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ahlam-musandam-tours · 2 years ago
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Making each of your journeys a joy in itself…
For more details, reach out to Ahlam Musandam Tours !!!
Contact us: +968 99188691
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Visit us: www.amtoursoman.com
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barkingwild · 5 years ago
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Vluit-vluit, ons storie is uit. The end of an incredible holiday. Thanks #coraldiverssa for another super day out! . . . Among many other interesting sightings was a cluster of #nudibranch eggs in which we spotted some minuscule nudis - still not sure if these were hatchlings or other nudis having a meal? If anyone can help us identify the species please comment below. . . . . . #diving #scuba #scubapics #scubadiving #sodwana #nikonw300 #divingphotos #nofilterphotography #nikonsa #underwaterphotography #sodwanabay #girlsthatscuba #couplesthatscuba (at Coral Divers) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_aS9rn9Ki/?igshid=i5z98ughjgob
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thediveduke · 4 years ago
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💛🤩 here they are... my most favourite fishes = Oriental Sweetlips 🤩💛 I always try to sneak closer and closer to them... (and whisper that they don't have to be afraid 🤣) 💛💙🤍💛💙🤍💛💙🤍💛💙 . . . . . . . #ダイビング好きな人と繋がりたい #ダレカニミセタイウミ #tigershark #noplastic #snorkelling #angelsofthesea #freedivingart #스쿠버 #saveoursharks #scubaworld #saveourseas #snorkle #duikeninbeeld #lascubamag #underwaterlove #scubapics #水中写真好きな人と繋がりたい #savesharks #tropicalfish #uwphotography #snorkling #savetheoceans #divingphoto #instadive #seacreature #oceanphotography #scubaphoto (hier: Maldives) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ0_A6KBgce/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blogscuba10 · 4 years ago
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Our week starts with beautiful dives, we wish to see you soon! #freediving #cozumeldiving #playanow . . . . .#certifieddivers #mamaviña #scuba10moments #scubapeople #scubaphotography #playadelcarmenmexico #scubamood #divesafe #divewiththebest #divescuba10 #wreckdivers #freediving #freedivingtour #scubapics (en scuba10) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGm81W6h55v/?igshid=zxx6c0vxd1bu
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martin-klein · 5 years ago
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The arch is a well known dive site in Raja Ampat 😀 #thearch #rajaampat #indonesia #seacam #diving #tauchen #underwater #underwaterphotography #seacamhousing #unterwasserfoto #unterwasserfotografie #scuba #scubapics #uwpic #uwpics #tauchen_magazin #tauchen #unterwasserwelt #unterwasser #unterwasserfoto https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXeuhcAKad/?igshid=ft59inai33nz
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theperfectlookclothing · 5 years ago
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Good Afternoon Ladies! 🍸Check our this AMAZING day to night combo💕. ☀️For day it would be cute with brown flats or boat shoes 🥿👜, 🌜at night sass it up with some heels and bold statement jewelry💍👑👠Remember to use code PERFECT10 for 10% off when you register an account. https://ift.tt/33J5p58 . posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/B-SWJDQnGYC/
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nfclothstore19-blog · 5 years ago
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🌼NF64 CELANA WANITA NAVITA SCUBA PANTS💕⁣ ⁣ Geser untuk melihat gambar --->⁣ ⁣ ❤ HARGA 102.000 ❤⁣ ⁣ Hai ladies tahukah kamu celana navita scuba ini adalah celana yang terbuat dari bahan wedges scuba yang tebal, bahan scuba sendiri memiliki karakteristik yaitu bahan ini sangat adem. Dengan memakai pakaian dengan bahan scuba, maka akan terlihat lebih cantik dan modis.Kain scuba ini juga masih memiliki keunggulan yang lain yaitu bahan kainnya cepat kering, tekstur kainnya halus, tahan terhadap noda dan terasa empuk (spoingy) dan masih banyak lagi.⁣ ⁣ Sifat khusus kain scuba lebih kuat sehingga kain ini tidak mudah sobek⁣ ⁣ DETAIL :⁣ ✔ALL SIZE⁣ ✔Lingkar pinggang 68-92cm⁣ ✔Panjang celana 92cm⁣ ✔Material Wedges Scuba⁣ ✔Ada karet di belakang⁣ ✔Ada kancing + resleting⁣ ✔Cocok untuk acara formal ataupun non formal⁣ ⁣ 📝Mau Tampil Kece dan Modis tapi Budget Minim, Nih Hanya di NFCLOTHSTORE Solusinya,,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 📝Koleksi outfit kekinian yang trendy,fashionable dan kekinian dan harga bersaing bisa kamu miliki sekarang, tunggu apa lagi ladies,,🙋‍♀️⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 💌MORE INFO ☎️ :⁣⁣⁣⁣ +6285732004821(Whatsapp/sms)⁣⁣⁣⁣ Fast Respon⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 💌Gratis ongkir via Shopee :⁣⁣⁣⁣ http://shopee.co.id/fatimahcollection96 ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 💌Tokopedia :⁣⁣⁣⁣ http://www.tokopedia.com/NFCLOTHSTORE ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ NB : Mohon tanyakan Stok terlebih dahulu sebelum order, karena stok bisa habis sewaktu-waktu⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ Happy Shopping 😘🛍⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #celanawanita#celanasantai#celanacasual#celanatrendy#celanawanitascuba#highquality#celanabasic#celana#celanakekinian#celanahits#celanakuliah#celanasimple#hotseller#grosircelanamurah#celanapremiumwanita#celanamurahberkualitas#recommended#bestseller#celanahot#scubapants https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ekAhRANuC/?igshid=1rauztl7c42si
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vunishop-blog · 8 years ago
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Basic Pants Wedges Price : Rp. 60 rb Variasi: Black / Abu material : wedges scuba typpe : basic pants panjang : 91 cm l.pinggang karet : 70 cm l. pinggul : 80 cm l.paha : 48cm celana panjang dengan bahan scuba wedges berkarakter lentur dan lembut nyaman digunakan untuk aktifitas anda. cocok digunakan di momen formal maupun informal. pas dikombinasi dengan pakaian / atasan lainya. celana basic standar yang mudah disesuaikan dengan atasan/pakaian lainya #celanapanjang #wedgespants #scubapants #basicpantswedges #pakaianwanita #celanahighwaist #celanamurah #celanawanita #bawahanwanita #diskon #hotpromo #promomurah #hargamurah #koleksiwanita #fashion #vunieshopfashion #vunieshop
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desimagesquiparlent · 8 years ago
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Tout en couleur by scubapic
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barkingwild · 5 years ago
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People say that moray eels always look like they've just dropped a punchline but it looks like porcupine fish are in on the joke too! . . . . . #scubadiving #diving #scuba #scubapics #sodwana #sodwanabay #coraldiverssa #girlsthatscuba #couplesthatscuba #underwaterphotography #nofilterphotography #nikonsa #nikonw300 #divingphoto #divingphotos #barkingwild #gooutsideandplay (at Sodwana Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UgduyAbd8/?igshid=guwhunz9pn68
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thediveduke · 4 years ago
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🤩 'The Seastars Affairs' 😍 look at this dancing #Seastar (and the second one a little bit hidden)... and aaaalll these empty mussels = this was an open buffet for the Seastars 🤣 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍 . . . . . 8 #scubaphotography  #scubadive  #just4diver #scuba_diving #letsgodiving #girlsthatscuba #scubaphoto #scubadivingaddicts  #ocean_ambassador #scubapics #freedivingphotography #anilao #uwphotography #snorkling #underwaterphotography #seaslug #uwpics #シュノーケル #ダイビング好きな人と繋がりたい @500px @seashepherd @oceanconservancy @deeperbluegram @mission_blue https://www.instagram.com/p/CPA7Zc8hAyM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amanwithbluerose · 7 years ago
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Chir en mer by scubapic
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blogscuba10 · 5 years ago
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Stay at home or just little out...... scuba and run back... just like this camouflage king #albinomantis #mantisshrimps #whitemantisshrimp . . . #uwphotography #uwpics #uwsupermacro #canonphotography #scubapics #scubadivingmexico #divemag #diveshop #playadelcarmen #fotografiasubaquatica #marinespecies #marineconservation #marinelifepreservation (en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUX0eeBZW5/?igshid=im5gxopx2omk
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rvluckyorwhat · 8 years ago
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Scubapiti Moorea arranged a private scuba dive for Mitch and I with a special underwater photographer, who captured this picture of us descending to the bottom of the lagoon with Moorea (French Polynesia) in the background! #colorful #Pacific #Ocean #blue #scuba #FrenchPolynesia Discovered at Mo'orea, Moorea, French Polynesia. See more at Trover
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fadingfartconnoisseur · 8 years ago
Staying at Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa
Visiting French Polynesia has always been a dream of mine, and it’s definitely a place that lives up to the hype. Known as Vanilla Island, the island of Taha’a is absolutely gorgeous, and it really does smell like vanilla. I decided to go for a truly luxe experience in French Polynesia, and it was unforgettable!
Here’s what it was like staying at Le Taha’a Island & Spa Resort!
Getting There
French Polynesia is made up of 118 islands. Tahiti is one of the largest and most famous of them. If you want to get to the island of Taha’a, you’ll go through Tahiti.
I flew from LA to Papeete, Tahiti on Air Tahiti Nui, then took a short Air Tahiti flight over to Raiatea.
From there, I took a boat transfer to Le Taha’a, organized by the hotel. While that might sound like a long trip, I actually had a great time. It’s not unusual to see a pod of dolphins along the way, and the scenery is breathtaking.
The Hotel
Le Taha’a Island & Spa Resort is a five-star hotel that made it onto the illustrious Condé Nast Traveler’s Gold List of the World’s Best Places to Stay. The fifty-seven suites and villas of the resort have impressive Polynesian architecture and an ideal location.
Situated on the peaceful Motu Tautau islet, the resort is nestled between the island of Taha’a and Bora Bora, so you’ve got an incredible view in every direction.
Another thing that I liked about the resort is that everything feels connected to the local environment. While a lot of luxury hotels feel a bit sterile, this place is connected to nature and the traditional culture of the island.
The Rooms
Each room type at Le Taha’a offers a different view: the Taha’a Overwater Suite gives you an impressive sea view; the Bora Bora Overwater Suite has a view of Bora Bora; the Sunset Overwater Suite has an astounding view of the sun setting over the water; and the End of Pontoon Overwater Suite offers equally great views and added privacy.
I stayed in the Overwater Suite with a view of the turquoise lagoon, and it was amazing.
There are also Beach Villas and Royal Beach Villas, which are the resort’s signature accommodations.
With a private pool and tropical garden, these villas open up to white-sand beaches and crystal clear water. If you go for the Royal Beach Villa, you’ll have two bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as outdoor bathtubs and showers.
The Food
The food at Le Taha’a Island & Spa Resort is top notch. There is a vast section of fresh seafood and fruit, and the staff at the resort can accommodate any type of dietary restrictions. With three on-site restaurants, room service, and a bar, you can eat like a royal without ever having to leave the resort.
Le Vanille, the main restaurant, is the place to go for breakfast and dinner.
It has also got a Polynesian Evening once a week, which is the perfect opportunity to take in folk dances and the famous French Polynesian fire dance.
For lunch, check out Le Taha’a. This al fresco restaurant is a beach lover’s dream. Indulge in some French-Polynesian fusion while you dig your feet into the sand. For an afternoon cocktail, swim up to the bar and lounge in the sun.
There is so much to do in Taha’a, I could have stayed there for weeks. From the resort, there are daily excursions to the famous vanilla plantations, and you can go snorkeling in the coral reef right off the resort.
Le Taha’a Island & Spa Resort also has a scuba diving program that will take you into the Taha’a and Raiatea lagoons. This is a top place to dive. In fact, I included it on my list of the best places to scuba dive around the world.
Some of the best spots in the area are Eleuthera in Tahiti, Nemo World in Bora Bora, The Six Passengers in Rangiroa, Scubapiti and Mahana Dive in Huahine, and Fun Dive in Moorea. If you love diving as much as I do, you’ll want to grab the ten-dive Te Moana Diving Pass, which lets you explore the entire area.
You could never leave the water here, and you’d still have a good time. Go on a wave runner or take a sunset cruise. If you want a view from above, check out the legendary helicopters tours.
While Taha’a makes for the perfect girlfriends’ getaway, it is also an incredibly romantic spot.
The resort organizes all kinds of couples’ trips, like the private beach dinners, sailing, local shows, picnics, and weddings. If you are looking for a once-in-a-lifetime romantic escape, this is the place for you and your special someone.
More Information
Hotel: Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa
Location: Taha’a, French Polynesia
Accommodation: 5 Star
Price Range: $$$$
READ NEXT: 10 Reasons to Visit French Polynesia
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10 Reasons to Scuba Dive on Your Next Trip
The Ultimate Survival Guide for Long-Haul Flights
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Staying at Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa is a post from: The Blonde Abroad
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2k5DcQW
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theperfectlookclothing · 5 years ago
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Good Afternoon Ladies! 🍸Check our this AMAZING day to night combo💕. ☀️For day it would be cute with brown flats or boat shoes 🥿👜, 🌜at night sass it up with some heels and bold statement jewelry💍👑👠Remember to use code PERFECT10 for 10% off when you register an account. https://ift.tt/33J5p58 . #maturefashion #stayhomechallenge #womensclothingboutique #scubapants #workpants #pockets #green #mint #shopfromhome #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusiness #plussizefashion #plussizeboutique #springoutfits #summeroutfits #streetwear #tunic #tunicstyle #fringe — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3bDQDzr
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