foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hi! Reader from Spain here, and I just wanted to say... the way i GASPED when I read that you were shy about talking about the languages you studied... because based on the spanish you've written so far I actually thought you were either native or living in a spanish speaking country! I noticed since the begining of little bean that you use words that are so advanced and kinda slang/cultural terms + having a character whose native lang is spanish... it just made total sense to me that you were!
OMG this is SUCH a relief, I have to tell you. It may be obvious I backed away from Dom's voice a little bit in this second book, I got so paranoid she would sound caricaturish even though her speech was originally based on friends --I grew up with several close native-Spanish speaking friends, my aunt is a Spanish teacher, and I'm from an area that had lots of LatAm Spanish everywhere. I didn't wind up formally studying until adulthood but was stunned that I actually already knew so much! I asked one of my friends to do some beta reading for Dom's dialogue but she wound up getting too busy and couldn't do it, so I just dialed it back a little...
Ok, I won't be so afraid of letting Dominique shine 😁
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Okay I’m back to bother you with another comment but honestly, you can’t publish a chapter like that and expect me not to FUCKING LOSE IT.
First of all MR. JEON YES! Violence is NEVER justifiable, you can’t fight fire with fire but baby, you did what we all wanted to do since chapter 1 of the first fucking book and I can’t really be mad about it. Yes fighting is wrong but I’m sure the pope himself would’ve helped jk out in breaking the mf’s nose.
And aaaahh the smut is back! I missed it dearly. And it’s here to haunt me because jk improved his dirty talk game to a criminal level. That’s so hot and for what???? I know it’s all fiction, but my mind is running wild and now, after all the pictures of the concerts and you being AGGRESSIVELY back from your break, no one’s going to stop it. If I make any weird dream about this I’m going to hold you accountable😳
one last thing that will stress me out until we actually talk about it… are we close to him telling her about what he went through during the break up? On a scale from 1 to “let’s light ourselves on fire”??😃
I think it's hysterical everyone's like "OMG HIS DIRTY TALK" because that was like barely anything?? You should all prepare yourself once we get to later books... 🤣🤣 He threw in some English "baby"s and you're all weak!
I also find the idea of me being "aggressively" back from my break so funny. I guess it's true though! I banked so much content! I'm so impatient to get things out and find an update cadence. It feels super weird writing things right now in the background, knowing they won't publish until May!
The violence has been interesting to watch response to. It's intentionally in a really complicated space, and many readesr don't have the triggers Sasha does around violence. It's been especially interesting to edit and think about this in the context of discussions of violence after the Oscars incident (this chapter was written before I ever started posting, so it wasn't written in response to that or anything.) I know a lot of readers had been hoping for this kind of Seojoon interaction for a long time!
As for how close are we to Jungkook telling her... I ain't saying anything 🤐 You're all so impatient! But there's something else coming up soon I think you in particular will enjoy... 😉
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