star-among-stars · 3 years
Hello everyone, this is urgent, please read it.
Hello beautiful peeps, this is me, Ari. I used to be very active in here posting art of all of you and ennjoying all the NaLu stuff that other people used to do.
I will be blunt and frank, right now I'm getting practically kicked out of my actual home since my mom died and I used to live with her. My only one income are my commissions and it helped me exist and sruvive, but right now I need way more than that just to find a place to move out alongside my two kittens.
I live in Venezuela, a place where it's hard to live in in general. And even if some things got quieter and peaceful, it's still an economy chaos everywhere you go.
I'm here asking desperetaly for help. I'm here asking for both help and pretty much plead for something, anything. Because I'm really scared and desperate for finding something that could help me, and to get something that could help me get out and be okay and in peace for once.
I'm not gonna ask you guys for free money, because I need around 700$ to get something decent, but if you want to help me you can either sent anything you want to my kofi page or you can reblog. Please, please reblog because I really am in need right now. I have less than two weeks... I have less than two weeks.
You can also ask for a commission. A commission, a bust, an icon, a song, anything, anything that can help me. Please.. Please.
Thank you so much, and I'll be really happy and grateful if you reblog this and you spread it around. Thank you for reading me.
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star-among-stars · 3 years
blacklist begging letter if you’re tired of this I suppose:
i need to have dental work done, specifically cavities filled. It’s $400 that I need by October 10. Saving that much is impossible my SSDI goes the same places every month. Rent/food to Mom, who is also on fixed income, monthly medications and doctor’s appointments, etc. Medicare doesn’t acknowledge that dental is a thing. So if anyone has anything to spare, I’d really appreciate it.
I have EDS which makes me pretty lucky this is all I need for now; I had braces twice, but otherwise have only had one wisdom tooth pulled. I’d like to keep the record going, but if I keep putting this off, it’ll deteriorate.
Venmo: chicleeblair
One expense over my check and I’m drowning, all the time. I’m querying one novel, working on another, best case scenario I’d see a check in a couple years, maybe. I’d like to be less in debt when that happens but any job i could get would A.all my creative time/energy B. destroy my body pretty quickly. 
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star-among-stars · 3 years
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Hi hi!
I’m doing these temporary discount commissions (half price of both styles) to help with a money loss from last month and as I’m currently unemployed, I’d really appreciate if this could be passed around so I can make up for said loss, even if by a little bit!
RBs are forever appreciated and loved! Payment is received through Paypal and/or Ko-Fi so please contact me via DMs if you’re interested! :>
Will do: CanonxCanon, OCxCanon, OCs, Anthro/Furry, Style Imitation
Won’t do: Not SFW, k!nks, certain fandoms (ask if unsure, but some are listed on my carrd linked in my bio), Prosh!p content, gore.
I am happy to negotiate robotic characters and mild blood themes. All prices are the same for bust and fullbody poses. Extra characters are £5 each.
(1/5 slots taken)
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star-among-stars · 3 years
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All of our food is gone !!
My boyfriend & I eating disorders have been actively causing us to under eat or to the point we don’t eat at all. We been only eating 1 meal a day to stretch out our food. Which is triggering tons of trauma we have centered around food. In 5 days I get food stamps but we can not go that long without any food in our system.
This “holiday” is extremely triggering for us. We would love to be able to eat with our chosen family .
Last night we made THE last of our food and I’m not sure what we are going to do about tonight. I know once I go without food for 1 day it unravels into a ridiculous amount of unhealthy eating habits such as binge eating or fasting. Which I’ve been fighting so strongly against. Food has been very expensive which is part of the reason why we have no food right now which is prying into my eating disorder.
I’m really hoping somebody has the means to redistribute/d0nate anything so I can order us food since major stores are closed today. If not we would have to go 5 DAYS without any food.
Any funds we receive will always & most certainly go towards us buying food, water and emergencies ONLY !! We appreciate all the love and support we will receive.
Thank you for taking the time out your holiday to read this. If you have the means to please help us.
Vmo: jmiami35
Capp: $ny21x
Please DO NOT scroll away we are SUPER HUNGRY 🙏🏾😔
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star-among-stars · 3 years
My parents disowned me after I was forced to come out as trans. I now have five days to secure housing.
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Hello everyone. My name is Adrian, I’m a 21 yo gay trans guy and I need help.
For the past three months I’ve been DIYing a very low dose of T while attending college away from my parents. After I graduated and returned home, I also scheduled a top surgery consultation using my parents’ health insurance plan, because I (incorrectly) assumed that HIPAA would prevent me from being outed. This was not the case. Somehow my mother became aware of the appointment. My parents both cornered me and basically made me tell them I was transitioning.
Now my life is in complete shambles. They’ve given me an ultimatum: either stop HRT and my top surgery plans or I am estranged from the family.
I now have 5 days to pack all my belongings and leave here without a car. I have not signed a lease anywhere yet, I do not know what to do. I have been saving for peri since I was 17 and now it has to go towards my survival fund. I am devastated.
If anyone would like to help me get back on my feet, I’ve linked my cashapp. Thank you so much.
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star-among-stars · 3 years
Disabled and hungry, please help
Howdy friends and strangers. My partner and I are continuing to struggle with food and rent while living in a shitty situation. I am disabled and can't work, and my partner just started a new job so we wont have money for a while. On the 22nd of October, my partner's birthday, we got into a horrible car accident that injured both of us and left us with no car now, it was completely totaled.
I'm hungry every day, we're running out of cat food, I don't know what to do. If anyone could donate to us via PayPal ([email protected]) or Cashapp ($MilesBClownin) it would mean the world to me. I can draw you an avatar if you want, I can design you a new OC, I'm an artist in my free time. I don't know what else to do. Please help.
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star-among-stars · 3 years
Help a Trans Multiracial couple survive!
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[ID: the graphic contains a pink background with large black text (same as post heading). Below that is a picture of Ivy, a biracial Black and white disabled person with a bald head and black browline glasses, and Beryl, an Afrolatine nonbinary trans woman with pink glasses, a beard and a purple flower-patterned silk bonnet on. Below that is more black text that reads, "Ivy and Beryl are a queer+trans multiracial couple who are unable to work due to chronic illness, and as a result need help affording things like gender-affirming winter wear, transportation to and from appointments, and housewares to make their apartment more accessible / V: @stemmonade / C: $stemmonade / P: https://www.paypal.me/stemmonade / or check my linktree for my wishlist! " end image description. ]
Made a new post since my old one has reallg racked up notes but donos have completely dried up. I still need to buy a new bed amd frame since the one we have is 1) too small and 2) bad for our backs. I also would like to not have my clothes sitting in a bin for another year cuz i have nowhere to put it. Pls reblog and DONATE if u can, no amount is too small!!!!
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star-among-stars · 3 years
Help Me Leave My Emotionally Abusive Home
TW for abuse, self harm, and suicide under the cut.
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/ad94d25c
Paypal: https://paypal.me/sungoddessapollo
Hi! My name is Apollo, I’m a disabled 21 year old nonbinary person diagnosed with Bipolar 1. 
I apologize for putting unrelated tags, I need the reach.
Keep reading
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star-among-stars · 3 years
Hello! Hope everyone is well,I’ve posted this before but I’m currently in an abusive living situation and trying to save money to move out as soon as I turn 18, my parents have been restricting food from me and taking things out of my room, threatening to take my bed, this isn’t a very safe place to be as theyre also homophobic and I am gay, they’re transphobic and I’m a trans male, they’ve been threatening to kick me and my dog out too, I would really appreciate if people would donate to my Venmo or cash app , anything helps! Even just one cent, reblogs also help
Venmo is @Kat-E-1
Cashapp is $kat279
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star-among-stars · 3 years
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Happy 100th Birthday to Winnie the Pooh!!
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star-among-stars · 3 years
hey guys, i don’t usually do this on tumblr, but this is a cause super close to my heart, it’s a gofundme setup by my wonderful family
I have family in afghanistan and most of you know i am from there, and my heart is breaking knowing that i am in a position of privilege with no power to help them. The Taliban, a terrorist organization, is taking over the country. i urge you to please donate anything you can, no matter how small, every single donation received will go towards providing shelter and food to those who have been forced out of their homes by the taliban.
if you can’t donate anything, please just reblog or share this so it reaches someone who can <3
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star-among-stars · 3 years
i don’t normally do this but it’s come to my attention that i’m now in dire need of help and it has failed me anywhere else, and tonight, it has reached another scary conclusion.
all i ask is that you lend me an ear, just for one moment. i won’t take up much of your time.
hi, i go by the nickname ghostie, and i am 19. i live in an abusive household with my mother. my father does not live with us, and nor do i want him to as my relationship with him is strained at best due to his past gaslighting, emotional abuse, and neglect. i do not talk to my father unless it is needed and even then, it always ends with me in tears and another piece of trauma, so i try to stay away. i have tried to search and find a home for myself where i could, but the system has failed me when i needed it most, and my mother has prevented me, throughout my life, from doing things that might’ve gotten me out sooner.
if any of you have genuinely enjoyed my works and are willing, or are able, i do have a ko-fi, and a paypal and for any amount of you donate, since i am half a writing and half a music blog, i can try to write something for you or make you a playlist in return, and we can work out the details here through private messages. please understand, might take a while as i am currently walking on eggshells shells so i do not have harm come to me or any of the items i need in my daily life.
it’s not by any means an obligation for you to donate, it’s only if you can and are willing, but every amount helps, any amount brings me closer to escaping and finding a place where i do not have to sleep with my pocket knife under my pillow for my protection, my taser hidden in my shoes as a last option, or recite self defense practices in my head with every step in my own home.
if you cannot donate, all i ask is that you reblog or share however you can, as that will get this seen and i can possibly, hopefully, see a light at the end of my tunnel.
thank you for reading, for your time, and your kindness.
i love you all.
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star-among-stars · 3 years
Yazid and his kids need help, please don’t scroll! Anything helps!
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Yazid and his kids are going to be totally out of food in the morning, and unfortunately I don’t have anything to send until I get payed. Yazid is also very concerned he has COVID, and if it worsens, is going to need help going to the doctor. I’m worried about him. :(
Cas/happ and Venm/o: savegodprovides
If you want his world/remit or go/fundme just ask! You can also message him on his Instagram @wesonga_01 if you have any questions!
Please reblog if you can!! Thank you so very much. You guys’ support mueans everything and has let him get this far, and kept him and his kids alive. It means the world. Have a wonderful day!!
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star-among-stars · 3 years
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Hi y’all, I have to reach out for some help again 💔
My next disability hearing isn’t until June 25th, and I’m about to be out of funds again. Having food stamps has been a HUGE help in making money stretch as far as possible, but what I’m really worried about are my car payments– I’m a couple months behind again and one more missed payment away from repossession. It is imperative that I find a way to keep my car because it is my only way to & from all of my doctor’s appointments. I included a photo above of how behind I am on my car payments atm– every day I don’t make a payment, I’m incurring more & more late fees. Catching up on car payments is the most important thing right now.
On top of that and everything that’s going on with my health, my primary care doctor is closing her practice and I need to get in with a new doctor asap. My current doctor is a DPC (Direct Primary Care) doctor and it is important that my new doctor use that model of care as well because I require a lot of medication management and direct access to communication with my doctors, which you don’t really get through mainstream medical care in my area. My current doctor has been seeing me for free since I’ve been out of work, and DPC doctors don’t accept insurance. So in order to get in with a new one before my current doc’s practice closes, I’ll need to find a way to afford the $80ish a month fee until the disability goes through.
I am also having to close my rattery business, aka the only source of income I have, because my health has declined to the point of being unable to keep up with the care that maintaining such a business requires, so I am, yet again, at a loss for what to do, which is what’s bringing me back to the fantastic tumblr community for help. I’m going to try a few Facebook groups as well and perhaps a gofundme for my personal social media accounts, but I don’t have as many friends/resources in those communities as I do here.
My biggest concerns are my car payments, DCP fees, storage unit bill, and my phone bill, and I would appreciate it so much if anyone who is able to would donate and/or reblog my donation posts so that I can keep myself afloat until everything with disability goes through. 🙏🏼❤️✨
If you’d like to help, here’s where you can donate!:
Venmo: @remywolfe CashApp: $remywolfe PayPal: [email protected] or paypal.me/wolfstephollow FB Pay: Remy Wolfe (facebook.com/issueghost) ApplePay: 4805199559 kofi: ko-fi.com/remywolfe
(I don’t really know what kofi is so lmk if you donate here so I can figure it out)
If you’d like some proof of my financial and/or medical situation before donating, hit me up and I’ll send over some screenshots!
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star-among-stars · 3 years
emergency donations needed
my mom and my sister tested positive for covid tonight, june 24th, and i know it’s going to be a rough couple of days for us. i really want to eat and at the same time help them with the bills because we don’t have a lot and now they can’t work at all. i live far away from my family and i’m also really worried i’m not gonna get any money from them next month because of this.
i made a similar post in my other blog a few weeks ago but it’s not getting any traction anymore. i wish i could continue with art commissions but i still have so much stuff to do for school and i’m already so burnt out that if i force myself to work more i might get sick. please help us get through this tough time. all the money will go to food and covid recovery. here is my paypal link; please help me share if you can. thank you so much
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star-among-stars · 3 years
americans better be rebloging the donation and help links for mexico and colombia after all the help they recieved from latin americans w their own issues
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star-among-stars · 3 years
hey my dad passed away Wednesday of a massive fatal heart attack and we need to pay for the expenses of his funeral so if you all could be so kind to share this and donate, my family and i would truly be thankful 🖤🖤
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the last pic we took together 💔
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