Spideypool Prompt Cage
63 posts
I will throw Spideypool prompts at you in the hopes that we can build, repair, and keep this ship from ever drowning. If we cannot, we will drown in a prompt flood. We die like men.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
spiderkatana · 5 years ago
Hey guys! By request, a couple other mods and I started an event server for these two! If you’re interested in joining go ahead and look over the event rules and click on the server link! (Aaaaaaand now I can sleep, yay!) 
Spideypool NSFW Collection Sign Ups Are Open!
Hello, Spideypool shippers! 
We’re running a new event server for a feast of NSFW content with a prompt list of 347 alphabetized kinks. Posting dates will be in October! That being said sign ups open today and you’re all welcome to join! It’s an event open to Writers and Artists, however the Discord server is also open to Betas and Spideypool supporters (that are 18+ years old, since it is a NSFW geared server). 
Writers: Writers are agreeing to write at least one (1) fic with NSFW themes. The minimum length for a fic submitted to the collection is 5k words. The posting dates will be between October 22nd - October 29th. Failure to post a fic after agreeing to it means the participant will be barred from participating the following year. If a participant signs up for two or more fics and only posts one of them, they will suffer no penalties or barriers so long as they let the mod team know before the promo period. As this is an NSFW event, all fics submitted by the end of the Collection posting dates must be beta’d. All event fics must be added to the Spideypool NSFW Collection: Journal Edition 2020 on AO3. 
Artists: Artists are agreeing to create at least one (1) art piece with NSFW themes. The posting dates will be between October 22nd - October 29th. Failure to post an art piece after agreeing to it will result in the participant being barred from participating in the event the following year. If a participant signs up to create two or more art pieces for the event and only produces one, they will not suffer any penalties or barriers so long as they let the mod team know before the promo period. All event art pieces must be posted to AO3 and submitted to the Spideypool NSFW Collection: Gallery Edition 2020. 
Note: Being barred from next year’s event does NOT mean you will be banned from the server, it just means you’ll be barred from participation in the 2021 collection. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes life gets in the way and we don’t want to make a bad situation worse. This is intended to be a warm fandom environment and you will not be isolated for going through stressful times. We’re here for you.
Sign Ups will be closing on April 10th, so if you want to see more of our favorite boys and their fun activities, come join us! Become one of the shameless! 
Without further delay, here is our server link: 
We hope to see you :) 
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
This one took more effort than I thought it would but it really was worth it. I hope you all enjoy it!
Also many thanks to Chez who was AMAZING. Go and check out the Art Masterpost; this fic had THREE art pieces plus the promo banner when it only required one and I will never stop feeling honored and lucky.
All the love,
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Title: My Heart’s A Little F*cked On You
Author(s): Spiderkatana and Dr.FumblesMcStupid 
Artist: Chez 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Explicit Language, Very Brief Major Character Death
Word Count: 26,000+ 
Summary: When Peter was forced to leave his childhood best friend (and first crush) behind, he didn’t think he’d ever see him again. He definitely wasn’t expecting Deadpool, the first person he'd really felt safe with since then– to be the same boy who gave him an over-sized Captain America hoodie, threw rocks at Flash Thompson, and used to calm Peter down by softly singing La Vie En Rose.
AKA The One With The Silver Unicorn Charm Necklace. 
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost 
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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Spideypool Big Bang 2019 Art Masterpost! 
“Bettas Are Just P(r)etty Assholes.”
It’s posting day for my writer already! 
I had the honor (AKA I was scrambling during claims for this story because we need more Spideypool Sea Creature AUs; Yes, I said it. It needed to be said, we all like the fish, don’t deny it) to make a couple pieces for DefendersofMCUniverse (GeekMom13), and the lovely and talented beta Vixen13 (Madam Vixen13). They were both amazing to work with and I was very lucky to have randomly chosen two content creators that I already knew and meshed well with. It made getting past the awkward introductions MUCH easier; I am apparently quite lucky. 
I would also like to say that this fic is something I am extremely proud to be associated with. As a hint for all the prospective readers: pay close attention to the purpose of each tentacle in the fic and then come back and look at the banner and you might get a laugh out of it. It’s an inside joke that I’m still embarrassingly pleased about. 
Kudos to GeekMom for getting this all done on time, I know it cost a lost of screaming, but you did so well and I have nothing but praise and affection for you. Also, thanks Vix for making sure the screaming was being poured into the right direction, you’re a blessing and a gift and we’d be lost without you. 
Anyway! Please go read the fic and enjoy the fish show above as it cost me many many days of blood, sweat, and tears. Are we focusing on the tears? I’m not crying, you’re crying. 
Much love, 
Katana <3
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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Title: My Heart’s A Little F*cked On You.
Authors: Spiderkatana and Dr. Fumbles McStupid 
Artist: Chez 
Podfic Voice: Dr. Fumbles McStupid 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
Warnings: Explicit Language, Very Brief Major Character Death
Word Count: 26,000+ 
Posting Date: February 21st, 2020. 
Summary: When Peter was forced to leave his childhood best friend (and first crush) behind, he didn’t think he’d ever see him again. He definitely wasn’t expecting Deadpool, the first person he'd really felt safe with since then– to be the same boy who gave him an over-sized Captain America hoodie, threw rocks at Flash Thompson, and used to calm Peter down by softly singing La Vie En Rose. 
Teaser Excerpt 
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
Reblogging because A) my writer is amazing and B) I'm hella proud of that banner
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Title: Bettas are just P®etty Assholes
Author(s): DefendersofMCUniverse (GeekMom13)
Artist: SpiderKatana
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply- but there is mermaid fuckery and mild violence in the beginning, as well as minor character death
Word Count: 7.5k(ish)
Posting Date: VALENTINES! (February 14th, 2020)
Summary: Wade really loved his job- going around taking care of pointless mers and eating all the best food in the ocean. But he really, really hated Bettas. They were grumpy, conceited, and liked to get in his way far too much, even when they failed miserably. (They always failed, Wade just hated the superficial scars they left. Because, honestly, he already looked like Neptune’s left nutsack, did they need to make it worse?) Really, how hard was it to just… let him kill the worthless mers of the pod? It’s not like he took on contracts for the productive members of pod-ciety. It just figures that one assignment he meets a Betta-mer who changes everything. Why the fuck did he have to be so pretty?
Teaser Excerpt (under the cut): 
Keep reading
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
The Spideypool Priest Fest collection is live. Now let the sinning begin!
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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Only two more sleeps until Priest Fest!
Find out more here!
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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Only two more sleeps until Priest Fest!
Find out more here!
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
The Ten Commandments
The Rules for Priest Fest are as follows:
1. Don’t be a jerk.
2. You must be at least 18 years old to participate because of the nature of some of the material.
3. This event is opened to writers and artists.
4. Spideypool should be the main ship.
5. Your piece should be have a religious or sacrilegious element. This could involve one of the boys as a priest (thus the name of the event) or even a preacher, minister, etc. It could take place in a church. Heck, if you want to draw/write a story that involves a post-apocalyptic world where one of them is the Antichrist, that counts too.
6. Initial posting date is on Christmas day (December 25, 2019). If you can’t meet this deadline, there’s always next year. :)
7. For writers, this means you need to have at least your first chapter posted on Christmas day. For artists, this means you need to have base sketch posted.
8.  You must complete your work before next year’s event (also posting on Christmas day, December 25, 2020).
9.  Please tag your work with Spideypool Priest Fest or submit a post if you would like to be reblogged.
10. Seriously. Don’t be a jerk.
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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“Was it because of all my scars? I really don’t mind; I’m used to-”
“No,” Father Parker breathes out, now actively staring but unable to stop himself. “Your smile.”
A loud laugh erupts from Mr. Wilson, and Peter replays what he just said to cause such a reaction. Father Parker, mortified, fumbles to counter his comment.
From “Mouth Like Fine Wine,” a 1950s French AU with Peter Parker as a priest and Wade Wilson as the town outcast.
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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Love Spideypool? Every came up with an AU or idea that involves religious themes somehow? AWESOME!
ARTISTS! Think you can do a base sketch within 8 days?
WRITERS! Think you can pump out the first chapter of a story within 8 days?
Even better!
Then you can join the Spideypool Priest Fest!
Click here for the rules. And welcome to the sin!
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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spiderkatana · 5 years ago
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