#see thru gas fireplace
momoppi · 1 year
Porch Backyard in DC Metro
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Idea for a sizable stone screened-in back porch with an addition to the roof
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batty4u · 1 year
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Patio in DC Metro Patio kitchen - large backyard patio kitchen idea
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Loft-Style - Rustic Bedroom Example of a mid-sized mountain style loft-style medium tone wood floor and brown floor bedroom design with black walls, a two-sided fireplace and a stone fireplace
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seventeen-plz · 1 year
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Bedroom Loft-Style Example of a mid-sized mountain style loft-style medium tone wood floor and brown floor bedroom design with black walls, a two-sided fireplace and a stone fireplace
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emvozbaixa · 1 year
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Living Room Enclosed Example of a huge trendy enclosed light wood floor and beige floor living room design with white walls, a two-sided fireplace, a metal fireplace and a media wall
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americangasworks · 2 years
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Check out this cool castle for only $210K. The 1970 stone home in Robins, GA has 3bds, 2ba. It does need some work and decor.
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There's a nice stone feature wall in the living room, (I thought that it was a fireplace, maybe it is), and 2 built-in cabinets. The portable mirrored fireplace will probably not stay.
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This would be the everyday dining area next to the kitchen, but the owners have a very formal dining room set here.
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The kitchen is nice, the oak cabinets are in good shape, but usually, when there are upper cabinets with a narrow see-thru, designers will knock out the uppers and open it up. Look at the in-your-face flatscreen on the sink.
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The primary bedroom has some castle-like beams in the pitched ceiling.
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Here's a 1/2 bath.
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What a cute porch. Look at the stone fireplace and the little red doors.
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Look at the house- it's ivy-covered in the back. The grounds need some clean-up, and they'll be beautiful.
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This could be gorgeous.
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There's a big old barn back here. Gee, they really let the garden go to pot.
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The garden is so dry. It's a shame how it's been so neglected.
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Lovely garden swing.
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This wrought iron arbor will come back to life with paint.
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Isn't this adorable, though? It's like a little gnome home.
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Cleaned up, this property would be like a fairy tale house.
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Look at the driveway. 0.27 Acre lot
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homedecorey · 1 year
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I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren’t aware of why Texas is in trouble, because I skimmed your blog and can assume we both hate Republicans and doubt you would be cruel on purpose. The issue isn’t that it’s less than 20* it’s that there isn’t any infrastructure to accommodate that. Which is an oversight caused by Republicans who privatized power companies, which we young Texans have been combatting forever. This storm hits and the whole power grid goes down, which means no heating. Many don’t have non-power grid heating (like gas fireplaces). Our houses don’t retain heat, they shed it because of how hot our usual weather is. Texans in trouble don’t have thick winter clothing because it is expensive and non-viable for most of the year. Roads freeze, no ice-travel-ready modes of transport. Some are now without food. My boyfriend and I live in a small apartment, and like many others, our pipes might burst while we’re sleeping tonight. We’re sharing a blanket and both only own old cotton based hoodies. It’s about 20-30* in our apartment. Our emergency battery is almost dead. This is all happening to the wrong people down here. People have already died. They aren’t the disgusting Republicans sticking to the status quo. They’re homeless, low-income, POC, marginalized groups who couldn’t afford to prepare for this. We’re not struggling because it’s a bit chilly, we’re all trapped in our homes which are almost freezing, with no fire or heat and some with no wool. Some no food. My bf and I haven’t had power for 42 hours. When you laugh at those posts about Texans not handling the cold in inclement weather, the punch isn’t hitting the gun-toting bigots that keep our state like this, you’re accidentally laughing at people who can’t afford to adapt and die as a result. We’re scared, and seeing people who live in places that have adapted by necessity laugh at us just makes us feel more hopeless. I’m scared because a trans friend had to leave her flooded apartment in the cold, and I might be homeless too after tonight. Please be kind. -Sincerely, a gay Texan who just wishes he could afford a gas heater.
I hear you, but you gotta understand the post I made that joke on wasn't about Texans freezing or the homeless, it was about how the state refused to shut down knowing damn well that Texans and everyone else across the country were dying because of a virus... but mother nature got the state to shut down simply with some cold winter weather. Texans wouldn't shelter in place over the rona but they have to now over snow, it was satire. I got family in Texas, I had to call them to make sure they were ok, so I'm not laughing at yall personally, I'm laughing at the fact that freezing temperatures did what a global pandemic couldn't... it's just the type of humor I have, I know it ain't for everyone. But I see where you're coming from, so maybe now you see where I was coming from. I do wish you the best and hope yall make it thru this safe. And your assumption would be correct... FUCK Republicans.
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tillmays · 4 years
Is just Her...
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the next day
they falled asleep at the fireplace the sun was softly bright. is 7:00 am mac's phone couldn't stop ringing. he woke up saw Riley by his side and smiled then removed her hair from her face, he got distracted looking at her that by the time he grabbed his phone he missed the call, he checked up and had 10 missed calls from matty.
Mac- oh crap .. Riley .. *he shacked her to wake her up, what! ... * she said grumpy* -Riley! *he raised his voice to wake her up, he was in the other room changing his shirt, Mac went back to the fireplace putting his jacket back on* Riley wake up we have to go now!, Matty called. *Riley got up fast and touched her body as if something was missing and she let out a sigh of relief and laughed and sited back* mac just looked at her funny and raised his eyebrows* come on let's go.
on their way to work.
Riley- ahh my head hurts .. we drunk to much. *she touched her face*
Mac- i have a migraine too.
Riley- we need to stop at the gas station.
Mac- we are already late and you want to make a stop?
Riley- trust me, we need a boost. and besides we can't go to work like this. and my head hurts like hell, to be listening matty's screams.
Mac- You are right on that.
they are at the gas station, Riley went to buy something that could help with the hungover and got back in the car.
Riley- here, drink it.
Mac- Riley are you crazy, we already have a hungover and you buy more beer?!
Riley- can you calm down, trust me. this has worked for me before you will feel better. Well at least for a while. *he wasn't sure about it* -you trust me? *he looked at her* then drink it, relax. *he drank the beer and he in a weird way felt quite better.*
Mac- ... i don't understand the logic in this but it worked.
the phoenix somewhere in los angeles.
Matty was ANGRY bozer and desi were already there. the tree of them waiting for them to show up. then finally they walk thru the door.
Bozer- thank god i thought you will have us waiting another 3 hours here.
Mac- matty i'm so so sorry we just ..
Matty- save it I don't want to hear it. i called you more than 3 times you have a responsibility you know how important it is to be on time and if this happens again you will be in trouble.
Mac- and what about riley?
Riley- * she punched him in the arm * dude what the hell ..
Matty- it goes for both of you. i don't have time to play we have work to do.
Matty- today you all were invited to a wedding! *she starts to explain the case* the guy you are going to be tracking is..
Bozer- the groom right? what did he do?
Matty- surprisingly, this time wasn't the groom, its the father of the groom. *photo pops up*
Bozer- ah that's new. 
Matty- his name is Oliver Hudson. and he is about business. the man doesn't have a break from his work, a source discovered evidence of uranium thefts at a nuclear treatment plant and informed us that his team it's the responsable. It's his sons wedding, the source told us that he already has someone who want to buy it. And I need to know who. So today he is...
Mac- is going to sell it at his son's wedding. 
Matty- yes, and that's when my dream team appears, you stop him from selling it arrest him and bring me the person who's buying the uranium.
Wiltshire, England
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they arrived to this 14th century village of Castle Combe, there was a lot of people celebrating for the newlyweds. Riley was wearing this beautiful long formal emerald green dress featuring a-line silhouette, backless design, with low v-neck and her hairstyle was passion/spring twists and was styled with a middle high ponytail.
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Desi was looking gorgeous wearing this light yellow dress with a v neck adjust to her waist with a crossed nod as a detail,with a diamond necklace with this loosely hair and only a lock collected with this silver hair pin and mac and bozer in their neat black suits as always. 
Mac- has anyone spotted our star yet?  he said while walking to the bar.
Riley- not yet. *she had a drink on her hand and passed by his side, mac saw her passing, at first didn't realized it was her, he make a double take and checked her up and down, you could see in his eyes that his jaw was on the floor. 
Bozer- Nothing on this side of the room.*changed to the other room and desi was walking down the stairs and walked behind Bozer, she grabbed a glass of wine while she kept walking* 
Desi- this is stupid, how are we going to find this man in a freaking castle, who gets married in a castle anyways...
Riley- the little brats just like the bride. 
Desi- mmm, but i get it, her man is attractive.
Riley- mhjm... he can get it *Desi laughed* 
Bozer- he literally looks just like that actor that was Christian grey in 50 shades of grey..
Riley- i.. didn't know you liked that type of movies.. i thought you liked the real cinema. but youre right if i didn't know him he looks just like that actor.
Bozer- i don't but leanna make me watched those movies with her..
Mac- ok i think you're oversharing boz..
Desi- yes, but we need to be looking for his father not him, so focus.
Mac- everyone pick a floor and move we can't let this man sell the uranium.
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Everyone started searching. Bozer and Desi went together to the first floors, were the party was happening, behind the castle, while Mac and Riley went upstairs, while they were searching in an really big open room, Mac reclined to the back of a white sofa and said: - i dont think its here. we have to keep looking. they heard someone was coming to their way, that part of the place was all alone and only them were there.Riley- Mac someone’s coming. *Mac grabbed the glass of champagne he took before to pretend that he was drinking. - Riley come here  and grab your drink. *he said almost whispering with an anxious voice, Riley walked towards him, Mac did not think what he was going to do, surprisingly he didn’t think this time he just acted. Mac grabbed her by the arm, opened his legs and placed Riley between them, he pressed her body next to his, He ran his hand across her back, venturing into her skin for that little moment, until he reached her hip a little lower if you know what i mean. they were so close that anyone who had seen them in that scene could see that light, that flame between them, which unfortunately this two did not see, he held her as tightly as if she were going to leave, but at the same time he held her delicately, as if she was made of glass. they didn’t speak for that little unreal moment, they just looked into eachothers eyes like everyone left and was only them. Riley was surprised, and he took her by the arm she though *what the hell is this boy doing* but then her body got loose and she understood what he was doing, she put her arm around him and played with the back of his head, crossing her fingers thru his hair. the both of them felt a they felt a little tickle in the stomach and in the throat but they thought that feeling was for the adrenaline rush of almost getting caught looking for the secret room. the people who they heard coming in was a group of drunk guys they were laughing and tumbling on of them saw them and said - oh we better give them a little privacy.. they went to the next room making more noise. Mac and Riley stayed like that for a minute. when riley snapped out if as if they got hypnotized by each other’s energy.Riley- mac.. *she whispered softly, but he didn’t react* mac.. *she said again* something about the way she said his name that made Mac squirt inside. Mac- Riles.. *with his deep deep voice* Riley- they already left. *she said with disappointment in her voice as she wanted to be in his arms forever. she removed her arm of his neck slowly, mac reacted to that.Mac- oh yeah … they did … * cleared his throat, and as he slowly took his arm from her waist, he didn’t want to set her free.. Riley- oh i will go to the bathroom so i can use the laptop without distractions. Mac- yeah i’m gonna keep on looking on this side.
Riley went to the bathroom to use her laptop in private and she needed to see the blueprints of the castle, she starts to give directions to mac, apparently Oliver make his sells in a back room. then someone is trying to open the door and riley jumped of surprise and closed the laptop and hid it, she opened the door and for her surprise there was the bride who was really really drunk and wanted to use the bathroom.
Riley- oh don't worry, i was just living and smiled.
the bride- oh please i know i don't know you but can you please help me.
Riley- i really have to go
the bride- oh please. *Riley took of her communicator cause she kinda knew were she was going and wanted to give her some privacy* 
Riley- ok what do you need?
bride- can you hold my dress while a use the toilet?
Riley- *opened her mouth and in her mind she said -i knew it-  she raised her eyebrows and she said: yeah sure why not, is your day anyways.. *she picked up her big dress and the vail who was really long and the bride started talking and talking, Riley in her head was thinking god how much longer is she going to pee?,this is the longest pee i have ever seen.
Riley- heeey girl how many glasses of... whatever you were drinking did you have? cause..
bride- *started laughing* oh just a couple... and giggled.
Riley- great, are you done?
bride- yeah im done.           
Riley- *Riley bent down to fix the bride's dress* 
back with the team at the castle courtyard. 
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mac- hey does someone knows where Riley is? i need to know where is that room.
desi- i don't know where is she but i do know where is oliver.
mac- where?
desi- he is sitting at his table with some family and some kids.
bozer- what we do know?
mac- we have to wait, we need to catch him in the act, in the min time desi keep an eye on him, boz go see where is Riley i will keep searching for that room. 
back at the restroom 
Riley- well your dress is fine.
bride- thank you so so much* she hugged her and gave her a kiss in the chick* you know your my best friend.. i love you.
Riley- thank you, Chloe. 
Chloe the bride who was really dizzy and very drunk already forgot those 3 minutes they were in there and said to her- wait how do you know my name?who did you come with? 
Riley- oh you're not having more drinks *Riley smiled* i'm marks girlfriend,remember? the best man of your boyfriend i mean husband, and speaking of mens i think your husband is waiting for you should go find him
chloe- you know how beautiful you are, marks very lucky to have you.
*Riley blushed and grabbed the bride hands and turn her around to make her walk to the door* thats very kind of you, but i want to use the bathroom now, she said to make her leave, she knew Mac was waiting for her indications, Chloe walked to the door and she started to stumble and she felt on her back* 
Riley- oh not again.
Mac is walking thru the castle following the little indications Riley could give him, he knew he was close so he was in this library and started to look on the room to make this type of device that would work like a magnet but not at the same time to help him find the secret room, looking through the room with the device that he had made with a cocktail glass, a chewing gum wrapper and his swiss knife, he was close to finding it but not that close.
back with Riley. 
Riley- ok Chloe come on, you ok? i'm going to take you to your room. she grabbed her by the waist and make it look natural like nothing was going on she didn't want to get anyone's attention, she made it look like Chloe wasn't drunk and walked down the hallway, Riley memorized the blueprints so she knew were to go, one of her many skills. they got to the room and she placed her in the bed, as she was to walk of the room, she heard some steps outside there were three men and she hid and she saw another door and walked into this little room but she knew that it wasn't the one they were looking for, Riley put back her communicator on her ear again, and said: guys how's it going?
Bozer- Riley, girl i have been looking for you.
Mac- Riley where have you been?
Riley- i'm sorry but the bride find me in the bathroom and asked for help she's really drunk, and apparently she thinks we're best friends now. *she kept walking and entered another room*
Mac- glad you made a friend but i need to find that room.
Desi- Mac Oliver is about to leave the table, his bodyguard gave him the phone he just received a call, bozer is with me, we are going behind him.
Bozer- wait,*he said to desi and put his hand in her shoulder to make her stop* look he going to dance with the bride. look Chloe's is there.
Riley- what?! i left her in her bed.. damn that girl is fast.
Mac- Riley can you please look in your laptop and tell me the indication to go find that room.
Riley- well i dont have my laptop with me. tell me where are you.
Mac- what?? 
Riley- mac tell me where are you i memorized the structure of the castle i know where is the room.
Mac- *makes that face when he is surprised*
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ok well i didn't know that you could do that, well i'm at the library, i went to the kitchen, the wine room, and then to this cellar there is by crossing the kitchen and nothing 
Riley- that's why you are looking in the wrong places.wait you said that you're at the library? *she walked out the little room and walked to the other room, it was the grooms room. 
mac- yes, why?
Riley- there is a door right? not the one you entered of there has to be another.
mac- yes here it is.
riley- there is the room, in there is a big painting.
mac- how is going to be in there.?
Riley- mac move it. but be careful i can't remember but i think it has motion sensors. 
mac- you can memorized the blueprints of a castle but can remember if a room has motion sensors??... 
Riley- well what can i say.. im Riley.
mac- *he had this cute smiled while she said it* yup the one and only.
Riley- laughed.*while she was in the room she was looking thru the window, while someone walked in, it was the groom. she turned around, and looked him very cold, she was just distracted, but for him she looked like a vision*
the groom- oh sorry i didn't know it was someone in here, excuse me. 
Riley- no its ok, its your room anyways.
the groom- how do you know that?
Riley- well there is a bottle of whisky that says for james aka the groom, and you left your vows on that chair.
James- oh that's from my friends *he blushed*
Riley- yeah i notice.
James- and yeah i forgot those.*he laughed* Riley knew she had to make him talk, see if she can get something out of him about his father. but then he asked: so what's your name and what are you hiding in here? im james by the way.
Riley: first of all, i'm not hiding and second of all i already know your name remember* she pointed to the bottle.*he was embarrassed and blushed* 
james- well then why are you alone?
Riley- isn't it everyone.. *she said while giving him this penetrating cold stare. James looked at her with more intrigue he was really curious about her. he took of his tie and started to play with it in his hands. he looked like it was having a bad time some said that he looked sad.
Riley with just one look could see the mind of this mans was trying to get over something*- and you what are you hiding. *she said sitting in a couch that was under the window and in front of him but at the side corner of the bed*
James- first of all im not hiding* he said trying to mimic her *Riley smiled*
Riley- oh ok. you look very tense to be the day of your wedding why aren't you with your wife?...
James- mjh i don't know maybe.. because i got an arranged marriage and i don't really love her like that and just married her because of my father.
*yess riley said in her mind, she was going in the right direction*
Riley- i knew it, you have that type of look of my father is an asshole,* he just sighed and laughed* but don't worry my dad is an asshole too.
James- *with his arms on in legs sitting on the bed and was looking to the floor and when she said that, he looked up and looked at her with more interest*- you still haven't told me your name- *he was starstruck by her, he loved how mysterious she was*
Riley- das not important, i wanna know why you think your so miserable. 
back with Mac
Mac was hearing the hole conversation between the groom and Riley. He managed to move the painting without activating any alarm, the cameras of the place had already been manipulated by Riley so the image they were looking at security was a frozen image of the empty rooms. he hid and had to wait until Oliver and the man who was going to buy it came in, but he was thinking why was Riley talking with the groom and couldn't stop thinking what was happening there and why was she  alone with him in that room.
later will post the whole story, let me know if you would like me to add photos to the story or if you guys prefer to remove them, i like to add them for you, so yall can see what i actually imaginated and make it feel real and close like watching in some way the show...¿ idk ahha and of course this is the following of the las one “i'm here if you need me”. Ik this one had little macriley, but i love to see the jealous angus. (And don't ask me how but that trick of the beer it has really worked for me lol)
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
It’s a quaint little town, with lots of quaintly-restored old architecture because it got burned down in the war of 1812 and then rebuilt and then nothing much happened so most of that is still there.
i’ve taken brief jaunts through it in the past, but this is the first time i’d ever gone there as a destination. there are wineries and stuff all around it, and Dude’s been on wine tours up there, but I haven’t. I still haven’t; we didn’t bother. Don’t want to try to bring cases back thru customs.
We just went and stayed in a nice boutiquey hotel, and got a couples massage in the spa attached to the hotel. (It was nice, I’d never had a spa massage before; I was fine afterward but Dude had gone all noodley and couldn’t stand up. We went and checked into our room right after and then zonked the hell out.)
The hotel was lovely, with fresh roses all over the place, insane parquet floors, hand-painted oil painting replicas of famous portraits all over the place-- including a full-size replica of the Arnolfini Portrait , though on canvas rather than board like the original, and in our little suite’s sitting room there was a moody portrait of a young Disraeli over the couch, for some reason, and of course next to the elevator they had Edward VII Prince of Wales (it being the Prince of Wales hotel)-- anyway, it was just what I wanted; I’m not a huge fan of B&Bs or AirBNBs where you’re in somebody’s house, but I’m also not a huge fan of soulless identical Marriotts etcetera. 
The sitting room had a gas fireplace, and while it felt goofy to turn it on while the a/c was also on, it was actually really lovely early this morning when it was pouring rain and I was up by myself. I sat and read a book on my Kindle by the light of the fire, and a bit later when it finally got light, turned the fire off and sat in the window seat and read a paper book. 
We’d had dinner at a farm-to-table restaurant called the Treadwell, and the other patrons of the restaurant seemed to have spontaneously made friends with one another. As they were settling up, the one man was saying loudly, “Let me pick a different percentage to tip! I want to give you 30%!” because Canadian credit card machines are the kind they bring to the table for you. After a moment the man went on to explain that he was from Vermont, and Dude said, “you know, whatever else they say about Americans, let us keep this reputation where we tip well.” I know, right? We’re rude as fuck, and have terrible politics and whatnot, but our hellhole of a workplace culture with no worker protections means we’re really used to exploited workers so at least we tip well, mostly.
Earlier we’d been to an ice cream shop and noticed all the tip jars were full of American green dollar bills. (To be fair, Canadian dollars are of course coins, which would be much harder to see through the sides of the glass; almost nobody’s gonna be tipping in $5s, which is the smallest Canadian paper denomination.)
At breakfast the ladies at the next table were discussing politics in hushed and shocked tones (such a reprehensible mutter mutter, shame on those who voted for him!), and I was only a little surprised to realize that no, they were discussing Ontario provincial politics actually, they were locals. Welp! The global situation is astonishingly dire. 
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[image description: the author, a stout blonde woman in a black dress, takes a photo of her reflection in the brass doors of the hotel elevator: her boyfriend, a tall blond man in a plaid shirt who in this photo looks distressingly identical to his late father, is next to her, and both of them are holding ice cream cones; behind them are ornate luggage carts, and the brass surface of the door has an elaborate crest of arms carved into it, hard to make out among the reflections (it’s a trio of peacock feathers and a banner that reads Prince Of Wales Hotel). the floor looks like a fancy carpet but is in fact an insanely complicated pattern of inlaid wood, blonde wood in ribbon shapes on a cherry wood background.]
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🏘 *Brand new gorgeous custom build Frank Betz Mallory Plan by COOK HOMES in Governors Preserve. Just listed for sale and offered at $685,000. Located at 109 Carter Lane Canton GA 30115* --- Located in highly sought after Creekview High District! No need to wait 9 months for completion. This one is built and ready to go with gorgeous custom finishes. Thoughtful consideration was given to this smart and functional floor plan. Everyone knows that family members and guests tend to congregate in the kitchen. This custom plan accommodates this fact, with a vaulted breakfast area and keeping room with fireplace adjoining the kitchen. Kitchen has stone countertops, white custom cabinets, breakfast counter top, walk in pantry and stainless steel appliances. 2 story great room with fireplace. Large expanded laundry room off kitchen. Master bedroom on the main with ensuite featuring sep tub and shower. Upstairs boasts Three secondary bedrooms – each with a walk-in closet. Unfinished basement is just waiting to be finished to the new owner's desire! Nestled on 1/2 acre lot with private wooded backyard. Backyard is perfect for a private pool. Governors Preserve is surrounded by Green Space and has several nature walking trails thru out, tennis courts, basketball courts and swimming pool. --- Contact us at [email protected] / 678-445-7369 for more information or to see this home today! www.WebbRealEstateTeam.com #webbrealestateteam #drakerealty #newconstruction #cantonga #cherokeecountyga #realestate #newbuild #modernfarmhousestyle 🔑 (at Canton, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHMWlZr3Hz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seventeen-plz · 2 years
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Bedroom Loft-Style
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c21akpremiergroup · 6 years
3113 W. Discovery Loop Contact Alaska Premier Group for more information. Century 21 Realty Solutions - Alaska Premier Group (907)373-7717 Exceptionally Elegant and Superior Features! Sitting on a Bluff 2.18 acre lot with views of Pioneer Peak, Twin Peaks, Knik Glacier, Lazy Mountain and part of the Chugach Range, with extensive and beautiful landscaping! Walk into sheer Elegance! Situated in 3276 square feet this 3 bedroom (potential 4th), 2.5 bath home built in 2005, offers high ceilings, open staircase with wood lined treads, formal dining room with French doors. Extensive windows throughout for plenty of natural lighting. Each window comes with custom blinds and Corian window sills (Draperies are negotiable, purchased from Winter Windows). Main level: Living room with 24 vaulted ceiling, built in Hickory entertainment center, gas fireplace, under cabinet lighting, above mood lighting, Berber carpet. Door to rear exterior with aggregate steps, concrete pad and walkway leading to a XL detached Gazebo which is a 3 season room, includes white cedar interior, built in gas BBQ with vent, gas fireplace, lighting, 300 degree view, excellent for entertaining! Kitchen offers high ceilings, custom Hickory cabinetry and range hood cover, under and over counter lighting, granite counter tops, island with sink, pendant, recessed and florescence lights. Half bath off kitchen with custom lighting, mirrors and granite countertop on beautifully designed vanity, laundry room and walk-in pantry. Custom hickory gates to block kitchen off for those with small children or pets. Home office with custom wood built-ins, including desk, cabinets and bookshelves, recessed lighting and ceiling fan, then enter through the pocket doors to your own personal Library with Cherry built in bookcases, cabinets and a 100 gallon Acrylic salt/ fresh water fish tank. Also a wood stove with see thru door for ambiance and Bay window seating. Perfect for those long cold days where you just want to watch the abundant wildlife or simply read a book! Upper level: Master Suite with private deck, recessed lighting, ceiling fan, huge walk-in, custom tiled shower with clear glass door, Pearl whirlpool hot tub soaker with air-dry! Beautiful vanity, granite countertops, very tastefully thought out. Additional two bedrooms measuring approx. 12.5 x 12.5 each on opposite side of the home, main bath is tiled with granite countertop. At the end of the hall is a Bonus room 13.5 x 23 currently an Exercise room (equipment negotiable). This space could easily be converted into a family room or another bed room. Lower level: Additional heated lighted storage, furnace room for in floor heating and on demand water heater. Double Tub-sink room with shelves. Access to lighted crawl space on both sides of the home with built-ins for more storage. Climate controlled walk-in Wine cellar. Wood Shop: 16x24 with larger projects door, separate man door, built in shelving and work counters, natural gas heat and electric. Under the shop is additional lighted storage 16X24 for your toys, with separate man door and larger door for easy access, Concrete floor. Natural gas Generator with 250 gal back up propane service (tank is rented). Extensive landscaping including Apple trees, rose and lilac bushes, raspberries, river rock accents and lava type rock with shrubs, Treated raised gardens with established perennials, in ground irrigation. Oversized paved parking area, large covered porch with Trex decking, Attached Garage is 24x24, with reinforced ceiling to accommodate exercise equipment upstairs. RV parking space, 30AMP hookup and septic drain. Seller has cleared a spot for an additional XL shop/garage for the man with the larger toys! by Century 21 Realty Solutions - Alaska Premier Group
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americangasworks · 2 years
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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This is a most unusual home. made of slate, stone, and cord wood. I thought it was ancient, but it was only built in 1986. It's in 18 acres of woodlands in Abbot, Maine, has 2 bds. 0 baths, (you'll see what it has), $139,900 and it has a pending sale.
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It's rustic as can be. Look at the stone floor- it looks a little rough and would tear a mop to pieces. The windows are nice, the walls, and the shelving, too. This must be a living room/kitchen combo. Don't care for the stove in the middle of the room, though.
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Built-in table and shelving.
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There's a nice little storage for logs in the wall, but I don't see a fireplace or wood burning stove.
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The stove looks charred. Everything needs a good cleaning.
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This is a wood burning heater for the hot tub. According to the description, it needs to be restored.
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I imagine that the hot tub is covered.
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Then, back here is some shelving and the sauna, which will also need restoration.
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Bedroom #1 has an upper bunk style bed and built-in shelving.
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Bedroom #2 also has an upper bunk bed.
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Closeup of the cord wood wall.
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This is your toilet. It's a double.
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It looks like they intended to put in a sink and plumbing.
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Outside are 2 propane gas tanks.
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On the exterior the weathered cord wood walls look like stone.
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The 18 acres of woodlands are untouched.
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Look at the mushrooms on this tree.
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Plus a river runs thru the property.
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