alexandcr · 3 years
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“It’s interesting how we got ourselves into this.” It was even an unlikely image they ever find themselves drinking their sorrows away, being a buddy to another for ranting what mostly makes them the most bitter, or even ugly crying if either one of them has to tell a sad one. “It’s a good thing they’ve got soju here. I thought I’d never get to have it until now. Bring your glass over, and I’ll pour you one.” @sujinfm​
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alexandcr · 3 years
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“I can’t believe you’re here. I’ll meet you in a few.” A call that he hadn’t expected in a long time. Talking to his beloved mother; her surprise visits always never cease to amaze him no matter where he had been. After shortly meeting her in a few minutes, bombarded with too many kisses as he’s used to. Without even knowing a few smudges of her lipstick had stuck on his features, he just remember he had to meet Zara to fetch her in her quarters. A knock on the door, scratching his head. “Hey! I’m sorry for being late. Something came up earlier, you just won’t believe what happened.” @faeriepie​
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alexandcr · 3 years
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            sujin  shakes  her  head  .  ‘  i  wouldn’t  have  been  okay—  how  do  chips  compare  to  this  ?  ’  she  motions  her  hand  towards  the  food  ,  a  small  smile  on  her  lips  .  this  was  one  of  the  rare  times  the  two  weren’t  at  each  other’s  throats  like  two  cats  in  an  alley  ,  and  it  made  sense  as  it  was  late  in  the  night  .  ‘  anyone  who  can’t  handle  spicy  should  never  speak  ,  ’  she  jokes  .  ‘  of  course  i  want  more—  there’s  not  enough  !  ’  sujin  rests  her  chin  in  the  palms  of  her  hands  then  ,  leaning  forward  to  rest  against  the  counter  in  front  of  her  .  ‘  what  are  you  doing  up  so  late  anyway  ?  ’
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“I just thought it would have been the most favoured choice to eat at this unholy hour, but you’re right if you ever compare it to chopsuey.” He agreed with a smile plastered on his face, slightly shaking his head. “Even though I wanted to keep it spicy this way, It’s also quite thoughtful, you know, if we kept it at mild. Not everyone shares your spice tolerance, apparently.” Fairly grabbing himself a spoonful once more, tasting his own cooking. When he finished up adding a few shrimp as requested by her, he started cleaning and putting away the pans he used. “Just a minor project, and I couldn’t sleep without doing it. You could say I got a bit inspired. How about you?”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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The brunette glanced towards the other and nodded his head. “I’ve thought about taking some time away from here, but I know what she would say. I know she would say it isn’t worth it, and she’ll be better in no time. I am worrying about her though. I think most people in my position would.”
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“I’m sure she’ll feel just as grateful to have you back though, even if she says the opposite things. It’s in these things they just feel the most selfless, and I think there’s also no harm if you do come back home, taking care of her. Though, it still comes down to you, mate.”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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“ over a hundred million sharks are killed a year and we justify it as sharks are people eaters when on average there are only about ten fatal human shark encounters in a single year. ” she muttered looking up from her phone, “ also my sister is blowing up our sibling chat because and i quote ‘i’m so tired of being single i’m literally so fucking cute what is going on’ and i don’t know how to tell her that being hot doesn’t mean she can just be an asshole to everyone. why ? what’s on your mind ? ”
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He blinked a few times, processing the information she muttered away earlier. “That’s good to know.” When she ranted about her sister, he responded with a tilt of his head. “Well, she’s your sister after all. You could’ve easily tell her, right? You might want to leave the sugarcoating behind, and maybe she’ll take your word for it. Oh, and what I’m thinking now? Just wondering what to eat later.”
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alexandcr · 3 years
“The knowledge is either going to curse you or disappoint you. I just can’t take that baby shark song off my head— I just saw this viral meme with it”
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“ Oh God you’re right. That cursed song! Ahh! Now can we turn back time and forget I even asked?”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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“isn’t  it  crazy  how  we  all  at  some  point  in  time  share  the  same  ideas  but  one  person  is  smart  enough  to  patent  and  make  money  out  of  it?  i  swear  i  could  have  been  a  millionaire  at  six.”
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“Hm, well for all I know you are quite brilliant yourself, so I’m sure with that mind of yours, you could patent and make it sellable at some point.”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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“  that  you  would  look  so  good  in  the  jacket  i’m  working  on  .  come  on  ,  you’ll  try  it  on  for  me  ,  won’t  you  ?  ”
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“Well, alright. I do hope it fits me though... My proportions are quite different than others.”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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“The test that I have to take in the morning and the two essays I have due tomorrow afternoon– oh, and let’s not forget the pop quiz that is inevitable in my last class tomorrow evening,” Yuri was quick to reply, practically spitting the words out in one breath. “Why? Do I look stressed? Because it wouldn’t surprise me if I do.” 
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“Take it easy, Yuri. Calm down. Breathe at least.” He smiled, amused at the way she’s comedic in her state of panic. “You do. I’m sure you’ve done great with your classes lately, but you also need to relax a little, so you should come with me with mini golf.”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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alexandcr · 3 years
send me đŸ‘šâ€đŸ‘©â€đŸ‘§â€đŸ‘§ and a question and someone from my muses family will answer it
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alexandcr · 3 years
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                    “  you  have  good  balance  —  be  proud  of  that  ,  clearly  not  everyone  shares  the  same  ability  ,  ”  she  jokes  ,  looking  up  to  him  for  a  second  ,  partially  interested  to  hear  what  he’d  been  up  to  recently  .  “  i’m  not  an  early  riser  at  all  so  already  i’m  at  a  disadvantage  but  i  did  figure  out  a  pretty  good  schedule  to  stick  to  if  i  want  to  fit  in  everything  i  wanted  to  do  and  see  .  so  far  it’s  working  out  well  —  a  few  minor  glitches  when  lines  are  too  long  but  it  can’t  be  helped  .  ”  sora  explains  ,  pulling  a  face  when  realisation  dawns  on  her  that  their  time  here  in  hawaii  was  very  limited  .  “  where  do  you  think  we’ll  go  next  ?  ”
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“I guess you’re right.” He smiled at her with a hand scratching at the back of his head. “Me too, honestly. I just happen to wake up early when I’m in an unfamiliar place. And yeah, that’s good that you keep a list. I’m terrible with waiting in line too so I do tweaks a few. Basically we’re here for enjoyment anyway.” He shrugged after uttering. At this point, he had completely forgotten about the awkward air they used to share, especially with the very faint memory of a night they once undressed themselves. “Well, you have a list. Why don’t we follow as planned?”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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                             𝕙𝕒𝕹𝕒𝕚𝕚 & đ•€đ•–đ•’đ•„đ•„đ•đ•– đ•šđ•šđ•„đ•™ @faeriepie
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alexandcr · 3 years
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            ‘  ah  ,  what  would  i  do  without  you  ?  ’  sujin  jokes  as  she  watches  expert  hands  for  a  few  moments  .  she’s  sure  her  eyes  grow  three  sizes  too  big  when  the  spoonful  of  food  is  offered  to  her  ,  and  she  accepts  with  ease  .  ‘  i  feel  like  it  could  be  spicier  ,  ’  sujin  says  with  ease  ,  although  she’s  not  sure  if  everyone  has  the  same  spice  tolerance  that  she  does  .  ‘  i  would  also  like  to  know  if  you  are  being  purposefully  stingy  with  the  shrimp  because  my  feelings  are  so  hurt  right  now  .  ’
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“ You would’ve been fine without me, although you would have likely gotten potato crisps at this hour, because honestly nothing beats snacking on crisps at this unholy hour.” He starts off, endlessly playful as he has always been with her. When he had heard her feedback, he took in what she said and immediately added a few spices. “Great. I thought so too! Seems we’re two peas in a pod this time.” Shaking his head with a small smile forming against his lips. “Hm, not really. What, you want more? I can add heaps for you then. Let me whip that up quickly.”
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alexandcr · 3 years
“You sure you want to know? It’s kind of curse to know and you can’t go back
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“Well, it would be frustrating to leave your man hanging here, so there’s definitely no turning back. What is it?”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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“My mom’s health. It’s hard being away from her. She’s got the flu, but when I was there with her, I could help her out. She’s exhausting herself with work and her illness, and it making me feel guilty for being here, when I could be with her and taking some duties off her hands,”.
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“I’m sorry about that, mate. It is quite tough to think about your folks from afar, especially when they aren’t in their current healthy state. Maybe if you could ask Dean Murphy for some leave to fly back home, I think he’ll honor it?”
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alexandcr · 3 years
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            ‘  how  did  i  manage  to  get  a  zit—  in  the  middle  of  my  forehead  no  less  !  this  is  one  of  the  rare  times  i’m  glad  my  hair  is  long  .  ’
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“Man, you’re fine. It’s just a zit. It happens. Although, it would be worrying if it’s right on top of your nose, dead center. It would’ve been like a Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer moment.”
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