#sec. 1502
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charlesandmartine · 8 months ago
Saturday 13th April 2024
Another beautiful day so on good advice we made our way to the old harbour in time to see the fishing fleet return at 10.00am. Apparently when the boats arrive, 6 resident stingrays also appear. Huge they are: as tall as a man. Sadly there was no sign of either, so we followed the second bit of advice from our landlady and walked along firstly the boardwalk and then the beach for as far as our Start-Rite shoes would take us. The sun shone and the pastel colours of the beach and the sea were stunning. What a fantastic part of the world this is! An angling club was having a bit of a competition; rods and lines were everywhere. It seemed that most members were policemen so hopefully there was no crime in these parts today. Occasionally a cry went up and officials had to verify a catch. We witnessed a sand shark being landed. Wasn't huge, but apparently it counted. After a flap or two on the sand it was ceremoniously returned to its watery home. Also in abundance on the beach were an invasion of Portuguese Men of War left high and dry, marooned for all time by the receding tide. I might mention also the snake, but identification was difficult.
We checked again on return to the harbour for the presence of stingrays but once again we felt let down by their absence. I'm told the fishing fleet may not have gone out due to the turbulence at sea, therefore stingrays remained buried in the sand, as they do.
After luncheon, following yet further instructions from the landlady, we again put the VW through its paces with specific attention this time to suspension on unmade-up roads, and then in full Virginia Woolf fashion, 'To the Lighthouse'. We clambered up all 71 steps within it to view the light and walk the balcony, perhaps despite the concern of the girl in the ticket office who seemed to have doubts we might make it up and down safely. We could see she was much relieved when after 20 minutes or so her charges returned none the worse for wear despite the inclination of all the steps and ladders required to negotiate. Installed 1st March 1849, 31m high, at a cost of £15,871 with a 400W bulb that flashes every 5 secs, the lighthouse has a range of 31 nautical miles. It was esigned by Col.C Mitchell, Surveyor General of the Cape Colony in a style of the Pharos of Alexandria in Egypt. Well with a design of that provenance it should have fixed the problem for good, however on 16th November 1982 in a terrible storm, a 45m Japanese trawler, Meisho Maru No 38 hit rocks close to the lighthouse so hard it broke up and is still there. Well, I guess there's always one isn't there? All of this is bang on the Southern most point in Africa, named Ponts de Sao Brandao by Bartholomew Dias the well known Portuguese Mariner when he happened to pass by on 16th May 1488, and marks the official position where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic. Both sides look the same to me but I'm sure the fish know the difference. That name didn't stick too long because it was renamed in 1502, Capo Das Agulhas meaning 'Needles' after the sharp looking rocks nearby. Now since 1972 just called Cape Agulhas for short. The exact location has been a bit of a discussion issue since 1836, so recently the International Hydrographical Organisation waded in and said that's it, not discussing this any more it's slap bang on the longitudinal line 20°E. End of.... Oh ok then....
Talking of fish, we then went to the Trattoria for a superb lemon sole fish supper. Well, I had that but Martine thought some form of pasta would be preferable. Very nice it was too. We had a bottle of SB on ice back at the motor pool to wash it down with. Great day. Tomorrow we move further along the Garden Route coast.
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aki1975 · 10 days ago
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Ascoli - Piazza del Popolo - XIII sec.
Gli acquedotti e le vie hanno rappresentato sia all’epoca dei Romani che a quella dei Papi le arterie che collegavano Roma ai suoi possedimenti. L’acqua, il sale e le merci, fra le quali il marmo travertino, affluivano per creare la Città Eterna.
Conquistata nel 289 a. C., Ascoli è posta sulla Via Salaria ed ha protettore un vescovo cristiano, Emidio, martirizzato da Diocleziano.
Fu conquistata dai Longobardi e dominata dai Franchi finché nel 1185 divenne Comune: le 100 torri gentilizie furono smantellate da Federico II e dal figlio Manfredi. Sotto la protezione della Santa Sede riacquistò poi autonomia e si governò grazie ai Capitani del Popolo.
Visitata da San Francesco, nel 1288 ebbe un suo concittadino eletto Papa, Niccolò IV anche se nel 1348 subì il dominio dei Malatesta e le lotte tra bande e potenti famiglie: per questo nel 1502 si assoggettò ai Papi da cui ricevette protezione e difesa.
Fra questi da Paolo III Farnese a cui è dedicata la statua del Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo e dal marchigiano Sisto V eletto Papa nel 1585, il pontefice che fece erigere l’Aqua Felix, il primo acquedotto costruito dopo la caduta dell’Impero Romano.
Una cronologia essenziale del Papato di quel periodo è la seguente:
1492 - 1503 Rodrigo Borgia Papa Alessandro VI
1503 - 1503 Pio III
1503 - 1513 Giulio II Della Rovere. Guidò la Lega di Cambrai che sconfisse i Veneziani ad Agnadello (1509) ed affidò a Raffaello le Stanze Vaticane (1511) e a Michelangelo la volta della Cappella Sistina (1512).
1513 - 1521 Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici Papa Leone X. Nel 1517 Lutero affisse le sue tesi a Wittenberg
1522 - 1523 Adriano VI
1523 - 1534 Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici Papa Clemente VII. Dovette fronteggiare la Riforma luterana, contrastare Carlo V fino a subire il Sacco di Roma (1527) e a incoronarlo imperatore (1530) oltre allo Scisma anglicano (1534).
1534 - 1549 Paolo III Farnese, fratello dell’amante di Papa Borgia Giulia, già legato pontificio nelle Marche e vescovo a Parma. Commissionò a Michelangelo il Giudizio Universale (1534), scomunicò Enrico VIII (1538), autorizzò la fondazione dei Gesuiti (1540), sottomise Perugia dove edificò la Rocca Paolina (1543), iniziò il Concilio di Trento (1545) e creò per il figlio Pier Luigi il Ducato di Parma e Piacenza (1545).
1550 - 1555 Giulio III
1555 - 1559 Paolo IV Carafa. Osteggiò la Pace di Augusta di Carlo V (“cuius regio eius religio”) e nominò Michele Ghislieri Grande Inquisitore.
1559 - 1565 Pio IV
1566 - 1572 Michele Ghislieri Papa Pio V. Fondò il Collegio omonimo a Pavia, elevò Cosimo I Granduca di Toscana per la lotta contro gli ugonotti che quest’ultimo condusse in Francia (1569), scomunicò Elisabetta d’Inghilterra (1570), promosse la coalizione che sconfisse gli Ottomani a Lepanto (1571).
Successivamente la valle del Tronto è stata per secoli il confine fra lo Stato Pontificio e il Regno delle Due Sicilie fino all’Unità d’Italia.
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rajputboy25 · 9 months ago
Best PP Black Plastic Dana
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In the dynamic landscape of sustainable materials, PP Black Plastic Dana emerges as a pioneering solution, revolutionizing the way industries approach packaging and manufacturing. With its unique composition and versatile applications, PP Black Plastic Dana stands as a beacon of innovation in the quest for environmental consciousness. Crafted from high-quality polypropylene, PP Black Plastic Dana exemplifies durability, resilience, and adaptability. Its robust molecular structure ensures longevity, making it an ideal choice for various industrial processes. Whether utilized in packaging, automotive parts, or consumer goods, PP Black Plastic Dana delivers unmatched performance while minimizing environmental impact.
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weltperspektiven · 7 years ago
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Dodd-Frank Act Sec. 1502 und “Konfliktmineralien”
Seit Juli 2010 ist der US-amerikanische Dodd-Frank Act rechtsverbindlich. Er beinhaltet aber auch Offenlegungs- und Berichtspflichten für US-börsennotierte Unternehmen bezüglich der Verwendung bestimmter Rohstoffe, die aus der Demokratischen Republik (DR) Kongo oder ihren Nachbarstaaten stammen.
Nach Section 1502 Dodd-Frank Act (Sec. 1502) müssen Unternehmen, die nach dem US-amerikanischen Gesetz über den Handel mit Wertpapieren berichtspflichtig sind, jährlich offenlegen, ob sogenannte „Konfliktmineralien“, die für die Herstellung oder Funktion ihrer Produkte notwendig sind, aus der DR Kongo oder ihren Nachbarstaaten stammen. Unter dem Begriff „Konfliktmineralien“ versteht der Dodd-Frank Act die Rohstoffe Tantal, Zinn, Gold und Wolfram, wenn ihre Gewinnung und der Handel mit diesen Rohstoffen zur Finanzierung oder anderweitigen Unterstützung bewaffneter Gruppen in der DR Kongo oder ihren Nachbarstaaten (Angola, Burundi, Republik Kongo, Ruanda, Sambia, Sudan, Tansania, Uganda, Zentralafrikanische Republik) beitragen.
Ziel dieser Regelung ist die Unterbindung der Finanzierung bewaffneter Gruppen in der DR Kongo durch Rohstoffgewinnung und -handel. Hintergrund hierfür sind anhaltende Konflikte insbesondere in Regionen im Osten der DR Kongo („Great Lakes Region“), die erhebliche nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die dort lebende Bevölkerung und eine prekäre humanitäre Situation zur Folge haben.
Sec. 1502 Dodd-Frank Act untersagt die Verwendung von Konfliktmineralien nicht, sondern funktioniert nach dem Prinzip „name and shame“. Die Regelung soll faktisch dazu führen, dass Unternehmen mit den von ihnen verwendeten Rohstoffen keine bewaffneten Konflikte finanzieren, um kein Reputationsrisiko einzugehen. Die Offenlegungen und Berichte müssen im Internet veröffentlicht werden.
Stand: März 2018
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adalunaa · 3 years ago
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humiliatedwriter · 3 years ago
hey! this was requested by @alixiiv ! I really loved the concept of a brotherly Tommy and I'm a real sucker for found family so their ask inspired me immediately!
anyways, enjoy 1502 words of tommy being like a replacement big brother!
warnings: just brother being a huge dick in the beginning
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You stand up and stretch after spending an ungodly amount of time sitting and editing an essay, judging by the fact that you can hear your bones crackling and popping, it’s probably time for a break. You grab your phone and open it not really expecting much in way of notifications, but instead, you had two missed calls and an absurd number of unread texts, all from the same person.
You adored Tommy, he was by ar your closest friend, and even if he was awkward in the moment, he always managed to be comforting to be around, which was definitely a surprise considering how inhumanly loud and energetic he was at all hours of the day and night.
However, he did have a problem with spamming his contacts at the weirdest times. You sigh and open his texts to decipher what he had to say that was important enough to send twenty messages over.
Fantastic, another one of his schemes. As much as you wanted to say no and not have to dress up as a video game character and go swimming or trespass in some junkyard somewhere, a Tommy scheme seemed to be what you needed at the moment. You sat back down at your desk and typed up an answer, albeit a not-so-eloquent one.
Dhdfjfg what
What do u want trashman
Had an idea.
Spoons on the boardwalk
Come over
As long as it’s not illegal I’m down just gimme a sec
Knowing how complicated his ideas got, you would probably be out for a while and you were already hungry, so you hauled ass to the kitchen to grab a snack before you headed out. Your brother was preparing something at the stove, you just gave him a nod when he looked up at you, and as usual, he didn’t say a word to acknowledge your existence.
Whilst grabbing something from the fridge you knocked some tupperware out with your elbow. Thankfully nothing spilled, however, your brother noticed and seemed to jump at the opportunity to say something
“Jesus fuck can you slow down and stop knocking shit over? God, you’re such a chore to be around. I literally just wanted to make my food and leave and you managed to almost spill pasta sauce all over the floor in the ten seconds you’ve been in here. This is why I avoid you, you can’t do shit without it almost being a disaster.”
You looked up from putting it back in the fridge, a knot in your throat and tears already forming in your eyes. You abandon whatever you were trying to pull out of the fridge and make your way to the door, throwing on your coat and shoes and leaving without a word
As you made your way to Tommy’s house, you were holding back tears. Your brother had basically always been like that. Ever since you could remember you were walking on eggshells around him. And you knew deep down it wasn’t your fault he was this way, but after years and years of being told otherwise, you couldn’t help but feel like there was something you could do to make things better between you two. You choked back a sob and wiped your eyes when you crossed onto Tommy’s street, not wanting him to see you like this. After composing yourself you walked up to his house and knocked on the door, barely mustering up a convincing smile when he opened the door.
“HEY HEY HEY, SO MY IDEA WAS- what’s wrong? You look really upset. what’s going on?”
His energy change was shocking, he went straight from bouncing on the spot to concernedly analyzing your face and reaching out to touch your shoulder, you reflexively push his hand away,
“Oh, nononono I’m fine it’s literally nothing what was your idea?”
His face dropped into a look of disbelief. He sighed your name and shook his head
“I spend part of almost every day with you, I can tell when you’re upset. And more than that, I care when you’re upset. My plan can wait, tell me what happened?”
You sigh, knowing you won’t get out of this you prepared to spill what all had happened to him. No matter what Tommy seemed to be able to sense when you were upset and refused to let you ignore it until you talk to him about it and came to a solution, or at least until you weren’t miserable anymore. He invited you inside and sat down on the sitting room floor and patted the ground beside him, signaling for you to do the same.
It took a bit but eventually, you opened up, not just about this, but about all that you had been going through involving your brother. He had heard about him plenty of times, but this time you finally spilled everything and all of your thoughts on it. Throughout the whole conversation, you would need breaks to cry or just take deep breaths, tommy was quiet throughout it, you could tell he didnt really know what to say, but he listened. He listened to everything you said and rubbed your back when you cried and assured you that all of this was no fault of yours. And that's all you needed.
Eventually the conversation drew to a close, and having that weight off your shoulders was so freeing and while you felt miles better you still felt fragile from all that crying and being so vulnerable.
You two sat in silence for a few minutes. Just laying on the floor together, the silence was more peaceful than anything. After a few minutes of quiet he sits up and looks up at you,
“So- I don’t really know about you, but after I’ve had a good cry I usually have an ice cream to lighten the mood, would- would you want that?”
You sigh and smile at him, he really is trying, and that was everything you needed at the moment.
“Yeah! that sounds fantastic Tommy”
He gets up and slips into the kitchen, you hear him open and shut the freezer. After a few seconds he pokes his head out
“So, there's a flaw in my plan, we don't have icecream.”
You stare at the ceiling for a moment,
“Isn't there an icecream stand not to far from here? From what i remember its pretty close to the boardwalk”
You two wind up walking all the way out to go get post-cry icecream, and its clear tommy really wants to lighten the mood, especially when he tries to walk on the concrete border of a planter and almost immedatly trips and nearly falls on his face. Thankfully though he catches himself and crows something about being the king of not falling or whatever.
After a little bit of jumping around he comes to walk beside you,
“Come rule the streets with me! Its not fun when im just being cool and sexy by myself”
“No i'm not making a fool of myself tommy”
“We’ll be making fools of ourselves together! And thats quite fun i think”
You sigh and pull him into a side hug. He was plenty weird, but he was someone you could count on. And that was by far everything you needed. Somehow in spite of his nature as a loud and disruptive person, he was comforting. And in a weird way, he filled the hole in your life that your brother left. While watching him do his thing trying to climb a tree at the side of the walkway, you realized that, while you maybe lost your flesh and blood brother, you found a pretty great one elsewhere.
You ran to catch up with him, when you were at the base of the tree he was climbing, still huffing and puffing from running you looked up at him and asked,
“So- what does ‘spoons on the boardwalk’ mean and why do you need me for it?”
You spent the whole day with tommy, wreaking havoc on any unsuspecting person on the boardwalk and enjoying eachother’s company. After it all you were laying in bed scrolling through your phone, right as you were about to plug it in and go to sleep you received a text from none other than tommy, you rolled over onto your back and tapped it,
Hey, I’m really glad you’re feeling better, I hate that you’re trapped in that situation and I hope you know the way he speaks to and about you reflects him alone. None of what he does or says is your fault and none of it shows who you actually are or how people see you. I know its probably not much but if you ever need to replace him im always here to be the better alterative
heyyyyyy thanks for reading! If you enjoyed feel free to shoot me a request! I’m super dry on ideas and motivated to write so I’d be happy to fill whatever you have in mind! Rules, writing scheme and who I write for are here! ~> request-rules-an-my-general-writing-scheme
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percy-the-penguin · 4 years ago
Ok so thanks everyone who encouraged me to do this, love you all
It’s about S!Anne’s struggles with OCD and ADHD and S!Jane struggling with Dyslexia. 
It was a bit rushed so sorry about that and sorry if I get anything about any of these things wrong. I was able to use my own experiences with ADHD and Dyslexia but I did my best with OCD
This has the HC that Anna has OCD
Last names= Swapped
Word count: 1502
TW: None I don’t think, let me know though
Boleyn was sitting on the couch reading. It was a book about Mental illness and she was on the OCD chapter. Cathy had given her the book since she realized how much the queen liked to learn
Boleyn tapped the fingers of her right hand on the armrest of the couch every time she turned the page. Pointer, middle, pointer. She didn’t realize she was doing it. It was just a subconscious habit
When she reached the end of the chapter she shut the book and started thinking as she set the book perfectly centered on the table in front of her
Seymour ran down the stairs, her trusty lighter in hand and signature smirk on her face. She skidded to a stop when she noticed Boleyn sitting on the couch, looking at the closed book in front of her 
“Hey nerd, you know what helps with reading? Opening the book.”
“I am aware of this you uncultured swine. I’m merely pondering on the chapter I just read.”
Boleyn’s watched beeped, signifying it was noon. She took her hair down from the low ponytail it had previously been in
“Okay well what were you reading?” Seymour questioned
“Not something you could grasp.” Boleyn retorted
“I’m smarter then you think, try me.”
“I highly doubt that’s true”
Seymour rolled her eyes and picked up the book after putting her lighter in her pocket. She opened to a random page and started scanning it, attempting to make sense of the jumbled mix of letters and words that she was seeing. She frowned “What’s dysphoria?”
Boleyn stood, walking over to stand on the right of the beheaded
“Firstly, dysphoria is by definition ‘a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.’ secondly, that word is dyslexia, not dysphoria. Lastly, dyslexia is ‘a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.’”
“Can I set this book on fire?” Seymour asked
“No!” Boleyn responded, snatching the book as Seymour pulled out her lighter
“What’re you two up to?” Jane questioned as she walked into the room the two swapped queens were in 
Seymour scowled and grumbled something under her breath. She wasn’t the biggest fan of her counterpart 
“Good afternoon” Boleyn greeted “I was reading when this vermin interrupted me” 
Seymour rolled her eyes “You were not reading”
“I was processing the words on the cover and therefore reading” 
Jane looked at the two with a slightly confused expression on her face “Alright..would either of you like anything?”
“I would like to burn that book” Seymour announced 
“No.” Boleyn responded quickly 
“Erm, lets not” Jane said with an awkward laugh
Seymour sighed “You guys are no fun”
Jane went into the kitchen to make herself some tea
Within the next few days, Cathy had started noticing Seymours struggle with reading and writing along with Boleyns methodic tendencies and hyperfocus 
She approached Seymour first
“Hey” Cathay greeted
Seymour glanced over “Hey.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“There’s nothing stopping you.” Seymour responded
“Fair enough. Do you have Dyslexia?”
Seymour simply shrugged “I don’t know. Is that the reading thingy Boleyn was going on about?”
Cathy nodded and Seymour shrugged again “Don’t know”
They had a short conversation before Cathy asked Seymour to read something which confirmed her theory when Seymour read d’s as b’s, q’s as p’s and constantly switched words and lines. Cathay thanked Seymour and left her so she could do..whatever she was doing.
She went to Boleyn next 
“Hello Catherine” Boleyn looked up “May I help you?”
“I just had a question. You read the book I gave you right?”
Boleyn nodded in confirmation “Yes.”
“Do you think you might have OCD?”
“I believe it could be a possibility, yes.”
Cathy nodded “What about ADHD?”
Boleyn pondered on the question for a moment before responding “That is also a valid theory. I do exhibit the Hyper Focused side of the disorder”
Cathy nodded again “Well if you want to talk to anyone about it, Anna has OCD and Anne has ADHD”
“Thank you.” Boleyn responded politely though the thought of talking to her chaotic counterpart was not appealing 
After a few days, Boleyn got curious so she went to Anna’s room and knocked on the door
“Who is it?” The red queen called 
“Boleyn” the divorced queen responded 
There was silence for a moment before Anna responded 
“Come in”
“Thank you” Boleyn said as she walked into the room, closing the door behind her
“Cathy says you have OCD?”
Anna nodded “Yeah?”
“I do too, self diagnosed of corse but I was wondering if you had any tips to help me cope with the compulsions and, erm..more intrusive thoughts.”
Anna nodded in understanding “I’m not sure how good my advice would be but I can give it a shot”
Boleyn nodded in acceptance and sat down, waiting for Anna to speak 
“First off, never try to stop the thoughts. Nine times out of ten it only makes it worse. Secondly, it’s okay if you slip up with a compulsion. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure if you do. Thirdly, slowly try to lessen the compulsions like if you have a tapping compulsion where you uh..tap a doorframe five times before you go through. Next time try to just do four and repeat that until it feels comfortable. It’s okay if it feels uncomfortable at first, that’s completely normal so don’t push it. Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask someone for help. It sometimes helps to talk about your thoughts and compulsions and can even lead to good methods of dealing with them. Oh, also, everyone’s OCD is different so if some methods don’t work for you that’s okay. You can find your own methods and do research on what could work.”
Boleyn nodded “Thank you that was quite helpful”
“Happy to help” Anna respond 
“Have a good day.” Boleyn respond before exiting the room, automatically touching the door frame with her right hand as she went
Boleyn took a breath and thought for a moment before deciding to talk to her counterpart against her better judgement 
She walked into Anne’s room. Anne was laying stomach down on the bed, propped up with her elbows as she held a controller and played Halo
“Are you busy?” Boleyn asked 
“Yeah but give me a sec and I’ll be right with you” Anne responded
Boleyn sat down and waited. It took Anne five minutes to get bored of what she was doing so she took out the game and put in another, seemingly forgetting about Boleyn who cleared her throat to get the girls attention
Anne looked over “Oh, right, sorry. What’s up?”
“I was wondering about your ADHD”
Anne shrugged “I have it. No idea what it means.”
“Well what are your symptoms?”
“Uhhh” Anne thought back to when Cathy had talked to her “Hyper, short attention span, fidgeting, impulsive, probably some other stuff. I dunno” 
“That was little help but good to know, thank you” 
“Mhm” Anne had already gone back to the game 
Boleyn rolled her eyes and left
Seymour sighed as she sat on the couch, biting her lip and questioning how the fuck people could read. Parr had suggested the book but Seymour was having great trouble decoding the words. She was about a minute away from burning the stupid book when Cathy came down 
“What’s up?” Cathy asked, seeing the frustration on Seymours face
“I can’t read this stupid ass book” Seymor complained “The words are all jumbled and the letters don’t make sense and I keep skipping lines”
“Have you ever tried an audio book?” Cathy suggested
“Hm?” Seymour asked 
“Its something where someone reads a story and records it. There are a lot of apps for them. It might help you to listen to it as well as read along to keep yourself on track. May I see your phone?”
Seymour looked suspicious but gave Cathy her phone after unlocking it 
Cathy downloaded an audio book app for her and started the subscription with her own money
“Thanks..” Seymour said “Why are you helping me? Do you want something?”
Cathy shook her head “No no, I just enjoy reading and hopefully you will too once you get the hang of it. Reading also leads to better writing so its a win-win” the blue queen smiled “Just remember it can be frustrating but thats okay. Learning no skills are hard but please don’t set anything on fire because of it”
Seymour smirked “I make no promises” 
Cathy laughed a bit
Within the next few days, Seymour was making progress. Cathy had been right, the audiobooks did make a difference and helped her follow along. When she was listening to audio books was the only time she wasn’t chaotic, almost peaceful. Of course she never forgot to add just a bit of mischief to someones day
@ender1821 @arithebroadwayaddict @mega-heir-of-heart
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ao3feed-cutandrunseries · 5 years ago
take me to the limit, hold me down there
by fromlovetolust
based on this tweet
Zane calls Ty for his birthday and it's safe to say that he called at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Words: 1502, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Cut & Run - Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Zane Garrett, Ty Grady
Relationships: Zane Garrett/Ty Grady
Additional Tags: Deuce shows up briefly, same with clancy and mara they show up for two secs, married, One Shot
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/23501803
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littledarlinwrites · 6 years ago
Just Breathe
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1502
Author’s note: This was a request from @badkatthings from my Writing Challenge I’m hosting over on my main blog (@littledarlinhavefaithinme - link in my bio on that blog) @marvelpoststuff thank you again for reading it over (and fixing a few mistakes of mine, you’re wonderful). 
Summary: The request was for a Steve Rogers x Reader oneshot with some fluff where the reader has asthma and Steve helps the reader through it. The prompt was: “Hey, just look at me. Breathe.”
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I woke up with the suns rays making my room feel incredibly too warm. I kicked the blanket off in order to cool down, but that caused a coughing fit so strong I almost felt as if I wouldn’t catch my breath before I’d stop. I knew then that I needed to see a Dr Cho before this got any worse. Slowly making my way out of the bed I take small, slow steps to the chair in front of my desk and grab my comfy, oversized grey sweater to cover the tank top and shorts I went to bed in. Even this simple action caused me to be out of breath and I started to wonder whether I would even make the trek across the tower to Dr Cho.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” I croak out, my voice quiet and hoarse.
“Yes, Ms. (Y/L/N)?”
“Can you alert Dr Cho that I’m on my way to her office?”
“Right away Ms. (Y/L/N). Would you like me to ask someone to escort you? You vitals are concerning.” I knew I probably should have the AI allow someone to help me, but I just wanted to get to Dr Cho and back to bed as quickly as my lungs would allow me.
“N-no, I-I think I should be fine for now. Just need to catch my breath for a sec, thank you though F.R.I.D.A.Y.” I manage to get out.
Without another the from the AI I took a minute to collect my breaths. I can’t remember the last time I was this sick, if ever. It felt like a constricting vice was wrapped around my chest. The short couple of feet from my bed to my desk nearly left me winded. I was stubborn though, and I didn’t want to feel like a burden to anyone if I could help it. I began walking again towards my door, managing to make it through the doorway before leaning against the wall in the hallway to collect myself again. I felt lightheaded and weak from not being able to get a proper breath before a series of coughs began wracking through my body, shaking my entire frame and bringing tears to my eyes.
“Hey, just look at me. Breathe.” I didn’t even hear Steve walk up to me, let alone notice that I had slid down against the wall so I was sitting on the cold floor. I couldn’t stop coughing to respond to him and I could barely keep my eyes open from the force of the coughs, but I did manage to see the worry that encompassed his eyes through my blurry vision. I could feel Steve wiping the tears away that were running down my face. I couldn’t tell anymore if I was crying from coughing or the pain the coughing was causing. My chest ached in pain and for air. My throat felt as if I had swallowed glass. I felt Steve slide one arm under my knees and one behind my back before he lifted me. Even if I had the energy to protest him carrying me, I couldn’t stop coughing long enough at this point to get the words out. I could hear every breath I was able to take rattle in my chest. In no time I was in front of Dr Cho who was thrusting a mask onto my face that had a mist wisping out of it. Steve was at my side holding up the mask while Dr Cho listened to my lungs through a stethoscope. My coughing fit was mercifully beginning to die down, and I finally was getting enough energy to hold the mask to my face. I felt heat rush to my face in embarrassment that Steve had to see me such a mess, and I felt terrible for making him so worried. Steve began rubbing my back soothingly and was constantly looking between me and Dr Cho. I felt incredibly tired and began to lean into his side.
“Alright (Y/N), it looks like you have asthmatic bronchitis. I’m going to prescribe you an inhaler to get your airways to open up, I’ll have a nebulizer sent to your room that I want you to use twice a day, and a cough suppressant - but I only want you to use that after you stop coughing up mucus. Other than that just stay in bed and get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids.”
“But I don’t have asthma?” I tell her through the mask which causes my statement to come out a bit muffled, but the confusion is clear as day.
“The bronchitis is causing asthma, it happens in some cases. Once we get bronchitis cleared up, asthma shouldn’t be a problem after that. Steve, can I show you how to work the nebulizer as she finishes her breathing treatment? I want a close eye kept on her, and you used to be an asthmatic so you’re the best candidate to keep an eye on her in case she starts having an attack again.”
“Yeah, no problem.” He gives me a gentle squeeze before walking towards the nebulizer to understand Dr Cho’s instructions. I watched what they were doing through half-lidded eyes. I felt as if I were going to fall asleep right then and there. I didn’t realize my eyes had closed until my forehead had bumped into something. I jerked back as I heard a chuckle and saw Steve in front of me.
“Ready to get back to bed, Sleeping Beauty?”
I felt the heat return to my face again and gave a soft nod of my head. Before I could even begin to move Steve picked me up like he did before and began carrying me back to my room. I once again didn’t protest, and instead rested my head in the crook of his neck. The warmth radiating off his body was comforting and lulled me to sleep before we even made it to my room.
I woke up a couple of hours later from another coughing fit. Steve was by my side in an instant instructing me to breathe in as deep as I could when he moved my arm from in front of my mouth and replaced it with whatever was in his hand. I heard a hiss and a puff of air was forced into my mouth as I inhaled as best as I could. I realized it was an inhaler as he shook it between puffs, after using three times my coughing ceased. Steve was rubbing my back as I caught my breath. Trying to get as deep a breath as I could. After a while, my head drooped to his shoulder and I felt Steve start to move me to lay me back down.
“Wait.” I croaked out. Steve stopped moving me and looked into my eyes before I continued.
“Will, you stay here?” I asked him, suddenly feeling shy.
“Of course, I was just gonna go back to the chair so you could lay down.”
I looked over to the chair and saw a blanket hanging off the arm of it. My brows furrowed before I looked back at Steve.
“There is no way that chair is comfortable to sleep in. I don’t mind sharing my bed with you, Steve.” I saw the flush of his cheeks in the moonlight. I began to scoot forward slowly.
“Here, sit behind me if you want, that way we’re ready in case you have to use the inhaler on me again.” His cheeks flushed an even brighter red now. Steve and I weren’t official, there was a lot of flirting both ways, but this was a lot more intimate for us. He moved behind me so I was set between his legs with my back to his chest before he pulled me up and closer to him. We laid there quietly for a while before I broke the silence.
“Thank you for taking care of me Steve. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t shown up.”
“Anytime, can’t let my best girl suffer on her like that.” He spoke softly.
“Best girl huh?”
“Uhm, yeah. I mean- if you want.”
“Steve Rogers, are you asking me to go steady?” I say in mock shock. I felt the rumble in his chest as he chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess I am. So what do you say, will you go steady with me?”
“Of course, Steve. I’d love too.” The room was silent, but I was wide awake now.
“Hey, Steve?”
“Will you tell me a story about before you became Captain America?” Steve began telling me a story about him as a kid in Brooklyn, some of his adventures with Bucky and the times when he had asthma attacks. Eventually between his soothing voice, the heat from his body, and his finger stroking lazy patterns on one of my arms, I fell asleep.
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fondazioneterradotranto · 5 years ago
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I coniugi Peruzzi, benefattori dello Spedale degli Innocenti a Firenze e fondatori del convento dei Minimi in Lecce
Lecce, chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli
  di Giovanna Falco
Si aprono nuove prospettive di ricerca sulla storia della chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli e del convento di San Michele Arcangelo dei Minimi di San Francesco di Paola, ubicato in piazza dei Peruzzi a Lecce: i fondatori Giovannella e Bindaccio di Bernardo di Bindaccio Peruzzi[1] furono anche benefattori dello Spedale degli Innocenti di Firenze, dove i loro ritratti sono conservati insieme con quelli di altre personalità dell’Istituto fiorentino.
Tutte le fonti che trattano della fondazione del complesso conventuale dei Minimi in Lecce[2], seppur contraddittorie sulle date, concordano nell’attribuirla a Giovannella Maremonte, vedova di Bindaccio Peruzzi, morto il 14 luglio 1502[3].
La vedova Peruzzi su disposizione testamentaria del marito, volle far realizzare in un giardino fuori porta San Giusto un oratorio e chiesa. Il 14 maggio 1524 il notaio Sebastiano de Carolis di Firenze rogò l’atto di fondazione del convento dei Minimi di San Francesco di Paola, alla presenza del provinciale genovese dell’Ordine e di Giovannella[4].
Con testamento del 13 marzo del 1527, rogato a Firenze dal notaio Paolo Antonio de Rovariis[5], la Peruzzi donò altri beni per l’erigendo convento.
Purtroppo i documenti originari sono stati dispersi, così come i riassunti degli atti del 1524 e del 1527, eseguiti nel 1766 dal notaio Lorenzo Carlino[6].
Lecce, chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli, portale di ingresso
  Il giardino dov’è sorto il complesso conventuale dei Minimi, era conosciuto dai leccesi come Panduccio, distorsione dialettale del nome del proprietario, la cui presenza a Lecce è attestata negli anni Settanta del Quattrocento[7]. Ritornato a Firenze, Bindaccio Peruzzi ricoprì ruoli rappresentativi per l’Arte dei Mercanti[8], di cui nell’aprile del 1502 era ancora membro del consiglio, seppur assente[9]. Tre mesi dopo donò parte dei suoi beni allo Spedale degli Innocenti di Firenze, così com’è riportato nella targa del ritratto che lo commemora (www.catalogo.beniculturali.it › sigecSSU_FE › schedaCompleta.action): «Bindaccio Peruzzi priore del comune nel MCCCCXCV largi’ con testamento de’ X luglio MDII parte de’ suoi averi a questo brefotrofio e l’esempio del misericordioso consorte fu seguitato dalla moglie»[10] .
Stemma dei Peruzzi
  Grazie alla consultazione delle carte d’archivio dell’Ospedale degli Innocenti, Luigi Passerini e Alessandra Mazzanti e Vincenzo Rizzo, individuano la vedova di Bindaccio in Giovannella Peruzzi, il cui ritratto nel Settecento era esposto nel guardaroba dell’Istituto[11]. La vedova Peruzzi figlia «di Niccolò De Noe»[12], proveniente dalla «Basilicata nel Regno di Napoli»[13], morta nel 1527[14].
Le date coincidono, ma Giovannella Peruzzi, nei documenti dell’archivio dell’Istituto fiorentino risulta essere un’esponente di casa de Noha, e non di casa Maremonte.
Stemma dei Maramonte
  La diversa interpretazione del cognome della fondatrice nei documenti conservati presso il convento leccese è indirettamente chiarita da Michele Paone, quando scrive che nel 1524: «in Firenze la vedova di Bindaccio Bernardo Peruzzi, Giovannella, orfana di Nicola Gionata e Margherita Maremonte, donò ai minimi di S. Francesco di Paola la chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli»[15]. La provenienza dalla Basilicata del padre di Giovannella, Nicola de Noha, è attestata (salvo che non si tratti di un caso di omonimia) da Giustiniani: nel 1457 re Alfonso diede Latronico «per ducati 600 a Cola de Ionata de Noha»[16]. Conferma la distorta lettura dell’atto del 1524, il nome del notaio fiorentino tramandato in maniera errata: si è individuato, infatti, Sebastiano de Carolis, in Bastiano di Carlo da Fiorenzuola, i cui atti, anche quelli del 1524, sono conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Firenze, dove non è reperibile l’annata 1527 di Paolo Antonio Rovai, il notaio che ha redatto il testamento della vedova Peruzzi[17].
Lecce, chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli, particolare dell’ingresso
  Alla luce di questa identificazione, sono tanti gli elementi da riprendere in considerazione, per aggiungere nuovi capitoli alle vicende del complesso monastico. Riguardo al campo prettamente artistico, non è da escludere la provenienza diretta dei disegni per realizzare la chiesa commissionata dalla Peruzzi, dalla Firenze dei grandi artisti rinascimentali, poiché i lasciti per entrambe le istituzioni denotano l’appartenenza della coppia all’elite fiorentina. Seppur di fattura locale e successiva, è evidente, ad esempio, il richiamo iconografico della lunetta della chiesa leccese alle opere di Andrea Della Robbia.
Andrea della Robbia, Madonna con Bambino e Angeli (1504-1505), cattedrale di San Zeno, Pistoia (dal sito Tuscany sweet Life)
  Andrea della Robbia Madonna con Bambino e angeli (1508 ca. – 1509 ca.), Museo Civico di Viterbo, prima chiesa di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini Viterbo (dal sito della Fondazione Federico Zeri, Università di Bologna)
  Un’attenta analisi delle fonti minime, contestualizzata con le vicende storiche di Puglia e Firenze, inoltre, potrebbe determinare il perché la scelta dei fondatori ricadde su quest’Ordine. Lo studio delle vicissitudini delle famiglie dei fondatori e delle fasi costruttive del complesso monastico, potrebbero individuare l’epoca e il perché la famiglia Maremonte passò alla storia come fondatrice della chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli, il cui stemma è presente in facciata assieme a quello di Bindaccio Peruzzi.
[1] Cfr. F. Bruni, Storia dell’ I. e R. Ospedale di S. Maria degl’Innocenti di Firenze e di molti altri pii stabilimenti, Volume I, Firenze 1819 p. LXXXII.
[2] Cfr. L. Montoya, Coronica general de la Orden de los Minimos de S. Francisco de Paula su fundador, lib. I, Madrid 1619, p. 87; G. C. Infantino, Lecce sacra, Lecce 1634 (ed. anast. A cura e con introduzione di P. De Leo, Bologna 1979), pp. 93-94; F. Lavnovius, Chronicon generale ordinis Minorum, 1635, p. 193; R. Quaranta, Storia della provincia pugliese dei Minimi nel manoscritto Historialia monumenta chronotopographica provinciae Apuliae del p. Antonio Serio: (metà sec. XVIII), Roma 2005, pp. 35-40; F.A. Piccinni, Principiano le notizie di Lecce, in A. Laporta (a cura di) Cronache di Lecce, Lecce 1991, pp. 15, 224-226; A. Foscarini, Guida storico-artistica di Lecce, Lecce 1929, pp. 126-130; G. Paladini, Note storico-artistiche, in L’Ordine: corriere salentino, 6 luglio 1934 , a 29, fasc. 27 (www.internetculturale.it); G. Paladini, Guida storica ed artistica della città di Lecce. Curiosità e documenti di toponomastica locale, Lecce 1952, pp. 212-224; L. G. De Simone, Lecce e i suoi monumenti. La città, Lecce 1874, nuova edizione postillata a cura di N. Vacca, Lecce 1964, p. 114-118; O. Colangeli. S. Maria degli Angeli. S. Francesco di Paola, L’ex convento dei Minimi francescani, Galatina 1977; M. Paone, Chiese di Lecce, vol. I, Galatina 1981, pp. 317-319.
[3] Cfr. A. Foscarini, Op. cit., p. 126; O. Colangeli. Op. cit., p. 5.
[4] Il Provinciale genovese, sostituiva padre il generale dell’Ordine, Marziale de Vicinis, assente. Padre Antonio Serio lo individua in Michele de Comte, Francesco Antonio Piccini, invece, in Antonello de Vicinis. Il Chronicon conferma quanto asserito da Serio (cfr. F. Lavnovius, op. cit., pp. 190-191). Da Piccinni in poi la data riportata è il 10 maggio 1524 (cfr. G. Paladini, Guida storica ed artistica della città di Lecce, cit; L. G. De Simone, op. cit; O. Colangeli. Op. cit).
[5] Cfr. R. Quaranta, Storia della provincia pugliese dei Minimi, cit, p. 36. De Simone e Paone datano l’atto al 1524, attribuendolo al notaio Antonio de Boccariis.
[6] Cfr. F.A. Piccinni, op. cit.
[7] Cfr. C. Massaro, Territorio, società e potere, in B. Vetere (a cura di), Storia di Lecce. Dai Bizantini agli Aragonesi, Bari 1993, pp. 315-316; Ministero dell’Interno. Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato, XVIII, Archivio di Stato di Firenze. Archivio Mediceo avanti il Principato. Inventario, volume secondo, pp. 35, 212, 361; F. Carabellese, Bilancio di un’accomandita di casa Medici in Puglia del 1477 e relazioni commerciali fra la Puglia e Firenze, in Archivio storico pugliese 1896 a. 3, fasci 1-2, vol. 2, pp. 77-104.
[8] Nel 1496 è mastro di zecca per l’oro (Cfr. P. Argelatus, De Monetis Italiae vario rum illustrium virorum Dissertationes. Parte Quarta, Milano 1752; I. Orsini, Storia delle monete della Repubblica Fiorentina, Firenze 1760, pp. 191 e 272).
[9] Cfr. G. Milanesi, Delle statue fatte da Andrea Sansovino e da Gio. Francesco Rustici sopra le porte di S. Giovanni di Firenze (1) 1502-1524, in G. Milanesi, Sulla storia dell’arte toscana scritti varj di Gaetano Milanesi, Siena 1873, pp. 247-261, p. 247, pp. 250-52. La targa è stata trascritta anche in G.B. Niccolini, Iscrizioni per i ritratti de’ benefattori del R. Spedale degli Innocenti di Firenze, in C. Gargiolli (a cura di), Opere edite e inedite di G.B. Niccolini, Tomo VII, Milano 1870, p. 728.
[10] Fu priore del quartiere San Giovanni nel bimestre Settembre – Ottobre 1495 (Cfr. I. di San Luigi, Istorie di Giovanni Cambi cttadino fiorentino pubblicate, e di annotazioni, e di antichi munimenti accresciute, ed illustrate da Fr. Ildefonso di San Luigi carmelitano scalzo della provincia di Toscana Accademico Fiorentino, volume secondo, Firenze 1785; F. Bruni, Storia dell’ I. e R. Ospedale di S. Maria degl’Innocenti di Firenze e di molti altri pii stabilimenti, Volume I, Firenze 1819, p. LXXXII). Nel 1759 il ritratto di Bindaccio era esposto nell’Istituto: «Dalla Chiesa per la Porta a manritta si passa nel primo Cortile, intorno intorno ornato di Colonne Corintie di pietra serena, co i Ritratti de i più insigni Benefattori alle Lunette» (G. Richa, Notizie istoriche delle chiese fiorentine. Divise nei suoi quattro Quartieri, Tomo ottavo, Firenze 1759, p. 129). Nel 1845 i ritratti di Bindaccio e Giovannella, dispersi o deteriorati, furono ridipinti gratuitamente rispettivamente da Giuseppe Marini e Carlo Falcini, per volontà del commissario dell’epoca cavalier Michelagnoli (Cfr. O. Andreucci, Il fiorentino istruito della chiesa della Nunziata di Firenze, Firenze 1857, pp. 175 e 275). Attualmente sono conservati presso il deposito dell’Istituto.
  [11] Cfr. G. Richa, op. cit., p. 396. La scheda del ritratto è consultabile a questo link: https://www.beni-culturali.eu › opere_d_arte › scheda ›
[12] L. Passerini, Storia degli stabilimenti di beneficenza e d’istruzione elementare gratuita della città di Firenze, Firenze 1858, p. 946.
[13] A. Mazzanti, V. Rizzo, Memorie dell’organo di Santo Stefano a Campi: un priore, tre famiglie di artisti e di artigiani, Opus libri, 1992, p. 31.
[14] Cfr. U. Cherici, Guida storico artistica del R. Spedale di S. Maria degli Innocenti di Firenze, Firenze 1926, p. 52.
[15] M. Paone, Chiese di Lecce, vol. I, Galatina 1981, p. 317.
[16] L. Giustiniani, Dizionario Geografico – Ragionato del Regno di Napoli, Tomo V, Napoli 1802, p. 223.
[17] Cfr. Archivio di Stato di Firenze. Notarile antecosimiano. Inventario sommario. Trascrizione su database informatico degli inventari N/272-275 a cura di Eva Masini (2015).
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bartholomaus · 2 years ago
Cu tristete trebuie sa va raportez de pe traseul Sighisoara - Sibiu, prin satele sasesti cu ale lor biserici fortificate: S-a terminat cu istoria. Cu sau fara printul Charles. Pana la urma, ce n-au reusit turcii si tatarii se intampla sub ochii nostri. In casele parasite de nemtii fugiti in Occident, satui de inteligenta politica a romanului Ceausescu (si-a celor de dupa el) se aseaza, incet-incet, oameni veniti nici nu stiu de unde, incapabili nu doar sa inteleaga istoria locului, dar chiar nici macar modul de inchidere al geamului lasat in urma de batranul gospodar neamt... In locul saxonilor, natiile de oportunitate care stau acum in locurile astea nu stiu sa produca nimic mai frumos decat sarma cu rufe multicolore din curte. In curtea lor nu sunt flori, e doar o batatura neagra: praf vara, noroi iarna. Copiii sunt multi, insa putini stiu drumul spre scoala dupa varsta de 10 ani. Daca ii intrebi, rad de tine. Daca ii intrebi la Paris, zic ca acasa, undeva, cineva ii persecuta. In aer pluteste duhul saraciei de duh, lipsa de speranta, scurtele onomatopee care oameni se inteleg intre ei. E saracie mare, dragi prieteni, pe aici. Dar, dincolo de saracia exprimata prin hainele rupte si pantofii scalciati, cea mai infricosatoare e cea a neintelegerii. Si cea mai trista priveliste e a ochilor care n-au poposit niciodata pe o pagina de carte. Nu pot sa inteleg cultura asta. Nici ea pe mine. Iar la mijooc, intre mine si oamenii la care m-am uitat azi, din goana masinii sau a bicicletei, e un zid. Un zic facut din case sasesti care se desfac in bucati. Nu doar pentru ca timpul nu le mai iarta, ci si pentru ca oamenii nu le mai pot, nu le mai stiu iubi.
De aproape 200 de ani statul roman se face ca nu vede problema tiganeasca. Sa nu uitam ca n-am fost mult diferiti de ei: - La ei, la traci, trîndăvia este un lucru foarte ales, în vreme ce munca cîmpului e îndeletnicirea cea mai umilitoare; a trăi de pe urma jafului este pentru ei cel mai frumos fel de viaţă....La traci există următoarea rînduială: îşi vînd copiii pentru a fi duşi peste hotare. (Herodot, sec. 5 ien) - Romanii sunt aplecati la betie si la lacomie; spiritul poporului este grosolan si necioplit, sunt porniti pe harta si pe cearta si vesnic nemultumiti, oricum ar sta lucrurile. (Matteo Muriano, 1502) - S-ar parea ca toti se nasc cu aceasta aplecare spre hotie (...). Nu obisnuiesc sa se spovedeasca decat in pragul mortii si nu marturisesc la spovedanie decat ca au furat sau au ucis; celelalte fapte nu le socotesc drept pacate. (Niccolo Barsi, 1633-1639) - Romanii sunt oameni putin primitori, nu sunt supusi nici unei reguli, socotesc ca nu e lucru mare să faca moarte de om, sunt foarte lacomi de bani si nascuti pentru furt (...) de o infatisare foarte aspra (...) sunt foarte rabdatori la munci si lipsuri. (Anton Veransics, 1538-1549) - Sunt de felul lor sireti, cu trupul inalt si vartos. (Anton Maria Graziani, 1564) - Intre ei sunt multi talhari si hoti de drumul mare (...). Sunt neangrijiţti, atat ei, cat si casele lor (...). Au o vitejie innascuta si rabda orice osteneala (...) si nu se tem de nici o primejdie. (Giovan Andrea Gromo, 1566-1567) - Sunt, prin firea lor, nestatornici, indragind norocul si mai degraba se lasa pe tanjala fara a se ingriji sa deprinda un mestesşug sau sa practice vreo arta. (Franco Sivori, 1588) Pentru mai multe, de citit Daniel Barbu, Firea românilor... Fara educare, chiar impusa, nu poti face nimic. Asa au procedat si austro-ungarii cu noi, de aici si diferenta evidenta intre romanii despartiti de Carpati. De citit despre comparatia dintre Transilvania si Regat in cartea lui Dinicu Golescu, "Insemnari a calatoriei mele". Este scrisa in urma unei excursii efectuate in 1804-1805 in Transilvania, Ungaria, Austria si Elvetia. Un om de cultura roman, cum a fost Dinicu Golescu, ne descrie, ce se vede cu ochiul liber si acum- diferanta evidenta dintre Transilvania si restul tarii, datorata, in ciuda injuraturilor noastre nationalist-prostesti, austro-ungarilor. Ori avem rabdare, dar modificarile vor avea loc inebunitor de incet, ori statul ia taurul de coarne...
Pentru greci, toate neamurile de la nord de ei erau barbare. Inclusiv dacii. Ce inseamna barbar, in vremea aceea? Simplu. Intre altele, nu aveau scriere proprie. Repet: nu stiau sa scrie. Nu exista alfabet dacic - in afara unor falsuri recente pe care la gasiti imediat cu google, dar care nu au nicio baza istorica reala. Cand apar inscriptii in descoperiri arheologice, alea sunt in alfabetul grecesc. Nu ma luati cu tablitele de la Tartaria, alea sunt cu cu 2000 de ani inainte de daci. Dac-or fi reale, ca unii le banuiesc si pe ele de fals. Ce nu mai aveau dacii? Nu aveau cultura, asa cum o defineau civilizatiile vremii (si inca si a noastra). Nu s-au pastrat piese de teatru dacice, nu sunt mari oratori daci sa ne fi lasat ceva discursuri sau opere filozfice. Nu au existat astronomi daci. N-avem un Pitagora de Sarmizegetusa. Aveau o religie despre care nu stim mare lucru: un zeu si-un mare preot. De restul, am inventat tuneluri si energii in Carpati. Si totusi, desi ceea ce citim in online despre daci e 90% fake, unii au facut un cult din acest popor care a ramas, de fapt, neobservat in marea cultura europeana, care e de fapt fundamental GRECO-ROMANA. De ceeee? Si mai ales de ce am uitat ca suntem urmasii romanilor, de la care avem in mod EVIDENT limba? Simplu: pentru ca propaganda anti-occidentala are nevoie sa ne spuna ca noi NU suntem europeni. Ci estici, speciali, mai cu motz. E o propaganda tradatoare de tara, care seamana foarte bine cu ce-au adus rusii in anii 50, cand nu mai era voie sa spui ca poporul roman este latin. Nu m-ar mira ca o parte din tampeniile distribuite pe social media sa aiba azi aceeasi sursa. In rest, tre’ sa fii simplu de tot la minte sa fii dacist. E ca si cum, intr-o familie cu mama profesor si tata plugar analfabet, l-ai scoate pe el in fata in fiecare conversatie. Iar ca sa te lauzi ca civilizatia europeana ar fi pornit de aici, din Romania, trebuie sa fii ori tampit, ori sa nu fi citit nici o carte de istorie autentica. De fapt, dacismul e o religie. A oamenilor care n-au facut nimic in viata mai important decat sa respire.
>> Nici galii nu erau speciali dar francezii ii ridică în slăvi.E destul de clar că romanii și grecii erau cu mult, mult mai avansați dar până una alta dacii sunt și ei, fie că vrem fie că nu, strămoșii noștrii.Țărani plugari cum erau, hai să-i smulgem din mâinile conspirațiilor.Să vorbim despre ei, fragmentele alea pe care le cunoaștem, despre micile lor forturi din Carpați, micuța lor comună cu ziduri numită Sarmizegetusa.
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marlaluster · 6 years ago
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. Damn Delicious HOME BROWSE RECIPES COOKBOOK ABOUT TRAVEL FOLLOW ME! GET THE LATEST RECIPES RIGHT IN YOUR INBOX: email address APRIL 16, 2016 5 MINUTE AVOCADO TOAST posted in BREAKFAST // 29 comments » Simply the best breakfast of all time. Made in 5 min from start to finish, or really 2 min 30 sec. Toast, slice, drizzle. Boom. 5 Minute Avocado Toast - Simply the best breakfast of all time. Made in 5 min from start to finish, or really 2 min 30 sec. Toast, slice, drizzle. Boom. I’m not going to lie. MY OTHER RECIPES This is probably the easiest Damn Delicious recipe you will find here. It’s so easy, I almost feel silly posting it. But it’s avocado toast. And everyone loves avocado toast. Plus, we can discuss all types of avocado toast variations we can do here. But for now, this is my favorite. A slice of whole wheat toast, avocado slices, a drizzle of olive oil, and a sprinkle of sesame seeds and red pepper flakes. That’s it. Now I did poach an egg for this, except this happened. 5 Minute Avocado Toast - Simply the best breakfast of all time. Made in 5 min from start to finish, or really 2 min 30 sec. Toast, slice, drizzle. Boom. It was a very sad moment on my end. But at least someone got to enjoy it while I was stuck all alone with my egg. 5 MINUTE AVOCADO TOAST yield: 1 SERVING prep time: 5 MINUTES total time: 5 MINUTES Simply the best breakfast of all time. Made in 5 min from start to finish, or really 2 min 30 sec. Toast, slice, drizzle. Boom. PRINT RECIPE INGREDIENTS: 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, at room temperature 1 slice bread*, toasted 1/2 ripe avocado, halved, seeded, peeled and thinly sliced 1 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon sesame seeds 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, optional Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS: Spread butter in an even layer on bread. Spread with avocado; drizzle with olive oil and top with sesame seeds and red pepper flakes, if using. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Serve immediately 2. About Avocado toast DescriptionAvocado toast is a type of open sandwich or toast made with mashed avocado and salt, pepper, and citrus juice on toast. Potential additional ingredients that enhance the flavor are olive oil, hummus, red pepper flakes, feta, dukkah, and many other toppings. Wikipedia Feedback Top results Web results Avocado Toast Recipe (Plus Tips & Variations) - Cookie and Kate Cookie and Kate › avocado-toast 3. http://www.onegirl-oneworld.com/american-traveler-should-know-martinique/ 4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martinique 5. For the New York City nightclub of the 1940s, see La Martinique. Learn more This article may be expanded with text translated from the corresponding article in French. Martinique (French pronunciation: ​[maʁtiˈnik]) is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 square kilometres (436 sq mi) and a population of 376,480 inhabitants as of January 2016. Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a single overseas department. One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia, southeast of Greater Antilles, northwest of Barbados, and south of Dominica. Martinique Overseas region and department Martinique in France 2016.svg Country France Prefecture Fort-de-France Departments 1 Government • President of Executive Council Alfred Marie-Jeanne[1] Area • Total 1,128 km2 (436 sq mi) Population (2016)[2] 6. https://www.google.com/search?q=martinique+island+name&oq=martinique+island+name&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.8548j0j4&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 7. The name Martinique is probably a corruption of the Indian name Madiana (“Island of Flowers”) or Madinina (“Fertile Island with Luxuriant Vegetation”), as reputedly told to Christopher Columbus by the Caribs in 1502. The administrative capital and chief town is Fort-de-France. Area 436 square miles (1,128 square km). Martinique | Island | Britannica.com Britannica.com › place › Martinique Feedback About this result PEOPLE ALSO ASK What is a person from Martinique called? Is Martinique an independent country? What languages are spoken in Martinique? What is the main religion in Martinique? Feedback Web results Martinique - Wikipedia Wikipedia › wiki › Martinique martinique island name from en.m.wikipedia.org Martinique is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies in the ... One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia ... Etymology 8. km2; land: 1,060 km2 History of Martinique, Caribbean Island - MartinicaOnline MartinicaOnline › history-martinique The island was inhabited by indigenous Indians who called the Martinique “the ... They named the outpost after a famous British warship, “The Diamond Rock”. History of Martinique - Lonely Planet Travel ... Lonely Planet › martinique › history History. When Christopher Columbus sighted Martinique, it was inhabited by Caribs, who called the island Madinina, which means 'Island of Flowers. Martinique | Encyclopedia.com Encyclopedia.com › places › martinique 9. , located at the southern tip on the island which bears the same name, is a banana port and commercial center. Martinique - Department of Martinique - French West Indies, Lesser Antilles, Windward ... Nations Online › oneworld › martinique Département d'outre-mer de la Martinique short form: Martinique int'l long form: Department of Martinique alternative name: Madinina (flower island) Official Name: Département d'outre-mer de la Martinique Alternative name: Madinina (flower island) Windward Islands: Dominica, Grenada, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the ... Government: Overseas Department of France. 14 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Martiniqu 10. TOP STORIES Macron, Chastened by Yellow Vest Protests, Says ‘I Can Do Better’ The New York Times - 1 day ago Macron promises 'significant' tax cuts, reforms after months of Yellow Vest protests France 24 - 1 day ago Vox Vox Sentences: Macron’s mea culpa 1 hour ago France 24 Key points of Macron's plans after 'Great National Debate' 15 hours ago CNN Macron pledges tax cuts in effort to assuage Yellow Vests 1 day ago Washington Post Macron promises ‘significant’ tax cuts but denies some ‘yellow vest’ demands 1 day ago DW Macron responds to yellow vest protests by promising tax cuts, more reforms 1 day ago RT.com Rich give cash for Notre Dame, Yellow Vests demand money to rebuild society. What would Jesus do? 2 days ago Washington Post Can Macron quiet the ‘yellow vests’ protests with his ‘Great Debate’? Tune in tomorrow. 2 days ago France 24 Macron to announce measures to allay Yellow Vest rage 2 days ago Fox News France's Yellow Vest protesters return to the streets enraged by billions pledged to rebuild Notre Dame 6 days ago More News Knowledge Result Yellow vests movement Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests Image result for yellow vests View all DescriptionThe yellow vests movement or yellow jackets movement is a populist, grassroots political movement for economic justice that began in France in November 2018. After an online petition posted in May had attracted nearly a million signatures, mass demonstrations began on 17 November. Wikipedia Death(s): 15 civilians (12 in France and 3 in Belgium) Date: 17 November 2018 – present; (5 months and 2 days) VIDEOS FROM THE WEB 11. https://www.google.com/search?q=yellow+vests&oq=yellow+vests&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.3871j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 12. 93,135 likes alessandraambrosio 🌟🎀🌟🎀🌟 #omegaconstellation #Taiwan lety_azeved A pessoa quando ela é bonita deixa nois até besta... 😍😍 aquilarez Maravilindaaaaa sarabyerz Gorgeous💗 roxxnyc Gorgeous 💖 realsaeidahmadi 🌹🌹🌹 casola_eletrica 😲😍 plee60908 Welcome to Taiwan my goddess 🔥🙌❤️ angelasvetlova2277 Beauty 🌹💓🌹💓🌹💓 _charlielima Wow so stunning 😍 inspiresmi Wow LINDA! clebercruzartes 👏👏👏👏👏👏😍😍😍😍🙌esplendosa😮😍😍😍👏 ale.xa_torres 😍😍😍😍😍 plotusiepl 😍😍😍😍 siennagrajski Legs 👍👍👍👍 mauriciobeg 👌🏼 kanikasarnn 🙌🏼 rubens7139 💕💕😍😍💕💕💕💕 leoromerophd Perfección reaadzeno سبحان الله الخالق المصور...جمالك بطولك الباهر😍😍😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 hodlena Love it!❤️ barreto4263augusto 🌹🌹 aliciahoney_ Beautiful 😍 nommer Gorg benedictemuekpere Great looks dear 21 HOURS AGO 13. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwtRICaggJ6/?hl=en 14. alessandraambrosio 🌟🎀🌟🎀🌟 #omegaconstellation #Taiwan the_celebritybook Thanks for the like 😭. Love you 😍❤️ 59.5497 Love the dress so gorgous paulo_guape Queen AA 💜😊 mrohgotdamn Stunning 💯💯 mrsagne Fabulous 👌 mastherson_2050 ❤️👏 lovetobehomeuk love this post x sunthon2514chu Beautiful ✨ gnmtt1 Maravilhosa!!! cale_hre_19 My Queen.. stephaniearceoo Slayyyyyy soniapereira974 She’s great! But she’s not so well in this post🤨 legs are strange diloure La mejor Angel de todas ak.bar9804 🌹😇🔥 garayk15 Beauty 😍😘 aioaneimiriam 💗💗💗💗 helenmacca Legs 👏🏻🙌🏻 inesanco 👌🏼 pdrcardoso6 😘 seneraydin16.20042004 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 natalejuancarlos My girl !!!! a.heart.of.love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ isambev gorgeous beautyyy @alessandraambrosio 🔥👍❤️❤️❤️ lety_azeved A pessoa quando ela é bonita deixa nois até besta... 😍😍 aquilarez Maravilindaaaaa sarabyerz Gorgeous💗 roxxnyc Gorgeous 💖 realsaeidahmadi 🌹🌹🌹 casola_eletrica 😲😍 plee60908 Welcome to Taiwan my goddess 🔥🙌❤️ angelasvetlova2277 Beauty 🌹💓🌹💓🌹💓 _charlielima Wow so stunning 😍 inspiresmi Wow LINDA! clebercruzartes 👏👏👏👏👏👏😍😍😍😍🙌esplendosa😮😍😍😍👏 ale.xa_torres 😍😍😍😍😍 plotusiepl 😍😍😍😍 siennagrajski Legs 👍👍👍👍 mauriciobeg 👌🏼 15. 93,236 likes alessandraambrosio 🌟🎀🌟🎀🌟 #omegaconstellation #Taiwan partti1991 at7bv chillsos1991 sckc5 mihard1991 x24dp alefgouveia 😍😍😍😍😍 stanis.le 💯 budsthern1993 929gm glifo51 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ claser1995 sdpxe patrickchoate Onde an Angel; Forever Angel... camillabelle 🔥 merbubb1990 dp91z quiria1995 dgpml damno1992 hq2t8 aylenesnails ❤️❤️❤️ cupas1991 gzxk9 citbooks1991 muf3i biho1990 6nbt4 erolekicier Trop belle, mignonne tu es magnifique, 😍💋💕 marksmithc3l6p4 Hot aclia1990 lehno joelubnan 🙏😍🌹🌹 saurea1993 pv1md lockbar1990 uthfa touchsba1990 rmiwp placel1994 8wif8 terpri1991 a4eqg siotah1991 9xsiv williamkulp oh my puevi1991 iixhw iammegavlogs Werk. ❤️❤️❤️ cindycheungxo ❤️✨ xjason30 Hiiiiiii _wolf_316 Love you beautiful princess joaowegner_ DEUSA!! 😍😍 luua_ramos ❤️ ahmed_hamada8 Are you ready for a change? reasde1993 k3kph brunobonness Legs❤️ tise1995 7tkyk rakid1992 etw4g sergiosabado8 Linda curiosooo11 😻😻😻 emilson.desa.54 Exuberante! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 belquens Preciosa surferguy84 nice luisa_doria Espectacular 👌 scarlettrou @nicki8576 你今天有看到她來嗎 nicki8576 @scarlettrou 昨天 angelh1107 ❤️👍😊🔥 elenastramezzi 👍🌸 outlawht ��💥💥 american_gigolo So Eloquent!!👏 sveta_fineart lb correiafigueiredo 😘 😘 😘 😘 evan_jonfis Wow love you baby's ❤🎼🎶 brendxlee Te amei nessa foto @aluisioazevedoo ✨kk tom.todopoderoso O-Mega!!! levidelevi ✨ richarddossantossouza LINDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA stanislav_koretsky Elegant as always 👍 carlos.m.brizuela You are a star, Alessandra... 💓💓💓💓💓 aluisioazevedoo @brendxlee brigado. ❤️ goranmansson409 Stuning awesome legs and feet she got 😍😍😍 16. litar1995 dail1 sydneydean__ @cardinalkaitlyn I seriously think she has the greatest legs on the planet. viaprog1993 ulnyh robsonrasta 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 lotla1993 qfj2x cardinalkaitlyn @sydneydean__ well, I mean. They’re incredible. But what about Fergie!? Hahah newgtam1992 qcxm2 sydneydean__ @cardinalkaitlyn or Carrie 17. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvaeyUplfXX/?hl=en 18. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwuQeVCFHDO/?hl=en 19. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwrdvBRFNUZ/?hl=en 20. 264,106 likes romeestrijd Very late earth day post, but it should be earth day every day! 🌎 What’s your favorite place on earth? lavzeo 🔥🔥🔥 lindnerwilli Ratten scharf manola_tfr If any one know where she gets her swimsuits ? manola_tfr Beautiful ❤️❤️ manola_tfr 🧡🧡 lnjfy3158 😍😘😘😘😘 alessandroambrosiobellezza11 Bela 💗 charlie.thiele Nice 👌 amandanders My family apple orchard and the Bedouin deserts allisonparas @madisondawes ima.food 😍 wanderingsoul_pics 💙 marbe_ar @lizbethmartinez21 que estás esperandoooo? Unas así!!! sasihguli 🔥🔥🔥 babaprperties Very very beautiful twinskitchen Gorgeous bb alinawassen zo knapp weer vahid.saeedimusic54 💋💋 shantaruh 😻😻😻 itskaradenise 😍😍😍 saifsidda Lit🔥🔥 kanikasarnn 😍 paolabonan Babe marijnvdwolf @naomivandeuveren hahahhha wij konden het beter mr_nobody2u2 That's a phat coochie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRlpz02TBvA&t=170s snijdersvankollenburg En wat doe jij voor de aarde (behalve er 80 rondjes per jaar omheen vliegen)? Earth day gaat over hoe we met de aarde omgaan, om het creëeren van bewustwording. Dat we zuinig op onze aarde moeten zijn om het leefbaar te houden voor generaties na ons. Het gaat niet om je favoriete plekjes, dan heb je de boodschap echt gemist. Je hebt zo'n groot bereik. Het zou zo mooi zijn als je je stem óók zou gebruiken om iets goeds voor de wereld te doen ipv enkel het etaleren van al je luxe. Dat draagt alleen maar bij aan een consumptie/wegwerp maatschappij. Die kant moeten we juist niet op volgens mij... avocadoqueenromee why you so beautiful?😭💗 it hurts😭💗 danieltarancon33 That could be a good one (with you of course) nicolemearnsx An actual ANGEL xzielinkaaax My home lilydebray You look more gorgeous than ever💖🙏🏽🦋 matildetmfaria 😍 matildetmfaria 😍 janssensilias 😍😍😍😍😍😍 leon.cloquet Qu’est ce que tu es belle 😍 ❤️❤️ leoniesanders @sambalshawty yes 👏🏻! armen1030 😍 racheledens_ Just wanted to say that you look so great and healthy and strong!!!! Killin the game girl!!!💪💪🙌🙌 _leav._ ok WOW😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 alireza_b_t_72 💗💗💗💗💗 alireza_b_t_72 👑👑👑👑 alireza_b_t_72 💖 alireza_b_t_72 💗💗💗 indradecraeye 😍😍 new_generation67 📡 davidson_yoon @stancrnl sweettnightmare ❤️goddess 1r2o3c4 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 1 DAY AGO ABOUT
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andystepanian · 8 years ago
Congress Votes for Corruption by Overturning Historic Transparency Law in Gift to Big Oil
Congress Votes for Corruption by Overturning Historic Transparency Law in Gift to Big Oil
Washington, DC — Today’s decision by the Republican-led U.S. Senate to overturn a rule designed to stop oil companies striking corrupt deals with foreign governments is a grave threat to U.S. national security and an astonishing gift to big oil, said Global Witness. The news comes just two days after Rex Tillerson, a longstanding opponent of the law while CEO of ExxonMobil, was confirmed as…
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volvosaigonvn · 4 years ago
https://ift.tt/3h7Z9u2 https://ift.tt/3dFTTM6 https://ift.tt/2yUBZG5 https://ift.tt/3f6mXwD https://ift.tt/30c9I9h https://ift.tt/3gVG91D Xe Volvo XC60 - 0908135315 https://ift.tt/3h0iyvs Ford Mustang Cobra Jet Prototype Boasts 1,502 HP And Quarter-Mile Run In 8.27 Sec | Carscoops https://ift.tt/3eV8ALs #xevolvoxc60 #xevolvoxc60_0908135315
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csrgood · 6 years ago
Global Advanced Metals (GAM) Declared Conformant to Minerals Due Diligence Standard
Global Advanced Metals (GAM) a leading producer of tantalum powders and metallurgical products has successfully undergone conflict minerals due diligence audit under the new Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) audit standard.
For the ninth consecutive year, GAM was determined conformant to the RMAP Standard following the September 2018 audits of its facilities. Since their first validation in 2010, the first such validation of any metal type, GAM facilities in Aizu, Japan and Pennsylvania, USA have been leaders in complying with the RMAP audit program. This conflict-minerals’ due diligence audit program is led and supported by a cross section of industries, governments, and multi-stakeholders.
The new RMAP audit standard puts emphases on a management system approach to minerals due diligence with a keen focus on company’s leadership commitment to responsible sourcing. “This is in line with GAM’s holistic approach to conflict-free compliance as illustrated by its broad and deep involvement with cross-industries initiatives like the Public Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade (PPA), Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Multi-Stakeholders Group.” said Jean-Paul Meutcheho, GAM Director of Sourcing and Corporate Sustainability.
Conformance to the new RMAP audit standard requires auditee to show alignment with the five steps of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and a disposition to responsibly engage its supply chains’ participants. Likewise, the auditee has to support the regulatory and due diligence needs, i.e., Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI), traceability, and chain of custody of downstream companies as required by the SEC rules under Section 1502 of the US Dodd Frank Act.
“As industries prepare to comply with the new Conflict Minerals Regulation of the European Union in 2021 and its broader geographic scope for Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas (CAHRAs) identification, GAM will pursue its work with the RMAP to ensure that a risk-mitigation mindset to due diligence continues to enable the flow of responsibly sourced tantalum ore to the global market as envisaged by the RMI” said Steve Krause, President GAM Technology. About Global Advanced Metals (GAM)
A leading conflict-free tantalum producer, GAM has exclusive rights to the world's largest industrial resources of tantalum ore located in Western Australia and is actively engaged in tantalum resource development throughout the world.
GAM produces conflict-free tantalum powders and metallurgical products at its Pennsylvania, USA and Aizu, Japan plants  for a range of industries including electronics, aerospace, automotive, medical and chemical processing.
GAM's smelting facilities in Japan and the USA were first declared "Conflict-Free" in 2010 under the former EICC/GeSI Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) audit program, and continue to maintain their conformance status.
About RBA, RMI and RMAP
The Responsible Business Alliance—RBA was formerly known as the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition—EICC,
The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) was formerly known as the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative—CFSI, and
The Responsible Minerals Assurance Process—RMAP was formerly known as the Conflict Free Smelter Program—CFSP.
source: http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/41688-Global-Advanced-Metals-GAM-Declared-Conformant-to-Minerals-Due-Diligence-Standard?tracking_source=rss
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arkonixmining-blog · 6 years ago
Ethereum Reaches an Incredible New High! Why?
Toward the start of September 2018, Bitcoin is exchanging over $7,200, while Ethereum is exchanging underneath $300. Would you be able to see the distinction? There is a major hole between the costs, and it can't be filled simply like that. Truth be told, Ethereum began the year on the double again $750, so it doesn't get in any case nearer to Bitcoin yet rather moving descending. A jump from $300 to $7,000 proposes that Ethereum needs to increase more than 2,230%, or, in other words, return figure notwithstanding for a cryptocurrency. Despite the fact that Ethereum is more utilitarian and helpful than Bitcoin, institutional speculators, who are pushing the interest up, focus on the last mentioned. Ethereum has been bolstered by endless blockchain ventures that have led introductory coin contributions (ICOs) in light of its shrewd contracts. There are handfuls and several new tokens dependent on Ethereum, which were discharged through deals in return for Ether coins (regularly together with Bitcoin).  This helped Ethereum merge its situation as the second biggest cryptocurrency by a market top, however, its cost is still far from Bitcoin. In mid-January 2018, Ethereum was exchanging above $1200, as ICOs were popular and financial specialists needed to locate the following huge crypto coin. In a similar period, Bitcoin was exchanging above $14,000. The proportion among Bitcoin and Ethereum was 11.7. In any case, as time passed, institutional financial specialists came in, and they have been primarily inspired by Bitcoin, as they find in it a strategy to store esteem. Huge financial specialists with millions to spend are not so much keen on the following huge coin that could bring 1,000% returns. They need to stick to quality venture openings that would alleviate the high dangers and would save an incentive in the long haul. Along these lines, Bitcoin is the main choice that rings a bell.
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Institutional speculators attempt to increase their channels through which they can enter the business sectors, focusing on various Bitcoin-related instruments like alternatives, prospects, trade exchanged assets (ETFs), and different assets. Toward the finish of December 2017, Chicago-based CBOE and CME propelled Bitcoin fates exchanging, which showed that Wall Street would not like to remain reserved from the crypto marvel, and that huge financial specialists are keen on an item that doesn't identify with conventional instruments, for example, fiat monetary standards, metals, wares, land, and so on. In this way, they consider Bitcoin to be a fence against an aggregate emergency or something to that effect. The fact of the matter is that institutional financial specialists are in charge of making Bitcoin stylish once more, despite the fact that its cost has declined year-to-date. Today, the proportion among Bitcoin and Ethereum is 24, which proposes that the hole dramatically increased.
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Bitcoin was principally worked to deal with money exchanges and may some time or another even be perceived as genuine cash, while Ethereum is a complex blockchain based contract system.
Bitcoin has one favorable position that no other currency can have it or will have it and that is, the first historically speaking cryptocurrency. Ethereum should impart it's market to different stages, for example, NEO and more specific stages like Stratis, QTUM, Komodo and so forth.
Another and essential point is that Ethereum will some way or another never be steady. Organizations will issue ICOs and afterward dump in the market (as they did previously). Along these lines, this by one means or another gives you a flag that individuals are not intrigued by Ethereum CURRENCY itself but rather need to fabricate their prosperity upon Ethereum and raise reserves. Therefore, the individuals who are really intrigued by the currency itself get injured. For instance, ETH out of the blue contacted the $400 milestone on Jun 12 and after that ICOs began dumping. It's been 4 months it hasn't approached that objective. I realize that Bitcoin has endured significantly more, however, those were the earliest stages days. Individuals are presently mindful of Cryptos and what they can really do.
Ethereum cost will dependably be some way or another influenced by those ICOs and their execution. Conversely, Bitcoin cost is just influenced by Bitcoin itself (barring outside components, for example, bans, controls and so on.). According to my comprehension of the market, both have their place in the cryptocurrency world and are not the slightest bit in rivalry with one another.
Ether supply sits at 95,036,531 ETH.
Bitcoin's cost is $4781.96
On the off chance that the cost of Ether was $4781.96, that would put the Ethereum advertise top at $454,460,889,781. Thusly, given the current cost of Ethereum, it should in any event gain. At the end of the day, Ethereum should pick up somewhere around 1502% of where it is correct presently to achieve where Bitcoin is presently (expecting at current coin supplies). Along these lines, passing by my terminated Ethereum will presumably never reach to the cost where Bitcoin is. That is mostly on the grounds that present ETH mining makes roughly 1.3 million ETH every month, which weaken the ETH supply in the market as the excavators pitch their ETH to the market.
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PoS would just make 13,000 ETH every month in which it will prompt popularity! Henceforth, proceeding onward to PoS will decrease expansion and coins will worth a couple of a greater number of times than now. In this way, attach your safety belt and prepare! I don't know when ETH will hit $10,000. In the event that you would have asked me a year prior when I figured ETH would hit $100, I would have let you know possibly in 2019 in case we're fortunate. As an ever-increasing number of organizations start to swear off building their very own blockchain and expanding on Ethereum, more administrations and individuals will require ETH to run their tasks. This will make ETH unimaginably helpful and important, raising the cost.
In the coming years, we should see more Bitcoin-related instruments, similar to ETFs, as they are as yet hindered by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Whenever ETFs and other Bitcoin reserves wind up popular, BTC's cost will move much higher, deserting Ethereum. Taking everything into account, the present impression is that Ethereum can't achieve BTC as far as costs, yet who knows? The budgetary markets are flighty. Who could foresee the ascent of Apple, Google or Amazon when they were little players?
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