xxriverxx · 3 years
“i’ve pretty much been in hibernation mode since this semester started,”  river sighed, stretching out on one of the couches in the billiards room.  “you gotta help me kick my ass in gear. i need to work out, get trashed, go skinny dipping, something to jolt my spirit into anything but video-games-solo-in-my-cabin mode.”  /  open starter  ( @seasstarts​ )
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kattay · 3 years
open  for  everyone!  @seasstarts​
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“my  mom  sent  me  a  box  full  of  books,  cds  and  movies  for  some  reason.”  if  one  paid  close  attention  to  her  expressions,  it  would  appear  she  was  feeling  somewhat  anxious  from  a  random  act  of  kindness  that  felt  more  like  a  catalyst  than  anything  else.  “want  to  take  a  look  and  see  if  you  like  anything?  i  think  theres  a  copy  of  the  exorcist  somewhere  in  there.”
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cecilyaxo · 3 years
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sitting  in  the  student  lounge  ,  where  she  had  spent  a  considerable  amount  of  time  since  her  roommate  had  left  the  trip  ,  she  digs  her  spoon  into  a  huge  carton  of  chocolate  ice  cream  .  “  what  the  fuck  !  who  wrote  this  ?  ”  she  sniffles  ,  tears  running  down  her  face  ,  “  i  don’t  want  her  to  be  with  the  real  alexander  .  ”  /  @seasstarts​​
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jonahriviere · 3 years
Most people didn't know that Jonah smoked marijuana. But there he was, near the minigolf area, appreciating the night sky "Shit.." he muttered when he heard someone approaching; he tried to turn around, leaning on the metallic protection that would keep people from falling off the ship, just to have his back on whoever it was.
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ellcgrxce · 3 years
open starter >> @seasstarts​
elle lounged on one of the many chaises on the sun deck, back in her element after spending her holidays between london and vegas. it had been a memorable trip. hearing someone approach, the woman sat up, pushing her sunglasses back into her hair to fix her gaze on them. “well, well, look what the cat dragged in.” she teased, smirking coyly before continuing, “how were your holidays?”
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moonxyuri · 3 years
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Yuri was in the library, attempting to study, but she could hear someone chewing their gum loudly and blowing bubbles only to pop them a few seconds later and she felt like she was about to scream-- and so, she turned and shot them the most intimidating glare that she could manage. Which probably wasn’t all that intimidating, because she was a disheveled mess and could barely take herself seriously. “Could you, like, not?” She whispered-- well, she tried to whisper, but the ‘shush’ that immediately followed her words had her looking guiltily back down at her book. How was she the one not being loud and still getting shushed? She muttered a few choice words under her breath, scoffing quietly afterward and glaring at her text book, so as not to continue shooting daggers at the offender. @seasstarts​​
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fableoverboard · 3 years
Text Anyone
fable: it seems i have lost my mind..
fable: i believe i have misplaced my favorite pen when i was out at the pool marking up my book.
fable: it has my name engraved on it, so please, if you happen to seem my pen return it and you will be compensated with either a hug, a nice hot cup of coffee, or a couple glasses of wine.
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alexandcr · 3 years
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Originally, Alex had only one goal why he had made the decision of turning up on this new boat school that everyone seems to talk about at home. He had the impression of it being a peculiar idea as his impression, however as he learned more about it, it could be a valid reason for leaving the mess(of his family) behind. As luggage were tucked away into his quarters, he went on exploring the facilities offered. “Guess this is home until I finish.” He muttered to himself with a deep sigh. @seasstarts​ 
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romeoshqs · 3 years
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“Gr-great, first the panic o-on the ship, then the gh-ghost.” He mumbled. “I-I guess on a br-brighter side at least it isn’t a-a sharknado right?” He asked shrugging his shoulders.  
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risiniris · 3 years
Iris let out a small huff, rose gold iPhone slipped into the back pocket of her shorts. “So I can go home and kiss any real break goodbye, or I can not go home and get shit for ‘not wanting to see my family’; somehow the latter still sounds better.”
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dvckies-archived · 3 years
open starter — @seasstarts​​
“it’s the little things i missed about the ship, you know?” duckie kicked up her feet onto the lounge chair she’d staked a claim on when she’d arrived at the sun deck that afternoon. the smile she wore was wistful after being away from her home away from home for summer break. “seeing the same people in the hallway everyday, the smiley face the baristas at the café put on my cup... heck, i even missed the stingray. oh god, and the arcade! don’t get me started on how much i missed the arcade,” she added, moving her sunglasses to the top of her head. “am i crazy?”
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mia-jewell · 3 years
it was a beautiful night, warm in a way that home so rarely was, and with a sky that stretched much further than she could see while laying on the sun deck. and while the actual stargazing had went well, trying to sneak back into her room at two in the morning wasn’t going quite as well. largely because mia couldn’t find her key. the brunette is interrupted from jiggling the handle when she hears footsteps behind her, throwing a smile over her shoulder before even registering who it is. “it’s not what it looks like. unless it looks like i’m trying to break in   which i am, but i live here. so it doesn’t really count, you know?”
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coopershreds · 3 years
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“ i seem to spectacularly fuck up every relationship i want and now here i am listening to sad harry styles.” cooper shook his head and flopped back onto his bed, unable to look at the other. “ my liver is begging me to stop so i’m out of ideas, any advice? “ @seasstarts​
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cecilyaxo · 3 years
𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓷 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 🍑
the  tide  of  vegas  ebbs  and  flows,  drama  and  excitement  all  tied  into  one  with  a  pretty  little  bow.  she  hesitates  at  the  front  desk  in  the  lobby  when  she  sees  the  face  of  someone  she  knows,  desperately  longing  for  company.  "  i  need  someone  to  come  and  see  hadestown  with  me.  i  can't  leave  without  seeing  it  now  i'm  in  vegas  !  "
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ellcgrxce · 3 years
( elle: sms ) ➟ open
elle: in for a last hurrah before we get off this glorified sea hotel? i need a little fun
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declansxo · 3 years
open starter  /  after a sleepless night, declan had gone to the coffee cafe this morning and gotten the largest iced black coffee money could buy. knowing he still had an entire cabin to unpack, he hurried out from the cafe, silently hoping in his head that he wouldn’t run into anyone. his hair was pulled back in a messy half ponytail and he looked like a hot fucking mess in the sweats and t-shirt he’d been wearing since last night. just as he rushed through the doorway, he came into contact with someone turning a corner and dropped his iced coffee, watching in quiet terror as it crashed to the ground and splashed on them both.  “fuck,”  he cursed, immediately reaching down to pick up the now-empty plastic up.  @seasstarts​
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