#scratch x imaginary!barry
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tanis-drawings-2point0 · 4 months ago
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aheem, aheem, can i say something? can i please fucking say something?
imaginary barry ♠ aw1-preawan scratch :)
I just think it would be pretty funny if in between those moments where we see i!barry being there for alan he'd be hanging with a scratch that hasn't found yet his true calling (being 2012's failed tumblr sexyman killing people). I think they would dislike each other, lmfao, but at the end of the day they weren't That different at the time (a dark construct with the face of another man)
also I like the idea of scratch trying to egg him into killing alan and barry finding him annoying, only for him to actually try to kill alan because insane!alan twisted him enough to do so. poetic justice or smth 😌
(extras under the cut: relevant thought process and sillies)
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nostalgicphile · 7 years ago
As much as I love the frequency of Gillian’s social media messages, I do miss the lengthier fan messages that she used to post on GAWS. The post below was one of my favourites - and appropriate for today. I love how she includes some of our favourite MSR scenes...and, of course, when it got moist in the anteroom. ;)
March 2002 Question: Now that the X-files are ending, can you tell us what are some of your favorite memories of working on the show? Answer: Some of my favorite memories of working on the show (and not necessarily in order of importance or weight or much of anything but the order in which I remembered them.)
Directing "all things."
Singing 'Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog' to Mulder in "Detour".
Shooting "Triangle."
Shooting "Cops."
Shooting the kiss/bee scene in the movie.
Shooting the scene where Mulder shows Scully how to hit a baseball in "The Unnatural."
Shooting "Bad Blood" but especially the autopsy scene.
Doing the elephant autopsy in "Fearful Symmetry."
In the first season the crew used to crowd around a t.v. screen on Friday nights and watch the show over lunch. That was fun and exciting for us.
I remember when the casting director told me I had the job after the final network audition and I had to drive a fellow auditioning actress that I knew back to her hotel knowing that I had the job and not letting on or being able to talk about it.
Shooting the graveside scene in the pilot in forced freezing rain at some ungodly hour in the morning and trying to remember my name let alone whole paragraphs of dialogue.
Shooting scenes in the snow in Vancouver wearing a skirt and high heals and trying not to slide down hill...or having to use an umbrella so that my hair did not have to be blown out before every take.
Telling David in his trailer that I was pregnant and him telling me that he felt his knees buckle. Blue, as a puppy was lying sick on his bed behind him, having just been spayed.
Watching Jim Rose do his famous genital tricks in his trailer during the shooting of Humbug.
In one of the very first episodes, there's a scene where Mulder and Scully are to look at red lights in the sky that may be UFO's and follow their flying path. David and I were standing on a windy hilltop looking out onto the pitch black heavens with the cameras on our faces and being directed where to look in EXACTLY the same place at the same time (up down left right)...but with NOTHING TO LOOK AT AS A GUIDE! It was absurd.
Shooting Scully and Mulder's final kiss scene at the end of "Existence."
Shooting the dance sequence at the end of "The Post-Modern Prometheus."
I remember sitting at a wooden table with David on the set when Pendrell was shot, and David telling me about this date he had with a woman whose name he would not tell me, but it was kind of like the tea that you drink.
Sitting in a luncheon booth on the North Vancouver lot with David Nutter and for the very first time going over a script with a director beat by beat and how exhilarating that was to be creative that way and have someone care what my feedback and impressions and instincts were. The script was "Beyond The Sea."
Shooting the scene where Scully's stomach is pumped with air in an abduction sequence and trying not to reveal that it was actually a pregnant belly being shot. I'll have to show that scene to Piper one of these years.
Lying in a hospital bed on set ten days after giving birth to Piper. Hooked up to tubes and wires and drifting in and out of sleep while they shot around me and being wheeled to and from the bed in a wheelchair. Surreal. I'd just been there!
Shooting a scene in a rowboat in the middle of a lake all by myself for hours and my lactating breasts getting so swollen that I thought I might explode.
Shooting a scene in an episode about cats where Scully has to be attacked in the face by a cat but I am allergic so they built a cat on a stick covered in bunny fur whose arms could be operated by some poor special effects guy. So here I am "struggling" with this fake bunny/cat in my face pretending to get scratched and be terrified when the fake fur keeps sticking to my lipstick and going up my nose and Kim Manners and I cannot stop cracking up at the ludicrousness of it all.
Lying on the floor eight months pregnant and being pushed by someone across the floor to simulate me "crawling" because I was so big and my belly was in the way and I could not do it myself. I think it was "Duane Barry."
Sitting in the back of a jeep on one of the stages pretending to be attacked by imaginary (CGI) green bugs who are going to cocoon us and suck our life out of us...flailing away at them with all my might and then whenever we cut, turning to a big garbage can to my left and throwing up because I had horrible morning sickness.
When Chris Carter walked into my hospital room a day or two after Piper was born and was stopped in his tracks by the sight of this living being propped up beside me. We sat in silence for a long time.
Talking to Chris on some payphone outside some restaurant a couple nights before I was to go back to Network for the final audition, and him giving me notes on how to dress more 'streamlined' for the Network Execs... I borrowed a suit.
Talking to David for the very first time outside the audition as he chatted up the girls, and commenting on the fact that I was from N.Y. and not really meaning FROM FROM, but the disappointment which flashed across his face when I qualified that I had only actually lived there a couple years. He moved on to someone else.
 Experiencing Rob Bowman directing for the first time, setting up elaborate shots and the crew standing around thinking what is this new guy doing spending all this time with these fancy angles...cut to...the established norm. And thank God.
The last day of shooting in Vancouver when the make-up artist had to redo my make-up three and four times before every take cause I was crying so much. I imagine the same will be said in a little over a month. We won't get anything shot.
The End
I know it seems ridiculous that I might only have thirty memories over nine years but I am afraid that is the best I can do and still have you all read it before the end of the month.
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t-baba · 5 years ago
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Firefox 73, stopping insecure downloads in Chrome, and CSS 4?
#427 — February 12, 2020
Read on the Web
🖍 Heya! Be sure to scroll to the end of the issue to see a nostalgic comic about how many of us started out with HTML 😄.
Frontend Focus
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Protecting Users From Insecure Downloads in Google Chrome — In a move designed to stop unsafe downloads, starting in April, Chrome will block files downloaded insecurely (non-HTTPS downloads started on secure pages) from HTTPS pages. Here’s The Register’s take on this change.
Joe DeBlasio (Google)
Mozilla Lost The Browser Wars. It Still Thinks It Can Save The Internet — The inside story of Mozilla’s long, sometimes lonely and totally idealistic quest: “The only way to fight Google, Facebook and the rest of the seemingly unstoppable tech giants is to change the structure and technology of the internet itself.”
David Pierce
Webinar: How to Deploy and Manage Cloud-First Applications and APIs — Join AWS and ESG for in-depth guidance on how to secure application traffic, manage performance, and maintain visibility. Learn how to seamlessly deploy and manage your applications and APIs using partner solutions in AWS Marketplace.
AWS sponsor
What is CSS4? — A number of bloggers have responded to PPK’s original article calling for better marketing efforts around CSS. Here PPK furthers the discussion with a response to those articles.
Should You Self-Host Google Fonts? — A detailed and considered look at what we can do to minimise the performance impact of third-party fonts, whilst also giving designers what they want - win win.
Barry Pollard
Firefox 73 Is Upon Us — Released yesterday, this version adds CSS logical properties, letter-spacing and word-spacing support when working with SVG, DevTools updates and more. You can see the full list of changes for developers here.
Chris Mills (Mozilla)
đŸ’» Jobs
Find a Dev Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.
Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Work with the world's leading brands, from anywhere. Travel the world while being part of the most energizing community of developers.
📙 Tutorials & Opinion
Sticky Table of Contents with Scrolling Active States — If you’ve got a lengthy article with lots of subsections, how about putting a handy, sticky navigational menu alongside of it? Here’s how.
Chris Coyier
Some Imaginary CSS — A bit of wish-casting here, conjuring up a half dozen or so little ideas and features that would be nice to see in the CSS of the future.
Tyler Sticka
▶  Dealing with Third Parties with Karolina Szczur — Tim Kadlec talks to designer Karolina Szczur about third-party scripts, how to identify which ones are problematic, and what you can do about it.
Chasing Waterfalls podcast
ImageCon 2020: Great Media Experience for U and I
Cloudinary sponsor
Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block — Svelte is an interesting compile-time framework. Here’s why you may want to consider using it.
Tristram Tolliday
Building an Accessible Autocomplete Control — Learn how to design and build an accessible autocomplete control from scratch.
Adam Silver
   🗓 Upcoming Events
Frontend Developer Love, February 19-21 — Amsterdam, Netherlands — Three full days of talks from 35+ global JavaScript leaders from around the world.
ConveyUX, March 3-5 — Seattle, USA — This West Coast user experience conference features over 65 sessions across three days.
W3C Workshop on Web & Machine Learning, March 24-25 — Berlin, Germany — Hosted by Microsoft, this free event aims to “bring together providers of Machine Learning tools and frameworks with Web platform practitioners to enrich the Open Web Platform with better foundations for machine learning”.
Imagecon, April 22-23 — San Francisco, USA — Learn the latest in innovative approaches to the visual web.
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources
Tailwind Version 1.2.0 Released — The new version of this popular utility-first CSS framework is described as “probably the most exciting feature release in the history of Tailwind”. It adds CSS Transition, Transform and Grid support, plus a ton of other additions.
Adam Wathan
CheerpJ 2.0 Released: A Java to WASM and JS Compiler — This is a commercial tool (though free for non-commercial purposes) but as someone who started on the Web in the 90s, the idea of Java being compiled to JavaScript continues to tickle me. 🙂 Interesting tech.
Stefano De Rossi
Griddle CSS Framework — A just-add-classes grid framework based on the Grid Layout module and Flexbox. If you’ve used Bootstrap grids, this should be easy to use.
Dave Berning
rgbKineticSlider WebGL Carousel — A fully customizable WebGL slider/carousel based on PixiJS and GSAP. Certainly not for every project, but the demos are worth a look.
Hadrien Mongouachon
Put the Joy Back in Your Work — "Clubhouse is like a fast and delightful version of Jira, a more purposeful version of Trello." - Current User.
Clubhouse.io sponsor
Web Font of the Week
Public Sans
A reworking of Libre Franklin by the USWDS department of the GSA, a US government agency. It's freely licensed and comes in nine weights.
Source: digital.gov
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darkmode-js: Dark Mode Switcher Library — This lightweight and cross-browser library helps auto-detect a user’s local time and switch themes.
Nickolas Deny
Sharect: A Library to Let Users Share Text Selections to Social Networks — If you’ve seen how Medium lets readers select text and share it, it’s like that, but lighter.
Estevan Maito
Motion — Native Mac or Windows app. A free editor to create animated SVG icons using a nice clean interface.
Philip Ardeljan
🖍 Mastery of HTML has to start somewhere...
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(Image shared with permission via: Becks)
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/3bHzgP0
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autumn0689 · 3 months ago
Oh the difference of Barry being incredibly jealous and homicidal with Alan to then switching up and caring for him. How , while Alan is snarky to him, ImagiBarry (as I like to call him) is the only comfort Alan has and the Kill Your Darlings achievement because killing Barry is just
 so sad.
Also how during the boss fight he is shouting insults at Alan, and it makes sense, it makes so much sense that Alan thinks that Barry hates him, that Alice is sick of him. As always, Alan being his worst enemy.
Also Imaginary Barry and Mr Scratch kissing isn’t something I knew that I needed but glad that I have gotten to see. Amazing art
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aheem, aheem, can i say something? can i please fucking say something?
imaginary barry ♠ aw1-preawan scratch :)
I just think it would be pretty funny if in between those moments where we see i!barry being there for alan he'd be hanging with a scratch that hasn't found yet his true calling (being 2012's failed tumblr sexyman killing people). I think they would dislike each other, lmfao, but at the end of the day they weren't That different at the time (a dark construct with the face of another man)
also I like the idea of scratch trying to egg him into killing alan and barry finding him annoying, only for him to actually try to kill alan because insane!alan twisted him enough to do so. poetic justice or smth 😌
(extras under the cut: relevant thought process and sillies)
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