#scrap baby cosplay
idsfantasy · 1 year
Remembered I hadn't posted pictures of my FFPS Mike cosplay here, so here's me and this really cool Scrap Baby cosplayer I ran into at FanX
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Also I met Matthew Lillard! So that was cool :D
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belimonsterii · 8 days
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Hi!!! First tumblr post :O honestly dont really know how the app works yet xD
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inkedpawsss · 2 months
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hello tumblr id like too inform you im scrapbaby
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astramachina · 3 days
to the bedraggled looking young fella in denim shorts, gray tank top, and Foxy mask, holding a can of Coke and looking exhausted as fuck--How's it feel to be the most biblically accurate Michael Afton cosplayer in history.
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tetras-stuff · 10 months
working on a scrap baby cosplay and omg it's so complicated im not even past the planning stage why can't I just cosplay something normal
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
I need to find a blorbo who wears a dark emerald green outfit that I can make out of satin dshgjkfdh
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lele5429 · 5 months
Retired Assets - Story and Art Master Post
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Story (Read the tags!)
Ch1: Prologue
Ch2: The Cold Within
Ch3: The Fire Won’t Light Itself
Ch4: Blind
Ch5: I Will Not Leave You
Ch6: coming soon
AO3 main page
Illustrations for the Story (by Lele)
THE TITLE PAGE (Key Visual) - I’ve finished it but I’ll post it with the finale.
Ex Libris (book plate)
Ch 2: The Cold Within
Ch 4: Blind
Ch 5: I Will Not Leave You and Never Alone
Character Design and Sketches
A Precursor to RA Ravio: fanart for @shirley-99
The first drawing of RA Ravio
RA Ravio's costume design (spoiler-free)
ALBW vs LU vs RA Ravio designs
LU Ravio vs RA Ravio - comparison and design notes
RA Ravio in a more naturalistic style (first attempt)
RA Ravio smiles and Part 2
LU Legend vs RA Legend
Love transcends the veil of absence
RA Legend in a more naturalistic style (first attempt)
RA Ravio (TW: blood)
Ravio and Sheerow for an art challenge
Tagaki Ravio profile pic
Art Process
THE TITLE PAGE (Key Visual Time Lapse)
Key Visual - inking
Ch 2: The Cold Within - scrapped designs
Drawing Eyes
Ch 4: Blind - time lapse
Ch 5: “Never Alone” - scrapped designs
Unrelated dark Ravio
Artistic Responses/Art Gifts
Discussing the Script by @moonriver080
The Burning Bridge by @moonriver080
Emoticons ft. The cast @violet-xd09
Emoticons Part 2 @violet-xd09
Ravio’s magic and smile @violet-xd09
Illustrations for Ch3 @violet-xd09
Nursery AU @violet-xd09 and Part 2
Ravio in the headlights by @violet-xd09
Ravio Tegaki by @wardingshout
Ravio mural by @hero-of-fortune
Disaster bunny and his faces by @violet-xd09
Drawing faces (art challenge) with @violet-xd09
MS paint and Tegaki Ravio blorbo @violet-xd09
Mid-Autumn Festival @violet-xd09
Memes / Crack / Fluff (my art!)
Ravio wants you to stop and read the warning tags
Ravio with STOP sign animated
Disaster Bunny
Going to work with your landlord?
Get-along Shirt
Why does RA Ravio fear Hilda?
Blue Potions
To Heaven
Jet lag
Legend explains things to Ravio (Ch4)
Self care or draw 25 and Part 2
RA Ravio ™️
Goodnight Ojousama
Account Deleted
Nothing is perfect
Ch 6 Teaser and Part 2
Drawing with my eyes closed
Babies need a hug
Why dis bun look so mad 😭
Working Properties - Retired Assets Actors AU
Take a break
Ravio hugging Sheerow
Legend ╭(°A°`)╮
Sticker Pack #1
Poster Pose
Happy Fable
The Cold Within but Chibi
Apple juice
Hilda reading Ravio’s diary
Hilda Boop
Nursery AU (The Cast as Kids)
Nursery AU - first drawing
Kid!Ravio tries lemons
Linocut: RA Ravio
Linocut: RA Legend
Prints ft. the RA leads, signed and framed
PAY NO RENT: heat-transfer vinyl T-shirt
Lasercut on wood: some keychains and tickets by @moonriver080
Button-making (with a sneak peek of additional memes)
Ravio’s robe and scarf (cosplay)
Bracelets inspired by LU characters
Shaker charms and Part 2
Sheerow doll (by Alex Lynn crafts)
RA Ravio sleep mask
Search for #retired assets ask game
Ravio character notes [1]
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dustinslovehandles · 6 months
I’ve been trying to find some Chuckie T makes but both YouTube and Daily Motion’s search algorithm sucks.
If you are able and do not mind doing so, do you have any links or even search suggestions for your favorite matches of his. Indy or AEW.
Ooooooh, SO excited to get an ask about this! Buckle in your seatbelts because I'm about to talk your ear off with match recommendations! <3
If you like his more light-hearted/silly stuff:
Chuck vs Orange for PWG: Honestly my comfort match with some really great wrestling too
Chuck vs Su Yung for FEST Wrestling: Intergender shenanigans for an indie title
Chuck and Orange vs Princess Kimberly/Jervis Cottonbelly: Intergender tag match with referee Bryce getting involved
Chuck and Jock Samson vs The Jollyville Jeepers for Olde Wrestling: I feel like any Olde Wrestling match counts as hilarious
Chuck vs ZSJ falls count anywhere: Zack and Chuck have a fight in a pub. Need I say more?
Honestly, pretty much any of the Chuck/Orange tag matches on youtube work, so if you like that sort of thing then I definitely recommend looking up "Chuck Taylor Orange Cassidy".
If you want more serious stuff though, Chuck has a lot of realy cool matches. His title run in PWG in (I think?) 2017 had a lot of great stuff, especially between him and Zack, and him and Ricochet. In chronological order:
Chuck vs Zack at Only Kings Understand Each Other
Chuck vs Zack at Pushin Forward Back
Chuck vs Ricochet at All Star Weekend
Chuck vs Ricochet at Mystery Vortex V (highlights only with music over; best I could find, sorry!)
Chuck vs Trent at Neon Knights (highlights with music again, but hey, it's the lads having a scrap!
There's a lot of cool stuff from when Chuck was younger and in his shitty baby heel era, and some stuff from AEW. I only really have access to youtube at the moment so here are some general recommendations from there that didn't fit into the above:
Chuck vs Fire Ant for Chikara: Shitty baby heel Chuck showing he had great chemistry with this guy from the start!
Best Friends vs Starboy Charlie and Olumide for AEW: I had to include this match. Fast flippy boys and Chuck getting his tits out.
Chuck vs Ricochet highlights: Not a specific matc, but highlights to music of a very baby Chuck and Ricochet doing cool stuff
Chuck vs Orange at Champions of the Galaxy live event: Chuck and Orange go cosplaying as wrestling trading cards
Chuck vs Lee Johnson for AEW: AEW Dark match from the lockdown era with some of the cripsest camera work, featuring Chuck's pretty green eyes
I'm sure there's a 101 matches I could have put and have missed but hopefully this helps! So happy to put something like this together for you!
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SF Fandom Rant
CW: Half-Way Jokingly Unhinged Nerd Rage
EDIT: Just to clarify I was there when Adult Swim announced the festival and unveiled what it was going to look like before opening, I didn't get to go but I wish I did.
What kinda frustrates me is when some fans who think they've been in this fandom for long enough say some silly nonsense like "Oooh Pim is underrated or not as loved as the other main characters he needs more love (ToT)"....Meanwhile as someone who has obsessively-compulsively scurried in and out of EVERY SINGLE MAIN TAG FOR SMILING FRIENDS on almost all social media sites (plus countless YouTube comment sections and that WRETCHED troglodyte-ridden shitgutter known as Reddit) I can confirm that this entire fandom has always been overflowing with an endless supply of Pim fanworks, cosplays, getting shipped with Charlie and various other characters canon AND fanmade (plus quite a bit of selfshipping) or comments gushing about how cute and sweet he is...not to mention Charpim is obviously THE most popular ship in the fandom from what I've seen on A03! All the Pim fanworks and whatnot get a shit ton of attention too, they get TONS of likes and comments! Also on a sidenote, polls I've seen voting for one's favorite character, Pim is either second and in one or two cases, even first in Favorite Character polls while either Alan or Glep are at the bottom, not to say that either character mentioned are unpopular in fact FAR from it considering I spent so much time browsing fanworks for this show, trust me. Glep is a little meme machine and Alan is a he/him sapphic icon because of all the fangirls he has!
And furthermore, a testament to Pim's popularity being much bigger than one would expect is when I was there when Adult Swim's annual festival was unveiled to the masses on their socials and every single one of us online that day collectively losing our heads (hehe) over this lovely sight:
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This image was spreading around like wildfire + the comment sections where mostly talking about Pim's bulbous, perfectly-round head.
"Underrated" my ass, Pim gets A TON of well-deserved love in this fandom, honestly you know who's the most underrated Smiling Friend? My baby girl Smormu where's all the cute Smormu fanart and fanfics you cowards!? I mean look at this lil' cutie go!
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*slams fists on table dramatically* WHERE'S MY SMORMU CONTENT DAMMIT!?
*Nasally Laugh* Okay in all seriousness I know Smormu was made as a joke but can y'all stop making Pim out to be a forgotten/underrated character like he's some scrapped character from the pilot? There are plenty of unpopular/underrated characters on this show I can name on the back of my hand because I scrutinize every bit of trivia surrounding this show (like Zoey, Marge, Mr. Boss to some extent but less-so since S2, Jennifer, Desmond...) and Pim is NOT one of them! Thanks for coming to my TED talk, byeeee.
(PS. Be sure to check back on this lil ol' blog of mine for the latest chapter of my mushy Charpim fanfic dropping later tonight 😉)
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sodapops0lstice · 10 months
If youve all been wondering where grubpeta and friends have been the answer is theyve all been busy growing up!
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More info about the guys under cut ⬇️
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Equius Strider-Zahhak
Equius wasn't originally meant to go Dirk. Considering his reputation of him and children. Dirk didn't exactly disagree and was more than willing to just be a collective uncle that visits sometimes. Unluckily for him, Equius almost immediately attached to Dirk. Whenever he was took to someone else's house to be raised, Equius started to chew up table and chair legs and causing general mayhem. So he was dropped over to Dirk's. Not under the control of a demonic puppet that was made by literally the most evil entity in the universe, Dirk is actually a pretty solid dad. Equius helps out with robot projects.
Nepeta "Grubpeta" Vantas
As y'all saw before Nepeta went under the care of Karkat. He had felt guilty about how he treated Nepeta in his past so in an odd sign of repentance he adopted Nepeta. Most people still refer to her as Grubpeta or other derivatives of that. She's only ever called Nepeta by Karkat. Karkat has 0 drip so she got that scarf from Kanaya who is basically another parent for her since Karkat is pretty inept at parenting.
Tavros Strider
When Vriska saw that a Tavros grub was up for grabs, she immediately dibbed on him. Obviously, everyone knew that was the worst idea possible but everyone who would of reasonably adopted him was already handling a child of their own (whether that child was one of the omega kids or the grubs). Dave basically threw his hands up and took one for the team. Promising to "swag this baby out". And he sure did that. Tavros Strider ending up as a lot more confident than his other self. Vriska is still not allowed near him.
Eridan "Caligula" Lalonde
Eridan was adopted by Calliope and Roxy due to Roxy wanting "tha wizard bby". Calliope attempted to paint herself to appear more lusii-like for Eridan. Roxy had to talk her out of it. The cardigan was made by Kanaya as a forgiveness gift. Which was a really serious/awkward confrontation with essentially an aunt and he 5 year old niece who was getting forgave for actions he didn't even get the chance to commit. The tail was by Calliope from scraps of her cosplay works. He was affectionately nicknamed Caligula by Calliope.
Feferi Crocker-English-Peixes
Was picked up by Jane to end the cycle of abuse started by the Condesce. She was adopted before Dirk became a part of the polyamourous clusterfuck that is Jane and Jake's marriage, the only real issue it brought up for anyone was that Feferi asked awkward questions with little to know hesitation. Made even funnier cause she adopted a very formal way of speaking. The tiaratop still works but has no ads/brainwashing mechanisms. Spoilt to hell and back by Jane and Jake but when has Feferi not been spoilt?
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trishmishtree · 9 months
A list of things I sewed in 2023, mostly in order
I guess this is going to be a yearly thing now?
I started the year off by finishing the regency gown, for which I'd made the bodice in December 2022. It's made from an ivory cotton gauze with a pre-embroidered edge, but I took the time to hand-embroider the dots and vines. I wish I'd gotten an extra yard of the fabric though, because the skirt hem is only 2 yards in circumference and could have used a little more width. I also regret using such an open-weave fabric for the dress, even though it seemed to match the fabric of the extant dress, because it was awful to embroider on. (The original dress is decorated with thousands of tiny metal staples, not embroidered.) In total, not counting the time taken for patterning, the bodice took about 30 hours to construct, and the embroidery and skirt construction took another 72 hours, which was spread out over the span of about 2-3 months.
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After that, I revisited the floral Vicwardian historybounding skirt I'd made the previous summer. I still had a small amount of fabric scraps left from that project, so I used it to make a set of removable suspenders that could be used to convert the skirt into a jumper dress.
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After that, I made an actual pinafore out of some cotton flannel. I don't love the fit on this thing because the back tends to gape (I didn't pattern the darts correctly), so I'm thinking about taking it apart and adjusting it in the future.
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After that, I made a shorter, historybounding version of a dress that has been on my to-make list forever. It's based on the green round gown that Lizzy Bennet wears to the Meryton assembly in Pride and Prejudice (2005). The movie was edited so that the dress appears to be an emerald green, but photos of the actual costume show that it's a light sage green, so that was what I went with. I like the subtle "secret daily cosplay" vibes it gives with the shortened hem and the pink sash (I haven't had a chance to source some dark green silk taffeta to make a more accurate sash yet). My only regret is that the fabric I used is a slightly heavier weight than I would have liked, so this is more of a spring dress than a summer one. Overall very happy with this one and am looking forward to tweaking the pattern just slightly and making a floor length darker green version.
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Then I got really into embroidery, and I made this detachable Peter Pan collar to go with one of my not-made-by-me dresses.
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It was fun and easy, so I added embroidery and a ruffle to the Peter Pan collar blouse I made last year, and now I love it way more. I also re-did the collar on the lace-insertion shirtwaist from last summer and liked it way less, so I reworked it again and never took a picture.
In April, I made a baby dress for a coworker using this free pattern.
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I also took some time to finish the set of Edwardian underpinnings I'd started last year, by making a hip pad (not pictured) and a ruffly c0rset cover. I liked the c0rset cover, but I didn't like how it looked with the c0rset and bust padding (it was just too much), so it became more of an alternative to wearing my Edwardian c0rset than an addition to it. I don't mind though. The Edwardian period is one of those eras where you can get away with not wearing a c0rset, since the bodices are not skin-tight, and I'm very very short-waisted and not-squishy, so I'm actually larger in the waist in a c0rset than out of one. I think I'm going to use the c0rset for evening gowns but only go with the c0rset cover (with no c0rset underneath) if I'm going for a daytime costume.
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Then I did some more historybounding and made a back-closing blouse with a V-shaped yoke. It's made from my blouse block pattern, which I got from tracing a modern button-down I already own. I like the resulting shirtwaist (not pictured), but I think going forward I'm going to try to make a new block pattern because I never liked how the original shirt fit around my shoulders, and all the blouses I've made so far from this pattern also fit me weirdly in the shoulders.
Then in May, I made a wrap skirt that I patterned myself, inspired by Wildflower's Coquelicot Skirt. I regretted using such a limp, slippery fabric, and I don't love the skirt I got as a result (not pictured). I may attempt it another time out of a fabric with more body to it, but I have no plans to do that in the next year.
Also in May, I made a Victorian/Edwardian petticoat. It's floor-length and delightfully swooshy, and I love it, but I didn't get a picture of it because I don't own a floor-length mirror.
In June, another coworker had a baby, so I made another baby dress.
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Then I finished residency and had more free time, so I bought 3 yards of strawberry-printed quilting cotton from Joann and made a modernized version of an 18th century dress inspired by the ones I've seen made by Bernadette Banner, Mariah Pattie, Sewstine, and Lina Piprek. I call this my 18th century strawberry dress, and it is one of my absolute favorite things I've ever made, even if it's not very practical or wearable for everyday situations.
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In July, I got back into historical costuming and made another Edwardian bustle pad to add a little extra kick to the back pleats of my skirts. No pictures were taken, but I used BlackSnails' free pattern.
Then I made an empire-waist top out of 1 yard of rayon challis that I've had in my stash forever. I don't love the result, and I didn't get pictures.
In August, I was still slowly working on my Edwardian lace-insertion dress, so I took a little detour and made a dip-waist belt (photo unavailable) using Ora Lin's pattern and the last remaining scraps of the dark blue silk satin from making this dress.
I also finally finished the Edwardian lace-insertion dress in August but didn't get any photos of it for the same reason I didn't get a photo of the petticoat. Maybe next year? Here's a photo of what it looked like before I ripped out and re-sewed the ruffle of the blouse to be positioned lower.
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Also in August, I made another project that's been on my to-make list since 2020: a ruffly vintage-inspired apron. I hated the fabric because it was so hard to sew through, but at least the print (by debtrevitt) is cute.
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In September, I used the pattern I made for the 18th century strawberry dress to make a slightly more HA-looking version out of a red and white floral quilting cotton from Joann. The plan was to sew skirt hikes to the inside so that the skirt could be polonaised, but I never got around to that. I also never got around to making the contrasting petticoat to go with it, so that's a project for next year.
Also in September, I found myself wanting to try my hand at broderie anglaise. As mentioned above, I liked my ruffly Edwardian c0rset cover, but I didn't like that I couldn't wear it over my blue silk c0rset without looking too top-heavy. I still needed something to hide the blue of the c0rset, so I patterned out an Edwardian princess slip and started hand-embroidering the lace in the neckline...before I had to pack all my belongings and prepare to move back in temporarily with my parents, so everything had to be put on hold.
I was able to squeeze in one more project before the move, though, and made a regency chemisette out of cotton batiste scraps. No photos were taken because my regency dress and underpinnings are still packed away.
Then I spent October and November not doing much sewing because I had a bunch of paperwork to do in preparation for my new job. I did, however, repair a bunch of moth-eaten sweaters that my mom didn't know how to fix. And I did make a witch hat and a pair of witch legs I made out of recycled umbrella fabric and a pair of PVC pipes, since my parents had zero (0) Halloween decorations out.
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In December, I dug out the princess slip project I'd started in September and properly assembled the slip. It still needs to be hemmed, but I can't do that until I move again and am able to dig out all of the rest of my Edwardian underpinnings, so it's still not finished.
What I did manage to finish was an 18th century hand-embroidered fichu to go with the slightly more HA-looking red and white floral gown, even though I still need to make the split rump and petticoat and cap...
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While I didn't make as many things as I had last year, owing to a 2-3 month hiatus necessitated by the move, and I'm not as happy with some of the projects I completed this year, I'm still proud of myself for pushing myself out of my comfort zone and attempting some more ambitious projects.
With the combined efforts of 2022 and 2023, I now have a full set of Regency underpinnings and Edwardian underpinnings, except for the princess slip which is still in-progress.
In the coming year, I'd like to make a Regency bonnet, reticule, and spencer to go with the 1810s gown. I already have the fabric and pattern for the bonnet, but I'm waiting to make it until after I move somewhere more permanent, to avoid damaging it in the move (I guess I should add a hatbox to the list of things I'll need to make). I also have the reticule pattern ready to go, but I'm planning to hand-embroider it and don't have access to the thread colors I need yet. And the spencer is still up in the air because I don't have the fabric for it yet.
I'd also like to make a proper pair of 18th century stays (both 18th century gowns I've made this year have a structured lining layer that acts like built-in stays, so I already have a working pattern), an 18th century split rump, an embroidered pocket, and a linen cap to complete the set.
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lucerocosplay · 6 days
Prop 001 Build Thread
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The reference came from the promo for the stage play this last spring. Eventually I plan on making the uniform from the play and the design has more visual interest than his vague blob of a onesie in cyber solider. Tactical onesie construction notes are under the cut.
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I'm using a second hand baby doll from JC Toys that thankfully already came in a onesie with chupón. He's a soft bodied doll (plush body rubber head and limbs) to cut down on weight, and I think the model is the 14" Berenguer but I'm not positive.
The fabric is all just scrap from my cyborg cosplay (brushed poly suiting, patent wet look pvc, & voile) and some store bought deep red satin piping. I also found some great gold tone shank buttons that looked pretty close as well.
The only real addition to his uniform design will be some loops in the back of his onesie that will let me string him to some straps and wear as a backpack throughout the con. I guess if someone wanted it wouldn't be hard to convert him into a functional purse but a doll of this size wouldn't hold a lot.
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After washing and drying both Ivan and his clothes I got to work making a pattern and taking into account the lack of stretch the final onesie would have. I transferred the modifications to paper, added allowance and got to cutting my scrap fabrics.
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Sewing prep was just gluing on prefab satin piping in place of hand basting along the cutouts of the onesie front. Sewing clips helped the glue adhere properly since the fabric is pretty dense and just sucks it up like a sponge.
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The assembly was pretty straight forward, no fancy stitching just straight seams. The only proper sewing was spent on the sleeves and piped panel. The piped front panel is just an extension of the pants, with the remaining portion of the bodice siting around the apex of the tummy. It's attached by the second row of top stitching and again on either side of the lapped zipper. The zipper itself also got a small bar tack at the base to help reinforce the inseam area as well.
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To keep from losing his chupón, there is a little scrap on ribbon sewn to his right shoulder. By chance this matched his piping and zipper so that was cool.
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Because my pvc was a different weight than the poly suiting it needed to be fused to some scrap denim to avoid going lame. Though this may have been overkill because it required top stitching to keep the allowance from bulging. Overall it was fine, four part sleeves aren't all that fun even when tiny.
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Once the sleeves were installed it was just a matter of sewing along the outer most edge, toe inset, and inseam. The neckline was folded down 1/2" and whip stitched from the inside. I also added the buttons at this point.
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To help get the shape of the shoulders right and tie in with the adult stage play uniforms, I made some little shoulder pads. I also installed some mini sleeve heads using 4mm macrame cord to help retain the drape of the upper sleeve. There isn't a lot to work with since soft bodied dolls limbs are just seams without any bilk or structural integrity, the little guy needed all the help he could get.
The sleeve hems are just a basic single fold hem. The poly brushed suiting I'm using is like a bulkier, glorified felt so fraying isn't a big concern here but bulk is.
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And here he is so far. Somehow a lot cuter than I thought a toy baby in a tactical onesie could be. He has four french tacks on the back for some clear straps and apart from sewing on his chupón, wig, and scarf he is good to go.
I'm waiting on his hair to come in, and the paint to dry on his chupón so that's what'll be in the next update.
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Forgot to put this here lol.
I got the roller skates in Splatoon 3, and finally finished my in-game cosplay of Scrap Baby. 🥴 Made one of Molten Freddy too, because why not.
I have named them "Splat Bloopy" and "Fried Inky" respectively.
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I put Splat Bloopy on Neo Splatana Stamper, because first of all, it's like her claw, but I chose Neo for the Toxic Mist sub. Seems up her alley. I think Reefslider would be a better special for her instead of Crab because I imagine it like her zooming up to you and taking a chomp with her claw. (Although I have been playing Flingza a lot with her fit, so maybe that's her second main.)
I was really stuck between Gold Dynamo and Explosher for Fried Inky, because Explosher seems obvious, it's literally boiling hot ink, but it doesn’t have the same mobility that Molten Freddy himself has. Explosher is sluggish, and is an anchor weapon. Molten Freddy is a slithering pile of wires, he fast. So I instead put him on Gold Dynamo. Sure it doesn't roll fast but it can wipe a team fast, has a very versatile sub, and the Super Chumps as a special are like all his eyes.
I've made a few other characters, but I'll get to them in a separate post.
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inkedpawsss · 3 months
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been on a GRIND for scrapbaby cause i have a month to finish it 💔
very excited to meet yall at tampa comic con
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sparguscityangel · 2 years
you ever think about how the game developers loved jak as much as we do?
the general fan consensus is that jak is Baby. he's a seventeen year old kid who goes through a lot of horrible things with little to no reprieve. but ive noticed something pretty interesting regarding jak, his role as a hero, and those who had a hand in it: jak doesnt kill.
think about it. gol and maia fell into the silo alive and for all we know, survived due to their mastery of dark eco. erol was a sore loser that crashed into a year's worth of eco (side note: praxis was going to give the winner a year's worth of dark eco. pretty worthless to the average havenite). praxis was shot by kor. erol (again) was blown up within the terraformer. mizo blew up after crashing.
jak doesnt really kill anyone. he's not above it, there's no moment where the narrative says that killing is wrong, he just happens to never kill someone and i think thats because the developers love jak. no one wants to see someone they love - a hero, someone we are rooting for, a child - commit murder. sure, he kills kg but they aren't really designed to look human. the only reason we know they aren't robots is because of the sliver of skin on their ears. i think that was intentional, a loophole that allows jak 2 to cosplay gta without actually being gta. our opinion and perception of jak would be severely changed if we saw him kill someone onscreen.
its like the developers wanted to hold on to that last scrap of innocence jak had left as hard as they could.
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My OCs from different fandoms and their races!
Tagged by: @kindan-no-kanojo ! Tagging: @poohwhin , @sumire-bride , @arleccine !
This was super fun! I didn't include the founders that i have been working on (i mean, forgot about.. bc ive been busy but ahem i WILL finish them, promise), but this made me think about the babies I abandoned along the way (i only love my one son Ryuuto and what of it, huh?) but maybe i could pick up the stories of these old OC's somewhere down the line when i inevitably dive back into these fandoms through cosplay lol. I have plenty of old OCs, for the record, these are simply the ones that I could remember/fit in nicely/liked best to include. TW for old, blurry, cringe art.
#1 Diabolik Lovers - Sakamaki Ryuuto
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Race: Vampire Age: 18 (Physically)
I mean, you already know about him if you're reading this lol. My favourite, and I have no shame in saying that. He is the OC of mine that will always, ALWAYS get the spotlight, and get put onto a pedestal, because he is my SON, my LIGHT, my MASTERPIECE. I wuv him so much, I miss him, and cannot wait to return to posting regularly here (which I hope to do as of now-nextweek-ish?)!
#2 Diabolik Lovers - Dietrich
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Race: Familiar/Unknown(?) Age: Mid-20's
Dietrich's character was scrapped early on into Ryuuto's development. He was initially going to be a personal servant/familiar and close friend of Ryuuto's, actually! I wasn't sure how I wanted their relationship to develop and, in the end, i felt that Ryuuto was best suited to be more of the loner type anyhow. So, as much as I adored how his character design turned out, I ended up scrapping him :(
#3 Black Butler - Alexander Eden
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Race: Demon Age: 20 (Psychically) Height: 185cm (6'1") Occupation: Head Butler of the Peirce Estate | Demon | Contract Holder
Throwback to my delusional blonde men era, lmao. Alexander is (was?) an idea I created for a black butler storyline of my own alongside another self-insert-turned-oc. I still have the original unfinished story up on my Quotev, actually, which describes him as having "many different sections of his personality, each triggered through separate methods or people". Yes, I am quoting myself appropriately. I take social studies at university, deal with it. He's a blend of Sebastian, Claude, and Reiji, being "distant from other demons and disdainful in general ... [holding] onto the idea that perfection is the only thing valuable in this world and it can only be achieved through a pure soul of one completely aware of corruption yet not tainted by its temptations". I actually kind of miss him :')
#4 Free! - Niikura Seiji
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Race: Human Age: 17 Height: 177cm (5'10") Weight: 65kg (143lbs)
Just directly quoting from the character profile I set up for him, Seiji is "the freestyle and backstroke swimmer and the vice-captain of the Kobeyashi Academy's swim team and a 3rd year high school student ... He was previously attending Iwatobi High School. He is part of the swimming club which includes: Tokaji Kuse, Yukari Niikura and Katsuyuki Tsukino", which are other OC's for his story. Cue the violins because his whole backstory is basically: "Originally, he was extremely passionate about the the swim team at Iwatobi, however, he was never accepted into it. Seiji stopped swimming after he was suspended from junior high school after attempting to psychically attack Rin who insulted his speed in the water. It wasn’t until his best friend Tokaji forced him back into swimming that he found his spark again". I began his story, but never published it! I might get around to doing that, because I really liked what I wrote for him back in 2018.
#5 Noragami - Shoji
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Race: God Age: ??? Height: ???
Unfortunately, I didn't write a character profile for Shoji when I was interested in his story so I cannot remember it for the most part, and I only wrote two unpublished chapters which I archived. However, in the little synopsis, the storyline was that, as the reader, you "had known Shoji - the God of afterlife and exorcisms - for a while now and, oddly enough, a phantom encounter one afternoon after-school had brought you and your best-friend Hiyori closer after finding out she also knew a God. Soon you begun to realise if Shoji and Yato being past enemies wasn't bad enough to start another fight, the fact that both of them were falling rapidly for you definitely was". A typical, cringey (read: hot) love-triangle from an old fandom I was am into. Shoji, like Yato, was a God as was basically the polar opposite of his outgoing, happy-go-lucky nature for the most-part. It was just a sort of ying-yang situation, for the reader, I think. I had to use a picrew to reimagine him because I used a faceclaim but couldn’t find the original character T-T
#6 Yandere Simulator - Yuuto Shinohara
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Race: Human Age: 17 Personality Type: Kuudere-Yandere
You're typical yandere!boy story, lol. I really did like making only male OCs, huh. Yuuto "is a 17 year old in second-year high school student at Akademi High. His classroom is 3-2, the same classroom as Taro Yamada. He has a strange obsession with Ayano Aishi and maintains a lovestruck persona towards her, as she does with Taro. He is in the Student Council Club as it offers him large benefits around the school". He was actually inspired here and there by some of the DiaBoys in his actions/manner of speech/etc. with the (again) unpublished chapters I produced for him. As is typical of many OCs, he had a tragic backstory too; Yuuto "had a hard time as a child, unwilling but not incapable of caring for others. Reasons for this stem from many different areas of his life, including the fact his parents died when he was young which left him with his older sister, Chiyu - the normal parent-child relationship unable to be created. Chiyu, although being a loving older sister, often leaves her younger brother alone while she visits different cities around Japan in pursuit of her career as a Tour Guide. This means Yuuto is often left alone for a number of months at a time. Yuuto, prior to transferring to Akademi High School in second year, was often bullied at school for being too quiet and isolating himself". Kind of want to explore him some more, too :'( Curse this tag game, making me want to hug my old OCs.
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