#secret benefits to being so extremely bad at typing. this
cripplecharacters · 1 month
I want to write more disabled characters but my story takes place in the 60s… so far it hasn’t been an issue because the disabilities included would historically either be undiagnosed, kept secret, belong to characters already at the fringes of society, etc
I really want a specific character to have Down’s syndrome but it’s not the sort of story that would at all be benefited from the inclusion of an institution. For personal reasons, I don’t want to touch that. I’ve been writing him with just undiagnosed autism that’s left him socially outcast from his peers. The most extreme his ableism gets is being seen as the local weird girl (as he’s a closeted trans man)
The story is decently realistic for what the queer and intersex characters would experience, imagining doing the same for disability feels bad… at least, to the level of ableism someone with Down’s syndrome would experience. His parents are notably shitty, rich, and care more about their reputation than their kids so I don’t see a way he wouldn’t get that treatment.
Is there a way I can still write this or similar characters without delving into heavy ableism? What are your thoughts on historical stories that ignore or downplay historical ableism?
Thanks, @interroblog
Hello asker,
I'll start first with a small note: It's better to write Down Syndrome as opposed to the possessive Down's Syndrome, since John Langdon Down didn't have DS.
So, with this story there is one general concern:
It feels strange to depict period-accurate intersexism and transphobia and homophobia as core parts of the story, but downplaying ableism when it's as period-accurate as the other -isms. In this case, it can definitely feel like you're glossing over a very relevant part of history that would have been part of your story. Yes, queer and intersex people have faced some really difficult things and still do. But the same is true for disabled people. Ignoring this can feel revisionist.
If you're going for a very realistic story, but you don't want to write ableism at all, it is probably better to just skip the DS aspect. People with DS have faced some truly intense ableism throughout history (and they still do), as people who have intellectual disability and facial and physical differences, two things that lead to some pretty intense ableism from many, many people. It's fine to not do this if you're not comfortable writing ableism, but again, intense ableism was widespread and common.
However, if the only thing holding you back is institutionalization: Not every single person with Down Syndrome was institutionalized. Yes, it was very common, and would probably be thought about, suggested, and even encouraged. But not everyone institutionalized their children with DS, for various reasons.
If you want him to still have that type of parents, perhaps the reason they don't institutionalize him is in fact for the benefit of their reputation. Maybe they want to be seen as 'saintly' for raising a visibly disabled child or something – still shitty, still caring about their reputation more than their actual kids, like you intended; there is just a different outcome.
Now, to my personal thoughts on historical stories that ignore or downplay ableism, as someone who loves historical fiction: It depends on how historically accurate the story in general both is and aims to be. But I don't like stories that completely ignore ableism, especially the more realistic they aim to be. It feels like glossing over history. Even modern stories that completely ignore ableism I don't like. I still recognize that downplaying historical ableism can be a useful tool for authors, especially for disabled authors' own comfort. And, also, while ableism was very common in the past, it doesn't mean every disabled person ever always faced the worst possible ableism ever.
Basically: you, and other authors, can acknowledge historical ableism accurately without making it the main point and focus of the story. But if your focus is a story specifically about discrimination, which it seems like it is, it feels irresponsible to gloss over an extremely common and pervasive form of discrimination.
Hope this helps,
– mod sparrow
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Did you get a request? It's Gn spiderperson secretly taking care of Miguel O'Hara! I think I forgot to type his name too so sorry about that! Thanks!
love, your secret admirer. — miguel o'hara x gn!reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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(✧) word count: 1,394
(✧) request: You know secret admirers? I have a similar idea to that! Gn spiderperson secretly gives him stuff he needs or something to make his day easier! Like I assumed he doesn't take care of his health much so they will give meals, water, coffee, snacks, etc! He was wary at first but realised it's always something that helps him! So he wants to find them but they're so sneaky that even he wonders how he managed to miss them! He decided to pretend to leave when he's actually hiding & that's when they were about to leave after giving him a meal! They were so fast that he almost lost them! Does this make sense 😂
(✧) author's note: OYYYY i literally crave these dynamics HEEEEE i wanna be miggy's sweet little human assistant, the softer, less chaotic kinda lyla that's not AI for him, which reader is basically LOL man has trust issues, but he can never say no to your cute, darling little face and kind heart that makes him swoon. ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS, ANON !!!
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every morning, for the past few weeks, miguel had been gifted with little treats at his desk–treats he hadn't realized he's missed all this time until it was right in front of him. "who left these?" he asked lyla as he tasked her to identify any tracks left by whoever could've 'gifted' this to him. lyla chimed in and reported to miguel that she couldn't find any DNA tracing back to the sender; though, lyla had checked the package thoroughly and assured miguel the treats were extremely safe. "passed all the safety protocols, mig, i didn't pick up anything malicious or even remotely harmful from them. just plain old treats ya love, that's all they are, really." lyla explained as miguel rolled his eyes and looked at the treats all neatly wrapped with a dark red and blue ribbon, examining it and taking in all the... friendliness of this little gift before him.
"not used to being gifted anything, hmm?" lyla teased miguel as he snarled at her, turning his nose up at her and glaring at the holographic assistant. he hated that she was, indeed, right–he wasn't used to being gifted anything, let alone something so intricately wrapped. he looked around and heard the crunching of a small piece of paper on the ground. he seemed to have stepped on a sticky note, which he picked up. it read:
'don't forget to spoil yourself sometimes! (◡ ω ◡) — your secret admirer.'
miguel swore he recognized that penmanship somewhere, though due to the lack of any signature or name attached to the message, he couldn't figure out just who in the multiverse could've placed these on his desk. "secret admirer, huh?" lyla teased. "this is probably just some prank by those damn teens." miguel rationalized as his mask dissipated, his stern look still on his face, but slowly softening as he held the gift in his hands, feeling the warmth emanating from the treats. the scent coming from the treats this mystery person left for him was too hard to resist, so he ended up snacking on them before he even realized it. the surprises didn't end there, however–for the rest of the month, miguel had been receiving anonymous gifts that benefitted him and relieved him of stress that accumulated throughout the day.
he hadn't realized he needed coffee in his morning, or that he was hungry for his lunch, or was craving any snacks he hadn't had in a long time until he was treated to them right then and there. he had gotten very suspicious of these constant gifts that were waiting for him at his desk, he had always subjected them to thorough inspections from lyla, but they were never anything bad nor dangerous–they were harmless little gifts, and miguel... miguel was now curious. he wanted to figure who was leaving these gifts for him, these gifts that help keep him sane, healthy, and a little bit happier than he was before all this. he had narrowed down the hours when the gifts would usually come from this 'secret admirer' and had devised a time and plan that he would enact once the right time frame for the next gift would come.
"are you feeling like you're in mission: impossible right now?" lyla asked miguel all sarcastically as miguel stood by the wall in his suit's camouflage mode and held him breath in; waiting for someone to drop off another gift with another uplifting note that... that made him look forward to the next hour, the next day, and the rest of the week, really. he shushed lyla as he heard footsteps from down the hall sneak over to his office, he pressed himself against the wall and anticipated for his secret admirer to come in through those doors and make themselves known to him without them even knowing. as the doors opened, a couple of feet stepped in—bringing with them a familiar frame and face that miguel knew and... was guilty of looking at and admiring himself often when they weren't looking. he spoke your name in a whisper as he watched you shyly drop off a homemade gift for him and attached a sticky note onto the gift itself, muttering under your breath how much of a dork you look right now for not being able to muster the confidence to give these to him in person.
miguel couldn't quell the rapid beating of his heart—as you spoke to yourself, practicing how you'd confess to miguel that you've been the anonymous little darling that's been gifting him all those goodies and feeding him those meals he seems to like so much, he's so drawn to how adorable and humble you look right then and there. "i'm your... secret admirer, mig..." you mutter to yourself, practicing how you'd tell him. you got all flustered at the thought of what his response would be, shaking your head as you sighed; knowing full well to yourself that he wouldn't care... or you thought that he wouldn't care, because right behind you was the man himself—your back pressing against his chest as he gave a low hum in response to your accidental confession. you turned around gently and almost fainted when you realized just who was behind you.
"you are?"
he asked you in a low voice as he bent down slightly to get a proper look at you, but out of embarrassment, your adrenaline kicked in and you bolted out of his office. miguel hadn't had a lot of secret admirers before, he didn't think you turning your heel and dashing off was gonna be a response from you—so he ended up calling your name and running after you. "they're too shocking fast!" he exclaimed as he looked around rapidly for you. lyla pinpointed your location, with miguel quickly sprinting over to you to talk to you. "you... certainly gave quite the chase..." he mumbled as you were about to run off again, but miguel acted quickly and grabbed your wrist. "i'm not gonna do... anything to you, you... know that..." he whispered to you breathlessly as he brought you closer to him, making you lean against his broad chest.
you stared deep into his big, hazel eyes—getting all flustered as you got self-conscious and nervous again. miguel placed his hands on your waist, but quickly pulling away and sighing. "i appreciate the gifts, i... i don't know why i'm the one you want to gift with such pretty and tasty things, but... i really do mean that i appreciate them. i can't remember how i got through my days without your generosity..." he said in a quiet voice as he tucked away a lock of your hair behind your ear, making you gasp a little at his gentleness. "...i would appreciate it more, though, if you let yourself be known to me as more than just my 'secret admirer'. i can't believe how lucky i am... such a cute little spider is my secret admirer?" he asked you aloud as his face heated up, his nose nearly poking yours as he brought his face closer to yours.
"guess you're not so much of a secret anymore, hmm?"
he asked you as you shook your head and got even more bashful. he chuckled lightly as you acted all cutely around him again, making it harder for him to resist your inherent charms. "...i was going to confess, but..." you stammered, your hands resting on his chest—feeling the hammering of his heartbeat, making you even more flustered and at a loss for words. "and i'll confess that... you've had my heart since the moment you left those treats at my desk. i know i sound like i'm moving too fast, but i can't help it. you've been an enigma to me, an enigma that i wanted to meet, to hear, listen to, hold and... i've wanted you, and knowing it's, well, you that i want... it's more like i need you now, not just the gifts, to stay happy and content." he admitted as he pressed his chin against your shoulder, humming out a hum of contentment as he held you tighter, making you gasp and cling on to him as you wrapped your arms around his waist to reciprocate his touch.
"will you please... consider that thought for me, mi vida?"
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tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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lifeonmarz-blog · 2 years
Jupiter through the houses Pt. 2
Jupiter in the 7th- Slow Downnnn. Ya might be extreme in your behavior and very hardheaded. These people love bragging and that attracts alot of people that want to take from them but even if they not bragging the way they carry themselves makes people jealous. You could have no more than the next person but for some reason people think you do. They can have alot of secret enemies. Hella self centered lol. Very territorial, kinda reminds me of a taurus stubborn forsure but will defend their loved ones to the death. Only they can bully the people they love, dont let you try it. They may also feel like they have a point to prove or have to put in extra work to be treated the same.
Jupiter in the 8th- They want a big family and want to do it differently then how they were raised. They hold grudges really bad and need to learn how to forgive people and move on. These type of people can be completely different from their parents. Learning from their mistakes and choosing to do better for their own kids. This definitely isn't a easy one but the patience and perseverance that is learned here is truly admirable.
Jupiter in the 9th- These people know how to blend in where they need to. When it comes to making difficult decisions they procrastinate real bad. Their more cerebral and not as conscious to how their actions effect other people. Practicing being more in your body and not in your head so much would really do them well. They ignore their own feelings alot. Super prone to burnout its like they punish themselves with stress.
Jupiter in the 10th- Public figures vibes foresureee. i bet you wanna be famous. Yall love the spotlight and survive off adoration. You hate feeling misunderstood and will clarify something in a heartbeat. Money hungry forsure and might have a hard time being grateful because you feel such a responsibility on your shoulders like you never have enough. You either put people in position to receive more materially or someone has put you in position to receive more but its probably both. Be cautious not to use people for what they can offer you. A lot of times you feel like you receive no real benefit from the hard work you do.
Jupiter in the 11th- With this placement its like people want you to prove yourself all the time. They wanna see you work hard before they'll help you but once people feel like you've ''proved'' yourself you waste no time and have your foot in every door. You gotta learn how to chill out and not be so defensive you dont have to be so impulsive and defend everything you say or feel. At times you can feel like you have no control over your life and and everything bad happens to you.
Jupiter in the 12th- You may have felt like you had overbearing or very demanding parents. Like a part of childhood was taken away from you. You give yourself unrealistic expectations then beat yourself up if you dont accomplish them. Things could be going downhill for a while before something extreme has to happen for you to acknowledge it. Im not gonna lie this placement is a lil sad because of how critical you are of yourself. You dont have to deal with everything on your own. Talk to people, reach out when you need help.
-luv of marz
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sadaveniren · 30 days
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Hi Anti-BDSM Anon - can I call you ABA? I’m gonna call you ABA - I’m glad you’ve started exploring creative writing! I think it will be a really healthy outlet for your wild imagination!
That said, as the fandom’s resident BDSM mom I do want to give you some pointers regarding your story. Obviously it’s your world, do in it what you want, but it does seem to be lacking in some basic research. You see you start off with the sentence “I was in a relationship like yours for ten years.” which is a strong opening, it establishes a connection between us. But your following statements show me that that first sentence is a lie. Because the relationship you describe is abuse and the relationship I am in is a consensual BDSM relationship.
I have a feeling you struggle with defining a couple words in that phrase: consensual and BDSM.
Now consensual is derived from the Latin word “consentire” which means agree. Consensual means that both people are agreeing to partake in the activity. Consent is actually a really big part of the next word you struggle with:
BDSM. The main thing that separates BDSM from abuse is consent! Specifically informed consent! That means that I - and my husband - know what we are signing up for and we both agree to the terms! But! I’m gonna let you in on a little secret I’m guessing you haven’t figured out yet; the terms and agreement can change at any given time. And whenever the terms change the agreement can change. And the agreement can be removed at any point in time.
You see. If the situation you described was BDSM and not abuse, if a punishment is given that the submissive didn’t like they could say “yeah not for me” and there would be a conversation about why, and what would be more fitting. There’s actually a surprising amount of conversing that goes on in BDSM - super helpful for people like me who can never shut up.
I definitely think you should keep up the creative writing, with just a bit more research you could be crafting beautiful stories soon 🥰 I do worry that you might not know how to identify good sources but tumblr isn’t letting me link them so I will just give you a quick rundown on how to identify quality sources (it’ll be better in the long run, teaching a man to fish and all that). So obviously the big thing you want to do is identify author’s bias. For example, if you are someone who walks the line of anti-sex radfem thinking a lot of those sources will say BDSM and abuse are one and the same, but that’s coming from an anti-sex bias. Similarly I’ve found that there are a certain type of cishet “dominant men” who definitely would do the things you talk about in your story and defend it as BDSM, but that’s also a biased opinion.
To identify bias always ask yourself:
Who is telling the story? What are their credentials?
Who benefits from the story being told this way? Who is made the good guy? Who is made the bad guy?
How does the story make you feel? Does it illicit an extreme response? While extreme emotional responses are not always a bad thing, some stories are framed in a way to make you feel a certain way, because the author wants you to draw the same conclusions as them
Ultimately what is the story trying to tell you. Does it want you to agree with it? Does it want you to disagree with it? Or is it presented in a neutral - and therefore factual - manner?
I hope these help you further your writing career 🥰
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darkmaga-retard · 24 hours
Technocrats love data. They lust after it. So, collecting data on your moods is a sure bet to get inside your head. Considering the epidemic of mental disorders these days, Apple will be sure to give you recommendations if you look a little “tippy.” Or, they could send automatic alerts to authorities to have you checked out for your risk to society. This is reminiscent of the lunatic inmates taking over the asylum to pose as shrinks. TURN THESE FEATURES OFF! ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.
True Story: The Health app built into iPhones is now collecting as much personal information on the mental health of each and every one of us as they can get a hold of.
Yet, a search on Google and Brave yielded no results on the dangers of sharing such information over the phone or the internet. Seriously, no single MSM has done an article on why such data sharing might be a bad idea?
To start, in sharing such data, you aren’t just sharing your information; iPhone knows exactly who your family members are. In many cases, those phones are connected via family plans.
iPhone mental health assessments not only ask questions about your mental health but can also infer the mental health status of family members, as demonstrated by the image publicly shared by phone on the benefits of a phone mental health assessment.
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What could possibly go wrong?
Although the iPhone has historically been known to keep user data “safe,” this is not a given, and there have been hacks and data breaches over the years.
CrowdStrike happened – from just a simple coding error. In 2015, all of my confidential data given to the DoD and the FBI in order to get a security clearance was harvested by the Chinese government, when they hacked into the government’s “super-secret,” and “super-secure” government data storage site. In response, the government offered me a credit report and monitoring of my credit score for a year. Yeah – thanks.
The bottom line – no data is 100% secure, and this is mental health data. Data that might be extremely embarrassing, career-damaging, or has the potential to disrupt family relationships. Remember, no one knows what new laws, regulations, or more might come to pass years from now. This type of information should not be harvested and stored.
Furthermore, trusting that Apple will never sell that data or pass it off to research groups is very naive. In fact, mental health data is already being mined.
Apple has partnered with various health organizations and academic institutions to conduct health-related studies, such as Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the University of Michigan on various health studies. Apple also collaborates with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on a Digital Mental Health Study. This study likely utilizes data collected through Apple devices to investigate mental health patterns and outcomes. Trusting that the user identifiers have been completely stripped before that data is passed on is a risk that one takes when entering such information into an iPhone.
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officiallralsei · 2 years
ok since you all have been asking for it: here's my ramble/essay on Why Being A Darkner Sucks. also read this post by @tvlandofficial as a sort of starter introduction to my thoughts first since the op lays out most of the basics for me. sorry in advance for this being sorta disorganized and rambly; I slept very little last night so im just gonna blurt out my thoughts now and then maybe type up a neater and prettier version of them later for a more formal essay lol
so we all know that darkners are represented via objects in the light world. seam is a plushie, queen appears to be a specific program in a computer, lancer is a card, etc, etc. they don't appear to be aware that they are literally objects, mind, but they do believe that they exist to serve lightners and that without being useful they lack a reason to exist. a version of the toy story problem, if you will.
this is horrific for multiple reasons.
there's a lot of purely physical considerations. imagine being an object. if you break, do you have a guarantee someone will fix you? do you just have to deal with it if they don't fix you? (yes.) imagine your whole world and existence being represented by objects in a room. what if a higher being can just scoop you up and take you away from everything you've ever known? what if a higher being comes in and decides that, actually, they'd really like to smash you apart and leave you that way? or smash apart the room that is your world? you don't have a way to protest that.
then we get to the psychological. okay, so you, and everyone you know, purportedly get some level of fulfillment/satisfaction from being used. that's horrific on an ethical level (imagine being psychologically engineered to enjoy existing for someone else's benefit!) but also just horrific in general. what if being used burns you out or torments you in some way? is that possible? what if the beings you rely on to give you that satisfaction abandon you? can you even easily find happiness once those beings are gone? what would losing that purpose do to someone?
well, we get our answer, and we get it literally in spades! both the route bosses and the secret bosses deal HEAVILY with the consequences of potentially losing that purpose. spades king raging against the lightners, queen wishing to control them in some ways, jevil claiming that true freedom is found in his prison, spamton desperately and wretchedly trying to claw his way to heaven. and seam, also, with their worn body and extreme nihilism. losing the purpose that gives their lives meaning fucks a darkner up bad.
and losing that meaning... it's kind of inevitable! all objects break someday. this isn't a bad thing in the real world, since objects don't have people attached to them. we can just throw things out if we don't need them anymore. but to a darkner, this represents irreparable psychological suffering. we don't see much evidence that darkners know how to construct meaning for themselves. once the light abandons them, that's it. they're done. they can rage at it or claw at it to get it back, but ultimately, it's pretty futile. there's no escaping that fate.
so they're stuck at the whims of these higher beings. no way out of it, no real agency within it. even objects that are very loved will likely be abandoned or broken someday. look at seam! they appear to be someone's favorite plushie once upon a time! and now they're just a jaded old creature in their shop. being free of the lightners just means fading into despair. a darkner will be used, or it will lose all meaning. these two very terrible options are the only ones they have. they don't even get to pick which one they get.
there's also the level of horror that is the lightners' ignorance to all this! tvlandofficial has a really good take on it with their characterization of tenna: she worships toriel, but toriel is just a lady watching television. she doesn't know there's guys in there! and they don't know she's just an ordinary person! granted, this is a fanon take, but I think it's a really good one. it highlights the fact that the darkners are dependent on beings who are completely unaware of their existence.
(by the way, this has slowly become my favorite headcanon for why kris' side of the room doesn't have more than the bare minimum. I like the idea that kris found out about darkners, was freaked the hell out by the idea of their objects being people who are forced to serve them, and threw it all away in an attempt to liberate them. this is also the reason why the TV keeps getting unplugged - kris feels weird about using it and so unplugs it frequently. now this SUCKS as a method of liberation for reasons I've already outlined, but I quite like the idea that kris is a compassionate kid who doesn't have the best grasp on what they're doing. they canonically have a tendency to project their own struggle for agency re: the player onto other things, if the game's narration is anything to go by. they may have thought that simply stopping their usage of the objects would fix the problem, since the player stopping their possession would certainly help THEM.)
it sucks. there's no way out. ralsei, the character who seems to be the most aware of what his position as a darkner means (he knows about the light world's layout! he knows that darkners are objects! and he knows about the player!) appears to be pretty entrenched in justifying the horror inherent to his own existence, but I think it's a losing battle. being calm about unimaginable cruelty won't help you through it. it'll just blind you to your own suffering and the suffering of others. something's got to give. these characters have got to have agency.
and what will give them that?
well. I think that whatever method kris eventually finds to permanently break free of our control, they won't leave the darkners behind. someday, I'm certain, all of them will be free. what that means exactly is still up to the future of the story, but I'm very sure it'll happen. the implications of this world suck, kris' agency is a struggle that's centered, and it's reflected in the darkners. there's gonna be a payoff somewhere that frees them of their fates.
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cboffshore · 16 days
hiiii, how are you? How was your summer? I really adore Delara because I feel Like she could have been interesing as a character, that Being Said could you give us a little spoiler and tell us what your Delara is going to be like? However, if you want it to be a secret thats cool as well. Take care! 💕
I'm doing very well, thank you! My summer's been a little weird, but overall pretty nice. Thanks for asking! Hope yours has been great too :)
As for how I'm planning on working with Delara... I do have some plans. They might be a little disappointing if you're hoping for a deep dive, but I promise I have my reasons. Under the cut we go! (Witness semi spoilers and very mild OSSAS spoilers, obvs. No huge plot points listed. Not to shill for my own fic, but if you're reading this and you're not caught up on the series, now's a GREAT TIME.)
Delara is a tricky character for me, simply because I have so little of her to work from. I'd have to go in with a stopwatch to be really sure, but I'm fairly positive characters spend more time talking about Delara than she actually spends on screen - not to mention, we never see her in the actual flesh. What we do get in canon puts her on a mysterious pedestal, and one consistent thing jumps out at me: Nadakhan's number one cheerleader. (I firmly believe, for reasons I can't articulate right now, that nothing he ever says about her is a lie. He doesn't seem the type to lie about something or someone that wholly benefits and supports him.) Naturally, that puts Nya in direct, almost reflexive opposition to whatever Delara wants to do, which will have some... interesting consequences for how Nadakhan views her now. That's character analysis spoiler territory, though, so I'd better move on. She's a rabid purse dog. She's a green light across the bay.
Anyway: I'm running with that shallow portrayal, at least this early in the process. It's subject to change. I've seen attempts at fleshing Delara out go both ways (extremely good, as in the incomparable fic Dilara, and extremely bad, as in multiple fics I will not name out of politeness that try VERY HARD to give her depth and don't do all that great a job because there's too much else happening), so I'm not too confident in trying anything but just... letting her be herself. OSSAS is, above all else, an attempt at somewhat strict canon expansion; I don't want to wrangle her into something she's not for the sake of gratuitous detail. So: I'll let her be herself, and I'll see how that mingles with what I have planned for Nya and Nadakhan, and see what happens from there.
Thanks for the ask!!
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mistfallengw2 · 4 months
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[Under the cut because it's long]
- Her in-game markings aren't accurate: the white mark on her face extends to most of the right half of her head and her ear, and she has other big patches and spots on the left side of her body, with the biggest one covering most of her arm. [I still have to play around with the exact placement]
- She's non-binary! She likes her feminine appearance in spite of being a tomboy, but at the same time she doesn't feel defined by her own body and sees her personal golems as an extension of herself. It's one of those things about herself she considers too complicated and in flux for her to really care, but if her golems are in the picture, using neutral pronouns gives her the good vibes.
- She's openly poly, pan and demiromantic. In spite of that, maintaining relationships is actually a hard thing for her, as dealing with anyone long-term eventually brings out things she finds extremely off-putting (specifically the kind of petty/backwards priorities and mentalities she was traumatized by) and immediately loses interest. After a bunch of bad experiences, she learned to keep her expectations low and sleeps around a lot, shamelessly enjoying intimacy whenever she feels like it and keeping a net of loose friendships with benefits (which comes in handy for her job, as it gives her plenty of places to crash at and a lot of people to exchange favors with, all of which she will pay back in kind). That said, she is not afraid of commitment and she loves her extended pod to bits, with Nuvly being her platonic anchor and Farka the romantic one.
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- Her parents had a precise idea of the type of genius they wanted her to be and were very strict, starting her education earlier than usual and sending her to progeny school as soon as possible. Too bad she wanted to be a golemancer instead, so she too advantage of being ahead of the program and started skipping classes, "borrowing" parts from school to build her first golem in a small cave, all in secret to avoid reprimand. She became friends with Tocchix after he saw her run off with some components taken from the class they were having and followed her to her rudimentary lab.
- Bunnie is not her birth name. The day they met, Tocchix had called her a variety of improvised names as he attempted to get her attention while chasing her, and the one that worked was "bunny ears" (due to her ears having rounded tips). She liked the sound of it and told him to call her that when he later asked her name, and over time it progressively got shortened and its pronunciation distorted (sounds like "boonie" more than "bunny"). Officially changing her name was one of the first things she wanted to do after she was de facto adopted by Alyt!
- While Bunnie got officially mentored by Alyt, she actually had the Prostech krewe to thank for her early education, as Alyt was just the prosthetics tester and sort of lab assistant of the krewe. While the ex-Peacemaker's technical knowledge was quite limited, Alyt was actually the one who allowed her to bloom into the golemancy genius she became, standing up for Bunnie against her father and taking charge of her, even though she was just that one hyperactive progeny that was often glued to her "nephew" whenever Alyt had to look after Tocchix. They were and still are really close (though in an "aunt and niece" sort of way) even after they went their separate ways, with Bunnie still coming up with new upgrades for Alyt's prosthetic arm as an excuse to go visit her at the Priory. When her friend Nuvly wanted to join the Priory, Bunnie immediately went and convinced Alyt and (specifically) her partner Favian to take her in as their novice, trusting they'd look after the shy and soft historian and elementalist without pushing her too hard.
- Bunnie and Nuvly are "friends with cuddle benefits", "cuddlebugs", "smooch-friends". They met when Bunnie was still in Dynamics: she always liked Nuvly yet never made a move (her initial flirting was frequent yet never registered, then eventually Nuvly developed a complicatedly unrequited crush towards Tocchix) and Nuvly considered her her best friend, but they only got together after the first offhandedly offered to be the second's first kiss. Things didn't last long as Nuvly quickly realized she didn't like girls (and otherwise non-guys) in that way, but her awkward attempt at a break-up had them stumble their way into being queerplatonic partners, because they still platonically love each other a whole lot.
- She dated Flom for a very short yet intense time! The two really hit it off after meeting by chance, but after witnessing how he was a total doormat with his krewe and offering him a chance to break away from them, his answer and overall behavior pissed her off. Still, years later, she was the one who recognized him and vouched for him after he was rescued from Rata Primus, and in spite of being a lil' mean with him (mostly to in hopes of getting any reaction from his doormat-ty self), she really does want him and "his extra" to get a better chance in life, like she had offered him. Thankfully most of the awkwardness is gone by the time they're part of the same pod (he becomes Nuvly's primary romantic partner), and he does clumsily return some of the teasing.
- Farka still doesn't know how she ended up dating Bunnie. Like, yes, her warband was assigned to machinery repairs under Bunnie's command in Eye of the North, and the asura somehow got under her fur enough that she wanted to be around her more than what her duty demanded, which still feels a bit unbelievable. As for Bunnie, she loves her giant girlfriend who is many times her size, her warband is fun to hang out with and they taught her a ton of things about charr machinery, and sleeping next to a fluffy rumbling engine is actually pretty cozy and comfortable (Farka desperately tries to keep her purring to a minimum (Bunnie spurs her on)).
- She's an old friend of Zojja, though their friendship had a rocky start. After a class he held during her Dynamics days, Bunnie approached Snaff with some highly interesting questions, and he took an immediate liking to the brilliant young golemancer, offering her to use his lab to work on her UNK project under the guise of a part-time internship, both to observe her progress and to keep the college from taking proprietorship of it, as she had casually complained about during their talk. Zojja, being already his apprentice at the time, saw her as competition and used to be extremely petty with her, jealous that her mentor's attention wasn't fully on her, but Bunnie paid no mind to her since the terms of her agreement with Snaff didn't include any form of apprenticeship. After hearing of Snaff's death, Bunnie was one of the first who went to check on Zojja, genuinely concerned for her, and the first she didn't succeed in turning away. Eventually they became friends, and Zojja was particularly happy that Bunnie got to earn the title of Snaff Savant, as it meant a lot to both of them.
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- Bunnie adored and doted on Aurene from the first time she saw the dragonling in Tarir. She used to bring her gifts of all kinds back when she ran supply lines around the Maguuma jungle, and still went out of her way to sneak her treats both around Elona and in Eye of the North. Being part of the Crystal Bloom was an obvious part of the course for her, especially as over the years she had become close friends with Ethanryel and even got quite friendly with Caithe.
- Bunnie became friends with Taimi after she brought to Rata Novus her ordered parts for Scruffy 2.0, both as part of her job as supply line manager for the Vigil/Pact and as fellow golemancer with a couple of ideas to pitch. They mostly just talk about golems when they hang out, and Bunnie miiiiight make sure that Taimi's supply requests are fulfilled first and slip in some extra comforts for her friend if she can help it.
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- She used to be a champion in golem throwdowns, winning a ton of tournaments with P-UNK and making a name for herself. She doesn't look for fights and if necessary she lets her golems fight for her, either using her firearms from a safe distance or using them as suits.
- Her personal golems run on the UNK (Utility Neural Kernel) system she's been developing and updating throughout her life. Other than making the Val-A for her Dynamics' admission, her first golem was F-UNK (Functional-UNK), a small lab golem who was caught in the crossfire and blown apart during the Inquest attack on her krewe's lab while they were trying to save Doxa. With the prize funds from the Snaff Savant contest, she made a fully accessorized combat golem named P-UNK (Punching-UNK) and a heavy-duty transport golem named H-UNK (Hulking-UNK), and they both had the option of serving as golem suit. They were her babies and she kept them in perfect condition for years, until they were destroyed by Kralkatorrik's final attack in Thunderhead Peaks. Heartbroken (in more ways than one), she salvaged their parts to make PH-UNK-1 (Punching-Hulking-UNK-One, read: funky) to distract herself from what had happened and channel her grief into defiance against doom, and it served her well since Dragonfall. During IBS she made a new golem called Sp-UNK (eSsence-Powered-UNK) that ran on icebrood's essences, which later was upgraded to Sp-UNK-2 to deal with destroyers as well. She made more of her UNK series golem over the years, mostly to aid the Pact and the Crystal Bloom, and is now having fun with making jade-powered golems as well and developing a dedicated system, though the finnicky issues with jade irk her to no end.
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- In spite of being a lil' ADHD gremlin, she's extremely efficient at keeping things organized, especially when there are others who can deal with things that'd ruin her focus.
- She has a lunar maned skyscale, Nyx. She was one of the second batch of skyscale hatchlings that Gorrik hatched (following the one Aurelia took as her own and the first smaller batch that continued the experiment), and Bunnie was there the moment they hatched, ready to get one after having missed the first ones. Nyx is pretty laid back and calm, keeping to herself unless she wants cuddles or to play, though she can sometimes act "like a princess". She doesn't mind Bunnie's golems too much and mostly stays with the Crystal Bloom's skyscale glory when Bunnie is not around. She and the other skyscales were extremely helpful as the Crystal Bloom helped make Elona safe after Aurene's ascension.
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fourtyfourcatss · 10 months
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୨⎯ "for @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms " ⎯୧
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ PAUL VERLAINE !
❆ i am not sure whether or not you have read the novels, but i think paul verlaine is the perfect bsd matchup for you in many ways, the way your traits and values mash with one another, the lessons you could learn from one another, etc. in all honesty, i do not enjoy mbtis, but from how you have describe yourself, i can tell you are someone who can benefit from his practicality and logic, since it is so ingrained within his being to an almost inspiring level. the two of you can balance each other out greatly!
❆ now here’s the thing: he might actually be a little bit of a turn off for you at first. not only is he an assassin, he’s a deeply troubled individual who takes to his trusted people as support, heavily leaning on them emotionally (but subtly). i see the two of you meeting in some sort of garden, perhaps near your university, that he stumbled upon by accident. your friends perhaps, invited you out and ended up getting drinks, and you needed some time to yourself. cue the man himself entering. the atmosphere is languid and comfortable, enough that it cites him to make a remark, and you to follow along. many of these meetings occur, and develop. he’s a gentleman too, so count on him on treating you right!
❆ as for your hobbies, he would love to be able to talk with you about what you have read or read your writing! you can trust him for his honest opinion!
❆ he deeply appreciates your consideration for others, and i think he’s just the tad bit scared of what you’d think about him, since he has such a past and such a mindset. the guy doesnt even think of himself as a human being and started spiraling after that incident, and he finds it refreshing having you as a listener. i think you’ll make him start actually feeling better about himself and aid him in starting to curb those horrid thoughts he has had. he would most definitely get to know you at your most vulnerable and still embrace everything you have shown him. someone like him has a deeper appreciation and perspective to flaws, and he can really make you feel more secure about them. you do say you have high self worth though, but he is a very worried individual! but he gets it with time, and finds your jokes funny. he would most definitely admire your diligence and discipline, and being an observant person, would see the small signs of your overworking and stop you. not only that, you seem like a very indulgent person, so he’ll definitely be taking advantage of this to get a bit spoiled by you in some way (and then feeling a bit guilty afterwards).
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ ARTEM WING !
❆ a man who’s honest… caring, treats you like you deserve from the beginning… thats artem right there 💯
❆ the two of you are super cute together! artem is very awkward with his feelings, and you being an introvert means that he usually approaches you first, and then you attempt to make conversation with him too, and then he just freezes up. i think he’s the type to be very deeply in adoration of all your features and characteristics, especially your upright morals and values! but, he really doesn’t like how others sometimes would step out of boundaries and make you uncomfortable. he’s gonna be a bit protective of you, but nothing that’s very extreme or bad! and your organization is a boon for him, since being with someone who’s clumsy like himself would make it more burdensome than anything.
❆ absolutely indulges with you in your hobbies, even if he isnt a big fan of video games, but he still plays them if it is multiplayer! he probably practices in secret in order to get better but you didnt hear this from me. artem definitely is interested in the anime and other films you may watch, and will get very excited when you watch the war and art films he likes!
❆ i think he’d really like cuddling up with you! many date nights are half torn between casual like going to your place or his, or very fancy dinners. let this man spoil you‼️
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ LING YAO !
❆ finally… the resident funnyman is here! (most fma characters are pretty funny though but you get what i mean!) he will your days filled with laughter and happiness! i think he’d take a lot of inspiration and motivation from how you are as a person— especially your ambition! you are someone he can always rest with in times of turmoil and trust their words. the palace is filled with those of unorthodox and vile characters, and your judgement and advice is something he is counting on! your values align superbly with his too!
❆ you definitely attracted him with your pokerface and your sense of humor! not only that, placing him in modern times, he would enjoy all of your hobbies; even writing with you! if we go by actual historical accuracy like how arakawa intended, chinese gentlemen, especially of someone of ling’s standing, is expected to be able to write poems, play instruments, in short terms. he’s definitely able to play music for you to set some background music for your writings, and he’ll definitely be curious about your writings! he definitely gives some very good insight onto your works
❆ well read, harmonious, organized, can take care of yourself and others, having filial piety….this is good makings for an empress, no? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he’s definitely roping you back to his country after you’ve finished all your businesses here. maybe your family members too. lavish gifts and a heavy dowry will be given! you seem like the type to not be easily impressed, and he will spend days thinking of ways to impress and have your favor on his side! this is the most wholesome matchup here, you two would be so cute together :D
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[a/n] enjoy my cooking!! i hope my assumptions about you based on your ask were all correct, and that you like your matchups! if you want, i can definitely state out runner ups. for bsd, i also considered ranpo for you. for tears of themis, it was marius, and for fma, i actually didnt have anyone else. hope you enjoyed!!
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Top 10 Myths About Cannabis Cooking
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If you have been curious about cooking or baking with cannabis but are unsure due to speculation, look at some of the most common myths surrounding marijuana-infused food.
Cannabis has infiltrated many other markets and industries recently, including cosmetics, medicine, and food. Some may find it strange that cannabis can be consumed, yet it is becoming more popular to infuse marijuana into food for various reasons.
Here are some of the top myths about cooking or baking with cannabis.
Using cannabis to cook provides no benefits
Although marijuana is widely used and accepted as more states have decriminalized it, there is still some stigma surrounding its use. While it may have different physical or emotional effects depending on the individual, many users claim multiple benefits. Some include stress and anxiety reduction, overall contentment, and sleeping better.
The only way to consume marijuana is through edibles
It is a common misconception that marijuana can only be smoked or consumed through edibles. Marijuana can be infused into many types of foods and beverages. cooking with cannabis - Some like to infuse cannabis into hot tea to promote sleep and relaxation. Others prefer to use cannabis butter to cook or bake with. Online research is a great way to learn new recipes and suggestions from chefs who frequently use marijuana in their ingredients.
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It’s too complicated to cook or bake with cannabis
Some may think it’s too complicated to learn to cook or back with cannabis. While some recipe infusions may take some time, cooking or baking with marijuana is often very easy and not too time-consuming.
I must cook with specific marijuana doses
There is no specific dose that works for everyone in recipes. If you are a beginner with using marijuana in food or drinks, starting out small is a good approach to see how you react. Everyone is different, so finding the right dose for you is important.
You should only consume cannabis for medicinal purposes
Cannabis has become widely popular for pain management for a variety of conditions, including anxiety disorders and physical ailments. However, consuming these products for other uses, even for recreational use or to feel calmer at night, is also a common use. Medicinal marijuana has helped many people in a positive way, yet it is not the only way to use or consume cannabis.
You can’t manipulate the taste of cannabis within food
It is commonly thought that marijuana tastes bad when mixed with food or drinks. This is subjective, as people may have their own taste or reaction to consumption. However, many marijuana users report a pleasant taste or not being able to detect the taste of cannabis within their food.
You will get too impaired consuming marijuana through food
This relates to the dosage used in the food or drink, which is why it is always wise to start small. However, using minimal amounts of marijuana in food or drinks to just receive the benefits, is unlikely to cause noticeable impairment. Many fear overdose which is also highly unlikely based on recent studies. Only consuming extremely large amounts of THC in food or drinks could lead to problems or overdosage. If you still have fears or are unsure of how much marijuana to incorporate into food or drinks, it’s best to discuss these concerns with a healthcare professional or industry expert.
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It will become too expensive to regularly cook or bake with cannabis
It’s no secret that grocery costs have risen lately, and many think that cooking or baking regularly with cannabis will lead to overspending. However, if you are purchasing products from a dispensary, it is not overly expensive. If you grow your own plants at home, that can save money as well. Creating large quantities or products at home, such as a large tub of cannabis butter to be used multiple times, that can save on costs, too.
 Edibles can be given to younger people
It is not advised by any industry or healthcare professionals to provide edibles or any consumable or smokable cannabis products to anyone underage or any youth. Its effects can be dangerous and using cannabis anywhere underaged is illegal.
2.You should only use cannabis in sweet foods
Edibles are very often in a dessert form, leading many to think that baking is the only way to use cannabis. As previously mentioned, many infuse cannabis into tea or other drinks. Yet, you can also cook savory recipes with cannabis products, such as oils or dry rubs for meat. While many edibles that you can purchase at a dispensary are sold as items such as candy bars, it can be used in many different types of recipes.
How to cook cannabis butter :
Today, I'm spilling the green magic beans on one of the most essential skills for any cannabis kitchen maestro – crafting the perfect cannabis-infused butter! 🌿✨
In this step-by-step guide, we're diving deep into the world of elevated culinary creations, unlocking the secrets to infusing that rich, creamy goodness with the unmistakable essence of cannabis. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis chef or a kitchen adventurer, this tutorial will have you whipping up cannabis-infused butter like a pro in no time.
First things first, we're talking strain selection. It's all about finding the right balance between THC and CBD to suit your taste and desired effects. Once you've got the perfect buds in hand, we'll delve into the art of decarboxylation – a crucial step to activate those cannabinoids and turn your cannabis into the powerhouse it's meant to be.
But we're not stopping there! I'm spilling my insider tips on dosage control, ensuring your cannabis butter hits the sweet spot without going overboard. From sweet to savory, the possibilities are endless as we explore how to incorporate this green elixir into your favorite recipes.
Whether you're aiming for a subtle hint of herb or a bold cannabis kick, this guide has got you covered. Get ready to elevate your culinary game and embark on a taste bud journey that'll have you coming back for more. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your apron, and let's infuse some serious flavor into your kitchen adventures!
Who's ready to get cooking with a cannabis twist?
How to cook cannabis oil :
"How to cook cannabis oil" refers to the process of preparing a concentrated liquid infusion by combining cannabis with a carrier oil. This method is commonly employed to extract and harness the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).
The process typically involves selecting cannabis strains based on the desired cannabinoid profile and flavor, followed by decarboxylation. Decarboxylation is a crucial step where raw cannabinoids are activated through controlled heating, making them bioavailable and ready for infusion. The activated cannabis is then combined with a carrier oil, like olive oil or coconut oil, using various infusion techniques such as heat application or slow-cooking.
The resulting cannabis oil can be utilized in a variety of culinary applications, ranging from salad dressings and marinades to baking and sautéing. Beyond its culinary uses, cannabis oil is also commonly employed in the creation of edibles, offering a versatile way to incorporate the therapeutic benefits of cannabis into different recipes. The potency and flavor of the cannabis oil can be adjusted based on factors like the chosen cannabis strain, the duration of infusion, and the oil-to-cannabis ratio.
It's important to note that the creation and use of cannabis oil may be subject to legal restrictions depending on the jurisdiction, and individuals should be aware of and comply with local regulations when preparing and consuming such products.
For more details on cannabis and the industry, click here today to explore more information: https://onlinecannabislearning.com/.
Sicard, C. (2021). 7 Cannabis Kitchen Myths: Busted. Kitchen Toke. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from https://kitchentoke.com/7-cannabis-kitchen-myths-busted/
(2023). 5 Myths About Marijuana Edibles You Probably Still Believe. Modesto Cannabis Collective. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from https://www.modestocannabisco.com/marijuana-edibles/5-myths-about-marijuana-edibles-you-probably-still-believe
County of Sonoma (2022). Myths and Facts About Marijuana Use. Department of Health Services. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from https://sonomacounty.ca.gov/health-and-human-services/health-services/marijuana-public-health-and-safety/myths-and-facts-about-marijuana-use
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peachfuzz-nygma · 6 months
as per anon's request: my dnd character
this is my first campaign and my first character so i've grown very fond of him but in the worst way possible. the campaign we're playing rn is curse of strahd so def some spoilers ahead. and yapping warning also
elidyr (he/him) is a half-elf warlock. since curse of strahd is a gothic horror vampire campaign he is a vampire hunter. his charisma is Extremely high and it shows. alignmentwise he's lawful evil or neutral evil. he's very egotistical. flirts with anything that moves. doesn't think before speaking. no morals really. just a general asshole. the thing is i didn't mean it to go this far. i knew i wanted to start off with a little ego but after the first few sessions i was having too much fun playing the asshole. it's so fun seeing the player's/character's and dm's reaction to his chaos. especially since one of the characters is a paladin so his morals are high. i love seeing his reaction when i do something wild. (ofc good to note that you can play an asshole without them being an actual bigot). but i've grown very fond of him. not love or hate but a third secret thing. there's been so many times where he has been tooooo close to death (like the time i got stabbed so bad that now my guts are fully fucked and i can't do actions in battle without throwing a 12 or higher) and i get sad because he's such a fun character to play and i don't want to lose him
one of my favorite parts about him is his luck in battles WHICH SUCKS. but we always laugh about it afterwards. I KEEP HAVING MY HP AT NEGATIVE?? but characterwise it makes it so fucking funny. having this big ego and then keeps getting beat up. honestly he deserves it (but don't die pls)
our dm mentioned that elidyr's luck reminds her of gotham penguin (honestly her mind. i didn't even know she'd even seen gotham. my brain was so happy about this comment). and i totally agree. elidyr keeps failing but somehow keeps ending up more powerful and more egotistical. also the way pengi jumps on board with anything and everything that benefits him personally even if it went against his other connections is so elidyr
okay lastly i just want to list some of my favorite things about elidyr that has happened in this campaign so far
as a joke we all rolled a d20 for dicksize and ofc i rolled the lowest and it checks out. big ego, small dick
started off by having my eldritch blast come from a hip thrust but now i just forget to do it so i just use my hands
in one battle there was this energy orb type thingy with a baby in the middle. i/elidyr said that we should just kill it. during this we had no idea i was right and we were actually supposed to do that. but everyone was so in shock that he would even suggest that. but characterwise he was the only one in the group who had the guts to do it. so he did kill a baby (but it was like an evil energy)
lady from a tavern telling a rumor about the town having a basement somewhere where you could hear screams from. then she asks is there something she can do for us and i flirtingly answered "do you have a basement where you can scream?"
elidyr eats drugged up pie and sees dreams about kids praising him and wanting to be him and women loving him
my personal want to smash the vampires keeps coming in the way of my character who hates them and wants to kill them
rebels taking over the town and executing the mayor and his family. elidyr was so hyped about this. i wrote in my notes: "they had to pull elidyr away from watching the execution. he was just so hyped. he isn't even pro-revolution, he just likes seeing people die. imagine a fratboy watching the superbowl"
willing to drug a possessed child without letting others know
lasty a picture of this fucker. i really wish i had a pc so i could download the free dragon's dogma character maker. but picrews work really well for dnd characters
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shychick-52 · 1 year
For the shipping bingo hmm.... What's your take on fendra?
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Hoo-boy. Ok, I honestly don't like this ship, even though it's canon. Gandra spent FAR more screentime being an enemy (including her debut episode in s2 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee', in which she used Fenton- even going so far as to short out the Gizmoduck armor when he tried to stop Mega-Beaks, which left him entirely at Beaks' mercy, and Beaks easily could have seriously hurt him or worse if he chose to instead of kidnapping Huey and Webby instead... and Beaks even told Fenton "You are very dead!"). I don't think she did nearly enough to make up for (emotionally) hurting Fenton at the end of that episode, even tho she tried to defeat Beaks single-handedly, teamed up with Fenton to take him down, and left him with the correct equation to help him finish his project... which does give her some credit, but she still took off without a word of apology or explanation.
Then at the end of season 2, we find out she's part of F.O.W.L., then most of the rest of the time we see her in season 3 she's acting against the Ducks... then only three episodes away from the finale, we suddenly find out her and Fenton have actually been in a secret relationship all along, working on a secret project, and that she only joined up with F.O.W.L. and other bad guys out of desperation for funding for her science projects because she's always been judged and misunderstood for her 'unorthodox' types of experiments, leading her to become independent, proud, aloof, and only looking out for herself... until she met Fenton, who actually believed in her and believed the best in her (forgave her, understood her, gave her a chance, became the source of support and caring she never knew). That she had no loyalty to Bradford and F.O.W.L., and planned to quit as soon as she and Fenton finished their project, which she was using her funding and resources from F.O.W.L. to help build.
The big reveal about her backstory, true motivations for doing bad stuff, and relationship with Fenton just came out of NOWHERE, felt very rushed and poorly explained, and only left more questions. And their dynamic seems very one-sided; she's extremely critical and judgmental of him, quick to blame him for stuff (such as when Huey stumbled upon their secret project, and she automatically blamed Fenton), and he seems content to just listen to whatever she tells him with a very subservient, whipped "Yes, dear" type of attitude. Outside their passion for science, they don't seem compatible; she's very morally-grey, while he's a morally-upright person and seems to have a very black-and-white view of justice/right-and-wrong (despite being a total cinnamon roll who surely wants to give others the benefit of the doubt and help them, even to a fault).
I appreciate the show making her a strong, badass character, and a flawed one, and I LOVE that- but they developed her redemption so poorly, just like so much of season 3 felt rushed and crowded. It would have made much more sense to have her as this anon source of intel for the Ducks in their fight against FOWL, which later would be revealed to be Gandra. I truly want to like her a lot better, and I want to make it clear that I don't hate her, but I'm just not fond of her or the ship.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
You have any recommendations where the hero hates everyone except her? 💕 Historical’s included if any.
Managed by Kristen Callihan. An all-time favorite contemporary romance. Hero is the uptight, strict manager of a rock band. He does love the guys as they're his longtime friends, but he's very snappy and standoffishness by nature. He hires the heroine as the band's photographer/social media manager, but he has insomnia and can only sleep when she's in the bed with him. So they become platonic nap partners. Naturally. Has a particularly incredible scene when he jacks off while smelling her dirty underwear and dodging her question from the other side of the door, before handwashing said underwear and hiding them underneath his mattress.
Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller. Historical. The hero is less about hating people and more about being an extreme loner who doesn't want to get close to people. He's an American spy on a case, the heroine is this social butterfly who's trying to save this Viennese hotel her family has owned for generations. He saves her life, like, thrice. Also, he's a big ol' virgin and she is... not. SO good.
The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden. Historical. Again, he's more standoffish and he does love his siblings, just is exceptionally bad at expressing his feelings. The hero marries the heroine after his brother ruins her (in a non-sexual manner) and it's really largely your standard marriage of convenience book, but done very well with an excellent love confession. Heroine is plus size, which is nice. Maybe my favorite Rescued from Ruin book? I really like all the times his lust cannot be contained and he just tackles her.
How to Marry a Marquess by Stacy Reid. Historical. BIG this vibe. The hero is kind of ostracized by society because he claimed his illegitimate daughter and is raising her without shame. He's very FUCK ALL Y'ALL about it, but the heroine, who is this very proper miss type, is his longtime friend and he adores her. She's been in love with him for forever, but he doesn't think she can deal with being an outcast so he won't make a move. Which is why she asks him for lessons in seducing some TOTALLY RANDOM GUY she's FOR SURE IN LOVE WITH. Very hot, and leads to some fabulous angst towards the end.
What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. Historical. Super this. Hero is a jaded snappish duke pushing 40 who finds a local rake in bed with his fiance. He decides to exact revenge by seducing said rake's innocent, virginal sister (who's like, half his age). She's super smart, so she catches on immediately, but she wants her friend who she's into to make a move, so she kind of allows him to court her... But then he becomes genuinely fond of her and it gets real.
After Dark with the Duke by Julie Anne Long. Begins as light ETL, becomes more like this. 40-something war hero duke is staying at the same boarding house as 20-something scandalous opera singer while he's writing his memoirs. She bugs him, he offends her, in penance he offers to teach her Italian to help with her singing, and they develop a very sweet friendship that quickly shifts into major sexual tension.
Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas. Historical. Rhys Winterborne definitely has like, FRIENDS, but he's also kind of super grumpy and sort of socially awkward, lol. He adores Helen and would move heaven and earth for her, even if he's bad at giving flowers. Benefits from reading Cold-Hearted Rake first, as they begin as a secondary romance in that one. People will tell you Chasing Cassandra is this even more, and I guess it is, but... Idk, maybe I should reread that one because it didn't super do it for me, and I think Tom Severin would've been better off with a different heroine.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas. Historical. I think this absolutely counts, lol. Like, does Derek have one friend who isn't under his employ? Yes. But they're not as tight by the time the book begins because reasons, and he meets Sara Fielding when she shoots some guy to save him, and while he tries to be grumpy to her, he's quickly like "I've known Sara Fielding for five minutes and if anything happens to her I'll kill everyone in this room including myself".
My Darling Duke by Stacy Reid. Historical. Heroine pretends she's being courted by a recluse duke in order to help her sisters find husbands, but then recluse duke shows up in society for the first time in years to be like "and exactly what is happening rn". He's a recluse because he was super injured years back and is now a wheelchair user; he's very bitter about his disability. He makes the heroine continue the charade for a minute for his own reasons, but falls for her. I really liked how this book explored sexual dysfunction and like, having sex in a way that isn't the standard romance novel HE TOOK HER CONQUERINGLY manner.
Sworn to the Shadow God by Ruby Dixon. Fantasy. Gamer girl gets teleported to this fantasy world and becomes the sorta servant to the literal God of Death. Everyone hates him so he hates everyone. It's honestly very funny and sweet. He has this thing going on with him wherein he can't like... tell the truth... so everything he says is the opposite of what he means. This girl gives him head fairly on in the book and he's like "YOU'RE TERRIBLE AT THAT" (translation: you're great at that) during, and I think she bites his dick? He has a lot to work through after that. She thinks he hates her, but he actually adores her.
The Taming of a Highlander by Elisa Braden. Historical. Another, "he technically loves his family" guy. The hero was considered the golden boy of the family, but he was tortured and lost an eye after being wrongfully imprisoned for months, so he's not doing great. The heroine catches him attacking one of the people responsible for what happened to him, so she offers to marry him to keep from having to testify against him.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale. Historical. Hero is a total villain and persona non grata throughout Italy; heroine does initially dislike him, but quickly falls in love and she's like his treasured possession. Soft noncon in the beginning. The sex scenes are otherwise are super great, very femdom.
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darkmaga-retard · 24 hours
Technocrats love data. They lust after it. So, collecting data on your moods is a sure bet to get inside your head. Considering the epidemic of mental disorders these days, Apple will be sure to give you recommendations if you look a little “tippy.” Or, they could send automatic alerts to authorities to have you checked out for your risk to society. This is reminiscent of the lunatic inmates taking over the asylum to pose as shrinks. TURN THESE FEATURES OFF! ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.
True Story: The Health app built into iPhones is now collecting as much personal information on the mental health of each and every one of us as they can get a hold of.
Yet, a search on Google and Brave yielded no results on the dangers of sharing such information over the phone or the internet. Seriously, no single MSM has done an article on why such data sharing might be a bad idea?
To start, in sharing such data, you aren’t just sharing your information; iPhone knows exactly who your family members are. In many cases, those phones are connected via family plans.
iPhone mental health assessments not only ask questions about your mental health but can also infer the mental health status of family members, as demonstrated by the image publicly shared by phone on the benefits of a phone mental health assessment.
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What could possibly go wrong?
Although the iPhone has historically been known to keep user data “safe,” this is not a given, and there have been hacks and data breaches over the years.
CrowdStrike happened – from just a simple coding error. In 2015, all of my confidential data given to the DoD and the FBI in order to get a security clearance was harvested by the Chinese government, when they hacked into the government’s “super-secret,” and “super-secure” government data storage site. In response, the government offered me a credit report and monitoring of my credit score for a year. Yeah – thanks.
The bottom line – no data is 100% secure, and this is mental health data. Data that might be extremely embarrassing, career-damaging, or has the potential to disrupt family relationships. Remember, no one knows what new laws, regulations, or more might come to pass years from now. This type of information should not be harvested and stored.
Furthermore, trusting that Apple will never sell that data or pass it off to research groups is very naive. In fact, mental health data is already being mined.
Apple has partnered with various health organizations and academic institutions to conduct health-related studies, such as Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the University of Michigan on various health studies. Apple also collaborates with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on a Digital Mental Health Study. This study likely utilizes data collected through Apple devices to investigate mental health patterns and outcomes. Trusting that the user identifiers have been completely stripped before that data is passed on is a risk that one takes when entering such information into an iPhone.
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seolpsy · 5 months
zerobaseone — them as romance tropes !
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pairing. zerobaseone x gn!reader
notes. this is sososo rushed but tyty for the love on my first post ;)) im lowkey obsessed w 2binz these days (n taerae omg)
word count. 799, warnings. none
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kim jiwoong — opposites attract
jiwoong isn’t one to open up at first so it was no shocker when he was completely cold when you two first met. he would reject your kind gestures and generous compliments. however, he found himself slowly being drawn to your bright personality and energy in comparison to his dull and rather stony nature. as he starts to hang out with you more, jiwoong begins to let loose and enjoys being silly with you. who knew you could fall in love with someone so different from you?
zhang hao — academic rivals to lovers
hao is quite an exceller when it comes to academics. not only are his grades perfect, but every other aspect of his life. there’s no doubt that he’s unmatched in all areas. so when you come along with twice as many extracurriculars and a gpa higher than his (is that even possible?), he’s determined to beat you. every test, every score, every assignment matters. it’s only when hao realizes that it’s not his grades that he cares about anymore, but it’s you.
sung hanbin — high school sweethearts
hanbin is extremely dedicated to his relationships so having a relationship last from high school is no surprise. even after being together for many years, you still find yourself with the same love and passion for hanbin that you did many years ago. small things like going on dates and taking care of one another are enough to prove how perfect you guys are together. your friends joke that you guys are straight out of a love story.
seok matthew — lovers in denial
you and matthew have been friends for years so there’s no denying how comfortable you two are with one another. your friends often joke that you guys are secretly in love but you call it nonsense since you and matt have been nothing but just friends. but everyone can see the way you look at each other and that it’s like astronomically impossible that there’s nothing between you two? you begin to realize that this joke isn’t one anymore, but real life.
kim taerae — secret admirer
taerae has never really had a crush so when he finds himself awning over you, he’s unsure of what to do. he’s too shy to make a move and too awkward to talk to you. even after mustering up the courage to approach you, taerae chickens out last minute. his friends tease him but he can’t help how he feels for you. instead, he delivers small snacks with romantic notes to you and posts secret serenades on his instagram. you can’t help but wonder… who’s this secret admirer of yours?
shen ricky — fake dating
as most fake relationships do, you and ricky’s relationship started from a bet. however, you guys weren’t mad. there were obvious benefits that came from fake dating someone. for ricky, being able to reject people was much easier with the actual reason that he had a partner, and for you, shushing your friends for telling you to date someone. after a while, the relationship seemed almost too good to be true, and these feelings between you and ricky were too genuine to be fake.
kim gyuvin — love at first sight
gyuvin never has a bad impression of anyone so naturally when he first met you, he couldn’t help but be head over heels in love. he’s the type that never shuts up about his crush so he’ll be talking about you 24/7, talking about the cool jacket you wore that day or how much you suit your new haircut. his friends are sick of his yap sessions about you but are grateful for the joy you are bringing him. gyuvin always makes excuses to talk to you and unintentionally flirts, but is it unintentional?
park gunwook — forced proximity
being class president, gunwook never notices anything special about you. he thinks of you as a regular classmate with whom he’s communicating. even after having multiple conversations with one another, you’ve never had interest in him and vice versa. it’s only until you guys are locked in a classroom together that you finally notice each other. after that incident, it seemed like gunwook was everywhere. was it just a coincidence or was the universe pushing you two together?
han yujin — childhood crush
yujin is such a shy kid so his feelings for you would never be made known. even though everyone can sense that he has a thing for you, he denies it and you brush it off by saying that you guys are just best friends. yet, yujin can’t get rid of his crush on you. he feels himself blushing at your words and feeling the need to protect you when others are around. it’s impossible considering the proximity between you too.
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Mental health is an aspect of life which we believe is often overlooked. More specifically, the root causes of psychosis seen later within teens and adults, which in our opinion is childhood trauma. Childhood is one of the most important chapters in a person's lifetime as it's a period to enjoy life in its purest form.
However, this is also the period where our main perceptions and morals are made too. Simply put, those who face severe mental problems now, could probably trace the route back to their childhood from any harsh or negative experiences. 
We believe that it is important to understand, what childhood trauma is, the causes of it and how it can be prevented. 
Childhood Abuse:
Traumatic childhood experiences can be linked to many factors which increase the risk of negative behaviours and situations in later life, including alcohol/substance abuse, underachievement in education and mental health problems. Childhood abuse also increases the risk of committing crime in adulthood by promoting antisocial behaviours.
This suggests that childhood trauma is detrimental to wider society, encouraging behaviors which harm both the individual and those around them. Therefore, a greater focus on the raising, nurturing and supporting of children will not only improve their lives, but also benefit society. 
The different forms of childhood abuse mainly seen in recorded cases are physical, emotional and sexual abuse. An astonishing amount of 31.1% of people under the age of 18 have experienced some sort of trauma early in their lives. Half a million children suffer abuse in the UK every year, according to the NSPCC. That's an average of 62 children per day. They also estimate that 7 children in a classroom will experience abuse before they turn 18.
Consequences of Abuse:
We, as humans, are a result of our experiences through life. Our experiences, especially as children, are what form us into the people we become as adolescents. This is why when therapists and psychologists and psychiatrists try to understand us, they ask about our past and our childhood - the choices and experiences and encounters that shaped us throughout life.
We all experience negative or bad memories as children, some bad enough to be deemed "childhood trauma". But what exactly can childhood trauma lead to in adults?
A lot of us might immediately think of the extremes; mental health issues, addiction, abuse, etc. Childhood trauma is linked to a number of mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, etc. It's also common for these mental health issues to then lead to addiction, such as alcohol or drug abuse, or even sex or food binging. Suicidal tendencies, self harm and self destructive behaviour, these are all the extremes most of us think of when we imagine the results of childhood trauma (or trauma in general).
Consequences of abuse:
It's also important to note all the small ways it changes a person. A person who grew up with neglectful parents may grow up to become hyper independent and trust no one, or learn to crave and long for any and all types of attention. 
A person with emotionally explosive parents may learn to suppress their feelings and grow up having problems regulating emotions and setting boundaries. A person who was sexually abused as a child might grow up to believe that they're only valuable through their body and sex, or may grow up to have difficulties being intimate with future partners. 
A person who grew up in a strict household may grow up to become secretive or overly critical. These are just a few examples of ways that our bad childhood experiences can influence us later on in life.
Overall, we hope by reading this manifesto you have understood just how immensely childhood trauma can affect individuals in particular their mental health in the future. We want to remind you that if you’ve gotten this far into the manifesto, we are so proud of you for battling through your struggles especially if you resonate with childhood trauma  and hopefully this has encouraged you to get the help you finally deserve. The hardest part in getting help would probably be fear as well as being scared your problems will be disregarded but we assure you, there are people out there who will listen. We want you to know that you are not alone and that your trauma definitely doesn’t define you. By raising such awareness as well as educating you on the importance of childhood trauma, we hope that one day our government will provide sufficient funding and hopefully create a driven and supportive society that will recognize mental health and trauma as something that should be acknowledged and talked about openly rather than being avoided. Trauma is not something that no one should ever have to go through by themselves. We need to take action right now so that these people have a shot at happy and successful lives, not letting their trauma define them. We hope that our voices will make a big difference to people that endure trauma on an everyday basis. Finally, if you have been through anything traumatic or know anyone who has please do not hesitate to seek help and know that your struggles are valid.
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