#see 'is it that obvious' and dan lying to her
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viviennevermillion ¡ 2 years ago
oooh what if vidyadhara reader with draconic feature just like dan heng (or feng) who's trying to hide the fact that they're jealous but the tail just gives it away by thumping on the ground like it has a mind of it's own and no matter what the reader does it just won't stop unless you grab it
but like, if the tail didn't exist they would actually believe it cuz their expression is actually very convincing
i was thinking of blade, dan heng and jing yuan back when they were still a high cloud quintet cuz i believe they were so popular back then
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With a Vidyadhara Reader
✧ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: thank you for the request! i went with present time for this because i feel like i still don't know enough about their past to feel confident in portraying them accurately.
✧ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: dan heng, jing yuan, blade
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: obvious — taylor trensch
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: none
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Dan Heng, being a Vidyadhara dragon himself, immediately knew what was up with you when your tail started indicating exactly how he made you feel. Yet, because he wasn't open about his past with the other members of the Astral Express Crew yet, he kept silent, simply observing you and wondering what would become of your friendship if one day you decided to be honest about your feelings.
Dan Heng loves you too, but he's hesitant about putting you on the spot and forcing you to share something about you, that you weren't ready to share with him yet. And besides, that would mean bringing up the whole High Elder thing and he wouldn't know how that would affect your opinion of him. His memories of the past are hazy and he doesn't know who you were back then and what that would mean for you now. Whether it would make you see him with different eyes.
So when he comes back from the Xianzhou Luofu with dragon horns and a tail; the resemblance to High Elder Dan Feng undeniable; your eyes fall on him and you immediately know there's quite a lot for you to talk about
At first it's all about what happened on the Luofu and how Dan Heng felt about the whole thing. But he eventually decides it's time to talk about how your tail had been giving away your feelings for him for months now.
You're understandably flustered, still a little shocked from the realization that he likely knew the whole time. You had always brushed your agitated tail off as "things your nerves just do sometimes" so finding out Dan Heng was always aware you were lying about it was quite awkward
However, Dan Heng is happy the cards are finally on the table. He confesses that he feels the same for you and you decide on just burying the past for a while and enjoy your life together now.
You receive a text message from him the next day to enter his room and you find that he has built something akin to a dragon nest / pillow fort for the two of you to cuddle in. Dan Heng lays down with you in his arms and he places a kiss on your horns; a silent promise to stay by your side and love you forever; his tail intertwined with yours.
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Blade is... hesitant about falling in love with a Vidyadhara dragon considering how his last close bond with one went.
Blade actually is completely oblivious to your tell-tale signs of having a crush on him. He'd be entering the room and your tail would swish back and forth and he's way too caught up in his own head to notice. His thoughts are spiraling around what happens if you want him to be immortal too and what it means when you reincarnate or whether you will bring ruin to his life like his friendship with Dan Feng did.
Meanwhile you're just like,,, happy to see him
Kafka actually has to slap some sense into him by telling him about your feelings for him and your desire to love him and take care of him that is obvious to literally everyone BUT Blade. This man is DEEP in denial and half the time he spends with Kafka is her trying to convince him that you're not out for making his depression 10 times worse and that since he feels the same; he should just give the whole thing a chance and enjoy your time together
But these interactions made you wonder whether Blade wasn't into Kafka instead.
So your tail smacks onto the ground in an unnerved motion and Kafka chuckles, leaning over to Blade and whispering in his ear about how you're obviously jealous and he should just give in to his feelings already.
This in turn makes your tail act up even more.
This continues until Kafka one day decides to put you out of your misery and just tell you that Blade has a huge crush on you that he's trying to deny and that he mumbles your name in his sleep while snuggling a pillow, which makes you almost choke on your cereal.
Blade enters the room not long after that, finding your tail completely still from the shock of the information you just received. He turns his head to Kafka, speaking in a slow but annoyed tone. "What. did. you. do?"
This incident ultimately marked the moment you two got together but Blade still thinks Kafka is a horrible wingwoman.
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Jing Yuan is the only one out of these three who is not conflicted in the slightest.
Rather, he's having the time of his life watching you talk to him with a completely straight face while your tail is having a solo dance session behind you; something you were unfortunately very aware of. You try desperately to stop it from moving while Jing Yuan just stands there with a subtle smile on his face.
He'll subtly tease you about it as well. Asks you if everything is okay whilst he knows full well what is happening here.
When your tail thumps on the ground out of jealousy, Jing Yuan leans close to you and tells you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Yes, this is before you start dating. He knows what he's doing to your poor heart by teasing you about this. He hopes it finally prompts you to be honest about your feelings.
Even after you get together, the tail is definitely a big help in showing Jing Yuan how you're feeling at the moment, so he can reassure you when he needs to and give you attention when you crave it.
He often pulls you into his lap and runs his fingertips over the tail, marveling at the scales and how you react to his touches. When he notices your tail is sensitive, he chuckles lightly and presses a kiss to your forehead.
Everytime he sees jealousy or a need for attention in the movements of your tail, he makes a mental note to take some time off to spend with you and pamper you with affection as soon as possible.
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kanaria-a ¡ 10 months ago
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❝Tomorrow, and beyond tomorrow, in the fleeting blink of an eye❞
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Hsr Infection AU….(Prologue)
In an alternate universe where the hsr cast is infected with an unknown disease.....
Stage 1–You wouldn’t even know that you’re infected as there aren’t any major symptoms. Patients will often report trouble breathing when lying down or sudden rashes in random spots
Stage 2–It’ll be more obvious that you’re infected. Trouble sleeping, random panic attacks, and hearing voices are all common reports from patients.
Stage 3–During the third stage, patients will start seeing things that aren’t there. They will have trouble walking, and will often just lay there. If you look closer, you’ll see that it looks like veins are emerging from the persons face.
Stage 4–The final stage. Bones will begin emerging from within the skin, usually from the joints, although it seems not to hurt the patients. They will begin to act in a hysterical manner; clawing at the protective glass and trying to attack their caregivers.
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The list of patients on the first stage were just mundane researchers for the Herta Space Station. None of them seemed to even get past the first stage before succumbing to The Infection. Even though the Stage One symptoms seemed minor, to the patients, it felt like their flesh was being ripped clean off of their skeleton. The only other patient that seems to be on Stage One besides the researchers is Dan Heng, who had been, not necessarily complaining, but hinting about itchiness and small rashes appearing in different places each day. You were one of the few who were immune to The Infection, opting to become a doctor and help the people contained within the facility that Herta and Asta had built. One of your first few patients wasn't Dan Heng, but a patient that was already on Stage Two; Stelle. While Caelus was immune, Stelle didn't get so lucky. Even when under observation, Stelle never seemed to stop making jokes and trying to make you laugh. It's best not to give into it as The Infection can seemingly do things to a patients mind, sometimes altering their brain completely. Looking at Stelle in her "confinement" left you wondering if that was truly the case after all. Could anyone be as happy as she looked under these conditions?
You decided to start asking her questions instead of just staring at her quietly. You quickly noticed that something was wrong. The more questions you'd ask, the less she'd speak, until she stopped talking at all. When you asked the final question, she just stared behind you with wide eyes, looking to the left and right frantically. After that, you knew it was time to leave. The next patient you had was a Stage Three patients named March 7th. When walking to her cell, you witness one of the medics trying to bandage up a Stage Three patient who got himself hurt in his own cell. You go over to her, only to find that the patient is now bleeding a black, tar-like substance from his still open wound. The woman sighs heavily before introducing herself as Natasha. She tells you that she's a doctor from Belobog. She immediately finishes bandaging the poor man up, propping him up on his two feet while placing his left arm around her nape, shifting away slightly as to ensure that she isn't bitten or scratched. She glances at you quickly before pulling the young man away towards the more secure cells on the second floor. You went back to your original plan of going to March 7th’s compartment. Heading towards the end of the hall, you find that it’s eerily quiet. There’s almost no sound except for the heavy breaths coming from certain cubicles. When you find March’s cell, you find that it isn’t locked like the rest of the cells are supposed to be, making you worried at first until you open the door. You find that she’s just sitting in the corner behind the protective glass, just as she’s supposed to. You walk in and begin asking her questions, just as you did with Stelle, but instead of receiving real answers, you get mumbles that sound like pleas of help. Stage Three patients are often hard to talk to as they don’t normally talk, and if they do, it sounds like a cry for help, further proof that they’re still human even after being infected.
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Yippee!! This is just a prologue, sooo say what you want or expect in the next one and i’ll see what I can do :D!!
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nico-is-a-corn-plant ¡ 1 year ago
Assigning the foxes fear entities cause I have brain worms.
Neil Josten - The Hunt
Went a bit back and forth because hunt avatars are usually the hunter not the huntee but then I remembered that ep in season five about the hunt and paranoia. A slightly untraditional hunt avatar for sure but what is more hunt than not knowing what you are outside of it?
Could also see the eye but he's not obsessed enough about Knowing
Andrew Minyard - The Web
Being controlled? Lack of free will? Plus the addiction angel? Like Come on. As an extra bonus the addiction was forced upon him which just makes it even more web coded. Those with the most need for control are usually the ones that have had it stripped away.
I also played around with the spiral for a hot sec.
Kevin Day - The Buried
TSomething about being trapped your whole life only to get out and then having to fight the instinct to crawl back to the comfort of the known. The nest was underground with no natural sunlight, gotta make dude a bit claustrophobic. But also the fear of no longer being trapped, Kevin Day what you do to my brain.
Aaron Minyard - The Desolation
They say Andrew is the one with the anger issues but we all know it's actually Aaron. Aaron just perfectly embody being afraid of loss and chaneling that through anger and destruction. Also remember that self destruction is also destruction.
Nicky Hemmick - The Spiral
Conversion therapy, need I say more? Growing up with parents that think he's deranged and a sinner? That he's sick? Plus the whole throat of delusion incarnate thing. His lying may not be as obvious as Neil's but that boy is hiding his pain behind jokes and we all know it.
RenĂŠe Walker - The Slaughter
RenĂŠe both fears and takes comfort in the fact that she is capable of great violence. She is dangerous, she knows this, she knows this but she hates it. She comes from a place of unpredictable and senseless violence. What really sells this one for me is the musical motifs this seemingly beautiful and gentle thing that hides slaughter.
Allison Reynolds - The Corruption
Her relationship with Seth for one, her lack of relationships with her parents for two. Wanting to be loved, wanting to be wanted. The persona she wears free of imperfections, free of rot. The classic mean girl toxicity. The bulimia, making yourself sick to escape a perceived sickness.
Matt Boyd - The Lonely
My man is a child of divorce. All the love to randy but she has an irregular work schedule which left him with his dad who is......not great. Matt is generally presented as a friendly and outgoing guy but then again so was Martin.
Dan Wilds - The Slaughter
I would love to have everyone have their own entity but Dan fucked it up. She gives me Melanie vibes. Having to fight tooth and nail to be respected. The feminine rage of it all. The righteous anger. Finally being in power.
As you can see the longer down you go the more iffy my justification gets but oh well. Do you agree? Disagree? Is this to niche of a crossover?
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callmewrinkles3 ¡ 2 years ago
Warnings for mentions of past miscarriage
May 2023
Em was used to keeping secrets. She kept them until they nearly swallowed her whole, they’d nearly ruined her life. She and Dan were trying to not keep secrets anymore, they’d learned their lesson. But hiding her pregnancy felt like the hardest secret they’d ever kept.
She had no idea how they’d managed to do it at the MET, Dan fixing her outfit and hiding the cotton covering the not closing zip. Anne Hathaway complementing her pregnancy boobs felt insane. But that wasn’t too hard to do when she was a nobody surrounded by the A List, even though her husband was one of them. When Karlie Kloss debuted her own pregnancy on the red carpet it was even easier, she knew nobody would be looking at her for a bump then. Especially the non existent bump.
Those first few weeks of her pregnancy were completely unnoticeable on her body except for how her boobs looked. Unless you asked Dan. He insisted he could see it.
Yeah he noticed her boobs because he loved holding them, could feel the weight of them and how they were different because they were just too big to fill his hand exactly. He was a boob man and she never had any doubts with that. But he insisted that he could see a tiny bump. Lying beside Emmy at night, resting his hand on her stomach and insisting it was there and he could feel the firmness of their baby growing. But this time, knowing she was definitely pregnant, she couldn’t make jokes that it was too much food and New York pizza on too many street corners. This time it was true and they were so happy, even with the nerves until everything was confirmed. But she still knew Dan was exaggerating his reaction to her body.
But the problem was that by the weekend of Chloe and Scotty’s wedding she was completely paranoid. Every day she tried on the gorgeous cream bridesmaids dress, panicking that it wouldn’t fit anymore. She took note of how the dress sat on her body, the ways it changed. How the bust was tighter, how the flowing body was worrying her that it might get too tight to flow. Once she finished worrying she’d call Dan in to model the dress and ask if it was obvious. She’d turn around and stand still for him to look, but Dan never really answered, instead he just giggled watching her.
They were so excited. It didn’t feel real that they were actually going to be parents. They’d been trying and nervous and unsure if it would really happen, but as they got closer to the magical end of twelve weeks pregnant the excitement was growing. Em was far more cautious than Dan, begging him not to tell anyone, even his parents. They had to keep it from everyone until she was sure that it would be safe. She couldn’t bear if something went wrong.
Meanwhile Dan was biting his tongue in most conversations, the month since their wedding meaning people had started the “are you thinking about kids?” questions. If they walked past a baby he started smiling like a tiny child, he couldn’t help but grin as he watched Scotty’s niece run around the wedding rehearsal. Everyone oohed and ahhed watching Dan with her, making Em think about Dan and their own tiny curly haired daughter.
He even bought a pair of oh so tiny baby Vans, making Em cry like a baby that she firmly blamed on the hormones. He was a giggly, bubbly mess and she had to beg him to behave. She could hide under oversized shirts and hoodies, flowing dresses that didn’t show anything, but she couldn’t hide Dan’s constant grin.
The other thing that was so hard to hide from people, especially during the wedding weekend in Venice, was that Em had stopped drinking entirely. She’d been drinking a lot less since she came back anyway thanks to the antidepressants, but the second that test was positive it stopped totally. It was easy to hide when they were away on their honeymoon, and even when they were in Miami and surrounded by their friends it was easy. But surrounded by all their friends and so much alcohol free flowing it felt almost impossible.
The excuse was simple when people asked at the night before party, her “somebody needs to stop Dan jumping into a canal for a swim if he gets drunk”, but it didn’t work at the reception. Everyone had gone wild at it, Em one of very few not drinking. The only solution was the same thing they did at the Met and exchange glasses at the dinner tables to make it look like hers was emptying slowly. When the bars were open Dan would go up to get their drinks, coming back with a coke or sprite for Em to make it look like her drinks. If anyone else offered to get anything she shook her head, pointing at Dan getting her one.
But then Blake took the seat beside her, putting a vodka soda in front of her.
“Seriously, Blakey, I’m good! Plus my husband’s on the way to become a fucking mess, I need to look after him.” She spoke into his ear so he could hear her over the music.
“You’re not going to get drunk with this, it’s just a 7up and a slice of lime.” She wanted to ask why he’d specifically got her this, but before she could think of how to say it Blake was speaking again. “I know you nearly as well as I know myself, Timmy. I won’t say anything. Congrats, lil sis.”
She could feel the panic coming over her, the tears coming up to her eyes before her brain realised it’s ok that someone else knows. It’s a good thing that Blake knows. It’s Blake, the closest thing to a big brother that she’s ever had. The man who kept her secrets even when he knew what was going on behind closed doors with her and Dan. Who walked her down the aisle at her proper wedding, who organised their asses around their world even though Dan was taking a year away from driving. She didn’t want anyone to know until it was safe, wanted to keep this to themselves, but if someone else had to then she wanted it to be Blake.
“You need to keep this quiet. Please, Blake. Nobody else knows and you need to keep it.” She didn’t care how serious she sounded. The worry that people would find out hurt too much. “Plus if you tell anyone about this then Scotty gets to be godfather, not you.”
She smiled and took the glass from his hand to take a sip. She knew he wasn’t lying but the taste proved it, it was just a 7up. As she took a second sip she couldn’t help but grin as the surprised look took over his face.
“Me? Seriously?”
“If there’s anyone except me and Dan I trust with our kid, it’s their Uncle Blake. So yeah, we already decided. Easiest decision.” He wrapped her in a hug and Em held him tight, soaking in her brothers love. She’d told someone and the world didn’t blow up. It was going to be ok.
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zahri-melitor ¡ 5 months ago
Newish Comics
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #17: oh, we are recanonising Officer Down immediately before going into All Along the Watchtower? That's...a choice. Not necessarily a bad one, but hmmm it very much positions Harvey Bullock (though while recanonising it we've now made the hit go awry, so hmmmmm).
The Leap Day story was fine, it felt like a Batman fill. I don't care for the Constantine team up with Streaky but that's normal for me. Billy seemed sort of young in the diner story, but it was a cute team up (though Basil Karlo, you know there's a perfectly fine team name for Clayfaces, it's the Mud Pack, why were you reaching for 'The Clay Team').
The Man-Bat story made me emotional, especially in that Kirk says he's still very separated from Francine.
Action Comics #1069: These were...fine. I did have to laugh that Rowell's conclusion to 'is it unethical to report on yourself' was 'we're both somewhat unethical and are going to do it anyway'.
The Flash #13: This remains a very good Wally West comic. I did squint at Linda saying she went through labour three times, but I think this is meant in terms of the nonsense surrounding the twins' pregnancy involved her to first miscarry and then give birth to the twins. That or she's counting active labour/delivery for the twins separately.
I'm excited for Skartaris. I presume we're also time travelling somewhat given Travis appeared alive in the dream scene, but also I'm fully aware that nobody actually remembers Travis did actually die and Joshua's now the Warlord. Unless there's further developments beyond that that I haven't sussed out yet.
Green Arrow #16: I love your confidence in Connor, Ollie, but's he's still like...top 10 living fighters, not the 'greatest fighter the world has ever seen'. (I did enjoy the little smirk on Connor's face from his very first panels that was very 'you are underestimating me').
Also still so very bored with this extremely obvious triple cross. I presume we will finally get around to the payoff in Absolute Power #4. (Let Cissie and Sienna go home)
Outsiders #11: This has been an interesting comic. I'm still not sure how much of a difference it would have made to label this 'Planetary'. What I enjoyed was Kate and Luke getting some page time. I'm unconvinced that what we need is an Authority reboot centred around the Bats (I cringed at the "Lucius Fox to be the Doctor! Luke Fox to be the Engineer!" stuff) but I don't hate the idea of an Authority reboot, especially if they give it teeth. If you're doing the Authority can I have Jack Hawksmoor mentoring Cameron Kim instead thanks.
Zatanna: Bring Down the House #4: the art on this title remains super pretty. It's really an interesting rewrite of Zee's history
The Warlord #69: This week in the lost land of Skartaris, everyone is finally heading back to the present from Wizard World.
Of course, it goes wrong.
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bahahahhahahahahaha oh Dan Jurgens you clearly didn't have any decent reference images
The best bit, beyond the incredibly tall buildings in the middle of the water of Circular Quay, or the surprise mountains coming out of the water around Kirribilli, or the fact that Blues Point Tower is apparently 3x taller than it actually is (while still being an eyesore) is that Travis and Shakira have ended up in a future where, to my eye, Fort Denison was never constructed on Pinchgut Island.
This means nothing to anyone not heavily steeped in history of the settlement of Sydney but just trust me that it is very VERY funny in terms of what it means that Travis is just lying there on the rocks.
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That's because even in this weird badly photoreferenced Sydney, Shakira, you are currently on what's essentially one of the most desolate rock islands in the centre of the harbour and from that sun it looks like if the fort was actually still there it would be closed for the day.
You might get to see Benny the seal though.
They then proceed to walk on water to get to the city, because even if this WAS on the north shore of the harbour they clearly aren't walking to Chatswood.
Travis finds the city to be incredibly empty and wonders if the Cold War suddenly got hot in his absence. But then! Travis gets jumped by some of Abe Saffron's boys and girls in a deeply amusing conglomeration of 80s fashion and space age dressing. So glad to see recognition of Sydney's underworld in an American comic. (They don't specify they're working for old Abe but you know. I can read into these things)
So they proceed to walk south in Australia heading for Melbourne so they can fly or sail to Antarctica and the hole to enter the centre of the earth. It's racist in places and has a farm that's raising wombats and I cannot take any of it seriously, but I am so amused.
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nautilusopus ¡ 6 months ago
as for my actual many many beefs with lily orchard, i've gone off on rants about her in the past but i'll do the short version here. a lot of it boils down to like
you know that one video dan olson did on world of warcraft, where he explains that people have difficulty articulating why people like the games they do so they just assume their stated values apply to things they like?
i like good video games
many video games generally considered good are considered good in part because of their high difficulty (eg bloodborne it's fantastic go play bloodborne everyone)
i like world of warcraft
therefore, world of warcraft must also be a difficult game, because i like it, and i like good games, and good games are hard games, so world of warcraft is good and therefore hard because i like it.
it's the same complete inability to extract one's own personal tastes from their own stated values except the stated values have now also been applied to a larger cultural movement of Righting Great Wrongs being the implicit first and only goal of producing only story, and that therefore good stories are vehicles for Righting Great Wrongs, so therefore bad stories aren't, et cetera et cetera
like, if you actually look at her """"writing tips"""" list i cannot put enough quotes around that, 95% of them are her just bitching about catradora specifically because she doesn't like catradora and is still mad at catra and wants her punished as a bad guy. and y'know what fine that's her prerogative but that has fuck-all to do with what objectively makes stories good and bad and it also isn't a failing of the story that it was about a different thing than she wanted it to be.
we're working with first grader level of media literacy here. if a character does a bad thing they need to be punished. who decides what a bad thing is? you're in luck we have literal exact numbers in a rigid strikes system (why is 10000 the cutoff? who the fuck knows). all texts are literal. authors are lying when they say their stories are planned and meant to convey anything, because they are all secretly using the low-stakes wattpad fanfiction model where they are writing to create a moral guide for their fans. all stories are here for ME and what I bring to it. there is a specific CORRECT way to write things in this, arguably the most case by case medium to ever exist. your duty as an author is to be righting those wrongs first and telling any kind of personal story second so your followers can have Content but see it's morally good content so it's not bratty of me to not only expect but demand certain things of writers.
what she also reminds me of is the kind of person that like to talk about how they are Extremely Logical when actually they've just convinced themselves their intensely emotional responses are logical ones, which you see a lot of in extremely conservative right wing circles, and yes i am making that comparison because she is effectively that, she's just put a gay hat on the conservativism and swapped up who is inherently wicked and what some of the sins (which are all equal to one another) are.
also WORDS MEAN THINGS YOU FUCK four hours on why steven universe, the show that got itself cancelled in the name of getting a lesbian wedding on air in a kid's show, is actually clear and obvious fascist propaganda because the kid's show argued that even bad people could change and didn't agree the first priority of the revolution is to pick who to line up against the wall (which is, y'know, a super non-fascist thing to want)
i'm trying to avoid ad hominem here, but the things she's said do not paint a very flattering picture of her or how she views the world at all. these are the writing tips of someone who (in MY OPINION) is incredibly juvenile, unwilling to take away anything from a story that she did not come here to receive in the first place or meet it on its own terms because if she is here to be comforted and thinks if a story isn't here to do that it's a flaw with the story, sees all disappointments as something someone is At Fault for overall, is completely incapable of handling any sort of nuance on any subject because she wants to always be correct speaking to some deeply rooted insecurities, and is utterly incurious about what the world is like for other people and in fact finds it a personal affront for anyone even trying to share those experiences directly or indirectly despite claiming to champion diversity as not just something we should encourage but MANDATORY for all writers (so long as it is the Correct Portrayal).
anyone clowns in the notes and i block you lol we're not getting into steven universe discourse OR whatever fucking allegations are going on. i don't know, i wasn't there, it's none of my goddamn business. i haven't even fucking seen she-ra i do not care about it.
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m0ther-of-p3arl ¡ 24 days ago
wait. song exchange. you give me your dnp coded songs and i’ll give you mine
YAY YAY YAYYYY OKAYY!!!!!! YAY :)))) hmmm let me choose. just a few. hhhfdhfhs this is the difficult. also it might get a bit parasocial cough cough dont blame me ok . its gonna be a long one
Fences by Paramore. This is THE Dan Howell song and no one can convince me otherwise like. Just look at the lyrics. It's absurd. "I'm sitting in a room/made up of only big white walls and in the hall/there are people looking through the window in the door/they know exactly what we're here for/don't look up, just let them think/there's no place else you'd rather be/you're always on display/for everyone to watch and learn from/don't you know by now?/you can't turn back/because this road is all you'll ever have/and it's obvious that you're dying, dying/just living proof that the camera's lying". not much else to say it speaks for ITSELFFF
Such Great Heights by The Postal Service. honestly this one is just cute. and the beginning lyrics remind me of just the sappy soulmateism that dan and phil have where they were just obviously MADE FOR EACH OTHER yk??? "I am thinking it's a sign/that the freckles in our eyes/are mirror images and/when we kiss they're perfectly aligned". FOR FUCK'S SAKEEEEEe this song just makes me sappy about Them. hgshdfhsdhfdn. "And I have to speculate/that god himself did make/us into corresponding shapes/like puzzle pieces from the clay".
Rose-Colored Boy by Paramore. DAMN again with the paramore i guess they just write dnp coded songs bc i dont even listen to them that much. anyway this song is just about phil being an optimist and trying to make dan feel happy as well and it's just sooo :((( "rose colored boy, i hear you're making all that noise about/the world you want to see/and i'm so annoyed/cos i just killed off what was left of the optimist in me". it makes me ILL it makes me SICKKK TO MY STOMACHHHH
The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy. listennn listen okay fob is like. very difficult to parse meaning from their lyrics For Me okay. it's mainly the chorus of this song that does it for me- "and in the end/i'd do it all again/i think you're my best friend/and don't you knwo that the kids aren't al, kids aren't alright/and i'm yours/when it rains it pours/stay thirsty like before" AND IM SO!!!!!! anyway ive loved this song since i was small and i think it sorta. its just like. dnp are so dedicated to each other they are never leaving each other, it's literally dan and phil against the world and it has been since the day they met. this song conveys that so thats why its on here.
September Told Me by Juice. OOUUHHH THIS SONGGGGG OUHHH IT GIVES SUCHHH 2009 VIBES FUCK MEEEE ok sorry. so this song is all about this person who's spent time with this girl and he's realizing he's in love with her and she's making him feel vulnerable and able to share himself with the world DO YOU SEE THE PARALLELS. "damn i wasn't ready/didnt think shed get me/now i wear this heart on my sleeve./barefoot in the summer/didnt think i loved her/until september told me to leave" IM GOING ISNANEN
Bliss by Muse. this song. is very similar to rose colored boy in lyrics content. it is about. loving someone who is so happy and joyful and they are there adn you are not happy and joyful. in rose colored boy, dan is tired of phil trying to help him be happier and in bliss all he wants IS TO BE HAPPYYYY LIKE PHIL. "everything about you resonates happiness/now i won't settle for less". "everything about you pains my envying/your soul can't hate anything/everything about you is so easy to love/they're watching you from above/give me all the peace and joy of your mind/i want all the peace and joy of your mind".
UHHH these are the ones!!! that i have that i havent seen others mention. specifically. because obvs there are the ones like Naked In Manhattan by Chappell Roan, Matilda by Harry Styles, and Still Into You by Paramore (MORE PARAMORE) that everyone knows and is just very obvious and dnp coded and stuff. yeah uh i have more on my playlist but honestly most of that is just vibes in which the lyrics dont fit TOO well??? im looking for more though so uh. DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY share your dnp songs sorry this was so long i am full of thoughts today. about them.
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ask-alastors-mom ¡ 1 year ago
Our favorite song
May lied sick in her ratty old bed. Alastor had made it himself, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t great; they had it for years and it was falling apart, just like her. Alastor was in the yard taking care of the garden; it used to be hers, but lately she had enough energy to even get out of bed.
But today she stumbled from the covers, leaning against the walls of the run-down house. Step by step, she got closer to what she wanted before she inevitably collapsed against the floor. Alastor must’ve heard the commotion rushing inside. He looked around for a moment before his eyes landed on her, and in a second she was pulled into his arms. He had gotten so much stronger, she wondered how.
“Mama! What are you doing out of bed?! Are you hurt? Do you need something?”
He was panicking that much was obvious and may couldn’t help but feel a little bad for making her son worry. She was able to pull herself up, leaning against his side, and he wrapped is arm around her waist to keep her from slipping.
“Alastor, do you think you can?“
She coughed violently, but luckily no blood seeped out.
“Play me something on the piano.”
Alastor only looked confused, sighing.
“Mother, why on earth would you get out of bed just to hear me play some piano?”
May simply scoffed, hitting his chest playfully as she frowned, moving by herself much to the worry of her son sitting down on the edge of the piano bench.
“That means you ain’t going to play me something? I’m your mother, and I’m sick. I believe I deserve to hear a little tune.” 
Despite her weak body, she managed to play a small melody with the keys. Alastor rolled his eyes begrudgingly, sitting down next to her, her favorite smile on his face.
"Alright, fine, anything for you, maman, but after this, you’re going straight back to lying down!”
May rolled her eyes, letting them fall close as she rested her head on his shoulder, speaking softly.
"Yes, yes, I will. Alastor, hurry up now.”
Alastor played a few random notes, seeming to be thinking about what to play before a familiar melody filled the creaky room. May hummed along, tapping her feet against the wood in time with the rhyme before she started to sing.
“Hey, hobo man, hey dapper Dan, you both got your style.”
Alastor smiled softly next to her, letting his head fall onto hers as he joined her.
“But brother, you’re never fully dressed with a smile.”
They laughed, feeling solace for the first time in a long time. Alastors melody carried through the entire house, filling the once empty void with mirth. As he played, unfortunately, mays hands were shaky, causing her to press the wrong notes at the wrong time, but Alastor didn’t mind reassuring his mother of the small mistakes; they were happy, and may hoped they would be happy forever.
( @alastorbyalex tagging Alex because I want them to see it :) )
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue ¡ 5 months ago
Multi Pairings Masterlist
All That You Are (All That I’ll Ever Need) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke, calum/ashton, niall/harry NR, 4k
Summary: Calum and Ashton are planning a wedding which is causing a lot of stress and Luke is struggling with the fact that he is 32 and very very single.
almost is never enough (ao3) - fannyann luke/calum, calum/liam, liam/harry M, 32k
Summary: â€œI think I’ve always known that a little. I mean, if I paid attention, at least.”
Liam laughs, eyes crinkling up and Calum’s surprised at how easy this is.“That obvious?”
“A little. Love’s funny that way. Think it’s only obvious when you want it to be.”
or; A Frat AU where Calum and Liam are in love with other people but can’t quite see what’s right in front of their eyes.
Ease (ao3) - Grace_Williams calum/ashton, michael/luke, harry/louis G, 138k
Summary: In a world where everyone was a dominant or a submissive and everyone had an assigned soulmate, Ashton was remarkably unsure of himself. Nothing is going as he planned and his soulmate, Calum, is, to put it simply, not who he expected.
Michael is Calum’s best friend and an all round terrible example when it comes to navigating relationships.
Calum’s assistant Maggie, along with her soulmate Carla, seem to be the only ones who do understand how a relationship is supposed to work.
Are they the only people can put those around them at ease?
He is beauty (and we are world class) (ao3) - Alexandralouis28 harry/louis, luke/ashton, zayn/liam, michael/niall E, 3k
Summary: Louis Tomlinson, a 26 years old established actor, decided to take a break from acting and that resulted into lots of vacations and parties, one at which he got to meet the cutest tailor. His name is Harry. Louis instantly falls head over heels for him and does everything in his power to win the boy over.
Latch (ao3) - gallovihc luke/calum, harry/louis, calum/omc, luke/ofc E, 78k
Summary: luke thinks calum is having weird dreams. calum may or may not like luke. teenagers who love each other usually end up alone. but sometimes they don’t.
Lies I Feed Myself (ao3) - Grace_Williams michael/calum, michael/crystal, luke/sierra T, 26k
Summary: Michael should be grateful he found out he was an omega when he did. Sure he was 24, which, given he went through puberty early, is so astonishingly late he had accepted he was a beta. Still, it was in the middle of the pandemic. (Though technically speaking, not the middle, actually closer to the start). It was an ideal time to find out he was an omega, all things considered.
or the story where Michael finds out he’s an omega long past when he should’ve, makes some irresponsible decisions, and is then forced to rethink every emotion he’s ever felt about Calum while lying in a hospital bed
no body, no crime (ao3) - jbhmalum luke/ashton, luke/calum, michael/calum M, 11k
Summary: the no body, no crime songfic no one asked for
Out of Space -Phan (ao3) - bandhoez9194 dan/phil, chris/pj, josh/tyler, michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 27k
Summary: Its the year 3489 and earth finally had given out. Most people had managed to evacuate earth and go to Mars or the moon.
Some people weren't so lucky. They got left behind, thought dead.
Dan Howell was 20 years old when this happened. He lost his best friend, his whole world, Phil Lester that night.
7 years later, earth is healthy enough once more to sustain even a small population. They choose one large city to send the group, London.
Dan, Chris Kendall, PJ Liguori, Louise Pentland and Tyler Oakley are part of the group being sent back to Earth. Dan just wants to see if he can find one last picture of his other half considering they barely had time to grab a couple days worth of clothes and maybe some food.
When they get home, the small group has one hell of a surprise waiting for them.
Quarantined (ao3) - Livislover michael/calum, luke/ashton, luke/sierra T, 12k
Summary: Ever since quarantine, Luke and Ashton haven’t gotten to see each other. This isn’t an AU. Luke already likes Ashton and Malum are secretly seeing each other. It’s a love fest with some break ups.
Rejects (ao3) - realmsoffreedom calum/ashton, michael/luke, zayn/liam, harry/louis, niall/ofc M, 79k
Summary: They try to save me, but I’m too far gone. And they called me crazy, so I played along. And you wanna change me, but I’m on my own…
Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Luke are the rejects of their school- outcasts, the victims of relentless torture and bullying. Damaged- unable to function normally, none of them have any hope for the future- in fact, all four of them regard their future as being six feet under, no longer living. But- relationships form, hearts break, and the mess that they’re living only spirals further out of control, as everything gets significantly worse. Worse enough- that one of them could end up taking his own life.
Scene 14 - @daydadahlias​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton, michael/crystal, roy/calum, kaykay/sierra E, 128k
Summary: It’s one of the first lessons you learn. There’s a difference between performing and acting.
Actors are intellectuals; they’re poets with their expression and the way their voices hit the air. Performers, by comparison, are children, ignorant and too bright for their own good. No one wants to admit to being only a performer. If you’re anyone worth anything, you want to be an actor.
And Luke is not an actor, but Ashton is.
Or, the one where Luke hates Ashton but has to pretend to be in love with him for five months for his acting final except for the fact that maybe he isn’t pretending anymore.
Stand Again (ao3) - crash-queen aka stelleshine (stelleshine) luke/calum, michael/luke, jack/luke, michael/ashton E, 69k
Summary: The promise of a good pie brings Calum into Luke’s bakery one day, and Luke finds more than just a new customer.
The Perfect Getaway (ao3) - Hoodie michael/calum, luke/ashton, harry/louis NR, 26k
Summary: When Michael and Calum go on break after their tour. Something happens that will change their friendship for the better? or something much more?
What I (don’t) like about you (ao3) - truly_madly_deeply michael/luke, calum/ashton, harry/louis, minor niall/liam E, 70k
Summary: Michael hates Luke, Luke hates Michael. When Luke’s older brother Ashton starts dating Michael’s best friend Calum out of all people, the two arch enemies are suddenly forced to spend way too much time together. Which they don’t like at all, but hey, shit happens, and so does love.
Or the one where Luke gets his lip pierced and Michael finds it very distracting.
You and me; we can take the world (ao3) - Abbypd michael/ashton, luke/calum, former Ashton/OC T, 47k
Summary: Or yet another Wedding AU nobody asked for but I decided to write anyway.
you keep eternity (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton, michael/calum, harry/louis E, 77k
Summary: Luke crashes into Ashton’s life like a shooting star, Calum shows Michael that he’s still beautiful, and maybe things don’t feel so dark anymore.
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mesillusionssousecstasy ¡ 7 months ago
The perfect couple : Quotes
"- "Kill someone and get away with it" rich." (Greer's PR - Episode 1)
"- There you go. Ask, and you shall receive." (Greer - Episode 1)
"- Will, prescription roulette? You want to throw some Addies in the mix? (Thomas) - I sold all mine." (Will - Episode 1)
"- Mrs. Amelia washes her own dishes. It's rude. I don't come into her job at the zoo and pet the animals." (Gosia - Episode 1)
"- You know what, Carl? I just met you, and I... I already don't like you. (The detective) - Carl chuckles. - Like, at all." (The detective - Episode 1)
"- What? They're all in it for the money. But at least my wife matches the fucking wallpaper." (Thomas - Episode 1)
"- We're just filling in the blanks, Amelia, taking control of the narrative." (Greer - Episode 2)
"- Listen, if you make these people the enemy, they will bring in their New York lawyers so fast your head will spin. You got to let them think you work for them, because the minute they feel they're losing control, they burn it all down. I've seen them do it." (Dan Carter - Episode 2)
"- He makes his own bed like a poor person." (Gosia - Episode 2)
"- If you want your clients to respect you, you have to stop talking to them crypto." (Isabel - Episode 2)
"- Anyone who wears flip-flops outside of the confines of their own house should be arrested." (Abby - Episode 2)
"- I mean, guys are always falling all over her, but she believes that if you sleep with someone, you give away your power. (Amelia - Episode 3)
"- Do we have chilled rosĂŠ? (Greer) - Oh, of course we have chilled rosĂŠ." (ensemble - Episode 3)
"- You know the interesting thing about guilt, Tag? It's not transferable." (Greer - Episode 3)
"- I know you don't care, but I do." (Greer - Episode 3)
"- All right, I think we all need some comfort food. (Greer) - I prefer comfort drink. (Isabel - Episode 3)
"- I do love Chablis." (Greer - Episode 3)
"- Byredo Blanche. The literal best." (Abby - Episode 5 ; no Seven Veils)
"- Jesus. It looks like Lilly Pulitzer projectile-vomited all over this place." (Abby - Episode 5)
"- Who is gonna tell the middle-aged men of the world that they cannot wear shorts with loafers? Is it going to have to be me?" (Abby - Episode 3)
"- "He's so rich"? (Amelia) - Well, at Deerfield, he had bodyguards. He's, like, kidnap-rich. (Abby) - He never mentioned that. (Amelia) - Yeah, he plays it down. People with that kind of money don't talk about their money." (Abby - Episode 5)
"- Aren't you people supposed to be able to tell when someone's shining you on? (Tag - Episode 5)
"- In France, we don't let this kind of thing get us down, you know? Maybe you could get some hot apology sex out of it. (Isabel) - Maybe, but we're not in France, and, um, this really isn't helping. Thank you. (Benji) - I'm just saying, don't let it derail your life. And affair is just the heart's way to check if it's still alive. The heart. The pussy." (Isabel - Episode 5)
"- She really came at me. So, I said, "Lady, I'm the one who wrote the guest list, and I promise you're not on it. And then she was like, "Well, check it again." "It's 'Rockerfeller.' R-O-C-K-E-R-F-E-L-L-E-R." (Greer's PR - Episode 5)
"- ... you are beautiful. But that's not why Greer hates you. She hates you because you're real. That's why she hates me too. Because I say what I think. When people have spent their whole lives caring about what others say, they cannot stand to see someone.... They just can't stand to see someone.... Reminds them of their wasted life." (Isabel - Episode 5)
"- I said I didn't care about money. And I don't. I never think about it. (Shooter) - Well, it's a lot easier to say when you've always had it. You're just like the rest of them. No one around here tells the truth. They're all lying. Good we realized this was impossible before we did anything else stupid. And hurt anyone more than we already have. Glad that's settled." (Amelia - Episode 5)
"- I would say what makes it so obvious is what makes it so unlikely." (Episode 5)
"- But anyone who expects to be paid back by someone like him is an idiot. Beautiful women don't kill for money, they don't kill for sex. They can have these things anytime they want." (Isabel - Episode 6)
"- The motive Thomas laid out makes the most sense. (Dan Carter) - Money. (The detective) - Money. (Dan Carter) - With these kind of people, it's always about the money." (The detective - Episode 6)
"- Men are such assholes. (Abby) - Yeah, tell me about it. (Merritt) - Can't trust them not to cheat. Can't trust them not to lie. You really can't trust them to just get the job done. It's true, if you want something done right, you just have to do it yourself." (Abby - Episode 6)
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anonymousewrites ¡ 1 year ago
Adolescent Antichrist Christmas Special 2023
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Mouse Note: Welcome to the beginning of my Christmas Specials! Happy Holidays!
            “Lucifer, why is your Christmas party in a skating rink?” said Chloe, watching worriedly as Dan carefully looked out for Trixie as she skated.
            “Because (Y/N) and their friends like skateparks, so I thought a nice holiday change would be ice-skating,” said Lucifer, smiling as he watched his kid and the rest of the LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club skate.
            Chloe had to admit that was sweet. “That’s nice of you, Lucifer.”
            “Well, why wouldn’t I make sure (Y/N) has a great holiday season?” said Lucifer as if it was obvious that he should rent out an entire skating just for his Christmas party.
            “I get concerned by the amount of money you have,” murmured Chloe, sighing.
            Lucifer just grinned, and Chloe couldn’t help but smile too and shook her head fondly.
            “Incoming!” shouted Em, tripping and sprawling across the ice.
            Olive responded by jumping over them on her skates and landed easily. Being the one who usually roller-skated came in handy on the ice, and in her pastel pink and blue snowflake outfit, she looked elegant as she easily skated circles around the others.
            “We really need to figure out what you’re good at,” teased (Y/N), stopping themself and holding out a hand to help Em back up.
            “Yeah, you’re really good at martial arts, but you’re really uncoordinated on any wheels that aren’t a bicycle,” said Noa, but they too were wobbling a little bit and not going as fast as Olive.
            “You both need to practice,” said Marcel, holding tightly to Leon’s arm as they skated together to remain standing.
            “You guys are all mean and I don’t know why I hang out with you,” said Em.
            (Y/N) just laughed and helped her remain standing by holding her hand. “You’ll survive, Em.”
            “Yeah, thanks for the encouragement, Birdie, as if you aren’t laughing at me,” said Em, rolling her eyes.
            “You know, I’ve always wondered, why do you call them ‘Birdie?’ ” asked Olive.
            “It is quite unique,” said Leon.
            (Y/N) and Em exchanged looks, and (Y/N) decided to do what they were best at: clean up messes (by lying, apparently). “I threaten to jump off the balcony in the penthouse when I get overstimulated and overwhelmed.”
            Em’s eyes widened in shock at the answer and stared at (Y/N).
            “Fair enough,” said Marcel.
            “Dark humor at its finest,” said Noa, grinning.
            “You need to get a new therapist,” said Olive, and Leon nodded in agreement.
            “It’s Christmas, I don’t need this harassment!” said (Y/N), cheerfully skating away.
            “Wait, wait, wait!” shouted Em as (Y/N) pulled her away with them into the center of the rink and away from the safety of the wall.
            The rest of the group laughed and followed them.
            “Are you taking a break?” asked Lucifer, smiling as (Y/N) sat down on a bench and watched Marcel and Leon attempt to support Em while Noa stared head-over-heels as Olive showed them all up.
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N), smiling at him. “Thanks for all of this. It’s really great.”
            “Of course,” said Lucifer, sitting down. “I want to make sure you have a good time.”
            “You do a lot for me. It’s really nice, Dad,” said (Y/N).
            “Why wouldn’t I?” said Lucifer.
            “Well, my biological parents weren’t that into seeing what I liked,” said (Y/N), shrugging. They fiddled with their fingers nervously. “I’d always get gifts that they wanted me to want. Like dresses from my mom.” They considered. “And not really anything from my dad.”
            Lucifer was once again reminded that when their parents died, he would take a vacation back down to Hell to make sure they got the punishment they deserved because (Y/N) was the best kid ever and deserved all the love and support.
            “I’m not your biological parents,” said Lucifer. “You’re your own person, and I want to treat you as such.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “I’m glad I have you.”
            “I’m glad I have you, too,” said Lucifer.
            (Y/N) hugged him, and he hugged them back.
            “Merry Christmas, Dad.”
            “Merry Christmas, (Y/N).”
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yurinaa-world ¡ 11 months ago
Hi, I've always wanted an angel reader, platonic with Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan, Gepard and Aventurine. Thank you so much in advance
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan, Gepard, & Aventurine platonic! x Gender-neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with an angel reader
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Fluff, spelling mistakes, sort of dark themes in Aventurine's,
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
You just sigh. It’s just that nothing is fulfilling enough for you. All the books in the archives are the same. All about strategies, each one with a different cover yet the content is the same. copying each other pathetic beings with no ideas of their own.
“I’m back.” 
Dan Heng opens the room to his so-called room with a bag full of unknowns to find you reading the same book again while lying on your stomach. flapping your wings at his arrival yet your face remains with no emotion. not that he minds anyway.
“What did you bring back?” 
 you ask as you stand up and stretch your back along with your wings while cautiously eyeing the bag in your hands. “I got you a gift.” “a gift? why would you do something like that.” 
“A book, Since you complained that all the books in the archive don’t suit your taste.”
“I was never complaining, just pointing out an obvious observation.” 
Stubborn as always.
“I thought this faction book would suit your tastes.”
walking over to see what kind of book it was, handing you the book only to have a confused look. the cover had bright colors on it unlike any of the other books. holding it close to your chest.
“Fine, I’ll give this book a chance.”
“BLADE!” you scream his name right in his ear—leaning against a fence while you are on top of it, using your wings to balance yourself—yet in response on his end just grumble of annoyance. Honestly, he’s the one in the rain, he’s lucky that you even care!
He’s so soaking wet like a kitten who refuses to accept that he is cold.
“bladie are you mad at me? are you? are you? didn’t mean hit with my wings I was just joking!” 
Yet he said nothing. “come on blade!” You stretched his name hoping he would at least say something to you. “you talk too much.” “And you talk too little!” You back to him. “honestly such a pain you are, complaining and being secretive like a villain from a movie or something.”
You just going off again, about how he’s this and that. only until you stop talking entirely. 
Just both of you dretch in the rain while in silence—you were mad at him somehow and he just didn’t know how to socialize with you—until you just covered his head with your wing, stopping any more rain from falling on him.
“What are you doing.”
“Duh Bladie, I'm stopping you from getting any more wet. cuz I’m feeling nice.”
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
“Get away from me!!” 
You shriek at the top of your lungs, seeing that thing! a beast for a pet. you refused to go even near that thing since it would surely eat you! 
“Now, now, calm down, Mimi doesn’t bite.” 
“Do you think I care about what you might say, I don’t trust you in the slightest!” hiding behind him, gripping onto him tightly, clawing your nails into him making clear you weren’t going near Mimi; if all else failed then your wings open as if ready to fly away.
 Mimi gets closer, you shriek even more, Jing yuan just chuckles at this whole scene—even though you're gripping onto it as if you're going to die—as he pets Mimi. “Come now, it’s okay Mimi won’t hurt you.” 
before grabbing you and pulling you from behind him to be positioned right in front of Mimi,  you try again to run but with his hold still around you, you can barely move. He just laughs as you scream in protest against him.
“Don’t be so afraid of Mimi, she would never do anything that you didn’t want her to, I promise.” Mimi gets close to you and rubs its head against you trying to calm you down as well. you just shut down, eyes closing and yelling starting.
it wasn’t working, you were just scared out of your mind. you just wanted to get away from it! you just want some form of safety but there is none, you are trapped in a cage—oh-so dramatic you are—“Take a deep breath.” 
You did. you take one breath, then another. opening your eyes, this time calm, very calm. Your shaky hand went in to bite touch softly, feeling Mimi lick your hand gently like a cat, and you felt your breathing return to normal as you petted Mimi’s fur. 
“See, it isn’t so bad.”
𝒢𝑒𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓊
“Stop moving.”
Gepard tries tirelessly to calm down—he wants to help the injury on your wings but you're making it difficult by moving so much—he does feel bad, you look like you’re in incredible pain. He's trying so hard to be gentle with you.
“Be gentle! my wings aren’t toys!”
"I know I'm sorry, just bear with the pain just for a second.” 
You hiss trying to stay calm and not let the pain get to you, feeling the hot tears pricking through your tear-sockets and your vision blurring while trying to hide the fact that your wings are throbbing in pain, finally the pain coming slightly more bearable when he put the bandages around your wings.
"Are you alright? Do need me to get you anything? I didn't mean to be rough with you."
"I-I'm fine"
He immediately begins to worry—he does this every time you’re hurt you always put on the tough guy act saying you're fine every time even with tears running down your face and all your red and' puffy—so instead he hugs you close every time, your head against his chest so at least would be something to soak in your tears.
You're an angel and even you're left speechless each time—he cares that much, making you tear-eyed, not just from the pain.
“Each feather of my wings can make a man go from rags to riches just by selling it…so why not sell me? pluck my feather until a husk is left—you aren’t getting anything from by keeping me as your side as some sort…Younger sibling image you have in your mind.” 
A sigh of disappointment—well more of confusion. Shuffling cards you had and spreading them out as if they were taro cards even though they were a normal deck of cards while he watches you.
Aventurine gambles everything even his own life yet he chooses to spare you, even when he could have sold you out to the disgusting men long ago, that you feel their gazes touching your body and their sick thoughts brewing in their head about you, yet aventurine still chooses to keep you safe in his care.
"Do you need a reason to do something nice these days?" 
"For you, that would be the case. Everything you do has a reason."
The tips of your fingers gently brush all the cards before stopping at a card, gently pulling the face-down card out of the spread. "Smart as always, but what would be the point of doing such a thing? hmm?~ I do not need money since I always win a bet. In one round I'm able to money the same amount to ten of your feathers."
"A truth but also a lie...You're such an odd human."  aventurine's eyes narrow at you while you flip over the card you drag out from the spread. A queen of hearts. "but isn't that why chose to stay with me, since I'm so "odd" to you" "Maybe" he smiles at your answer "It's also because I'm also such an amazing brother right?" 
"Don't get cocky with your assumptions."
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the-firebird69 ¡ 1 year ago
Idiot Crashes Into BMW And Runs 😳
This is what he does everyday. And he has a couple big ships according off that are not ready to launch and he says everyone to fight over the other ships to destroy the ships and he'll be the one who's left and everybody heard it today and said well another one of your fine schemes is going to go up and smoke and he keeps saying I'll hide in his body and that's probably not likely we do have a word on him and his people and his status and it's not very good here his people are getting their asses kicked and kicked out on a promise must be up for election in February and people say he might not make it and it's mid February it's on timing but really people don't want him around he's serious the watchman television movie it's going to start up momentarily it starts in westborough and it is the end of him and it's some sort of analogy towards her son supposedly that's what they're saying and it's going to happen to Trump not our son. Fairly soon too and the indicator is westboro has stuff like they found it purgatory Castle and it is pretty rich and there is a big mound there and people think there's a thorium ball, some say it was one but they might be lying or it could be cadmium they're not really sure but David was there in Massachusetts and yeah Dan AKA days next door is saying he's been stupid and about a lot of stuff and this is one of them because he used to disappear all the time and he had his own network of tunnels and he had a way to conceal them it's kind of unique and most people put it in objects or places that are not really obvious at all what he did was put it in places where people look around and mostly they can't find it and you have to know where it is and you have to have safety protocols he also like to monitor these places to make sure that people who are getting into the area did not get anywhere. And you see the chasm and you see the chamber in the fight with Darth maul and you sort of see how they get in and it's ridiculous that nobody would figure it out so we're moving forwards but really in westborough there are a bunch of those and my son was near one for ages and it was right across the street no it was under Rock and no one can lift it but Dave and you have to lift it and move some soil and that was symbolic and he's trying to grab our sons dad. And our son right there in the yard and since been filled but yeah.
Thor Freya
I'm really excited about this it's what was going on
It's extremely important to me and we have to print
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killiru ¡ 3 years ago
Not me Rewatch thoughts
Ep. 1
Caution: Obvious spoilers I have to share my muddled thoughts a bit - sorry.
Still love the opening so much, it gives me life.
Omg it looks a bit like the pool where Black, White and Todd are at the beginning is the pool that later is Dan's secret base. Am I imagining it?! Probably, but that's okay with me 
Edit: Nope. It's not the same pool. Damnit.
A little bit it seems like Todd used to babysit Black and White. At least it doesn't seem unusual for him when their parents ask him to watch them for a while while they argue.
I know we dont see much of her, but White's ex-girlfriend is so so pretty.
The River told me lies starts to play in the background and my heart breaks a little.
Hihi you can see Gun's ear holes a bit in White's ears at the beginning.
Somehow it's very symbolic that White is strumming on the piano when he passes it when he's at his father's house. Or that there's a piano there in general - it's actually a mark of distinction in terms of cultural capital (according to Bourdieu).
The soy milk commercial I cant
White's dad is still so hot - kicking my daddy issues
I think the dad is lying when he says he doesn't know where Black is.
Exciting: White's dad introduces him to his diplomat friends at university (social capital) - shortly after, the one dude offers him a job. Not only that, but shortly after he offers him his books to study too.
Todd says at the beginning his new friends are the reason for Black's injuries. And that's not even a complete lie.
Why do they have hairnets on but no masks when they're in the ICU?
That handkerchief thing is so gross omg.
Boy, White looks good in glasses AND Black's clothes. The combo is nice - wish it would have been longer on screen
I just want to note that Todd a) had Black's key and b) hesitated when he said Black wasn't dating anyone. Maybe it was jealousy, I don't know - shouldnt he know he had a thing with Eugene.
Does Black actually have a drawing of brass knuckles and a Swiss Army knife on his pinboard? Am I imagining it ahahah
White asks so reproachfully if Black is still at uni. Rude
I love Nuch bye
I also love the talk about rule of/by law and the fact that White obviously doesn't have a clue although I would imagine he should have learned that in his studies. It just shows the vitamin B.
Just stealing someone else's helmet is NOT what you mean by redistribution, Gram! xD
That the bird drawn on Sean's door looks a bit like the one from Panem is no coincidence I think, especially since in Thailand activists have used the sign from the books with the three fingers for themselves. Nevertheless, it is now a funny headcanon of mine that Sean's favourite books are "The Hungergames".
And there he is. Sean my love. Off has never looked better in a role than in this ngl.
Hahaha... he's already washing his future boyfriend in EP 1. That's very kind of Sean isn't it?
The anarchy sign graffiti in the background... wonder who they are from the crew.
How nice the Molotov cocktails were lined up on the tablet.
Result from Ep 1 : I love this show with all my heart and look forward to Episode 2.
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(and still. Ew. Dont.)
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callmewrinkles3 ¡ 2 years ago
NSFW Alphabet
In celebration of Monaco, have the ultimate A-Z of Dan and Em’s sex life. We apologise in advance. Or do we? Obvious TW for sex, cause…yknow.
A is for Aftercare (What they’re like after the act?)
There are so many cuddles. It’s their main form of aftercare. Dan takes all the time in the world to help clean her up, make sure she’s all comfortable and happy, and then there’s cuddles. We seriously cannot emphasise how many cuddles. Their favourite way is Dan lying on his back, Em lying against his chest, their legs tangled together. It’s very very rare that they have sex and don’t make sure they have time for cuddles after.
B is for Body Part (Favorite body part their own or their lovers)
There’s a reason Dan calls Em’s boobs his Emotional Support Boobs. He loves her face, but her boobs are his favourite part. He also loves her hands. Whenever she’s touching him he just feels safe. The moment when she’s cupping his cheeks and staying so close to him are his favourite. Em loves his legs. She’ll spend hours running her fingers over his thighs to draw random patterns on them or trace the lines of his tattoos. She also loves his chest. Her pillow is his chest, she feels safe there. The fact that she feels safe beside him is so important to both of them.
C is for Cum (Anything that has to do with it)
From day one Em prefers that Dan finishes inside her instead of on her, and they both really prefer that if they’re honest. It makes them feel closer. Sometimes yeah it’s fun if he finishes on her, and Dan’s possessive feelings also love seeing that happen. He thinks it’s hot as hell to see her like that. But it’s sticky and she hates the clean up and that it means they have to immediately start cleaning up instead of taking their time. For him though he loves having Em all over his skin. He wants to feel how wet she is and he loves when she rides a part of his body. Her riding his thigh? It’s everything. He doesn’t care if he needs to have a shower afterwards, it’s worth it.
D is for Dirty Secret
They both (but Dan more than Em) have a bit of an exhibitionist streak. If they can be fairly sure they won’t be disturbed they’ll have outdoors sex. They’ve had sex on the farm, on several beaches, and on the tiny little outdoor patio area just outside Em’s. They also have a joke that Em gave him access to every part of her body and it’s true. They tried anal but neither of them were a huge fan, it’s just not their thing. There’s other stuff they prefer doing instead.
E is for Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Em has two exes and she’s not into casual sex at all. Dan was going to be her first one night stand. So her experience is pretty much nothing compared to Dan’s. She’s been super clear that she doesn’t want to know how many girls he’s slept with or what experience he has. She’s happy knowing that he knows how to make her feel good and that’s it.
F is for Favourite Position
Cowgirl or missionary. They want to be able to look at each other’s faces while they’re having sex. If she decides to be a brat to tease him there’s moments where Em earns a slap on her ass and he’ll bend her over whatever’s nearby (notable places include the kitchen counter and the arm of her couch). The only other time they’re not looking at each other is if they’re cockwarming, because usually that’s Dan’s chest against her back. But every other time they’re looking at each other, whether it’s standing or on whatever surface they picked. Over the 2020 lockdowns he made a list of every surface they could have sex on. And they did.
G is for Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Or are they humorous?)
Most of the time it’s pretty goofy if they’re honest. It’s who they are, they joke and laugh a lot. Dan wants to see a smile on Em’s face at all times so if he can make it happen he does. There’s definitely times where it doesn’t happen, if it’s a bad weekend for either of them or they’re in a dom/sub situation or they’re having rough sex then it’s not. But even the romantic sex they have is a lot of fun.
H is for Hair (What are their grooming habits?)
Dan is very well groomed but he stopped shaving everything off because Em asked him to stop. She didn’t like how it felt against her skin, it scratched. She thought it was so silly to ask him but Dan kept checking in to see if there was anything to make sure she was happy when they were sleeping together and she didn’t need to ask twice. Em’s waxed, but not completely. If she has to go for an extra week she doesn’t mind, and Dan honestly has very little preference. The only thing he cares about is that she has enough hair on her head to pull it.
I is for Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantic or rough/dirty?)
It’s never been just sex for them, not even the first time when they were drunk. It’s always been intimate and it’s nearly always a mix of romantic and rough? They’re not completely vanilla. Super soft, really slow loving sex is rare for them. It’s just as rare that it’s rough and hard and fast, that’s usually for a bad day or something like that. They’re both on the rougher side of vanilla. At least holding necks if not choking is a regular for them, and a slap or two on Em’s ass happens. Dan loves going hard into Em while he’s whispering sweet words in her ear about how she’s his best girl and feels so good for him.
They always remind each other not just how good they are (they’ve got matching praise kinks) but how important they are to each other. They’re always intimate and close and doing things to show affection, not just during sex.
J is for Jack off (Do they masturbate and how often)
Em was never really into getting herself off. She’d been single for years and her sex drive just didn’t super exist. From time to time with a smutty book on her kindle and playing with her fingers but that was it. And then Dan showed up out of nowhere and showed her what good sex really was. He got her used to getting off regularly and what good sex was like so she kept going. But from the first time they slept together Dan couldn’t help it, he found himself in the shower whispering her name and pretending the hand around him was hand instead of his. It was just normal really quickly.
Phone sex was a thing when Em didn’t travel with him. He bought her a vibrator half as a gag joke and half as a “when I’m not here” thing and it became a regular when he was away. Talking to each other was way better than any other incentive when they were separated. When they’re together mutual masturbation is also a thing just for fun. Dan loves watching her start to get herself off and telling her to slow down or speed up.
K is for Kink
They have a ridiculously long list of kinks but they don’t consider them kinks either. It’s just how their relationship is and the way they enjoy sex. Every so often Em will call Dan “Boss” to turn him insane. There’s about a year of a daddy kink but as soon as Lulu starts talking that immediately disappears. But it’s a bit of everything really? Choking, hair pulling, dirty talk and marking are their four biggest ones. There’s more than once that Dan races with a hickey Em left on him. But apart from that when they start trying for a baby fully they definitely admit that they have a breeding kink. There’s a little bit of a dom sub thing that goes on for them, it’s not deliberate or intentional but it’s just what they kind of naturally fall into? Then also praising each other, edging (Dan on Em he loves it) and a bit of a size kink. Name it and they’re probably into it to be fair.
L is for Location (Favorite places to get it on)
If they can have sex there they have sex. Their favourite place is their bed, especially the bed in London when they live there full time. Second favourite is the couch when they’re too lazy to get up. After that it’s anywhere at all. Notable places have included the shower, the bath (one of their favourite places for cockwarming), in a vehicle (including farm vehicles), the table, a tree in the middle of the farm. Anywhere. They are not fussy.
M is for Motivation (Things that get them going)
They don’t need any at all. They get each other going in no time, it barely takes a hand moving. But Em’s biggest turn owns are Dan being a little jealous and overprotective of her. Whenever Em wears anything Dan bought her is something for him. She mentioned once she wanted to be the kind of person who only wore matching underwear sets and over time he replaced her underwear with matching sets. It doesn’t need to be fancy, something simple gets him going nearly more.
N is for No (Things they wouldn't do)
Anything that could hurt each other, whether that’s physically or emotionally. Threesomes or anything even vaguely involving other people is a no because they’re both too jealous for that. Nothing too kinky either. They’re into spanking but nothing that’s going to really hurt, the worst is Em’s ass being pink for a little while. Choking is more a hand over their neck than anything else, it’s never anything that could cut into their breathing. They don’t do anything like ropes or bondage that would really cause an issue. Nothing that could cause pain either. It’s fun to have a little extra sensation, not to hurt for them.
O is for Oral (Do they prefer giving or receiving? How skillful they are?)
They take turns because they both enjoy giving and receiving. Dan can and has spent hours between Em’s legs but he adores seeing his girl on her knees. When they started sleeping together she’d never experienced someone who enjoyed eating her out so it’s a new experience. Em really loves making Dan lose his mind, she loves giving and receiving in that way.
P is for Pace (Are they fast? Slow? Rough?)
It depends on the time and day, there’s no set pattern. If it’s busy, if it’s in his drivers room, or if Dan has to go do something it’ll be fast. They fit it into as much time as they have. Whatever the pace is Dan considers it a personal failure if he hasn’t made Em cum at least twice.
Q is for Quickie (Do they prefer quickies to proper sex? How often?)
They’re not into quickies. They’d rather be at home or in their hotel room where they have time. If they go for a quickie it’s for a very specific reason at that specific moment.
R is for Risk (Do they like to try new things?)
They’re willing to try new things because it’s with each other. They have such a deep, deep level of trust. But they’ll only do new things when they can be sure of what will happen and they can make sure that they’re safe. It’s a thrill without their reputations being hurt, especially if it’s trying sex in a new place. They’ll take risks and try new things together because they’re each others safe place. They can trust each other and say they want to try something and there’s no judgment. Nobody will look after each other the same way that they look after each other. They both put in as much as they can into their relationship to too that so they feel comfortable taking the risks.
S is for Stamina (How many times they can go? How long each round lasts?)
High. Performance. Athlete. Em had to basically train to be able to keep up with Dan. Some days they finish and Em tells him that’s her cardio because of how jelly her legs are. Normal nights is one round, especially during the season. If it’s a free weekend then maybe a second round in a day. But more than that is for time off. They tend to count rounds as how many times Dan can get off, but he loves making sure Em is more than satisfied.
T is for Toys (Do they owe toys? Do they use them?)
They’re not afraid of using them. Dan sees them as friends to help get Em off, it’s not something to rival him. Plus watching Em use one on herself is hot as fuck to him. He bought her a vibrator to use before she travelled with him and it’s her favourite one. She missed Dan too much and her fingers didn’t do the job and it was definitely from him.
U is for Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
Teasing always happens, but Dan’s the real tease. He loves turning her insane everywhere. Em tries but she gives up too easily.
V is for Volume (Are they loud? What sounds they make?)
Dan is the loud one. Em’s ex didn’t like hearing her make noise so she was used to keeping herself quiet. It took a long time for her to get used to the idea that it was alright to let go and actually make noise. The first time she made noise it drove Dan insane, and every time after that he loves it. Even when she’s ok with making noise he’s the loud one. Dirty talk, groaning, moaning, you name it. Em is more moans and little whimpers and squeaks. Also begging. Especially when Dan is edging her and pulls away for the third time when she’s just about to cum.
W is for Wildcard (Random sincannon of any sort)
Their safeword is Papaya.
X is for X-ray (What’s down below the pants?)
Let's just say they are both very happy with what the other has to offer.
Y is for Yearning (How high is their sexdrive level?)
It’s very high. For poor Blake and Michael who were locked down with them in Perth they think it’s way too high. At minimum it’s sex every second day. Em originally thought that there’d be no sex on race weekends, but that was from young Daniel. Dan and Em both thought that after they had their first kid they’d calm down, but it didn’t. It may have gotten slightly worse.
Z is for Zzzzz (How do they sleep after? How quickly after?)
If it’s a lazy day they go to sleep nearly straight away, but if it’s been a hard one they’re awake a lot longer. Whoever had the better day stays awake a little while longer to make sure the other goes asleep and stays asleep without a nightmare. Both Dan and Em have more than once had to slightly wake the other to stop the start of a nightmare.
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jodibodie ¡ 4 years ago
I Have Some Feelings
To start let me just emphasize how much I love and adore this show and always will. This was my covid show. Both of my kids loved “Lucifer” and always said I should watch so at the start of covid I binged it and when I say binged, I mean all 4 seasons in a few days and have rewatched so many times I’ve lost count. I think it is timeless, engrossing, original and all around amazing. The writing and the cast were all excellent. The writing was smart and consistently strong and that is so rare.  Funny, sad, poignant, it hit all the notes with very few plot holes or missteps. There is not one episode in the entire series that was not engaging. Even if I didn’t like an episode, it was still well done. What a rarity.
The cast is scary good. Completely underrated. Just all phenomenally talented.  I don’t remember the last time a cast was this strong.  From the core group to both reoccurring and guest stars, the cast was just fantastic.  
Tom Ellis, no words.  The man deserves to choose whatever he wants to do acting wise. He should have people breaking down his door. He can truly do it all and do it all well. He took a character that if portrayed by a lesser actor could have come off as a complete asshole and made him one of the most sympathetic and loveable characters in recent history. Ellis made a crime solving devil, a promiscuous man-child that occasionally breaks into song and the evidence room into a beloved character that has become an icon.  
Lauren German, WOW.  She is just so damn good. She can break your heart one second and have you laughing the next. She makes Chloe real, and people don’t realize how hard that is. Chloe is smart, kind, tough and gorgeous but she’s also an insecure dork.  She’s us and German just brings it.  
DB Woodside I’ve loved since “Buffy”.  He is a phenomenal actor and who knew he could bring the laughs so well? His expressions were classic. Clueless angel indeed. Amenadiel could have been very one-dimensional but because of Woodside’s talent he became fully fleshed out and full bodied.  
I have no doubt Lesley-Ann Brandt has a huge career in front of her.  She took a character that very well could have been hated, a demon and made her into one of the most human characters on the show. Kudos to her for taking a tough role and making it her own.  
Kevin Alejandro is another actor I’ve loved for a long time.  He also took a character who if we’re going to be honest here did so many unlikeable things that he should have been truly despised but because of Kevin’s portrayal he was beloved. Great actor and a terrific director.
Rachael Harris IMO is the downlow MVP.  She was literally the rock and again, with a lesser actress the role could have been a throwaway. The normal human, the sounding board but Harris imbued her with so much more.  Her spit takes, sarcasm and her obvious compassion was what made Dr. Linda an unforgettable character. Once again just perfect casting.  
Aimee Garcia was a great addition. She made Ella a fan fav and put so much heart, joy and sincerity into Ella never once did you doubt that she would prevail no matter what was thrown at her.  Garcia was just fantastic, and I want her skin care regime.  
Scarlett Estevez pulled off the one thing I thought almost impossible.  She took the role of a young child and made it so I didn’t want to cringe. She portrayed Trixie so beautifully from day one that she was a true pleasure to watch.  Even though Trixie was super precocious Estevez never made her obnoxious. I loved Trixie and I have never said that about any child character in an adult show.  She was wonderful and has an amazing career in front of her.
That said, I’ve got some feelings now that I’ve seen the finale and have had some time to digest it all.  I love that Chloe and Lucifer had eternity and I agree that they had to be separated for Chloe’s lifetime. Didn’t like it but it’s the logical path. She’s human, he’s not. The ageing thing alone necessitated them not being together long term on earth and that’s just to start the list. They had to had to be apart for the short term to get their eternity but the duality of Lucifer's ending and Amenadiel's didn't sit right. Amenadiel as God got to have it all. His calling, his family etc. while Lucifer had to give up everything.  I also don’t buy the “If he came up from hell, he could never leave them again” defense.  I call bullshit.  Amenadiel managed, plus, missing out on the day to day is a huge sacrifice and by Lucifer missing out on the day-to-day Rory could still have had the hatred she needed to drive the story.  Popping in for birthdays, graduations, weddings, etc., the big stuff does not a father make.  Not being there for skinned knees, first heartbreaks, and all the little things a daughter needs her dad for can build up tons of resentment.  Boom, absentee father, just like his dad was. That provides all the millennial angel angst you could ask for. I have a daughter; it doesn’t take much.
The Trixie issue was huge for me. Can Chloe see her in Heaven? Will she be able to travel to Heaven and visit Trixie, Penelope, Dan, her father?  Chloe hesitated leaving Heaven in 5x16 because she couldn’t bear saying good-bye to her dad again. It seems as if Chloe sacrificed everything for Rory including Trixie. I want to preface this by saying. I liked Rory and loved the actress. I didn’t however like how it was as if she were their only child.  When Lucifer spoke of family Trixie was not mentioned. Their family day, the same thing. She didn’t need to be there, I get that the explanation regarding Rory would have been way too much to get into but just a mention of her, how awesome it would have been to share this day with her would have worked. It seemed as if Lucifer went from, “I would do anything to protect that little Urchin” to “Trixie who”. Trixie was a character that we watched grow up and she meant something to us. I hate to say this, but the writers did Trixie and the viewers dirty in this regard.
This show was built around a few premises.  Free will, honesty, redemption, sacrifice and family, both blood and made. The ending completely negated almost all of these.  Chloe and their entire family were made into the one thing Lucifer abhorred the most which are liars. Their daughter was brought up surrounded by lies. What did they tell Trixie?  The poor kid just lost her dad, and she was pissed at Lucifer when he went back to hell the first time. Did she grow up hating him because as far as she knew Lucifer left her mom again without saying good-bye and this time it was even worse because Chloe was pregnant.  I get that the actress who plays Trixie had limited availability but seriously. A quick good-bye.
“Hey Urchin, you won’t understand why for a long time, but I have to leave. You know I never lie so I can’t explain why but know that I love you and your mom and one day I hope you can forgive me.”  
A 30 second scene would have worked.
As all the characters learned throughout the series, omission of the truth is just a form of lying and there are always repercussions i.e., Chloe and Father Kinley, Dan shooting Lucifer, Maze finding out about Lilith and even Ella not being told. As far as free will, both Chloe and Lucifer had their free will taken from them in the end. By Rory forcing them to abide by her wishes, their free will was forfeited. It was a huge manipulation on Rory’s part and considering how much Lucifer hated manipulations it just didn’t sit right.
Parents making huge sacrifices I get. Chloe and Lucifer sacrificed everything for their child. Unfortunately for me this sacrifice, the way it was written seemed contrived to pull out maximum and IMO unjustified angst. I love angst.  Hell, this is my favorite show.  I thrive on the angst. But as I wrote earlier, all the anger, angst and hatred towards Lucifer could have been achieved without having Lucifer completely out of the picture. I have two kids and my husband, and I have made huge life altering sacrifices for them as many parents do but being there for the day-to-day little things was what made the difference in their lives and cemented the close relationships we have with them.
“Yeah, dad you were great. Showing up for the fun stuff, always swooping in for the big finish to play the hero then ditching us when things got tough. When Grandma was dying where were you?  Nice that you showed up for the funeral but the six months leading up to it…we needed you and once again you weren’t there. When T got sick, when Jen broke my heart, blah, blah, blah…”
Even the whole Chloe dying scenario. They could have written it that rage Rory traveled minutes before Lucifer got there. Have him pop in right after Rory comes back. There were so many ways to achieve the end game they wanted other than the way they went. It seemed contrived and as if they took the easy way out to get where they needed to go. The Rory rage that was the catalyst for her traveling back in time and Lucifer finding his calling could still have been accomplished without the whole Lucifer disappearing storyline.
Now that I’ve finished my diatribe there’s a couple of additional things I would like to say.  Lucifer is and always will be one of my favorite shows of all time. There are not enough words to describe the comfort and enjoyment this show has brought me. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the producers, cast and crew. You truly created something special.
To the fandom. Please do not let a polarizing conclusion rip apart the fandom. The only other fandom I was a part of tore itself apart so badly that the FBI got involved.  Hence why I waited for 15 years to dip my toe in again. Everyone invested in this show has the right to their feelings.  Debate is fine, baiting and bullying are not. The Lucifer fandom like the show is very special. Without the fandom we wouldn’t have gotten any conclusion so don’t let opposing viewpoints tarnish what has been a magical journey.  
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