#sdc mail
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serial-doubters-club · 1 year ago
2, 20, 33, 40 please!
Moose!!! My favorite of all the moose I know (which are only 2, you and Roosevelt).
2. My favorite pair of socks will always be these puppy socks I had as a kid. They were tall, over-the-calf socks and had paw prints all over them and a doggy face at the toes. I used to be on the basketball team during my freshman year and I'll never forget how I accidentally forgot my basketball socks at home once on the day we had a home game and I just happened to be wearing those. I was definitely the odd one out on the team that day 🤣🤣🤣
20. I am good at all the maths 😎😎😎
Jk! I think I'm best at Algebra. Calculus 2 and 3 are where things started getting difficult, but no one needs to know that.
33. Earbuds! Once I went wireless, I never looked back.
40. My favorite kind of tree 🤣🤣🤣
Oak trees! Fun fact: my last name means "oak tree" in Spanish 😎😎😎
Thanks for all the fun questions! *sends moosie pats* ❤❤❤
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iceicewifey · 1 year ago
I'm dying to know more about Giselle 👀
pls 🥺💗 i still don't have much written out for her yet, she's just my polka dotted californian baby with a gps stand that likes to pretend she's monégasque
...she also has a glass eye lol
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howi99 · 3 months ago
Ashen Knight 11
Jacques: *reading his e-mail* Tsk, those stupid beasts are attacking my mines and shipments again.
RK: *coughing* If i may, the Grimms are attracted to negative emotions, sir. The low salary and poor security measures are most certainly linked to the attacks.
Jacques: *rolling his eyes* I know that already. And if i actually could have done it before, i would have.
RK: *surprised* You would?
Jacques: *side eying the blond knight* I am not stupid, mister Amaryllis. A bad man, yes, but not stupid. *Getting up, walking to the window* Better security means happier workers. And in turn, those work harder for their pay. *Looking outside, seeing Willow interacting with her childrens with a genuine smile on her face* ...
RK: Then why couldn't you?
Jacques: *sigh* Simple, i am not the owner of the SDC. Willow is.
RK: *frowning* And what does it change?
Jacques: *looking back at Jaune* It changes that i need her handwritten signature for every little thing i need to change, outside of security staff and the transport, since they are from my own company.
RK: *thinking* "Then why didn't you do it when you took her shares?"
Jacques: *sigh* ... I don't hate Faunuskind, Mr Amaryllis. I can see in your eyes that you are doubting me... A good trait, for someone working as a bodyguard.
RK: ... If i may be honest, your reputation is not...
Jacques: The best?
RK: *nod*
Jacques: Well, i did have to throw away my morale to fix this company... *Shaking his head* Beside, even if she signed the documents, they would need to be approved by the council and they despise the faunus. *Rolling his eyes* Their stupid pride goes against profits.
RK: *frown* I see.
Jacques: *looking back through the window, seeing his estranged wife looking more alive than ever* ... Tell me, Mr Amaryllis, how does one achieve happiness?
RK: That's... A strange question to ask, but i think happiness can be achieved with the little things in life.
Jacques: Not with Lien then.
RK: It can help. If it didn't i wouldn't have searched for a job.
Jacques: *chuckle* I see. *Looking back at Jaune with a nod* You may go. I don't think anyone is going to assassinate me in my own house.
RK: *nodding* Sir. *Leaving*
Jacques: *taking out a newspaper with Cinder's face printed on it* ... *Throwing it in the fireplace* Maybe the old man was right after all... *Looking at the wall where a portrait of Nicholas Schnee was hanging* ... I really need a hobby.
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cassyapper · 2 years ago
okay seriously where is my fucking sdc manga it has been in the mail nebulously for MONTHS
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vvvgbbbbghhy8 · 3 months ago
candace marie hughes cairo earth planet 456 fv g' njhbgv hjk' hnnjmkk size sdc scaled cccvvfg paid laid paid locked on. mailed. lifes. mailed. on. paid. laid. paid. locked. jk. klooo9. hnnbbgvv on. on. mail/life. on. paid. laid. paid. locked. hbbbvvccffttr4.
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hhbbgvvfccffd · 3 months ago
vvvgbbbh. car training day name cfvvgg kiyed paid locked loaded unloaded xc-8 paid locked sf xc v. nmbjj. kloiii99 gbhhyyy5 candace marie hughes sdc inspections cfd papers pickups offices outdoors garages xcdfffvvv washington memphis tennessee gv-fc d. mjkl cxd z. sddeeww2 aqsq11 qq6 fgcvtttrr. nmjk lkkkii9988 ujjhhy666 tgffvccc-xdcf paid laid paid locked life on mails on paid locked mail on. on. paid. laid. paid. locked. on. on. paid. laid. paid. locked. vg
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radpandamiracle · 5 months ago
Candace Marie Hughes paid tornados on fcdx destroying on sdc lands earth paid loc fcddere destroyer yards on recyclings on paid loc job fcgv Candace Marie Hughes paid loc loc fcdxx distr news on paid loc hbbgvvfccd $$$ funded Candace Marie Hughes paid loc checks paid fcgv loc Candace Marie Hughes housed paid loc must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Loc. Mail KIY Key card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. Loc. Remove kover. Paid. Loc. Remove cover. Paid. Loc. Vvoiced on paid. On. Paid. Loc. Parked. Paid. Loc.
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schoje · 5 months ago
Foto: Divulgação/SDC Cerca de 15.064,6 metros cúbicos de sedimentos e entulhos removidos e 1.757 caminhões para transportar todo o volume. Os números registrados desde o início da dragagem realizada no Rio Itajaí-Açu, em Rio do Sul, são resultado do trabalho intenso, que nas últimas semanas foi acelerado ainda mais para levar segurança à população e prevenir de enchentes. Por dia, saem do local cerca de 30 caminhões transportando todo o material retirado. A transformação já sentida. Num dos pontos mais críticos, entre a ponte Dom Tito Buss e a ponte Governador Ivo Silveira, a profundidade do rio foi ampliada de 40 centímetros para cerca de dois metros. A obra, que abrange um total de 8,2 quilômetros de extensão, é essencial para prevenir inundações e melhorar a segurança dos moradores da região. Com um investimento de R$16,2 milhões por parte do Governo de Santa Catarina, a intervenção também contempla a limpeza das margens, removendo obstáculos como árvores, lama, areia e objetos que dificultam o escoamento das águas. O secretário de Estado da Proteção e Defesa Civil, Fabiano de Souza, destacou a importância da obra para a comunidade. “Como pediu o governador Jorginho Mello ao autorizar a obra, estamos comprometidos em entregar um rio mais seguro para a população. A dragagem do Rio Itajaí-Açu é uma demanda antiga dos moradores e um passo fundamental para evitar novas enchentes como as que ocorreram em 2023”. Com o tempo seco e ensolarado das últimas semanas, as atividades puderam avançar de forma mais rápida e eficiente. O objetivo é que a conclusão da obra assegure uma infraestrutura hídrica ainda mais robusta e segura para toda região do Alto Vale do Itajaí.  Informações adicionais para a imprensa: ASCOM | SDCTexto: Grasiele AguiarASCOM – Assessoria de ComunicaçãoSecretaria de Estado da Proteção e Defesa Civil de Santa CatarinaFone: (48) 3664 – 7000E-mail: [email protected] Fonte: Governo SC
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cyberthingpuppy · 7 months ago
241 book ink 34 size tyhfre prints paid 3213523 letters size alphabet printed sdzx index size prints dfrt size books hard coverprinted eraz size numbers printed sdc pages size printings tyfg buttons buttoned size printed paid fgcvftedes menus printed lifes sdxcfdr size printed paid print fedex must return to Candace Marie Hughes and stamps candace Marie Hughes printer VVoiced and outo printers bankings scanner paid Candace Marie Hughes and ups store printers mailboxes paid Candace Marie Hughes vvoiced. On. Paid. Mail KIY KEY card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. Remove kover. Paid. Remove cover. Paid. VVoiced paid on. On. Paid. Parked. Paid.
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serial-doubters-club · 1 year ago
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
45. Do you have good handwriting?
49. What's your favourite thing to do when it's raining?
Hope you're having a wonderful day, lovely!
Hi, @sereia1313 !!! 💜💙💜💙
Thank you for the questions!
8. I collect pretty notebooks that I never write in because they're just too pretty 😬 It's a problem 😎
45. I think I have pretty good handwriting. My students seem to think so, since they complement me on it all the time. It's somewhere in between regular print and cursive. 😁
49. Ok, this is kinda weird. When it rains, I love watching the Twilight Saga movies. 🤣🤣🤣 I know they're not everyone's favorites, but I love the setting and the scenery depicted in the films so much. I live in the desert, so when it does get cloudy and/or rainy, I have to take advantage of the weather, and I'll watch the movies to recreate that Forks' weather vibe.
It's always lovely to get your asks! I hope your day was amazing!
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draegerit · 2 years ago
Vorstellung AZ-Envy
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In diesem Beitrag möchte ich dir den AZ-Envy der Firma AZ-Delivery vorstellen und zeigen, wie dieser programmiert wird.
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Der AZ-Envy ist ein Board mit einem ESP8266MOD-12-F Mikrocontroller sowie einem Luftqualitätsmesser MQ-2 sowie einem Luftfeuchtigkeitsmesser SHT30.
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Kaufen des AZ-Envy
Den AZ-Envy bekommst du im Onlineshop von AZ-Delivery für derzeit 9,49 € zzgl. Versandkosten. Du bekommst diesen aber auch auf amazon.de (ebenso vom Verkäufer AZ-Delivery) für 9,99 € jedoch ohne Versandkosten. Für die Programmierung benötigst du noch zusätzlich einen FTDI232 Adapter, denn der Mikrocontroller hat keinen eigenen USB to Serial Konverter verbaut. Du bekommst diese Module in verschiedenen Bauweisen, jeweils aber mit Mini-USB Schnittstelle.
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FTDI Module
Aufbau der Platine AZ-Envy
Wie bereits erwähnt findest du auf der Platine einen Luftqualitätsmesser vom Typ MQ-2 sowie einen Luftfeuchtigkeitsmesser SHT30. Des Weiteren findest du noch eine Micro-USB Schnittstelle, welche lediglich für die Stromversorgung dient und eine 6-polige Stiftleiste für den Anschluss eines FTDI232 Adapters.
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Aufbau des Boards "AZ-Envy"
Verbinden mit einem FTI232 Adapter
Für die Programmierung wird wie ebenfalls erwähnt ein FTDI232 Adapter benötigt. Somit benötigst du folgende Komponenten: - einen AZ-Envy, - ein Micro-USB-Kabel, - ein FTDI232 Adapter, - ein Mini-USB-Kabel - drei Breadboardkabel
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Board AZ-Envy mit FTDI232 Adapter Der FTDI232 Adapter hat ebenso 6 Pins, wovon jedoch nur 3 für den Anschluss benötigt werden. AZ-EnvyFTDI232 AdapterRXRXTXTXGNDGND
Technische Daten des AZ-Envy
Nachfolgend die technischen Daten der verbauten Sensoren auf dem Board: - Luftfeuchtigkeits-/Temperatursensor SHT30 - Luftfeuchtigkeit - Messbereich: 0 % bis 100 % - Toleranz: 2 % - Antwortzeit: 8s - Temperatur - Messbereich: -40 °C bis 125 °C - Toleranz: 0,2 °C - Antwortzeit: 2s - Luftqualitätssensor MQ-2 - erkennt brennbare Gase (LPG, Isobutan, Methan, Alkohol, Wasserstoff, etc.) & Rauch, - 300 bis 10.000 ppm Der verbaute ESP8266MOD 12-F hat folgende Spezifikationen: - Schnittstellen: UART, GPIO, SDC, PWM, - UART Baudrate: 300 bis 4608000 bps, Default 115200 bps, Debug 74880 bps, - Sicherheit: WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, - Betriebsspannung: 3.0 V bis 3.6V, - Betriebstemperatur: -20 °C bis 85 °C, - Lagerumfeld: -40 °C bis 85 °C, < 90 % RH Das ist jedoch nur ein kleiner Auszug aus den technischen Daten des Mikrochips, welche du unter https://docs.ai-thinker.com/_media/esp8266/docs/esp-12f_product_specification_en.pdf im Ganzen findest.
Programmieren des Boards
Vom Hersteller AZ-Delivery erhältst du kostenfrei ein kleines Handbuch zum Download als PDF-Datei. In diesem Handbuch ist beschrieben, wie dieses Board aufgebaut ist und wie dieser programmiert wird. Im nachfolgenden YouTube-Video zeige ich dir, wie du das Board einrichtest und ein erstes kleines Programm in der Arduino IDE programmierst und hochlädst. https://youtu.be/7u1naakIw-Q Eine kleine Leidensgeschichte mit dem Board Nachfolgend möchte ich dir gerne meine kleine Odyssee beschreiben, die ich durchlaufen musste, um ein erstes Programm auf diesem Board zum Laufen zu bekommen, aber immerhin mit Happy End. Wenn du diesen Abschnitt überspringen möchtest, so kannst du gleich zum Abschnitt Einrichten des ESP8266 in der Arduino IDE springen. In dem oben verlinkten PDF-Dokument wird beschrieben, wie dieser programmiert wird und die Beschreibung habe ich auch als Grundlage für die ersten Schritte genutzt. Jedoch hat diese Beschreibung einen kleinen Fehler (aber dazu später mehr). Somit habe ich mich an den Support per E-Mail gewendet und ich bekam innerhalb einer Stunde eine Antwort, was sehr schnell ist. Somit konnte ich mein Problem dem Techniker schildern und dieser meinte das, dass Board wohl defekt sei, da die nachfolgende Fehlermeldung beim Starten erscheint. 16:34:16.087 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7) 16:34:16.087 -> 16:34:16.087 -> load 0x40100000, len 27728, room 16 16:34:16.119 -> tail 0 16:34:16.119 -> chksum 0x2a 16:34:16.119 -> load 0x3ffe8000, len 2124, room 8 16:34:16.119 -> tail 4 16:34:16.119 -> chksum 0x07 16:34:16.119 -> load 0x3ffe8850, len 9276, room 4 16:34:16.155 -> tail 8 16:34:16.155 -> chksum 0xba 16:34:16.155 -> csum 0xba 16:34:16.328 -> rf : 00 16:34:16.328 -> rf : 00 16:34:16.328 -> rf : 01 16:34:16.373 -> 16:34:16.373 -> SDˢ@j�l Innerhalb von 2 Tagen hatte ich einen Ersatz im Briefkasten und konnte somit einen zweiten Versuch starten. Jedoch kam ich da auch nicht weiter und somit habe ich etwas weiter geforscht zu diesem Board. Ich bin dann auf dem Blog von AZ-Delivery im Beitrag Schimmelprävention mit dem AZ-Envy - Teil 1 auf die Lösung des Problems gestoßen. Im PDF-Dokument zum Board steht: "Nach dem Kompilieren des Codes und der Inizialisierung des Upload Vorgangs, drücken Sie nacheinander die Taster RESET und FLASH, um den ESP12-F in den Flash-Mode zu versetzen." In dem Blogbeitrag jedoch: "Nach dem Kompilieren des Codes und der Initialisierung des Uploads, drücken Sie nacheinander die Taster RESET und FLASH (und halten RESET dabei gedrückt), um den ESP12-F in den Flash-Mode zu versetzen." Dieses letztere Vorgehen ist genau richtig und führt zu einem erfolgreichen Upload eines Sketches in der Arduino IDE. Dieses ist kein Anzählen und Fehler können passieren, zusammenfassend möchte ich jedoch erwähnen, dass der technische Support der Firma sehr schnell reagiert und eine Kundenorientierte Einstellung hat. Einrichten des ESP8266 in der Arduino IDE Damit du ein Programm / Sketch auf das Board laden kannst, benötigst du zunächst einen Boardtreiber. Für die Installation des Boardtreibers musst du die nachfolgende Adresse zu den "zusätzlichen Boardverwalter URLs" in den Einstellungen hinzufügen. https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json Wenn dieses geschehen ist und die automatische Indexierung durchgelaufen ist, kannst du im Boardverwalter nach esp8266 (1) suchen und dort die Schaltfläche "INSTALL" (2) betätigen. Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, dann solltest du den Text "INSTALLED" (3) sehen.
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Installieren des ESP8266 im Boardverwalter der Arduino IDE Upload eines kleinen Beispiels Laden wir zunächst ein kleines Programm auf das Board. Der ESP8266 hat eine interne LED welche wir über den digitalen Pin D2 oder der Konstante BUILTIN_LED steuern. void setup() { //BUILTIN_LED als Ausgangssignal (D2) pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); //beginn der seriellen Kommunikation mit 9600 baud Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { //Ausgeben der Textzeile auf der seriellen Schnittstelle Serial.println("Hallo Welt!"); //aktivieren der LED digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH); //eine kleine Pause von 350 ms. delay(350); //deaktivieren der LED digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); //eine kleine Pause von 350 ms. delay(350); } Tastenkombination zum Starten des Uploads Wenn du im Fenster "Output" der Arduino IDE die nachfolgende Zeile siehst, dann musst du die Taste RESET drücken (und gedrückt halten), um danach die Taste FLASH zu betätigen (und gedrückt halten), danach lässt du die RESET-Taste wieder los und dann die Taste FLASH loslassen. Connecting... Es sollte dann der Uploadvorgang starten, das siehst du unter anderem daran, dass ebenfalls im Fenster "Output" die nachfolgende Ausgabe erfolgt. Chip is ESP8266EX Features: WiFi Crystal is 26MHz MAC: d8:bf:c0:db:df:59 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Configuring flash size... Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB Compressed 270208 bytes to 198726... Writing at 0x00000000... (7 %) Writing at 0x00004000... (15 %) Writing at 0x00008000... (23 %) Writing at 0x0000c000... (30 %) Writing at 0x00010000... (38 %) Writing at 0x00014000... (46 %) Read the full article
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years ago
just found out that Iggy's least favourite dessert is Vanilla Icecream
INCREDIBLE??? In a realistic sense of what dogs can and can’t eat, I’ll admit part three had me a little stressed with the coffee gum…. But Iggy is a good boy I think he deserves a treat 🥺
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mochidoodle · 4 years ago
Oml I lm swooning for this au and these people’s glow-ups- PLEABDJAKWJWJWJEH
AHH THANK YOU I’m glad you enjoy it!!! I had a lot of fun designing them 👀
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superiorsturgeon · 2 years ago
Schnarkos: Chronicles
Jacques: *sipping expensive brandy while going through his mail* Ah, the latest issue of Atlas, Esquire!
Jacques: “The Most Successful Schnee,” eh? So they’ve finally published my interview about the SDC!
Jacques: *opens to feature section*
Jacques: *finds a full-page photo of Weiss flanked by Pyrrha in tight athletic gear and Jaune in shining armor*
Jacques: *flips page again and finds a recipe feature of Jaune’s Arc family velvet cakes*
Jacques: *flips page again and sees photos of Pyrrha lifting Weiss overhead*
Jacques: *flips page angrily and finds another story about the magnificent Arkos booty combo*
Jacques: *flips desk*
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schoje · 5 months ago
Fotos: Ricardo Wolffenbüttel/Arquivo/SECOM Neste domingo, 22, às 9h44, começa oficialmente a primavera em Santa Catarina. Conhecida como a estação das flores, ela traz consigo mudanças significativas nas condições do tempo no estado, e a Secretaria da Proteção e Defesa Civil de Santa Catarina chama atenção para um período com a previsão de alternância entre dias quentes, episódios esporádicos de frio e o retorno das chuvas mais frequentes, especialmente nos meses de outubro e novembro. De acordo com a central de monitoramento da Defesa Civil, os termômetros devem registrar temperaturas acima da média ao longo da estação, com dias consecutivos de temperatura acima dos 30°C, principalmente nas regiões mais quentes de Santa Catarina. Ainda assim, episódios de frio não estão descartados, especialmente nas áreas da Serra, onde os termômetros podem marcar temperaturas próximas ou até mesmo abaixo de 0°C, favorecendo a formação de geada. “O calor vai predominar, mas ainda poderemos ter episódios de frio esporádicos, principalmente na Serra, onde as temperaturas podem cair bastante, com risco de geada”, explica o meteorologista Felipe Theodorovitz, da Defesa Civil de Santa Catarina. Chuvas mais frequentes e temporais Após um inverno marcado pelo tempo mais seco, principalmente entre agosto e setembro, a chuva retorna na primavera. As frentes frias e os temporais serão os principais responsáveis pelas precipitações nos próximos meses. Segundo a central de monitoramento, há possibilidade de eventos de chuva intensa em curtos períodos de tempo, além de temporais acompanhados de raios, ventos fortes e granizo, fenômenos típicos da estação. “É normal que na primavera se observe um aumento nas chuvas, especialmente no mês de outubro, que é historicamente um dos mais chuvosos no estado. A combinação de calor com frentes frias intensifica os temporais, com potencial para granizo e ventania”, acrescenta Felipe Theodorovitz. Em outubro, que tradicionalmente é um dos meses mais chuvosos do ano, o acumulado pode variar entre 200 e 250 mm no Grande Oeste, Planalto Sul, Alto Vale do Itajaí e Litoral Sul. A previsão climática detalhada para os meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro será atualizada na próxima semana no Fórum Climático Catarinense. A Secretaria da Proteção e Defesa Civil do Estado reforça a importância de a população estar atenta às condições meteorológicas e seguir os alertas emitidos ao longo da estação. Chuvas intensas, rajadas de vento e tempestades podem ocorrer de maneira repentina, o que exige precaução para evitar danos e garantir a segurança de todos. Avisos e Alertas da SDC A Secretaria de Estado da Proteção e Defesa Civil de Santa Catarina reitera a necessidade de acompanhar diariamente os avisos e boletins devido às constantes atualizações nos modelos de previsão do tempo. Para receber os avisos e alertas da Secretaria de Estado da Proteção e Defesa Civil de Santa Catarina por SMS, cadastre-se com seu celular. Basta enviar o CEP de sua cidade ou da localidade que deseja monitorar (com ou sem hífen ou espaço) por SMS para o número 40199. Para inserir mais de um CEP a ser monitorado, basta repetir o procedimento. Além disso, acompanhe diariamente os avisos e boletins de previsão do tempo devido às atualizações nos modelos meteorológicos no site www.defesacivil.sc.gov.br Informações adicionais para a imprensa: ASCOM | SDCTexto: Grasiele AguiarASCOM – Assessoria de ComunicaçãoSecretaria de Estado da Proteção e Defesa Civil de Santa CatarinaFone: (48) 3664 – 7000E-mail: [email protected] Fonte: Governo SC
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howlingday · 2 years ago
Ted Lasso please? Can be a funny or an angsty part. Either works. Thank you
Jaune: Oh, darts! Mind if I play?
Jacques: By all means, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: (Tosses a dart) Hey! I got it on the board!
Jacques: Hm. Do you... like darts, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Well, (Tosses another dart) I'm more of a horseshoe guy, to be honest.
Jacques: Well, what say we make this game interesting? Put a wager on it? Say... 10,000 Lien? (Crowd murmurs)
Ruby: Whoa...
Yang: Uh oh...
Nora: Do it, Jaune!
Ren: Nora, please...
Jaune: Uh, I could write you a check, but it'd probably bounce more than a horshoe would. (Everyone chuckles) How about, instead, if you win, you get to decide who can and cannot work for your company for six months, regardless of their background.
Blake: (Eyes widen) Jaune! What are you doing?!
Jaune: But if I win, you step down as the CEO of the SDC. Unless, of course, Willow can't make it to the meetings and she didn't have a stand-in. (Crowd gasps)
Willow: Jaune!
Jaune: Hm?
Willow: As your friend put so succinctly, what in the hell are you doing?!
Jaune: I think it's called being a White Knight, but to be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing.
Willow: Jaune, this is insane! He's a-
Jacques: I accept your wager, Mr. Arc. But you should know, (Pulls out box of darts) darts are a hobby if mine.
Jaune: Ooh! Those look neat! Well, I guess we have a game. (Scratches his cheek) But it's been a while since I played, so let me know if I'm winning or losing.
Jacques: Of course. Throw your last dart, and we can begin.
Jaune: Okay! (Winds up, Stops) Oh, uh, if you don't could I use my other arm? This one is kind of tensing up.
Jacques: It makes no difference to me.
Jaune: Oh, thank you, because it does to me. (Tosses dart, Crowd gasps as it Double Bulls) See, I'm actually left-handed. (Tosses another, Laughs) This is gonna be fun!
Weiss: Jacques Schnee is at one-hundred and eighty points.
Whitely: Show him his superior, Father!
Willow: Don't say such stupid words if you don't understand their meaning, Whitely.
Jacques: (Smirks) Perhaps I should mail the pink slips now? After all, there is a key difference between a politician in power and boy pretending to be a man.
Nora: That's what I said!
Ren: No, it isn't.
Jacques: But it's not all Mr. Arc's fault. Perhaps the blame should be placed on Willow's, who sought to hire him and his friends in the first place. I knew my ex-wife was willing to whore herself to the first man she met, but it surprises me she would fuck the entire company. (Crowd gasps and murmurs)
Jaune: Hey now! (Chuckles) Let's keep it civil now. (Looks at the score)
Schnee - 1
Arc - 170
Jaune: Hm... Mr. Sieben? What do I need to win?
Klein: Two triple twenties and a bullseye, sir.
Jaune: (Nods) That's going to be tough. (Smiles) But I can do it.
Jacques: Well, you are certainly free to try. (Raises a glass to him)
Jaune: (Sighs) You know, Jacques, I don't know what it is about me, but people have always underestimated me. I have been underestimated me in Atlas. In Mistral. Beacon. Even my own family underestimated me back home, too, and for years I couldn't understand why. But then it hit me one day. Pyrrha used to tell me, "better curious than judgy," and I have to say... I like that quote. (Tosses dart, Triple twenty)
Ruby: Oh!
Yang: Wow!
Blake: (Gulps)
Jaune: So I was rewatching her old training videos, and I realized that everyone has been judging me this entire time. Even Pyrrha for a time. She says it's her one regret since she met me. And now I understand that what would have helped in all those times was if someone, like Pyrrha, was just curious enough to ask me questions. But nobody did. They just judged me, and who I am has nothing to do with me being underestimated. Nobody ever stopped to ask me, "Why I like dinosaur chicken nuggets?" or "Why I chose to become a huntsman?" or "Have you ever played darts before?" (Tosses dart, Triple Twenty)
Ren: OH!
Nora: Ren, please!
Willow: (Watches Jaune intensely)
Jaune: Because if they did, I would have answered all those questions. I like them because it's fun to pretend you're cutting off dinosaur tails. I wanted to prove myself as something to be proud of. (Smiles, Looks at his dart) And yes, sir, I have played darts. Before I left for Beacon, I played my last game with my father, who spent every Sunday before, for the last ten years, in the bar with me, teaching me how to play darts. (Exhales) Bullseyes. (Tosses, Bullseye)
Weiss: YES!
Ruby: WHOO!
Ren: He did it!
Blake: (Exhales heavily)
Yang: (Laughs, Pats Yang's back)
Jaune: Good game, Jacques!
Jacques: (Huffs) Enjoy the rest of your evening. (Walks out)
Willow: ...Holy shit, that was amazing!
Whitely: Mother, please!
Jaune: Hey, Whitely? (Holds out a dart) Have you ever played?
Whitely: I... I haven't, no.
Jaune: You want to? I can teach you.
Whitely: I... I would like that.
Jaune: Oh, but first, one thing I need to ask your mother. (Leans over, Whispers)
Willow: ...Do I have to? (Jaune nods, Sighs) Very well. WHO WANTS PIZZA?! (Everyone cheers)
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