galvanizedfriend · 3 years
33 hehehe
33- Write a 1 paragraph wip and post it
I CAN'T! I don't know how to improvise! :(
Here, have a previously written one:
It's nothing she hasn't seen a gazillion times by now, but it never fails to tug at Caroline's heart, filling her with warmth. Klaus has made himself comfortable on the bed, his back against the header. Eve, all fed and changed into her pajama onesie, is curled up on her father's chest while he reads her a story from her favorite book. Or rather, he pretends he's reading from the book, flipping through the pages so she can see the pictures and pointing things out to her all the while making up completely twisted versions of the fairy tales. Eve doesn't even care that a lot of what he's saying makes little to no sense, or maybe that's exactly what she loves about it. Klaus' story-telling talents fascinate her - which, Caroline has to give it to him, is not by chance. The man does know how to tell a story. Probably a skill he acquired over living through eras where oral tradition was really all they had, with the added spice of his own flair for drama. And, well, his voice is not bad, either. Even the way he complains about silly things hits different. Caroline kind of gets sucked into his fantastical, often age-inappropriate tales herself; the way words roll off his tongue like velvet in that accent is just magnetic.
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destellolunar · 3 years
Beena 🦖
Sebasaurus 🦕
Bennie 👯‍♂️
Cristina 💍
Zabrina 💍 🔥
Kristina 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
Bess-ties 📚
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Beena: how Evie calls me
Sebasaurus: dinos are fun
Bennie: you + me
Cristina: @misssophiachase + me
Zabrina: zuko + me
Kristina: idk what this is but let's say @diaz-eddie + me. Aka: Katrina
Bess-ties: @celestewrote + me
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lethargic-hunter · 6 years
It was a little over an hour after Aiden left Nova with Sebastian that he finally sent him a few text messages, far too panicked before to explain what was happening. He leaned back in the chair he sat in with a heavy sigh, holding his phone in his hands as he tried to find the right words without making Sebastian panic as badly as he did earlier.
[Txt: Sebasaurus] - Sorry to leave so quick on you like that Sebastian. [Txt: Sebasaurus] - I just found out that Martha’s son took her to the hospital this morning. [Txt: Sebasaurus] - She’s fine now. It was just the heat getting to her, and she was dehydrated. The AC broke and she didn’t say anything. [Txt: Sebasaurus] - I’m going to ask Donnie if he could take a look at it.
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Here comes a sad love story :((
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SABRINA, HOLY SHIT. I have actual tears in my eyes, my stomach hurts from how much I’m laughing. HDSIUGDIUSGSIU ELIJAH WANTS TO STEAL MY PHONE AND MY WALLET. 😂😂😂😂😂
Omg, I love this so much!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
I should be at home rn but guess what? Instead I'm here begging you to write so please...
🤣🤣🤣 You're spending too much time with @recyclingss, Beena.
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
YYYOOOOKKKKKAAAANNNN HOLAAAAA? Recuerdas cuando te enviaba preguntas en español? Ahh, que recuerdos, hace mucho que no lo hago, creo que es porque me he sentido un poquito más cómoda con el Inglés, pero el español es muy cool jeje. LO RECUERDAS?? ugh, en español se usan los dos signos de interrogación (¿?) En portugués también? QUIERO SABER.
Te he extraño mucho, me gusta mucho mi nuevo trabajo pero extraño todo el tiempo libre que tenía antes para hablar contigo y fangirlear sobre mi diosa 😭 Lo siento, he estado un poco ausente pero siempre pienso en ti y te extraño. Espero que estés bien, que el trabajo no sea tan agotador, QUE LE ESTES DANDO MUCHO AMOR A LOLANCYY, y que ella siga siendo una perrita feliz!
Haz comido brigadeiro trufas? Yo no :(( pero ayer me comí un chocolate y estuvo muy delicioso! Cuéntame de ti, actualizame sobre tu vida. Hay algunos proyectos en los que estés trabajando? DIME TODOOO! NECESITO SABER TODOO! Hay nuevas edits que debamos esperar? No puedo esperar!!
Te molestaría que siga enviando mensajes en español? Siento que hace mucho no escribo en español y todas mis conversaciones por internet se limitan al Inglés ldhsjshjs. Es irónico.
Buenoooo, tengo que ir a trabajar pero I LAVA YOU SO MUCH. Te amo 5! No puedo esperar a mañana que es mi día libre para ponerme al día con todas tus aventuras! MUACK 🥰💖💃
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Hola, Beena! Como estás? 🤩
I remember when you left me your Spanglish comments. 🤣🤣🤣 They were awesome! You would switch languages halfway through a sentence and then go back! ❤️ Been a while! Sigh 😢
I'm doing ok!! Super busy, but procrastinating as always cause it's just stronger than me. At some point I have to actually get things tho. 🤣🤣 We'll see. June, July and August will be crazy crazy. But I'm looking forward to it!
I'm so glad you like your new job! ❤️❤️ That's so great! :) We miss you around here and you've been so busy! :( But if you like what you're doing, then that's truly great. I've been at jobs where I couldn't stand it and it's the worst thing ever, having to wake up every day to do something you're not happy with. How's lil Beena? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'll just pretend you didn't call brigadeiros trufas again......... 🙄🙄🙄 That's offensive, Beena. Pls.
I have so many edits, Beena, you wouldn't believe. lol But I have nothing to do with them, so they're just piled up here as usual. I also have been writing some stuff, but I don't know about posting anything. You can check in with my agent/publicist @recyclingss, who's currently my single reader since Luiza is busy with school. 🤣🤣🤣 Pls don't make her watch too much Atla cause she needs time to read, too. 😭😭
You can send me messages in Spanish whenever you want!! ❤️❤️ I love them!! Can't speak a word of Spanish, but I understand everything, so we're cool. It's amazing. Maybe one day I'll actually learn how to speak the language. lol Also, Portuguese doesn't use the inverse ?. We only have the normal one. ??????
Hope you have a great weekend, Beena! 💖💖💖 Muah!
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
What you doing? Are you sleeping? IT'S 6:40 AM!! Wake up so you can write regency au!!!! YOKKKKAAANNNNNN PLEASE WRITE REGENCY AU!! I WANT HOE FIC 😭😭😭 PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!
Also I can't wait for sunday, you have me waiting so long and it's painful but also fun but also painful BC I NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN YOKALIA 😭😭😭
Have a nice day! 💖
I'm trying, I'm trying... But it's not coming. :( I will when I get the inspo to continue it! ✨ I will keep the title Hoe Fic. 😂
✨You have to live with your choices, Beena. ✨
Have a great day, friend! 💖 Muah!
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Hi, I heard that you have some hella great and fantastic and majestic and glorious plot bunnies and also some awesome and incredible and never the same and none stopable and talented and ksdjshsjd drabbles written. Just here waiting paintenly for them while I die inside because I NEED TO READ THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I'm sooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR THEM 😭😍
Beena, you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet. @recyclingss has been spreading some rumors. 🤣🤣
Here’s something for you to really look forward to: Luiza is writing smut and also an entire collection based on Taylor Swift’s latest album. 😍😍😍😍
You and the union gorlys should go cheer her on, just sayiiiiing... 🙄🙄🙄
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
I miss you already :(((
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We miss you, too, Beena! 😭😭💖 LOL we're a legit squirtle gang 🤣
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
I just saw a post saying you would always love people to come and talk about fics. Now, policitician au! I loveeee that fic so much, I haven't read anything like and it's so great! Your writing is amazing! It's definitely one of my favorites even tho you haven't finished writing it and you haven't post it lol.
Basically this is my petition for politician au, it only needs 1 note and 1 comment to be accepted btw!
Waaaaait 🤣🤣 Did you read that?? I don't remember 🤣🤣 Or is that one of those cases where it's your favorite things before you read it? ❤️❤️✨✨
Thank you so much, Beena! I've been thinking about trying to dedicate some time to polish that one up because it's finished and I did say i'd post it like 300 followers ago. 🤣
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Hii Yokan! You are awesome! I see that Ennie ate too much cereal yesterday, she is coo coo bananas but her asks were really good. Emm, yeah, that's it, haven't pick up sab again, I joked about it yesterday saying that Nat influenced me bc now I'm abandoning all the stuff that I do skgdjdyjdhd. I know you didn't like it but I really want to see Ben Barnes hehe. I ate trufas recently, I love trufas so much, Yokan, brigadeiro trufas are yummy lshsjehe. Well, take care, take care of Lolancy too. I love you 5! Bai bai 💃
Hi, Beena! 🤗 Siiigh, I worry about Ennifer when she eats too much sugar.
🤣🤣 lol Nat’s way of watching episodes in bits of five minutes is getting to all of us, I see. I didn’t like s&b at all, but it’s worth to watch just for Ben Barnes alone. 😍 He’s glorious!
I’m going to pretend you didn’t call brigadeiro a ~~trufa............. 🙄🙄 That’s offensive, Beena, honestly.....
Lolancy is happy with her red bow and her Wonder Woman neck scarf. ❤️ She sands her love!
Muaaaah! ❤️
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Love the monster's got me now is my fav drabble. Thanks for sharing it! Love abulelebubu 😍
Great that it's your favorite drabble before you've even read it. 🤣🤣
💖💖✨ Thank you, Beena!
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Top 5 songs at the moment 👀
According to my Spotify:
- One Last Time by Matt Berninger - Death Dream by Frightened Rabbit - Dust to Dust by The Civil Wars - No One’s Gonna Love You by Band of Horses - Someone to Stay by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Outtake where Evie whises Happy father's day to Klaus. It doesn't have to be long, just a few dialogues of her being a daddy girl and maybe giving him a gift like a drawing. Muchas gracias
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The fact I've just been informed I'm not taking prompts. 🤣🤣🤣
Those things are out of my hands, friend. ✨ Yojana works when she wants to. 🤣 But I will keep it it mind. ❤️❤️
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
It's 8:35 pm, which means it's like 9/10 for you (I think lol bc im bad with timing) which means there is only 2 hours for sunday, which means... you know what it means 🤪
I only ever consider that it's a new day once I've gone to bed. 🤣🤣
BUT. We can make an exception! Since it's 1 am for me now and midnight for you! :D It's Sunday! Woot woot!!
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Evies pov or else I will make you purple 😡
You babies are getting too violent. 😔
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