#secrets of the cosmos
g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 7 months
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last chance to win the war
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cookie-0wo · 11 months
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Loser boys
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piquuroblox · 1 month
Question: what would twisted ae be like?
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They’d probably be easy as fart to counter
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also have a Very bad scrapped doodle for ideas i had like 2 weeks ago
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cosplaying-memester · 3 months
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Yup... cosplaying SH Mario for the third time lol
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janetfraiser · 2 months
reblog and tell me in the tags what your fav thing about your pet is. if you don’t have a pet, tell me about your plants or a cute animal you saw recently
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creatordisc · 12 days
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a feeling i cant describe as apparently the only scorpio that isnt FREAKY as hell
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i-lavabean · 9 months
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Countdown to episode 2 and I'm very suspicious of Cordelia
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fantasticalchaos · 7 months
Thinking of the thought that Danny is in two friendship groups (Secret Trio/Quartet/Group and the Nicktoons) that has someone (Randy and Timmy) that'll eventually have their memories wiped and has to deal with that twice...
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Timmy's Secret Wish alternate plot/ending
Warning: kinda long
Everything goes the same until time is forwarded 50 years and all of Timmy's wishes are reverted. Then reality or the magic or both start to destabilize in some way and no one at fairy world can relate it to Timmy because everyone perceives that to have happened decades ago.
On earth Timmy notices something wrong but doesn't understand why he feels it has to do with magic. Maybe Crocker makes him remember, maybe something else, but he remembers and tries to get to fairy world to ask what's happening.
Instead of a convenient out of nowhere portal, Timmy uses the destabilization going on and his memories of magic shenanigans to get to fairy world and find Cosmo, Wanda and Poof, who recognize him and together they figure that something went wrong while undoing his wishes as Jorgen catches up to them.
They go to that undone wish place to search for answers and the persecution goes similarly. Jorgen concludes that undoing the secret wish specifically is what messed up reality/magic which doesn't make sense, and only then Timmy realizes what's happening, but before he can explain he does that sacrifice part from the special and is poofed to the magic court.
There he explains that the destabilization happened because the magic got all glitched from trying to undo a wish that actually never happened. They ask what is that supposed to mean and he reluctantly confesses: he lied about his secret wish, hoping his true wish could go under the radar.
He didn't wish for everyone to stop aging. He wished for everyone to forget that Poof is a wish of Timmy's. He wished to Cosmo for everyone to forget the events of fairly odd baby so Poof wouldn't fade from existence once Timmy lost his faries and then wished for Cosmo to forget. And then at court he panicked and came up on the spot with something so messed up to wish that no one would suspect he was lying, which involed time and space and brought this whole ordeal.
Everyone finally questions how Poof (and Foop but I couldn't fit him in this new plot) is around despite the no-babies rule and are shocked
But if that was the real wish, shouldn't Cosmo have remembered it after the undoing if Timmy didn't lie about whishing he forgot? Everyone looks at Cosmo who's sweating buckets and breaks in tears in a second at Wanda questioning him in dismay.
It turns out to be one of those rare moments where Cosmo manages to think fast enough to protect his family, like in school's out or abra catastrophe, so after remembering the real secret wish, he still chose to stay quiet and file Timmy's made up wish instead of the real one to protect his son from disappearing (maybe show a flashback of Cosmo remembering as the wishes are being undone and Cosmo and Timmy sharing a pained knowing look before Timmy's taken back to earth).
Cosmo and Wanda have a tender moment that they haven't had in a while in the show from what i remember, with Poof and Timmy joining. Everyone's moved to tears from Timmy giving up his faries and even his youth for his fairy godbrother, emotional speech about family, yadda yadda yadda, time is restored, Timmy has his fairies back and Poof's existence becomes an exception to Da Rules.
Maybe this version is too convoluted but I think it at least doesn't make Timmy ignore the growing up lesson from channel chasers and the plot twist has a more selfless intent, as it's meant to keep his fairy family together even if he's separated from them one day instead of keeping his fairy family at the expense of trapping everyone in a time bubble of sorts, it also makes Poof more relevant by making him a secret catalyst of the plot of the secret wish instead of a victim of the consecuences of it and also gives him the safety of no longer being subjected to Da Rules in order to exist, though I don't know if that last part was already solved later in the show or just ignored.
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holographic-mars · 4 months
what hobbies do you think cosmos has? & do you think they change pre/post war? (just realized this is formatted like a test question lol sorry)
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I think Cosmos would absolutely love collecting stuff. Not necessarily in a this-thing-is-valuable kinda way, more like hey guys look at this cool rock I found kinda way. He loves collecting stuff from different cultures and civilizations he comes across in his travels. He also likes to collect things for other people like music for Jazz and Blaster and samples for Perceptor. He’s the kind of guy to give something to someone and go “here, this reminded me of you”.
Cosmos also enjoys puzzles! He’s very good at them because he does them when he’s bored in space.
And music. He loves music a lot, he likes singing but unfortunately cannot dance in gravity. He can groove in space, though.
During the war, Cosmos was constantly in space on missions that prevent him from doing stuff that he liked, so he kinda fell out of a lot of stuff he enjoyed. Post-war when he finds himself on the sanctuary station, after realizing that Soundwave isn’t going to send him on constant stressful and back breaking missions, he is able to revisit his old hobbies and get back into doing stuff he finds fun!
For some hcs, Cosmos is pretty good at fixing stuff up! He’s no Wheeljack, but he can figure out how to fix a busted machine if he works at it enough. He does fix stuff like Wheeljack, though, all patch-work like with some zip-ties and duct tape. It doesn’t have to be pretty as long as it works. He’s a crafty little thing—it is a helpful skill to have when you’re alone in space with limited resources and need something fixed fast.
Cosmos has REALLY good memory. Like amazingly good memory. He can remember things about people that is said in passing (makes him a good spy/reconnaissance man) as well as proper behaviors and traditions in certain cultures. The only issue is that sometimes he mixes stuff up and can’t remember what tradition belongs to what culture.
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
girl help I'm once again thinking about how Cosmo Cosma is heavily implied to be pro-astrophysics instead of pro "stars are ancient fairies holding giant wands" and this is apparently his biggest secret he refuses to admit to anyone including Wanda
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 6 months
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never look back
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cookie-0wo · 11 months
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Some Secret Life session three doodles
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plaidonsad · 10 months
Rewatching the episode I get the feeling that Candela knows about Oscar, and is ready to take him out if he slips.
AABRIA: "Okay. As do the others." At this, they lean in a little more not because there's a need to whisper, but the way you have spoken about your family, the way you refer to them, the gravity of it implies a need for secrecy. "He'll be a part of it. Of course, you've been doing a great job of keeping an eye out for him, but I don't need to tell you that they are watching." LIAM: Oh, yes. I cannot say I haven't had my suspicions. AABRIA: "Yeah. I believe with all of my being that the work we do is good and just and necessary, but our methods are not always kind."
And Oscar doesn't care anymore.
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technovillain · 6 months
songs for when you just get so tangled at the towers
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c0smic-sage · 2 months
this vermont college isnt ready for me to roll up in two weeks for freshman year with an annotated copy of the secret history so heavily written in that its literally falling apart
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