#seec inc
simpingnightmare · 2 months
Small ramble about an otome game
I’ve been playing Million Dollar Boys for almost a week so far (17* days), and I love playing it even though I don’t particularly like two of the characters (Yugo and Nanase)
I played “Chat Connection” and “Choice & Darling” which are also made by SEEC Inc! (Enjoyed both games as well) MDBS might be a fun game if you have time to kill and have nothing to do
I tried looking through to see if there was any MDBS fanart or at least someone talking about it and I’m so sad that there’s basically NOTHING rn which isn’t surprising at all but still sad
Maybe in the next few days I’m gonna be the “first” to draw fanart (I doubt I’m the actual first one to draw fanart of the game, I’ll probably be the first one to draw fanart on tumblr)
So yeah, expect my next few posts in the upcoming days to be rough drawings of the characters in MDBS (even if I don’t feel fond of Yugo and Nanase, I’m willing to draw them)
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joseimukeaddict · 2 months
Just started playing SEEC Inc.’s recent English release of Million Dollar Boys, and I’ve unlocked 3 floor managers so far and it’s pretty good. Been playing SEEC otomes since completing TASOKARE HOTEL a while back.
I thank the developers every time I open one of their apps for being the last bastion of good Free2Play mobile otomes left in a pool of copy-paste chibi dress-up gacha and a 30 second minimum before skip ad every time you tap a button *cough* Storytaco.inc *cough*. Although I would like if SEEC’s otomes did less step-brother and Yandere love interests… But luckily it seems like MDB doesn’t have that!
Note: This post is preemptively written before all love interests have been unlocked.
Anyways this is not an ad but I just wanted to express my gratitude to SEEC Inc. for allowing me to still have hope in the mobile otome industry 👍 and maybe other companies will start following in their footsteps?
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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My Puppy Fiance (Mobile)
Created by: SEEC Inc.
Genre: Otome
My Puppy Fiance is very cute and SEEC makes pretty good short games that just so happen to have yandere endings to them. The yandere in this one is the butler who has one yandere ending (though it is also fairly dark, which caught me off guard.) but the story itself is actually pretty cute all things considered. You can watch most of the scenes here or here, though it is missing some extra endings.
The story starts with Mikoto recounting that as a child, she was obsessed with a book about princess and wanted to be a princess thanks to it. She would show the book to everyone, specifically a boy around her age. Fast foward to right before Mikoto's 18th birthday, her dad wants her to get married as he's worried that she's alone and that when he was their age he and Mikoto's mother got married. He sets up a meeting with this suitor, but Mikoto butts in, lying about a boyfriend that she has. Her dad, amused, plays along, stating that he is happy to meet them in a month. Mikoto talks about her situation with Maki, her butler before seeing a homeless kid hanging outside of her house. The boy begs Mikoto to take him in, promising to be her dog, whatever so as long as he has a place to stay. Mikoto accepts this and decides to train him to being her perfect boyfriend. Pochi agrees to this so as long as he gets food.
Throughout the story Pochi is trained by Mikoto to do various things, from exercising, to going clothing shopping, cooking, ballroom dancing and karate/judo. Pochi is very much like a dog, whining about doing hard work but happy to be with Mikoto in general. Over the course of the story, we learn that Pochi seems to dislike rich people, thinking that they don't really know how to do anything since they have servants to do everything. He becomes in awe of Mikoto because while she does come from a rich family, she's taken it upon herself to learn all she needs to so she can be an independent. Pochi while useless in some endeavors (like cooking or running) but is far better at ballroom dancing and judo. The entire time, Maki is jealous over the attention that Pochi is getting from Mikoto. Mikoto's dad reveals that they were suppose to have a meet up with Mikoto, to which both Mikoto and Maki try to figure out who it could be. In the best ending, Mikoto does actually find out the person that she was suppose to be arranged married was Pochi, or better known as Kei- the guy that she shared the story of the princess when she was younger. Overall, despite all these complications, the two start to date.
In the yandere ending, Maki tries to convince Mikoto to drug Pochi with a love potion. Rejecting this will lead to Maki getting jealous that he cares so much about Pochi despite the fact that he and her know each other longer. We get a flashback afterwards about how Maki came to become Mikoto's butler when she was younger, since she was so shocked that Maki lost his cool. Maki later informs Mikoto that the arrangement has been called off at the last second and that Pochi has been sent back to his family as a result. While Maki serves Mikoto tea, he talks about how hard it was for him before he was adopted into her family. He always worked hard so that he could have Mikoto praise him, which is why he always serves the best tea. Mikoto ends up getting drugged by Maki with the love potion. A few weeks later, we see a conversation with Maki and Mikoto's dad about how they are madly in love with each other. Mikoto's dad mentions that he always seemed to treat Mikoto differently, being more harsh with her as compared with others. Maki mentions that despite his harsh attitude towards her, he loves it when he praises him. Her dad leaves, and Maki returns to see Mikoto again, who he believes after she wakes up, will remember him only as her boyfriend. Maki happily holds Mikoto's hair, knowing that as long as the potion keeps her in love with him, that he will be happy.
SEEC makes some pretty good short games that happen to have a yandere in there time and time again. My puppy fiance is actually very cute and while most of it is built upon misunderstanding, I surprisingly didn't find it particularly annoying. I actually quite like Mikoto as a protagonist since despite the fact that she could just live a life as a rich person, she learns to be self sufficient due to drive to become a princess, which in this case is defined as someone who leads and takes care of others. While she does lie to her dad about having a boyfriend, she does put in the effort to teach Pochi a lot of skills including cooking, exercising and various other things. Personally I think she also comes off as very independent as well, despite having Maki as a butler, she doesn't rely on him to the point of not knowing anything and for the most part her reactions seem pretty understandable (especially when Maki ends up drugging her).
Pochi himself is pretty cute too, despite pretty much just wandering in the front door and living with Mikoto. You kind of get it pretty quickly that he is a rich kid considering he doesn't know how to do a lot of basic skills, but knows how to do things like ballroom dancing and considering how much he complains about how rich people don't know how to do anything, he himself is likely pretty rich. Still, his personality comes off as sort of a cute himbo, with him being very dog like, enjoying being praised and just generally following Mikoto around. While he doesn't always understand what's going on and complains, he still does end up going through with it thanks to his love for Mikoto. In the end, we do find out that Pochi is the one that Mikoto was suppose to end up with in the arranged date, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.
Maki is actually the one that threw me off despite me knowing that he was a yandere. For the most part he comes off as pretty blunt and rude towards Mikoto, but also is generally pretty jealous, like when he exchanges spots with Mikoto when she's trying to teach him karate just so he won't touch her. In the good ending, it seems he lets him go, but in any ending that involves the love potion, Maki will attempt to insert himself in, which includes the threesome ending with Maki and Pochi. In his ending though, he is angry that despite all the time that he and Mikoto have been together, she still prefers Pochi, which does make sense for a butler. I have no idea who or where he got the love potion from, but he does basically seem to continually drug Mikoto with it until she believes that the two are in love forever, and with Mikoto's dad just wanting her to fall in love with someone, it does make sense that he can keep in under wraps since he is basically the closest person to Mikoto. He moves really fast too, so it makes me wonder if he was biding his time and started to panic when he saw that Mikoto and Pochi were getting so close to each other in such a short amount of time, thus why he ended up trying to get Mikoto to drug Pochi with the love potion. Still, his ending is pretty chilling having successfully drugged the person he loves so that she will always love him back.
Overall, this was a fun game to watch. The premise is generally pretty cute with a fairly darkish yandere ending that somehow I was still not expecting. I think I'm just not used to tsundere-yandere hybrids as much since I don't normally see them. If you are interested, please give it a try, or at least give it a watch.
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sakuplumeria · 28 days
@hergan416 Thank you for the tag! I am very grateful I still count as a writer to somebody else haha
Rare writer ask game: name three pieces of media that are not novels/short stories or movies/TV that were formative for you, and tag three people.
Reading some of the answers now I see what the question meant. I honestly don't consume that much reading as a writer, I mainly source myself from other things... But true, I don't consider these answers formative to my writing, but to me as a whole being.
Christian songs??? I grew up in a strong Christian circle so my life is surrounded by Christian songs. There are unbelievably many kinds of songs out there, and I just like the songs that I like. Some question the meaning of spirituality and humanity, some are dark—struggling in sin and unworthiness, some are straightforward about hope. They slowly become a part of me.
Visual novels developed by SEEC Inc. There are six titles so far that they developed. I played five which were translated to English: Alice's Spiritual Judge, The Prison Boys, Yotsume God, Tasokare Hotel, Tsumugu Logic. Like usual, they are deep rooted in psychology and humanity (and some, Japanese culture), a theme I mainly surround myself with. The plot twist and point of view captured within each title always astound me.
Soundtracks. BGM, OST, whatever you call it. I'm always attracted to the music in animes and movies I watched. The first ever song I memorized, which was really close to my heart, is Saiyuki Reload Gunlock's 2nd Ending, Shiro no Jumon (doa). Little did I know that the lyrics also resonate with me. This I only discovered years later. It's funny that some of the songs I like, the lyrics turn out to be as important.
Tagging—not a must—3 writers @miwhotep @bijectiveandinvertible @kirathaune
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karasuoc-kai · 2 months
Hello, thank you for coming over to know the story of Koizumi Kaito, or Kai for short. Kai is an original character I created for Tasokare Hotel.
New to Tasokare Hotel?
Tasokare Hotel is visual novel developed by SEEC Inc.
The game features characters who arrived at a hotel on the verge of death while their memories remain blank; as the story progresses, newly arrived characters work together with the protagonists to recall their background and the circumstances that lead to their death.
Who's Kai?
He's just one of the OCs many SEEC fans created (check #seectwt on Twitter or SEEC Cult Discord to join the lively community). We build the world ourselves, with our very own Manager etc, so you won't find canon characters here.
Kai's Character Profile
Story Index
Why Do I Get The Feeling of Dejavu?
Cozy Lights
Room Search 1
The Barkeep's Sweets
The Waitress’ Sweet Recommendation
Your Tempura is The Best
Playing Daddy
Black and White Checking In
The Goat Man From the Past
The Truth
Getting Ready to Hike (Room Search 2)
The Manager Awaited (branched to Endings)
Extra Story: 14 yo Kai
Checking In
Pool and Slides
The Goat Man
Play Water With Me?
A New Scar
The Consequence of a Scar
Other extra stories please check the hashtag #extras
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ungurl · 1 month
til seec inc took down so many of their games :( yotsume god, tasokare hotel (which is still up but apparently isnt compatible w my current phone), & prison boys you are dearly missed
still need to buy yotsume god reunion but i always miss when it goes on sale. been meaning to buy it since before it was even released but 💔
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osotomasakei · 4 months
hello. i am the osoto masakei.
this is my blog to put (mostly) translation stuff for SEEC games (games developed by SEEC Inc.), since tumblr has a pretty organized tag system. nothing else to say beside these are [unofficial] and i'm not affiliated with SEEC by any means. i wish i was.
there's also a (sometimes) bilingual wordpress site of our viet fanpage. i don't have enough time and energy to manage a duplicate english site, so here we go. in addition to translation, i write observation posts, merch & illustration compilation, and more.
feel free to drop suggestions/requests/... in my box, i'll see them!
useful links:
a SEEC-related link compilation
join our cult discord server! you can find mostly anything here, including contents not allowed to publicize (seec's guidelines is harsh, us seec fans huddle together...)
down the rabbit hole
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binumoo · 1 year
very late to make a self introduction post but i’ll pitch it in anyway;;
hi!! i’m binu!! bean is also acceptable too idrc call me what u want lol,
more info ↓
fandoms i’m into:
• genshin
• dragalia (i still like it !!!)
• lifeline (lifeline: whiteout only 😭 but i can talk about any of the games tbh)
• vocaloid
• hsr
• most seec inc. games!!
also, feel free to send me reccomendations for stuff like:
• games!!
• anime!!
• music!!
i’m open to discussion about anything outside of the above too so long as its kept pg 13!! meaning no:
• extreme gore and violence (like… blood/wounds is fine but not, like,, ripping someones arm off)*
• meanness/rudeness/etc.!!
• no racism or hate against other ppl!!! if u are homophobic go get urself checked ty
*pls tw beforehand ty ^^
umm yeah!! i guess this is bound to change as time goes on but thats it off the top of my head. thanks for reading and enjoy ur day <3
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last-answer · 1 year
seec inc was my best friend
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444names · 2 years
countries BUT excluding "a"
Bekin Bekis Belgius Beli Belicon Bell Benti Berites Bhund Bhundinds Bhungo Bhuthe Bhuti Bodi Bodivenei Boldi Bonic Bosothe Bosovo Bote Boted Botei Both Bots Bourg Bourk Bouru Bouth Bouthe Bouti Boutin Boutium Brungo Brus Budi Bulger Burgeon Burin Burine Burk Burkinei Burkme Burkmeros Buru Buruniste Burus Cedongo Cent Chel Chelice Cheriten Chil Chine Chinon Chted Chtemeny Chtent Chtes Chtesh Cipe Cippind Cippinte Cith Coldones Colithe Coly Come Comin Comortu Conds Coteny Cotes Cots Crocro Crocros Crome Crone Crones Croon Cros Cubli Cublivo Cypribots Cypru Cypt Czechil Czego Czegoly Czerdes Czerity Czerunes D'iverite D'ivine D'ivo D'ivoiren Dembodi Dene Denstogo Dent Dentium Dentre Domicen Domire Domontius Dondi Donds Dontice Dor-lesh Doree Doren Doro Doveston Dovo Echile Echines Ecublipe Egoly Egyzste Elles Emen Emenic Emibelipe Emon Emont Eque Eritze Esotswi Etho Fijikin Fijikind Fincel Fino Finor Frite Genic Geon Geri Geric Gerittswi Gero Gerzece Gree Grel Grelgenti Gren Greni Grentic Groccon Groccos Grom Gron Groondi Groongo Groont Guin Guinew Guint Helle Herde Heritiger Herond Herus Holdon Holomerde Holovoire Hundi Hundurk Hune Hunew Hungoly Hunisin Icede Ince Inegrenin Inezue Intes Iree Ireecel Iren Irenes Irin Irinin Isier Isiether Islomore Issince Istesh Isti Istri Ited Itze Jore Jorent Jorenti Kene Kenew Kenis Kenistogo Kenstic Kent Kente Kentius Keny Keychel Keychtes Kind Kint Kislom Kistre Kites Korg Korth Kortu Koso Kosots Kyrg Kyrgium Kyrice Kyrith Kyriti Leon Leongoli Leor Leoroon Lesh Lesierin Lesoth Lesothe Leste Lesteniti Leswede Liethe Liethont Lipe Lizericro Luciti Lucity Luxemin Luxemor Menew Merines Meritrine Meru Mine Minon Mire Mocco Moccos Moccots Mocrocro Mocron Moldosni Moly Mond Monei Mones Monesh Moneso Moneste Monew Mongdor Mongo Moni Morde More Morenic Morg Morgium Moro Moroment Negrent Negro Nesh Neso Neston Neth Nezue Nicelles Nigente Nity Nonds Nongo Nontic Nor-le Nor-les Nor-leso Norg Norom Nortune Omon Omongo Omorin Peri Phil Philes Phiopince Poldi Polomon Por-les Pordeny Pordes Pore Poree Poren Porgent Porind Printe Prit Prus Reeced Rene Ricenes Rinegreny Ritic Rocco Roccon Roccones Rome Roon Seece Seeced Seechte Sent Senti Seny Serinego Sero Seyche Seychile Seychin Seychte Sieth Sine Slom Slome Slomon Sloves Slovo Soldi Somon Somor Somorth Soted Sotedom Sotes Sotesh Sothe Sourkire Sourus Sovieth Sovo Sovoire Strice Sudi Sudine Surk Surkene Surkit Suru Surus Swed Switi Switius Swity Syrg Syrgeor Syrgerity Syrgypru Syrgypt Syri Thilesh Thinds Tholi Thonds Tiger Togoly Togovisti Tomic Tomind Tond Tone Tongo Tonigeri Torde Tordeswi Tore Toro Toron Torthond Tric Trind Trite Trity Tund Tunds Tune Tunew Tunigenti Turgypt Turkme Turus Undor Uneth Ungo Unisti Urkey Urkme Urundin Urus Uzbekis Uzbel Uzbene Uzber Vent Veny Verburund Verit Verity Veru Vested Viece Viechil Vier Vieth Vince Vinciten Vinezue Vini Visri Vistes Yembourk Yeme Yement Yemin Yemoldin Yemon Yemonego Yemonew Yemor Zego Zerde Ziles Zilites Zimoldi
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knee-stockings · 4 years
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There isn’t enough Tsumugu Logic content on here so check out this lovely image of Tsumugu and friends on the beach!! What a nice picture :)))
(spoiler under the cut)
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Everything is fine! I’m not sad :)))))))
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ghost-rocker · 4 years
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Welcome to the Tasokare Hotel!
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2dsimping · 3 years
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I thought im gonna have happy ending with Pochi then Maki said this. Wtf
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
Hi! Do you know any yandere games in which the MC is NOT some featureless person? Like MC actually has an appearance, that's not up to interpretation or grey? I'm tired of these visual novels with invisible MCs 😩 them having a personality would be great too!
Oof man, I understand. I personally prefer it when a character has some sort of design, but I understand why they do it. An invisible MC is easier since it means the artist doesn't have to add another character in CGs and it leaves the player able to self-insert more cleanly. Same with the grey people since it doesn't really define itself as a certain bod type or skin color- but honestly it looks really silly watching a grey blob self in CGs. But yeah, having an actual MC design would be pretty neat to see more- you and Cherry have the same thoughts on this.
That being said, most games that do have a design are either BLs or Otome games and very few are gender neutral with a set design.
Otome Games (With Renamable MCs)
Sweetest Valentine - the MC has a nice character design and a pretty interesting personality depending on which route you go for.
XOXO Blood Droplets - the MC (or JB) is very flirty with all of the guys and very forward. It's put on hiatus for now since GB Patch is working on other games currently.
What's Your Name - actually has three female MCs all with different backstories to compliment each of the love interests, though you only really see their designs at the end of the good routes.
Particles of Reality - the MC (or Monika) has a pretty tragic backstory and runs in with a couple of different yanderes.
Please Don't Hate Christmas - the MC (or Molly) has a fairly cute design, though a lot of her personality is surprised otome character, but with a twist! Future Recommendation
Otome Games (With Defined MCs)
Go Away, Yandere! - for essentially a meme, self insert train of thought game, it's actually pretty well made. Coella is amazingly great as a protagonist since they just run with whatever goes. Future Recommendation.
My Puppy Fiancee/In Search of Haru/Jime Quiet Boyfriend- these are all otome IOS games from SeeC Inc which all have pretty good female protags. Though short, each of them has at least one yandere ending which is enough to put this on this list. You can find most walkthroughs on youtube if you can't play it. Future Recommendation.
Apartment No.9/Solopolism Reigns/Dawn of the Damned- all these games are made by @melancholy-marionette, who has a huge plethera of yandere games. I did a huge summary of Solopolism Reigns here, but the other games also have defined females. Future Recommendation.
ITYH: Horror Otome/Saccharine - Amiralo has pretty good and bittersweet games overall and the female characters are always interesting to say the least.
Parasite in Love -Marlowe is placed in a pretty unfavorable situation, but in the true ending is able to use her wits to get Niall off of her case. Quite literally, in fact.
Colorful Mirai: Spooky Edition - a spin off of their other game, Lauren is pretty fun as a protagonist. None of the yanderes have any lasting impressions or do anything too detrimental to her though.
Most Japanese otomes also tend to have MCs with character designs and I think more recent yandere ones tend to have ones with more character than simply just a blank slate.
BL Games
Most BL games have a predefined character already, so I'm not going to split this into two parts.
House Check - you actually play as the yandere, Arlon, who periodically breaks into his crush Owen's house to house clean. Future Reommendation
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel… Help!! - comedic game where the MC gets isekaied into a yandere game he played and has to survive. One of the few on the list that has a renamable MC. I have yet to play the updated version though.
Forgive My Sins, Father/ Forgive My Desires, Father - two sides of the same coin, though only one side is the yandere.
Mistrick/Misfiction/Line88 - all created by @hatogedev, Mistrick and Misfiction's yanderes are the same character, but Line88 is a kinetic novel. Future Recommendation for that last one.
Blood and Lust and Lust for Blood - I like the character design for Dimitri, but the game is a little uh... well, it could be more polished, let's say. Future Recommendation.
Killing Kiss - mobile game, but I really like Ryu and his design. The yandere in this one only really appears in one ending though.
Gender Neutral MC/ Male or Female Selection Games
Heart Fragment - extremely well made game, and you can choose a more masculine or feminine appearance. The yandere in this one is fairly light though.
Froot Basket Dark Chocolate - this one is kind of weird because you're actually playing as the yandere but the "MC" (Jordan), can have their gender chosen and has a set design.
Picture Perfect Romance -MC does have a design, though not given a name or gender. Very surreal game, I will say.
The Things You Do for Love!! - the MC is the yandere interestingly enough and you can choose their gender, and has a cute design. Still debating if I want to do a recommendation on this one though.
Degrees of Lewdity - does this count? I mean you can customize what your MC looks like and there are up to two yandere in this game
Purrfect Apawcalypse - Olive, the main character is nonbinary so I will put them on the list, though the yandere is yandere for another character. It's a triology and very good.
I also have my own game @perfectlovevn, which has Eris, an MC with a design and strong personality as well. I'm still doing the SFX/Music assignment for it but you can see my progress as it goes.
Anyways, I hope that was able to help you. There's a butt ton of other yandere games I still need to get through on itchio, so I may find some more in the future.
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ryolightswan · 4 years
ALRIGHT, I posted this on the damn amino so it’ll be here too. Prison Boys is too good and deserves the world, I love these 3 XD This was basically Chapter 2 btw. 
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gopher-jade · 5 years
i love the extra cards in the prison boys so much, there's so much weird shit.
- "mitsuri crossdressed and acted as naoya's girlfriend but that scene got chopped out"
- "naoya actually become a zombie, but eventually he just became a normal victim of murder"
- "nagi was cool and collected in the original draft"
- "nagi copies naoya's style and hairdo" (nagi's so cuuute wshfjsbsksks)
- "mochizuki wasn't a woman in the original draft, she was mitsuri crossdressing"
- "when i asked my friends which hairstyle was shadier, they said 'both' so i gave up"
- (in like 6 different cards) "i really like this design so i did this before working on the actual character/forced it into the story"
these little tidbits made me fall in love with the story so much more
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