splinteredbat-blog · 11 years
secondbestx replied to your post:okay im reeling from tonight’s episode but im also...
[ smiles. ]
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pridefulxwolfy · 11 years
{ five witnessed your transformation }
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  The redhead scrunches her nose,   her petite frame tensing at the unfamiliar face.   Except she's still on high alert,   just in case the stranger tries something funny.  
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Sexi Bitches:
Look at dem sexi bitches. Mmhmm. Check dem out. Go follow.
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
                Not having a place to belong could get kind of lonely at times especially when belonging to a town that was supposed to be home. She couldn’t blame them for trying to move on with their lives, she had been dead after all, and she shouldn’t expect to be brought back into their lives after that. There were too many ghosts in her hometown for her to even think about remaining there.                So she left.                 It was a lot easier than she thought it would be. She’d spoke with Derek, he offered her some funding and his number in case she ran low. It was the least he could do for her he said. She’d find somewhere else to settle, some place new and further north. Derek always talked about the way the air felt up there, how clean those full moons were especially during the winter.             The weight of her first full moon as an omega came when she was traveling through Washington. She slipped off the main road and drifted into the vast forest that outlined the pavement. Erica had mastered control for the most part, but the wolf still could be unpredictable at times. She didn’t want to risk it.              Erica settled beneath a tree some point in the afternoon stretching her sore legs out in front of her. The pain would fade shortly, her body healing any bumps and bruises faster than she could accumulate them. She had hours before the moon rise so taking time to rest was a welcome relief. At least until a strange scent drifted to her on the wind. Tensing Erica stood abruptly and sniffed the air trying to make sense of the foreign scent filling the air.        Something was coming. Something big.
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asthmatiicalpha · 11 years
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   He thought he knew everyone.    He kind of made it his business     to know everyone. True Alpha,    mayor of everyone's personal safety.                                  Same thing.
   It physically hurt his brain to try and come up with a name to put with that face.    Familiar, except he was positive he'd never seen them before.                                                               With a sigh, he gave up.           "          Yeah, I don't know you."                Smooth, Scoot McCool. Smooth.
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castiiigo-blog · 11 years
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"..." She isn't even going to give a proper greeting. Jane is just going to wrinkle her nose in disgust. She hates dogs.
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splinteredbat-blog · 11 years
okay im reeling from tonight's episode but im also srsly shipping stiles and jacob and someone help i cant have a mix of emotions like this
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uley--omega · 11 years
secondbestx replied to your post:Seth pls. you have a boyfriend. and he's hot.
me duh
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rex-stellarum · 11 years
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secondbestx replied to your post: le frick frackin duh.
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nudgxr · 11 years
"This seems familiar."
Send a sentence for my muse’s reply: "This seems familiar." 
          ❝What seems familiar?❞ Renesmee inquired, crouched in a hunting stance. With one hand pressed to Jacob’s paw, and one on the woodsy forest floor, she surveyed her surroundings, hoping to catch sight of an unlucky deer. The woodland creatures seemed to be going particularly sparse. 
          Over the years, Renesmee had worked to improve her gift. When it had been discovered, there had been a world of possibilities. No one had thought a hybrid could have a gift. Carlisle, Bella, and Edward had worked with her to improve it, as Carlisle was curious, Bella had a shield to block her gift, and Edward’s gift was opposing to hers. With their guidance, she learned to pull people’s thoughts away and read some thoughts. She started training to influence people’s thoughts this year.
          In the corner of her eye, she noticed a slight disturbance in the peaceful forest. Her head snapped up, her pupils dilated, and her throat clenched as she zero’d in on her prey. A flash of golden fur had zipped past. An animal-like hiss erupted from her throat starting deep within her chest. Before someone else had the opportunity to claim her snack, she sprang from the ground, the weight on her lifted as Jacob’s thoughts left her mind.
          She attacked the animal ferociously, pinning it down and attacking its neck with her teeth. The burn in her throat gradually declined, as the animal relaxed and she sucked him dry. She wiped the sides of her mouth, standing up to pull her tank top down and her jean jacket closed. She looked at her shirt and sighed in contempt. No blood; Alice would be proud. She turned on her ballet flats, looking at Wolf Jacob with a satisfied grin. 
          ❝If you mean losing these hunting competitions, then, yeah, this does seem really familiar.❞
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"I have a massive headache..."
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       "—Do you mind making me a cup of coffee?"
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uley--omega · 11 years
----------- [ x
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veneii-archive · 11 years
secondbestx replied to your post:tempted to do one of three things; one - have...
why don’t you just do all three. problem solved.
and supposedly, I'M, the angst fairy >.>
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thunderflcwer-moved · 11 years
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"Oh hello! Sorry, ah, am I in your way?" The young woman sniffed and pulled her scarf up over her nose, standing beside her Impala. Her brothers were in one of the houses nearby, visiting their relatives. Ben was trying to get help with his,... other nature. 
        "Is that your truck?" Where was that guy's shirt?
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                  ❝ Yeu'r in th' way o' m'shot thaur. Kindly move yer big arse aside fer me? ❞
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