#seblaine week 2023
seblaineworld · 1 year
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
It's that time of year again, and we're so excited to announce it's time to vote for when you'd like the very first Seblaine Week hosted by SeblaineWorld to be held.
Please bear in mind that voting is restricted to one vote per person for the duration of the poll. The poll will be open for voting until midnight GMT on Sunday May 7th 2023. You can however, vote for multiple dates, so just pick all the ones that work best for you!
Vote here, and please reblog and share this poll.
We'll be back in a few weeks with theme choices, etc. so get your thinking caps on now as to which themes you'd most like to see.
Our tiny (but always fierce!) Seblainer Fandom is chock-full of inclusive, friendly, and insanely talented people, so we can't wait to see what you all come up with this year.
P.S. please let us know if the poll doesn't work properly. Just send us a message or come off Anon and send us an Ask.
Ail 💜
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daisyishedwig · 1 year
I have 1 of 7 fics for Seblaine Week finished and most of the others are half-written and I'm both very excited and very anxious I won't finish them all in the next two weeks.
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lusthurts · 9 months
*spoilers for the "and that's what you really missed" episode with grant lol*
I have so many thoughts lmao
grant gustin describing sebastian as "wounded" and not a villain in his head is why grant is my favorite person ever
ALSO it is so validating to hear how upset he was about "I Want You Back" because that is my Roman Empire, I genuinely watch that performance once a week
them casually talking about Taylor being at a party at Dianna's house is CRAZY
they are so real for "why did Sebastian have sexual tension with every character on the show"
asserting that Sebastian is bi is WILD and goes against all of my Sebastian head canons but i will live (especially bc bi rep in this show is almost non-existent)
im crying because why did grant give crumbs to kurtbastian fans lmao (im not actually mad about this I just don't personally vibe with it lol)
grant describing the phone call with blaine before the lima bean in Michael as "steamy" actually made my life - this confirms so many head canons I have about that too lol
why were there almost no seblaine questions don't they know we are still here in 2023
I really like listening to grant talk so im 100% okay with this and I am not complaining but why did they barely talk about glee lol
I am so excited for water for elephants im about to dump so much money on these tickets to try to see him on my birthday
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seblainepolls · 10 months
Welcome to Seblaine Polls
Hello! I've been really enjoying the way Klainepolls has brought the fandom together and gotten everyone talking and theorizing about them and I really wanted to create a space for Seblainers to do the same.
Currently, the plan is to have two polls a week, posted on Monday and Friday. And after each poll ends, I will share my favorite comments and tags.
I have a number of poll ideas already, but I will gladly take suggestions for questions you'd like to see asked.
First poll will be posted tomorrow (12/1/2023)
This blog is run by @daisyishedwig
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jammie3132 · 11 months
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Story Summary: After a fight with Kurt, Blaine goes running back to Ohio…again! The problem is he doesn’t have Dalton to run back to. Chapter 1 Title: Are You Happy? Chapter 1 Summary: Blaine is back in Ohio after a fight with Kurt. His friends are determined to not let him fall back into old patterns Notes: 10 Days of Seblaine Week 2023 Day 3: Dalton
Canon through Season 6 with exception of 5 year time jump.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our approach. Please prepare for landing. Welcome to Columbus. It is currently 62 degrees…
Blaine put his tray table up and his laptop in his carry on. This was NOT the trip he expected to be taking this week.
“Kurt! I’m home! You’ll never guess…what’s going on?”
“Isabelle got me a showing for my accessories at Paris Fashion Week! Can you believe it?”
“Um…isn’t Paris Fashion Week next week? Our anniversary is next week. We’re going to Hawaii on the Honey…the trip we postponed last year because Isabelle’s assistant got the flu and she insisted she’d never survive Paris Fashion Week without you. And the year before that because... You know, I can't remember what excuse you used that time."
“Oh, yeah. I forgot. But Blaine, this time it’s for our future. It's not the same.”
“Yes, yes, it is.”
“Come with me. We can enjoy the city during our down time. Support me like I supported you at the Grammys.”
“You didn’t go. You decided it wasn't worth missing your classes the next day because my category wasn’t televised.”
“Not this again. It was 3 months ago and you didn’t win. Get over it.”
“You did not just say that.”
“Look, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. And I’m sorry I’m postponing our vacation again. I’m not sorry I’m going to Paris. Stop being so difficult.”
“Just go. I’ll go back to Ohio for the Groundbreaking Ceremony at Dalton. I was disappointed when I found out we couldn’t attend because we’d be in Hawaii. Since that’s no longer an issue…”
“Oh, hell no! I saw Sebastian Smythe’s name on the list of committee members. I’m not letting you go anywhere near that asshole without me.”
“Uh…excuse me. You’re forbidding, literally forbidding, me from going to Dalton’s Groundbreaking?"
"That's not what I meant."
"But it was what you said. You know how important Dalton was to me. I was devastated...”
“How important could Dalton have been if you left just because I asked you to?”
“Fuck you!”
“Blaine, don't…where are you going?”
Three hours later Blaine finally relaxed when a friendly face opened his door and gave him a hug. “Get in here” Sam said, pulling him into his apartment. “Did you leave your luggage in the rental?”
“Nope. In my dramatic exit I only grabbed my school bag.”
“Good thing I’ve still got the stuff you forgot the last time you were here. For once my procrastination paid off.”
“You didn’t procrastinate, you've been busy. I remember how crazy it was preparing the Warblers for Sectionals. The New Directions are trying to three-peat at Nationals in a few weeks…big difference. I feel like an ass taking up your time, but I just couldn’t face my mom’s interrogation. At least not tonight. I mean it would be stupid if I didn’t stay with her when I go to Dalton.”
“If you say one word about how I used to make that drive all the time, I’ll tell your new girlfriend about the time Sue was hypnotizing you and…”
“Hey! I had no control over what I was doing! And it’s not fair to use that stuff against me when I don’t remember any of it.”
“Except sleeping with Rachel.”
“I wasn’t hypnotized for that” Sam told him with an added wink.
Blaine’s phone went off (his mother not husband) so Sam went to his hall closet and brought out the box he’d stored there. Since Pam was on a tangent, it gave him time to go to the kitchen and make some calls of his own. He had a plan for his best friend and wanted to confirm the pieces were in place.
When he returned with drinks, Blaine was laying back on the couch rubbing his temples. Pam had that effect on people. “You’re going to have to go to Target for underwear and stuff like that. I’ve got a toothbrush…”
“Sam, what aren’t you telling me?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You got kind of defensive when I mentioned your new girlfriend.”
“I know” Sam sighed as he rejoined Blaine on his couch. “It’s just, I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you this. My girlfriend already knows about everything that happened with Sue, and Rachel.”
“Ok? Why is it so hard to tell me you told your girlfriend?”
“I didn’t have to tell her. I’m dating Kitty.”
Did not see that coming! “Kitty? Kitty Wilde?”
“Yes, and we have a date tonight. So do you.”
“You realize I’m still married, no matter how pissed I am at Kurt.”
“Not like that. I called a friend and he’s taking you to Scandals to get drunk and forget how big a jerk your husband is.”
“Who did you call?”
“It’s a surprise. You have time for a shower and nap. After you called, I went to the store and got a bunch of your favorite Kurt did something stupid comfort food. Please eat something before you go to Scandals so you don’t get drunk on your second beer.”
Blaine wanted to give a snarky comeback but didn’t because Sam was right. “Thanks, Blond Chameleon.”
“Anytime NightBird.”
Because he wasn’t getting picked up until later in the evening, Blaine had time to run to Target. There was also enough time to visit with Kitty before she and Sam left on their date. He had to admit he was having a little trouble getting past the whole former football coach/cheerleader thing. It was only 3 years ago.
But if they wanted to relive that time in private…
Oh God, now it’s worse.
At 9PM on the dot the doorbell rang. He was not prepared for who was standing in front of him. “David? What are you doing here?”
“Taking you to Scandals? “Ready?”
Dave Karofsky? Sam called the guy he broke up with and then married Kurt a week later? Sending them to the place where they reconnected after he returned to Ohio when Kurt ended their engagement? Well, if Dave is here, he must be fine with it.
“Sure, just let me get my phone.”
“No phone. You’re going to drink and talk to me and the others. No checking your phone every 10 minutes to see if Kurt called. Sam was very specific with his directions but I’m pretty sure Kitty was the actual mastermind.”
“Sam and Kitty…I wouldn’t check my phone…” Then it dawned on him. “Did you say others? Who?”
“No idea. Let’s go. I don’t want to give up any more of my time because you’re overthinking what’s going on.”
Blaine shook his head and chuckled. This was nice. “You know me so well.”
It was all small talk until they were settled in a back booth at Scandals and each halfway through their first beer. “Do you remember what you promised me when you came over to tell me you’d married Kurt?”
“David, I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
“You’re right, I didn’t” Dave told him with a confidence Blaine didn’t remember. It looked good on him. “Now answer my question. Do you remember your promise?”
Oh yeah, he remembered. “To not lose myself in my relationship with Kurt again. To do what was right for me, even if Kurt threw a hissy fit. And I have, most of the time. Sometimes that’s not how marriage works.”
“And yet you’re sitting here with me and your husband is on his way to Paris. Weren’t you supposed to be in Hawaii for your Spring Break? On the honeymoon you never took? We both know that weekend in Rhode Island didn’t count.”
“How do you…Sam?” Dave nodded his response, not giving him a chance to go off topic, which they both knew Blaine would try. “When we had our fight, I couldn’t say the word honeymoon. I just reminded him it was our anniversary. It wouldn’t have made a difference. Kurt was going to Paris no matter what I said.”
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
Shit! He noticed. “No, but I’m getting better at it. At least I think I am, but he makes it so fucking hard!” Blaine stopped to finish his beer and motion to the waitress he wanted another. If those coming later were anything like Dave, he needed to get a good buzz going. “I was so happy when I got home but he didn’t give a chance to tell him my news!”
“You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
Blaine thought about it, but not for long. The thought Kurt had to be the first one he told was gone. “Do you know about the song writing contest I won at NYU?”
“Who doesn’t? The prize was it would be recorded by a major artist and put on their next album. None of us expected Celine Dion or that the song would be nominated for Pop Song of the Year at the Grammys. By the way, you should have won.”
“Thanks.” Blaine tried to push out the memory of Kurt’s earlier comment but couldn’t. “Celine was asked to record a song for a movie, a big…big movie, but she hated what they sent her. She told the studio she’d do it, but she wanted me to write a new song.”
Dave rushed around the table and crushed him in a bear hug…maybe bear was a poor choice of words. “Oh my God! That’s huge! What’s the movie?”
“I shouldn’t say…in case things don’t work out.”
“Ok, it’s Deadpool 2.”
Dave pulled back, a blank expression on his face. “Are you shitting me? Seriously, are you shitting me? The first one is my favorite movie of all time!”
“I remember.”
“And Sam! He’s going to freak that you’re going to write a song for a comic book movie!”
“If they use it.”
Once again, Dave tightened his hold, this time even harder. “You are a Grammy nominated song writer and Celine fucking Dion asked you to write her a song for fucking Deadpool 2. Stop doubting yourself.”
“Ok, the walk down memory lane is over. Time for the male hobbit to forgo the sugar coating and get some tough love from Auntie Snixx.”
Dave whispered Good Luck before leaving. Blaine wasn’t sure if his abrupt exit was part of the plan, animosity toward one of the masterminds of his ambush wedding to Kurt or not wanting to piss off the girl who once told him she had razor blades in her hair.
Did it matter? Yeah, it did. Their time together made him realize how much he missed him. He’d like them to be friends again…if it wasn’t too weird for Dave.
His long awaited second beer arrived, but Santana declined anything stating she wouldn’t be there much longer. She then pulled out her phone and smiled a smile Blaine had seen enough to know it meant trouble. “What are you doing here Lopez?”
“In Ohio? Lord Tubbington needed an intervention for his latest addiction…Internet porn.”
Blaine didn’t question her explanation which for some reason made perfect sense. “I meant here…at Scandals.”
“Sammy called. He needed help getting in contact with the third ghost of Blaine Warblers past.”
“You are not a ghost from my past. I see you at least once a week.”
“Then Karofsky’s your past, I’m your present and the next person can be your future. Guess that makes you and your pissy mood Scrooge.” Santana took a deep breath and folded her hands on the table. “I’m only going to say this once and if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it…then cut off your balls.”
That was interesting. Interesting enough he prepared for what she was going to say by taking a big swig of beer. “Deal”
“I’m sorry.”
“I should’ve never let Britt talk me into the double wedding. She only remembered high school Klaine and then depressed Blaine who missed Kurt. She wasn’t here for the engagement and she definitely was around for toxic NYC Klaine. I was.”
For the second time since he arrived in Ohio, Blaine didn’t have a comeback because the person across from him was telling the truth. Was it progress to admit what they were saying were truths? “You didn’t have faith we’d make it?”
“Once I was out of the happy bubble of my wedding day? No, not a chance in hell. You and Hummel got back together only a few days before. You needed time to either work out the issues you had the first time or realize you were in a never-ending cycle, doomed to failure.”
“Wow, tell me how you really feel.” Blaine downed the rest of his beer for time to come of with a reasonable response. Like that was going to happen. “I thought we were ready.”
“Why? Because you went to therapy and a had rebound relationship with Karofsky?”
“Never, I mean never, say crap about Dave! I don’t care about shit that went down in high school. He didn’t deserve what I did to him, no matter what he did back then!”
Santana tilted her head then nodded, showing she was both stunned and impressed by Blaine’s outburst. “You obviously misunderstood Anderson. Was your relationship with Karofsky on anyone’s bingo card? No. Did some people think you were with him as revenge for Hummel ending your engagement? Yeah, probably more than you realize. But I know you had feelings for Dave, just not love. He was the wrong person at the right time.”
“Then who was the right person?”
“The guy who just walked in the door.” She took hold of his hands and asked “Do you remember when we went to Dalton to hear the Warblers sing MJ and they did I Want You Back? How I said we were in big trouble?” Blaine nodded because seeing Sebastian had rendered him speechless. “I didn’t mean for Regionals. The New Directions were in trouble because we were going to lose you. If that Slushie didn’t happened, you would’ve eventually gone back to Dalton. Not for the Warblers but for a Warbler…Smythe. You looked at him in a way I never saw between you and Hummel…ever.”
“Just talk to him. Listen to him. And listen to the voice in your, thankfully no longer plastered into submission, head.”
“Hey” Sebastian said upon his arrival at their table, unsure of what he was doing there in the first place. Other than fear of what Santana Lopez would do if he’d declined, of course.
Santana stood to leave, kissed Blaine on the cheek, then took hold of Sebastian’s arm. “Thank you for coming but if you fuck this up, they’ll never find your body.”
“Understood.” Then as a shock to both men, she kissed his cheek before leaving. “That…that…my younger self would never believe that just happened” Sebastian stammered as he took the available seat. “I still live in fear of her revenge for the Slushie I threw at her. Sometimes I wish she would just get it over with. I mean, how many …don’t answer that. I remember. I’ve always remembered.”
Their missing waitress appeared out of nowhere, obviously due to Sebastian. Even though Blaine hadn’t finished his current beer, he went ahead and ordered one for each of them. Hopefully they’d arrive before the girl realized she worked in a gay bar.
They did.
The tension was awkward, but since Sam had gone to a lot of trouble to put this evening together, Blaine decided the least he could do was see it through. “How’s the Groundbreaking preparation going?”
“Crazy” Sebastian told him, but the former Warbler Captain instantly broke out a smile. “But it’s Dalton crazy so…”
“Organized chaos” Blaine finished for him. “How did you get involved?”?
“Long story.”
“Good. We can get comfortable while we get up the nerve to talk about whatever Santana told you.”
“She didn’t tell me anything. I had no idea you’d be here. In fact, shouldn’t you be in Hawaii? It’s the reason you declined your invitation.”
Blaine was still reeling from hearing Sebastian didn’t know he’d be here. As much as he wanted to ask how Santana convinced him to come, he decided it was safer not to know. “Kurt was offered a business opportunity in Paris, but that’s a conversation we should save until you’ve caught up to me. I’m on my third beer and I’m not the lightweight I used to be.”
“Challenge accepted.” Sebastian took a good-sized drink and looked for the waitress. She must have figured out flirting was a waste of time since she was nowhere to be seen. Fortunately, one of the bartenders remembered Sebastian from the old days who took care of him. “So, we talk about Dalton for now?”
“For now.”
“Ok, then I got involved because the Reopening Committee asked. It’s my Spring Break so I have a lot of extra time.”
Before everything went to hell between them, Blaine learned some of Sebastian’s telltale ticks. If he tapped his fingers on the table, he wasn’t telling the whole truth. He never lied. He just had a habit of leaving out important details. Right now, he was practically tapping the drum solo to In The Air Tonight.
“It’s my Spring Break too, which makes sense since I'm supposed to be in Hawaii. Where did you wind up going to college?”
“Not Harvard like your dad. I bet that went over like a led balloon.”
“Ding, ding, ding…200 points to the Grammy nominee.”
“You heard about that? Never mind, seems a lot of people have.”
“You’re kidding, right? Everyone knew you’d end up in music, we just didn’t know how. But I have a question. When I read about your nomination, the article said you won a song writing contest at NYU. What happened to NYADA?”
“Kurt broke off our engagement, crippling depression caused my work to suffer, NYADA cut me.”
“They cut you? Depression that bad should've gotten you a medical excuse.” “My parents’ lawyers said the same thing. NYADA cleared my record, refunded my tuition, and when I refused to go back, the Director of NYADA convinced Tische into accepting me despite the fact I’d missed all application deadlines.”
“Let me guess, after NYADA (air quotes) fixed everything, you and your parents didn’t sue.”
“Ding, ding, ding…500 points to the Stanford man.” The tapping went into overdrive. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Sebastian moved his hands to his lap. “You remembered?”
“You’d be surprised how much I remember about you.“ Oh shit! Time to stop drinking.
Either his comment went over Sebastian’s head, or he was polite enough not to push the subject. “Let’s just say you weren’t the only one to switch colleges. I’m not at Stanford anymore. I’m at OSU.”
Huh? “Your turn to spill what happened.”
Sebastian finished his beer and signaled the bartender for another. They were both well aware this would be his third. According to their agreement, it was time to talk about the hard stuff. “Do you remember, back when we were friends, and you asked what was something I could never have but wanted more than anything?”
“Of course. You said my ass.”
“True, but then I said…”
Blaine’s eyes flew open even though they were heavy from the alcohol. “You told your father off? How you hated him for all the crap he’d put you and your mother through? Oh my God, what did he say?”
“You’re cut off.”
“Oh shit!” While Blaine was in disbelief (but in total awe at the same time) Sebastian seemed fine…peaceful. “That’s why you left Stanford? He even cut off tuition?”
“Everything. But Blaine, it was the best thing to happen to me.”
Huh? “What do you mean?”
“He no longer has control over me. I make all my own decisions. I’ll admit I was lucky this pissed off my grandmother, his mother. She gave me the equivalent of what I would inherit when she died. It didn’t take my finance classes for me to realize living in California, near San Francisco, was going to drain the money in less than 10 years. I finished the semester at Stanford then moved here.”
Blaine couldn’t take his eyes off Sebastian. He was practically glowing, and not from the beer. “You look really happy.”
“I am and it’s not just being free of my father. Dalton plays a huge role in what I call my recovery.”
“Dalton? How?”
“I’m not just working on the Groundbreaking. I work part time for Dalton. I’m still working on my Finance Degree, so I’ve been helping with fundraising. OSU gives me credit for practical experience. I’m also getting a degree in Education Administration.”
Excuse me?! “You? Sebastian Smythe are going to be Dalton’s Head Master?”
“Oh, hell no! I’m going to teach French and work as an assistant to the Head Master…title pending. The Head Master has to handle crap like curriculum and faculty. I’ll be in charge of budgets and making sure students don’t do stupid shit…title pending. The idea was who's better for the job than someone who broke practically every rule. There’s not a lie or excuse I won’t see right through.”
When Blaine found out his best friend was taking over the New Directions, Sam asked if he was jealous. His answer of a little was true. He had loved coaching the Warblers. But what Sebastian was doing? He wasn’t a little jealous. He was so jealous his heart hurt. “Are you happy?”
“Extremely. I know everyone expected me to be a lawyer or CEO. I’d rather work at Dalton and not have high blood pressure and ulcers by the time I’m 30. I suppose I’ve grown up.”
“I suppose you have.”
Sebastian took a chance to reach over for Blaine’s hand and was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t pull away. “Killer, when was the last time you were truly happy? Not with something in your marriage, or Kurt in general. Something that was only about Blaine Devon Anderson.”
Was it sad he couldn’t answer immediately? Blaine wanted to say his song writing. How he’d been asked to write a song for a movie. Neither was the truth. “When I was coaching the Warblers before the fire. My life was a mess, but for those few hours a day, safe inside the walls of Dalton, I was genuinely happy.”
Sebastian didn’t look surprised. “If you have time, you should come help with the Groundbreaking. Or, even if you don’t have time, could you please, please, please come help with the Groundbreaking? Some of the bigger donors asked what the Warblers were performing…yesterday. As of now, there’s no performances scheduled, just speeches. You, former Warbler and musical savant, showing up like this is basically a miracle. Unless you say you won’t do it. No pressure. You obviously have a lot to deal with, but please, please pretty please.”
It sounded perfect, but he didn’t want Sebastian to know Dalton was the reason he was back in Ohio. Kurt forbidding him from coming would somehow come out and he didn’t need that getting around. It was beyond embarrassing. “I have time and even if I didn’t, I would’ve found a way. Can we have lunch tomorrow and keep catching up…no matter how difficult it might be?”
Sebastian smiled as Sam and he assumed Kitty walked in. The only reason he wasn’t sure was because she was tiny, and every single McKinley Warbler was scared shitless of her. “B, your designated drivers are here.”
“Not quite Eiffel Tower…”
“Eiffel Tower?” Blaine and Sebastian asked in unison.
Kitty rolled her eyes at them, but Sam thought it was funny. “They’re both tall and French.” She rolled her eyes again when not only Sam, but Blaine and Sebastian, began to laugh uncontrollably. “Anyway…” she said in a way Sebastian suddenly understood why the guys were terrified of her “It’s late, you’ve been drinking and none of us are making the drive to Westerville and back. You’re staying with Tana and Brittany at the Pierce’s. Give me your keys. I’m driving you.”
The guys all began laughing again. They were so loud the other bar patrons could hear them over the music. “You…you?” Sebastian tried to say between breaths. “I don’t think my seats go up that far!!”
Sam pulled himself together. Kitty was almost at her Santana level. “I’ll drive Sebastian’s car. You and Blaine follow in mine.”
“No, I want to talk to the jackass about me and the McKinley Warblers singing Blaine’s song at his fancy shindig on Saturday.”
That got Blaine’s attention. “My song?”
“Rise…the one you wrote when Dalton burned down.”
Blaine quickly got up, and once the room stopped spinning, he grabbed his jacket. “I’ve got to get back to Sam’s. I need my laptop.”
Sam didn’t like the sound of that. Kurt had been calling Blaine’s phone throughout the evening. He hoped his plan hadn’t been for naught with his best friend wanting to Skype his husband. “Why?”
“My song writing software is on it. I’ve got an idea.”
I read somewhere Klaine’s original “introduction” in the 5 year time jump had Blaine as a Grammy nominated song writer and Kurt with a popular accessories line…no Virgina Wolfe. I went with that narrative.
Season 6 Wedding: Episode 6x08 2/20/2015. However, there was no fear of snow or cold, and that barn was VERY open. This is why I moved the anniversary to April/Spring Break.
Dalton Fire: Episode 6x10 3/10/15. While in canon it was 2 weeks later, I moved it to 1 week.
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seblaineaddict · 10 months
10 Days Of Seblaine 2023
Day 7: Dragons!
Here Be Dragons!
Summary: "Okay, Killer, so you know how I've repeatedly said we can't get a pet right now? Yeah..well..meet Buddy! Your baby pet Dragon!"
Sebastian Smythe is having a very bad day... It's been pouring with rain since he woke up..after just 3 hours of sleep because he wanted to be ready for today's big case. Then, on the way to the station, some asshole in a gas guzzler decided to drive through a huge puddle, splashing Sebastian in the process and pretty much ruining his pristine Armani suit. He arrived at his office (after being told at his favourite French Coffee Shop that his favourite French blend (the owner imports it from a tiny little Café near Bas' family home in Paris just for him), is sold out and won't be back in for a week), to discover that his big client has got cold feet and won't be appearing in court. So..so far his day is just freaking awesome..
But that's not the worst part...
He and Blaine had a huge fight this morning because Blaine wants a pet, and Bas doesn't feel either of them has time to take care of one. So they regularly now have ..heated .disagreements about this matter..
But...it's getting harder and harder to say no to Blaine, because the hurt in those fucking kaleidoscopic eyes of his, with their foot long eyeslashes, and the slight tremble in his pouty lower lip when his Fiancé tells him "No," yet again, tug at the very core of Bas.
So..he's wavering...
Motion picture depicting Buddy and his two new Dads. Full ficlet to accompany it going up later tonight. Buddy was named by my wonderful friend Shawna, and I think she chose the perfect name for him.
Music is "I Get To Love You" by the incomparable Ruelle because pretty much every song she has ever written is a perfect Seblaine song.
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klaine-a03-feed · 11 months
Hurts So Good
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CHpILP5 by Merry_Mint In a world where soulmates can feel each other's pain, Blaine is oblivious, and Sebastian can't stop swearing. Words: 8113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, Nick the Warbler (Glee), Jeff (Glee) Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe, Past Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel - Relationship Additional Tags: Soulmates, Seblaine Week 2023, Sebastian swears a lot
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xonceinadream · 2 years
Currently Working On
In-Progress Fics:
I'd Move The Earth And Lose The Fight Just To See You Smile - Seblaine (Glee) [Chapters 4/? - 14-18k chapters] Amnesia | Chapter 5 currently ~2k words | Last updated: April 26, 2023
Upcoming Fics/Updates:
In-Progress Prompt (Lists)
Domaystic 2022 - Seblaine [Sweeter With Time] Prompt: 4/31 | 2023 - Seblaine [I Keep Fallin' All In] Prompt: 1/31
5+1 Things
The Plot Bunny Hatch
Ongoing/One-Time Events/Prompts I'm Interested In
HP Soulmates Fest - Weekly Prompts August/September
HP Spooky Saffics - Daily Prompts for October
Jilytober Fest - 31 Prompts for October
Polyship Week - Daily Prompts November 17-23
10Prompts - Kiss | Claimed for: Seblaine (Glee) | Done: 0/10
Goodreads 2024 Reading Challenge - Read x books this year | 23/50
Real Life
My health has taken quite a hit lately. It's caused a lot of symptoms including a massive brain fog. My immune system is on vacation so I'm generally, right now, dealing with 3-4 health issues at once. Not been fun.
Slowly, tentatively, trying to stage a return to fandom.
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
We've finally managed to tally the votes submitted by you all (thank you to everyone who voted!) and have compiled a poll of the 60 most popular themes for Seblaine Week 2023, which will take place from Monday August 21st until Sunday 27th August.
You can vote for ONLY SIX themes of your choice here .
You can vote ONCE PER DAY, and the vote will reset at midnight UTC daily. The poll will remain open until Saturday 15th July.
Remember, you are voting for your top SIX themes, because there will also be a free day during Seblaine Week 2023. On the free day, you can write about/create for any theme you like.
WIPs / anything you have been working on prior to Seblaine Week 2023 can also be submitted - providing your work fits into one (or several!) of the final 6 themes.
With this being our first time hosting Seblaine Week, we're very excited to find out your top 6 themes!
Happy voting, and we'll be back very soon with full details of Seblaine Week 2023.
As usual, if you have any questions in the meantime - just drop us an Ask!
Ail 💜
Disclaimer: Since several of the themes are of a mature nature, if you are a minor under the age of 18, discretion is advised.
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seblaineworld · 1 year
Just a quick heads-up, Seblainers! we've had a lot of messages asking if the time to submit your favourites from the (90!) themes we have offered for Seblaine Week 2023, can be extended, so the good news is - yes! You can now send ALL of the themes you want to see included in the poll right up until Friday 16th June! Hope that helps those of you who asked for more time.
For further details about Seblaine Week 2023, please see the previous posts.
Happy Pride Month, everyone! 💜🌈 🏳️‍🌈
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
Sooooo... As you can see above, the result is pretty definitive! We're having a 10 day Seblaine event running from Monday 6th November until Wednesday 15th November, that incorporates Seblaine Week 2023 AND Seblainiversary 2023.
Please remember you do not have to contribute something for every day. If you want to do so, of course, that's amazing, but you can work on as few or as many of the themes as you like, and if you want to cross-post - feel free!
We'll be back very soon to remind you of the rules, and in the meantime, I'd like to thank everyone who voted and all those sent me such lovely messages of support. I've been so touched by your kindness.
So, all that remains to be said for now, is - happy writing/creating! We're excited to host this bumper event and hopefully there's something for everyone!
Ail 💜
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
Here are the final 30 (of 90!) Seblaine Week 2023 theme choices. Just to recap what we said yesterday: send ALL the listed themes that you are interested in from this and the previous two posts to our Ask box by Wednesday 31st May. Please send them as one individual message.
Approximately one month later, there will be a Poll from which you will select your top 6 themes. During Seblaine Week 2023, there will also be a free day, during which you can write about/create for any theme you like.
[Note: putting Finish Your WIP as one of your choices would be pretty redundant, because we already allow you to submit anything you started to write/create prior to Seblaine Week 2023 - providing it fits into one of the 6 themes.]
Happy choosing!
For further information, please refer to the previous posts, and if you have any questions - just drop us an Ask!
Ail 💜
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
A month to go until Seblaine Week 2023, so without any further ado, here are the FAQs!
The Rules
The event runs from midnight (of your own timezone) on Monday 21st August until 23:59 (of your own timezone) on Sunday August 27th 2023
Who can take part?
Anyone and everyone who shares our love of Seblaine!
What can we submit?
Anything, as long as it is Seblaine-related! Fics, Graphics, Gifs, Gifsets, Videos, Manips, Playlists, Lyrics - anything you like as long as it fits the themes! We're looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Please remember to use #seblaineworld and #seblaineweek2023 within the first five tags, and also put @seblaineworld in your posts, since we all know just how flaky Tumblr can be about tags!
Be sensible and considerate. We all know that not everyone shares our love of Seblaine, and even within our own tiny (but always fierce!) Seblainer Fandom, there are those who don't enjoy mature content, so please ensure you tag everything you submit, appropriately.
Can I cross-post/combine themes?
Yes! You can combine any of the themes that you want. And if your contribution does combine multiple themes, you can post on whichever day you prefer. Just remember, if your contribution covers one or more themes, then properly tag all days, regardless of which day you actually post on.
Do I need to submit something for every day?
Absolutely not. If you want to contribute something for every day, then of course you can, but it's not a requirement at all. We know everyone has busy lives, so just do what you can when you can.
Can I post a WIP or work if it fits the themes, even if I started it weeks/months/years before the Seblaine Week 2023 announcement?
Absolutely! Your Admins have both done this before and feel it's a great way to refresh creativity and blow the cobwebs off that piece you just KNOW you'll finish one day, but never quite seem to have the time. So feel free to post anything you've already started - providing it fits one of the themes!
On that note, do remember that the free day is exactly that. A day on which you can write about/create for, any theme you like! Did your favourite theme just narrowly miss out on being in the top six? If so, here's your chance to do something about it and make a submission using that theme!
When do we start posting?
As soon as it becomes Monday 21st August in your own timezone, post your work to your Tumblr blog, and as mentioned above, please tag it according to the theme or themes it covers, and make sure #seblaineworld and #seblaineweek2023 are in your first five tags. Please also put @seblaineworld somewhere in your post.
If you're going to be posting your work to another site like AO3 or ff.net, post a properly tagged link on your Tumblr.
A Seblaine Week 2023 collection will be added to AO3. More details nearer the time.
Can I post early?
Sorry, no. 🙃 In short, that would be a logistical nightmare for us! Tumblr, however, does let you schedule posts so you can schedule the post for the right theme day, even if you're not going to be around that day. Of course this gets a little harder to navigate if you’re also posting to another site like AO3/ff.net, so if this is going to be a problem, let us know and we'll figure it out.
Can I post late?
Now for the good news - yes! We know how time can occasionally run away from us all, so as long as everything is tagged properly you can post (for example) your day 3 piece on day 7 and that won't be a problem. Everything posted will be reblogged until Sunday September 3rd.
You haven't reblogged my work yet!
No problem! Again, because Tumblr can be (very!) erratic, just send us an Ask or message if we haven't reblogged your work within 24 hours of you posting it, and one of us will get onto it right away.
So, that's it for now! We're excited to see all your work, and hope you'll join us for our first time hosting Seblaine Week. Just drop us an Ask or message if you have a question that's not been covered here, and we'll see you all on Monday 21st August!
Ail 💜
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Here are the first 30 (of 90!) Seblaine Week 2023 theme choices. The remaining 60 will follow later today. As we said yesterday, send ALL of the listed themes that you are interested in to our Ask box by Wednesday 31st May. Please send them as one individual message.
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
It's official! Seblaine Week 2023 will take place from Monday 21st August until Sunday 27th August! Thank you to everyone who voted.
Since this is our first time officially hosting Seblaine Week, we're doing things a bit differently: *dramatic pause followed by imaginary drumroll!*
Yes, you did read that correctly - we're allowing ALL previous themes!
For those new to the Fandom (hi, and welcome!), and also those OG and established Seblainers who just need a refresher, over the next week we'll be posting ALL previous themes used, so that you can make definitive and informed choices. We're also including an additional 23 themes that were narrow misses from the last 11 years of Seblaine Week voting polls. That will give you a total of 90 (Seblaine Week 2012 had no Free Day), themes to ponder over!
To this end, please DO NOT submit themes that are not posted over the next week! For a long time we mulled over the idea of allowing new theme ideas, but feel that the 67 previous themes plus the additional 23 that just narrowly missed being selected in their respective Seboaine Weeks, will give you plenty of scope to choose from and get the creative juices flowing. So get your thinking caps on, and start submitting!
You're free to submit as many of the previous themes as your hearts desire, but please send them in bulk in one message rather than individually. This will make it easier for us to compile the themes for voting at a later date - which will be in around a month's time. Please do not send themes via Tumblr message, however. At best, it's flaky, and at worst, it eats things up and spits them back out into some kind of Black Hole - never to be seen again!
Our askbox is now.....OPEN for this year’s theme submissions!
Asks can be submitted until midnight on Wednesday 31st May GMT.
We're aware that some people felt they didn’t have enough notice to work on anything for Seblainintine's Weekend 2023 and are very sorry about that. Since we don't want to make the same mistake again, we're giving you exactly three months' notice of the dates this time. Hopefully, that gives everyone adequate time to start planning.
To kick things off, the previous 13 themes used in Seblaine Week 2012 and Seblaine Week 2013 will be posted later today!
There's a very wide and eclectic choice of themes available, and we can't wait to see which of them prove to be the most popular. Have fun! 😊 Got questions? Just drop us an Ask.
Ail 💜
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seblaineworld · 1 year
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Next 30 (of 90!) Seblaine Week 2023 theme choices.
Send all the listed themes that you are interested in to our Ask box by Wednesday 31st May. Please send them in one individual message.
Remember, you are ultimately going to choose your top 6 themes from a Poll that will be held in approximately one month.
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