#season of the splicer epilogue
syncopation53 · 2 years
Is this just a me thing and I’m finally losing it and/or becoming wholly burned out from Destiny lore or is anyone else… not really jiving with the lore shakeups we’ve gotten along with the seasonal model?
Don’t get me wrong, a lot of them have been great, Hunt, Chosen, and Lost were a few of my favorites with the extra depth they brought to the topics/people they focused on but even then they’re not perfect. There’s just… something about the way everything’s become so much more black-and-white with the storylines that it almost feels like I’m watching a TV-Y7 cartoon. Something something “we need a character to sick the rabid reactionary side of the fandom on for this seasonal story who could we stir the pot with this time”
I’m also… conflicted on how they’ve gone about resurfacing old plot threads and bringing them into the forefront as of late. I know the playerbase has grown a lot since D1 and many, many new people aren’t as versed in the out-of-game lore like grimoire, but something about the whole angle of “oh this lore that’s been around since Destiny 1 that not everyone knows about but would be interesting to fully flesh out in the game as is? yeah turns out that’s not what REALLY happened you never knew the FULL story the ACTUAL truth is [something that waters down the entire narrative into X Character bad, Young Wolf and Friends good]” maybe it’s because writers come and go and change over time, maybe it’s because we’re barreling towards the final showdown with Big Bad (that’s not the Darkness actually, sorry if we made you think that it was) so they have to wrap things up in a neat little bow to satisfy the gamers with no reading comprehension who want all their moral lessons from video games to be spoonfed to them like toddlers
Or maybe I’m just not as versed in the True Lore(tm) as I thought I was. maybe I am actually losing my mind and it really was all in the story to begin with
Again, this is all just personal opinion, but for this reason I’m also just, not as excited for the lore coming up with Lightfall and the new season as I would have been. What initially drew me to Destiny, particularly into the lore, was that it was a story about hope, yes, but it also had fascinating concepts about the nature of the good vs evil conflict itself and other plot elements that had nothing to do with Light vs. Darkness at all (I’m still waiting for non-Guardians in the City to have proper representation again after the disaster that was the Splicer epilogue, Bungie), and not just in the “hurr durr Guardians are the real enemy” way but just in the way that the lore was presented it didn’t hold your hand but instead let you make your own judgements on things, and now it feels like I’m being slapped in the face for my efforts to understand anything on my own and told that everything I thought I understood wasn’t true actually and this new lore is so brilliant and groundbreaking and heartfelt and please buy the delux edition for the new seasons that are going to feel the exact same as all the others and end in a cheap “and they all learned [enter moral lesson here] and everyone got along perfectly with the Guardian and everything was fine The End” message
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rklf001 · 3 years
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the epilogue was amazing but this has been haunting my mind
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moth-mamimi · 3 years
Mithrax (the true kell of kells): "no, stay and fight for your people"
Saint-14 (who was known for hating and slaughtering eliksni): "YOU ARE MY PEOPLE"
Me (knowing he meant it):
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littleshebear · 3 years
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Zavala and Amanda Holliday bonding during a particularly eventful Take Your Daughter to Work Day. 
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semi-mortal-crayons · 3 years
Just a friendly reminder that just because you don’t like a plot point, doesn’t mean it’s problematic.
Especially in a story where nearly every prominent character is part of a marginalized group. At least one of those characters is going to be in trouble/ be injured in some way. That’s how stories with stakes are written. (And by that way, that is what is happening. The character isn’t being demonized, they’re captured)
We can have a civil conversation about plot points and how good/bad they are. But that doesn’t mean we should call random plot points problematic because they deal with a marginalized character. You have to actually look at the context of them first.
Idk I was just reading through some of the discussion and it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Like, I’ve got family all over the Mediterranean, including Egypt, so it’s not just some random white girl on Tumblr™️ saying this. Everyone calling this plot point racist/homophobic/sexist feels just… performative. I’m a very liberal person myself but like… I just can’t see it? I’m actually really enjoying the plot point, cause the potential story in the future sounds so juicy. I’m not trying to attack anyone who doesn’t like the plot point, I’m just… confused on the discourse surrounding it.
Btw these are just my unfiltered impulsive thoughts. If I accidentally expressed anything wrong or said anything bad, just lmk. I can have a hard time with my ADHD and shit
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thefirstknife · 3 years
Splicer Epilogue next week!!
And then a break and then Season 15!!
Many fears about Epilogue. I can't wait but also things are going to happen. Don't like when things are happening.
Without spoiling anything, just be aware that Lakshmi's coup storyline hasn't been resolved.
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Season of the Splicer Epilogue:
I had to write something for the epilogue.
The second Scout told her of an emergency broadcast in the Eliksni quarters of the H.E.L.M she immediately had her Ghost transmatt her there. She rushed through the door, down the stairs, and to the radio. The broadcast began just as Crow ran in and stood beside her.
Lakshmi's voice rang out, "People of the Last City: we have endured many great tragedies thanks to our strength and our steadfast commitment to humanity. The Traveler chose us. It abandoned the Fallen because they are unfit, unworthy of the light. They would take it from us if they could. The Vanguard have lost their way."
A surge of anger went through her at Lakshmi's words.
“They embrace the darkness.” Lakshmi went on. “Welcome Eramis’s followers into our midst with open arms. Force us to celebrate our lost heroes alongside those who murdered them. Yes, the endless night is over. But now, Mithrax and his House will use this opportunity to do what the fallen have always done. Covet. Cheat. Steal. Kill.”
Every word angered Thera more. The Eliksni weren’t like that. Not House Light.
“I have seen the future with my own eyes, and it had not changed. Doom still builds on our horizon like a terrible storm. But there is hope! Right now, loyalists to the Future War Cult and New Monarchy have rounded up the Fallen in our City.”
Thera’s eyes widened. Fear struck at her heart.
“With the aid of Osiris, I have learned how to safely command the power of the Vex. I will use it to do what the Vanguard will not. I will tear open a rift; banish the Fallen to the depths of space from where they came.”
She gasped, fear filling her body. Trildir, Sora, Rilis, all the other Eliksni, Mithraks! Crow grabbed her hand and interlaced her fingers in his in an attempt to ground her.
“We alone will save humanity. I have seen the darkest of futures, and with this act, I will - No. No!” Lakshmi’s scream came through the broadcast.
Crow and Thera shared a glance, and then they were running.
“We need to reach the Eliksni now!” Crow yelled.
“Lakshmi-2 has opened a Vex Portal in the Eliksni quarter!” Came Ikora’s voice from coms.
“Crow and I are on our way, Ikora!” Thera informed her.
“All fireteams! Find and close that incursion point! Mithrax, what’s your status?” Ikora asked just as Crow and Thera arrived.
“We are overrun! Please, we cannot hold them off for much longer!”
“Do not worry Mithrax! I am on my way!” Saint-14 said over the coms as Crow and I began to fight the many vex surrounding the area.
Crow quickly pulled his hood up and the mask around his neck up over his face as he began shooting.
“No! You must protect your people!” Said Mithrax.
“You are my people!” Saint exclaimed.
Crow and Thera fought back to back, and suddenly a shot rang out and the goblin before her fell dead. She looked in the direction of the gunfire, and saw Ann, holding a sniper rifle, and behind her, her fireteam. Alex, Jacks-4, Lana, and Mace.
“You two look like you could use some help!” Ann shouted.
“Just in time!” Thera shouted back.
They joined the fray.
“Osiris, what’s your position?” Ikora asked. “Osiris?” She asked again when no answer came.
“He was right behind me! I - I have lost him!” Saint-14 said.
“Osiris, respond!” Came Ikora’s worried voice.
Thera was equally worried for the warlock, but she could not let her mind dwell on it. She had to fight.
It didn’t take long for Thera to enter the Vex Network. She fought hard, for the sakes of the Eliksni, for the people of the last City, for her friends. She would NOT lose this City. Not again. Not like the Red War.
Saint-14 called out for more Guardian help, but no answer came. They were alone in this fight.
It was all a blur as Thera took out the subjugated mind.
Ikora came on the comlink once more, calling out for help again, and asking Mithrax and Saint for their status. When no answer came, more anxiety ate at Thera’s chest. She prayed to the Traveler they were alright.
Back at the Eliksni part of the City, Mithraks and Saint fought, side by side, protecting the Eliksni which cowered behind them. Crow stood atop a building behind them, firing with a sniper. Ann and her fireteam fought as well, making a line between the Eliksni and the Vex.
“The Young Wolf has broken the portal. Keep behind us! We will not let them harm you.” Saint told the Eliksni.
Then, a void ball of light came down and in an explosion of light, many vex perished. Ikora floated down from above and Ann’s fireteam let out a cheer. Amanda came in from behind and with her shotgun fired at a Vex minotaur. Zavala came in as well, and Saint laughed as together they took out the remaining Vex.
Thera appeared again moments later and joined the fight. With a cast of blade barrage, many more Vex fell before her. Ikora turned to see what had just taken out the minotaur at her side and locked eyes with Crow. She gave him a nod in recognition. It was not much longer as the great warriors took down the Vex, and the Eliksni were safe once more.
Thera stood there, catching her breath. She returned Riskrunner to the holster upon her back. Ann ran forward.
“You okay?” She asked.
Thera nodded.
“Alright. That was . . . insane.”
“Yeah.” Thera said in between breaths. “It was.”
She turned around and nodded to Crow, standing on the rooftop, who transmitted away. She had her Ghost give him a quick message that said she would meet with him later. Thera then ran quickly to the Eliksni. She scanned those there, and found Trildir, lying against a wall. A few other Eliksni, including her sister who held the young hatchlings Sora and Rilis, gathered around her while one desperately tried to patch up her leg. Thera rushed to her and fell on her knees beside her, inspecting her friend’s leg.
“We do not think it will be . . . salvageable. Damaged badly by Vex.” One explained.
“But she will live?” Thera asked, laying her helmet beside her.
“Yes.” One nodded.
She let out a sigh of relief before turning to the two hatchlings.
“They are alright.” Tyris, Trildir’s sister, assured her.
Ikora came near.
“This Eliksni needs medical attention,” Thera said, gesturing to Trildir. “Soon.”
Ikora turned her head. “Amanda! This one’s injured!”
The mechanic rushed over to help.
Ikora then addressed Thera again and laid a hand on her shoulder. “You fought well, Young Wolf. We will need to speak more later, but for now, we will help the Eliksni to the best of our ability.”
Thera nodded and they began to search the wreckage of Eliksni or Vex they had no disposed of yet. It wasn’t until hours later that Thera returned to the Tower to speak with Saint-14. He spoke in a tone of celebration as he spoke of how the City was saved as they fought side by side with the Eliksni and Mithraks. He said himself that the House of Light is now apart of the City now and under his protection, and Thera agreed with that statement with a smile.
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acel1en · 3 years
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k-l-bryan · 3 years
After Epilogue
*Crow x Young Wolf (wrote them vague, so readers can visualize their own Guardians), set shortly after the end of the Epilogue mission.  I hope you enjoy it.*
“I thought . . .”
Ghost, who had been floating lazily over his Guardian’s shoulder as they kept an eye on the Eliksni camp from a hidden vantage point at Ikora’s request, turned to look at them.  He knew how hard it was for his Guardian to express themselves, so he waited in patient silence for them to continue.
“I thought the Vex invasion was when I was going to die.”
Oh!  Oh . . . Ghost’s shell quivered slightly as he thought back to their discovery in the Corridor’s of Time and Saint’s accompanying eulogy.  The thought of loosing his Guardian gave him an unpleasant feeling.  He supposed it would be comparable to what people called heartbreak.  He only hoped that when that terrible day came; no matter how close or far away it was, that he would go out with them; like Sundance did with Cayde.
The shudder wasn’t missed by the Guardian, who gave him a small, sad smile and reached up to cup him in their hands.  They guided him down gently out of the air and placed a kiss atop one of his fins before nestling him into their collar.
“I’m glad you didn’t” Ghost replied quietly, expanding and contracting his shell a few times, like a cat stretching before making itself comfortable.  “And I hope that day is a long, long way off.”
The Guardian didn’t reply to that, and as Ghost turned his core to look up at them, he could tell by their expression that they felt the opposite was true.  As they sat and continued their silent vigil, Ghost found himself wishing Crow was there.  Almost everyone who knew his Guardian knew them as the legendary Young Wolf; Hero of the Red War.  They didn’t see the tired person behind all the titles and accolades, the person who seemed to always have the weight of the world on their shoulders.  Crow did though.  Crow saw them as his friend who he got drunk with and made fun of their awful cooking skills.
“What are you thinking about?” Wolf asked after a long period of silence, broken by the occasional howl of wind or smattering of distant chatter.
“Just, how I wish you had someone here to talk to . . . like another Guardian,” Ghost said tactfully, his optics glowing a little.
“Another Guardian meaning Crow?” Wolf replied, more as a statement than a question.  “I’ve told you Ghost, he’s already dealing with a lot.  I can’t pile about my gra-”
“I know you like him,” Ghost interjected and Wolf shifted, obviously embarrassed.  “You should talk to him, not just about your feelings, but about seeing your grave too.  Going through this alone . . . I’ve seen the toll it’s been taking on you.”
Wolf was about to reply when the sounding of someone clearing their throat startled them and they turned quickly to see Crow standing there with a bag of what smelled like takeout, the Hunter looking equally if not more embarrassed than Wolf felt.
“Sooo . . . sounds like we missed quite the commotion,” Glint said as he materialised over Crow’s shoulder in an attempt to dispel the awkwardness before adding.  “We headed back as soon as we got word of the attack.”
“Sorry we weren’t back in time,” Crow said, sounding more than a little disappointed in himself as he sat down beside Wolf and started unpacking the plastic bag; arranging white containers of food between them.  “How bad were the casualties?”
“. . . Not as bad as they could have been, but any loss of life is too much,” Wolf replied with a sigh as they picked up a container and opened it to investigate the contents.  “And with Osiris missing, it seems we can’t catch a break.”
Wolf and Crow talked for a while about the attack while very obviously avoiding the earlier overheard conversation, and how they might help Saint in his search for Osiris, before there was a lul in conversation and the two fell into a comfortable silence.  Ghost and Glint shared a knowing look before turning to their Guardians.
“We’re going to head down to the camp, see if there’s any way for us to help” Ghost stated before Glint added.  “Even if it’s just entertaining the hatchlings.  They’ve gotten very good at chasing us.”
With no further discussion, the two Ghosts flew off, leaving Wolf and Crow to their own devices.
“So . . .” Crow started awkwardly.  “About what Ghost said before, about you liking me . . .”
“I would’ve told you eventually,” Wolf replied quietly, focusing on the partially eaten noodles in their container.  “I’m not good with expressing myself, and after loosing Cayde I . . . guess I just pushed down any sort of romantic feelings to avoid feeling that sort of hurt again.”
“I, feel the same way about you,” Crow admitted after a moment.  “At first, I thought what I felt was because you were one of the first people to be kind to me after I’d encountered so much hate; my first true friend.  Then I met more people and they were kind to me too, but I didn’t feel the same towards them as I did you.”
Wolf was momentarily stunned, more surprised by the Hunter’s admission than they had been by any of the craziness they’d encountered over the last seven years, before they tentatively reached out and took Crow’s hand in theirs, lacing their fingers together with a small smile.  Crow squeezed their hand and returned a smile of his own, but Wolf could tell he wanted to ask about what else he’d overheard . . . so they told him everything; starting with the Sundial and ending with the messages from Quaria or Savathun in the Vex collective.
“Thankyou for telling me,” Crow said after taking some time to process everything.  “Do you, think what you saw can be changed?”
“I want to say yes, but I feel like my death defending the City is going to be one of those things that Osiris called a fixed point; something that always happens no matter what you do to try and change it,” Wolf replied.  “And if that’s the case, I’m not going to waste time worrying about it,  I’m going to focus my time and energy into making sure we’re ready for the Witch Queen.”
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rklf001 · 3 years
this whole time i said ‘asher isn’t dead, i refuse to believe it’ and i was RIGHT
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eosofspades · 3 years
hey so quick question what am i. what am i supposed to do now. how do i deal with that. go do strikes??? go play some crucible???????? really how in the world are we supposed to just GO ON after THAT
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warlordfelwinter · 3 years
osiris i love you but stop being sus
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semi-mortal-crayons · 3 years
Not me freaking out over the Splicer Epilogue while also at the Weezer/FOB/Green Day concert
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20 Fluff/Relationship Prompts—mayhaps 13 or 20 for your guardian and crow??
I chose to do number 13. Thanks for the ask!
Num. 13: "Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don't want to be alone with my thoughts." "I'll stay for as long as you need."
It was later that night that Thera was sitting alone in her room. Her Ghost lay on his nest on her nightstand, not saying anything, just staring at her. He honestly wasn't sure what to say. What could he say that he hasn't told her already on the walk back.
Thera's mind was still on the thoughts of what had transpired only a few hours ago. She knew it was over but she couldn't help but think what could have happened. How so many more people and Eliksni could have died. How they could have lost the City, just like they had in the Red War.
Why would Lakshmi do this? She wondered. But more so she asked herself why Osiris did what he had done. The old man and her weren't the closest but she still cared for him like a friend. He reminded her a lot of Sora. She found herself thinking about what Sora would do about all of this.
She spent a few more minutes in her thoughts before the door to her room opened and a figure stood in the doorway. She took one look and knew it was Crow. He was dripping wet from the rain that had moved in an hour after the Eliksni quarters had been deemed safe.
He stepped inside, removed his hood, and laid his mask on the table. In his hand, he was holding a bag that contained two take-out containers. He and Thera stared at each other for a second. Crow took note of the clearly evident tear streaks that stained her cheeks.
He laid the containers on the table and moved to the tiny kitchen where he put on a pot of coffee. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was make coffee just the way she liked it. He then returned to sit beside her on the bed. Immediately his arm was wrapped around her waist in comfort, and Thera sunk into his warm embrace.
She tried not to cry again.
"Do you want to talk about anything?" He began by asking.
She shook her head no.
"Well, I brought some Chinese food. Your favorite. And I made sure they didn't forget the fortune cookies this time."
Thera gave him a small smile.
"How is Trildir?" He had to know. He was just as much friends with the House Light resident as Thera was.
Her smile disappeared as Thera stood up to grab the take-out food. She gave Crow one and sat back down.
As they began to eat she said, "Her leg got amputated. Amanda will make her a prosthetic as soon as she can."
"What of Sora and Rilis?" He asked.
"Staying with Trildir's sister. They'll have to until Trildir can get used to moving around with the prosthetic. I offered to help babysit. I know Tyris is the House’s main errand-runner so she won’t be able to watch the two all the time.”
Crow nodded. “I’ll help too.”
The two ate in silence for a while.
“You don’t believe it’s your fault do you?” Crow finally acknowledged the elephant in the room. He knew how Thera thought and he knew that she had been here, thoughts running rampant, ever since she returned from the Eliksni quarters. She had kept her composure there, but he knew the second she had returned to her room she had broken down over the lives she could not save, human and Eliksni alike.
“I should have protected them better.” She whispered. “If I had just been there I could have stopped anything from happening. No one would be dead. What was I doing while Lakshmi was opening that stupid portal, gathering the Eliksni for their banishment? I was flying through the EDZ for no reason at all, messing around. All while I should have been here protecting-”
“Thera you’re allowed to have fun. You couldn’t have known-” Crow began.
“No, I couldn’t have known, but I’m a Guardian! I’m supposed to protect the Last City! I’m supposed to be here, ready to stop anything that might harm the citizens. And where was I when I was needed to guard those Eliksni? I was out doing barrel rolls!” She began to cry, her face buried in her hands.
“Thera, look at me.” Crow lowered her hands to stare her in the eyes. “It was not your fault.”
“It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. Yes, you are a Guardian. One of the best I’ve ever met. But you have to understand, you’re not just a protector. You’re not just the Young Wolf. You’re Thera, an awoken woman who loves going to cat cafes and flying in ship races. Not everything in your life has to be work. You don’t have to always be on guard duty, or on missions or out scouting. Sometimes you can just simply be Thera. What happened out there was Lakshmi’s doing, not yours. She’s the one to blame. Just because you weren’t here doesn’t mean it was your fault. What matters is that you were here the second Mithraks called for your help. What matters is you fought as many Vex as you could and shut down that portal.”
Thera nodded.
“Can you stay?” She asked after a moment. “Please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts for any longer.”
“I’ll stay for as long as you need,” Crow responded with a kiss to her forehead.
They ended up picking a movie, sipping their coffee, wrapped in a blanket and each other’s embrace. They fell asleep together, and didn’t wake until the dark clouds moved on and the noon sun burned in the sky.
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dredgenbane · 3 years
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Season of the Splicer: Epilogue
Together, we are enough. More than enough.
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k-l-bryan · 3 years
I just know Epilogue tomorrow is going to give me so many story ideas.  I feel like my brain is going to fry deciding what story to write first . . .
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