#secrets d'histoire
sloubs · 8 months
ah oui donc maintenant on peut même plus regarder secrets d'histoire en paix sans voir la grosse tête d'aa ah bah super TOP MERCI BEAUCOUP
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kaantt · 24 days
@aramielles à propos de Stéphane Bern
"On a besoin de notre petit homosexuel royaliste qui parle d'histoire avec son brushing parfait."
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ciggi3s4ever · 7 months
si vous voulez mon avis genre la vraie vérité vraie véridique, la photo (ci-dessous) du shooting Stéphane Bern nu avec des caniches fonctionne mieux que mon traitement de zinzin pour ma santé mentale.
Ça aussi je le dirais à la psychiatre
Sur ce, je vais regarder secrets d'histoire la bise mes pépéttes
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lougala · 2 years
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Lou Gala incarne Camille Claudel dans "L'amour fou d'Auguste Rodin et Camille Claudel" France , 15 février 2023
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hermie62 · 8 months
Quand tu regardes Secret d'histoire que d'un œil et que tu reconnais une voix familière....
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tracing-rivers · 2 years
So apparently Ludwig II of Bavaria is my latest blorbo???
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philcollinsenjoyer · 2 years
having to make a presentation about napoléon tomorrow im sick to my stomach having to watch documentaries sucking his below average size dick!!!!
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
There's a SUPER Rare SUPER Secret New Zealand gecko that i bet only handful of people knows about them.
It's called Gigarcanum.
I can't find a good source to learn about them. I want to know more about them cuz all I know is that their back is rusty red, they're Big (definitely), they live in New Zealand, and they don't originate in New Zealand.
You're the only one that I know that can find a good source of this Gecko. Please help learn them more, they fascinates me 🥺🙏💙💙💙💙
Gigarcanum delcourti
This species is only known from a museum specimen that had been tucked away for many decades. It did not have records of its origin.
It was originally thought, because it resembled a large, now extinct, gecko from Maori oral history, that it was most likely from New Zealand. This was believed for a long time. It does seem to match the description.
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Illustration by Peter Schouten (A Gap in Nature)
However certain anatomical features, and a later DNA sequencing suggest that it was actually from New Caledonia, where its closest genetic relatives live. This is most likely not the large lizard from precolonial New Zealand (the kawekaweau)... but it's possible.
The stuffed specimen has a snout vent length of 37 cm (14.6 in) and a total length of up to 60 cm (23.6 in), making it the largest known species of gecko.
All evidence points to this animal having gone extinct by sometime in the mid-1800s, most likely before colonization of New Caledonia.
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Delcourt's Gecko (Gigarcanum delcourti), family Diplodactylidae
photograph by Muséum d'histoire naturelle
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sleepingcosmic · 8 months
I just had a realisation. If Riko didn't let Jean speak French, it would make sense that he didn't allow Jean to keep up with French culture (TV show, music, literature, etc...) either since Riko probably had no interest in it and would not let Jean enjoy something he could not understand, and Riko had no interest in learning French.
So that first realisation already broke my heart because Jean was basically ripped out from a part of his culture.
And then I realised Jean is the one who taught French to Kevin. So everything Kevin knows about French culture is coming from Jean. After leaving the nest, French and anything related to it probably became a way to stay linked to Jean in some kind of way.
So now I imagined Kevin searching everywhere to find stuff in French, officially to keep up with the language, but in reality, it's because he misses Jean. And Kevin finds out about Stéphane Bern's show called "Secrets d'Histoire" (History's secrets) and becoming a fan of it because he is a history nerd. One day, he will learn that Stéphane Bern is way and happily married, and it will make him happy without knowing why. Because Kevin Day, you are not straight.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I'm broken inside.
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nesiacha · 6 months
Propaganda mediatic around Tallien and french revolution
I fully understand that certain figures of the French Revolution are preferred over others who are less liked. It's a matter of preference. I myself have a very cultured friend who is a fan of certain royalists from this period like Olympe de Gouges, although I also admire the character in a certain way and deplore the sexism of that era which excluded her (such as the fact that she totally defends Louis XVI), but I've always enjoyed debating with this person, who is so respectful of others' opinions, very knowledgeable, and well-versed in the subject. Of course, the difficulty lies in not trying to defend the golden legend or the black legend.
It's another thing entirely to invent completely grotesque or even false facts to glorify one figure of the French Revolution and destroy another. In the grotesque episode of "Les Femmes de la Révolution Française" from "Secret d'Histoire," which was actually sexist (I" love" the fact that in this show, which claims to want to glorify women, they talked about the term "demi-mondaine" for women, when will there be an equivalent term for men, or the way paternalistic that someone call Olympe de Gouges the "little" Gouges ), there were also very serious errors or lies, take your pick.
To insinuate that Marat was a dictator when he was simply a deputy who was elected by universal suffrage, a journalist whose recommendations were not heeded, and who was arrested and brought before the Revolutionary Tribunal though acquitted according to the rules, what a funny dictator, I've never seen anything like that from a dictator before.
Furthermore, under what conditions would he have pulled off his coup d'état? The story continues in the next episode, I suppose, even though so far no historian has found any trace of Marat's coup d'état. I imagine the show will clarify that (or not). Under these conditions, I will address Tallien. They try to present him as heroic in the face of Thermidor when in reality everything was prepared for the theater of Thermidor, which was actually more anti-democratic than they let on and not out of the courage of this individual. They say it was Theresia's letter that motivated him to enact Thermidor when in reality it's because Fouché and his gang, of which he was a part, committed the worst atrocities during the French Revolution, and he wanted to escape the punishment that would rightly fall upon him and his friends and try to regain political "purity" by pinning everything on those who were to be executed (he later demanded the head of Billaud Varennes to further absolve himself). There are other motives regarding Thermidor that have nothing to do with the Convention wanting to get rid of a tyrant (Robespierre has faults but not those of a dictator or tyrant) or that they were fed up with the guillotine (the guillotine continued to function after Thermidor and the Convention had voted overwhelmingly for the creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal, arrests, the Law of Suspects). One day I'll write a more detailed piece on what I think because it's very complex, but you can watch "Robespierre: la Terreur et la Vertu" with English subtitles, it gives a better understanding of these events.
Tallien engaged in lucrative business, arresting the richest in Bordeaux so they would hand over all their money to him for personal use. Clearly not an upright man, but very serious. His lucrative business leads me to see two possibilities. Either he plundered honest people in difficult times under the pretext that they were rich and risked ending up with nothing for his personal profit, all while abusing his position, which is generalized extortion. Or he knowingly let suspicious individuals escape in exchange for money (should we recall that some suspicious Frenchmen betrayed France by handing it over to Toulon or Dumouriez), and imposed dechristianization not out of anger like Momoro, for example, but for his political career and to flatter himself, which is worse (sorry for comparing a man like Momoro to an individual like Tallien, they are truly incomparable). Later, he joined the muscadins, among other merry groups.
In any case, it's very serious, and whatever one might say about Robespierre, he had every right to be angry. Tallien is a political turncoat and bloody as Barras (I hate Ridley Scott's Napoleon for destroying the French Revolution and glorifying Barras, among others). The difference between Tallien, Barras, and Fouché is that Tallien completely failed, and an unpopular opinion perhaps, but I'm glad to see he suffered so much; it's well-deserved karma for all the wrong he did.
P.S: I love that the show "Secret d'Histoire" shows Thermidor as a great day for prisoners, as if they don't care about arbitrary arrests after this event (including the arrests of Albertine Marat, Simone Evard, Thuillier found mysteriously hanged, the fact that some political prisoners had to wait a few months after Thermidor to be released).
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bartleby-company · 10 days
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Secrets d'histoire naturelle. Siglo XV. BNF
(vía (47) Pinterest)
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marcelshorjian · 1 year
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J'ai deux très chouettes annonces aujourd'hui ! La première est que je signe avec les éditions Six pieds sous terre pour une bande dessinée, Adieu mon royaume, qui sera un recueil d'histoires courtes enchassées, qui se déroulent toutes dans le même royaume où la magie est interdite.
I have two very cool announcements to make today! The first one is that I'm signing a book deal with Six pieds sous terre for a comic called Adieu mon royaume (Farewell My Kingdom), a collection of embedded short stories that all take place in the same kingdom where magic is forbidden.
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La deuxième, je signe également avec les éditions Sarbacane pour une bande dessinée appelée Le dernier train. Je serai au scénario, et mon amie Jeanne Sterkers sera au dessin. Il s'agit d’une histoire de retrouvailles entre deux femmes quinquagénaires séparées à l'adolescence, dans un petit village de montagne. L'une est partie, l'autre est restée. Alors qu'elles renouent une relation, des secrets de famille, des espoirs déçus, et les vraies circonstances de leur séparation font surface.
The second one, I am also signing a book deal with Sarbacane for a comic called Le dernier train (The Last Train). I'll be the scriptwriter, and my friend Jeanne Sterkers will be the artist. It's the story of a reunion between two women in their fifties, separated as teenagers, in their small mountain village. One of them left, the other stayed. As they reconnect, some family secrets, disappointed hopes, and the real circumstances of their separation all begin to emerge.
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kaantt · 5 months
Can't get over one thing :
Le jour où dans secrets d'histoire ils ont décidé de remplacer les extraits de films et de séries par des gens en costumes de wish et qui jouent aussi bien que moi quand j'avais 12 ans.
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sloubs · 7 months
omg ils repassent le secrets d'histoire sur la bête du gévaudan ce soir 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 l'épisode où aa ressemble à un punk à chien 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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lougala · 2 years
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Lou Gala incarne Camille Claudel dans "L'amour fou d'Auguste Rodin et Camille Claudel" France , 15 février 2023
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unesimplevie · 1 year
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Je désire percer ton mystère. Ton air sombre empli d'histoires étouffées dans le silence.
J'en chéris la solution :
Attires moi de tes secrets, fais toi aimer par tes confidences, montre toi à nu. Je veux percer ta carapace.
Plus j'en sais, plus je t'aime.
Antoine Durand
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