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fatherfuneral · 10 months ago
sometimes i'll make the mistake of thinking about harvey in public and then all of a sudden my legs buckle and i have to sit down before the overwhelming wave of love for that little pixelated man consumes me whole.
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little-miss-roth · 8 months ago
ok so tiktok sv has established “too sweet” for harvey but here i am gushing and thinking abt harvey and how he’s so “line without a hook (ricky montgomery)” đŸ˜© CAN SOMEONE MALE AN EDIT/ ART PLEASE
“oh baby i am a wreck when im without you, i need you here to stay” LIKEE? the desperation as he is against farmer to go to the mines bc it’s dangerous
“she’s a lady and i am just a line without a hook” 😭😭😭 my dorky adorable awkward man
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purpleandgreen13 · 2 years ago
New chapter of Pirate/Stardew valley AU is up! Thank you to everyone who has read it so far, I hugely appreciate you all!
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ursulanoodles · 2 years ago
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He turned out so freakin’ cute.
You can download him from the TS4 gallery under my EA ID Kowplant, along with all of the other bachelors and bachelorettes. I’m going to be re-doing them though, FYI. Harvey was the first one I decided to redo. CC free, but I do have a lot of packs.
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bubscreations · 3 years ago
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These past few days i've been playing Stardew Valley and I decided I wanted to draw some of the characters, that turned into me drawing all of them because why not!
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biyaiyko · 3 years ago
haha what if i made a profile mod
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coolcoolglasses · 4 years ago
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I made Harvey as a shitpost and laughed SO HARD at the reactions to him I had to make the rest of them
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thatdoctorharvey · 4 years ago
general headcanons for harvey?
This was easy and hard to do. There are a LOT of headcanon ideas I had for him but I didn’t want to make this SUPER long so, here be a few!
Harvey is definitely the type that will ask you before doing anything. Literally anything.
“Is it okay if I take you out for dinner tonight?” “Can we cuddle when I get off work?” “Am I allowed to make you breakfast tomorrow morning?”
Always assure him he doesn’t need to ask. He will learn in due time that he can just pull you onto the couch and cuddle while feeding you something he made for dinner. You will not mind.
Speaking of cuddles, PLEASE CUDDLE THIS POOR BOY!
He absolutely loves to cuddle! Especially when he comes home from the clinic and is just exhausted and you pull him on the couch and let him lay on you. He melts!
He also loves when he can be your pillow after a rough day. Being able to hold you is one of the best feelings to him. He will never want to let go.
Gets a bit nervous when you lay on his belly just because he is a bit self conscious about his weight, but still enjoys it.
Will 100% play with your hair.
He may or may not have asked almost every girl in town to help him learn how to do different hairstyles just so he could keep himself occupied while you nap on him.
Master a braiding hair
Also loves when you play with his hair! Its a very comforting feeling and helps him fall asleep rather quickly.
Is always helping out around the house and the farm
100000% loves to cook for the both of you, even if he isn’t the best at it.
Loves your cooking. He doesn’t care if it’s the same dish every night for a week straight, he will compliment it every single time.
Over all, a very lovey boy who is just the happiest man alive
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pelicanfarmer · 5 years ago
Co-workers: Hey, you're always tired, are you okay?
Me: oh, started a new part time job. I'm good just starting to get used to it.
Co-worker: that's cool man where you working at? take care tho.
Me: *whispers* at a farm, stop nagging Harvey.
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purpleandgreen13 · 2 years ago
Can I just reblog this forever please? I love it so much!
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combining many of my headcanons into one comic
. harvey removed the wizards appendix in the middle of the night after meeting him for literally the first time, and the wizard transed his gender in return. in addition to linus and the wizard being Very Good Friends. as Well as the beta harvery designs were just pretransition harveys. ft manlet wizard. also wanted to play with halftones so that was fun!
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purpleandgreen13 · 2 years ago
New chapter of my Stardew Valley/Pirate AU is up!
Harvey is a ship's doctor and Shane is a pirate captain. My OC farmer Jerusha Howard is aboard the FRSS Republica when it is taken by pirates. Can she and Harvey conspire to escape the ship, and Shane Morgan's clutches?
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coolcoolglasses · 4 years ago
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me and my pal @floopthecooper got into some NONSENSE this week via aggie.io.
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thatdoctorharvey · 4 years ago
I had a dream about this and I literally had to write it. You’re welcome.
Thunder roared outside as the rain pattered against the window. It was around 1:30 in the morning and, boy, had the previous day been busy. You had spent all day tending to the farm, the strong winds blowing things everywhere. Not to mention your crops needed harvested, which took you awhile...AND your cow had finally given birth. Needless to say, you were ready for bed when your head hit the pillow.
But, it was at this time that you were awakened by crying. It wasn’t super loud, the walls helping to muffle the noise. Your baby girl was in the room beside yours and she always fussed during storms. You couldn’t help but groan, closing your eyes and hoping she would cry herself back to sleep. Sometimes she did, sometimes she didn’t.
Tonight wasn’t one of those nights.
With a tired and frustrated sigh, you slowly got up from the bed and started to walk to your daughter’s room. You barely made a sound as you moved from your room to hers, but you nearly gasped when you entered your daughter’s room and saw a figure standing beside the crib. You rubbed your eyes, giving them a moment to adjust before you made out who it was. Your husband had gotten up and headed to her room and you hadn’t realized it. You felt lucky that he was a doctor and knew almost everything there was to know about children.
“Shh. It’s okay.” His voice was very soft and gentle. “I know, storms are scary, but mommy needs you to sleep tonight.”
It was at this angle that you could see just how careful he cradled the baby close. She looked so comfortable, gently pressed against his chest, close enough to hear his heartbeat but far enough so it wasn’t pounding in her ears.
“I’ll stay here until you go back to sleep.” He half whispered and began to move.
Now, it was painfully obvious he wasn’t wearing his glasses as he struggled to accurately find the rocking chair beside the crib, but that didn’t stop him. In fact, if he had his glasses on, he would have seen you standing in the doorway.
Your daughter, by now, was whining. She had somewhat calmed down with the storm, but was still afraid. She usually only fell asleep if you came to help but Harvey was determined to let you sleep peacefully for once. So, being the great dad he is, he gently swaddled your daughter in her favorite blanket and offered her the pacifier, which she took after a moment. She did still make some noises to indicate she was distressed, but seemed a lot more relaxed. Silently, Harvey was thankful the storm was finally passing over as he gently rocked in the chair.
You couldn’t help but watch, but sleep was calling your name and you ended up heading back to your room. A huge grin was plastered on your face as you layed back down, prepared to talk to Harvey about that for a minute when he came back, but you ended up falling asleep before you had the chance.
It wasn’t until early the next morning that you realized you wouldn’t have gotten the chance to talk to him. You woke up to his side of the bed being empty, glasses still on the nightstand. He had never returned to bed.
You couldn’t help but chuckle as you stood up, putting on your robe and heading to his side of the room. You grabbed his glasses and set an outfit out for him before heading to your daughter’s room. Sure enough, he was still in the rocking chair, holding the baby close to him. Both were still asleep.
Your heart swelled at the sight. He had been trying to get her to sleep on his own for months. He had often cried about it, feeling like he wasn’t good enough of a dad if he couldn’t get her to sleep. That’s why you couldn’t bring yourself to wake him. Instead, you set his glasses on the little table beside the rocking chair and gave both of them a gentle kiss on the forehead before heading downstairs to make breakfast. You already knew you’d hear about this once he woke up, and, for the sake of your husband, you decided to keep it a secret that you’d seen the whole thing.
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purpleandgreen13 · 2 years ago
Love these!
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Stardew Valley love interests.
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purpleandgreen13 · 3 years ago
Harvey's Easter seasonal mod pastel jumper is so cute.
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thatdoctorharvey · 4 years ago
Hey can I request a headcanon of pets Harvey might have had growing up or ones he would like to get? Just wanted to say you're great!
Oh bless your heart! That really means a lot to me! If I could give you a hug I would!
I won’t lie, I kind of got creative on this one just based on Harvey’s personality. I couldn’t decide on just one pet though (since I absolutely LOVE animals) so I just did his desired pets through the years. Here we go!
When Harvey was very young (2-4), he always wanted fish. 
It was mostly just his child’s mind that saw fish and was absolutely fascinated that an animal could live in water and not die. That and aquariums looked so cool to him at the time!
Pretty colors = good for the eyes. At least to him.
That changed when he saw his first airshow
Bird. He wanted a bird. Specifically a Parrotlet (he liked how they looked)
Always talked about how he would train his bird to fly beside him while he flies his plane and was 100% confident he would someday make that happen
He did end up getting the bird he wanted when he turned 9 (his parents made him prove he would take care of it) and he loved that bird to death
Named her Sky
For an 8 year old, he took VERY good care of Sky. I’m talking he woke up early to feed her, made sure she got her baths, cleaned the cage 1-2 times a week, didn’t keep her cooped up in a small area super long, he even took her outside from time to time
Unfortunately, she did end up passing after a year and a half due to health reasons outside of his control and he did not take it very well. Still blames himself.
He will never say it, but he wants another one
When he got into his teens though, he began to realize his dream of being a pilot were not going to happen and with that, he lost the desire to own another bird for a while.
Nothing against them. Just hurt a bit to know his childhood dream (even if very unrealistic) would never happen
Considered a dog for a while just because of how lovey they can be but then realized just how big some can get and realized how annoying the smaller ones can be.
Once he entered med school, his desire to own a bird returned but he knew he had too little time to take care of one
That’s when he considered cats
That also did not last long as he knew cats eat birds and he did plan on getting one after he graduated med school (he never did but that’s a different story)
Once he finally became a doctor, he really just couldn’t find the time (or place) to keep a pet. He definitely still wants one but just doesn’t have the time.
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