#scrap car removal aurora
autosalvagetoronto · 1 month
Smart Auto Recycling Industry Challenges Nowadays
Auto recycling, also known as automotive recycling, is the process of dismantling vehicles for spare parts and recycling materials. It plays a significant role in the automotive industry and the environment, providing both economic and ecological benefits. This essay will delve into the history, process, benefits, challenges, and future trends of auto recycling.
 History of Auto Recycling
The concept of auto recycling dates back to the early 20th century when automobiles became more common. Initially, the practice was informal, with small scrap yards dismantling cars and selling usable parts. As the automotive industry grew, so did the need for more structured and efficient recycling methods. By the mid-20th century, formal auto recycling facilities emerged, equipped to handle the increasing volume of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs).
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 The Auto Recycling Process
Auto recycling involves several steps, each designed to maximize the recovery of usable parts and materials while minimizing environmental impact.
1. **Collection**: The process begins with the collection of ELVs. These can come from various sources, including individual owners, insurance companies, and fleet operators. Vehicles are either towed to recycling facilities or driven there if they are still operational.
2. **Depollution**: Once at the recycling facility, the vehicle undergoes a depollution process. This step involves draining all fluids, such as oil, gasoline, coolant, and brake fluid, to prevent environmental contamination. Hazardous materials like batteries and airbags are also removed and safely disposed of or recycled.
3. **Dismantling**: After de-pollution, the vehicle is dismantled to salvage reusable parts. Components such as engines, transmissions, alternators, and electronic systems are carefully removed, tested, and refurbished for resale. This stage is critical as it extends the lifecycle of parts and reduces the need for new manufacturing.
4. **Shredding and Material Recovery**: The remaining vehicle shell, primarily composed of metal, is sent to a shredder. The shredding process breaks down the vehicle into smaller pieces, which are then sorted using magnets, air classification, and other techniques to separate ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, and other materials.
5. **Recycling and Disposal**: Recovered materials are sent to specialized recycling facilities. Metals are melted down and repurposed for manufacturing new products. Plastics, glass, and rubber are also processed and reused in various industries. Any residual waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
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 Benefits of Auto Recycling
Auto recycling offers numerous benefits, spanning environmental, economic, and social dimensions.
1. **Environmental Benefits**:
   - **Resource Conservation**: Recycling metals and other materials from vehicles reduces the demand for virgin resources, conserving natural reserves and lowering the environmental impact of mining and manufacturing.
   - **Energy Savings**: Manufacturing products from recycled materials generally requires less energy than producing them from raw materials. For example, recycling steel saves about 60% of the energy needed to produce new steel from iron ore.
   - **Pollution Reduction**: Proper disposal of hazardous materials and fluids prevents soil and water contamination. Additionally, recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of new materials.
2. **Economic Benefits**:
   - **Job Creation**: The auto recycling industry supports a significant number of jobs, from collection and transportation to dismantling, refurbishing, and material processing.
   - **Cost Savings for Consumers**: Recycled auto parts are often more affordable than new ones, providing cost savings for vehicle repairs and maintenance.
   - **Revenue Generation**: Auto recycling generates revenue through the sale of salvaged parts and recycled materials, contributing to the economy.
3. **Social Benefits**:
   - **Community Support**: Auto recycling facilities often engage in community initiatives, such as environmental education and support for local charities.
   - **Safety Improvements**: By ensuring that hazardous materials are properly handled and disposed of, auto recycling enhances community safety and health.
 Challenges in Auto Recycling
Despite its benefits, the auto recycling industry faces several challenges that must be addressed to improve its effectiveness and sustainability.
1. **Technological Advancements**: Modern vehicles are increasingly complex, incorporating advanced materials and electronic systems. This complexity makes dismantling and recycling more challenging, requiring continual adaptation of techniques and technologies.
2. **Economic Viability**: Fluctuations in the market prices of scrap car pick up and other recycled materials can impact the profitability of auto recycling operations. Maintaining economic viability in the face of these fluctuations is a persistent challenge.
3. **Regulatory Compliance**: Auto recycling is subject to numerous regulations aimed at protecting the environment and public health. Compliance with these regulations can be costly and requires ongoing investment in training and infrastructure.
4. **Consumer Awareness**: Increasing consumer awareness about the benefits of auto recycling is essential for its growth. Many vehicle owners are still unaware of the environmental and economic advantages of recycling their old cars.
 Future Trends in Auto Recycling
The future of auto recycling is poised for significant developments, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifting consumer attitudes.
1. **Technological Innovations**:
   - **Automation and Robotics**: The use of automation and robotics in dismantling and sorting processes is expected to increase efficiency and precision, reducing labor costs and improving material recovery rates.
   - **Advanced Material Recovery**: New technologies for recovering materials from complex automotive components, such as batteries and composite materials, are being developed. These innovations will enhance the recyclability of modern vehicles.
2. **Regulatory Developments**: Stricter environmental regulations and extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies are likely to shape the future of auto recycling. EPR policies hold manufacturers accountable for the end-of-life management of their products, encouraging the design of more recyclable vehicles.
3. **Sustainable Design**: The automotive industry is increasingly focusing on sustainable design principles, such as using recyclable materials and designing for disassembly. These efforts will make future vehicles easier to recycle and reduce the environmental impact of the automotive sector.
4. **Circular Economy**: The concept of a circular economy, which aims to minimize waste and maximize the reuse of resources, is gaining traction. Auto recycling plays a crucial role in this paradigm by keeping materials in use for as long as possible and reducing the need for new resource extraction.
Auto recycling is a vital component of the automotive used tires industry and environmental conservation efforts. By recovering valuable parts and materials from end-of-life vehicles, auto recycling conserves resources, reduces energy consumption, and mitigates pollution. Despite facing challenges such as technological complexity and market fluctuations, the industry is evolving with innovations in automation, material recovery, and sustainable design. As regulatory frameworks and consumer awareness continue to improve, auto recycling will play an increasingly important role in building a sustainable and circular economy.
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x0401x · 4 years
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Short Story #6
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Moonstone’s Charity
“The moon is beautiful, huh!”
By the time that we exited the Shiseido Parlor, it was already completely dark outside. The moon loomed a faint blue, as if overlooking the night view of Ginza. Putting his coat back on, Richard silently averted his eyes when I looked back at him with an “isn’t it”. At any rate, I had gotten wholly used to eating out with this guy on Saturdays after work. It was worth making him puddings as payback, I thought.
“Speaking of which, the stone you sold to today’s customers was a ‘stone of the moon’, wasn’t it?”
“Please call it ‘moonstone’. There are other rock specimens that are referred to as ‘stones of the moon’. Confusing the meaning of the words is deplorable.”
“Is that so?! Aight, I’ll take it to heart.”
Today’s customers were the parents of a naïve young lady, and the goods they bought were a moonstone jewelry set for her. It seemed that the young lady, who still had childish facial traits, was going to get married, so her parents ordered a necklace from Etranger for her to take along when the time came. Bearing a rainbow light over a milky blue color, the cabochon-cut moonstone was combined with white diamonds for the necklace and bracelet. It overflowed with a soulful beauty, almost as if it had borrowed the glow of an aurora from a Scandinavian sky.
Apparently, the moonstone, which was also one of the June birthstones, had been familiarized as a power stone since the distant past, and was renowned especially as a stone that celebrated the well-being and fortune of women. Having the commemorative jewelry delivered to her as a surprise, the young lady had cried until her eyes were bright red, but she recovered by way of a sweet royal milk tea, expressing gratitude to her parents with a sniffling nose. I believed that there were several forms of joy depending on each person, and what I had witnessed today was unmistakably one of them.
Even as we headed to the parking lot where Richard’s jaguar was, the moon followed us from the gaps between the buildings. As I walked while looking up and repeating, “It’s really pretty, so pretty”, Richard seemed exasperated.
“‘The moon is beautiful’, huh. Are college students not familiar with anecdotes of their own country’s literary figures nowadays?”
“Don’t they read that stuff? I’m in the faculty of economics, so there’s lots of people with names written in horizontal characters on our textbooks. Like Marx Weber or Mankiw.”
“What about Futabatei Shimei or Natsume Souseki?”
“I’ll ask you back: have you read them?”
Uwah. As I cried out, the gorgeous jeweler sighed. “Honestly, today’s youths,” he said.
I ended up laughing at him without thinking.
“What is it?”
“You say ‘youths’ but you’re pretty young yourself.”
“I merely disagree with the worldwide trend of thinking that classical literature is an enjoyment for old age. The world, matured by the various interpretations of our ancestors, is deep and wide-ranging, as well as something that envelopes our hearts, just like stones.”
“Feels like the part where stones come up is ‘just as expected of Richard-san’.”
“I will take that as a compliment.”
“I am complimenting you. I have the feeling that I get smarter when we talk.”
“For you to be the kind who is satisfied with just ‘having a feeling’, my existence must be a harmful one.”
“I shall take this to heart... Aah, by the way, in sociology or some other class, I heard that the phrase ‘had a feeling’ has increased too much in pop music. Why is that? I guess it’s because, when they assert, ‘I can be strong!’ instead of, ‘I have the feeling I can be strong, I find myself inwardly wanting to retort with a, ‘Nope, nope, it’s not like that’ and the mood cools off.”
“Unfortunately, I have not studied the trends of modern Japan’s younglings. But if we are to speak of such things, even the power invoked by stones is a matter of ‘having a feeling’.”
“Is it okay for a jeweler to be saying that?”
“We are already out of business hours. Besides, this is not a negative subject in particular.”
Having arrived at the parking lot, Richard glanced at me and folded his arms lightly. He was a beautiful man from the top of his head to the tips of his toenails, like a doll made of moonlight. I was used to looking at his figure, but beautiful things will be beautiful. I could look at him without ever getting tired and it would put me in a good mood, just like the moon.
“W-What? What’s up?”
“I mean that people can become strong just from ‘having a feeling’. The power of belief is namely the force of human beings who seek hope even in a small gleam. Is that not a wonderful thing? On nights like these, when we ‘have the feeling’ that we are being protected by the light of the moon, people are sure to be in some sort of calm mood.” Saying this, as if to copy me or something, Richard looked up at the night sky above the buildings of Ginza and murmured, “The moon is truly beautiful.” He then smoothly got on the jaguar’s driver seat. I followed him on the passenger seat.
Still, this car’s seat base did an exquisite inclination no matter how many times I sat on it. It felt like a chair sticking to your body.
“Well, are you okay with dropping off at Takadanobaba?”
“Thank you. By the way, should I reply with the ‘I could die now’ already?”
Richard’s face at that moment was a spectacle. His mouth and beautiful eyebrows distorted as if to say, “Haah?”. His eyes stared dangerously at me.
“I mean, isn’t that the context? Futabate Shimei and Natsume Souseki, right?”
“I love you”.
Apparently, the literary masters of the Meiji Era had racked their brains about to how to translate a sentence that didn’t originally exist in the Japanese language. This would be a standard drinking party talk. Well, I didn’t know if there was a standard for all kinds of drinking parties, but just recently, during a drinking party we held with a group of men from the Department of Letter’s Faculty of Japanese Literature, we got fired-up over that topic. “Girls like this kind of talk, so you guys from the Faculty of Economics should also keep it in mind every once in a while,” they told us. Futabate Shimei used “I could die now” as a code for “I am yours” and Natsume Souseki used the anecdote “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it” as what was claimed to be a good anecdote for “I love you”. We were thankful for the trivia. That being said, none of the members who attended the drinking party had girlfriends, so I had thought there would be no opportunity to use this trivia, but to my surprise...
Richard, who had been stiff for a moment, exhaled with a loud “haaah” and turned the engine key. The body of the iron machine shuddered.
“That was terrifying.”
“So even you got freaked out! I can say some Japanese-like things too.”
“I will proceed to kick you if you say the same thing again. Be quiet for the time being.” Richard pulled the car out of the parking lot from backward, and as he stepped onto the accelerator and we got out into the street, the car trundled on with us in silence for a while. After we had passed four or five buildings, the beautiful jeweler opened his mouth again, “These words are not meant to be spoken lightly. A sentence taken out of context is like a lonely stone removed from a bracelet. In what kind of situation did people say, ‘The moon is beautiful’ or under what circumstances did they think, ‘I could die now’? What matters is the process until things arrived to that point, and not scraps of words. In the past, during the times when the people of this country were not as filled with imported mentalities as they are now, they probably understood this very well.”
“Hey, why’d you think of reading Natsume Souseki?”
Richard didn’t respond. I’d known for a while now that there were lots of things this guy didn’t want to answer, but his silence at the question was unexpected. Was something up?
Something related to moments when he might feel like saying things such as “the moon is beautiful” or “I could die now”.
It was clearly not a topic that I should pry too much about. Pretending to have found something interesting out the window, I put on a smile with no particular connotation. Leaning my body against the window, I looked up at the sky. “Ah, I can still see the moon.”
“You do not say. Is it beautiful?”
“Yup, but you’re more beautiful.”
Richard’s hand instantaneously glided in a swift motion. He pressed the car stereo switch. What played at an explosively loud volume wasn’t the Finnish rock that I had listened to before. It was a sutra in an ethnic-sounding female voice. That was all I could say. What was this? As I asked in a loud voice what language that song was in, he said it was Bengali. Was it an Indian song then? I couldn’t talk to him unless I shouted in one breath.
Richard’s mouth moved in the form of an “I cannot hear you”. It seemed he wasn’t in the mood for conversation. But he didn’t look angry. The corners of his lips were smiling just slightly. Like he wanted to say that this was so stupid it made him laugh. He appeared a lot more relaxed than when listing up the names of those literary figures, so I became kinda happy.
When I got out of the car, the southern country atmosphere was gone at once. At the roundabout in Takadanobaba, Richard took off with the jaguar as soon as he said goodbye. As the same old habit, for whatever reason, I ended up watching him off until I couldn’t see him anymore.
As I looked up the blue moon was floating in the black sky, unchanged. This was also a matter of “having a feeling”, but this emotion I was feeling today at this moment was a definite form of happiness too.
Honestly, the moon was beautiful tonight.
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Chapter One: “The Tik Tok prank”.
Chapter Index.
Word count: about 1.1k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
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Lola is sitting on one of the couches on the porch of the clubhouse, raising her gaze from the textbook to the girl who is coming dancing her hips, a petty smile on her lips and both arms lifted up over her head. She knows exactly what that sharp tone of voice means, making her chuckles and letting her some space to sit down.
“Leticia…” The Reyes says, twisting her neck with narrowed eyes.
“Ts, ts, ts… You're gonna love it”. She replies palming the other's lap. “Listen, do you remember the other day, when Creeper laughed at you, because you fell from EZ's bike?”
“Do you know ‘Tik Tok’?”
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When her father sees her wearing that black dress so short, walking around a Mayan party, he is going to lock her inside the highest tower of the farthest castle. And even if she's not into these kinds of clothes, the occasion needs it. Lola is going to make Creeper pay for the shame he put her through. The two girls have been talking about the plan a lot of times throughout the day, having pretty clear every step they have to take at the end of it, crossing the crowded yard straight to the clubhouse. The main crew is there, playing pool, playing poker and sharing beers and laughs.
Ezekiel spits his drink over his foot when he sees them coming into the club. Palming Angel's chest, her tío has the same reaction, almost drowning with the beer and his own saliva. The younger Reyes gets up from the sofa, walking towards his daughter kinda nervous.
“Hey, dad!” She says in the meantime the girl hugs him.
“Hey, ba—babygirl. Why are you… wearing this dress?” He doesn't want to sound like those kinds of fathers who tell their daughters how they must dress, but he's sounding exactly like that.
“Don' you like't?”
“Ye—Yeah… No… I mean… Yes, but… isn't it too short?”
“Nah, dad, it's perfect”. Shaking her head, the girl continues her steps to Angel, leaning forward to leave a kiss on his cheek. The man is more pale than an iceberg. “You okay, tío?”
He nods and shakes his head at the same time with pursed lips, freaking out in silence. Not knowing what to say, while she hears her friend greeting Coco. Sometimes she thinks about it. About how different their lives have been until they meet each other. Now, they're inseparables. They are like the sisters the other never had. And that includes a lot of mischief. The crew is always alert, but they never see them coming.
“Hey, Lola, do you want a coca c—”.
“Don' do that joke again, I beg you”.
Both laugh leading their feet to the bar to grab some sodas, studying the perimeter, the possible escape routes to flee, and where their victim is positionated. Leti gently hits one of her sides with an elbow, making a sneaky gesture with her head. Having a sip from her drink, the Reyes sets the app on her phone for the fake call incoming in two minutes.
The mischief has begun.
Leti crosses the clubhouse to sit on the perfect corner, simulating that she's texting someone but she's actually recording the situation. Lola isn't nervous, quite the opposite, walking steadily towards Creeper, who is playing poker against Riz and Gilly. Leaning over his left shoulder, the girl clicks her tongue shaking her head in a disapproval gesture.
“What?” He asks in a whisper, feeling insecure about his cards for a second, turning his face at her.
“Move”. She says palming one of his arms, to settle herself some space sitting over his lap.
The first move is done, knowing well how to play with Creeper's mind. After all, he taught her to play. And the student beaten the teacher. Actually he has good cards to win, but she is not going to tell him, waiting for her phone to ring. Sideways, Lola can see her friend containing her laughs, seeming like she's innocently watching something on her own phone.
Then, she hears her ringtone with a ‘Rita’ flashing on the screen. She answers the call.
“Hey, what's up?” A feigned pause. “Yeah, sounds good… Yeah, but I'm hanging out with my boyfriend and his friends”.
Silence in the room. Creeper looks confused. Everyone seems confused, except the younger Cruz and the younger Reyes. But they can hear Angel's blood boiling inside his veins, from the sofa. Ezekiel starts foaming by his mouth, connecting the dots of the conversation his daughter is having with God knows who, while she plays tangling a finger in her hair.
“Nah… After the party, I'll go to his hou—”.
Creeper is the last one on getting what's going on, quickly getting up and pushing Lola away with a disgusted gesture on his face. A heavy chill runs through his body just imagining it.
“AIN'T… AIN'T DOING… SHIT WITH HER”. He yells running away from the two Reyes, while the crew is staring at the girls understanding what is really going on. “DON' BELIEVE HER, BROTHERS. I SWEAR TO MY MOM”.
“MAN, AMMA FUCKIN' BURN EVERY TATTOO ON YOUR FUCKIN' SKIN”. Angel shouts facing him at the opposite side of the pool table, where Neron is trying to hide. He knows their talking serious shit.
He's more scared than a child, about to cry, when Lola and Leti break into laughs. Her father turns at her and her friend, reddened like a tomato and spitting smoke by his nose like a dragon. They're fucked.
“TEMPLOOOO”. The girls yell at each other, conscious that it's the only way out if they want to live.
The clubhouse transforms itself into a rugby field, with the crew trying to catch the girls. But they are faster and more agile. And smart, because this morning, they left opened the window over the auxiliary desk, behind Bishop's chair.
“Run sister! Don't look back!” Leti screams pulling the girl by her arm, until reaching the window.
Smart plus because they're wearing Converse and not high-heels. The jump out is easy, after six months on the track team. And they're sure that their fathers are going to remove them from the team after tonight. Mingling among the crowd, the girls run away by the alley to the scrap yard, finding a safe place behind a row of destroyed cars. Through a dirty window of one of them, they can see Ezekiel, Angel, Coco and Gilly running down to the street shouting their names, until Leti and Lola lose sight of them. Highing five, they light a cig to share it, ready to watch their new masterpiece.
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Scrap Car Removal Acton Ajax Aurora Bolton
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Scrap Car Removal Acton Ajax Aurora Bolton. When the tow truck driver arrives. He will investigate your vehicle request the possession. might take barely any photos and will pay you cash on the spot as we offer you. It would be ideal if you update us if the driver changes the cost or arrange. If you don't mind note we just consideration around two things, the edges, and the exhaust system and for us, the condition doesn't make a difference. Get in Touch for a free quote at Junkcar-Scrapcar Most importantly, For a quote please get in touch with us through your advantageous correspondence channel like Phone Call, Text Message, and or Email. After that share your vehicle detail (make, model, year), your area (city name and primary convergence), leaving status (carport, carport or underground leaving), sort of wheels (amalgam/aluminum or steel edges). If it's not too much trouble advise Scrap Car Removal Etobicoke if you don't have proprietorship. Scrap Car Removal Acton Ajax Aurora Bolton. $300-$50000 Cash For Cars Beats Any Price For Any Car Eliminate all your individual having a place from your vehicle and ensure your vehicle is prepared for scrap and you remembered anything in it. When Junk Car Disposal Etobicoke got your vehicle we can't ensure that you will get overlooked stuff back. Since more often than not vehicles escape. Instant Read the full article
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gruntydiecast · 4 years
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That Time Forgot: GM Ultralite
I kind of like this new life of mine, being able to pursue my own interests and stuff. However, I feel it is a disservice to keep this blog inactive, hence why I’ve decided to put this post up to show that this blog is not dead. Anyway, enough talk about this, and let’s talk about what you’re really here for: to talk about this car.
“100 mpg in the ‘90s? Impossible.” Is what many people will say... but they’ve definitely not seen this car before. Let’s talk about that.
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This is the General Motors Ultralite, a car from 1992 that still looks futuristic... even today. Designed by Burt Rutan, Jim Lutz, Steve Small, Bill Rohlfing and Jim Bieck, the Ultralite was designed as a four-seat car that could comfortably carry all four passengers, have adequate performance and produce low emissions and astonishingly high miles per gallon.
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First introduced at the 1992 Chicago Auto Show, the Ultralite was not just your normal concept car; it was actually fully functional. But then again, pretty much all of GM’s concept cars of that time were functional. This car featured a RR layout; or for those who don’t know, rear-engined, rear-wheel drive. A ten-minute promotional video was also produced.
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The body of the Ultralite was made of carbon fiber and built by Scaled Composites; the entire body only weighed 420 pounds (191 kg)! With the body on, the car weighed about 1400 pounds (635 kg).
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Performance of the Ultralite was expected to match or better that of GM’s quintessential compact sedan, the Chevrolet Lumina. As the body itself was so light, the Ultralite didn’t need too big a power plant to power it. The rear-engined car was powered by a 1.5L inline-3 two-stroke engine producing 111 horsepower, mated to a Saturn 4-speed automatic transmission; GM claimed top speeds of up to 135 mph (217 km/h). It also had a claimed 0-60 time of about 8 seconds, which, if you think about it, is pretty darned good for an engine of this size...
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The Ultralite’s engine was placed in the rear in what was termed a “power pod” configuration, which was basically GM’s term for “removable engine”; this reminds me of the IAD Alien which had a very similar concept. This “power pod” had a number of advantages, including easier service and the added modularity of fitting different types of power plants.
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The shape of the Ultralite was highly reminiscent of that of the older Ford Probe concepts designed by Ghia.
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The interior looked somewhat futuristic and honestly quite nice, but the best part of the Ultralite’s appearance... were those doors.
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Yep, that’s right; the Ultralite sported gullwing doors. It also... had no B-pillar.
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Regardless, the Ultralite was probably one of the most futuristic cars ever conceived. Featuring fiber-optic headlamps and LED taillamps, the car also featured an airbag suspension on all four wheels, allowing it to ride high or low depending on what speed the car was going at. It also had an astonishingly low drag coefficient of 0.19, far lower than most cars of the time.
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While the doors were (and still are) quite impressive, quite possibly one of the most impressive things about the Ultralite was its fuel economy. The car (being fully functional) was actually tested and rated by the EPA, clocking in a staggering 88 mpg; GM claimed the car could clock in 100 mpg if the car was driven at a sustained 50 mph (80 km/h) cruise.
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GM did consider putting the Ultralite into production, although with a body made of carbon fiber it would have never been affordable. Additionally, with California’s zero-emission vehicle mandate looming, GM made a decision to scrap the Ultralite and produce the EV1 (above) instead. And we all know how that went...
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However, not all was lost. Now, with the introduction of ever-tighter Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, carbon fiber has become almost mainstream and smaller and smaller engines have become the norm to meet these strict standards, something the Ultralite was able to achieve... twenty years before the competition.
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A total of two Ultralites were produced. Normally, I believe they sit amongst a sea of other innovative cars at the GM Heritage Center, but one Ultralite currently sits proudly amongst a sea of iconic movie cars in the Hollywood Dream Machines: Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy exhibition at the Petersen Automotive Museum. Oh, speaking of movies... we’ll get to that bit now.
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Due to its unique and futuristic shape, the Ultralite has been used in various science fiction movie productions, usually representing a car of the future. It had a number of big breaks in a number of science fiction films, all of which will be detailed below.
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The most notable of the Ultralite’s appearances was in 1993, when it appeared in the film Demolition Man, alongside some seventeen other GM concept vehicles. Representing a 2042 Chevrolet police vehicle, this Ultralite was driven throughout the film and played a highly prominent role.
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Twenty fiberglass replicas of the Ultralite were produced, which were used throughout the film as either police cars or civilian cars, recognizable by whether they have the “siren dome” or not; civilian Ultralites usually played minor background roles. There exists a rather grainy picture showing three of these replicas. Whether the two actual carbon fiber Ultralites took part in the filming is unclear, although it seems unlikely.
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The Ultralite was seen again in the old television series seaQuest DSV, albeit only very briefly, in the episode The Fear That Follows which aired in 1994.
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The Ultralite was seen again in the 1999 film Bicentennial Man starring Robin Williams, although again very briefly. Sure, it’s a cool car that’s in the movie, but there’s probably other reasons as to why people don’t remember this film...
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Finally, a police Ultralite appeared in the movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence starring Haley Joel Osment. This was the last of its known appearances... well, according to IMCDb anyway.
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It also appears that at least one of these fiberglass replicas was auctioned off by Warner Bros. around 2012, although with some generic police livery; as you can see, it looks pretty worse for wear...
Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about the reason why you’re here: the history of the casting.
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This casting was introduced in 1993 in the Demolition Man series, alongside eight other cars that appeared in the movie: these were the Oldsmobile Aurora, Olds 442 W-30, GM Lean Machine, Corvette Stingray III, Pontiac Salsa, Pontiac Banshee, Buick Wildcat and the Chevrolet ACC Camaro (’93 Camaro), intended to represent the Chevrolet California IROC Camaro Concept. The designer of this casting is not known with any certainty, although I suspect it was done by Larry Wood. The Hot Wheels version of the Ultralite depicts the famous police Ultralite as seen in the movie, as evidenced by the siren dome up top.
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Like all other Demolition Man castings, the Ultralite was packaged in a box containing a Cryo-Cube (essentially a Park’n Plates box with a picture of the real car instead of a license plate). The windshields and doors of this casting are molded into the body, and as such, are completely opaque; as a result, this car has no interior.
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The rear replicates the rear of the real car somewhat well, although the wing up top seems a bit high and the rear “vent” seems a little bit too big as well compared to the real car.
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A picture of the real Ultralite’s rear is shown above.
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Early versions will say "‘93 WARNER” instead of “1993 MATTEL, INC”; I presume the license with Warner Bros. had expired, so they just scrubbed off the Warner licensing information and put their own on. Something else interesting to note is that this casting has a practically centered center of gravity; as it has a plastic base, this casting would be thought to be quite light, but it is in no way light. As the body is one huge hunk of metal (again, the windows are opaque), the Ultralite is supremely heavy, with all the weight concentrated around the center of the car. This theoretically makes the car better for downhill races, although I would seriously doubt the car’s ability to clear a loop.
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The Ultralite enjoyed various releases in the Hot Wheels lineup, most of which having the SAPD-style police livery on it, whether it be with or without SAPD graphics.
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This casting was also given the generic name “Police Car” for one of its releases.
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Another release simply titled it “Police”, although I believe this is an international only release and doesn’t seem to be documented all that well. Both “Police Car” and “Police” would be used on future releases of the Holden Police Cruiser Hot Wheels released in 1996.
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The Ultralite enjoyed the privilege of being released quite often when it was in the lineup, but ultimately this casting was doomed in 2001 for one reason, and one reason only: the Final Run Series. For three years, this casting had not been seen, and then it was thrown into the Final Run series.
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The Final Run Series started in 1999 and acted as what I would consider a very glorified funeral for a casting; Hot Wheels would give these cars special tires and paint, in exchange for vowing to never produce them again by cutting their toolings in half. The Ultralite was unfortunately one of the castings to fall victim to the Final Run Series, and although it might not have been one of the more popular castings to retire that year, it was still retired regardless. As the second batch of cars to be Final Run, having been introduced in the 2001 series, the Ultralite will never be seen again in the Hot Wheels lineup unless a new tool and die is created for it, which I believe is highly unlikely. The Final Run Series itself has been on hiatus since 2006. In total, the Ultralite had seven releases.
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Of note is that the image above has some interesting details. The Ultralite was released simply as the “Ultralite” in the Final Run series, but its full name is spelled out in the rear of these cards. “Garbage Truck” refers to the Recycling Truck, but it gets a pass since the casting was actually titled that for release. “Porsche 911” refers to the P-911 casting, but that gets a pass for the same reason. And finally, “Scullrider” refers to the Skullrider (or Grim Creeper) casting; this is simply a spelling error and the casting received the correct spelling on the actual production card.
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Always on the receiving end of police-styled decals due to its fame in Demolition Man, the Ultralite will be dearly missed (by me, at least) in the Hot Wheels lineup, and I wouldn’t mind seeing a modern recreation of the Ultralite return to the Hot Wheels lineup as a premium piece.
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I hope this post has given you a better idea on the history of this futuristic GM concept car, and the history of its small Hot Wheels counterpart. As usual, I’d write something like this any day.
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aryburn-trains · 7 years
CB&Q E7 9922B
CB&Q E7 9922B by Chuck Zeiler Via Flickr: Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad E7 9922B heading Train Number 11, the Nebraska Zephyr, at Galva, Illinois on October 12, 1956, photograph by P. Stringham, print by William A. Raia, Chuck Zeiler collection. Behind the baggage car is the seven car articulated trainset (one of two such trainsets) from the second Twin Cities Zephyr (TCZ), removed from TCZ service in late 1947 and refurbished at Aurora for Nebraska Zephyr service. Included in the refurbish work was the raising of the floors in the cars 2½ inches. As built, the windows were located higher than usual because it was believed that passengers would feel discomfort from observing the train moving at the high speeds attained by the TCZ. The high windows permitted view of the scenery while resticting the view of the ground. The fear of discomfort proved unfounded and, if fact, passengers complained about the resticted view. Gentle ramps were installed for transition from the raised floor to the vestibules. One of the TCZ trainsets is at the Illinois Railway Museum (reduced to a five car set around 1965) and the other set is rumored to be in Saudi Arabia. The locomotive was completed by EMD November 24, 1946 (c/n 2951) and wrecked at Montgomery, Illinois on September 27, 1964. It was scrapped soon after.
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bhgaragedoor · 4 years
Garage Door Repair - How to Choose a Garage Technician You Can Trust
Garage doors are very important as it is the barrier between your car, which is secure in the garage, and a probable thief. The proprietor enjoy a bit of without charge zone where they are can stock up their scraps, old articles like fittings and those which need to be unconcerned to be removed but have remain on. They are things that have really become trash and have very small value. These articles are reserved here as natives do not these kind of articles in their domicile, they would rather have it external than inside. IF you ever want to invest in the garage door you would like to be able view all your options after evaluating them properly. There are many portions that you need to take care of. Small things like lubrication of the joints and moving parts is something that you can do yourself but then there are many other aspects that one needs to take care of. You do not want to be the one who got trapped in the garage due to a malfunctioning of the garage door. For all the major repairs you should get a technician to be able to take proper care of it. The most vital step is to find the right technician for this one must talk to others who have faced the similar problems and have successfully overcome these situations. People will give suggestions and recommendations that will help you decide properly, You should look at the profile of the technicians and where all has he worked before to be able to get a good idea of the quality of work that he can provide. These works can be reviewed and a decision can be taken. There are some technicians that have years of experience. Ask the technician to give a quote for the proposed job and then start comparing the technicians based on that as well. Find out why some of them charge so much and why the rest of them do not. A good technician will be able to repair your garage door vary fast and minor repairs might just take him a few hours. Therefore you will be on the guard for a technician who is fast and economical at the same time with adequate years of experience under his belt. The majority of the mishaps that happen have been in those situations where the self making the repairs did not have the obligatory skill and talent. He might have been trying to put away himself from some pennies but lost in the big catch for the spoil that he caused due to his work. You can get the neighboring service provider to aid you and in fact you can visit for further help on the same. is one of the cream of the crop in these works and they will offer experts who will keep your kin safe and not fritter away your time like the rest of the staff.
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