#scraggy the pigeon
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runawaycarouselhorse · 6 months ago
And now, you know why the Pidove line is Like That, poor birdbrains.
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r/stupiddovenests features so many mourning doves which is insane to me i didnt know they were so bad at this. always thought the bad nests was a feral pigeon thing
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blossoms-phan · 5 months ago
rescuing steve the pigeon is a phil comfort video and one of the top pieces of hiatus content that shit was so serious if you weren’t there you could never understand how earth shattering it was to see dan filming in the elevator and actually talking and laughing behind the camera and filming phil on the sofa in their lounge like omggggggg him filming phil sitting outside talking to the vet and walking the streets of london and his laugh when steve comes back all healed is so dear to me like you just know in that quarantine they spent hours watching steve and scraggy and the other birds on their balcony just going “aw that’s us :)”
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lavalamps-and-ladydoors · 5 days ago
7:14 am. thinking about Steve and Scraggy. no one tell me the life expectancy of a london pigeon. i think that could possibly be my final straw. hope you're doing well my feathered friends.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
So this Au still needs a name, BUT
I have figured out what Most of the pokemon evolved from! It only took uh, lemme look at a clock, a week or three!
For those not interested in clicking a link, it's a pokemon/dc crossover but pokemon is straight up just a Gotham thing. Like, the flora and fauna and everything else have become corrupted/ mutated/ adapted, etc into strange creatures with stranger abilities thanks to the chemicals, magic, death pits, curses, and everything else all mixing together.
So anyway, have a list of what each pokemon originally were before Gotham got a hold of them. Some things brought into Gotham (such as via zoos, museums, or rogues or whatever) and others always there. Do keep in mind I am (mostly) not including Legendaries because I'm still not sure if I want those in the Au yet lol.
Vulpix Lines (Foxes) 
Growlithe Lines (Large Dog Breeds) 
Abra Line (Fox) 
Snubbul Line (Bulldog Mix Breed) 
Houndour Line (Medium Dog Breeds) 
Smeargle (Beagle Mix Breed) 
Poochyena Line (Hyena) 
Electrike Line (Maned Wolf) 
Absol (Samoyed Mix Breed) 
Riolu Line (Egyptian Wolf) 
Lillipup Line (Terrier Mix Breed) 
Zorua Lines (Wolf) 
Fennekin Line (Fox) 
Furfrou (Poodle Mix Breed) 
Rockruff Lines (Akita Mix Breed) 
Nickit Line (Red Fox) 
Yamper Line (Small Dog Breeds) 
Fidough Line (Dachshund Mix Breed) 
Greavard Line (Sheepdog Mix Breed) 
Meowth Lines (Domestic Cats) 
Eevee Lines (Domestic Cats) 
Skitty Line (Shorthair Cat) 
Shinx Line (Lynx) 
Glameow Line (Domestic Cat) 
Purrloin Line (Domestic Cat) 
Litleo Line (Lion) 
Espurr Line (Folded-Ear Cat) 
Litten Line (Tiger) 
Sprigatito Line (Lynx) 
Rattata Line (Domestic Rat) 
Alolan Rattata (Wild Rat) 
Pikachu Lines (House Mouse) 
Clefairy Line (Chinchilla) 
Azurill Line (Vole) 
Plusle (Long-Eared Woodrat)
Minun (Long-Eared Woodrat) 
Bidoof Line (Beaver) 
Pachirisu (Squirrel) 
Minccino Line (Chinchilla) 
Emolga (Flying Squirrel) 
Chespin Line (Chipmunk) 
Dedenne (Gerbil) 
Togedemaru (Spiny Rat) 
Skwovet Line (Red Squirrel) 
Morpeko (Guinea Pig) 
Pawmi Line (Viscacha)
Tandemaus (Field Mouse)
Pidgey Line (Waxwings) 
Spearow Line (Sparrow) 
Doduo Line (Kiwi Bird) 
Magby Line (Duck) 
Hoothoot Line (Horned Owl) 
Togepi Line (Chicken Eggs) 
Natu Line (Quail) 
Murkrow Line (Crows) 
Delibird (Penguin) 
Skarmory (Condor) 
Torchic Line (Chicken) 
Taillow Line (Barn Swallow) 
Wingull Line (Seagull) 
Swablu Line (Lorikeet) 
Piplup Line (Penguin) 
Starly Line (Starling) 
Chatot (Parrot) 
Pidove Line (Pigeon) 
Ducklett Line (Swan) 
Rufflet Line (Eagle) 
Vullaby Line (Vulture) 
Fletchling Line (Robin) 
Spritzee Line (Grosbeak) 
Hawlucha (Raptor Bird) 
Rowlett Line (Owl) 
Pikipek Line (Toucans) 
Oricorio(s) (Honeycreepers) 
Rookidee Line (Corvid) 
Cramorant (Cormorant)
Eiscue (Penguin) 
Quaxly Line (Duck) 
Squawkabilly (Parakeet) 
Wattrel Line (Petrel) 
Flittle Line (Ostrich) 
Bombirdier (Stork) 
Flamigo (Flamingo) 
Charmander Line (Newt) 
Squirtle Line (Box Turtle) 
Ekans Line (Ringneck Snake) 
Lapras (Sea Turtle) 
Dratini Line (Sea Snake) 
Totodile Line (Alligator) 
Dunsparce Line (Snake) 
Larvitar Line (Spiny Lizard) 
Treecko Line (Leaf-Tailed Lizard) 
Aron Line (Terrapin) 
Torkoal (Snapping Turtle) 
Seviper (Viper) 
Kecleon (Chameleon) 
Turtwig Line (Box Turtle) 
Snivy Line (Vine Snake) 
Sandile Line (Crocodile) 
Scraggy Line (Lizard) 
Tirtouga Line (Sea Turtle) 
Helioptile Line (Frilled-Neck Lizard) 
Salandit Line (Skink) 
Turtonator (Sideneck Turtle) 
Jangmo-o Line (Geckos) 
Sobble Line (Basilisk Lizard) 
Chewtle Line (Snapping Turtle) 
Silicobra Line (Cobra) 
Fuecoco Line (Crocodile) 
Cyclizar Lines (Anole) 
Bulbasaur Line (Toad) 
Poliwag Lines (Tadpool) 
Slowpoke Lines (Salamander) 
Lickitung (Tailed Frog) 
Happiny Line (Axolotl) 
Wooper Lines (Axolotl) 
Bagon Line (Salamander) 
Croagunk Line (Frog) 
Tympole Line (Toad) 
Froakie Line (Frog) 
Toxel Line (Salamander) 
Tadbulb Line (Green Frog) 
Fish & Sealife 
Tentacool Line (Jellyfish) 
Shellder Line (Clam) 
Horse Line (Seahorses) 
Goldeen Line (Goldfish) 
Staryu Line (Starfish) 
Magikarp Line (Karp) 
Omanyte Line (Nautilus) 
Chinchou Line (Anglerfish) 
Qwilfish Lines (Pufferfish) 
Corsola Lines (Coral) 
Remoraid Line (Remoras) 
Mantine Line (Manta Ray) 
Mudkip Line (Mudskippers)
Gulpin Line (Sculpin Fish) 
Carvanha Line (Piranha) 
Wailmer Line (Whale) 
Barboach Line (Loach) 
Lileep Line (Crinoid) 
Feebas Line (Bass) 
Clamperl Line (Clam) 
Relicanth (Coelacanth) 
Luvdisc (Discus Fish) 
Gible Line (Shark) 
Finneon Line (Freshwater Butterflyfish) 
Basculin Line (Sea Bass) 
Frillish Lines (Jellyfish) 
Alomomola (Mola Mola Fish) 
Tynamo Line (Electric Eel) 
Stunfisk(s) (Stargazer Fish) 
Inkay Line (Squid) 
Binacle Line (Barnacle)
Skrelp Line (Leafy Seadragon) 
Wishiwashi (Herring/Anchovies) 
Mareanie Line (Crown of Thorns Starfish) 
Pyukumuku (Sea Cucumber) 
Bruxish (Triggerfish) 
Arrokuda Line (Barracuda) 
Clobbopus Line (Octopus) 
Hatenna Line (Jellyfish) 
Pincurchin (Urchin) 
Wiglett Line (Garden Eel) 
Finizen (Dolphin) 
Glimmet Line (Sea Anemone) 
Cetoddle Line (Whale) 
Veluza (Hake Fish) 
Dondozo (Catfish) 
Krabby Line (Crab) 
Kabuto Line (Horseshoe Crab) 
Corphish Line (Crawfish) 
Dwebble Line (Hermit Crab) 
Clauncher Line (Lobster) 
Crabrawler Line (Crab) 
Klawf (Velvet Crab) 
Caterpie Line (Butterfly) 
Weedle Line (Bee Larva) 
Paras Line (Cicada Nymph) 
Venonat Line (Swallowtail Moth) 
Scyther (Praying Mantis) 
Pinsir (Stag Beetle) 
Ledyba Line (Ladybug)
Yanma Line (Dragonfly) 
Pineco Line (Bagworm) 
Heracross (Rhino Beetle) 
Wurmple Lines (Spiked Caterpillars) 
Surskit Line (Water Skater) 
Nincada Lines (Cicada) 
Volbeat (Lightning Bug) 
Illumise (Lightning Bug) 
Trapinch Line (Antlion) 
Kricketot Line (Cricket) 
Burmy Lines (Bagworm) 
Combee Line (Honeybee) 
Sewaddle Line (Leaf Insect) 
Venipede Line (Centipede) 
Karrablast Line (Carabid Beetle) 
Pawniard Line (Beetle) 
Durant (Ant) 
Larvesta Line (Atlas Moth) 
Scatterbug Line (Butterfly) 
Grubbin Line (Stag Beetle) 
Cutiefly Line (Bee Fly) 
Fomantis Line (Orchid Mantis) 
Wimpod Line (Isopod) 
Blipbug Line (Ladybird) 
Sizzlipede Line (Centipede)
Snom Line (Jewel Caterpillar) 
Nymble Line (Grasshopper) 
Rellor Line (Scarab Beetle) 
Spinarak Line (Smiling Spider) 
Skorupi Line (Scorpion)
Joltik (Jumping Spider)
Dewpider (Diving Bell Spider) 
Tarountula Line (Orb Weaver) 
Slugma Line (Iron Snail) 
Shellos Lines (Sea Slugs)
Shelmet Line (Snail) 
Goomy Lines (Slug & Snail) 
Ponyta Lines (Domestic Horses) 
Drowzee Line (Tapir) 
Rhyhorn Line (Rhino) 
Tauros(es) (Large Horned Cows) 
Mareep Line (Sheep) 
Girafarig Line (Giraffe) 
Swinub Line (Mangalica Pigs) 
Phanpy Line (Elephant) 
Stantler Line (Deer) 
Miltank (Milk Cow) 
Numel Line (Camel) 
Spoink Line (Teacup Pig) 
Hippopotas Line (Hippo) 
Tepig Line (Domestic Pig) 
Blitzle Line (Zebra) 
Deerling Line (Deer) 
Bouffalant (Buffalo) 
Skiddo Line (Goat) 
Mudbray Line (Mule) 
Wooloo Line (Sheep) 
Cufant Line (Elephant) 
Lechonk Line (Pig) 
Mankey Line (Barbary Macaque) 
Aipom Line (Squirrel Monkey) 
Meditite Line (Indri) 
Chimchar Line (Chimpanzee) 
Pansage Line (Capuchin Monkey)
Pansear Line (Capuchin Monkey)
Panpour Line (Capuchin Monkey)
Darumaka Lines (Gibbon) 
Oranguru (Orangutan) 
Grookey Line (Gorilla) 
Sandshrew Lines (Armadillo) 
Nidoran Lines (Hedgehog) 
Jigglypuff Line (Capybara) 
Zubat Line (Bat) 
Diglett Line (Mole) 
Psyduck Line (Platypus) 
Seel Line (Seals) 
Cubone Lines (Wombat) 
Kangaskhan (Kangaroo) 
Snorlax (Bear) 
Cyndaquil Lines (Echidna) 
Sentret Line (Ferret) 
Gligar Line (Scorpionfly) 
Teddiursa Line (Brown Bear) 
Sneasel Lines (Weasel) 
Zigzagoon Lines (Raccoon) 
Slakoth Line (Sloth) 
Whismur Line (Rabbit) 
Spinda (Panda) 
Zangoose (Mongoose) 
Spheal Line (Walrus) 
Buizel Line (River Otter) 
Buneary Line (Rabbit) 
Stunky Line (Skunk) 
Oshawott Lines (Sea Otter) 
Patrat Line (Meerkat) 
Woobat Line (Bat) 
Drilbur Line (Mole) 
Auduno (Pika) 
Cubchoo Line (Polar Bear) 
Mienfoo Line (Ermine) 
Heatmoor (Anteater) 
Bunnelby Line (Hare) 
Pancham Line (Panda) 
Noibat Line (Bat) 
Popplio Line (Sea Lion) 
Yungoos Line (Mongoose) 
Passimian (Lemur) 
Komola (Koala) 
Scorbunny Line (Wild Hare) 
Shroodle Line (Tenrecs) 
Living Fossils & Dinosaurs
Aerodactyl (Pterosaur) 
Anorith Line (Anomalocaris) 
Cranidos Line (Pachycephalosaurus) 
Shieldon Line (Ceratops) 
Archen Line (Archaeopteryx) 
Axew Line (Hadrosaurid) 
Tyrunt Line (Tyrannosaurus) 
Amaura Line (Amargasaurus) 
Dracozolt (Raptor-Rex) 
Arctozolt (Raptor-Plesiosaur)
Dracovish (Dunkleosteus-Rex) 
Dreepy Line (Diplocaulus)
Great Tusk (Mammoth) 
Slither Wing (Prehistoric Lepidoptera)
Roaring Moon (Unknown Fossil/Time Travel)
Walking Wake (Dryptosaurus) 
Gouging Fire (Styracosaurus) 
Raging Bolt (Brontosaurus) 
Living Plants & Fungi 
Oddish Lines (Mandrake) 
Bellsprout Line (Pitcher Plant) 
Exeggcute Lines (Palm Seeds) 
Tangela Line (Seagrass) 
Chikorita Line (Pear) 
Hoppip Line (Dandelion) 
Sunkern Line (Sunflower) 
Shuckle (Slime Mold) 
Lotad Line (Lilypad) 
Seedot Line (Acorn) 
Shroomish Line (Mushroom) 
Budew Line (Rose) 
Cacnea Line (Cactus) 
Tropius (Banana Tree) 
Cherubi Line (Cherries) 
Carnivine (Venus Flytrap) 
Snover Line (Pine) 
Cottonee Line (Cotton Plants)
Petilil Lines (Lily Flower) 
Maractus (Flowering Cactus) 
Foongus Line (Mushrooms) 
Ferroseed Line (Durian Fruit) 
Flabebe Line (Flower) 
Pumpkaboo Line (Pumpkin) 
Morelull Line (Hallucinogenic Fungi) 
Bounsweet Line (Mangosteen) 
Comfey (Flowering Vine) 
Gossifleur Line (Cotton Plant) 
Applin Lines (Apples) 
Smoliv Line (Olive & Olive Tree) 
Bramblin Line (Thorns) 
Toadscool Line (Toadstool) 
Capsakid Line (Peppers) 
Stone & Gemstone
Geodude Lines (Rocks) 
Onix Line (Stone) 
Nosepass Line (Stone Statue) 
Sableye (Gemstones) 
Lunatone (Rock Carving) 
Solrock (Rock Carving)
Roggenrola Line (Geode) 
Druddigon (Gargoyle) 
Golett Line (Stone Statues) 
Carbink (Diamond) 
Diancie (Pink Diamond) 
Sandygast Line (Sand) 
Minior (Meteor) 
Stakataka (Stone Bricks) 
Rolycoly Line (Coal) 
Stonjourner (Stone Brick) 
Objects & Material
Magnemite Line (Magnets) 
Grimer Lines (Toxic Waste) 
Voltorb Lines (Balls) 
Porygon Line (Digital Data) 
Bonsly Line (Fake Trees) 
Wynaut Line (Doll) 
Baltoy Line (Clay Doll)
Shuppet Line (Doll) 
Duskull Line (Skull) 
Chimecho (Wind Chime) 
Drifloon Line (Balloon) 
Chingling (Bell) 
Bronzor Line (Mirror) 
Rotom (Digital Virus) 
Shaymin (Chia Pet) 
Munna Line (Pillow) 
Yamask Lines (Old Masks) 
Trubbish Line (Trash) 
Gothita Line (Dress) 
Solosis Line (Giant Cell) 
Klink Line (Gears) 
Litwick Line (Candles) 
Cryogonal (Ice) 
Honedge Line (Sword) 
Klefki (Keychains) 
Bergmite Lines (Ocean Ice) 
Stufful Line (Teddy Bear) 
Dhelmise (Ship Anchor) 
Xurkitree (Wiring) 
Meltan Line (Mercury) 
Sinistea Line (Teaset) 
Falinks (Toy) 
Duraludon Line (Skyscrapers/Bridges) 
Nacli Line (Salt) 
Charcadet Lines (Armour) 
Varoom Line (Engines) 
Vanillite Line (Ice Cream) 
Swirlix Line (Cotton Candy) 
Milcery Line (Cream) 
Tatsugiri(s) (Sushi) 
Poltchageist Line (Matcha Tea) 
‘Unknown’ Origins 
Machop Line
Gastly Line (Ghosts) 
Tyrogue Lines
Koffing Lines (Poison Gases) 
Elekid Line
Misdreavus Line (Ghosts) 
Unown(s) (Runes) 
Ralts Lines (Dolls) 
Makuhita Line
Mawile (Yokai) 
Castform (Paper Doll) 
Snorunt Line
Spritomb (Lazarus Pit)
Deino Line 
Phantump (Forest Child Ghost) 
Mimikyu (Lone Ghost Children) 
Marshadow (Shadows) 
Impidimp Line (Children) 
Tinkatink Line 
Orthworm (Earth Worms) 
Altered Via Outside Influence 
Beldum Line (Alien Technology) 
Deoxys (Alien DNA & Cloning) 
Elgyem (Alien Technology) 
Genesect (Alien Tech & Cloning) 
Iron Moth (Luthor Tech & Alien Tech) 
Iron Thorns (Luthor Tech & Alien Tech) 
Iron Valiant (Wayne Collab) 
Iron Leaves (Wayne Collab)
Iron Crown (Wayne Collab)
Iron Boulder (Wayne Collab)
⏵Most non-sapient plant variation has happened in things such as berries & fruits 
⏵It’s noted that many of the creatures show signs of convergent evolution to other animals & plants, especially in further mutations
⏵Several animals & other things not native to Gotham or New Jersey were brought in as experiments or for the Gotham Zoo which were affected over time
Like IRL Animals & Plants, They Can Have Mutations & Color Variations:
Normal color/Pattern [Very Common]
“Shinies” [Uncommon color variant] 
Piebaldism/Vitiligo [Patches of no melanism] 
Albinism [No melanism] 
Leucism [No melanism save for eyes] 
Melanism [Excess black] 
Erythrism [Excess red] 
Axanthism [No yellow & more blue] 
Xanthochromism [Excess yellow] 
Chimerism [2 offspring fused] 
Gynandromorphism [Split & both male/female]
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geneslovee · 4 years ago
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human!steve and human!scraggy drawn by yours truly and @possumnest :]
click for better quality!
@amazingphil @danielhowell
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i-could-bee-an-angel · 4 years ago
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I miss them a lot okay 😭
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thetruequeenoftheabyss · 5 years ago
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I drew Steve and Scraggy because I love them
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unorthodoxsavvy · 5 years ago
Trying To Catch And Rescue A WILD Pigeon (fic)
This fic is for the wonderful @ttlmt who I know you all are already following wile they’re away as a coming-back present (and for a thank you for using their bad luck with timing of Phil uploading videos to give us not one but 2 new Phil videos while they have no service and cannot watch them).
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.6k
Characters: Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Steve the Pigeon, Scraggy the Pigeon
Ships: Dan x Phil, Steve x Scraggy
Find me on Wattpad
Phil was sitting on the couch, legs on top of Dan’s, scrolling through his twitter notifications, when one caught his eye.
“please help steve. his foot is injured and he might get really sick !!”
Phil went back to the photos and videos he’d shared of Steve for a closer look. They were right- Phil could see what looked like a piece of rope that had become tangled around the poor pale pigeon’s foot and it looked as if it was cutting off circulation. 
Phil showed the photo to Dan.
“Why don’t you put some more seed out and try and get a better look? You know he’ll show up if you do.”
So that’s what Phil did.
Phil sat right up against the sliding glass door, nose almost pressed to the glass and fogging it up slightly. When Steve swooped down to start eating, Phil could really see his foot. It was swollen and whatever had gotten wrapped around it was frayed, almost as if he’d had to free himself from being stuck on something but hadn’t gotten it all off, just managed to cut himself loose. It was bent inward slightly.
Phil sighed sadly. Of course he was going to help Steve, he loved Steve, but how?
Well, he knew the best thing to do would be to call an expert, so he moved outside to get comfortable and looked up the number for the RSPCA on his laptop.
The automated system picked up, stating that unless it was an emergency, than to please wait.
Was this an emergency? It wasn’t a pet, but it was in danger, Phil thought. He didn’t know how long it’d been tied around his foot, and he didn’t know how much longer Steve could hold out on his own- but this was a wild pigeon… it didn’t matter to him, of course- an animal in trouble was an animal in trouble. But he didn’t know the policies here, so he decided to send an email.
He expected them to confirm that it was not a big deal, and was surprised when the answer he received implored him to take care of Steve as soon as possible, as this was an emergency, and to call them right away.
Phil dialed again and waited for someone to pick up.
“Steve what?”
“Oh my name! I thought you meant the pigeon’s name,” Phil laughed awkwardly, remembering that some places called pets in by their names instead of their owner’s. It wasn’t so far-fetched, right?
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Dan filming him on his phone.
Phil listened to the professional on the other end of the line, using his computer to look up things like addresses for offices to help and phone number for local vets, but they stressed that it would be best if Phil could catch Steve himself. Of course Phil agreed to, and hung up.
“What did they say?” Dan asked from behind the camera.
“They want us to catch Steve and bring him to a vet.”
“How the hell are you supposed to catch a bloody pigeon?”
“I don’t know!”
Phil started looking up methods to catch a pigeon.
“This one says to throw a towel over it, but that seems traumatizing.”
“As if you could ever manage to do that,” Dan scoffed.
“This one says to trap it under a box! How are you supposed to get it out from under the box! It’ll just fly away!”
Dan stopped filming and put his phone down to sit across from Phil at their patio table.
“Why can’t you just convince him to come inside or something? He’s already half way there.”
“How are we going to catch him inside?” Phil asked, but just then his eye caught a phrase on page 2 of his google search. 
“What if we train him to climb into a pet carrier,” Phil asked, focused on the page the link had brought him to.
“I mean that sounds more manageable than anything else you’ve found.”
So they went and bought a pet carrier.
Phil had Dan film him talking about his plan of putting seed in the carrier to lure Steve in gently as well as him explaining how he’d packed a towel in the bottom for maximum comfort.
Dan and Phil, though mostly Phil, over the next few weeks, made sure to try their best to only feed Steve and place heaping amounts of encouraging seed in the pet carrier. A new pigeon had shown up as well that Phil had named “Scraggy” because of her disheveled appearance, but she’d taken a liking to Steve. Phil knew he needed to help Steve get better so he could be reunited with his lovely Scraggy.
While this training was going on, Phil had taken to emailing various vets around the area looking for help. One responded kindly that they’d be willing to make an appointment for Steve. Eventually, though, they had stopped replying and Phil decided to pluck up te courage to make a phone call. It was for Steve, after all.
Phil had Dan film him again as he made an appointment for Wednesday.
Everything was set, and the only thing left to do was to catch Steve on that fateful Wednesday morning.
What could go wrong?
Wednesday morning arrive.
There was no sign of Steve.
Finally, after waiting around for hours, Dan spotted him in the tree.
“Get the carrier out,” Phil instructed.
“If he flies away when you come near it, how are you going to close the door?”
Phil’s eyes drifted in thought.
“Oh! What if we tie a string around it and close it by pulling the strong from inside?”
Dan rolled his eyes.
“Our lives are already a cartoon plot, might as well.”
And so that’s what they did.
Except, they didn’t have any string. Or yarn. Or anything, really. All they had were cords. 
Dan offered up his spare phone charging cord and started filming Phil tying it around the cage door.
“Alright, why don’t you pull it closed while filming and then I’ll run over and lock it shut.”
Dan looked up at him.
“Are you serious?” 
“Yes?” Phil smiled sheepishly.
Dan made a big deal of huffing and puffing about the plan but Phil knew that Dan would do it for him.
Phil sat the pet carrier full of seed laid upon the towel on their porch.
Dan crouched behind their ottomon watching as Steve slowly made his way into the pet carrier.
“Now,” Phil said when Steve was inside.
Dan pulled the phone charger.
Steve’s tail got stuck in the door but Phil was there in a second to push the door closed, and by that time Steve had already taken another step in. Scraggy was right behind the pet carrier, confused.
“Sorry Steve.” Dan zoomed in on the pet carrier. “We’re trying to rescue you.”
Scraggy waited patiently on the porch.
“Alright let’s head out.”
Phil walked down the street holding the pet carrier with Steve inside while Dan walked next to him and filmed.
The foot and car traffic were insane that afternoon, of course.
They made it to the vet without much incident, and the vet assistant met them at the door. They reassured Phil that Steve would “probably be fine” (which Phil didn’t like the sound of), and promised to call him with an update when they were done.
It was then Steve was handed over from the care of two bumbling idiots to animal medical professionals.
The two of them walked back home to wait.
It was only two hours, which, when you thought about it, didn’t seem too long, but for Phil it felt like ages.
Finally Phil noticed he had a voicemail, and had Dan record him while he played it out loud.
“I’m just calling you to let you know that the pigeon that you brought in to us is all done! He’s alright, we got the string off his foot, he did have to loose a toe unfortunately, but they adapt to that very quickly.”
“Do you want to pick him up now?” Dan asked after the recording was finished playing and Phil had finished talking to the camera.
“Yes, please.”
They walked back to the vet and picked up their bird.
They ended up needing to go in their lift to get back to their flat, which they had already ridden down to get to the street on their way out, and Phil wondered what it was like for Steve to ascend vertically without actually flying, and if he could tell they even were from inside the pet carrier.
Finally, it was Phil and Steve on the porch once more while Dan filmed.
Phil made a moment of opening the door to the pet carrier while the cacophony of London sirens clashed in the background. Phil had just put some more bird seed up on their feeder a moment before as an apology for Steve. To Phil’s surprise and delight, Steve flew up onto their railing area and then hopped down onto the feeder.
Dan and Phil laughed.
“I thought he’d be scared of me, but he’s just like ‘food?’” Phil bent down smiling to the camera.
Quickly he was joined by Scraggy, and the two of them sat in the feeder eating away as if nothing had happened.
Phil shuffled back inside.
Over the next few weeks Steve kept returning with Scraggy, and to Phil it looked like they were even building a nest. Phil knew that he couldn’t have Steve dependent on the birdseed alone forever and pledged to started weening him off the food.
Maybe some day in the future they’d have baby Scraggy and Steves.
And hopefully, if they did, none of them needed to be brought to the vet.
However, Dan and Phil had already proven to themselves that if that were the case, they were ready.
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bee-dot-exe · 4 years ago
Birb loaf
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Phil’s Instagram Story | November 12, 2020
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Drawing idea (if u like) Dip and pip saying goodbye to scraggy 😢
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ty for the idea! i may have gotten a little bit emotional while drawing this :'3
check out your local animal shelter to how u can support them! (bcspca)
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artofthephan · 4 years ago
Steve and Scraggy in love 💘
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bonus: Steve and Scraggy on holiday
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created on "Happy Color" digital coloring app in the Google app store
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pjsforestkid · 5 years ago
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love birds
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the-vibes-arent-right · 5 years ago
The vibes are IMMACULATE here
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is-the-pigeon-ok · 3 years ago
Have you seen amazingphil’s videos about the pigeon from his deck? What do you think of them? I’m glad that took him to the vet when needed but I’d like to know what you think about the rest!
The handling, feeding, and initial care of these birds by Phil is excellent,
But they have been left to die, and he has no idea, because the "experts" gave him information that does not apply to domestic animals.
Steve is a beautiful ash red pied feral.
It bothers me that he AND the vets keep calling Steve a wild animal.
That could not be a less wild animal...
Phil has taken absolutely ideal care of this pigeon, up to the unfortunate release point.
The actual capture and handling is exactly how wary pigeons should be acclimated to a carrier.
The vets fed steve less appropriately than Phil did, which is intensely disappointing.
Pigeons should not be given bread!!!
ESPECIALLY not in large chunks like that!
It can cause crop rot and intestinal blockages. At best, it's just nutritionally insufficient, which is the last thing a bird fighting an infection needs.
Phil's choice of seed is a healthy blend, and he very carefully, very kindly built up a trusting relationship with this bird.
The vet should have given Steve time to heal from the obvious infection in his hair foot.
That was not wire, it was human hair, which has far higher tensile strength than animal fur and is more flexible than horse hair.
Feral pigeons missing toes or entire feet usually lose them to entanglement in shed or discarded human hair.
Their beaks are quite a dextrous pair of flexible tweezers, but in the attempt to pull an offending hair off of their feet, they tend to tighten it, and once swelling pushes the hair between their foot scales, they can't reach to do anything else about it anymore.
Wild animals should not be acclimated to people and fed, and were this a wild animal, weaning him off seed would be the correct thing to do.
Pigeons are not wild animals, even in England.
There are wild Rock Doves in the seaside cliffs of southwestern Europe that could conceivably reach the foraging grounds used by domestic pigeons, but they have an intense fear of humans that had been bred out of the domestic birds.
That is an intrinsic part of what makes them domestic.
Steve has been released with an active infection that was medicated once, at best.
And his stable food source was taken away.
Again, this is NOT a wild animal!!!
This is the avian equivalent of a stray dog.
It is no longer a Rock Dove, any more than a magy stray dog is a wolf.
Scraggy's feathers are nasty like that because something is very wrong with her.
That is not a molt. Her feathers are louse eaten to the point where she will very soon be mechanically incapable of flight.
For them to get to that condition in the first place, something has to be preventing her from preening.
You can see in the updates of Steve that his feathers are losing quality, especially around his face, and his wattle and eyes are moist.
Those birds are both sick, and have now lost their friend and provider.
On top of that, they are building a nest.
Egg laying and peep rearing takes a lot out of healthy adults.
Their survival is very unlikely, through no fault of Phil's, who was simply following the directions of "experts" who should know better.
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pinof · 3 years ago
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steve and scraggy are still thriving at the old flat and now the forever home has its own pigeons living in the cherry blossom tree 😭 poetic
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boxhowell · 4 years ago
i miss phil :( hey mr. amazing can u pls come and put some stuff in ur new soda stream or eat some funky cheese or maybe even tell us about you getting bit by the new pigeons that hang around your house bc you were missing steve and scraggy? i just need a little something :(
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