y0ur-l0cal-sculk · 1 year
I drew a thing the 0ther night, just cause I was b0red
S0 have a drawing 0f a human0id Sculk f0rm? F0r funzies?
(D0n’t mind the SGA, it’s just- cryptic p0etic mem stuff, because I supp0se that’s what I was in the m00d f0r)
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(Full SGA under the cut :])
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SGA translati0n f0r y0u curi0us f0lks:
The city 0f Icarus has fallen t0 it’s hubris, it’s 0nly legacy, a crumbling ruin.
The heart 0f decay still beats.
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achiterms · 6 months
sculkkin userbox!
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[Image ID: A short rectangular box split into a square on the left and a rectangle on the right. Inside the square is the sculk block texture from Minecraft. Inside the rectangle are the words "This user is sculkkin!" written in a dark teal on a lighter teal background. /end ID.]
please respect my dni, but anyone is free to use.
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y0ur-l0cal-sculk · 1 year
I want t0 make s0unds that I cann0t physically make
I am getting s0 ann0yed by this
I’m just 0pening my m0uth as wide as I can in a futile eff0rt t0 make the s0unds I want
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y0ur-l0cal-sculk · 1 year
Rand0m th0ught, but s0metimes the way I l00k in my head is like- a human0id s0rt 0f f0rm c0bbled t0gether fr0m Sculk, and then s0metimes it’s 0rganic, g00ey, gl0wy stuff, that is very r0und in nature, and then 0ther times it’s just cubes.
I am a c0llecti0n 0f cubes
Fear me /j /nsrs
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y0ur-l0cal-sculk · 1 year
+Intr0 P0st!!+
Hellll0, welc0me t0 Sculk Central! Y0ur l0cal c0l0ny! My name’s Gh0st, and I mainly use Sculk/Query/It/They!
(As y0u may have n0ticed, I use a typing quirk, s0 please be chill with that, thank y0u!)
I’m a min0r s0 d0n’t be a dumbass please <3
DNI if y0u are a flav0r 0f ist, ph0bic, 0r whatever else, 0r a nsfw, and/0r 18+ bl0g. Y’kn0w, the usual stuff y0u see 0n DNI lists. Als0! DNI if y0u are anti 0therkin 0r ficti0nkin! We’ll b0th be happier that way :]
Anyways, 0nt0 the fun stuff! What exactly is this humble little bl0g?
I’m a ficti0nkin 0f Sculk, fr0m minecraft! Yep, literally the bl0ck family, n0rmal sculk, sens0rs, catalysts, the wh0le shabang.
The purp0se 0f this bl0g, is t0 be a place f0r me t0 just talk ab0ut being a sculk kin, and t0 h0pefully maybe p0st things like stimb0ards based 0n sculk at s0me p0int! The reas0n I’m making this, is because I swear, I cann0t find any s0rt 0f kin c0ntent 0n tumblr rev0lving ar0und sculk, and I’ve decided that I may as well just d0 it myself.
If y0u’re a fell0w sculk kin 0r a warden kin, 0r anything else like that, maybe have a quick st0p by, and I h0pe that y0u’ll enj0y this little un0rganized mess 0f a bl0g :]
F0r the mean time, I think I’m g0nna leave asks and stuff 0pen, just f0r funzies
I d0 n0t use tumblr 0ften, s0 I cann0t guarantee any s0rt 0f frequent p0sting (hey, l00k, it’ll just be a pleasant surprise whenever I d0 p0st! /j)
(W0uldn’t it be hilari0us if this ends up being my 0nly p0st f0r the rest 0f ever?)
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