valleynix · 2 years
HELLO!!!! (I GOT YM FEELINGS HURT IN THE LAST ASK)(YOU WRITE ANGST A BIT TOO WELL) so... for a little comfort, perhaps? now, i UNDERSTAND THAT NORMALLY EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TPTM READER... but hear me out, modern au?? :)
(i'm going to assume you want the Fruit Flies, and you did tell me that reader has anxiety as they wait for exam results...)
Bela Dimitrescu
she knows how easy it is to be a bit overwhelmed and stressed from things just piling on up in your life
she sees how hard you're working, and it hurts she's not able to do much
she tries, of course. she'll take you to your favorite little shop, holding your hand the entire time, squeezing it in reassurance
she'll even hold you as long as you need if you start feeling a little down, just ensuring your safety and comfort while she's nearby
she knows you're going to do well, but she won't dismiss the way you're feeling
being the oldest of three, she knows a lot about having anxiety claw its way through your heart and brain until it's all you can think about
she's willing to help you do anything, as long as it makes you feel better
you want to go for a drive? she's already got her keys. you just want to stay in and watch a move? don't worry, she's already ordered something to eat for the both of you and has a list of movies to choose from
when your results come back, she'll do what she needs to in order to make you feel the best about them
they came back and you did well? she's hugging you and telling you how proud she is and how she already has a celebratory dinner for tonight planned
if they came back and you didn't do as well as you'd hoped? don't worry! she'll help you prepare for the next one however she can, and she'll prepare you a homemade meal to make you feel better
you don't have to worry when she's around :)
Cassandra Dimitrescu
she may pretend she doesn't care or thinks you're doing great no matter how anxious you feel about something, but she sees it
she'll do more subtle things to ease your anxieties a bit
what do you mean, why is she giving you a shoulder rub? she just... tripped... and her hands happened to find your shoulders
don't question it
while you're sleeping, she'll get something for you to eat from your favorite shop and leave it on your nightstand
she'll coerce you into late night bike rides, not even saying anything snarky when you hold her just a little tighter than usual
at stop lights, she'll turn and wrap an arm around your shoulders, lightly tapping her helmet against your own
don't question that, either >:(
it's pretty obvious she's trying to comfort you in her own way, but she's so cute when she does it
she'll get your favorite sweets delivered and, if you're feeling particularly down, she will hand feed you
...probably turns into something else, but we don't have time for that
every night while you await your results, she'll hold you close, and when she thinks you're asleep, she'll whisper how proud she is of you and how much she loves you
(don't tell her you were still awake and heard every word)
if your results came back and you did well? lord have mercy, you'd better be prepared for how she celebrates (lots of... fun... times...) and how much you're going to hear, "i told you, hot stuff!"
if they came back worse than what you were hoping for? well, it's all right! she'll make sure you understand it better next time, flicking your nose when you get something wrong or taking your phone if you're on it too long
she's a little awkward in expressing her emotions or what she wants to do, even when it comes to you, but she's trying her best :'0
Daniela Dimitrescu
she will literally do anything and everything to distract you from those nasty thoughts that you didn't do well
she knows how smart you are and she knows you did your best on it
shouldn't that be all that matters?
(she's the youngest, it's a little hard for her to understand what achievements mean to others)
she'll have your favorite movie on hand, ready for when you get back from your exam, along with your favorite snacks and drinks
she'll walk with you at night, holding your hand tightly and rambling about all the things she knows about the stars and moon
if she feels like you need it, she will make you something, but don't expect it to be super high quality...
she tries
she'll straddle your hips and rub your shoulders or back if you ask her to, though be warned that this may lead to... certain things...
(with your consent only, of course)
she'll make sure you feel the best after, though
did someone say bath time? it's relaxing for her, so she just assumes it'll be the same for you, especially with her taking care of you
really, she's down to do just about anything you want to if it helps keep your anxieties at bay
at night, after your walks, she'll hold you tight and murmur how happy she is to know you and how smart you are
she wouldn't settle for anyone less, so you better believe her when she says how smart you are
or else
if your exam results come back better than you thought? she's so proud of you! she's going to kiss you everywhere she can reach until you push her away, and even then, she'll keep a tight hold on you
if they came back worse than you thought... aw, it's okay! you did your best with what you knew, and she's still proud of you. she'll take you out for ice cream or your favorite snacks to make you feel better, and she'll help you study (distract you) for next time
she just wants you to be happy and she's willing to do just about anything to ensure it :D
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naberiie · 7 years
You know, I’m sure there’s something to be said that in every type of roleplaying game, I always opt for a strong, muscular lesbian who looks fierce and yet has hoards of adopted children and a loving, equally strong wife/Lady Love - some Psychological Explanation for why that seems to be my Trope of Choice...
....in other news, I made my first d&d character, her name is Vistra Frost-beard and she’s a Hill Dwarf cleric of Heimdall who used to be a sailor and yet returned to land for her lady-love and has already adopted the other players in our group, even though we haven’t even started our campaign yet. 
oh and also she has a magnificent beard because all lady dwarves should have magnificent beards
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lizzilz · 7 years
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Asahi & Noya. 💕
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lux-scriptum · 6 years
Nyello..... your the best....
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