#screaming and wailing can't come to the phone
bookwyrminspiration · 19 days
in the tags of the ask you were barking like a dog. a dog like watson. conclusion: fitz makes you turn into watson. you are watson and have been tricking everybody on tumblr dot com. i’m onto you
this is the cruelest thing anyone on planet earth has ever said. i'm going to drag that dog's corpse through the streets like achilles and make you watch
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gguk-n · 24 days
In Another Life (Max Verstappen x Reader)
Summary- Max just lost the love of his life, the woman he wanted to marry and the woman who was carrying his child. What happens when he transports to a place where she might exist? Does he finally get his happily ever after?
Warning- Angst, Major character death
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{Max's POV}
My world came crashing down after that fateful call I received. I was in Qatar for the race weekend; my fiance Y/N didn't join me because she had been feeling unwell. I had just gotten off of the podium when a member of the RedBull team brought my phone. It was an unknown caller; I answered the call to "Is this Mr. Max Verstappen?" the voice asked. "yes" I replied, my heart started to beat a little louder and faster then it did after races. "I'm calling from the Princess Grace Hospital. You are Miss Y/N Y/L/N's emergency contact." they continued. "yes" I replied, a bad feeling making it's way to the pit of my stomach. "Is she ok? What happened? Why is she at the hospital and why are you calling me?" I rambled almost racing to the driver's room to change and leave. "We're sorry to inform you but Miss Y/L/N is no more" they said remorsefully. "What?" I stammered. "We tried our best but the collision was catastrophic. I'm sorry for your loss." they said. I stood still, in the middle of the paddock. My legs felt numb, "You're lying. She can't be dead" I screamed catching everyone's attention. People started to whisper, "Do something, you have to save her. You're doctors for fucks sake. Bring my girlfriend back. NOW" I bellowed. "I'm coming, I'm out of the country right now, but I want my girlfriend well and healthy by the time I'm there" I said finally gaining the feeling in my legs and ended the call.
Carlos, Charles, Lando and Checo were now standing next to me. "Everything OK?" Charles asked. I laughed, "It was the hospital, they were spewing nonsense that Y/N is dead. I spoke to her before the race. She was on the way back from the hospital. They say she's dead, haha. What a load of bull?" I said. All of their faces had dropped, Charles had moved forward to pat my back and Carlos wrapped me in a hug. "It's okay" Carlos muttered. "NO, NO. She can't be gone. We were gonna get married and have kids and not make them race car drivers since the sport gave her anxiety. Carlos this can't be true" I cried; my resolve breaking while Carlos hugged me tighter holding me up and patting my back. The flight back to Monaco was a blur, I don't remember how I got to the hospital, I don't remember filling out any forms, I don't remember her dad hugging me as they showed Y/N's lifeless body to me. What I remember is her face and it had a few scratches, her hands bruised, she looked peacefully asleep. I reached forward holding her hand in mine, "How could you leave me? You know how much I hate this world. You're the only thing that made it worth living for." I cried. The doctors entered the room and handed me the stuff she was carrying, "Here are her belongings. I'm very sorry for your loss, sir." he said handing me her stuff and a hospital file. I opened up the file to find an ultrasound scan and a report saying that she was pregnant. I fell down on the floor, "We were going to have a kid" I whispered which her father heard; I heard a wail leave his lips.
We buried her in a cemetery in her home town surrounded by flowers and greenery. I spent too much time there; I missed a few races too. But I was back before the final races; I didn't win a single race after her death. But when I stood on top of the podium as the World Driver's Champion of 2023, I didn't celebrate. How could I when the person who celebrated my every win was no where to be seen. I flew back to meet her after the race. As I was sat at her grave; "I won the championship for the third time. It didn't feel it though. You should've been there. I know I know, you must be angry since I missed 3 races and lost the last two. But you told me that the points were enough for me to win; so I won for us and our little one. How are you two? Both of you must be in heaven if there is a heaven. I wish I could say that I hope we meet but I don't think I'll make it heaven ever. I hope our child is happy. I love you lifde. You took a part of me when you left" I whispered, placing the bouquet of roses; a tradition I started after winning my first championship.
After the funeral, I was given Y/N's phone and messages were open; there was an unsent message. "Baby, I know you're racing rn, hope you win like always. btw, I went to the doctor and guess what? I'm pregnant. We're gonna have a mini Max soon. I know you'll be the best dad ever. I love you" it read. My tears didn't stop. I was robbed of a future I always dreamt of with her. That asshole drove while drunk, why did he deserve to live, why did he deserve to wake up every morning but the love of my life didn't? Why did he get to go back home when I couldn't even bring my girlfriend and kid back home? I hope he rots, I hope when I meet him he doesn't get to walk away from me for stealing the best thing that ever was mine.
The off season was torture, I spent my time laying in bed while my friends and family came over to make sure I ate and showered. They tried to get me to clean the house but I had left it untouched since the day she left. I wasn't ready to let her go just yet. Her parents would come in occasionally to check up on me. Her dad was currently sat at our table while I ate the food her mom made, "Max, you need to move on. Y/N must be suffering, watching you like this." he said. "I hope she is, she doesn't get to leave and expect me to be normal" I spoke. "Max, we love you. You are my son; I can't watch you like this. Y/N would want you to move on and live with the happy memories you two made." he said. "I know, I just need time" I mumbled while tears streamed down my face. He gave me a hug and then left. I wasn't ready, I don't think I'll ever be ready.
I didn't attend the pre season training until Horner dragged me. We spent some time but I couldn't focus. I was supposed to fly out to Bahrain in a week for the first race of the season. I don't remember when I fell asleep but I woke up to a much cleaner apartment. It pissed me off, so I called Lando who answered in a few seconds. "Who the fuck cleaned my apartment? I told you I would do it at my pace" I screamed. "Mate, no one entered your house. I don't know what you're talking about" he replied. "Don't fuck with me. Where's all of Y/N's stuff. It's missing" I said. "Who's Y/N?" he asked. "Don't fuck with me Lando. You know who Y/N is" I cried. "Max, I really don't. Was it the girl you took home the other day?" he questioned. I was annoyed and cut the call.
After some searching and the whole house being devoid of any sign of Y/N I decided to call her but my phone didn't have her contact. I flew to where her grave was which was missing. Everything was strange, I don't know why but I googled myself. That's when I saw it, my ex's name wasn't Y/N and she didn't die in a car crash. With time I realised that I was in an alternate universe where we had never met. A world where I didn't know Y/N existed was the worst kind but it gave me hope that maybe Y/N was alive in this universe. Maybe, I was here to meet her, to have the chance that was robbed from me. I spent my time racing, making sure I won every race so that incase she watched Formula One she knew about me. I would explore each city in hopes of running into her.
It was during Silverstone weekend when I went to the cafe the day after the race. It was very early so there weren't many people around. I walked into the cafe when I heard it, the voice that brought a smile to my face, there she stood. My Y/N, at the counter ordering her coffee, Iced Spanish Latte she said, her favourite. I smiled at her before walking towards the counter. I ordered and went to stand next to her while I waited for the order. She turned towards and smiled nervously, "You're Max Verstappen, right?" she asked. I nodded. "Oh my God, I'm a huge fan. Sorry to bother you but can I get a picture with you?" she asked. I agreed and we ended up taking a picture and talking after grabbing our drinks. She looked the same, her hair flowed down her back, her face had those moles I loved to kiss, her bright smile and infectious laughter. She was an avid Formula One fan from what I got. I offered her tickets to the next race which she denied politely. She got up to bid me farewell, "Will you go out with me?" I blurted, I hoped that she would say yes. "I'm sorry Max, but I have a boyfriend" she mumbled apologetically. I nodded, "It's ok. I'm sorry about this" I muttered. "No, no, I'm sorry for giving the wrong impression. I'll get going. Thanks for the picture and autograph though" she said while she walked away from my life for the second time.
A couple races later, I saw her again. This time at the paddock, I greeted her as she entered wearing Ferrari paddock passes. I eyed the card on her neck before she said that she was here with her boyfriend. I nodded along and watched her walk towards the Ferrari hospitality. It was media day and we were supposed to go get interviewed when she walked in with Carlos. He introduced her to us as his girlfriend. My heart shattered as I watched her peck his lips. She was kind, loving and understanding like she always was. I couldn't watch Carlos have what was once mine. In this universe, she never was mine. It hurt to watch her laugh at his jokes or kiss him or hug him. It hurt so much to watch her be in love with a man that wasn't me. I couldn't help but look at her longingly, there was a sort of pain in my eyes that only she caught it seems. Because she asked to speak to me as soon as I had come to the paddock on race day. I took her to my driver's room where we sat down.
"What's up Max? You look at me like a puppy that's been kicked. You look at me like I have hurt you beyond repair" she asked. I breathed out, "What if I told you I wasn't from this universe?" I asked. "I would say you're crazy" she said. "But I was, I was from a time line where I was gonna marry the love of my life, the woman that made life worth living. The universe where I wasn't only winning on track but also in real life because of her. We'd been together for 5 years and were planning a life together. I had proposed and she couldn't join me for my Qatar race last year because she was sick, I wish she had. Then then..... It was because she was carrying our child, she had gone to the doctor and found out but she was never able to tell me in person, I found out later. Then I get a call from the hospital saying that some asshole killed her in a drunk driving accident when she was returning home. I fly back to find her lifeless body. I haven't gotten over her yet, I missed races and performed poorly. But what could I do when I lost my life. Then one day I wake up here, a universe where we've never met and I spend all my time looking for her and then I find her at a cafe. We talk, she's a fan" she looked at me expectantly with tears in her eyes,"I'm sorry" she mumbled. "I ask her out but she has a boyfriend. Then we meet at the race and every time I see her my heart breaks watching them because that was me. She looked just like you, sounded just like you, was just like you with the same name." I cried, finally breaking down. She wrapped her arms around me as my body shook while sobs ripped through my chest.
"Max, if alternate universes are real and you are from another and lost the love of your life that looked exactly like me. I'm sorry. But I know, that she...I mean me from that universe wouldn't want you to mope. She would want you to move on. She would look down at you and make sure you were safe during every race, She would hope that you found half the happiness you gave her. She would want you to be yourself and not let this affect you. I can't tell you to move on now, but I can tell you to take your time. She wants you to always be happy. Please, take care of yourself. Be happy. Remember her but move on for her sake if not yours" she said all the while hugging me. I cried for a very long time and she embraced me until I let her go. She wiped away my tears and had me drink water. We walked out while I went to race and she went to Ferrari.
I won the race and headed back home after the weekend. When I went to sleep, I woke up back in my apartment. How did I know it was mine and not the other universe is because there was a paper next to the table that read, "I'm sorry for your loss. I cleaned up the space a bit but there are pictures of the whole house as it was before with all her memories in a couple boxes in the closet. I went to her grave with her dad too. I got her flowers. I hope you can move on. P.S We're leading the championship, hope you didn't throw mine away" I laughed after reading the note. Like it said, all the stuff was in the cupboard and there were pictures. I smiled at the boxes, I guess Y/N was the one who intervened because she knew I needed this. I walked out to the balcony and looked up at the sky before saying, "I'll live better. I'll make you proud, just you watch and then I'll come to you whenever you want me too"
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Anger III
Vicky Losada x Putellas!Reader
Summary: It was meant to be a quiet night
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You rolled over in bed with a groan and shoved your face into the pillow.
Over the monitor, you heard wailing.
You reached your hand out blindly and slapped at Vicky.
"Vicky," You hissed, still sleep addled and groggy," Vicky...Vicky!"
She woke with a start. "Huh? What is it?" She seemed to realise the screaming coming from the baby monitor. She yawned. "I'll get her."
"I should hope so," You said," It's your turn."
You'd only just brought your baby home. Little Sofia Losada had been blessed with a healthy set of lungs at birth that kept you up at every hour of the night.
You could hear on the baby monitor the moment that Vicky opened the door to Sofia's room and slipped inside. There was a brief rustle of sheets and then you could hear your wife over the screeching of your baby.
"Alright, you," Vicky said," Let's see what's wrong."
You sighed in relief and buried your face back in your sheets as the cries quietened. You were relaxed and happy in the warmth of your bed and the sweet silence as Sofia got comfort. You began to drift off happily until you heard your phone ringing.
You thought about ignoring it but, when the call dropped, it picked up almost immediately again.
You groaned and reached for it, refusing to open your eyes. "Hello?"
"Heeey." The voice was slurred and thick.
You squeezed your eyes as tight as possible, hoping that this was all just a horrible dream. "Alba, I thought you were with Alexia."
"I am! Ale! Ale! Say hi!"
"Hiiii." Alexia's voice was slurred too and you finally opened your eyes.
You pulled on a jumper and some socks, slipping into your favourite pair of slippers. "Where are you?"
Alba rattled off the name of the bar they had gotten drunk at and you swore at them under your breath as you headed to the door.
You met Vicky out in the hallway. Sofia was in her arms, eyes almost completely closed as the lack of sleep caught up with her. "Hey, you didn't have to get up," Your wife said," We're okay here. Go back to bed."
"I can't," You said apologetically," My stupid sisters are stranded and drunk. I'm going to go pick them up." You pressed a kiss to her lips and then another one to Sofia's head, brushing down her little baby curls. "I'll be home soon."
It was a quick drive to your sisters and a much longer task trying to get them into your car. You wrangled Alexia in first, firmly telling off your oldest sister when she tried to unbuckle herself from the passenger seat.
It was much harder to get Alba in. She wanted to go back to the bar and have another shot but you manhandled her into your car where she promptly burst into tears when she noticed Sofia's car seat was empty.
"The baby!" She cried," The baby!"
"Where's our baby?" Alexia asked, rolling her head to look at you like her neck suddenly couldn't hold it up.
"You mean my baby? At home, where you're both going to drink a litre of water each and share the bed in the spare room."
Alba stubbornly kicked the back of your seat. "We're adults! We don't need to share with each other!"
"Then one of you will sleep on the floor," You told her, reaching around your seat to slap her back.
You managed to get both of your drunk sisters up the driveway and through the front door.
"Be quiet," You hissed as Alexia tripped over the side table," My baby and my wife are trying to sleep!"
"Baby Sofia!" Alba cried as a light turned on and Vicky appeared in the hallway, watching on in amusement with little Sofia in her arms.
"Shut it! She's sleeping!"
You held both of your sisters back by their shirts when they tried to rush for your baby. "No!" You said sternly," Bedtime for you two."
"Sofia's not in bed!" Alba whined as Alexia pouted, reaching for Sofia like her life depended on it.
"I'm just putting her back into bed now," Vicky said," Would it make you two happier if you watched me?"
Both of your sisters nodded and all four of you trooped into the nursery to lay your sleepy girl to bed. She yawned in her sleep, scrunching up her little fists in a way that had both of your sisters cooing.
Vicky placed her down gently in her crib and switched on the monitor again as you guided your now settled sisters to the spare room. It seemed that seeing Sofia had calmed them both significantly because neither of them fought you when you tucked them both into the same bed.
"Three kids in bed," Vicky noted," And it's not even two in the morning."
"We did good, huh?" You joked as you slid into her warm embrace and pillowed your head on her chest.
"I'm surprised you let them sleep on the new sheets while drunk. What if they throw up?"
"Alexia won't."
"And Alba?"
"There's a bucket on the floor next to her," You said dismissively," If she throws up on the sheets then she's paying for them to be cleaned."
Vicky laughed. "I love it when you make plans to extort your sisters out of money. It's sexy." Her hand crept down to your bum.
"If I wasn't exhausted," You said," I would so take you up on that but-" You checked your bedside clock," We've got a one-week-old who will wake up for a feed in a few hours and my drunk sisters in the other room. No chance, Mrs Losada."
Vicky laughed again and you rocked at the movement of her chest. "Maybe tomorrow," She said," When Alba's out washing our sheets and we manipulate Alexia into babysitting."
You closed your eyes. "It's your turn to manipulate Alexia."
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you could do another os yn mikaelson Hope baby sister we’re when Hope has to go to school like something happen and yn appears magical in Alaric office and scream like a little girl that scared yn and macke her cry the super scuad hires and go to se what happened and Hope sea her baby sister
The Best Big Sister
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Flufftober, October 7th
Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none
a/n: I cant tell you how much I love writing big sister hope
You crawl around the house, you've been crawling for what seems like forever, and still no sign of your big sister. Where is she?
Your Mama and Dada seem perfectly fine and they don't seem to be worrying about where Hope is. But you are, and you want to make sure she's okay and she's not gone forever and you want her. You feel lonely. You have your parents and then your uncles and aunts, but it doesn't compare to your big sister.
You slump back down onto the ground, your back leaning against one of the walls in Hope's bedroom.
As you think of Hope and how much you want her, a tingly feeling goes throughout your entire body. One second you're on the ground of your sister's room, and the next you're sitting in a small office room. It kind of looks like Uncle Elijah's study.
You hear a scream from across the room, only to see a grown man that you have never seen before.
"Holy shit!" Alaric explains, jumping up from his office chair, and walks towards you.
Hearing the unknown man's loud voice makes your face freeze up before big tears start falling down your cheeks. Not long after, your silent tears turn into wailing.
Alaric's face pales, not knowing what to do. Sure he's had twin girls that he raised, but he doesn't know what to do with a baby that just magically appeared in his office.
Before he knows it, five teens fill the office in alert. That is until they see who's making the noise and that the headmaster is doing nothing about it.
"Why do you have a baby?" Kaleb asks, breaking the silence. "Well, she just appeared and when I sort of yelled, she burst out crying.
Hope makes her way to the front of the small crowd and recognizes you instantly. "Oh my god, y/n, how are you here?" Hope says quietly and kneels in front of you.
Your wailing comes to a halt upon hearing your sister's voice. She picks you up into her arms and cradles you against her chest before standing back up. She turns to face the others who have confused looks on their faces.
"How exactly do you know a baby?" Lizzie asks, wanting to know straight away.
"She's my sister, I'm pretty sure it would be weird if I didn't know my baby sister" Hope answers her with a raised eyebrow. "You have a sister?!" Lizzie exclaims.
"I thought you knew?" Hope turns to Josie to confirm it. Josie was the one who had found out when she walked into Hope's room while she was on a video chat with Hayley, and you were in your guys' mother's arms.
"She does. I did tell you, Lizzie, that Hope has a little sister" Josie turns to her twin. Hope told her that she was only allowed to tell Lizzie and to make sure that no one else would find out except the two siphoners.
"I thought you were joking about that" Lizzie states, staring at you. You look back at her, making eye contact.
Hope sighs and rolls her eyes, it's ironic how the one in this school who basically knows everything about everyone thought that a crucial fact her sister told her, was a joke.
"Why didn't we get to know any of this?" MG speaks up, referring to Kaleb and himself.
"I'll let you think it out, you'll get there eventually" Hope quips, before walking out of the office, ignoring the protesting calls from Alaric that she can't keep a baby in the school.
Like she'd ever keep her sister here with no one to watch over you 24/7 because she has classes.
When she gets up to her room, she shifts you to her hip and brings out her phone to call your guys' dad. As she dials the number, you nuzzle into the front of her shoulder, rubbing your cheek against the soft fabric of her shirt.
"Hey Dad, by any chance are you missing a cute little baby that goes by the name of y/n?" Hope smirks, noticing Klaus' distressed answer to the call.
"Yes, why?" Klaus answers immediately. "Don't worry anymore, and stop looking. She's with me. She somehow did a spell by accident, im guessing, and wound up in Headmaster Saltzman's office. She's alright and byt the looks of it is about to fall asleep, so I can maybe drive up back to the house and drop her off tomorrow?" Hope asks since she wants to spend a night alone with you, and she secretly has a bin of things for you if you ever happen to have come here anyway.
Klaus agrees after some persuading, and she hangs up. "Time for some big sister and little sister time!" She quietly exclaims and kisses the top of your head.
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peachesofteal · 1 year
oh the image of Darling alone with her newborn daughter, afraid and uncertain 🥺 what if she did call the guys during a moment of vulnerability, begging them to come get her, she can’t do this by herself?
This is my absolute jam. Anon, I love you.
18+ Mature themes Baby trap au Takes place after this
Johnny is having a nice dream.
He knows it's a dream, because you're in it. And instead of seeming sad and tired and overwhelmed, like you looked in the store a few weeks ago, you look happy, and comfortable, beaming up at him with the baby in your arms while she coos sleepily against your chest. Simon stands beside you, hand on your shoulder, peeking over to look at her, before flicking his gaze back to Johnny's, his own smile stretched wide across his face.
There's a shrill, annoying sound in his dream, something that makes him frown, before he redirects his attention, back to you, Simon, and Bee, his baby, that he doesn't even know yet. His family, the pieces that make him whole, that he doesn't get to have.
The shrill sound gets louder, and this time, he can feel himself waking up, being pulled forward into consciousness.
No, no nononono please, let me stay here, let me stay-
"Phone." Simon grunts, mouth hot against his neck, and Johnny pats around the bed for it, before locating the thing under a pillow.
Blocked number? A telemarketer, at this hour? He blinks when he sees the time, 0347, and then blanches when another thought occurs to him.
"Simon." he's sharp with it, word full of intent, and it has Simon jerking awake.
When Johnny tilts the phone screen, his eyes widen.
"Answer it." He barks, and then Johnny slides the call open.
"Hello?" he's holding his breath after he answers, waiting for a response from whoever it could be.
He expects someone, you, hopefully, to say hello, or hi, or anything. But that doesn't happen, instead... the line is quiet. Dead air... but open. Like someone is there. Like someone is listening.
Simon's grip tightens on his knee.
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
He can hear breathing on the other end, light puffs of air, and it emboldens him, encourages him to take a guess, take a chance.
"Darling? Is that you?" He softens his voice, trying to be as gentle as possible, trying to coax you, if it is truly you. The line stays silent for a while, seconds, and then-
"Johnny?" It's your voice, but it doesn't sound like you. You sound... distraught. Your voice is scratchy, pitched with rasp, and he swallows.
"Yes, I'm here. We're here." You're crying now, he can hear it through the phone, and Johnny's heart lurches, while Simon stares at the phone in his hand like it's a bomb.
"J-Johnny." You cry, and he wants to scream at how useless he feels.
"I'm here, I'm here darling. Talk to me."
"I ca-can't." you sound broken, and he looks at Simon in a panic, who has a fist clenched in his hair, eyes wide and wild.
"Can't what?" He asks, but then the baby cries, little wails that turn immediately into screams, and the phone sounds like it's being shuffled. "Can't what, love. Talk to me, tell me what's wrong."
"She's si- ick, and I'm, I- I'm sick and I haven't slept and we both have fevers... I don't know." You echo like you've put him on speakerphone, and he can hear you sobbing, while Bee screeches over the sound. Sick? You're sick? The baby is sick? Panic pounds in his heart, and his mind conjures all of the things that could go wrong to the forefront.
"Where is she?" Simon demands, and Johnny shakes his head while he quickly mutes the mic.
"We can't just barge in on her, she's skittish enough-"
"The fuck we can't. She needs us, Johnny." He's already getting dressed, putting sweatpants on and Johnny's internal battle rages. They could spook you. They could scare you off. They could never see you again. "She needs a bloody doctor, MacTavish. They both do. Ask her. Now." The order stings, and Johnny forces his doubt away.
"Darling... where are you?"
"At my-" Bee screams in the background, and he listens to you try to soothe her, voice cracking as you sing a soft lullaby through your tears before coming back to the phone. "My apartment."
"Will you give us the address? So we can come help?" He tries to ask it gently, tries to ease into it, and then they both hold their breath before you rattle it off in a shaky voice.
"Okay, darling. We're on our way, okay?" Simon calls to the phone while Johnny shoves himself into a sweatshirt, and you make some kind of noise, that sort of sounds like an okay, before saying you're going to hang up to take care of Bee.
"Alright, love. We'll be there soon. Everything's going to be alright."
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pedge-page · 1 month
Joel Dealing with Sarah: Super Woman, Super Wife
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Little Sarah having a blast today going to the park then meeting with friends then getting ice cream, just pure summer fun all day with Dad as her chauffeur. Until it's night time and she's in her car seat and suddenly remembers something, looks around desperately, and starts panicking:
She lost her favorite squishmellow.
Starts screaming and crying and kicking her feet, and Joel is freaking out because it's literally the only thing she sleeps with, carries around 24/7, in the mud and in the pool, to bed and to dinner, and if she lost it.... its all hell. And he knows it probably fell out of the car on the road at some point today as she got in and out of the back. The chances of finding it all torn up and squished into the asphalt are slim as is.
You get a frantic 3 calls from Joel. When you pick up, you hear uncontrolled wailing in the background.
"Joel I can't hear you! What's going on?"
"ITS ALL FUCKING HELL BREAKING LOOSE!" He shouts into the receiver, one finger plunged deep into his ear canal while pressing his phone into the other.
"Im coming home! Just wait for me!"
You rush through the door, a raucous of fat tears and inconsolable shrieks greeting you. Joel is literally burying Sarah in a mountain or her stuffed animals trying to calm her. He thinks youre gonna run towards them and give her a big hug and do SOMETHING Mommy Magical. Instead, you run upstairs without greeting them.
Joel keeps trying, his ears ringing, ready to just duct tape her mouth shut. Nothing is giving her any peace unless it's her one of a kind, super soft , special, best friend, s--
As Sarah reaches forward, smiling for the first time all afternoon, Joel sees you approaching excitedly, waving her pristine and glorious squishmellow. His daughter grasps it tightly and hugs it with all her might.
"How the hell did you find it?" Joel asks you. He's beyond fucking amazed. His superhuman, super hero, magician of a wife never once failing to deliver. He thinks you should write a book on your powers. "How did you get it so clean??"
As Sarah reunites with her Squishy, you take Joel upstairs to the back of your closet, in a high reach inconspicuous box labeled "for emergencies only". He always assumed it was an extra stash of bandaid, or maybe some special makeup in case you get a random case of acne.
You open the mysterious cover and reveal 10 vacuumed sealed, brand new, unopened squishmellows EXACTLY like the one Sarah has downstairs.
"You thought I just bought one the first time?" You chuckle at Joel's jaw dropped expression, probably marveling at what a fucking genius you are.
Though when you two return downstairs, your heart stops for a moment as Sarah suspiciously eyes her seemingly "rescued" plush from afar. Narrow eyes of distrust on its gleaming perfect unstained, brightly colored body, as if she can smell it's factory newness, false nose, and her scheming parents...
Thankfully, she shrugs and goes back to feeding it her dinner at the table. You and Joel let out a sigh of relief.
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Hope things are going well for you!
Could you do a Gibbs x y/n where there son falls at home and gets a broken arm and y/n feels horrible/guilty that she let it happen under her watch. He meets them at the ER where the son refuses to let him go and y/n won't meet his eye. On the way home he holds her hand and convinces there son that his cast is cool and he can ask others to sign it. When they get home he goes to play. Gibbs finds y/n crying asks him "why am I such a bad parent"
Bad Mom?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 2461
Warnings: Mild language, blood, injury, gore, angst…
A/N: Hopefully, this is okay! I really enjoyed writing this! Sorry it took so long for me to get this done! Xx
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You hum softly as you continue working on the salad to go with dinner. Jethro would be home a little later, but you always make sure he comes home to a nice, relaxing dinner.
Your guys’ son, Maddox Leroy Gibbs, was upstairs playing with his newest birthday gift. Jethro had got him a wood-carving kit and now Maddox couldn't keep his hands off it.
All of a sudden, you heard thumps before the most pained scream you've ever heard. You dropped the glass bowl of salad, ignoring the glass shattering on the ground as you race towards the crying.
There was Maddox laid on the ground, cradling his arm. You fall to your knees beside him and gently grab him.
"Baby, hey, I need you to tell me what happened. What hurts?" You ask softly.
"M-My arm!" He wails.
You gently pull his hand away as your stomach flips and your throat tightens seeing blood and bone. He screams, wailing louder.
"Look away." You demand as you stand, picking him up as you grab the keys and your phone on the way out.
You barely were able to lock the door as you run out towards your car. You get him in the booster seat, grabbing the first aid kit and quickly taping gals over it loosely so he wouldn't be able to see it.
You hurry to the drivers side, starting to drive the way that Jethro drives. You open your phone with shaky hands and dial his number. It rings and rings until it says his mailbox was full. You throw the phone down in the seat next to you as your shaky hands grip the wheel tighter as you break every driving law to make it to the hospital.
You were out of your car, running to his side of the car as you swung the door open, picking him up and running inside. Immediately nurses flank you, having you place him on a gurney before your told to move your car.
You felt irritated, but you also understood. You quickly move you car before finding your way inside. You weren't allowed to go in the room with him as they had an officer on the way to question you. You knew they thought this was some abuse case, but it wasn't. You grab your phone dialing his number again and you kept dialing until he finally answered.
"Hon, I'm in the middle of a case right now." He says irritated.
"J-Jethro, h-he fell down the stairs and he hurt his arm really bad. T-They won't let me see him! They have an officer coming to question me because they think this an a-abuse case!" You sob into the phone, ignoring the nurses who gave you the stink-eye.
"Hon, I'm on my way. Do not answer any questions. Tell them your waiting on me." He says sternly.
Before you could say anything, he had hung up. You let your head fall into your hands as you cry harder.
"I want my mom!" He wails and you stand as you rush towards him.
"Ma'am, you can't see him until you've been questioned and cleared." A nurse snaps, pushing at you.
"He's my son! I'd never hurt him! Let me see him!" You snap, trying to push through towards your son.
"Mommy!" He wails.
"It's okay, baby! Daddy's on his way!" You say as tears fall down your cheeks and big burly security guards push you back towards the little sitting area in the hallway.
They cuff your hands behind your back and make you sit as you refused to leave. You looked at the ground, your head racing as terrible thoughts went through your head.
Jethro parks his car hastily, getting out of the car as his team followed him in. He tried to get them to stay and work on the case, but they refused. Maddox was their nephew and they'd do anything for the kid.
Jethro walks in, his eyes finding you. For a brief moment, he felt relief until he saw the cuffs on your wrists.
"Take the cuffs off her, now." He barks, striding towards you.
"Sir—now!" He interrupts.
The security guard fumbles with the keys as he roughly pulls you up before Jethro pinned him against the wall. Tony grabs the keys off the floor, undoing the cuffs on your wrists.
"Don't you ever put your hands on my wife like that again." He warns.
"Hey sweet cheeks, your okay." Tony murmurs as he hugs you.
"They won't let me see him." You mumble numbly into his chest.
"They will once Gibbs is through with them." He teases and you couldn't help the small shaky smile.
"Hon, come on." Jethro says.
You walk towards him, keeping your eyes casted to the floor. His arm wraps around your waist protectively as he walks towards the desk.
"Where is my son?" He demands.
"S-She needs to be questioned." The nurse says weakly.
"My wife wouldn't ever lay a hand on our son. He fell down the stairs, kids have accidents all the time. Let me see our damn son." He snaps.
"O-Of course, right this way sir." She says and starts to lead us towards the room he was in.
You hesitate and hang back towards the doorway as Jethro heads towards Maddox who was sat up in the bed with a light blue cast on his arm.
“Daddy!” He exclaims, throwing himself towards Jethro who chuckles and catches him.
You catch sight of stitches across his eyebrows and you let a shaky breath out.
“Careful buddy, you can take someone out with that thing.” Jethro teases which makes Maddox giggle.
“I don’t really like it. It’s going to stop me from being able to do my wood carvings.” He pouts.
“I think it’s a really cool cast. You can have people sign it even! And you can take a break from the wood carving, son. I’ll get you some more while you got the cast on so we can let the supplies build up.” He says.
“Okay! Uncle Tony, will you sign my cast?” He asks.
“Of course! I even so happen to have a sharpie on me!” He exclaims with a childish grin.
Your heart aches and you sit down as you watch Maddox with soft and sad eyes. Jethro was in the corner of the room, on the phone with director as he kept an eye on Maddox as well.
You look away from Maddox and at the floor when a nurse walks in. She looks at you as if you had the plague, in which Maddox notices and frowns.
“Why are you looking at my mommy that way?” He snaps.
The nurse was taken aback as you look up alarmed. You stand, walking over to the bed and reach a shaky hand out to brush his hair away from his eyes. You leave a kiss on his head.
“It’s okay, baby.” You murmur.
He looks at you confused. He was a smart child for his age. He definitely had his fathers profiling skills, that’s for sure. He looks back at the nurse, his eye narrowing as he latches onto you, hugging you tightly. Jethro was grinning in the corner as your lips part in surprise.
“Ma’am, we still have to follow protocol.” The nurse says in which your heart shatters.
“Protocol? Mommy, what’s she talking about?” He asks, looking up at you with Jethro’s blue eyes.
“It’s nothing, baby. Mommy will be back, I promise.” You murmur.
“No. I’ll be back, buddy. Mommy will stay with you.” Jethro says.
You watch confused as he leaves with the timid nurse. Tony throws an arm over your shoulder and smiles.
“Trust me, boss will handle it. Your a good mom, don’t let them tell you otherwise.” He says.
“Are they saying your a bad mommy?” Maddox asks confused.
“I-I, no…they just have to follow protocols they put in place to keep people safe.” You explain slowly.
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Thankfully, Jethro was back quickly and even somehow managed to get his prescriptions whilst filling out the discharge papers. Jethro sent the team back in the work car and was going to drive you and Maddox home. Tony offered to drive Jethro’s car home, but you settled on taking Jethro to work tomorrow as you felt guilty for calling him from work early.
Maddox was asleep in the backseat, and you were focused on the building and other structures out your window. Jethro kept glancing over, sensing you weren’t okay. He grabs your hands and squeezes it gently.
“Sorry I snapped at you on the phone earlier today, hon. I don’t want you to think you can’t call me. For now on, I’ll answer immediately if I’m not out in the field.” He promises.
“Jethro, I’m not upset you didn’t answer or that you snapped at me. I know your working on a case right now.” You say softly.
“Then what has you upset?” He asks as he pulls into the driveway.
“Nothing.” You lie, getting out of the car.
“I’ll get him. You get the door opened.” He says.
You nod, heading towards the door and unlocking it. You are greeted with blood on the ground and you immediately grab your cleaning caddy from the closet and start cleaning it up. Jethro walks in, holding Maddox. He frowns seeing your shaky hands scrub at the puddle of blood.
“Hon, I got that. Let me go put him in bed and then I’ll clean that up.” He says.
“No, it’s okay. I got it. Here, you go on up and I’ll finish this up.” You say quietly.
You move just enough so he can get up the stairs. He gets to the third or fourth step before looking back down at you concerned. His eyes find your bruised wrists and his frown deepens. He turns, focusing on getting Maddox up to bed.
“Daddy.” Maddox mumbles sleepily.
“Yes, buddy?” He asks softly, tucking him in.
“Why did the doctors think mommy is a bad mommy?” He asks.
“Because they are a bunch of knuckleheads and don’t know what a good mommy you have. Don’t worry about it, buddy.” He says.
“Daddy?” He whispers as he starts to fall back to sleep.
“Yes?” He asks.
“Can mommy give me a little brother or sister?” He asks.
“I…I mean, I’ll talk to mommy and see what she wants to do, but she loves you so much. I think she’s happy with just you.” He murmurs.
Little did Maddox know, Jethro was scared to have another one. He was scared to have Maddox after what happened with Shannon and Kelly. He barely let you in and then finding out you were pregnant nearly sent him over the edge. You loved kids and you want a whole damn school bus of kids.
Maddox goes to say something, but it was little mumbles before he was softly snoring. Jethro chuckles, brushing his hair out of his forehead before leaning down and kissing his head.
He heads downstairs to see the blood cleaned up. He goes to the kitchen where he heard you. You were sweeping up the salad and broken bowl into a pan.
“What happened?” He asks, taking the dust pan to hold it.
“When I heard Maddox scream, I just dropped the bowl and ran for him.” You mumble quietly.
“Hon, go take a bath and relax. I’ll finish the clean up. I promise you that Maddox is okay.” He says.
You hesitate, but with a stern look from him, you nod slowly. You head up the stairs, starting your bath. He finishes up the floor before he cleans up what would have been dinner. He does dishes and takes the trash out before deciding to check on both Maddox and you. He checks on Maddox first to see him sleeping.
He nears the bathroom before slowing his steps as he hears your muffled crying. He walks in and sees your face buried in your knees, suds covering your bits from view.
“Hon, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He asks, kneeling by the tub.
“Why am I such a bad mom?” You sob.
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” He asks.
“He’s hurt because of me, Jethro. Those nurses had every right to look at me like that. I’m a terrible mom. There was blood, everywhere and the bone was sticking out. His screams…gosh his screams were so loud. I didn’t even notice he cut his eyebrow until I saw the stitches.” You sob.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. He’s a kid and kids have accidents. Maddox loves to run throughout the house and we could tell him until we were blue in the face not to run in the house. He slipped and fell. It wasn’t your fault. You know how many times I got hurt as a kid? A lot. We can’t protect him from everything as much as we wish we could. Things like this will teach him why we tell him not to run in the house or why not to go outside barefoot. We can only do so much. Your an amazing mom. He knows so.” He murmurs, rubbing your back.
“I can’t even look at him. I feel terrible. It’s all my fault.” You whisper.
“It’s not your fault and you know that. He knows that and I know that. He knows your a good mom. He told me when he woke up briefly because he caught onto the way the nurses were treating you. He actually wants another siblings. He told me.” He says, sighing as he plops on the ground.
Your head flies up, your eyes wide as you look at him. You reach a hand out and grab his hand, rubbing it gently.
“You know we don’t have to. I know how scary it was when you found out I was pregnant with Maddox. I am perfectly content with Maddox and you.” You say softly.
“I think I might want another one. Maybe we’ll get a little girl this time.” He murmurs.
“Really?” You ask surprised.
“Yeah.” He says with a soft smile.
“Your such an amazing dad, Jethro. Maddox absolutely loves you. He always tells me that he wants to be an NCIS agent just like you.” You say with a soft smile.
“And your such an amazing mom. He tells me all the time. He also tells me how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you proud. Whether it be cleaning up his toys or helping with the groceries. He loves you and he idolizes you so much.” He murmurs.
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archangeldyke-all · 23 days
hii! i was wondering if you could write sev and reader meeting little fucker’s girlfriend? like, little fucker invites her girlfriend over for dinner with sev and reader and sev is super protective over little fucker and accidentally ends up coming off as threatening to little fucker’s girlfriend?
love love love omg
men and minors dni
"okay, she'll be here in three minutes, i'm begging you all-- please just be cool." little fucker begs from where she's pacing a hole in the carpet in front of the front door. you chuckle.
"i'm cool." you say. your daughter huffs.
"you're not the one i'm worried about." she says, glaring at sevika and her sisters where they're whispering to eachother.
baby shithead giggles from the huddle, then breaks off to run to the basement. "be right back!" she calls.
"where are you going?! she's gonna be here any second!" little fucker screams.
the doorbell rings, and little fucker gasps, straightening out her clothes and giving herself one final look over in the mirror. you giggle, kissing your eldest daughter's head.
"you look great." you assure her.
"you do." sevika agrees.
"i'll get it!" stinky butt shouts from where she's swinging open the front door.
"no!" little fucker wails.
"uh... hi?"
all of you turn to the front door, where little fucker's new girlfriend stands.
beside you, you can feel sevika's posture stiffen as she tries to make herself look even taller than usual. you snort and elbow her, and she elbows you right back.
sevika tried to be the cool laid-back mom when little fucker first started dating, she really did. but after your daughter's heart was broken by that cheating bitch, sevika's protective instincts have been on high alert, and she's made no effort to reign them in.
you kinda love it. you love seeing your wife go mama bear mode.
still, though. you'd like to not completely humiliate your daughter tonight-- just slightly embarrass her. it builds character.
"come on in honey, we're all so excited to meet you!" you greet your daughter's new girlfriend. little fucker mouths a 'thank you' to you. you wink at her as you guide her girlfriend inside. "i heard your favorite is italian so we're having pasta night, dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes, can i get you a soda or water?"
"a water would be great, thank you."
your daughter cringes, then tugs your hand. "don't leave-- mom's gonna grill her!" she whispers as you walk toward the kitchen.
"well i can't let your girlfriend die of dehydration, now can i?" you ask.
your daughter groans and then sprints back into the living room to protect her girlfriend from her mom and sisters questions.
you take your time in the kitchen, stirring the various sauces you've got going on the stove, giving sevika a little time to scare the girl a bit.
when you re-enter the living room, you almost cackle at the sight you find.
your baby shithead's found all your old family photo albums, and she and stinkybutt are flipping through and happily showing off all of their big sister's most embarrassing baby pictures to her date.
little fucker's got her face buried in her hands, groaning and possibly dying, while her girlfriend grins down at the photo albums, occasionally snapping pictures on her phone, presumably to use as blackmail against your daughter.
sevika's got a little smirk on her lips, rubbing little fucker's back as she shouts out suggestions to the twins of embarrassing pictures to find.
"so..." you guide the twins to sit, trying to resist the urge to join in on embarrassing your eldest. "how did you two meet?" you ask, handing your daughter's girlfriend her water.
she takes a big sip, and little fucker takes her distraction as an oppertunity to slam the photobook closed and toss it behind the couch. she mouths another 'thank you' at you. you giggle and wink at her again.
"we had study hall together last year... she was always editing my papers for me." your daughter's girlfriend turns a sweet shade of pink as she reminisces. little fucker reaches over and squeezes her hand, an equally flustered smile on her lips.
"she's so good at writing, she just thinks too fast to get all her ideas down properly. so i helped her make a little more sense. but really, i learned more by reading her papers than i did in class." your daughter gushes.
you smile and sit beside sevika. she huffs-- disappointed by how fucking adorable the pair seem to be.
"when'd you guys become girlfriends?" baby stinkybutt asks, empasizing the word girlfriends like it's a naughty word-- like she doesn't have two moms. you snort and flick her head. she giggles mischievously.
"well... this year we share three classes and we just started spending more and more time together..."
"i asked her exactly thirty days after i found out she was single again."
"wha-- really?" your daughter asks, turning to her girlfriend.
she nods. "i wasn't sure when it would be appropriate to make a move but i'd liked you for forever and... i dunno, i looked it up online, the internet said a month was enough time to get over a shitty relationship..."
well, that's just stupidly sweet. even sevika melts a little at this, leaning into your side a bit at the innocent teenage love.
"that's so cute, babe." little fucker gushes before leaning forward and kissing her girlfriends cheek. baby shithead starts to pretend to throw up. you have to muffle your laugh behind your hand.
"who's ready for dinner?" you ask.
dinner goes relatively well.
you learn a lot about your daughter's new beau, and you can clearly see how naturally the two get along. she's a good sport about all the teases too, acting properly embarrassed each time sevika tries to interrogate her, or the twins try to tease her.
there's one moment in the night where you briefly fear that you'll have to give the poor girl the heimlich.
the twins are freshly ten, on the verge of starting puberty but still kids enough to be grossed out by the sexier aspects of life. they're simultaneously fascinated and freaked out by their older sister's new relationship. which leads to stinkybutt piping up during a lull in the conversation, threateningly pointing her fork at your guest. "you know you're only allowed to touch my sister's butt with her permission, right? it's called 'consent'. and mom says we get to beat you up if you don't do it right."
sevika bursts into bright laughter, pulling stinkybutt in for a noogie as little fucker and her girlfriend both start to sputter and choke on their food.
"what is wrong with you people?" little fucker wails. "ma, thanks for dinner it was great, but we're done now, right babe?" she asks, looking at her girlfriend.
her girlfriend's still choking. she nods through her coughs.
little fucker grabs her wrist and takes off for her bedroom. "we'll come back down later for dessert, do not come in my room before knocking!"
"keep it pg-13!" sevika hollers.
"shut the fuck up!" your daughter squeals.
at the dining table, your wife and twins burst into laughter.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @micronreadzztuff22
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lemon-russ · 14 days
True Son of Horus
-holds up frying pan as shield- look, I'm just as much a victim to these sad things as you guys, I wake up with terrible ideas and they just appear on my phone. If I don't share I think I will face 100 years of curses. I don't make the rules (I do make the rules)
It's super short
Taglist: @sleepyfan-blog @undeaddream @scriberye, and thanks for dividers @squishyowl
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Horus x F!Reader (Sort of)
CW: Death, Sad, very sad, mentions of blood and wounds, Loss of an adult child
Song: Youth- Glass Animals
Fly Feel your mother at your side Don't you know you got my eyes? I'll make you fly You'll be happy all the time I know you can make it right
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Legion mother.
Thats what they'd taken to calling you, once upon a time. Their gene father's wife, their Legion Mother.
Then you'd became a real mother. You'd raised your boy and he became the pride of the Luna Wolves. The apple of his Father's eye. 
You wish you knew then. You would have run. Fought. Cried, screamed, escaped. Oh, you had loved Horus. But if you only knew what he would do.
He stands over the body of his brother, The Great Angel, as his own Father confronts him about his treachery.
You didn't know of course. He didn't tell you anything important. It was always don't fret over it my love. Always placating you, pampering you, hushing you. And you let him, because things were so easy.
You can't hear what Horus is rambling about through the ringing in your ears. Your vision tunnels as you scoot forward on your knees over the hard, textured metal floor of The Vengeful Spirit.
Your shaking hands brush the cold, pale cheek of the boy you made with your own body, so many years ago. Forgotten by his father now, left aside in a pile of other corpses of forgotten sons. But those were Sons of Horus in name only. Gene Sons.
This is The son of Horus. The son of the Legion Mother. Your son. Forgotten, eyes wide and staring at nothing.
With trembling hands you lift his head into your lap. You hear the conflict nearby escalate, but again cannot hear the words. You close your son's eyes. There, he's sleeping now. You can't kill an Astartes afterall. They are strong and fast and heal so quickly. That's how Horus convinced you to let your baby boy be modified at the tender age of 10. He will be strong, invincible, immortal, he'd told you.
Yes, he will heal. He just needed his eyes closed so he can rest and heal. He's sleeping. He's sleeping. He's slee-
You don't realize your lips are moving, repeating the phrase aloud until someone touches your shoulder. You yank away. They want you to abandon your baby boy at a time like this? When he needs to rest on his mothers lap and heal? Just like when he was small and got a flu- something he hadn't had to worry about in decades thanks to his geneseed implant- he use to come to your side and lay in your lap, seeking the healing warmth of his mother's embrace. You'd pet his hair like you did now, murmur lullabies to help him sleep, just like you do now. He's so peaceful. You'll need to get him a bandage for the head wound, it looked like a nasty one, but that is alright, you will mend him just like when he had a scraped knee-
The hand on your shoulder starts pulling harder, tearing you from your sleeping boy. 
Through the echoing ringing of your ears you hear a new sound over the shouting of Horus and his father. A wet, screeching sound like a metal sheet being torn in half, or almost what your old planets tales might call a banshee's wail. It was not good to hear the cry of the banshee, it means someone you know or yourself will die soon. You worry for your sleeping baby boy in the back of your shattering mind.
A hand clasps over your mouth and the wailing muffles. 
"Please, Legion Mother, we have to go now-" and insistent voice urges you. Was that Levi? He's your son's best friend, and a good boy, you've known him nigh most his life. He was a neophyte with your son.
"Levi, he's so tired, we have to take him to his bed-" you say, trying to crawl back to the motionless form.
Levi picks you up, and the banshee starts wailing again in the echos of your ringing ears.
"Legion Mother, enough! We have to leave now-" he damands, clamping a hand back over your mouth as he throws you over his shoulder.
You reach out as your sleeping boy grows farther and farther from you. Distantly you hear shouting, and metal on metal. Levi turns a corner and your son is torn from your eyeline. 
You'd go back.
You'd warn yourself.
You would find the day you sobbed and held the tiny, distinctly human baby in your arms and you'd tell yourself to run. Horus hides things. Horus wanted to make your baby into a wepon. Horus would fight his own father over the corpse of his brother, yards from where his own flesh and blood son lay lifeless sleeping on the cold metal ground of a warship.
Your baby boy. You'd have gone back and told yourself they would take your baby boy, and you'd have to watch. 
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description; what you’ve all been waiting for - REAL progress. We have Gaz and John being heroes- Graves is ‘dead’ 💀 and Laika is saved…
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Graves has holed us both up in Alejandro's main office. He has placed guards outside.
"Looks like we have company.. My boys in the tunnels seem to have stopped replying to comms. I suspect your little buddies have something to do with that, sweetheart.. I've been notified that they have taken the prison back - the Mexican Special Forces are on the loose, along with Alejandro.. I assume you heard our phone call too, huh? Sounds like Captain John Price is stepping into the ring.."
I shake my head.. "No, no - they wouldn't come for me.. If they are with Alejandro, then they will think I'm a spy.. If they are here, it is to kill both of us" I whimper, shaking like a leaf. I still hadn't had chance to warm up since getting soaked over night. My body is aching all over and my shoulder still thumps with pain when I over stretch it. The wound on my leg has reopened as well. I am not in great shape.
"Well, we will soon find out, in the mean time I want to find out more about you. Tell me, Laika.. what are you hmmm? Beta.. huh?" I nod nervously.
"Strange, your Russian file doesn't clarify. Sounds like you're all sorts of fucked up because of the suppressants. You have no scent, which is strange. Beta's have a scent.. You aren't an Alpha, that much is obvious.. hmmm, I wonder..." he circles me, like I'm prey.
"Please, Alpha.." there goes my last ditch attempt... bile rises up my throat, I never want to call this snake 'Alpha' again..
He tilts his head and stops circling, he chuckles.. "Sounds pretty comin' from your lips, sweetheart.." he gets up in my space. I hold my breath, trying not to look terrified.
He pushes his head into my neck and inhales deeply, trying to find a scent. I can't help the yelp that escapes my throat. I thrash in the chair but I'm too well restrained to it to get any leverage.
He just laughs.. "See sweetheart, no scent.. but then again.." He does it again and inhales for longer this time.. he slaps his lips together, making a 'tsk' sound, "the Alpha in me is telling me otherwise.. I could take a bite.. find out, huh..?" My eyes widen and I try to shuffle away but can't. He leans forward but freezes suddenly when a loud, distant rumble sounds from the other side of the facility, followed by smaller pops of gun fire. I gasp, and tears fall down my cheeks uncontrollably.
Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral. You need to be thinking straight, mutt!
Weird, since when did my brain start rooting for me instead of against me..?
"Sounds like the 141 are topside.. they won't be long now" he laughs. I just sniff and shake, uncontrollably. I can feel something shift inside of me. I fight desperately not to snap. Stay conscious, mutt!
Graves picks up a comm link and shouts, his voice echoes around the entire facility. He has linked his comms to the speakers throughout the halls and security towers.
"Shadows, hold your position. I want everything locked down. If anyone's here, let 'em come to us.. we'll be waitin' for 'em, won't we sweetcheeks?" He holds the comm to my mouth.
I don't reply, turning away crying silently. He grabs my hair and snaps my head back to face him before kicking me in the reopened leg wound. I wail from the pain he had inflicted. I hear it screech down the speakers all over base. He laughs and throws me backwards by my hair. The chair falls backwards and I crack my head off of the floor. My vision swims for a few seconds before fading to black. I can feel blood dripping from my nose, but find myself unable to do anything about it. All that surrounds me right now is pain, darkness and a high pitched scream inside my brain..
*Ghost's POV*
Graves' voice sounds loudly over the speakers. Cocky bastard wants us to come to him. I have no problem doing that.
"Stay sharp - he knows we are here.." John shouts down comms from his position up in the Helo.
"-won't we sweetcheeks?" I growl. There is a few seconds of silence - he is just baiting us. She isn't actually here. Maybe she's escaped...
Then the most bloodcurdling scream sounds down the facility, it could have shattered glass, I swear. I almost go feral when I hear her. He is fuckin' hurting our the girl. I'll kill him.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I start to come round from my brief unconsciousness. The guns sound closer now. I can hear yelling too.
Then I hear Graves from behind "We got an assault team outside the HQ, they're gonna breach" - one of his Shadows reply - it sounds like Oz.. I groan slightly, my head thumping,
"We should move in and plus you up, sir" - "NO" Graves snaps, "I want all shooters holding their sectors- I got what I need here. We're going on the offensive-- That clear?
"Yep yep!"
"Get up girl, we are going" he shouts to me, grabbing my cuffs, slicing the ropes from my legs to free me from the chair, then all but dragging me from the ground and out into the chaos of the base. "Shadows, I'm out of cover - repeat out in the open.."
*Ghost's POV*
I hear Alejandro's voice in my earpiece "Did you hear that?" - "No,what?" I grunt - "Graves is on the move.. Gaz and I will secure this position until you, Soap and Rudy take Graves"
Gaz comms to Price that he and Alejandro had found Valeria and that she was secure. I couldn't care less about her but an objective is an objective. "Good" Price growls "Stay sharp. We're going for Graves now".. He doesn't need to mention Laika - that much is obvious, we are bringing her back..
Rudy, Johnny and I arrive to a metal door. "It's locked. Rudy, what do you got?" Johnny asks, breathlessly.
"Breacher charge" Rudy answers, planting the explosive on the doors. "Nice" - of course Johnny is still fascinated with bombs..
The door crashes open "Clear to engage all threats inside, if you see Graves, drop him" I bark.
The smoke clears and we see Graves running away on the second floor. He is dragging Laika with him. I grumble. "Hold fire.. we can't take him when he is that close to her.. too risky.." I yell.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Graves drags me toward a large metal door. It's locked - he comms a Shadow for codes but while he is waiting for a response, we hear their voices from the other side of the door. IT'S THEM!!
I open my mouth to shout for them but Graves slaps a hand over my lower face roughly and drags me back up the stairs. My legs are barely supporting me at this point but he forces me to run. He is far stronger than me. I can't fight him..
The doors crash open as we reach the top of the stairs.. I hear the Lieutenant shouting to hold fire..I furrow my brows.. why?! Fucking shoot at us. STOP HIM!
"Graves is getting away!" I hear Rudy shout. I need to do something. Think Laika, think!
I try to clear my head and think. Be clever, mutt. You have no weapons. Nothing. Just you. Just you and... Omega.. I'm an Omega, right? Supposedly anyway.. And he is an unmated Alpha whose Adrenaline would be sky high right now.. BINGO!
I feign a trip, falling to my knees. "Move, girl! Get fuckin' up!" - "Please, Alpha.. I feel funny.." - his head snaps up and he meets my eyes.. I try to maintain eye contact. The longer I keep him stationary, the better.
"What's wrong..? Your leg..?" - "No.. my stomach - too hot" - he growls. He fucking growls. This is working. He thinks I'm presenting. He tries to scent me, completely stuck in his 'Alpha' mindset now.
I hear the footsteps behind me and can't help the whimper that escapes when I feel Graves' tongue on my scent-gland. I gasp and push him away. My Omega's instincts protecting herself from being claimed without consent. As I push him away, he growls at me. I can feel myself slipping into feral subspace. I'd been brave and hurt for too long. My body didn't like it..
"He's there! Get him!!" I hear from behind me, it's Johnny... My brain clicks off then, turning into survival mode. I shuffle backwards and find myself at the end of the balcony. My eyes are darting left and right. Graves is looking between the exit, me and the men trying to kill us him. I try to run, but get hit sharply by the butt of Graves' gun. Everything goes black. The last thing I hear is Graves' voice. "You'll pay for this, you bitch. You fucking worthless BITCH".
*Ghost's POV*
I see Graves up ahead. Laika is on the floor, submitting to him.. what the fuck?!
Then I see her push him away. GOOD GIRL!
We are gaining on them. Clever girl!
He sees us when Johnny shouts out loud. I was annoyed that Johnny had ruined our sneak attack but adrenaline was high, and we'd witnessed him dominating Laika. So I understood. I'd hardly managed to keep a lid on it.
wait, what's she wearing.. SHE WAS THE FUCKING SHADOW...
Graves meets eyes with us, he runs, knocking Laika out before he does. She collapses against the balcony, teetering dangerously close to falling over the edge. I roar to catch her before she falls.
"On it!" Johnny shouts..
"NO, SOAP" Rudy shouts.. "I'll get her- you and Ghost get Graves - she is feral, an Alpha won't be good for her right now" he explains.
"He's getting away! GO" I nod, finding it difficult to run past the girl. Something is pulling me towards her but I trust Rudy.
"Head for the control room- There's an exit in back.. I'll get her out.. don't worry!" Rudy shouts as we follow after Graves.
"Haul arse, Johnny.. let's find him" I growl to Johnny. He nods, equally as angry as I.
Price's voice sounds through comms "All stations, be advised, Graves went over the wall" - "FUCK"
I hear an RPG fire at Price's helicopter, causing the aircraft to spin out of control.
"We're hit! We're hit!" - "Price-! Fuck, Alpha..." I watch the helicopter start to plummet, smoke clouding the sky.
"Going down. We're going down!" John shouts
"Steamin' hell... Captain..." I hear Johnny shout.
Rudy reappears from nowhere without Laika. My stomach drops and I growl lowly.Dangerously.
"Calm down, Alpha. I dropped her off with Garrick. He is obviously her favorite if that hoodie is anything to go by.."
I immediately feel a little lighter. She is back with the pack.. where the fuck did that come from ? She isn't even pack, yet.
Soap and Rodolfo run forward to the wall.
"Let's end this asshole" Johnny growls
Johnny reaches up to the wall with Rodolfo's help and turns back to me.
"LT, you coming?" - "No. Price and the pilot need help. You two finish this" I instruct.
Johnny and Rodolfo nod their heads as I turn away from them both.
All I hear before I'm out of earshot is Johnny shouting "Holy shit... Graves brought a fuckin' tank".
*Johnny's POV*
Prick has a fuckin' tank.. Rudy and I run forwards regardless. The slimy bastard climbs down and teases us by saying "Looks like the hunters are gettin' hunted now, huh? Ain't that a kick in the ass...?" what a fucking prick..
"Can't wait to bake this bastard"
"We'll need something stronger to kill Graves in that tank. This is our training area- plenty we can use, look around" Rudy suggests..
"You and your Mexicano friends fucked with the wrong hombre, MacTavish" Graves speaks from the safety of his tank..
Coward. "Come on out and let's talk about it" I taunt him.
"You think this is a fucking game out here? You wanna play war? Let's play some fuckin' war, chicos! One o' you dipshits needs to die last-- who's it gonna be...?" He taunts us.. get out the tank and lets find out. I'd take pleasure in killing him with my bare hands..
"Go fuck yourself, Graves"
"You got a healthy disrespect for authority, Soap. I like that about you..." - "You're Shepherd's lapdog. You get paid to break the rules"
"There's only two rules here, boys. Walk away or win. Guess which one I choose? Shoulda gone home when you had the chance, Soap- you and that asshole with the mask, hiding behind that uniform... and that FUCKING BITCH.. Oh she is DEAD next time I see her. I promise you.."
"Got Graves' attention now..." Rudy whispers - good, the plan has worked. Bastard always liked the sound of his own voice..
I throw the C4 ammo on Graves' tank and detonate it.
"Tank is taking damage, hit him again! Graves is on the run, stay after him, Soap... Boom, roasted!!” Rudy shouts after me
Eventually, Graves' tank is destroyed with the C4..Rodolfo and I run forward and inspect the destroyed vehicle.
"You did it, Soap!!!" Rudy laughs - "You and me, hermano" - "Brought a gun to a tank fight..." he laughs. I nudge him, softly and share a friendly fist bump.
"Soap to Ghost, I'm with Rudy. Graves is KIA. How's Price?"
He takes a second to respond and I feel a wave of anxiety roll over me.. Thankfully his voice sounds over comms after a few seconds.
"Angry. Lost a good cigar in the crash... Pilot's okay, too. Over."
"And Laika..?" - "Not back yet. Gaz, where are you?" - "Having some troubles with Laika.. could do with some help.. she ain't calming down.. Alejandro ain't helping either..." He shouts down the radio. We can hear shouting and hissing in the background.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I wake up to a familiar scent but I cannot shake the feeling of danger and pain. I am being carried. I thrash desperately and realise that I'd been uncuffed. I hear a grunt as I fall to the ground. I start scrambling away and I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I swing an elbow and here a crunch when I make contact with his nose.
"FUCK.. Garrick.. Control your girl.." - "Shit.. Laika.. Calm down, love.."
Smooth voice.. Garrick.. C'mon, snap out of it, mutt..
*Gaz's POV*
Rudy appears from nowhere carrying an unconscious Laika. Initially I feel elated when I see her, until I see blood all over her face and leg.. she looks completely awful..
I grab hold of her, cradling her in my arms, feeling the instinct to protect her. Rudy explains to me that I have to be gentle and quiet. She could be feral when she wakes up.. I've never dealt with this before. I nod and promise to try not to be too imposing.
Rudy runs off to help Johnny and Simon with Graves. He leaves me with Alejandro and Valeria, two angry hot-headed, strong smelling Alphas. Not ideal.. Valeria is restrained so at least she isn't a threat..
I can feel Laika starting to wriggle slightly in my arms. I relax when I feel her subconsciously press her nose into my neck. She was scenting me.. I hope she recognises it.. We hadn't seen each other in a while...
She starts thrashing. I try not to drop her but she escapes my grasp and falls to the ground. She starts shuffling backwards along the ground, away from me. She looks like a frightened animal, running from a predator. Alejandro sneaks behind her and grabs her. She yelps and throws an elbow busting his nose. "Oh shit.." I mutter, feeling bad for Alejandro but also finding it a tiny bit funny. "Deserved that to be honest, mate" I whisper to him as he shouts at me to control her.
I step forward with my arms outstretched.. "Hey, Love.. It's me.. Kyle.. C'mere.. want to check you're ok..?" I try, with the softest voice I can muster, even though the Alpha in me is clawing to get out. Her scent has changed. It's as strong as I've ever smelt it.. I hope that the sound that leaves my throat sounds like a purr instead of a growl..
"Al-Alpha..." she whimpers.. I freeze. Oh fuck, she shouldn't be calling me that.. FUCK..
I gulp and try to control my urges. "Captain.. could do with your assistance here.." I growl quietly down the line. "Don't send Johnny or Si.." - "Understood.." John replies cooly.
I turn, probably more aggressively than I intend to. "Alejandro, go.. I'll be fine on my own.. Take her and go with Rudy.. we will meet you later, mate.. Get your nose looked at.." I add on, teasing the man.
He huffs a small laugh and turns to leave, understanding the situation.
I turn back to face Laika. "Hey, Love.. You want to come over here with me..?" She shakes her head. God she looks so scared...
"Look.. it's okay - I'll sit down.. you come to me when you're ready.. okay, love?" I try, slowly lowering myself to the ground in a submissive position.
I can see the cogs turning inside her brain. She isn't all there right now.. acting off of instinct and instinct alone. She scents the air and whines. "Alpha..?" She whimpers again.
I roll my shoulders and grit my teeth, trying to contain the growl I so desperately want to release.
She starts crawling towards me slowly, as if she was keeping the option open to run if I so much as move a muscle..
She is so close now. Still sniffing and crawling. God, she reeks..
She pats my knee first, as if to test if I was going to pounce. I close my eyes and stay still.
The next thing I feel is her entire weight crawl into my lap and she clings to me. I can't help the noise that escapes my throat this time. A low, deep purr. I bet she can feel it rumble through my chest.
She shoves her nose in my neck and inhales.. I lift my hands and oh so gently rest them on her waist.
She tenses at my touch, but quickly relaxes.
"Ky-Kyle..?" - YES!
"It's me, Love.. It's me.."
She whines happily. I almost lose it when she starts nipping and licking along my neck. I squeeze her waist a little tighter, trying to remain in control.
I groan out roughly "Love, whoa, love... Come on now, we've got to get you home, yeah..? get you cleaned up.." - "Noo, wanna stay w'you" she murmurs against my neck.
Fuck if I didn't want her to stay with me too. C'mon Garrick.. control yourself!!
"I know love.. I know.. but I want you in your bed, safe.. yeah?" I try, manipulating her instincts a little bit. She nods against my neck. Okay, that was progress...
"Love..?" I ask her.. "Mmmhmmmm?" - "I called the Captain.. he will be here soon. Is that ok..?" - "Is he mad at me..?" she shakes against me.. "No, Love.. he was worried.. So worried about you. We all were.." she just shakes her head against me.
"Can I stand up..?" I ask- she pulls away from my neck then, and meets my eyes.. she looks so lost.. so confused. "You want to leave..?" Fuck
"No no no.. Love, that's not it at all.. I want to take you home.." - her eyes soften slowly at that and she starts nodding.
"Gaz.. I'm about to come round the corner to your location.. is that alright..?" Both of our eyes snap down to my comms. My eyes dart back to Laika’s..
"What do you say, Love..? Can the Captain come and see us..?" she looks scared.. time to manipulate her sensative state a little bit again.. I felt bad doing this but I have to..
"Pack Alpha.." I add on.. "Alpha..?” she replies in a whisper.. "Yeah.. our Alpha.." - "Our Alpha..?" Damn that sounded good...
"He could be, Love - can he come see us..? Please..?" she looks at me with wide eyes.. still sitting on my lap, our bodies pressed tightly together. I have to readjust myself several times so she cannot feel my knot pushing desperately against my jeans, looking for an escape..
She nods. She finally fucking nods..
John must have been watching from the corner because I don't even have chance to radio him before he is in front of us both, staring down at our position on the floor. Laika looks up at him with wide eyes.. John growls down at her, he never liked to see his things covered in blood. She tenses up and scoots backwards slightly.
John immediately softens his approach, slowly lowering himself to the ground. I bet in his head he is thinking that his back hurts and that his knees aren't going to thank him, but he does it willingly.
I can see him subtlety scenting the air. He can smell her too. She stares at him as he lowers himself down. She crawls off of my lap and I immediately stand and readjust myself, turning away to cool off.
*John's POV*
I finally hit the ground. My knees won't be happy about this tomorrow..
Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her. The Alpha screams inside of me.
I open my arms and grumble, in as soft a voice as I can manage "Come over here, angel.."
She starts crawling from Kyle's lap and towards me.. I purr at her.. From my peripheral, I see poor, sweet Kyle standing and fixing himself. Good boy, he had done such a good job helping her out of sub-space..
She climbs into my arms and I whisper "Good girl, there we go, that's it.." I start standing from the ground, squeezing her back so she stays against me. She wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. "C'mon, gonna take you home now.. get you taken care of.. what a clever girl you've been..." I reassure her.
She is whining and sniffing in my scent glands. Her scent starts changing from anxious to more relaxed. I keep purring, finding that it seems to be helping.
I start walking and she whimpers Kyle's name into my neck.. "He's here, Love.. right here.." I reply, nodding to Kyle to walk closely so she can see him.. he understands immediately.
She fits perfectly here..
Don't get ahead of yourself, John...
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mauswrites · 5 months
Fear (Simon Riley x AFAB!GN!Reader)
A/N: I was recently reminded of my worst fear, that being cryptic pregnancy (No weight gain, no symptoms, no nothing. You don't know about the baby until it's on its way out) and can't stop thinking about it, so I decided to write a fic to get it out of my system. (sorry if this sucks, this is the first fic I've published in like almost a decade)
Genre: hurt/comfort
TW: Blood, mentions of childbirth, medical inaccuracies, possibly OOC Ghost, reader genuinely thinks they're dying
You couldn't sleep.
Not because of the thoughts racing in your mind but of the unbearable pain in your abdomen.
Occam's razor would tell you that it was just your period, but you've never experienced cramps like this before, like being torn in half.
With a huff, you shove the blanket off your body and get up, but as soon as your feet hit the floor, pain shoots up your spine, causing you to crumple to the floor, wailing out in agony. You clutch your stomach, forcing air in and out of your lungs.
Why am I wet? you thought.
The pain had distracted you until now, but you managed to reach for your bedside lamp to see blood running down your legs.
A lot of it, too.
As the fear settled in your bones, you hurry to get your phone and call for an ambulance.
"999, what's your emergency?"
"I don't know what's wrong, I'm in a lot of pain, I can't stop bleeding... I-I can't walk."
"Where are you now?"
You give the address to your flat and hang up when the dispatcher assures you that the ambulance isn't far.
Walking may seem impossible, but you manage to crawl to the front door to unlock it, sitting down in the hall, waiting.
Desperation clings to your heart, and you make one more call, this time to your ex-boyfriend, but it went straight to voicemail.
"Simon? Hey, it's me... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For my attitude, the arguments, all of it."
The blood loss is getting to you, but you take a ragged breath and press on.
"I think I'm dying, an ambulance is on their way, but–"
The pain spikes suddenly, causing you to scream.
"In case I do, just know that I love you."
Hearing sirens from outside, you hang up and wait, dreading the black spots in your vision.
The ambulance ride is a blur, the EMT asking questions that your brain isn't processing, and you barely remember being put under at the hospital.
As your eyes flutter open hours later, sunlight leaks into the room through the blinds, and your stomach is sore, but you otherwise feel better.
A nurse is still in the room, typing away on the computer in your room.
"What happened?"
She seemed startled yet relieved at your voice, still groggy from sleep.
"This may come as a shock to you,"
Uh oh.
"But you experienced what's called a cryptic pregnancy and needed to undergo an emergency C-section. The bleeding was caused by a tear in your uterine lining, but you'll recover just fine."
Her diagnosis hit you like a brick to the face.
"So... I had a baby?"
"Yes, a little girl; a bit premature, but otherwise healthy."
You merely hum in acknowledgement as you look around the room, your eyes landing on the bassinet.
"Would you like to hold her?" the nurse asked.
"I... yes."
She smiles as she walks around the bed, picking up your daughter and passing her to you.
A lump forms in your throat as you lock eyes with the infant in your arms, hers a deep brown.
"Um... hello," you say, "it's nice to meet you."
As you fall silent, the nurse pipes up once again.
"I'll leave you two be for now. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call for someone."
You quickly thank her before she leaves, closing the door behind her, and you quickly turn your attention back to your daughter.
Your heart and mind were both racing as you admired her, even softly speaking to her every so often. For seconds or hours, you're not quite sure, but you only snapped out of your trance when the door opened.
You watch as Simon comes in and pulls up a chair next to your hospital bed, on the same side as the bassinet, all without a word.
"I'm guessing they wouldn't let you in looking like the Grim Reaper," you joked, taking note of the black surgical mask on his face, "How've you been?"
"I should be asking you," he said, "that voicemail scared the shit outta me."
"I've been..."
What do you even say?
"Honestly, not great; missed you like hell," you admit, casting your eyes back down to your baby and letting her tiny hand grip onto one of your fingers, "but I think I'll be okay."
"Cute little thing," he said, referring to your little girl.
"Thanks, I made it myself."
"Got a name yet?"
"Haven't exactly had much time to think of one," you reply, "got any ideas?"
"You told me you always liked the name Emilia."
"That's true. Seems it's settled then," you do your best to straighten up, "Simon, meet Emilia... Riley?"
"Riley," he confirmed, making you smile for the first time in a while.
"Do you want to hold her?"
He nodded, and you placed a kiss on her forehead before passing her over to him.
She already looked tiny in your arms, but compared to Simon's much bigger frame, she was damn near microscopic. He was practically holding her with just his hands, handling her delicately, like one wrong move would cause her to fall apart.
"What d'you say you come back home," he said, "We try again, be a family."
"Is that actually what you want? I don't want to be the parents that are only together for our child's sake."
"I mean it."
"That's good," you pause, fighting back tears, "Promise I won't be such a bitch this time 'round."
"You say that like I was a saint."
"Then we'll both be better, for each other and for her."
You silently admire the scene before you for a few minutes until the nurse from earlier returns.
She asked some questions about you and the baby, filled in some blanks on the birth certificate, and stepped out to bring you some ice water, leaving you to think about the past twelve hours.
"I'm honestly dreading going back to my flat." you thought aloud.
"Why?" Simon asked. He carefully placed Emilia back in the bassinet, giving you his full attention.
"There's blood everywhere."
"I'll take care of it; you just rest up and heal," he stood as he spoke, taking off his mask to kiss your temple, but before he had a chance to walk away, you placed a hand on his shoulder, urging him to stay.
"Promise you'll come back?"
As he left, the weight of the situation settled deep in your bones, but you found solace in knowing that you wouldn't have to face it alone, and that things would hopefully turn out better this time around.
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books-and-catears · 9 months
I need to cry, my suicide tendencies are at there peak, can you help me with something with the Obey me brothers?
Like please I want to cry my eyes out
Okay hon, you really need to talk to someone about this okay? Please make sure you're not alone. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I don't know what's wrong but things always get better...You will get through this. Again please talk to someone and don't isolate yourself okay?
It's been a while since I've received this ask, I apologise deeply for the delay, and I sincerely hope you're feeling better now.
TW: Suicide ideation
Cry Your Heart Out
Lucifer doesn't like the way your eyes look as you sit in on another RAD council meeting. Your mind is far, far away. Like you don't want to be here. He ended the meeting early so you could go home. But you look the same.
"MC." He knocks on your door after dinner. You open the door. Somehow your eyes look worse. His gut screams at him to not leave you alone.
"I feel particularly tired today. Would you like to listen to some music with me?" He asks. You shrug and say, "Sure." You almost seem like you're on autopilot.
He takes you by the hand and leads you down. The music has a strange melancholy that stung your heart. Like it understood you. Like it was screaming your misery out loud. You didn't know when your face flushed red, steaming tears falling off your cheeks. In the next second, you're buried in his chest.
"I- I can't-"
"You don't have to say anything. Just stay here for as long as you want."
Mammon didn't like the way you were avoiding him. It's not like you were ignoring him, but you seemed so distant. So...disheartened. Why? He couldn't even bring himself to ask.
There was something he dreaded deeply about the answer. Because he'd seen a semblance of those eyes before and it never ended well. And the long rope just resting on your desk brought forth more worry.
"Oi Lucifer, I have a favor to ask." He muttered into his phone. That day, after school, you found him hanging upside down from the ceiling in your room.
"Mammon what-"
"What's wrong with ya lately?"
"Me? I'm fine-"
"I can't get down unless you tell me the truth. These ropes are enchanted and everything! So if you want me out of here, you better spill okay?!"
Why do you care? The question died in your throat. And you spilled tears before words. He was down in seconds, cooing in shock and distress. "Oi, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
But you held on tight to his jacket. He cared. That was all you needed really.
Leviathan was sitting straighter than usual as you entered his room. Alert and eager. You almost felt bad coming all the way to his room to tell him you don't feel like gaming today. But the console wasn't even plugged.
"Hey Levi-"
"Don't do it. Don't you think about it!" He sounds around. He was trembling, on the brink of crying.
"O-okay I won't say no to gaming with you I'm sorry I didn't know-" You bent down to his level. He caught you offguard, throwing his arms around you.
"You're thinking of leaving again, aren't you?" Levi's voice cracked, muffled in your shoulder. "You're thinking of going away and never coming back."
"Wait...Levi, when did I even say-"
"I thought you were just spending less time with me, I just assumed you finally got tired of me. But then you weren't with my brothers either... you're tired of ALL OF US."
You were tired of yourself, you wanted to reassure him. But he wasn't going to stop wailing anytime soon. In your heart you were just a little bit glad to have someone want you.
"Please don't go... we'll be better. I'll be better. I'll be even better than my brothers! I'll try my best to be! So don't you dare thinking of going anywhere!"
Satan seemed to be extra wary of you during all the magical classes. Potions, Charms, Curses and hexes - everywhere the demon of Wrath followed even tricking teachers if he needed to.
"I'm not trying skip my classes or anything, Satan." You said one day, turning to look at him. It was the last class of the day and everyone had left the room except the two of you.
"What I'm worried about is much worse than that and you know it, MC. Now let's go home."
He reaches out his hand. You don't take it, just sighing and glancing at the potion on your desk.
"Everyday I wake up hoping that all these bad feelings were a nightmare. But every morning, it's real. I'm tired."
"What is it that worries you so?" He leans down to cup your face, turning your eyes to meet his earnest ones.
"It's a human problem."
"I don't need to be human to understand your pains. Just give it a chance, won't you?"
You left the classroom holding his hand, the vial of the Sleeping Draught potion you'd concocted lay smashed, a mess on the floor. Satan apologized for his clumsiness.
Asmodeus had the unfortunate timing to barge in the middle of your breakdown. He gasped and fell to the ground watchin you curled up in bed with your eyes red and puffed up.
Immediately on his knees he crawls towards you, his gentle touch nudging you back to some resemblance of reality. "Darling..."
"I'm fine. Just need some more rest." You shook your head and tried to brave a smile. "Need to be alone and relax a bit."
"Oh MC, if it's relaxation you want, there's noone but me that can provide you the best!" He promptly tucked you in the sheets with him.
"Asmo I don't need-"
"Shhh! Give me a chance, won't you? If you don't like within 10 minutes, I'll leave you alone."
You closed your eyes and sighed, wanting to get over it. But then Asmo's fingers ran through your hair, soft and cool, gentle and slow. For once, all the horrible voices in your head fell asleep before you did.
"How do you feel MC?" He coos as he brushes some hair off your forehead. You only murmur in hia name in response, he chuckles and pulls you closer. His heart beats easier seeing you at peace.
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 months
Horror Au, Interlude: What happened at the ranch?
I was 99% certain that I got an ask about this, but I can't find it. This is a little interlude about what happened when Vale had an anomaly mimicking Marc appear at the ranch. Vale mentions it to Marc in part 1 of the horror au, and this is what he was referencing.
They’ve finished on track, showered, and headed upstairs to eat when the alert hits all of their phones at once. It’s one of the alerts that comes through regardless of do-not-disturb or silent settings, and Vale knows immediately it’s some sort of Anomaly event.
He checks his phone and scans the message. 
Void creature in your area. Take shelter. Lock doors and windows. Arm yourself. Take cover and stay quiet. Do not respond to voices you cannot see. Mercy be with you. 
He sighs and joins Uccio and Max as they hustle downstairs to secure the building. Garage covers come down and rolling shutters are pulled across windows. Vale is reminded, not for the first time, that he should upgrade the security of the Ranch. He pictures automatic safety devices and makes a mental note to workshop that plan with Max later. 
Once the building is secure, he heads upstairs. The boys have gotten the notification and they’ve silently chosen to congregate on the couches in the corner of the room, nervously watching their phones for updates. He settles on the floor in front of the couch, shoulder pressed to Pecco’s leg. The younger rider gives him a gentle, good-natured kick, and Vale turns to smile at him. Pecco returns the smile but he looks nervous, lips pulled taught against his teeth and brow furrowed. Vale pats him on the leg, as much of a reassurance as he can give while they are meant to be silent. 
Silence could mean a lot of things, but most commonly it means one of the void creatures; one of the mimics. 
The ranch is remote enough that it usually feels safe, but Vale has a sense of uneasiness. He isn’t sure how wide the radius is for the detection and alert system, and he wonders how close the monster is to their little sanctuary. 
They’ve been sitting in silence for what feels like hours when they hear it. 
It’s as if the air has been sucked out of the room. Almost at once, all heads swivel to look at him as the voice calls out again.
There’s only one voice that says his name like that; Marc. 
It’s been a long time since he heard Marc say it, and his throat feels like it might close up.
He knows it’s not Marc outside. There’s no reason that the younger man would be in Tavullia; he’s definitely not welcome in the town and there’s no way he’d even make it out to the ranch. There’s no way it could be Marc. 
Still. Vale can’t help but think of what it would be like if Marc were out there. There’s basically no way to survive a void creature. Marc would be doomed, and Vale would have to hear it. 
As if it’s reading his mind, there’s a wail outside. It’s so brutal and loud that Vale squeezes his eyes shut. Pecco’s leg twitches beside him. Another wail follows, and Vale is on his feet before he can really think about it. He paces away from the group, running a hand through his hair. 
His hair, thinning now from age and years of being tugged at by helmets. It’s hard not to think about his age at times like these, when he feels so tired and weathered. He wonders if Marc is starting to feel his age. It’s been so many years since he spoke to him, and the few times he’s been able to bear looking at his face he knows Marc has gotten older. His cheekbones are more defined, and his mouth is framed in laugh lines. His laugh– one of Vale’s favorite things. 
The voice, Marc’s voice, screams outside.
“Please, Vale, let me in. I’m so sorry; I’ll apologize! Just let me in.”
The void creature knows just what buttons to press to mimic Marc in the most painful way. Vale presses his palms to his eyes. 
He knows it’s not Marc. He knows it’s not the younger man, the man who Vale raced against and shared podiums with. There’s no human on the other side of that door.
Suddenly an arm yanks him backward, and a hand covers his mouth to muffle his surprised noise. His eyes snap open and he sees that he’s somehow made it downstairs. He’s within arms reach of the door and its metal security panel. 
Uccio’s hands are a vice grip around him, holding him back. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” he hisses in his ear. 
Vale’s mouth opens as if to respond, but he has nothing to say. He has no explanation for his intense lapse in judgment, or even how he made it down the stairs in the first place. 
“Vale, please,” the thing outside begs. 
Uccio doesn’t let go of him, just guides him back up the stairs. The boys on the couches look terrified now, and Vale doesn’t have the words to apologize. This time Uccio deposits him on the couch next to him, keeping a solid arm around his shoulders. Vale puts his head in his hands but doesn’t close his eyes, suddenly afraid of what will happen. 
He misses Marc. He wanted to let that thing in because it sounded like Marc. Vale is overcome with the thought that he has to talk to the younger man; he has to reconcile, or apologize, or something. He just can’t possibly go the rest of his life feeling like this thing between them is so unsettled. He needs closure.
He thinks about what that looks like, turning scenarios over in his head until the arm is lifted from around his shoulder and their phones chime with the alert system telling them that the creature is gone. 
This time Vale stays put as Max and Uccio take over raising the shades and opening the house again. He doesn’t react as Pecco and Bez playfully argue and throw shutters open, giddy and relieved to be safe. Celestino is immediately loud and talkative, making up for the time spent forced into silence. 
Vale should be joining them, celebrating their safety. He can’t get up, though, because of the lead weight of regret that has taken home in his stomach. He has to talk to Marc. 
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delicateflowerss · 1 year
Don't Worry, Darling: Nine
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After marrying the love of your life, Rafe Cameron, you thought you couldn't be happier. But when a murder shakes the island, you learn you don't know your husband as well as you thought. When does Paradise become Hell?
Warnings: 18+, mentions of past NON-CON, forced pregnancy, mentions of murder, mentions of drugging, violence, blood, dark!Rafe, kook!reader, non-canon ages
we are finally at the end, i can't believe it! thank you for reading and sticking with this series. please enjoy the final chapter <3
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 4k
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The sound of your daughter’s cries barely registers with you.  It’s more so the tugging of your dress to get your attention. You would think it’s something a child would do, but it’s only your husband.
“I think she wants you,” is all he says as he hands her to you.
You’re surprised Rafe wanted to hold her at all, especially at an event like this. But you realize it’s his way of showing how good of a father he is.
At least, that’s how he wants to present to the world.
You try to soothe her cries but when nothing works, you end up apologizing to your friends and finding a quieter place inside.
Your daughter is only a few months old, but Rafe really wanted to go to Topper and Audrey’s end of summer barbeque.
You tried to think like him, that your daughter could handle it. That you could handle it.
But as you stare at her wailing face, the only thing that comes to mind is how you wish you could cry like that.
It’s all over the news. You can’t even look at your phone without seeing a text from someone, shocked that Rafe has been arrested, that he’s been accused of murder.
So you stopped looking at your phone.
You barely got a wink of sleep last night and you’ve been cleaning since you gave up on getting any more rest.
But even when you think you’re occupying your mind, it’s busying itself elsewhere. You can’t get rid of this sinking feeling you have in your chest, like it’s getting harder and harder to breathe.
At this point, you’re not even sure where it comes from.
You haven’t wanted to think about any of it, Rafe being locked away or the pills you found.
Anytime you start to think about that pill bottle, your mind goes to a horrible place. So, you stop, your mind deciding that you’d rather not think at all.
But you ‘ve only done so much mindless cleaning before that familiar sound of a pickup truck in your driveway stops you in your tracks.
It’s a smaller truck than your husband’s, older too. A company logo adorns the side of it.
You expect him to go to the backyard, maintaining the pool like he usually does. But instead, he walks up to your front door, forcing you to move away from the window you’re spying from, hoping he didn’t see you.
The doorbell rings and you consider not answering it.
But it’s like your body screams at you to open the door for him.
He doesn’t look any different when you finally face him, the same worn-out work clothes, and messy blond locks.
He looks almost surprised you even answered the door.
He says your name like it’s unfamiliar to him.
“What are you doing?” you ask, desperately needing to know.
“I just…I heard about…I heard about Rafe,” he finally spits out.
When he doesn’t get a word or a twitch of a muscle in your face from you, he sighs.
“I just wanted to see if you were okay. But I won’t bother you-.”
You can tell by the way he moves his feet that he’s going to leave, so you stop him.
“No. You’re not bothering me,” you explain, opening the door wider. “You want to come in?”
He hesitates only slightly, and a relief floods his eyes as he accepts.
“Can I get you anything? Water, lemonade, I just made some iced tea-.”
You open the fridge, ready to grab whatever he wants.
He stops you merely by saying your name.
“You don’t need to do any of that for me. I want to know how you’re doing.”
You let the fridge door close. You can feel that heaviness that occupies your chest starting to come back.
“I’m sure it was a shock,” he continues. “When he was arrested.”
“Yeah,” you mumble, gaze finding the floor beneath you.
You don’t even realize that your fingers play with a loose thread coming from your dress.
“I can’t believe he was able to get away with it for so long. Even had his own wife fooled.”
“You’re acting like I’m an idiot or something, JJ.”
You see his eyes widen.
“No. Not at all,” he quickly says. “It’s Rafe. He’s a fucking psycho.”
That doesn’t exactly make you feel better.
Your hands unconsciously move to your stomach.
“Sometimes I think I’m just as awful as he is,” you say like you’re thinking aloud.
You look at JJ but it’s almost like you’re looking past him.
He shakes his head and scoffs as if you’ve said something stupid.
“I just feel like if I’m awful too, then what chance do they have?”
JJ freezes then, his eyes finding your tearful ones. A question lingers on his face as he drags his eyes to where your hands are – on your stomach.
He raises his eyebrows. “You’re pregnant?”
All you can do is nod.
“Shit,” he sighs out, running his hand through his hair.
He takes a moment to think, eyes anywhere but you. But they finally find you again.
He gives you an almost pained look before stepping closer to you.
He lets out a ragged breath before saying, “that baby is very lucky to have you as a mom. And I’m sorry if Rafe ever made you feel differently.”
You try to blink away the tears, but instead they fall down your cheeks.
“I just don’t know how everything could go so wrong. And all at once,” you add.
“Just know that you’re not alone. I’ll do anything I can. Also, I’m sure Sarah-.”
“Thanks, JJ,” you interrupt by hugging him.
For a moment, all the noise in your head is gone. There is no sinking feeling in your chest anymore. You can feel his arms wrap around you.
But the serene silence is replaced with an even worse feeling than the one before as you hear the front door being opened.
You step back from JJ quickly as if you were burned by being too close to him.
Neither of you are fast enough to get out before he finds you.
“What the hell is this?”
Pure poison drips from his words as he looks between you and JJ.
You’re surprised to find JJ not even a bit scared to see Rafe, now a known murderer. Instead, he looks like he’s gearing up for a fight.
That doesn’t exactly help the mix of fear and worry that paints your face.
“They let you out of jail already?” JJ asks. “Surprising considering you killed two people. But that’s what enough money gets you, huh?”
Rafe seethes from JJ’s taunts, jaw ticking and brow furrowing. He’s spent one night in jail, and he already looks just a little rougher. His hair is messy, and his shirt is wrinkled.
“What the fuck are you doin’ in my house?” Rafe yells, practically lunging toward JJ.
JJ steps out of his way, trying to get closer to the front door.
“Rafe, stop! I invited him,” you try to explain.
“And why the hell would you do that?”
“Because!” You pause for a moment. “Because he’s been cleaning our pool for months.”
“What?” Rafe squints at you, anger pointed toward you now. “So, you’ve been lying to me?”
“I wasn’t lying. You never asked.”
“Have you been cheating on me too?” an accusatory tone in his voice.
“No,” you quickly reply.
“Like I would believe a word you say now.” He turns to JJ again, who has been torn between bolting and trying to help you.
“Have you really been cleaning our pool, or have you just been fucking my wife?” he asks him.
“Rafe,” you yell, disgusted by his words.
He inches closer to JJ, a hard glare set on a face that matches his own expression.
You see how Rafe’s fingers flex, forming into a fist every now and then.
You walk up to them, saying your husband’s name again. You’ve been able to get through to him before, but you don’t think you’ve seen him this furious, ever.
Of course, he ignores you.
“Is this you getting back at me, JJ? For all those times I beat the shit out of you. Cause I can do it again.”
“Rafe, stop it,” you try again.
You grab his arm, hoping it would stop him from punching JJ.
JJ just laughs.
“Wow, man. And Y/N really thought you changed.”
Now you feel like you’ve been the one punched in the gut.
“Just leave, JJ,” you tell him, knowing it’s the only way to keep a fight from happening.
He looks at you, a mix of worry and hurt in his eyes. You think he might argue with you but after a moment, he turns to Rafe.
“I don’t know why, but she really loves you,” he says, giving one last glare to Rafe before slipping through the front door.
“Get the hell outta here, JJ,” Rafe yells at the back of JJ’s head as he walks to his parked truck.
You wish you could feel more relief now that a fight has been averted, but that was just one fight. You know there’s another on the horizon.
“You know,” he starts. “I was really hoping to be coming home to some peace and quiet. Especially, after the night I had.”
His voice getting louder with each word, an anger passing through every syllable.
You can barely look at him, so you don’t.
“Do you know the filth I had to sleep in last night? Actually, I shouldn’t say that. I barely slept at all. And the whole time, you’re here, letting another man in my house.” He jabs his finger into his chest. “No, not a man,” he corrects himself. “A Pogue.”
You can feel your bottom lip trembling.
He digs his nails into the palm of his hand as he brings it to his face. It almost looks like he’s fighting off a migraine, and if he is, you know you’re the cause of it.
“I mean, is the baby even mine?”
“Of course, it’s yours. Why would you even say that?”
He throws his arms in the air, like the answer is obvious.
“I didn’t sleep with him, Rafe! I’ve never cheated on you. JJ is just a friend,” you try to convince him.
But it’s hard to convince someone you’re not lying, even when you’re telling the truth.
“A friend? The pool boy is a friend?” he asks, appalled you would say something like that.
“He’s friends with your sister. Doesn’t that mean anything?”
“Doesn’t mean anything good,” he simply says before walking upstairs.
You follow him, still upset that he thinks you’re lying.
“I need to take a shower,” he tells you, throwing his stuff down on the dresser in your bedroom.
“You don’t get to be mad at me, Rafe. I should be the one who’s mad.”
“And why is that?”
“Look around!” You wave your hands around wildly. “Our house, our life, our marriage, it’s a mess, Rafe. And it’s all your fault.”
“My fault. My fault?” He moves away from the bathroom, getting closer to you. “I was helping us, Y/N. The promotion was to give us more money, and everything else I did was to protect you. To protect our family.”
“Whatever,” you scoff. “You didn’t know I was pregnant when you were protecting your family.
Rafe casts his eyes downward, finding a spot on the floor to be more interesting.
“Right? You didn’t know I was pregnant,” you repeat. “Cause there really wouldn’t be a way for you to know before I did,” you say, knowing you’re actually asking a question.
Finally, he nods. “Yeah, I didn’t know.”
He still doesn’t look at you.
And for some reason, it shatters you. You feel like a million pieces on the floor, needing to be swept up and thrown away.
“What did you do, Rafe?”
You can hear yourself breaking, losing any grip you had on your sanity, dignity, and your hopeful delusion.
You don’t exactly know how, but you know he’s lying to you, and you know it has something to do with the night of Midsummers. The night you can’t remember putting yourself to bed. It has to do with the dream you had and the pills you found. It’s just taken this long to admit it to yourself.
“Please tell me you didn’t do something,” you plead.
The silence is suffocating.
He’s killed two people. Why is it hard for you to realize that he could do something just as evil, if not more?
“What?” He finally meets your gaze. “What do you want me to say? I’ve told you that everything I did, I did it for us. I don’t know why you can’t see that.”
You don’t think you can look at him for another second without being violently ill.
Once you storm downstairs, he’s right on your heels, not letting you leave his sight.
You can hear him trying to justify his actions, explaining, but it just sounds like noise to you.
You’re not exactly thinking, more so acting on impulse, on the emotions clouding your mind.
On the kitchen counter, sits the knife block. You barely think about it as you grab the sharpest knife out of the bunch.
He has to step away from you to avoid the knife grazing him. You wave it at him, pointing the shiny steel directly at him – his chest, his neck, somewhere he really wouldn’t want to get stabbed.
“You raped me!” The words erupt out of you. “You drugged me, and you raped me. Tell me I’m wrong.”
His blue eyes widen with shock and traces of fear. He keeps his hands up. His palms open to show that he’s defenseless.
A sick part of you feels satisfied to see him be the one who’s scared and weak.
“Calm down, okay?”
“No! Answer me,” you yell, voice coarse.
“Not until you put the knife down.”
His unusually level tone chips away at your anger and your stubbornness. You readjust your grip on the knife as you glance away from him for a second.
That’s all he needs in order to roughly grab your wrist and to push you into the kitchen counter behind you.
You groan out in pain as your back hits the edge of the marble. Rafe is able to pry the knife out of your hand, also painfully.
You hear the knife clatter to the ground as you realize you might need to admit defeat.
He keeps your body pinned with his, his grasp still on your wrist, meaning you can’t move away from him.
“I can’t rape my own wife.” His tone is cold, and it almost sounds like it comes from a man who only looks like your husband but isn’t actually him. “When I put that ring on your finger, it meant I could crawl on top of you and do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.”
Your tears don’t stop him.
“What is in between your legs is mine. So that means if I want to get you pregnant, it is my right to do that.”
He pauses, the only sound are the sobs you try to stop from coming out.
“All of this went on for way too long,” he continues. “I didn’t mind you having a job at first, it made you happy, it gave you some semblance of control.”
You wince as his grip on your wrist gets tighter.
“But I didn’t think it would get in the way of us having a family,” he continues. “I didn’t think you would choose it over me.”
You shake your head, wanting to say something, but nothing cohesive can be formed in your head right now.
He lets go of your wrist, taking your hand in his instead.
“All I did…” he pauses, kissing the back of your hand while still holding it. “…was show you what you really wanted.”
“Get off me, Rafe,” you say quietly. But when he doesn’t move, you push him with all your strength and yell, “get off me!”
He looks at you like a wounded puppy, like he feels rejected by you, like he doesn’t know how fucked up what he just said was.
You move back, trying to put enough space between the two of you. You’re still crying, tears streaming down your face as your chest heaves.
You try to speak through ragged breaths.
“I really thought you could have become a good person, Rafe. I really thought all that violence, all that bullying, was just you being young and stupid. But it’s who you are, and you can’t change it.”
You notice his eyes filling with tears before he sniffles, glaring at you to try and prevent any crying.
You continue, “I should have known that you can’t change someone who has a soul so dark, that they suck all the light out of anyone they’re close to. And that’s what you did to me. And that’s what you’ll do to this baby.”
The sobs have stopped, rage replacing the heaving.
“So, you might have been bailed out by your father. But there’s no way you’re not going to prison. Or worse,” you add. “I’ll tell them everything. I’ll make sure that they find you guilty. And I’ll be glad. I’ll be glad that you’ll be far away from me.”
You stare at him, a scowl written on his face until it morphs into laughter.
“And how is that going to work out for you? I’ll tell them everything also.”
He steps closer to you, and you can feel that suffocation again.
“I’ll tell them how you helped me hide the body. How you’ve known for weeks, how you’ve lied to the police and lied to everyone you know. You think they’re not going to send your ass to prison too?” He flashes his teeth at you. “And believe me, you wouldn’t last a day.”
He walks around you, like a predator circling its prey.
“But if you do manage to last,” he continues. “They’ll let you give birth in prison. Then, it’s bye-bye baby. My parents will probably adopt, but even when you get out, doesn’t mean they’ll let you see the kid.”
He stops in front of you, darkness filling his eyes as he sees fear fill yours.
“You’ll never have custody. Your child probably won’t even call you mom.”
“Stop, Rafe.”
“So, if you do what you say you’re going to do, that baby isn’t going to have any parents.”
You can feel your stomach twisting and your chest getting tighter. You don’t want to go to prison, you don’t want to lose your baby, and you absolutely don’t want your in-laws raising your child to be just like Rafe.
You finally look at him, meeting his gaze.
“I don’t want that to happen.”
Your voice barely sounds like your own, it sounds tired and worn-out.
“And I’m not going to let that happen,” he says, a concern in his voice that wasn’t there before, so you wonder if he feigns it. “But you need to be on my side, alright?”
You would rather gouge your eyes out than be on his side, but what other choice do you have?
“Neither of us are going to prison,” he explains. “But that means, someone else killed those guys.”
You furrow your brow, not understanding what he means.
“JJ killed those guys.”
“He’s had this revenge plot against me,” he says it like he’s telling the truth. “For all those stupid fights, he decided he wanted to get back at me. So, he became our pool boy, got access inside our house, and framed me. Used my gun, left evidence, just so the police would come after me.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask, in denial, that this is actually Rafe’s plan.
“It’s the perfect story, Y/N. Come on.”
“Rafe, I know you think something happened between-.”
He stops you by softly putting his hands on your shoulders.
“I know nothing happened between you and JJ,” he says calmly. “But he’s the only person that has been to our house. Every week, right? And right around when the first murder happened.”
“Rafe. I’m not putting an innocent man in jail. He’s a good person.”
He just shakes his head.
“It’s either him or us. We have a life, Y/N. A baby on the way.” Rafe’s voice rises with a familiar anger. “What does JJ have? He’s never going to be anything. We’re doing him a favor.”
You close your eyes momentarily, and when you open them, your vision of Rafe is blurry.
“I don’t love you anymore. And if you do this, I know I’ll never love you again,” you tell him as a tear falls onto your lips.
He thinks for a moment before bending down and placing a kiss on your stomach.
He stands to his full height, looking down at you.
“At least, I won’t be in prison.”
You thought you would never be able to do this. To be able to go back to the way things used to be.
Except, things will never be the way they used to be.
Now all you do is pretend. And it makes you wonder if that is what you were doing all along.
Your wrist grows tired from stirring the mashed potatoes. You think you may have been stirring for too long. Your mind and your arm aren’t connected.
It’s almost like you’re a machine, programmed to do the same things every day.
You lock eyes with your daughter who sits in her highchair.
You feel a spark of joy somewhere deep inside.
The fact is you were never the same after that day.
But you did what you were taught, to push down any emotions, to pretend that everything is okay.
Your testimony helped an innocent man be sent to prison for the rest of his life. You watched Rafe lie through his teeth so JJ would be the one taking his spot.
Normally, something like that would make you sick, make you so angry you couldn’t think straight.
But not now.
You thought it would be hard to let Rafe touch you again. You thought you would be reminded of the night you barely remember anytime you could feel his skin on yours. But you just taught yourself to think about it differently, or not at all.
If he hadn’t done it, you wouldn’t have your daughter. You know he loves you. He loves you so much it makes him crazy. That’s what you think about when he’s on top of you at night, thrusting into you so hard it almost hurts.
But that’s what love is, it hurts.
Sometimes, you wonder if you’ll snap one day. Maybe five years from now, it will be Rafe’s murder that everyone will see on the news.
You might not even care when they take you away, handcuffed. You might even feel happy.
But those thoughts are fleeting.
You know Rafe is home because your daughter’s attention is finally taken from you.
She smiles when he steps into the kitchen.
And it almost makes you smile.
“It smells good in here,” he comments.
“It’s almost done.”
“Good. I’m starving. I had such a busy day at work,” he sighs, setting his things down.
“You’ll have to tell me all about it.”
The oven beeps, and before you can open it, Rafe stops you with a hand on your waist.
“Is that a pot roast in there? How did I get so lucky?” he asks against your lips before kissing them with brutal affection.
You meet his roughness, nicking his lip with your teeth in the process.
He pulls back, a bead of crimson pours from his lip.
If there is love between you and Rafe, this is what it is – dark, bloody, and violent for everyone around.
@fangirlwithlou @thebuttofcaptainamerica @lovedetlost @kkmstblog @whorefordrew @gillybear17 @alinaharlow @nichmeddar @coriellesmarya @rafeslovergirl @hysteriahall @loves0phelia @igotmessymind @djconde58 @imsorare @bbqsauceonmyt1tties @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @malfoytargaryen @craftyalmondghostflap @maggiec @fulla02 @starkeylover @brunetteonearth @lovurry @ohemgeewhat @babyspice6 @lmg-stilinski24 @f4ll-for-you @deems-16 @rgeraldg @ellabellabus07 @mryneedend @gills-lounge @klips118 @runningfrom2am @ilovesteveharrngton @obaex @spear-bearing-bi-witch @bellstwd @hehehehesthings
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strawberryblue-blog · 10 months
Love again. Part 2 —Pedri
summary: You and Pedri were best friends since you were little but then you grew up and things changed between you two.
warnings: none. jealousy, love triangle, angst, friends to strangers, friends to lovers.
word count: +3.5k
#SEXYNOTE: dedicated to you @http-isabela and all the people who follow me and support my work. THANK YOU SO MUCH 🩵
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It wasn't how you imagined coming home for the vacations. Lying in bed, not even going out of your room. Thinking about what an idiot you were to think that if you went back to see him it might have been different.
You left with a broken heart and you had come back for Pedri to break it again. Maybe even he didn't know that. Why couldn't he see you with different eyes? With those eyes that used to see you when you were growing up. When you ran along the beach at sunset, when you fought in your backyard or when you walked home after school.
Even their families were friends. They had lived in the same neighborhood all their lives. His house was next door to yours, that's why you had never left your house. You knew her family might see you and you didn't want them to know you were here, it would be more painful for you.
His chat was open when you looked on your phone. The last few messages had been from you but there was no reply. Pedri had ignored them. He hadn't even taken the time to reply to you. That was what you meant to him.
A sob came out of your mouth as you slammed the phone down on the mattress.
Had you scared him? Did your relationship mean so little to him? Maybe you should never have kissed him. Maybe you should never have told him how you felt but you didn't imagine he would completely ignore you afterwards. You were about to lose him when he was leaving for Barcelona and you wanted to tell him how you felt because it was important to you, but you had completely ruined it.
Your sheets were already wet from crying. Even your eyes were tired and your head hurt. Nothing was going to be like before, he had asked you to stay away. He didn't even want your friendship anymore.
You sniffled when your doorbell rang. Your head still tucked under your pillow when it rang again.
"Mom?" you shouted calling out. No one answered.
You snorted as you had to get out of bed and out of your room, screaming your mother's name again but no one answered. You wiped your tears a bit and rearranged your hair as you walked vaguely to the door.
You half-heartedly opened it ready to kick out anyone who interrupted your wailing nap.
"But what the fuck are you doing dressed like that?" asked your friend, Ana. Lucrecia was behind her, coming in with bottles of alcohol.
Oh no.
"Look, Y/n. We forgave you yesterday because after what that idiot did, we understood that you felt bad but not today" she said pushing you to enter your house. Lucrecia kissed your cheek and you whimpered a little.
"Stop crying!" she shouted from the kitchen. "We don't cry for men, remember?" she walked towards you with the glass and bottle of champagne.
You reached out your hand to take it but instead grabbed the whole bottle snatching it away from him. Lucrecia looked at you in surprise. You shuffled over to the couch and plopped down on it, taking a sip from the bottle.
"I-I c-can't!" you sobbed tearfully. The two of them ran to you. "He hates me, I ruined everything!" you continued to cry.
Your friends quickly hugged you. You were a mess. You couldn't stand the pain in your heart, literally Pedri was everything to you.
"You don't understand," you said. "I've known him since we were born and I thought we loved each other."
The sad looks from your friends made you feel worse. You hated feeling this way for that reason you had left but deep down you knew going back was not a viable thing to do.
"That's enough" Lucrecia said grabbing you by the shoulders. "He's not worth it, he ignored you, he dumped you, he doesn't care about you."
"He's an idiot who thinks he's the center of the world!" continued Ana. "You have to get over him or he'll have won."
You let out a sigh. They were right. He had already decided, ignorant for years, forgetting about your existence, asking you to stay away from him. You were not going to be his puppet, letting yourself be driven by his power.
"Life is one and Pedri can shove his life up his ass" Lucrecia spat taking the bottle from your hand to drink too.
"We'll go to the party. We'll ruin his night" you said trying to believe it. Your eyes stopped leaking tears and your friends jumped around you.
Pedri wasn't going to ruin your life any more than he had. It was time to put it all behind you and move on with your life. He had done it somewhere else. With other people.
Now it was your turn.
Your friends took care of finding the perfect outfit for tonight. It consisted of a light blue silk dress and your blue sandals, and they had even done your hair and makeup for the occasion.
During all the preparation, some others had joined you and had cheered you up while they were doing the preview at your house.
You arrived at the beach after midnight, almost everyone was already there. It was decorated with lights and bonfires, although it was not cold, but it gave life to the night. Your friends did not stop cheering you on and making you have fun while dancing and laughing.
You could not avoid looking for Pedri with your eyes. Even if you did so in disguise, Lucrecia had already scolded you with her gaze several times. It was inevitable. But you were here to enjoy your homecoming and you weren't going to let your heart ruin your evening.
"Hey ladies!" someone shouted nearby. Your body turned to see the group of players arrive.
You cursed as your friends started greeting and chattering to each other.
"Hey cutie" someone said behind you.
"F-ferran" you called out to him as you turned to see him. "Hi" you greeted. You moved closer to leave a kiss on his cheek and he wanted to do the same too, making your faces so close.
"Are you better?" he asked smiling. You looked at him confused. "Lucrecia said you were sick and that's why you didn't come last night" he clarified.
"Oh yes" you replied. "It was just discomfort. Thanks for asking, Ferran" you thanked with a sincere smile.
Your eyes fell to two people watching behind the boy. You swallowed saliva when you saw him arrive. He was not alone. Someone was holding his hand as they walked towards the group. Pedri looked haughty and the girl next to him was gorgeous, definitely not from around these parts. Was that why he had asked you to stay away? Why did he have a girlfriend now? You didn't expect him to reciprocate your feelings, just to go back to the way things used to be, long before what had happened. Friends.
"I've been looking forward to seeing you," the chestnut said, leaning closer for you to hear. You sighed nervously, giving Ferran your full attention. Your cheeks flushed red. "You look beautiful tonight."
His words made you choke on your own saliva, had Ferran just called you gorgeous? You blinked in surprise. And for a moment you forgot the couple behind you.
"Buy you a drink?" you asked cordially.
He nodded.
You took his hand fearlessly, interlacing your fingers. Ferran looked at you smiling and you smiled back as they walked away from everyone. You reached the bar and ordered a drink, waiting for Ferran to order his to hand over the money.
You started talking about yourselves. Ferran listened attentively about your life in the US, then he told you about his life with football and it was so cool. Talking to Ferran Torres was amazing. You couldn't believe it that he would come up to you.
"Shall we dance?" you asked as bodies rolled on the beach.
You were finally distracted, not even thinking about Pedri (Or his new girlfriend). Ferran made everything more enjoyable, he was a nice guy and super fun. You walked laughing to the dance floor, where he took your hand and spun you around in a circle. The music was perfect and they quickly adapted to it, dancing and having fun while being joined by their friends.
Ferran's hands held your waist and pulled you closer to him, making you blush a little. It was clear he had other intentions and you weren't going to let it go. Your back was pressed against his chest as you moved your hips to the rhythm of the music, smiling at the feeling of freedom. You were enjoying his company and anyone who saw you would notice.
Even Pedri.
That when you opened your eyes, you saw him far away from you. His face was serious, his deep black eyes shone in the darkness of the night and on his lips there was a distinct grimace. Your body set off your alarms as he continued to stare at you.
The memory of his words came to your mind and moved you, resonating in your chest. But you were interrupted when Ferran turned you on top of him, pressing your chest to his. A nervous laugh escaped your lips.
Would he still be seeing you? You wanted to know.
Ferran smiled at you, pressing his fingers into your body. Your hands took his strong shoulders and you moved close enough to brush your lips against his, asking his permission. Ferran took your face with one of his hands and kissed you.
It was slow, soft and warm. But you didn't feel anything special. Not like that time.
There were no butterflies. There were no shivers or electric currents. Just the desire and need of the moment.
They broke apart after a while of kissing. You turned your head a little, seeking his gaze and when your eyes met his, your breathing stopped.
There he was, again, staring at you.
His face now looked harder, as if he were angry, his jaw tense, his eyes blacker than before. You had ignored his request and he was probably angry. But you weren't going to listen to him, who did he think he was to tell you that?
You were no longer related, why would you listen to him? Why would you walk away when Ferran was the one who approached you? You were going to take advantage of the opportunity.
You wanted him to know that you had also changed and that now you were not going to listen to him, you were not the same as before, he had said it himself.
He had ended everything between you, so you owed him nothing.
His girlfriend danced around him and he just ignored her, drinking from his bottle and looking at you as if he wanted to say or do something, yet he did nothing. You swallowed in confusion.
Now he was seeing you, why was he still seeing you, wasn't it that he didn't want you around? Fuck him.
Your mind filled with thoughts and confusion. With pain in your chest, you turned away from him. You crashed your lips against Ferran again, this time, being rough and dangerous. You knew he was still watching, you could feel his gaze burning into your body.
Your hands took his hands and directed them to your teasero, Ferran squeezed it and you gasped into his lips. You didn't care that you were surrounded by people, they were all drunk and partying enough to see you. His lips moved to your neck and when you stretched your head, you opened your eyes staring at him.
Pedri's teeth clenched and his eyes narrowed, the vein in his forehead had swollen and his neck was turning red. His reaction surprised you but you didn't think anything of it. His girlfriend was still dancing, trying to take him with her to dance but he refused, staying right where he was.
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rainforestakiie · 11 days
More Often AU
hello, another quick AU that popped into my head while writing Be Lonely with Me!
at the end, you can decide if Lucifer believes Adam or not~
Dear God by Confetti
The world was breaking, unraveling at its core. Heaven was falling apart, its light dimming into shadow. Hell endured, coping as it always had. Earth was dissolving, crumbling into the void. Souls splintered and cracked, emotions ran wild, uncontrolled and untamed. Adam sat on the edge, his legs swinging into the swirling abyss of purple and pink chaos beneath him. His golden, starlit eyes gazed upward, staring into the vast emptiness, because that’s all there was now. Sinners, Winners, Humans—they had all blurred into the same fragile thing. Two sides of a shattered coin. The Angels were losing their wings, the demons their horns. And humans—they were losing their sight, their very souls slipping away.
Adam remained still, bathed in silence. The golden star-shaped eye on his chest blinked open, casting faint, flickering sparks of light into the air, shimmering weakly around him. His wings—once radiant—lay in ruins behind him, fractured and jagged, like pieces of a broken mirror. Eight shattered wings, splayed out, reflecting the emptiness they once soared through.
His lips barely moved, settled into a weary line as he watched the universe tear itself apart, strand by strand, like old fabric coming undone. His hands rested in his lap, cold and numb, while his feet gently kicked at the nothingness below. A soft, tuneless hum escaped his lips, his golden eyes closing for a brief moment as his head tilted in a small, tired gesture.
"Dear God, where'd you go? You haven't been answering your phone," he sang softly, his voice distant, unearthly in his own ears. His mind, like his wings, had shattered into countless pieces—scattered across time itself, past, present, future all bleeding together. He saw the void this all led to, the nothingness behind everything. "Not sayin' I'm mad, but the world is fucked up. So you should come around more."
Orbs of purple, blue, green, and yellow drifted aimlessly through the air, as if lost in their own confusion. Every so often, a flash of white light zipped by, but Adam didn’t bother to notice. The vicious battle happening far to his left—it didn’t matter. None of it did.
Nothing ever changes.
"Oh dear God, I hate to say, people don't believe in you these days," he hummed, the melody a soft echo in the dying world. The golden eye on his chest glowed faintly, its light pulsing, shards of divine energy flickering in and out of existence around him. If he focused, he could almost see the remnants of others within those fragments, the echoes of something long lost. "Not saying I don't, but the world is fucked up. So you should come around more."
A soft yawn broke the silence, his ears pricking at the distant sound of the crumbling world, though he did nothing to stop it. He was too tired for that. Always tired now. He had lived through every cycle, played every role. He had been the villain, the hero, the redeemer, the destroyer. He had saved souls, damned them, lifted them up only to drag them down. Over and over again. And yet—nothing ever changed.
"I bite my tongue but can't change how I think," he whispered, quieter now, almost lost in the hum of the void. "I talk to you because I can't afford a shrink."
His golden eyes drifted lazily to the side, upwards, where the heavens screamed, a long, piercing wail, as they collided with the outer edge of Hell. The shattered remnants of Earth floated in the chaos, fragments of a world that had once been. Heaven was falling, tearing through everything in its path, as it always did, following the script written by God himself. Adam felt the tremor as the grand barrier—the universe’s final defense—quaked beneath the pressure. He knew it wouldn’t hold. In less than a minute, it would shatter. The weight of divine corruption always breaks through in the end.
"It's the everyday people who do the ugliest things," he sang softly, watching the cracks spiderweb across the multicolored barrier. He always found it strangely beautiful, how, when the end came, people would set aside their differences. It was never enough to change anything, but it was admirable in its own tragic way. "And it's never gon—never gonna change. So you should come around more."
No one had wanted to believe Heaven was falling. Sera had ignored the warnings, brushing them off, hiding the truth from the Winners and the other Angels. She refused to tell Emily until it was too late. Eventually, even the higher archangels became involved. You knew things were truly dire when Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael descended from the upper rings of Heaven, panic etched into their once-serene faces. Adam had always found it fascinating to watch the normally composed Michael grow more frantic as the celestial rings collapsed around them.
"Oh dear God, we haven't talked in a while. I'm all grown now, but still feel like a child," Adam sang, his gaze locking onto the first crack as it spread like branches, climbing higher and higher up the barrier. "And I'm sorry that I only holla when I need a favor. But all my people really need a Savior."
When Heaven came begging at the gates of Hell, it was clear the balance of the universe had finally tipped. Lucifer, of course, laughed in their faces, casting them aside like broken toys. He didn’t realize how serious things had become. None of them did. Hell had shrugged, telling Heaven to deal with it—it was only a few divine rings breaking. How hard could it be to fix? But it was that hard.
Heaven was falling. And as it tore through the earthly realm, everyone felt it—the humans burning away, their souls consumed before they even had a chance to be judged. No time to become a Sinner or a Winner, just obliterated in a blink of an eye.
Desperation brings strange alliances.
Soon enough, Lucifer relented, and Hell opened its gates to Heaven. The Sinners mocked the Winners, as they always did, but beneath the surface, everyone felt it—the dread, the slow unraveling of everything they knew. Sinners couldn’t grasp what was happening, and even the highest ranks of Hell struggled to devise a plan to save what little remained.
The irony.
There was hardly anything left to save.
"And the longer you go missing, the more the story’s twisting," Adam murmured, his voice soft, almost lost in the void. He breathed in deeply, feeling another pulse of golden light ripple through the fractured time and dimensions wrapped around him. His starlit eyes became half-lidded, the golden eye on his chest mirroring his gaze. "And people count the days to make their birthday wishes. And it’s never gon—never gonna change. So you should come around more."
Things had grown darker, more serious, when Lilith returned to Hell. The memories blurred together, too full of old tears and worn-out drama. Adam had grown numb to it all—he’d seen it so many times before, lived through every moment like a script he could recite from memory. The words, the rhythms, the patterns were all predictable now. His wings strained under the weight of each new feather, each new failure.
Heaven and Hell bickered endlessly—arguments, accusations, power plays. Sera and Lilith, Michael and Lucifer, Emily and Sera, Lilith and Lucifer even more often now. It was exhausting, watching it play out again and again. Charlie sat on the sidelines in stunned silence, unsure what to make of it all, while Vaggie held her hands, never leaving her side. The sight was almost painfully sweet. Sometimes they’d talk of marriage, sometimes they’d simply hold each other, once or twice dreaming aloud about having children—two, maybe three, running around. Adam supposed it was sad, in its own way.
Emily, brave as always, tried to hold it together for both the Winners and the Sinners. When the Sinners finally understood the gravity of the situation, their fear began to swell, and Emily’s hands were suddenly full. As the Seraphim of Emotions, she was their anchor, and soon enough, Sinners came flocking to her, desperate to confess their sins, their regrets. The darkness of their souls weighed heavy on her, far more than she had anticipated. But she smiled through it, kept her face brave and kind. Eventually, they began to look up to her, even more than they did to Charlie.
"And hiding is insulting your intelligence. That fake-ass walking 'round in Sunday’s best," Adam continued, stretching his arms above his head, a loud crack echoing through the silent void as he shifted. The barrier surrounding Pentagram City was crumbling, fractures meeting in the center like broken glass. "When they know the world revolves around money and sex. The worst people are the first to forget."
Then, with a sudden, inevitable shudder, the barrier shattered. It fell in glittering fragments, shimmering like snowflakes as they drifted down. Adam watched them fall, holding out his hand to catch the tiny sparkling pieces. Such a pity. Such a shame. It had been made by all of them—Lucifer, Michael, Sera, Emily, Lilith… even Eve. Yes, Eve had returned to help. Well, not Eve exactly—she called herself ‘Roo’ now, the root of all Evil. Adam snorted softly at the thought, watching as the fragments of the barrier danced across his golden-tipped fingers, the light crawling over his skin like bruises.
Funny how, when the end is near, everyone comes crawling out of the woodwork.
"Oh dear God, where’d you go?" Adam’s voice dropped to a whisper as he let his hand fall to the ground with a quiet thud. "You haven’t been answering your phone…"
"Not sayin’ I’m mad, but the world is fucked up," another voice called from behind him.
Adam didn’t need to look. He knew who it was. Lucifer slumped down beside him, the King of Hell looking as worn and exhausted as Adam had ever seen him. His magic was spent, drained, leaving nothing behind. He had done everything he could, just like the rest of them. Adam couldn’t hold it against him. Lucifer always gave his all when the end came. Adam had seen it countless times, over and over.
"So you should come around more," Lucifer sang quietly, his voice hollow, but not broken. Just resigned. Accepting that this was the end. "Oh dear God, I hate to say, people don’t believe in you these days."
Adam tilted his head. "Not saying I don’t, but the world is fucked up. So you should come around more."
A soft hum escaped Lucifer as he closed his eyes, resting his claws on the cracked ground beneath them. Slowly, he reached out, curling his fingers around Adam’s in a gesture so gentle it almost felt like an apology.
"Is this really it?" Lucifer asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.
"Hm," Adam nodded, rolling his shoulders in a slow, tired shrug. "Don’t feel bad. You really did do everything you could."
Lucifer frowned, his tired eyes searching Adam’s face for something—maybe hope, maybe reassurance—but found only the same weariness reflected back at him.
Lucifer let out a long sigh, his gaze distant as he stared at the fractured sky. Heaven was crumbling, falling like shattered glass, each piece taking more of the world with it. He had always known this moment would come, but acceptance still felt like swallowing shards of truth too sharp to hold.
"Was this always His plan?" Lucifer asked, his voice soft and full of quiet despair. "All of this… has it always been set in stone?"
Adam hummed, the sound light and airy as if Lucifer had asked something far too simple.
"Plans… scripts… they're just words, aren’t they?" His golden eyes, fractured like mirrors reflecting endless possibilities, flickered. "A path is a path until you step off it. But maybe stepping off is part of the plan too."
Lucifer frowned, the answer twisting in his mind but never settling. "How many times have you lived through this, Adam?"
Adam shrugged, his wings trembling slightly with the motion. "I lost count a long time ago," he said, his tone devoid of weight or emotion.
Lucifer’s brow furrowed as he looked at Adam more intently, searching his face for something—anything—that would give him clarity. "And how many times… how many times have you come to me? Have I helped? Have I ever really helped?"
At this, Adam chuckled, the sound low and soft, like a fading breeze.
"You ask questions that don’t need answers, Lucifer. It’s pointless. But…" He trailed off, his golden eyes drifting away as though watching something only he could see. "If it’ll give you peace…"
"I need to know," Lucifer said, his voice tight with a desperate edge. "I need to know how long you’ve been trapped in this endless cycle. Have I ever truly been there for you?"
Adam paused, his gaze growing soft, almost tender, before he reached out. His fingers, light as feathers, touched Lucifer’s cheek, his golden light glowing faintly against Lucifer’s worn skin. "Of course you have. You’ve always been there, whenever I decided to tell you the truth."
Lucifer swallowed, his throat tight. "You told me… and I believed you?"
"Not always," Adam replied with a knowing smile. "At first, you thought I was scheming. But I always managed to prove it, didn’t I?"
Lucifer’s shoulders sagged with a mix of relief and pain, the weight of countless lifetimes falling heavy on him. "And… were there times you didn’t tell me? Times you didn’t come to me at all?"
Adam’s smile faded, his eyes growing distant once more. "Of course there were," he whispered.
"I gave up a long time ago, Lucifer. Heaven always falls. Everyone always dies. Sometimes I wake up in Eden, and I tell you immediately. Other times…" His voice softened, laced with a quiet resignation. "Other times I do nothing. I just lie there, in the grass, and let things play out. Following the script, step by step, word by word."
"And it always leads to this," Lucifer muttered, gesturing up to the sky as Heaven continued its descent, tearing through the realms like an unstoppable force.
Adam nodded, his eyes flickering up to the sky, then back to Lucifer. "It never makes a difference. This is where it always ends."
The silence between them thickened, broken only by the distant rumble of the world coming apart. Lucifer’s grip on Adam’s hand tightened, his claws gently curling around his fingers as if holding on to the only thing left that hadn’t been destroyed.
"Why didn’t you come to me every time?" Lucifer asked, his voice pained, his grip firm. "Why didn’t you tell me, Adam?"
"Because I grew tired, Lucifer," Adam said softly. "Tired of fighting. Tired of hoping. When you know the outcome, over and over… it’s easier to stop trying."
Lucifer closed his eyes, his chest tightening with a mix of grief and guilt. "And I… I couldn’t stop it. No matter how many times you told me."
"You couldn’t," Adam agreed, squeezing Lucifer’s hand in return. "No one could. Not even me."
Lucifer let out a shaky breath, his heart heavy. He held onto Adam’s hand tighter, as if anchoring himself to this moment, to the only constant in the endless cycles they had both endured.
"But you were always there," Adam murmured, his voice soft, almost comforting. "Whenever I decided to tell you the truth, you were always there."
He paused, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Even if you didn’t believe me at first."
Lucifer let out a weak chuckle, though it was tinged with sorrow. "I suppose I’ve never been the trusting type."
"Not at the start," Adam said, his voice light again. "But you came around. You always do."
Lucifer was silent for a moment, his eyes distant as he considered all that had been said. Finally, he turned back to Adam, his voice thick with emotion. "And when you didn’t come to me… when you chose to say nothing?"
Adam’s gaze softened, full of a sadness that had lived in him far too long. "Sometimes, I just wanted to see if anything would change if I let it all play out on its own. But it never does. Heaven falls. Everyone dies. Whether I tell you or not… it always ends like this."
Lucifer’s chest tightened, his heart aching with the weight of inevitability. "But this… this can’t be it, Adam. There has to be more than this."
Adam only smiled, his eyes distant, filled with the knowing of countless lifetimes. "Maybe. But I wouldn’t hold your breath."
Lucifer clenched his jaw, holding Adam’s hand even tighter, as if afraid to let go.
"I’m sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Adam didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he let his thumb brush gently against Lucifer’s knuckles, a quiet gesture of comfort. "You’ve always tried, Lucifer. That’s more than most can say."
And so they sat there, side by side, as Heaven crumbled above them and the world slowly dissolved beneath their feet. Adam, the eternal witness, and Lucifer, the fallen king, holding on to each other as the end came once again.
"Adam…" Lucifer began quietly, his voice soft and intimate, as though afraid that the weight of his words might break the fragile space between them.
Adam responded with a quiet hum, his golden eyes barely flickering in acknowledgment. "Yeah?"
Lucifer shifted closer, his presence a comforting weight in the midst of the crumbling world around them. His claws, gentle despite their sharpness, traced up Adam’s arm, caressing the soft skin of his cheek, before gliding down the curve of his throat, lingering there. "Can I ask one more thing of you?" His voice was tender, laced with a vulnerability that Lucifer rarely allowed himself to show. "Though I suspect I might’ve asked it before."
Adam tilted his head, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You might have."
Lucifer’s breath ghosted over Adam’s lips as he leaned in closer, the unspoken request lingering in the air between them. "Can I kiss you? One last time?"
Adam chuckled softly, his voice filled with both warmth and a weary familiarity. "And I always say the same thing, don’t I?" His gaze softened as he looked up into Lucifer’s eyes. "You don’t have to ask."
A slow, loving smile spread across Lucifer’s lips as he closed the distance between them. With a tenderness that seemed almost impossible for the King of Hell, he pressed his lips against Adam’s in a sweet, lingering kiss. Time seemed to stretch in that moment, the weight of countless lifetimes, endless cycles, all captured in the simple act of their union.
As Lucifer kissed him, Adam felt the familiar pulse of golden power flare from the eye on his chest, a warmth that spread through his body, a power that hummed and vibrated with life. The air around them shimmered, the sound of the crumbling world fading into an echo. Adam’s ears rang with the pressure of it, as if the universe itself was holding its breath.
And then, just like that, Adam opened his eyes to find himself lying in the soft grass of Eden once more.
The world had reset. Again.
The dawn of Heaven's fall was upon him, the sky bright and unmarred, as if the destruction and chaos from moments before had never existed. Adam blinked, his fingers pressing into the cool earth beneath him. It was always the same. The endless cycle, resetting with precision, every time Heaven crumbled, every time the world dissolved.
The familiar weight of inevitability settled in his chest, but for now, there was only silence—the quiet before the storm. Adam closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of the untouched garden, waiting for the world to fall apart again.
And like clockwork, the familiar call reached Adam, pulling him from the quiet hum of the universe resetting itself.
"Adam?" came Lucifer’s voice, bright and innocent in its familiar way. His once regal robes were now a pure white and soft blue, the attire of an Archangel. His wings gleamed, unblemished, feathers fluttering lightly in the calm Eden air.
"Daydreaming again? Will you tell me about them? I love it when you share your dreams!"
Adam lifted his gaze slowly, eyeing the pristine figure of Lucifer as he hovered above him, unaware of the endless cycle that would eventually shatter him. With a sigh that carried lifetimes of knowing, Adam stretched out a hand, his fingers brushing Lucifer's smooth cheek. The warmth of the Archangel’s skin beneath his touch was real—too real—and it brought a flicker of emotion to Adam’s hollow heart.
Lucifer’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected touch, a soft flush spreading across his pale blue cheeks. "Adam?" he began, a confused smile forming, only for his words to falter as Adam rose.
Without a word, Adam pressed his lips softly against Lucifer's. The kiss was gentle, tender—a brief moment of connection amidst an eternity of endless cycles. For a moment, Lucifer froze, his wings twitching, his breath caught in his throat. But soon, he melted into the kiss, lowering himself to sit on the grass beside Adam, his dazed eyes filled with wonder and confusion.
When Adam pulled away, Lucifer's wings fluttered behind him, and his expression was one of pure adoration. A dreamy smile curved across his lips as he blinked in a daze. "Adam? Why did you do that?"
Adam sighed again, his hand slipping down to rest on Lucifer’s lap, his golden eyes weary but full of something like affection. "Lucifer," he began softly, "will you listen to me? I have something important to tell you."
The innocence in Lucifer’s eyes flickered with curiosity, the smile never fading, though the weight of Adam’s tone seemed to reach him. "Of course, Adam. I always listen to you."
Adam’s gaze lingered on him, on this pure version of Lucifer, still untouched by the darkness he would eventually bear, still so full of light.
"What if I told you," Adam said, his voice a whisper as if sharing a secret, "that we've been here before... many, many times?"
Lucifer tilted his head, confusion deepening. "Here before? What do you mean? Is this one of your dreams again?"
Adam let out a soft laugh, but it was hollow, devoid of true humor. "You could say that. But this… this isn’t just a dream. It’s a cycle. Heaven falls. Hell rises. The world crumbles, and everything—everyone—dies. And then… I wake up here. Again and again."
His voice grew quieter, but the weight of his words pressed heavily on the air between them.
"I’ve lost count of how many times, Lucifer."
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