#scrawlers has an inkling about turf wars
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sage-nebula · 7 years ago
Honestly, Salmon Run is the only way I have fun in Splatoon 2 anymore.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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I . . . I finally made it . . .
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I would like to thank god and also inkling Jesus.
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sage-nebula · 7 years ago
So Salmon Run right now is just . . . nothing but blasters, huh.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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Wise words from the superior Squid Sister that everyone should take to heart.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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As disappointing as the final boss of Splatoon 2 may have been from a gameplay perspective, from a narrative standpoint it did not disappoint---and neither did the dialogue if you went in for a rematch. I love how the Splatoon games poke fun at themselves like this, and the banter between Marie and Callie is just as top-notch as it always was when they hosted the news / Splatfests back in the first game.
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Part of the boss fight is to shoot DJ Octavio’s giant fists when he fires them at you, which causes him to, well . . . hit himself. And Marie pulling this line out---this line, which is such a big sister line, which makes me wonder if she’s the older cousin---was perfect. I LOVE MARIE SO MUCH.
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Doesn’t change the fact that you lost the Callie vs. Marie Splatfest, Callie, which means that, as per Inkopolis Law, Marie is superior to you. =P
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I just loved this line, hahaha.
Anyway, as in the first fight, Marie arrives on the scene, combats Callie by singing her solo against her, and then uses her charger to shoot the sunglasses off Callie’s face like a total fucking badass.
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Seriously, I LOVE THE DIALOGUE IN THE REMATCH FIGHTS. Though, on a legitimately more serious note, I actually liked the dialogue for when Marie reaches out to Callie to get her to shake off the hypnotism and remember who she is (and, more importantly, begin singing “Spicy Calamari Inkantation”) more in the rematch than in the original fight:
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Anyway, that’s all of the Splatoon 2 spam for now. I have got to get better at updating as I play . . .
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
Look. Video games are meant to be for fun, and I understand that. People should be able to play how they want to play. That’s fair.
But when you’re playing Splatoon (2), and you’re in turf war, and your way of having “fun” is to just go have a “squid party” in some corner and not help out at all---and especially when you do that with a fucker from the other team, and then get upset with me when I kill that fucker to actually try to accomplish the point of the game---
Words cannot describe how badly I’m going to wish friendly fire was a part of this game so that I could send you right back to our spawn point, you useless, miserable little cretins.
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sage-nebula · 7 years ago
Welp, I just contributed to mass stupidity during Salmon Run in Splatoon 2.
So, for those of you who don’t know, in Salmon Run you are put onto a team of four. Instead of facing four other inklings (as you do in all other modes of Splatoon 2 apart from the singleplayer campaign), you face an army of creatures known as Salmonids. Your objective is to get golden eggs from boss Salmonids while surviving for three waves. There are two ways to lose:
Run out of time before meeting quota
Have your entire crew wiped out, even if you’ve met quota (you can revive your teammates, but if all of you are knocked out, it’s game over)
For this match, we were doing pretty well until the third wave. On the third wave, we struggled some. I’ve found that Lost Outpost kind of sucks as a map because if you get a Steel Eel and Maws in the little house area where the egg basket is (not to mention a Scrapper) on top of all the basic Salmonids, you’re pretty much fucked. Nonetheless, we managed to meet quota on the third wave, and the clock was ticking down, and there was one of us still alive, and it wasn’t me.
Now, usually I’m pretty smart. I mean, I didn’t get to Profreshional by being stupid. I know to go to the surviving member so that they can revive me, rather than just sitting in one spot calling for help. I did that, and they revived me, but the thing is . . .
See, I had a golden egg.
I picked up a golden egg either right before or right after I died, and the clock had about ten seconds left on it. I could see that there was a clusterfuck of Salmonids in front of the egg basket, but I thought I could dip in there, put my egg in, and then dip out. Plus, I thought the teammate that revived me was up on the wall still, so they’d save us the match. So when I was revived, I swam back to the egg basket . . .
. . . and with FIVE SECONDS left on the clock during the third wave, our quota met . . .
. . . I, along with my three other teammates, all got killed, because we (myself included) were too busy trying to go over quota to think about just getting the fuck out of dodge.
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I mean, we deserved it. We totally deserved it. It was a clusterfuck of stupidity and we totally deserved that crew wipe and loss, five seconds before the match ended.
I’m sorry, team. And I know you guys are sorry, too. We brought that loss on ourselves, and we are all so, so sorry.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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Plot twist: The new route in Mystic Messenger isn’t going to be a V route at all. IT’S GOING TO BE A MARIE ROUTE.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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tfw you score higher in a match than the Pharaoh hisownself.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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Sometimes you feel bad for the other team. This was one of those times.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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Although my level is only 21 (climbing levels takes ages in this game, agh), given that my Freshness rating is currently SUPERFRESH!! 16.5 and my Salmon Run ranking is Profreshional 110, I’m pretty happy with how I’m doing in Splatoon 2 at the moment.
Now if I could just sign up for the next Splatfest . . .
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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Splatoon 2′s Spatfest was a really fun time. While it would of course be better to have the Squid Sisters hosting rather than Off the Hook (I’m sorry, I just really prefer Callie & Marie!), overall I found that the atmosphere was improved in Splatoon 2. The music was better during the battles since it actually rotated songs instead of having the same song for every match, the new Octarian-themed stage was awesome, and the inklings in Inkopolis Square often had banners and such to celebrate their team. Or, as pictured above, had jellyfish dancing on their heads . . . and that alone is adorable, but these two were also rocking the same shades and hair (tentacle?) styles! So cute!
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Just like the Squid Sisters performed during Splatfests in the first game, so, too, did Off the Hook during this one. But whereas Callie and Marie always had their own bus stages, these two had a huge stage right above the entrance to the arena, which was pretty cool.
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And since I was Team Ketchup, I got to make each stage look like I was turning it into a total blood bath. #WORTH IT.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
I’m playing Salmon Run, and if we get one more defeat on anything lower than Wave 3, I’m going to drop in rank back to Go-Getter.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
I think running out of time is the worst way to lose Salmon Run, tbh.
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
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I finally did it. I achieved what I wanted to in Salmon Run. :’) I could still earn more points (I’ve seen people that have a Profreshional score of 250+), but I’m happy being at the highest rank with a full points bar. I don’t want to risk getting into a bad spot and dropping that, haha. (Although the weapon choice is amazing right now, which is how I went from Go-Getter to Profreshional 110 in one night.)
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
>SplatoonUS announces new Splatfest
>I close Sonic Mania to go sign up for the Splatfest
>No word about the Splatfest is stated in-game
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