted as mats hanging from the actual neck, in what could be interpreted as a ceremonial ornament.
View of painted rock art on a rock face taken with a fisheye lens and including landscape. The panel shows nineteen cows, five human figures, two unidentified quadrupeds and several unidentified shapes. The cows are distributed throughout the panel, humpless and infilled in red and white, depicted upright facing left or turned to the side. Some of the cows have curved or lyre-like white horns and prominent udders. Most of the necks are depicted rectangular, abnormally wide and either blank or infilled with red, brown and white straight stripes. Interspersed throughout the cows there are at least five infilled (white and red) human figures depicted upright facing front, with arms outstretched up, wearing white shirts? To the lower left of the panel there are two infilled (red) unidentified quadrupeds and several unidentified red or white shapes can be seen elsewhere. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
Cows appear isolated or in groups of up to fifteen, although no clear representation of herds can be made out, and they are often associated with human figures with a very standardized shape: frontally depicted with arms outstretched to the sides, and wearing a kind of shirt, usually white. Heads are small and sometimes surrounded by a halo of radial dashes as a crown. These figures always appear related to the cows, either under the neck, between the legs or behind the hindquarters. In some cases they carry a bow, a stick or a shield. Along with humans and cows, dogs are well represented too, usually positioned near the human figures. Other animals are much scarcer: there are some figures that could correspond to antelopes, monkeys and two lonely depictions of a giraffe. Throughout most of the panels, geometric symbols are also represented, often surrounding the cows.
View of painted rock art on a rock face showing a giraffe, a cow, an antelope and four unidentified quadrupeds. To the lower left there are a giraffe and antelope depicted in red and upright facing right. To the right there are the neck and the head of an outlined (red) cow upright facing left. The neck is outlined in red, rectangular and abnormally wide. To the top right there is an unidentified quadruped, possibly a cow, infilled in red and depicted upright facing right. To the center of the panel several unidentified quadrupeds (antelopes?) can be seen, infilled in red and depicted upright facing right. A 10 cm photo scale has been fitted at the top of the tableau. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
Unlike many other rock art sites, Laas Geel has been dated quite precisely thanks to the excavations carried out in one of the shelters by the French team that documented the site. During the excavation parts of the painted rock wall were recovered, and therefore the archaeologists have proposed a chronology of mid-4th to mid-3rd millennia, being one of the oldest evidences of cattle domestication in the Horn of Africa and the oldest known rock art site in this region. Unfortunately, although bovine bones were recovered from the excavation, they were too poorly preserved to determine whether they correspond to domestic or wild animals.
View of painted rock art on a rock face taken with a fish lens and showing at least four cows and four human figures distributed throughout the face of the shelter. Cows and human figures are distributed along the rock face, depicted upright facing right or left and infilled in different colors (red, orange, white) usually combined. The cows are represented humpless, with curved or lyre-like white horns (sometimes with reddish tips) and prominent udders. Most of the necks are depicted rectangular, abnormally wide and either blank or infilled with red and white stripes, either straight or wavy. Human figures are interspersed throughout the cows, between the legs or near them, depicted upright facing front with arms outstretched. They are infilled in white and red, and wearing white shirts and red trousers. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
When discovered, Laas Geel in Somaliland, was considered a unique site, and although its general characteristics corresponded to the so-called Ethiopian-Arabic style, its specific stylistic features had no parallels in the rock art of the region. As research has increased, some other sites, such as Dhaga Koure, Dhambalin and Karin Hagane, have provided similar depictions to those of Laas Geel, thus reinforcing the idea of a distinctive “Laas Geel” style which nevertheless must be interpreted within the broader regional context.
View of painted rock art on a rock face, taken with a fish eye lens and showing around twelve humpless cows, five human figures, a giraffe and several unidentified shapes distributed throughout the face of the shelter. Cows are interspersed along the rock face, infilled in red and white and depicted mostly upright facing left, with curved or lyre-like white horns (sometimes with reddish tips) and prominent udders. Some of the necks are rectangular and abnormally wide. Human figures are interspersed throughout the cows, between the legs or near them, depicted infilled in red and upright facing front with arms outstretched. They wear white shirts and red trousers. These figures are superimposed by white and greyish lines and unidentified shapes. Dhaga Koure, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
Laas Geel is a marvellous example of the potential of African rock art still waiting to be discovered and studied. Not only the quality of the images depicted is astonishing, but the archaeological data associated with the site and the landscape itself help to reconstruct a key episode in human history elsewhere: the moment in which animals started to be domesticated. The strong symbolism which surrounds the figures of cows and humans is a permanent testimony of the reverence these communities paid to the animals that provided their sustenance.
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View of painted rock art on a rock face showing at least twelve cows and five human figures and several unidentified shapes distributed throughout the face of the shelter. Cows and human figures are distributed along the rock face, depicted upright facing right or left and infilled in red and in one case in white. The cows are represented humpless, with curved or lyre-like white horns (sometimes with reddish tips) and prominent udders. Most of the necks are depicted rectangular, abnormally wide and either blank or infilled in red. Human figures are interspersed throughout the cows, between the legs or near them, depicted infilled in red and upright facing front with arms outstretched. Throughout the panel there are several series of red, vertical lines and other unidentified red shapes. At the background a semi-desert plain can be seen. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
View of semi-desert landscape. A building and three four-wheel drive cars can be seen at the background. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
View of painted rock art on a rock face taken with a fisheye lens and including landscape. The panel shows nineteen cows, five human figures, two unidentified quadrupeds and several unidentified shapes. The cows are distributed throughout the panel, humpless and infilled in red and white, depicted upright facing left or turned to the side. Some of the cows have curved or lyre-like white horns and prominent udders. Most of the necks are depicted rectangular, abnormally wide and either blank or infilled with red, brown and white straight stripes. Interspersed throughout the cows there are at least five infilled (white and red) human figures depicted upright facing front, with arms outstretched up, wearing white shirts? To the lower left of the panel there are two infilled (red) unidentified quadrupeds and several unidentified red or white shapes can be seen elsewhere. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
View of painted rock art on a rock face showing a giraffe, a cow, an antelope and four unidentified quadrupeds. To the lower left there are a giraffe and antelope depicted in red and upright facing right. To the right there are the neck and the head of an outlined (red) cow upright facing left. The neck is outlined in red, rectangular and abnormally wide. To the top right there is an unidentified quadruped, possibly a cow, infilled in red and depicted upright facing right. To the center of the panel several unidentified quadrupeds (antelopes?) can be seen, infilled in red and depicted upright facing right. A 10 cm photo scale has been fitted at the top of the tableau. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
View of painted rock art on a rock face taken with a fish lens and showing at least four cows and four human figures distributed throughout the face of the shelter. Cows and human figures are distributed along the rock face, depicted upright facing right or left and infilled in different colors (red, orange, white) usually combined. The cows are represented humpless, with curved or lyre-like white horns (sometimes with reddish tips) and prominent udders. Most of the necks are depicted rectangular, abnormally wide and either blank or infilled with red and white stripes, either straight or wavy. Human figures are interspersed throughout the cows, between the legs or near them, depicted upright facing front with arms outstretched. They are infilled in white and red, and wearing white shirts and red trousers. Laas Geel, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
View of painted rock art on a rock face, taken with a fish eye lens and showing around twelve humpless cows, five human figures, a giraffe and several unidentified shapes distributed throughout the face of the shelter. Cows are interspersed along the rock face, infilled in red and white and depicted mostly upright facing left, with curved or lyre-like white horns (sometimes with reddish tips) and prominent udders. Some of the necks are rectangular and abnormally wide. Human figures are interspersed throughout the cows, between the legs or near them, depicted infilled in red and upright facing front with arms outstretched. They wear white shirts and red trousers. These figures are superimposed by white and greyish lines and unidentified shapes. Dhaga Koure, Somaliland. Born digital. © TARA/David Coulson
  Laas Geel, Somaliland
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