#searching TM only brings up meditation and mantras
get-back-homeward · 1 year
does anyone else wonder whether the beatles did any actual yoga poses in india?
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zacbryce · 5 years
How to Learn How to Meditate-Completely Online and Easy!!
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If you google the term, "how to meditate" you will get 536,000,000 search results. There is a crazy amount of information on meditation and it can be overwhelming. Where do I even start? How do I know which one is good and which one isn't? These are some questions I asked myself when I first started meditation. In this review I will show you how to learn how to meditate- completely online, self paced, and a proven method. How to learn How to Meditate- Join an Online Program Joining an online school is the best way to expedite your training and succeed at meditation. I have read several books, tried 100's of free training in meditation online, and joined several meditation programs/ schools. What I have learned is almost every training out there left me questioning what is next, because I wasn't achieving any results. It seemed I always came to a dead end and never actually achieved my desired goals in meditation. I would quit that method and go to the next one. I did this for several years. I was just trying everything out there and I wasn't happy with the results on anything I was trying. I almost just gave up in my frustration, but I am glad i didn't. I found the Live and Dare online program. I found a course that gave me the results I was looking for. I learned how to remove the anxiety, anger, and stress from my life. I learned how to control my own emotions and thoughts, experience joy in everyday life, and have a sense of well-being. From the joy I have found in meditation is what has inspired me to make this website. I want to give back by helping bring others to meditation by leading them to a meditation program that actually works. Benefits of Joining Live and Dare online Meditation Pogram One of the best benefits I have found by joining Live and Dare is having others to help you, support you, and answer any questions to guide you through your journey in meditation. Whenever you join any course at Live and Dare you will have access to email support with Giovanni Deinstmann( the founder of Live and Dare) and access to an online network of students. All students at Live and Dare have access to this online community. Talk to each other, encourage each other, answer questions for each other so you don't have to learn meditation alone. Every course is online and is self paced. Go through the course as slow or fast as you want. It's up to you. You will also have an option (for additional price) to have a monthly 30-minute phone training session with Giovanni. You can also sign up for private coaching if you would like. See all courses now
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Why Choose Live and Dare Learn meditation from someone who has already learned and meditated for several years. Someone who has already went through the trials and errors of meditation and knows how to meditate properly. Live and Dare's programs are tried and true and you'll see results as soon as you start. Live and Dare was created by Giovanni Dienstmann. Giovanni Dienstmann is an international author, meditation teacher, coach and speaker. His Live and dare site is also the fifth most popular meditation blog in the world. He is the author of the best-selling book Practical Meditation, which is available in seven different languages and is often referred to as the meditation bible. Giovanni Dienstmann has years of meditation experience. His personal training in meditation: Practiced meditation daily for the past 18 years
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Over 9,000 hours of practiced Tried 70+ different techniques Studied 200+ books on the topic Was formally initiated into 4 different meditation traditions. Zen Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Raja Yoga, Mantra Yoga Spent 10 weeks training in a Monastery in France Nearly became a monk twice in his journey His work as a meditation teacher: Certified meditation teacher with Meditation Association of Australia (categories of “Personal Development Meditation” and “Spiritual Meditation”) Completed the Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training Course with the Satyananda School of Yoga (Level 1) Trained in Neurocoaching Experience leading retreats, workshops, and group classes Have spoken about meditation and mindfulness at schools, hospitals, non-for-profits, and spiritual centers Worked as a consultant to award-winning meditation apps, including creating custom content and meditation scripts Translated meditation books and texts into Portuguese Taught thousands of people how to meditate through the Limitless Life program and Master Your Mind courses Appeared in several podcasts and radio interviews Featured top meditation coach on Coach.me, and top meditation writer on Quora As you can see he has tons of experience meditation. I know personally his courses work and you won't be disappointed, but for any reason if you don't like the course, Giovanni offers a 100% 30 day money back guarantee. He only asks that you at least give the course a try. Some Student Testimonials I was feeling extremely unhappy and anxious. After taking the Limitless Life courses my sense of well-being increased, and stress levels went down. I am now more energetic and creative. It's not an exaggeration to say that Giovanni's teachings have literally changed my life, in a short period of time. -Carol Harrison Ive been dealing with terrible anxiety and PTSD since my husband died-and medication was not helping. Giovanni's course has made quite a difference in my life. It has helped me with pain management, anxiety, and depression. I found a calmness within me that i didn't know existed. -Kristie Stailey Ive purchased a number of meditation programs online, along with a bunch of books and even learned TM at Maharishi University. None of them compares with the impact of your course. I'm feeling very grateful to have found you and your teachings. -Curt Tresrite His work is comprehensive, engaging and masterful. I have researched meditation for years but have never found the kind of simple and clear information that you give. I wish I had your teachings 30 years ago... It would have saved me a huge amount of time and frustration. -Dolores Woodrom These are just a few testimonials of the thousands of people who have had their life transformed by meditation through learning as a student of Live and Dare.
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Meditation Courses Available I’m just going to briefly describe each course to give you a basic idea of what each course is about. If, you want to learn more about any specific course, click here then choose your desired course in the menu. Calm and Free– calm and free is a short course that will teach you the first steps to beating anxiety. Learn 3 powerful techniques for overcoming anxiety, overcoming fear, reducing stress, and managing anger. Master your mind beginners– This is a 5-week course. You will learn meditation, develop a habit of meditating daily, find the ideal technique for you, have optimal attitude towards meditation, learn to deepen your meditation, apply mindfulness into your daily life. Master your mind intermediate– This is a 40-day course. You’ll learn 10 different meditation techniques, choose the ideal technique for you, better integrate meditation into daily life, develop 10 key personal strengths related to meditation. Deep Sleep– This is a 21-day course. You will learn meditations and techniques that will teach you to deep sleep and wake up feeling great. To get consistent deep sleep you will learn how to truly relax your body and turn off your mind. Overcoming Fear of Failure– Overcome Fear of Failure is a 12-week coaching program. You will learn to stop letting fear hold you back from taking action, living fully, and creating your dream life. Letting go Letting Be– This is a 3-week online course. In this course you will learn to free yourself from your past, release regret, resentment, shame, and quilt to better your life. Private Coaching– Private coaching is available with Giovanni Dienstmann, the creator of Live and Dare. He offers anxiety coaching, self-discipline coaching, meditation coaching, and spiritual coaching. Limitless life– This is by far the most popular and most affordable among all students. For a small monthly fee you can become a student and have access to every single meditation course available, 50+ guided meditations, an online student network for helping each other and asking questions, and email support. Live and Dare- The Number One Choice So, when it comes to how to learn how to meditate, you can see I am a believer in the Live and Dare programs. Along with thousands of current students who have had their lives transformed for the better. I encourage you to give it a try. To learn more about any course click here to go to the courses menu. Then select your desired course. To try a free course to go the courses menu and you will see a link at the top that says "free meditation course" click on it to sign up for your free course. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below and I will gladly get back with you. Thanks, Zac Read the full article
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