reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
                                                        “Take it easy big guy, I’m not here to harm anyone.”
                Erica was just passing through in her travels. She had no intention of staying or invading some other wolf’s territory. It was still quite the surprise to encounter such a beast on her travels. At least now she could tell Derek that his stories weren’t just fantasy and that she had met them head on. Sorta.                She wasn’t going to try and take on this thing. She was going to try and show that she wasn’t a threat in hopes of being able to pass without a scratch. Swallowing hard Erica closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. When she released the air from her lungs she lifted her gaze to meet his replacing the brown of her irises with the burning gold.                                        “I’m like you just a different breed. Werewolf. My name’s Erica.”
   The scent that suddenly filled his nostrils was more familiar then it should have       been. it was clearly evident it wasn’t a pack member. wasn’t a quileute. but she       wasn’t a leech. she had a beating heart. she had humanity. the thud was clear       in his sensitive ears. the wolf’s snout fell, teeth hiding behind fur and skin. for       the most part. long canines would always be visible. long canines that only       had one purpose. to rip apart a vampire. nothing more, nothing less. jacob        didn’t have the willpower to take away humanity. if they had a beating heart, they       held a soft spot within his being.          brown eyes held a questioning demeanor; he only hoped she noticed such       a silent endeavor. he didn’t really feel comfortable shifting back into human        form. not when he was about to be naked. 
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
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I really hoped the prizes would arrive today, because I just reached 333 followers today, which is kind of insane because I planned this Giveaway when I reached 200. I really don’t know what happened here but I love all of you, okay? Okay.
1 Person will receive the Teen Wolf Tote Bag, a 'This no fit' button and a personalized bloggraphic.
3 People will receive a 'This no fit' button and a personalized bloggraphic.
Reblog, don’t like.
You don’t have to follow me. I’d be happy if you did, but I don’t want to gain a douzen followers just because they want to win something. So yeah. Follow me if you want, but if not, you’ll be eligible anyway.
Indie Roleplay Blogs only.
If you win you will have to be willing to give me your adress. Otherwise I won’t be able to ship your prize.
I’ll ship worldwide.
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
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There's one, but probably not what you're looking for.
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        “Wait, so there aren’t any cliffs around this place?”
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
I like kissing, the whole experience is nice, the touches, the way you find your hands roaming their body, the way their lips taste, you never seem to want to pull away, and the way the small kisses and pecks start to turn heated and the innocent touches and feels turn into gropes and hands sliding past clothes, and tongues get involved at this point, the small noises of pleasure emitting from them, and lips start to roam to other places as well. It’s just nice altogether.
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
Send "♡" for my muse's reaction to yours kissing them.
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
                  There had been stories that the alpha would tell around the fire on the nights he was feeling more comforting. He used to talk about wolves that never had to face the power of the full moon pulling them from their skin. It was a nice dream to have when the wolf was stronger and the human couldn’t hold on. But that’s all they were.                                                       Stories and dreams.                    At least until she’s facing off against the stuff out of legend. The way that wolf came out of the forest like that, this giant beast moving towards her, it left her stunned and frozen where she stood. The gold faded out of her eyes returning them to the soft chestnut that they usually held. The wolf retreated and Erica wanted to high tail it right behind it.                  This wolf didn’t smell like a were. It had a different sort of woodsy smell to it, a little less dog in there than the scent of one of Erica’s pack mates. She’s sure to stand her ground even as the beast moves closer, Erica lifting her hands in a silent surrender. She didn’t have the strength to take on this thing alone, and if she could avoid a fight she’d be glad to.
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& —     jacob, would you listen to me!                   — be careful, please.             — jake, buddy.           voices were just flooding in his head. the pack. they all could smell it in the wind. the unfamiliar, slight stench.                it could be a trap. jacob! listen to me!           sam’s voice was always the strongest. the clearest. he made a good alpha. a team leader. it’s rather beautiful, after spending time with voices. the pack, you could hear the adoration, the emotion in a single thought from each member of the group. could distinctly make out who it was. their pain became his pain. it wasn’t something he necessarily wanted to balance in his already mess of a world, but did he ever ask for what he got? no. he got burden after burden. heartbreak. everything he didn’t want.             which means he could only breathe out through his large nostrils. he kept up his speed, heading in the direction.              sam, stop. please. i’m not going to engage. just going to check things out. i am the closest. you’ll know if something’s up.             nobody could argue with that. the pack just held their breath. the scent turned into a slight stench. one he couldn’t make out. it wasn’t necessarily a leech. this was different. 
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
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kinda forgot about tumblr this past week. too busy and too tired. i'm gonna wake up a little more and get to those posts. <3
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
Not like I'm going to be able to get anymore sleep this morning anyway. [she slipped down onto the couch beside him. reaching behind her she grabbed one of the quilts wrapping it around herself before cuddling up against his side.] What is this?
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Excuse me sir but it is far too early on a Sunday for your giggle fits.
        { he’s still giggling, covering his face and failing entirely at hiding the shakes of his shoulder. his cheeks are red. his cheeks are red and he’s close to tearing up. }
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"Never— never too early for Surgeon Simulator, jesus christ. Watch with me."
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
                Not having a place to belong could get kind of lonely at times especially when belonging to a town that was supposed to be home. She couldn’t blame them for trying to move on with their lives, she had been dead after all, and she shouldn’t expect to be brought back into their lives after that. There were too many ghosts in her hometown for her to even think about remaining there.                So she left.                 It was a lot easier than she thought it would be. She’d spoke with Derek, he offered her some funding and his number in case she ran low. It was the least he could do for her he said. She’d find somewhere else to settle, some place new and further north. Derek always talked about the way the air felt up there, how clean those full moons were especially during the winter.             The weight of her first full moon as an omega came when she was traveling through Washington. She slipped off the main road and drifted into the vast forest that outlined the pavement. Erica had mastered control for the most part, but the wolf still could be unpredictable at times. She didn’t want to risk it.              Erica settled beneath a tree some point in the afternoon stretching her sore legs out in front of her. The pain would fade shortly, her body healing any bumps and bruises faster than she could accumulate them. She had hours before the moon rise so taking time to rest was a welcome relief. At least until a strange scent drifted to her on the wind. Tensing Erica stood abruptly and sniffed the air trying to make sense of the foreign scent filling the air.        Something was coming. Something big.
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
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Excuse me sir but it is far too early on a Sunday for your giggle fits.
{ ‘Gavn, Gavin. What are you doing?’         and in that moment, isaac fucking lost it. }
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
Not much left for me here is there?
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
Don’t talk to me about rules, dear. Wherever I stay I make the goddamn rules.
Maria Callas (via hunterlost)
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
now no embrace can quite replace the one that never found you.
hale pack + “the beacon” (a fine frenzy)
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
Do you ever want to take characters away from their writers for a while and give them a blanket and some hot soup and just let them rest for a bit
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
• Robinson Peter Hale ♚ Teen Wolf OC ♚ Independent FC: Michael Trevino
◉ One-liners to novella length accepted
◉ Created in 2011, revised in 2012
◉ 8+ years of roleplaying experience
◉ OCs/Canon/Multi-Fandom friendly
◉ Mun and Muse are of age, though smut is rare. [Sexual Content will be tagged]
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reyesfromtheashes · 11 years
I can hear them talking. I can tell when they're outside my door or down the hall. But I can hear them and I know that's not normal. They say I'm alone, one of the nurses is worried for my well being once they release me. It's kinda sweet actually. [ But the smile on her lips is anything but sweet. It's sad, lonely, and she doesn't look up at him when it appears. Her focus instead rests on her hands as they twist around the sheets. Her stomach hurts, her head hurts, hell her whole body hurts. She just wants to find her home and go to it. She wants a lot of things actually but she's not sure if she'll ever get it. His words finally pull her attention upwards, one slender brow raising in his direction.]                                                                                           Don't freak out about what exactly?
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        { isaac, unfortunately knows exactly what that feeling entails. more than that, he knows how to break her out of it— or rather, he knows what Derek tells him. But she’s been through enough pain, hasn’t she? Isaac will not be the judge jury and executioner to Erica’s own wolf— he’s not going to do that to her. She won’t trust him if he did.
         but he has to help somehow. and he’s never bee the patient kind. isaac shakes his head, licks his dry lips and push aside the rational part of his brain that tells him it’s a bad idea. }
"You can’t lose a part of you, Reyes. That’s not how— listen. Don’t freak out okay? Promise me." 
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