#sebastian yatra wallpaper
editsbyhestia · 3 years
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▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEBASTIÁN YATRA𓃉 ( request )
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ reblog / like if you save or use or like :)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ credits to editsbyhestia.
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bogarimme · 4 years
Get to know me
1.      How old are you? 25
2.      First celebrity crush? Orlando Bloom
3.      What is your Hogwarts house? Ravenclaw
4.      Favorite Marvel character? Iron man
5.      Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan? Chris Evans
6.      Are you a dog or cat person? Both
7.      What did you want to be as a kid? Journalist
8.      What is your dream job? I don’t know
9.      What is the last thing you bought? Flip flops
10.  What is your hair color? Dark brown
11.  Would you rather explore space or explore the ocean? Ocean
12.  Would you rather talk to animals or understand every language? Talk to animals
13.  Would you visit the past or visit the future? Past
14.  Who is your current celebrity crush? Jamal
15.  6 songs you listen to the most? Recently: My only one – Sebastian Yatra; Always – Gavin James; Olhos castanhos – Luísa Sonza; Scars to your beautiful – Alessia Cara; Hey mama – David Guetta; Woman like me – Little Mix.
16.  Have you ever had a pie or song written about you? A poem
17.  What does your latest text message say? Mother sending news
18.  Do you have any strange phobias? I really don’t like clowns
19.  Do you prefer to be behind or in front of the camera? More comfortable behind but trying to change a bit.
20.  What was the last lie you told? I don’t remember
21.  Texting or calling? Texting a random person and calling someone i love.
22.  Texting or FaceTime? Texting day to day talk
23.  What is your screen time? 21:00
24.  What is your favorite smell? Rain when i’m indoor
25.  What kind of movies do you like? Action/adventure
26.  Favorite musical? Not my type
27.  Favorite Marvel movie? Captain America and the Winter Soldier
28.  Favorite singer? Don’t have one
29.  Favorite band? Neither
30.  Who is your favorite actor? I think its Robert Downey Jr.
31.  Who is your favorite actress? I would say Jennifer Aniston but i like many
32.  What was the last movie you saw? Holiday in the wild (i’m in love with it)
33.  What was the last song you listened to? Daisies
34.  Are you wearing socks right now? No
35.  Are you wearing glasses or contacts right now? No
36.  A song you always randomly sing: A lot lol
37.  Favorite album? Nope
38.  What is your phone wallpaper? Same since i bought the phone
39.  Which app are you on the most? Instagram
40.  Can you sing or do you believe you can sing? Definitely not
41.  Favorite subject at school? Literature and history
42.  Have you ever smoked pot? No
43.  Have you ever been in love? Yes
44.  Have you ever confused love with lust? YES
45.  Organized or disorganized? Organized with books and paper work and starting to be with other things. Feeling like my mom.
46.  Favorite animal? I really don’t have a favorite animal
47.  If you could be any animal in the world what what you be? Dolphin
48.  If you could be any character in a movie or show, who would you be? A strong woman, with voice. Can’t think of just one.  
49.  What is something you hate about yourself? My insecurity with appearence sometimes
50.  What is something you love about yourself? My intelligence lol
51.  If you were given the chance, who is the celebrity you’d marry? My teddy bear
52.  Do you still believe in Santa? No
53.  Do you know how to swim or no? No
54.  What was the last thing you ate? Pizza
55.  Your favorite number? 7
56.  If you were famous, what would you be famous for? I never thought about being famous. I never did anything to be famous
57.  What would your lifestyle be if you were famous? Lowkey, not a big fan of PR moves
58.  Describe your style? Mix of classic and modern and completely based on the occasion and mood
59.  Old school music or new music? Both
60.  Are you in a relationship? We never talked about it
61.  Are you afraid of falling in love? It happened but no, not now
62.  Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Yes
63.  Were you single on Valentine’s Day? Yes
64.  What is your comfort movie? Harry Potter
65.  Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
66.  Would you rather have a big ass or big tits? My ass is enough. Tits however...
67.  Are you friends with the people you were friends it’s two years ago? Some of them yes
68.  What is something you wish you had more of? I don’t know. Right now i don’t really need anything
69.  Favorite candy at the moment? I’m a candy person. Can’t choose just one.
70.  Do you get along with girls or boys more? Both
71.  How tall are you? 5’3
72.  Do you pour milk first and then cereal? Or do you pour cereal first and then milk? Milk
73.  Have you ever pulled an all nighter? Oh yes. Lost count
74.  When was the latest you stayed awake? 6am
75.  What are 3 things you like about yourself? Appearence: eyes, lips and beauty marks. Personality: assertiveness, loyalty and honesty
76.  How do you cheer yourself up after a shitty day? Shower, lotion, perfume, relax and sleep.
77.  Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert trying to be more extrovert
78.  Would you rather have a large group of friends or a small group of friends? If close friends i’d rather have it small
79.  Would you travel by car or by plane? Plane
80.  What fantasy world would you like to visit the most? Hogwarts
81.  What perfume are you wearing right now? Linda Summer oBoticário
82.  Are you a creative or a logical thinker? Logical
83.  What is your opinion on beauty in today’s society? More diversity than before but we still have a long way to go.
84.  New York or London? It used to be London now i’m not sure
85.  What genre of music do you listen too? Almost everything
86.  Do you have any other siblings? Yes
87.  Would you rather have an older brother or older sister? Brother
88.  Makeup or go natural? Natural because i’m lazy
89.  Who is your role model? I’d rather not have a role model
90.  List things that you think are overpriced? Bikini and lingerie
91.  Which actress/singer do you have a girl crush on? I don’t have girl or boy crush.
92.  How do you approach people? I’m shy. I don’t really approach people. They just find me.
93.  Coffee or tea? Coffee
94.  Do you enjoy talking or listening? Listening when i don’t know the person very well.
95.  How often do you daydream? All the time
96.  Biggest turn on? Biggest turn offs? Maturity and relationship games
97.  Ham or Turkey? Turkey
98.  What is you McDonald’s order? I don’t really eat McDonalds. Rare.
99.  What time do you usually wake up? Up to my anxiety meds
100.                      Do you usually initiate hugs? No
101.                      Twitter or Instagram? Twitter now
102.                      Are you clumsy? In the kitchem i’m a disaster
103.                      Stucky or Stony? Stony
104.                      What is your style inspiration? Sometimes more old fashion and lady like and sometimes a tomboy.
105.                      What are some places you would like to visit? Mexico and Egypt
106.                      How often do you curse? More than i should
107.                      How do you like your eggs? I don’t like soft boiled
108.                      Who is your favorite Disney princess? Mulan
109.                      What is your favorite Disney movie? Hercules
110.                      What is your favorite Pixar movie? Never chose
111.                      Heels or sneakers? Or flats? All of them
112.                      YouTube or Netflix? Netflix
113.                      Netflix or Disney+? Not fair
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