#sdoam bound by blood
Bound by Blood (I)
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Word Count: 3,849
Genre: Vampire! AU, Arranged Marriage! AU
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Summary: As the princess of one of the six clans sired from the witch who was originally cursed with the vampire virus, you were beckoned to be married to a young Prince before he can assume the throne. You may find more than just your fiance when you arrive.
This was never a life that you asked for. Surviving on the blood of others, and human blood being the only one that tasted the best and lasted the longest. Vampires were always thought to be fiction. Something that the humans would fantasize about and turn into something to enjoy when they were bored in book or televised form. But for you, it was the most real thing in your life. If you could even call it a life. Being immortal since birth, is that something that you could even call a life? You were conceived between two immortals. Your father always told you that your clan began when a mysterious virus infected his forefathers. It was believed to be from a witch who wanted to stay youthful and beautiful for eternity, but when she turned she had no idea that the only thing that would sustain her was blood. My grandmother claimed that she fed on her children while being driven mad with hunger. How horrible it must have been to receive a curse which was disguised as a blessing.
There are several clans which all began with one of the witch’s sires. Six in total, and they are spread out all over the world. We interact with humans, but they still aren’t fully aware of our species yet. Being the “princess” of the Ambrogio clan, you were obligated to sit in at the meetings with the elders. One of which you were currently in and wishing that you could practice your archery instead. Particularly because you were the topic of conversation.
“The Kharis Clan has just had some interesting occurrences,” Mikal was more lively than usual. Your uncle was many centuries older than your father, but he was never fit to take the throne. So, he opted for the head council position instead. “The eldest son has just been announced to be taking the throne from his father, whom is presumed to have grown tired of ruling.” He then turned to you, “A princess is required before he can officially assume the position. And he has requested that she be from one of the three original clans.” You were the eldest daughter in the house, which meant that you would be in the running. You immediately shot up from your chair. “Uncle, I would have appreciated this announcement in private before you presented it to the rest of the Elders.” Your father gave you a side glance. Since you were not queen, you did not have the authority to speak out like that during the council. You gave an apologetic bow as your father raised his hand to quiet you further. “This is wonderful news for the whole clan. Of course, we will accept the union if the prince so wishes.” And just like that, you remembered that your fate was never entirely your own.
That day you locked yourself in your room. Not that it was so horrible, since it was practically an entire suite. But you couldn’t face your father at your usual training session. They were mostly for show now, since you knew the duties of a queen and the woman of the household like the back of your hand. You were born and bred for this marriage, but even so, you wished that you had more say in the matter.
And when the notice was received that the prince had requested your hand in marriage several weeks later, your mother offered comfort. You knew that she was married to your father in a similar fashion, and you believed that they had grown to genuinely love each other. But now she was sending you off to live the same way that she had to. “Be strong my love. Try to find what makes him kind. That is what I did.” You nodded as she pulled you in for a long hug. Then she went to find your father and make arrangements for your send off.
Your send off to a whole new world with a man whom you had never met before.
The plane ride felt like an eternity. And for an immortal, that took a lot. Thankfully, the Prince allowed you to bring a member of your staff whom you felt would make the transition easier. You turned to face your longest and oldest friend. Amren was turned as a young child after she wandered into your territory. She was orphaned when her family died of sickness and was looking through the surrounding area for shelter. Unfortunately, she was met by one of your subjects who had been looking for a meal. You immediately did what you could to make her feel at home. Only recently reaching your maturity at the time, you were young enough to be a friend and a care taker. She eventually offered to become one of your ladies. You told her that she could live in the estate with no need to work, but she was too grateful to be just another mouth to feed. Centuries later, she was still dedicated to you. She took your hand and squeezed it. It was her who offered to join you in your new life. “I will see if I can divulge anything from the staff. And I will alert you to anything off-putting if I hear it.” You smiled back at her with a nod. Your parents would not be joining you for the union, so Amren was the only familiar person that would be with you until the wedding. She had said a snide remark about this situation after you had gotten on board. “Shipping their daughter away without even meeting the man they are giving her to, that seems questionable.” You had told her that it was their duty to remain in the estate. But truthfully, it would have survived without them for a day or two. “That is what happened with my mother as well. The day comes for every daughter in our family to leave home and create a union for our kind. I am just glad that I have you here for mine.”
Your new surroundings were secluded, much like your old ones to keep the humans from wandering in often. But instead of the cold and dreary mountains, here there was an abundance of greenery. As you prepared to get off of the plane, you tried to put a genuinely happy look on your face. Amren linked her arm with your own. Her closeness was the best comfort you could get at this time. The door opened, and you expected some of the staff to greet you and take you to your new home. Instead, you saw the curious face of a young man. He was dressed in a well-tailored navy suit which was accessorized with a black rose on his chest pocket. His eyes widened when they met your own. A glint of something else flashed over them for a moment before he gave a small bow, “Prince Zhang Yixing of the Kharis Clan. I am honored to finally meet you Princess,” He then turned towards your companion, “and the lovely Amren. I hope that your flight went well.” He was handsome, of course he was handsome. The immortality also came with exquisite features which drew prey in. But for some reason, you saw softness in his features that made you feel less on edge. “The feeling is mutual my Prince.” He offered his arm and you accepted, releasing Amren’s in the process. She understood the workings of the royals, you were only being cordial. This man would soon be your husband anyways. There were two male staff who accompanied him as well. They each held an umbrella. The Prince took one from the dark-haired boy and instructed the blonde one to hold it for Amren. “The sun is very prominent here, I hope that the adjustment won’t be that much of a pain.” He opened the umbrella and held it over you, shielding you from the strong rays. Unlike what many stories like to say, sunlight doesn’t kill your kind. It only irritates them, leading to headaches and slight nausea if stood in for too long. You were grateful for this gesture, as well as the kindness he was showing toward your friend.
The walk back to the estate was full of The Prince giving you a tour of the grounds. It wasn’t that far from where the plane had landed, but it was enough of a walk to get used to the way that it felt when your body would brush against the Prince’s as you walked. There was something about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. But just being near him made you feel safe, and at peace. As you walked, he showed excitement for what was to come from becoming the ruler of his clan. You had asked him if he had any plans. When researching your future empire, you were intrigued to know his answer. “I hope that we can do something to keep the mortals away from our land. Any unnecessary death is not going to help us for when we eventually decide to live in a world where they know we exist.” You turned to see the passion in his face. “My men try to find the biggest predator animals in the area for our people to feed on. The animals that would usually cause the mortals harm.” His aspirations were admirable. Especially when some of the other clans refuse to drink anything other than human blood. “You expect us to live in harmony one day?” Your voice was quizzical, unsure if it was something you could see truly happen. “I hope that harmony is possible. They will find out we are here soon enough, and when that day comes, I hope to be more of a friend than a foe.”
His words left a mark on you. His idea was lovely, but you both knew how hard it would be to convince mortals that the people who depend on taking the lives of others could be a friend to them. The front steps drew closer as you made some friendly conversation. Even if it was a short walk, getting to know this man would make the wedding easier. He dismissed his staff and led you into the main foyer. There was a grand staircase on either side of a luxurious balcony. You had seen this design many times. But the floral carvings into the wood that lined the walls of the building seemed out of place. “That design, it is very peculiar.” Compared to the gothic era décor of your old home, this place seemed much more… alive. “The clan’s namesake decided that she wanted a home which didn’t remind her of her deadly state all the time. Grace and beauty, I suppose that is what she had in mind with this.” As he led you upstairs, he traced the outline of the design on the railing. His fingers moving delicately. You noticed that the house seemed to be filled with lots of decorations for the ceremony, but there didn’t seem to be a lot of staff in the halls. He took you down the hallway then turned to the right, leading to another corridor. At the very end of that hall, there were larger double doors. He opened the door, which led to a beautifully decorated room with a canopy bed. It was filled with different hues of purple and silver. You had a room similar to this back home, however it had a balcony which you could walk out onto which had a view of the mountains. “This is your room until you feel comfortable enough to move into one with me.” You turned to him looking a bit surprised. “You gave me my own room?” He gave a soft smile, “Of course, it is only right. I am sure you feel out of place and having somewhere to call your own might make it better.” You spent some time looking around and he admired you from the doorway. “What do you think?” You smiled widely, “It is wonderful! Thank you, Yixing.” That was the first time you had used his name to address him, and he found it very relieving.
His smile made you understand that he genuinely just wanted to make you feel comfortable. He needed a wife to take the throne, but he didn’t want to force you to become a wife immediately. “Princess, please do not be afraid to let me know if there is anything you desire. I know how this situation must feel. The workers and I will always be only a call away. For now, I will leave you to settle in.” Before leaving he turned to Amren, “and your room is three doors down to the left. I assumed you would want to remain close to your lady.” She gave a grateful smile, “Thank you, it really does mean a lot my Prince.” You reached out your arm to take his hand softly before he whisked away. “You truly didn’t have to do all of this. I appreciate your efforts. And please, you may as well call me Y/N. We needn’t the formalities anymore.” He gave a small squeeze, firm but gentle, “Alright Y/N. I will see you for the proceedings tonight.” The way he said your name seemed to sound as if it was meant to be said by him. There was such an odd familiarity, but you released his hand and let him leave to close the door behind him. With his absence came a sort of longing in your bones.
Amren turned to you with an odd look on her face. One that you related with mischievous thoughts from all of your years with her. “What is it?” You asked as you bent down to lift your luggage up. Many of your belongings were sent to the estate ahead of time so that you wouldn’t have to wait for them. Unpacking your favorite casual clothes and laying them out, you weren’t looking at her, only waiting for the response. “The Prince does seem very kind. He is also one of your most handsome suitors yet.” You scoffed. There had been others, but they were hardly suitors. The son of the stable keeper, the high lord from the United Kingdom who didn’t hold any royal positions but was charming enough for a small summer fling, the visitor who brought a dying child to your lands in hopes of saving his life. All of them had their own reasons for getting some bit of your heart. But it was never truly your heart to give. You had to agree that if you were to be bound to someone for eternity, Yixing wasn’t such a bad option. There were princes who had their fun trying to win your father’s approval just for the sake of gaining another place to scavenge for human victims to torment for their amusement. “He does seem genuine. And aren’t we all visions of perfection?” She gave a small giggle. “You know what I mean.” You weren’t sure if you should bring up the odd things that seemed to be happening to you when it came to your new fiancé.
After getting your things all situated, you helped Amren get settled in her own room. It was not the size of yours, but it was bigger than you expected for one of your ladies. She was very delighted. “Look at these silks! They are definitely some of the finest I have ever laid my eyes on.” She leaned over to survey the fabric, taking it into her hands, “My hands too!” You were happy that Amren seemed to like your new home. She was also provided her own bathroom with a decent sized bathtub. You searched for a blue embroidered suitcase and found it sitting near the wardrobe cabinet. A sheepish grin filled your face as you called to her. “Amren, I have a little surprise for you.” She wandered away from the fabric to meet you across the room. “Should I be scared?” You rolled your eyes. “Only if fashion is horrifying to you.” You opened the luggage to reveal several new outfits for her. “I thought that a new home could use some new clothes to go along with it. Of course, I won’t be offended if you don’t wear them, but I wanted to get you something special. For being my most loyal friend and family.” Her intake of breath was enough to let you know that she loved them. She pulled out a cashmere sweater from your favorite designer’s fall collection. “Y/N, you spoil me! Thank you!” She laid the item on the bed before squeezing you tightly. She almost had as much energy as when she was a newborn when she got excited. The sparkle in her eyes was beautiful. “It is the least that I could do. You always mention that you like the things of hers that I wear.” Being a part of high society also had its perks with the mortal world. This particular designer had been dating a very abusive man when you had stumbled upon her. You had your men take care of him and made sure that she lived her life to the fullest. Her designs were in a boutique in a small city before you found her, now they were on the runways of Milan. You always tried to help what humans that you could and turning them wasn’t the only way. You opened orphanages up in the area where Amren was from in hopes of preventing another child from being infected or killed looking for a place to stay. When she found out, she threw her arms around you and wept. She had accepted her fate, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t mourn her mortal life.
You looked at the clock on the wall and realized that it was time to get ready. Most of Yixing’s court would be welcoming you to the estate tonight. A party was being held in your honor, and you were supposed to meet the Prince in an hour. Amren’s eyes widened. “Let’s turn you in to the prettiest thing in the room my love.” A few moments later she was leading you back to your room and sitting you down in front of the mirror. The virus made its victims look naturally stunning, but some makeup and hair-dos added allure. Your hair was curled and braided to rest on your head with a small jeweled crown. It was the one reserved for occasions where status was important, but not where you needed to attend to royal duties. A red lip paired with a maroon gown that hugged your hips and spread out near your feet were what Amren decided would make you stand out. Many people think that your kind wear red all the time, in all honestly, most strayed away from the color of their food. Black peep toe stilettos adorned your feet. Looking in the mirror, you seemed almost as dangerous as you were. “I will meet you at the party. Till then, enjoy the Prince’s company.” Amren kissed your cheek as she sent you away.
When Yixing turned, he didn’t expect to be caught off guard by your beauty. “Shall we be off then?” You asked as he took your sight in. Even the scent of you was intoxicating. He lent his arm towards you and you wrapped yours around it. “You look lovely tonight Y/N.” You smiled to yourself before turning your head towards his. “The same can be said for you.” Yixing was wearing a charcoal suit with silver embroidery in the shape of swirls. He led you to what you could only assume was his office. A large mahogany desk sat in the center of the room with a velvet chair behind it. On the desk was a large black box which was also made of the same material. “I was hoping that you wouldn’t have a necklace to wear tonight.” He lowered his arm to take your hand and led you to the desk. “Were you now?” You said back amused and raised your free hand to your collar bone. He opened the box to reveal a silver necklace with a stunning black shimmering stone in the middle. “It is black goldstone, not the most precious, but I thought it was as breathtaking as the woman I bought it for.” The way that the sparkles reflected in the light made it resemble the night sky, miles away from human civilization, where the stars shined brightly for the creatures of the night. “It is gorgeous!” He lifted it from the case and gestured towards your neck, “May I?” You nodded and lowered your hand, leaving your collarbone free for the dazzling jewel to rest upon. You clasped it in your hand as you admired it some more. When you looked up, Yixing was doing the same to you.
There seemed to be something happening between you both which you had never felt before. “Y/N, I hope that I am not being so intrusive, but may I ask you something?” “Of course, anything.” Then he moved closer and it was like you felt an invisible string linking him to you. Making you crave more of him whenever he was near. “Do you feel like we have known each other much longer than we have? As if there is something between us that you cannot explain?” You moved closer, and placed your hand on his chest before looking up at his face, his eyes, his lips. “Yes, I know exactly what you mean.” He placed his hands on your sides, then he casually slid them lower and lower to your hips. The dress leaving little fabric in between your skin and his own. “I think there is a reason why I was drawn to your picture, your description. It is like I was supposed to pick you before I even knew that I would be taking the throne.” You tilted your head up. If your skin could flush, you would be red all over your chest. The closer you were the more your body took over for you. Thought seemed to drift away. You only heard of one thing that could cause such emotions like this in a short time. Some of your kind wait several lifetimes to find what you have found by pure chance. This was the first time that you were alone with him since you had gotten here. The first time that you had truly been able to focus solely on each other. Feeling his hands on you, you wanted him to stay there forever. You wanted him to wrap you up in him and never let you go. “Who would have thought that a princess from the Ambrogio clan would be my mate.”
Your mate. A mate that could have slipped away if the circumstances weren’t exactly as they were.
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SDOAM EXO Masterlist
 Below you will find everything I have written for EXO.
Reaction to You Being a Foreigner Who Knows Their Native Language
Reaction to You Saying What You Like About Them
Reaction to You Being Busier Than Them
Reaction to Meeting Your Ex at Some Sort of Function
Reaction to You Buying Couple’s Stuff
Reaction to Thinking You are Out of Their League
Reaction to You Fainting Into Their Arms
Reaction to Their GF Being a Foreigner Who’s English is More Fluent Than Theirs
CBX - Reaction to You Playing With Their Hair
Rest (Minus CBX) - Reaction to You Playing With Their Hair
Reaction to Their S/O Having to Film a Kiss/Steamy Scene With Another Member
(OT9) Reaction to You Becoming Pale/Sick, Breathing Heavily, and/or Almost Passing Out During an Argument
(OT9) Reaction to Wanting Another Member’s Comeback Outfit Which Their S/O Designed
Reaction to You Trying to Cheer Them Up
Reaction to Their Pregnant Wife Being Horny
Reaction to Their Crush Wearing a Teasing Outfit While At a Club Together
Reaction to You Crying Out In Pain
Reaction to You Asking Them To Watch Your Baby Alone For The First Time
(OT9) Reaction to You Being A New Trainee Who They Feel Protective Of
Reaction to You Being More Than 5 Years Younger Than Them
Reaction to Their Hispanic Partner Teaching them Latin Dance
Reaction to Discovering Your Nipple Piercings While Things Get Heated in the Bedroom
Reaction to You Having a Hard Time Giving Birth
Reaction to Things Getting Heated During an Argument ;)
Reaction to You Being Bisexual
Reaction to You Having an Eating Disorder
Reaction to Their Crush Humming “Careless Whisper” (Saxophone) to Diffuse an Awkward Elevator Ride
Reaction to You Having a Better Alcohol Tolerance Than Them
(OT9) Reaction to You Thinking You Are Too Chubby
(Rap Line) Reaction to Their S/O Showing Off Her New Lingerie
Reaction to You Breaking Down While Singing/Dancing Passionately
Reaction to Their S/O Being Self Conscious About Her Small Boobs
(OT9) Reaction to EXO-Ls Supporting their Relationship
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to Their Wife Finding Out That They Are Part of the Mafia
Reaction to You Complaining About Your Larger Breasts
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to You Growing Closer to Them in Your Arranged Marriage
Reaction to Their S/O Feeling Insecure About Their “Fist Time” Cause They Are Chubby
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to You Saving Them But Not Being Able to Let You Go Freely
Reaction to You Asking If They Could Pick You Up From Work
(OT9) Reaction to You Crying After Arguing with Your Best Friend
Reaction to Their S/O Being Scared During a Horror Movie
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to Confessing Their Feelings While They Thought You Were Asleep
(OT9) Reaction to You Asking For A Bedtime Story
(OT9) Reaction to Their Child/Children Acting Up in the Store
Reaction to Their Child Asking Where Babies Come From
Jongin at ISAC
Beach Date With Chanyeol
Grounded - Yixing (Fluff)
Surprise Party - Minseok (Fluff)
What You Wanted - Kyungsoo (Angst)
Don’t Look - Sehun (Angst)
Take My Hand - Jongdae (Fluff, Suspense)
The Choice - Sehun and Kyungsoo (Angst, Fluff)
What Best Friends Are For - Jongdae (Fluff, Non-romance)
An Unexpected Meeting - Minseok (Fluff)
Just Acting - Kyungsoo (Mostly Fluff)
Down for The Count - Jongdae (Fluff)
Dance Lesson - Jongin (Fluff)
Doppelganger - Chanyeol (Fluff)
Close Encounter - Chanyeol (Smut, Fluff, Suspense)
Big Day - Yixing (Fluff)
A Royal Holiday - Jongdae (Royalty AU, Fluff, Christmas)
Three Little Words - Sehun (Fluff, Short)
Dangerous Games - Sehun (Mafia AU, Suspense, Angst, Some Fluff)
His Queen (Yixing/Lay Mafia AU):
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Epilogue
With Love (Kyungsoo):
Part 1
Bound By Blood (Yixing/Lay Vampire Arranged Marriage AU):
Part 1
Mood Boards/Photo Sets:
Chanyeol Crushing On You
Sehun Mafia! AU
Jongin Regretting Relationship (P!ATD Inspired)
Couple Tattoos You Would Get
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