#seeing a hilarious stranger on the bus that we will joke about forever
chantalstacys · 2 years
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weekend vibes 🧸🗞
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ateeztism · 6 years
hi so like two ppl liked my post abt me making an in depth post about me so i decided 2 go through with it even if only two ppl wanted it bc I Love Talking Abt ME!
hi!! so my name is max, but i go by, and have gone by, a lot of names (including, but not limited to, serena, ben, eddie, red, chey, etc.) my actual irl birth given name is cheyenne, i dont care if you call me that it’ll just be a bit weird for me bc i havent gone by that online in over 2 years. im 15 years old!! i was born july 27th 2003, the bad news is if youre older than me ur now my parental figure no take backs.
i have really really bad anxiety!! its to the point that it keeps me up at night and i usually cant message my friends unprompted to talk, let alone the strangers i want to befriend. i have adhd, ocd, anxiety, and depression! i may also have aspergers, but i havent been tested yet so we dont quite know. you’ll have to forgive me for my negative posts, as i dont really have anywhere else to go with that stuff :(
i was born and raised in tennessee! you’ll see me tag posts containing anything cowboy-ish with “tennessee tag” bc i think im hilarious personally. this is also the reason i listen to quite a bit of country (carrie underwood and miranda lambert are GOOD ok!!!) and its also why im such a big preds fan! 
my first ever hockey game was april 11th, 2004: the first preds home playoff game! i dont remember much from my childhood (as i dont remember anything before last week) but apparently i was an outgoing easily excited kiddo, and during games i would fall asleep as soon as the period ended and woke up as soon as the next one started. my grandfather works for the nhl! he is the nashville predators time keeper (dave/david peterson if any of yall have been to the games lol) and because of this i got to meet a lot of players as a child!
my favorite stories to tell about this are about the two players i was closest to, adam hall and chris mason. once, when adam was in either tampa or minnesota i was downstairs waiting for him and he was late for the bus, so he ran right by me. according to everyone who tells this story (since i cant remember) i saw this, stomped out of the room, and loudly yelled “adam hall! where is my hug!” a different story is when i was a kid i was terrified of goalie masks. when mr chris mason came to say hello i got scared and he apologized for scaring me. my response was “its okay mace! i know the mask keeps you from getting booboos!” (i was a Child OKAY) and some blackhawks players were nearby and they started chirping him abt that and i fuckin Yelled At Them. bc im Iconic apparently.
but my alltime favorite story is about paul kariya. apparently once at a player meet and greet i walked across the table to him and just started Talking To Him???? and he taught me what a fist bump was (he called it “knuckles” and i Loved Them) and i pestered my family and everyone i saw with it for awhile (i would constantly loudly proclaim “knuckles!!!” whenever i wanted a fistbump sksksk) and fun fact: i couldnt say kariya (i was really young ok) so i called him “paul kia!!!” so now i forever associate kariya w the pokemon palkia
i was lucky enough to grow up with a nhl official as a grandfather so i was close with a lot of players, but i was closest with nashville goalie chris mason! he is a genuinely fantastic man and i once travelled to st louis to see him after he got traded. (that ended up w st louis fans jokingly trying to keep me after i told them i was his lucky charm [they didnt believe me until they beat the canucks 8-1 sksksk])
after the 2015-16 season i fell out of hockey. there were bigger hyperfixations to deal w, the offseason was always a bad time for me and i ended up genuinely forgetting about hockey. wish i was joking. then my brother started talking about a boy he called his “ham son” and that’s how i found out about auston matthews. thanks to him i got back into hockey! it was around january 2017 and i fell back in love with the sport that practically raised me.
im still a preds fan to this day. although i like new teams now, something past me would HATE. in fact past me was one of those annoying “fuck puck bunnies >:( bandwagoners are FAKE FANS” ppl, but thanks to tumblr ive learned to love too many teams to count. in fact thanks to a certain finn (aho) im actually conflicted on my favorite team these days, i mean im literally going to raleigh for thanksgiving so i can see the canes play the devils and the leafs!!
im not sure how to end this so here are a bunch of pictures of me growing up! bc im Adorable!
five year old me waiting for the preds game (September 22nd, 2008)
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me before my first day of pre-k!!! (Around August 2007)
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me At a game!! (November 2009)
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BABY ME!!! (i have no idea when this was)
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me and jordin tootoo at hardees!! he is so nice and i hope he has a happy retirement!!
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me begging to go to pittsburgh to visit adam hall (i didnt get to go but i got a signed hat!)
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me & adam!! he was hot and i cant believe i didnt realize this until recently
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and thats it! i hope u enjoyed this trip w me! i have more to share so maybe ill make a sequel post one day! feel free 2 send questions if u have any :DDD
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