#scps x reader
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wolveria · 8 months ago
The Anomaly Archives
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This is our official report into the findings of the subject in question. They are precise, well-documented, and without embellishment or hyperbole. What lies herein is a full accounting of the events that bear the most significant and urgent scrutiny. We will relay our findings once we are satisfied with judgement. We do not take this lightly. And neither should you.
(Explicit, 18+ only, various SCPs x reader)
Playlist (The Raven's Hymn + The Anomaly Archives):
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Reality #001: SCP-049
Reality #002: SCP-049
Reality #003: SCP-049
Reality #004: SCP-035
Reality #005: Kenneth
Reality #006: SCP-1471
Reality #007: SCP-1233
Reality #007-2: SCP-1233
Reality #009: The Alphabet Memo
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blackmoonowl · 1 month ago
Hear me out escaped 049 with a normal reader who has no idea of the foundation
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛
ꨄ Pairing: SCP-049 x reader
ꨄ Summary: Based on an older oneshot I made years ago. We are so fucking back.
ꨄ Word Count: 1110 words
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People had been going missing.
Some that you know, some that you didn't. It all happened suddenly in the span of a few weeks in the small, sleepy town you were staying in. Normal everyday people were disappearing on their way to work, after a night out, some even vanishing from their homes. Unfortunately, that didn't mean they stayed missing. The hairs were standing up on the back of your neck as you walked past yet another crime scene. Another missing person that came back disfigured and completely crazed. The local police surrounded the homeless man, ushering people away, locals and news reporters aside.
Deciding to indulge your morbid curiosity, you decided to halt. You pried your way through the small crowd to get a closer look at the newest victim. The first responders were already covering the victims body with a tarp, but you could vaguely make out the stitching done on his bare torso. One of his arms was missing and his eyes were wide open, coloured a milky white.
That was about all you got to see, as a police officer walked over to you and a few other bystanders.
"Got enough of a look? This is a private crime scene, get out of here!" A few people scoffed at the officer's harsh tone. You didn't take it too personally, though. Lord knows the poor woman had seen enough already.
You decided to just move on, not bothering to look back at the remaining crowd. Most of them would go home eventually, given the curfew. It was a vain attempt to prevent more people from getting claimed by whatever serial killer was out there. Well, you couldn't really call whoever it was a serial killer, given everyone who returned was technically alive. You kept your eyes ahead of you, trying to focus on the dark road ahead. You knew you were taking a risk being out here at all. Your eyes trailed to the trees that surrounded the outskirts as you lost yourself in thought.
And that's when you saw it.
If it weren't for the figure's white mask, you wouldn't have noticed them at all. Their black robes did a great job hiding them among the shadows. It looked like someone wearing a plague doctors costume. It was likely some sort of sick joke, thought up by some guy without a life, you tried to reason. But there was something about the situation that made your stomach turn. The figure was shamelessly staring at you, almost as if they were observing your actions. You were frozen in place, staring right back at them. Every instinct was screaming at you to run, but it was like you were glued to the ground. The tall figure remained still as well, though seemed far more composed than you. The figure raised a gloved hand, beckoning for you to come closer.
You weren't falling for that, you shook your head before taking your eyes off the figure, powerwalking down the path. The sooner you got home, the sooner you were away from whoever this was. When you glanced back, the figure was gone, only making your blood feel colder in your veins. Picking up the pace, you rounded as many corners as you could. You wanted to run home but leading that creep straight to your front door wasn't the best choice. You took refuge under a streetlamp, your surroundings eerily empty. The silence was deafening as you slowly regained your composure.
"I assure you, there is no need to be frightened."
You had no idea how you didn't hear the figure coming. The strange sounding, masculine voice sounded a few meters away from you. There the plague doctor stood, hands clasped behind his back. The figure tilted their head slightly.
"I understand you may not feel at ease. Worry not, for I am a doctor." The figure approached you once more, causing you to step back.
"You did all this, didn't you?" The distinct sound of disdain inevitably crept up in your voice. "What the hell did you even do to them?"
"Yes... what had to be done was... unfortunate. I have been kept from furthering my research for so long, the pestilence has been able to spread freely. I truly am sorry I was not able to aid sooner."
"What do you mean by that?" Your voice was a mere hiss through your teeth. The plague doctor let out an almost disappointed sigh.
"I have made peace with the unfortunate fact no one else understands the insidious nature of the pestilence. But fear not, I am here to cure you of this affliction. If you truly knew what horrors the disease spreads... you would thank me for my work." The figure reached out for you, but you were quick in stepping away. The doctor let out a sigh, slowly lowering his hand.
"You killed those people... because of an imaginary disease. That's all their life was worth to you!" You snapped. You didn't care if anyone heard you, at least then someone could bail you out of this situation. Your words seemed to offend the plague doctor.
"Every life is worth something to me." His voice was stern as he visibly tensed. "I have spent countless years dedicating my life to curing this ailment while my fellow men of science mock my work, while people like you call me a monster. Yet I persist, because I care!" His outburst left you speechless, and the doctor took a few deep breaths, calming himself down.
"I... apologize... that was uncalled for. Refrain from such comments in the future, if you will, however." His shoulders relaxed as he peered at you from behind the eye holes in his mask.
"Future? What the hell do you mean by that?" You asked, taking another step back.
"I shall need to keep you close. Although the pestilence hasn't spread throughout you entirely just yet, I will need to monitor for your own well being. I trust you have no qualms about this?" The way he was so casual about it would have been comical if your entire way of life wasn't being threatened.
"I'm going home," you firmly replied, backing away further. You saw his eyes narrow at that comment. Footsteps sounded behind you, before your back met a solid surface. It was a small group of people, distorted faces you vaguely recognized from the poster. With nowhere left for you to run, the doctor approached you. He stopped right in front of you, the beak of his mask was centimeters away from your nose.
"I fear you have very little choice, doctors orders."
𓅓 Masterpost
𓅓 Consider supporting me! (Ko-fi)
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bitedownme · 5 months ago
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bertieorangy · 8 months ago
Y/N type 1 : Man, that character’s hot 🥰
Y/N type 1 : I’d like to hold hands with them or something, only if they wanted to 👉👈
Y/N type 2 : I’d like them to take me in the kitchen—
Y/N type 2 : bend me over the stove and spank me with a spatula
Y/N type 1 : huh?? 😰
Y/N type 2 : then I’d like them to take me to the bedroom—
Y/N type 1 : what happened to “hi, how are you” ??? 😭😭
Y/N type 2 : —kiss me so hard that I can’t breathe
Y/N type 2 : in fact, I’m going to put this in my username so that this is the first thing anyone know—
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moon-buggg · 8 months ago
If I smooches SCP Sun, would he turn into a space heater?
in a word?
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He can control them to an extent, but they're extremely tied to his emotional state. Positive emotions create light and a comfortable/safe level of heat, while things like anger trigger more extreme defensive uses. With yn? He's the worlds biggest heating pad and you are liable to get minor burns if you cuddle with him for too long- or surprise him, for that matter. He overheats quickly when flustered
Best give him a warning before you try any affection, or invest in some really good eye protection if you dont want to get flashbanged lmao
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imagine-darksiders · 2 months ago
Absolute Anarchy - chapter 2
The Bull.
A Darksiders/Scp au.
Cw: Animal death, threat, guns, shooting, references to goring, livestock, abuse, blood.
Two days.
By your count, it’s been two days since you were pulled from the SCP’s cell and tossed unceremoniously back into your own with Mullins’s gloat echoing in your ear.
“Enjoy solitary, Scuzz.”
A slammed door, a buzzing overhead light, and nothing but your peeling wallpaper and creaky bed springs to keep you company…
Two days is beginning to feel like an eternity.
You have to remind yourself that it’s not.
They’ve only given you four meals, after all.
Taking a mental account of the trays that are shoved through the slat in your door is just about the only way you can measure the passage of time in here. Two meals a day, morning and evening. That’s the facility’s standard. And they’re all ‘served’ to you with the decorum of throwing slop to a pig.
Apparently, you revoked your rights to eat in the mess hall with the other D-Class after you refused to follow orders to shoot at the new SCP, or so you assume.
The first day was embarrassing, to say the least. You spent it in a state of near-complete hysteria, wailing and pitching a fit at the locked door, out of your mind with fear that at any moment, they’d come through it and drag you off to a fate worse than death. When you were hoarse in the throat, and your eyes red-raw from trying to scrub them dry, you hunched over in the corner like an animal, shivering violently in sporadic bursts.
Then the first meal arrived.
You ignored it, and it sat there unappealingly on the shelf attached to the slat on your side of the door until, hours later, that slat scraped open again and the second tray was shoved through, neatly sending its predecessor clattering to the floor.
It sounded so much like the gun you dropped in that thing’s cell.
It takes another few hours to muster the courage to unfold yourself from the corner and stumble towards the food, stepping absentmindedly around the grey porridge going hard on the floor.
The second day is spent on your back, staring bleakly up at a grey ceiling and trying to occupy your mind. Inevitably, your thoughts turn to the SCP. Moreso, the colossal gun fused with its biological arm, and the chambers that had been pointing straight at you, so much like Mullins’s Beretta…
But it hadn’t fired a single round…
Well, you suppose you have an indeterminate amount of time to muse on its reasoning. You have no idea how long they plan to keep you in solitary, after all.
However, as punishments go, you think this one has so far been remarkably tame.
Nearly two whole days without being thrown to the wolves! Marvellous, in the grand scheme of things.
You suppose if anything, you ought to just settle in and enjoy the relative peace and quiet where you aren’t being tested against the nightmares of this facility.  Why, this isolation is practically bliss!
Of course, no sooner have you thrown that semi-optimistic spin on your situation…
Somehow, not even complete and total separation from your fellow humans could make you miss the sound of Mullins’s strident shout.
When your door is roughly hauled open for the first time in days, you feel no joy or elation, and certainly not gratitude. All you know is the unshiftable ball of dread rolling around in your guts.
Mullins looms in the doorway once more, his lips moulded around a cigarette that hangs loosely between his teeth.
“Get movin’,” he growls, the dog end of his cig flaring like a red-hot poker, “Dinner time.”
Is it comedic or tragic to find yourself once again standing rigidly in SCP-8103’s loading dock? Because you sure as Hell don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
When you arrived, you half expected the scientists to shove another rifle in your hands and order you to finish what you never even started. Instead, much to your astonishment and trepidation, they hadn’t given you so much as a by-your-leave before they forced you through the doors at gun point.
No instructions. No way to defend yourself. Just your jumpsuit, and your wits – which seem few and far between these days.
Chewing ravenously on your lip, you wait for the secondary door to start ascending; just another yawning beast opening up to welcome you into an entirely different maw.
You really, really don’t like what Mullins had alluded to when he said, ‘dinner time.’
Are you finally being thrown to the very deadly wolf?
The SCP did have teeth, you recall in uncomfortable detail. Very big, very sharp teeth, suggesting to you that it must have to use them at some point. Though for what, you hardly dare imagine.
You’d convinced yourself you got lucky the first time you were pulled from the cell without being riddled by giant bullets. Now you wonder if your luck wasn’t just biding its time, waiting for you to let your guard down before it suddenly pulls the rug out from under you and abandons you to your fate.
The secondary door of the loading dock whooshes open to admit you, and you have to release a shaky breath when no body flops through the gap. Then it occurs to you that the bodies might not have been removed by human hands, and suddenly you feel like being sick all over again. The blood is still there, of course, dark and dry and crusting over the tiniest cracks in the floor. But at least most of the truly gory viscera is… absent.
With an audible gulp, you tread carefully around the dark patch near your feet and tiptoe to the corner of the dock, bracing your spine to the wall.
Once again, you can’t hear anything inside. But it must have heard the door open. It must know you’re here.
“D-Class,” a scientist’s voice crackles over the speakers.
Almost instantly, a familiar growl thunders to life, spilling across the airwaves and rolling around the corner towards you.
Ah. There it is.
“Stop hiding by the door this instant and step into the containment unit.”
Well… If it didn’t know where you were before, it certainly does now. At least it’s stopped growling.
Biting down on the inside of your cheek, you lean cautiously out past the threshold, twisting your neck about to try and catch a glimpse of the entity before it can spot you.
Of course, that was wishful thinking.
A pair of golden eyes leer down at you from the other side of the room, sending you ducking back behind the wall with a gasp, clutching at the front of your jumpsuit. Whatever courage you’d scraped off the sides of your empty reserves had been entirely spent on throwing your weapon down the other day, defying orders and expecting, genuinely, to be gunned down.
You can’t do this again, not when your heart is on the verge of breaking out through your ribcage. Perhaps you can linger here in the doorway for the duration of the-
You flinch, smacking the back of your skull against the wall.
“Ah! Shit.”
Right… Foolish of you to forget that in this place, choice is a badly concealed illusion.
You’ve already pushed your luck once, and just because it didn’t result in your becoming a lure subject for the Old Man or some other horrific fate, doesn’t mean that won’t happen if you continue to refuse orders.
You wonder how pathetic you must look to the Lab Coats now, sniffling in miserable resignation as you force yourself to edge around the corner, hugging the wall, with your eyes cast to the floor, falling back into that old childhood mindset that if you can’t see the monster, then the monster can’t see you.
The door you’d crept beneath falls shut with a deafening ‘wham,’ and there’s the familiar whirring of the locks as they pivot back into place.
You’re immediately greeted by a low, throaty rumble from the SCP.
Quaking, you drag your gaze off the floor and venture a glance up at the other end of the cell.
And there it is.
Stooped in a crouch against the furthest wall of its cell, SCP-8103 is lurking, that streamlined tail lifting and slumping to the ground like an agitated feline’s, and its great, silver head turned in your direction, poised to watch you through raptorial eyes.
A lipless mouth peels apart and issues a steady hiss between its blackened fangs, eyelids narrowing to thin slits that bleed golden light.
“…Yeah,” you murmur under your breath, bracing each palm on the wall and pushing yourself away from the security of having a solid surface pressed to your fragile spine, “I’m not exactly thrilled to see you again either.”
The entity’s hiss peters off at the sound of your voice, and for an uncomfortably long moment, the pair of you merely regard each other; it with apparent aloofness and you with the trepidation of a mouse trying to step through a trap unscathed.
There is one imminently glaring thing that you can’t help but notice; the entity has made no move to aim its gun arm at you, which you suppose is a good thing. Evidently, it appears content for the time being to simply glare down at you from the opposite side of the room.
Does it even remember you? It must, if it isn’t aiming a weapon at you, you muse. Implying that it doesn’t see you as much of a threat.
Fine by you.
Hands clasping and unclasping, you somehow find the strength to tear your gaze away from its relentless stare and turn instead to the observation window, noting the several figures muddling about in the dimly lit room, some motionless, some scribbling away on their clipboards, and one hunched over a bank of monitors, no doubt keeping watch over everything that happens in this cell.
Swallowing past a lump in your throat, you flick a hurried glance over to the SCP again, only to go stiff when it turns its head parallel to the wall behind it, regarding you from the corner of one eye. At least it doesn’t otherwise seem inclined to move any more than that.
“Um…” Breathing a near silent sigh, shuddering at the thought of accidentally provoking a reaction, you peel your tongue from the roof of your mouth and shout-whisper at the window, “I… I never got a debrief?”
The inferred question goes unanswered, and you’re just beginning to muse on whether or not they can even hear you when the speakers crackle to life once more.
“D-One-nine-three-five…” comes a female voice this time, clipped and staccato. And cold. Cold like an icy road in winter, dangerous on all fronts for those unprepared to face it.
“Approach SCP and commence interrogation.”
As if it understood the word just as well as you do, the entity’s tail flicks up to curl over its helm in one, smooth motion, pivoting slowly towards the window as a quiet hum starts to build at the base of its throat.
“So, that’s their game,” you huff, watching the SCP snap its jaws at the scientists, privately pleased that the focus has shifted away from you for the time being.
For as much as they like to try and impress upon you all that this place is a research facility, not a prison, the Lab Coats aren’t very good at keeping a lid on the jailhouse jargon.
You can still remember your own awful interrogation, back before you learned what this place really was. Two men in grey suits, each carrying themselves with the highest level of self-importance…
‘Do you have any family?’ they’d asked you in that too-bright room, a fluorescent light buzzing noisily overhead, ‘Close friends? Are you employed?’
You often kick yourself for not hearing their real question woven between the lines.
‘Is there anyone who would notice your absence?’
You’d been blinded by confusion, panicking from the sudden threat of having your future ripped away from you, bleak as it was. It might have been bleak, but it was still yours.
You answered ‘no.’
It probably wouldn’t have made a difference even if you’d told them ‘yes.’ They’d have soon found you out to be a liar when they inevitably sent agents to administer amnestics to your supposed friends.
And now those same people want you to interrogate an unclassified, highly volatile SCP?
The deliberate echoing of their method sparks an uncomfortable comparison in your mind, and you find yourself suddenly unnerved by the idea that you D-Class aren’t truly so different from the entities in this place, are you?
Both subjected to tests you want no part in. Both locked up against your wills. Both at the mercy of people who believe your suffering will lead to the greater good…
You catch yourself before such thoughts can develop. Dangerous territory to be delving into.
But still, the irony of your paralleled circumstances doesn’t escape you.
Just how on Earth are you even supposed to begin interrogating a gigantic, unknowable entity anyway?
Say ‘How do you do,’ and offer a handshake?
Blowing a slow and unsteady breath through your lips, you elect to ignore the first order to move closer, and instead hope the scientists will be appeased when you open your mouth to speak.
Its attention has already returned to you, its horns jutting forwards like prongs ready to skewer.
You shove aside the visceral thought of your body dangling from one of those horns, and instead clear your throat, resolving to say whatever comes to mind. Even if it’s nonsense, even if it’s ineffectual, even if it’s…
“Er…. Mm. H-hello.”
Smooth as a country road…
The entity just stares down at you blankly for a second before two slitted nostrils open up just above its mouth, flaring widely as it gives the air an audible sniff.
It doesn’t raise its gun though, which is encouraging.
Giving another hard cough to re-clear your throat, you stammer out, “I-I… I like your gun?”
Someone must have slapped a palm to their face and left the microphone on for you to hear it. Still, that saves you from doing the same, at least. If you aren’t careful, this will quickly turn into less of an interrogation and more of a social blunder.
Even the SCP looks bewildered. You’re sure that’s the first time you’ve seen it blink – just a quick flicker of golden light as it recoils its head slightly and spares a glance down at the aforementioned weapon fused to its arm, helm cocked in the opposite direction.
“It… it is a gun, isn’t it?” you ramble on, clenching your hands into the overhanging sleeves of your jumpsuit, “I mean, I never actually saw you fire it but… I – I can only assume that’s what… happened to the people before me…” Your sentence tapers off into silence when the entity looks down at you once more, opening its mouth.
You brace yourself, all the breath caught in your lungs whilst you wait for it to let out another snarl… Or worse…
Instead, what travels up its throat and slips between its crooked fangs is less aggression and more… well, you don’t know what. But it’s a far less vehement sound than you’ve heard prior. A hum, you suppose, still deep and hollow, but the intention behind it doesn’t strike with the same chord as a growl.
“I suppose I should thank you for that,” you add with a stilted laugh that doesn’t even touch genuine. When the beast blinks again, you hastily add, “For not killing me, I mean. Not for… Well, y’know.”
A vague gesture at the blood staining the walls and floor says more than enough, though it is odd that the SCP’s gaze follows your hands and glances at each of the dark patches in turn, warbling another strange note from its chest.
“Sooo…~ Yeah.” Drumming your fingertips against the front of your thighs, you click your tongue and reach for anything constructive to say. “Thank you.”
“Did you see that?”
The scientist’s painted lips crook up, intrigued. The expression is quick to falter as she glances about at her peers, all of whom are shooting her looks of varying uncertainty.
With a sharp tut, she stabs her chin at the SCP. “It reacted to the mention of its gun. Looked right at it when the D-Class referred to it. Which tells us…”
When all she received are several, blank faces, she heaves an enormous sigh and lifts a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, eyes screwing shut in exasperation. “If it looked to the gun when the D-Class mentioned its gun….?”
“Oh!” It’s her intern who eventually pipes up. “It speaks English!”
Frankly, she thinks her fellow researchers ought to be embarrassed that a greenhorn is the one who makes the connection.
“Or understands it, at least,” she adds, flicking the microphone on once more.
"D-One-nine-three-five. Tailor your inquiries to matters of the SCP’s origins.”
With the instruction dished out, she removes her finger from the switch and steps closer to the observation window, taking a mental note of each expression flitting across the D-Class’s face.
Surprise, then horror, then settling on a grim acceptance, illustrated by the hard line your lips draw themselves into.
At the very least, she plans to get some information about the SCP before the next, real test can begin.
Tossing a look over her shoulder at Mullins, she asks, “Is the specimen ready?”
The guard, who had previously been leering at the scientists from his spot by the door, snaps to attention with a click of his boot before he whips out his walkie-talkie and mutters something into it.
After a static-laden response from the other side, he gives her a nod. “It’s in the crush,” he says, “Prepped and ready to be deployed.”
“Good,” she returns, straightening her back with a satisfied hum, “We’ll give the D-Class a few more minutes to get what little information out of this thing is to be had…. Activate the crush at…” Trailing off, she checks her watch, “- Fourteen hundred hours.”
Bringing everything right up to schedule.
You wonder if you’ll go down in the Foundation’s history as being the first D-Class who ever thanked an SCP for not killing them.
What you said - that hesitant, ‘Thank you.' - you said with the intent to appease the armoured titan somehow, a feeble attempt at appealing to whatever intelligence might lay behind its silver helm.
Because you’re only too aware that in this cell, placating the enemy is the sole weapon you have in your arsenal. For when the enemy is this much larger, stronger, and deadlier than you are, you’ll never beat it in a confrontation.
You had not, however, expected that this kind of SCP was the type to be assuaged.
And yet…
By some miracle, you’re still alive, and the fact that its thunderous growls have petered out entirely suggests you’ve done something right, at least. Even if that something was just letting your mouth talk while your brain was busy frantically trying to make sense of the SCP’s bizarre behaviour.
Is it the sound of your voice that’s caused it to fall silent and take a single, heavy step towards you – one that you match with a rapid retreat of your own – or is it the words themselves that seem to have piqued its curiosity.
And if the latter rings true, would that imply that this entity is capable of understanding English?
Now there’s a question that befits a proper interrogation.
You have to admit, you’re about willing to ask it anything that’ll stop the beast from backing you into the far wall, something it’s been doing with its slow, measured steps for the past few moments, the pale pupils of its eyes large and round as it angles its head from side to side and peers down at you like it means to take you in from every perspective.
“Hey, um-“ you begin, swallowing your spit when the tail sprouting from its back twitches with apparent interest, “Can you… understand me?”
You almost feel the scientists holding their collective breaths. From the corner of an eye, you see several of them lean closer to the window.
Even you’re waiting on tenterhooks as it pauses, one of those terrible, clawed feet thumping back down in the spot it had just lifted from. You give the SCP a moment, but soon enough, as it raises its snout to the air and gives a few audible sniffs with those slanted nostrils, you realise you’re not going to get a discernible response.
“I’ll take that as a ‘no,’ then,” you finally add, neither pleased nor put out by the revelation. All you want is to leave this cell. Once is lucky, twice is coincidence. You don’t want to find out if you’ll survive your third visit…
It doesn’t offer a response beyond lowering its head and staring straight down at you again, an upsetting display that leaves you feeling as though you’re being pinned by the gaze of a hunter.
“So, can I come out now, or...?” you ask the people on the other side of the window without taking your eyes off the towering brute. There’s only half a containment cell separating you from it.
You don’t realise at first why nobody responds to you.
Their silence is quick to make sense however, when there’s a sudden sound to your right.
At the disturbance, you nearly trip over your own feet in your haste to face the noise, and as you do, the SCP follows suit, its tail hurtling up into position above its head, aimed with rigid precision at a large panel of the otherwise featureless wall that’s suddenly sprung open.
A door, you realise belatedly.
And your stomach drops the moment you remember exactly what kind of door it is.
You’ve only seen it in operation once, in a much different cell with a much different SCP.
D-Class call them ‘feeding tubes.’
The Lab Coats call them ‘crushes;’ close-fitting cages hidden behind the walls of a cell where drugged up livestock are held until the scientists release them into an SCP’s unit for consumption….
‘Dinner time.’
“Oh, fuck,” you hiss through your teeth.
You can’t see around the corner into the crush, but goddamn, you can hear the very recognisable bellow of an animal that’s just come around from sedation, its hooves stamping in confused fury against the metal floor beneath it.
A stomach-lurching snarl punches through the air and draws a cry of fright from your lungs. The SCP’s hackles are raised, bulging and bristling as it snaps at something you can’t yet see, its black fangs protruding from dark gums, and the pupils in its golden stare shrinking down to pinpricks.
And worst of all, bad enough to put the fear of death back into your quibbling heart, is the arm it raises slowly into the air, the all-too familiar whirring of machinery filling your ears as the cylinders near its elbow start to rotate - a gatling gun gearing up to fire.
The animal in the crush snorts madly, and with an abrupt rattling of metal followed by a clang and a thud, it charges from its confines and hurtles through the gap into the cell, a blur of black hair and dark, rolling eyes and a pair of horns lancing forwards from the top of its head.
It’s a bull.
Massive, terrified, furious.
You let out an embarrassing bleat when he bursts into the cell.
Almost at once, he catches sight of the titan in front of him, and he throws his head back with a snort, cloven hooves scrabbling to find purchase on the smooth concrete floor as he skids to a halt just several yards shy of the looming SCP.
You can only reason that he’s burned through the sedative quicker than anticipated. Usually, the livestock are so drowsy, they’ll stand stock still and do absolutely nothing to stop themselves from being killed or eaten alive by the SCPs.
Even months down the line, you still shudder to recall the time you painted the floor of SCP-5031’s cell with the contents of your stomach after witnessing it slice mercilessly into an unfortunate sheep.
You’re really not eager to have a repeated incident here.
Flanks quivering with adrenaline, the bull’s bulging eyes stare up at the colossus in front of him. And then, as bulls are often wont to do, he begins to size up his opponent.
Your heart flips upside down in your chest as you wedge yourself firmly into the corner, blood-shot eyes darting up to the SCP’s gun arm.
Why hasn’t it fired yet?
The gun is still humming, aimed squarely at the poor animal, but all its wielder does is snap its fangs together a few times, not unlike a bird clacking its beak to warn others off its territory.
In response, the bull huffs a breath through wide nostrils, sweat clinging to his glossy shoulders. Then, tossing his horns and turning to the side, he begins a back-and-forth trot from left to right in front of the SCP, who tracks the agitated creature’s movements steadily with its weapon.
But still, it doesn’t shoot.
Your knocking knees can’t hold you up any longer, and they give out quite promptly, forcing you to hunker down instead. The position in your corner is too open, too vulnerable. If bullets do start flying, you need to be as tiny a target as possible.
Breathing fast and hard, your vision starts to swim as you shoot a desperate, pleading glance at the window, praying to a god you no longer believe in that one of the Lab Coats will take pity on you and open the door.
It’s wishful thinking at its finest.
The bull’s moos only seem to grow increasingly frantic with each second that ticks by, shrill and broken as though he too is calling for help the only way he knows how. He paces like a caged rat, looking for an escape even as he continues throwing his head down and tilting his horns in the SCP’s direction. A meagre threat to be sure, but the bull isn’t to know that.
And as for the entity, while its arm continues to follow the bull's path across the room, its only outward acknowledgement of the animal in its cell is to utter a slow, continuous growl that seems to build towards an inevitable crescendo.
“Come on,” you breathe, teeth chattering between the words, “Open the fucking door!”
You shouldn’t have opened your mouth. You shouldn’t have made a sound. If only you’d just shut up and hunkered down in your corner, perhaps you wouldn’t have drawn any attention to yourself.
One of the bull’s ears flicks backwards, and all of a sudden, he wrenches himself away from the SCP and spins around on his hooves to face you, head held high and the whites of his eyes shining clear as day against his jet-black hair.
You meet that gaze; and understand. You’re both cattle here. Just a pair of frightened animals trapped against their wills with a common enemy who outmatches you in every conceivable aspect.
But the bull, of course, doesn’t think like you do. He doesn’t know you’re just as afraid as he is. He’s been brought here by creatures who look and sound and smell like you, and now here’s one of them: standing in front of him like a target, stark against his grey-walled cage with hard floors and no familiar sky over his head.
A bull doesn’t consider the fairness in a fight. A threat is a threat, no matter the size.
Tail whipping madly through the air, the bull leans back on his hindquarters, and before you can blink, he abruptly surges forwards into a head-long charge, nose tucked into his chest, horns aimed with deadly precision at your abdomen.
You don’t even notice when the SCP’s growls cut out. You’re too busy throwing your hands up in front of you and wrenching your head away from the charging missile, letting your jaw hang open around a silent scream. If you had the time, you’d pause to reflect on the irony of being killed by the least likely suspect.
As it is, the bull is only a few strides from you, hooves flying, thick neck rippling with muscle that’s about to thrust forwards and impale you on an entirely new set of horns. He bellows, the haunting din deafening to your ringing ears, and then he –
There’s an almighty thud, and something wet splatters across your shaking palms.
At last, your scream catches on a vocal cord, and the sound rips out of you like a wailing siren.
Someone in the observation room must have left the microphone on because you can suddenly hear an exclamation of ‘Jesus Christ!’
Your eyes are screwed shut so tightly, it’ll take a crowbar to pry them open again.
Even as the mechanical whir of machinery dies down, even as something with titanic lungs heaves deep, grunting breaths, even as the ground beneath your plimsoles vibrates with the fall of enormous feet, you don’t look.
You can’t.
You can’t… until out of nowhere, in a suddenly deafening quiet, your right hand is promptly and unexpectedly nudged.
Another piercing shriek fills the room as you wrench your eyes open and come face to face with a wall of silver and grey.
“FUCK!” you yelp, collapsing onto your backside but finding there’s nowhere to retreat to with your spine squashed up against the wall.
The SCP’s head is hovering before you, mere feet away, its yellow eyes almost crossing over one another to peer down at you, utterly still and disconcertingly silent.
‘Oh god. Oh god. Oh god….’ The words repeat in your head like a mantra, rapid-fire and frenetic.
But you don’t make a sound out loud.
Your mouth dangles open, not a breath nor a wheeze slipping in through your teeth as you wait, blood pounding in your ears. Somehow, even your body knows to be still. You’ve stopped shaking, too afraid for the adrenaline to control your muscles.
The instinct to play dead has taken over.
Through tear blurred eyes, you can see the SCP up close for the first time, the blank, white pupils floating in pools of gold, the charcoal skin sitting beneath the sockets of its visor, each nick and scrape zigzagging across the surface of its silver helm….
You let out a squeak when it pries its jaws apart and chuffs a hot breath over your face, catching the finer hairs at the side of your head and blowing them off your scalp. The air from its lungs smells acrid, and it burns your nose when you accidentally inhale.
It takes everything in you not to choke.
You wait for the bite. For the agony of those giant teeth sinking into your body and crushing you between them with a flex of its jaws. You wait, and wait, and wait, unheeding of the commotion occurring in the observation room. You only have eyes for the entity now, as though even taking the tiniest of glances away and breaking eye contact might spur it to attack.
Its horns, much like the bulls, jut forwards, each one a massive spear that hems you in on both sides, their tips nearly pressed to the wall to your left and right so that there’s truly nowhere to go.
"Please," you whisper, though it comes out wobbling, "Please, don't..."
A single blink is your only reply.
Then, as suddenly as it had crouched in front of you, the SCP - apparently satisfied with its impromptu inspection - lifts its great, silver head and stands up, moving away from you once more. Its leg stretches backwards, stepping deftly over the dark shape of -…
Oh dear.
The bull lays dead on his front, hooves tucked up underneath his stomach. He had died collapsing forwards. And the only tell of what had killed him comes from a still smoking hole in the back of his skull. Murky eyes stare out at nothing and blood trickles in a steady stream from his nose, tongue lolling.
At first, your eyes dart over his entire body in search of wounds similar to those you saw on the D-Classes who died in here, but even with the fluorescent overheads lighting up every angle, you can’t pick out any other damage to his otherwise pristine pelt.
There’s only one wound.
One shot to the back of the head. Quick… Merciful.
Your eyes raise to the SCP’s gun arm and see that from one of the barrels, a dainty wisp of smoke is drifting steadily up towards the ceiling.
SCPs aren’t merciful.
What the Hell is this thing?
Peeling your bone-dry tongue off the roof of your mouth, you tilt your head back and gape up at the face of the entity towering above you. Its arm is reaching out for the bull, and you can do nothing but watch aghast as its clawed hand curls around the animal’s back legs and drags him back towards the opposite wall on the other end of the cell.
Slowly, methodically, it bends down onto its haunches and squares its stance over the bull, hissing at the Lab Coats behind their window like a lion guarding its kill. And like a lion, it doesn’t seem intent on letting the meat go to waste.
By the time the secondary door has begun to rise, you’ve scrunched your eyes shut again and slapped both hands over your ears to try and block out the sickening cacophony of snapping bones and the squeak of flesh being torn from muscle.
Staggering into the loading dock, you barely make it three steps inside before you collapse onto your knees, then your side, a wide-eyed, shivering mess of a human being.
Two guards have to haul you up by the arms, and without prompt, they drag you, crying hysterically, back to your cell.
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ghouljams · 5 months ago
Hear me out... SCP!141 with SCP288 (the marriage rings)
Note from O5 regarding SCP-288 tests:
In an effort to make the members of SCP-141 more docile each male will be subject to no more than an hour to observe the effects of SCP-288 on their personality. It is hoped that SCP-288's memetic effect might neutralize their more dangerous impulses. I understand that this has raised some ethical questions with our more psychologically attuned staff. To which I say: proceed with the tests.
Testing Log, SCP-288:
Subject: SCP-141-A Research Note: Seems only right to start with the ring leader. Results: SCP-141-A is exposed to SCP-141 and brought into standard human containment unit(HCU) which has been outfitted to resemble a small apartment with simple luxuries. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ offers him the ring box, he chuckles but takes it. "Sweetheart, ya shouldn't 'ave." He opens the box and inspects the rings. "matching set, cute." "If you would wear the-" Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ stops, frowns. "The men's ring?" SCP-141-A supplies. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ nods, pressing the heel of her hand to her temple as SCP-141-A removes the men's ring and slips it onto his finger. SCP-141-A spends the next several minutes observing Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ silently. He tips his head then tugs a box of cigarettes from his pocket and pulls one free with his teeth. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ takes a seat in the armchair and SCP-141-A pulls her back to standing with a hand under her elbow. "Ah, ah sweetheart, the couch." He sets her on the provided couch and searches his pockets for a lighter. "Darling-" He tips his head again, taking the cigarette from between his lips and holding it out to her. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ takes a lighter from her pocket and lights the cigarette for him. "Those things give me a headache." Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ sighs. "Man upstairs won't shell for cigars." SCP-141-A takes a seat next to Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛, resting his hand on her knee. The two sit in silence as Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ rubs her forehead with her fingers. SCP-141-A's hand creeps up her thigh in the quiet. "You know-" SCP-141-A exhales smoke, Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ winces, her hand drops to his on her thigh. "You're hurting me." "-Not right for you to watch a man and his wife." [DATA CORRUPTED]
Testing Notes:
Computers in observation room C ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ due to SCP-141-A's ⬛⬛⬛⬛, security personnel dispatched to HCU ⬛⬛ after video feed was interrupted and the cameras were ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛. Security was able to intervene before SCP-141-A could [Data redacted]. Recommending Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ for immediate psychological examination.
Note from Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛:
I'm fine. Testing may resume.
Testing Log, SCP-288:
Subject: SCP-141-B Research Note: I thought we weren't doing any more tests on this guy? Note: Testing will continue. Results: SCP-141-B is exposed to SCP-141 and brought into standard HCU outfited to resemble a small apartment with simple luxuries. The ring box is left on the table with instructions. SCP-141-B places men's ring on his finger, and D-class personnel is let into the room. Announcement made informing SCP-141-B of "wife." SCP-141-B displays characteristics in line with typical SCP-288-2 exposure including: deference to authority, "doting" behavior, and discussions of family planning. "Wife" displays rapid behavior changes in line with SCP-288-1 exposure, making comments on the state of the house and attempting to use the kitchen to bake for SCP-141-B. Test halted after SCP-141-B's attempt to [redacted]. D-class "Wife" displays advanced cognitohazardous effects, and actively resisted staff attempts to neutralize memetic damage. Suffered severe seizures for ⬛⬛ hours before passing. Time of death ⬛⬛:⬛⬛PM. SCP-141-B unresponsive to questions, still smiling ⬛⬛⬛ hours post testing.
Testing Log, SCP-288:
Subject: SCP-141-C Research Note: I'm not going in there after what he did. O5 Note: Yes you are. Results: Immediately after placing SCP-288-2 on his own finger SCP-141-C goes after Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛, after several minutes of struggle Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ is wrestled to the ground and SCP-288-1 is forced onto her finger. SCP security staff prevented from intervening. SCP-141-C holds Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ against the ground with her arm twisted behind her back for several minutes, making her repeat bible verses regarding marriage and "wifely duties." He only lets her up upon completion and apologizes for punishing her. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ smiles and nods along to his apology. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ is kept on her knees beside the couch. Testing stopped when SCP-141-C removed his [redacted] from his trousers and told her to "open." Security staff were able to safely remove SCP-288-1 from Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛'s finger despite interference from SCP-141-C.
Testing Notes:
Recommending Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ for immediate psychological examination, and mental health leave. Denied
Testing Log, SCP-288:
Subject: SCP-141-D Research notes: audio logs and transcriptions pending review, staff may be editorializing these. O5 Notes: Someone muzzle the psych please. Results: SCP-141-D is exposed to SCP-141 and led into standard HCU furnished like small apartment with simple luxuries. His former psychiatrist Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ is handcuffed to the arm chair, she tugs at her restraints in a panic as SCP-141-D takes his seat on the couch. SCP-141-D reads instructions next to ring box and removes SCP-288-2, and places it on his finger. After a moment he steps around Dr.⬛⬛⬛⬛ in order to fiddle with the handcuffs. "Calm down sweet'eart, tryin' ta get ya outta the damn things." (Voice can be heard over receiver) Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛'s struggling only gets worse. SCP-141-D grabs her by the throat and holds her against the back of the armchair. Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ appears to be on the verge of hyperventilation. "Come on." SCP-141-D breaks the chain on one of her cuffs and Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ smacks him across the face. SCP-141-D's grip on her tightens and quickly loosens, anger there and gone only long enough for Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ to cower. "Not gonna hurt ya," [researches described voice as "gentling" pending review] "wouldn't hurt ya, calm down f'r me love." SCP-141-D spends the remaining hour, holding Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ in a bear hug as he sits in the armchair and she thrashes against his hold. SCP-141-D sustains multiple bite injuries and several headbutts, leading to what was assumed to be a broken nose. Upon examination no injuries were found.
SCP-141-D Note:
Don't you ever put that on me again. Like puttin' a fightin' dog in a jumper. I'll kill 'er next time.
Site ⬛⬛ Memo:
Dr. ⬛⬛⬛⬛ requesting immediate termination of employment. Denied
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dolliestfairy · 2 years ago
Yandere SCP with a chubby!fem!reader who is a Fairy Entity.
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✧ A/N : its been a while since i dont write because i've been quite the busy here. but now i decided too and recently i've been very interested in scp lore and stories also with the monsters in it and decided to write it on my own within my own style. and + also this was a yandere :). what do you think? if you liked this please gave it a reblog and likes! i will very appreciate it ♡.
✧ Tw : Kidnapping, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Sadism, Carnage/Slaughtering, Blood, Unhealthy Behavior, Unhealthy mindset, Kind of Enemies to Lovers with Scp 682, Worship in 079 and SA in 682 (not from him, but from another person.) lmk if i miss anything. Chubby Reader Fics With No skintone of reader mentioned.
𑁍 Scp 049
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• ugh.. where should i start with this guy? ah.. yes.. he's such a gentleman isnt he?
• first time he realize your appereance he thinks of you as such a delicate creature. he never sees you face to face, he just realize some very Soft and Pleaseable Appereance that was catching him off guard.
• that until he really met you face to face, and if only he wasnt such a cold gentleman he would praise you to death. i mean.. how could he not? you're just soo beautiful. its hard to believe that the facility who basically took you from where you were belong to think that you were some kind of monster when you're literally far from it.
• after he met you he think that he was just simply fascinated by your beauty-appereance, that until he is aware that he doesnt want you to be locked too far from where he was stayed at.
• what he wants is that your cell is to be placed right besides him. not far from him. now this guy is an aware yandere, and not to mention he's a very intelligent one too, he'll be pretty quick to know that his respond towards you snd the facility are far from being called normal because h literally just out burst at one of the scp staff for wanting to take you away from him.
• and the staff was not stupid either, espesially the scientist. they pretty much off guard and very heavily-aware of his action towards them and espesially you. so they start to put you into a different room, besides his cell with a mirror placed into each others wall.
• while the scientist observe from the Cctv, they see that you and 049, both was actually getting along each other.
• this is something the scientist does not really excepting, because well after all they always knew 049 as a very cold yet a gentleman anomaly to ever known in the facility. it was absolutely fascinating to see you - who is more friendly and well not so quiet as him can get pretty much along.
• this makes them hold you within 049 much longer than they actually plan.
• and of course, this all also come to 049 happiness as he obviously can see you much longer even in a different sell, he would love to meet you, see you, and talk to you everyday.
• theres no one, not even another scp or scp staff or even those great scientist could take you away from him, not even death. he swore to hold you within him just so you can be there, for him and him only.
𑁍 Scp 035
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• now what i notice about this creature right here is that he actually quite the flirty one, and lets be honest - he also has some major anger issues holding him up, also a bit of sadism.
• first he sees you from his cell he just knew that you are the one. and let me tell you, besides from all his flirty personality, anger issues, and those sadism, he definetly also has some serious, Serious possessiveness.
• really become an aggresive hostile once he sees you getting interviewed by a male staff, making him growl from his cell, and of course - this lead to the other staffs attention.
• when they ask him about why was he being so hostile towards the male staff he said that "they do not deserve her. only i deserve her." and when the staff ask him "who do you mean by saying 'her'?" only to find out that "her" was you.
• and after that the staff check on you both, interviewing on you both and this time they ask a female staff to interview you, and 035 is much more calmer than before.
• this will all be kicked out of the window when the staff wanting to place you to an Abroad facility. of course this will make 035 sees red. and what can only be describe after this was a carnage.
• and at the end -- he escaped. with the willing to free you from those fuckers who tried to take away the love of his life (or so he tought) from him. he can and would spill many blood as it need if it can help him getting you again. and he wont stop, no matter how much host it will need and change, his goal is just one; getting you back again.
𑁍 Scp 079
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• the first he sees you he really just over the heels for you. no - i am not joking, this dude here is drooling, even if he cant he can feel so while seeing you.
• absolutely admire everything you had. the way you talked, smiled, and walk is just different.
• absolutely reject the calls scp staff throw at you as a "monster" no matter how much they tried, they couldnt convience 079 that you were indeed a monster.
• really love the shape of your body, that was another thing of why he would take an extra glance at your plump body once he realize your appereance.
• is absolutely dying to have you for himself but how can he? he just there and can only watch you when you walked pass his cell.
• and another one is that he absolutely dreaming about you. wether its a cute one, a bad one, or even a naughty one, he does not care. once he start dreaming about you i recommend anyone to dont ever dare to try to take him away from his daydreaming moment or whoever that person is will have to encounter the out burst of 079.
• and after he's done? nothing would changed.. and at the end, he wouldnt be another different thing more than some unsual computer entity dude who is obsessed over some fairy.
𑁍 Scp 682
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• really cocky about you lmao, and very sassy too.
• at first he actually (kinda) hate/dislike you because your overall personality and looks are definetly and obviously a literal opposite from him.
• everytime anyone sees you besides him they already can see the different. surely we dont have to waste our fingers to write what are your difference than him other than the fact that you both were a living things. but it was just sooo noticable like.. ugh.
• this enemies feeling will turn into lover as soon as some Bastardize staff start to treat you in a very unappropriate tone.
• and this time he just felt like he had to protect you somehow. protect you from getting experimented and other bad things.
• even if he's actually really feeling that way, still -- he is a big Tsundere weird lizard so he would rather simply just bury himself alive than admitting it openly.
• but asides from all of that, he actually really aware about his feelings. about the fact that he actually has some feelings for you. and he doesnt even sure of how to say it to you because he just think of it as a very big embarassement.
• this is just a matter of time before he finally decided to tell you about this feeling. the bad news is that, the same day he convience to you, is the same day that he would take you with him for eternity.
• and not even death can separate you from him ever.
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vrfinalgirl · 5 months ago
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welcome to cupids first kinktober!! I’m so so excited to do this and it’s going to span over all three of my accounts !! @suneslvr @cupids-archives #requests are open 😇
current hyper fixations are, dc, mha, lmk, black myth wukong, creepypasta/slashers, degrees of lewdity, boyfriend to death(1+2)/tpof, scp, & genshin impact! If I don’t get a request for a specific day the default would be one of these fandoms. 💉 submission rules!
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(all of these could be customized!)
₊˚♱ ━ October 1rst -- MONSTER?
🩸: your laying in bed on Halloween night. The air is cold and your bedroom is even colder. As you lure yourself asleep, you hear a ghostly sound coming from your closet!
💉: (stalker x fem!reader, stalking, dub/non-con, death threats, choking, and size kink.)
₊˚♱ ━ October 5th — MR. SANDMAN!
🩸: your dreams are constantly plagued by a pale figure. Soon these dreams start to become a reality. Will you wake up before he catches you?
💉 : (dream-spirit x fem!reader, coercion, dub-con, overstim, dream-fucking, somnophilia.)
🔪 : OPEN
₊˚♱ ━ October 10th — DRACULA!
🩸: As a lonely adventurer you wander the 1800s Europeans streets looking for treasure and lost artifacts, soon you come across a castle with everything you’ve ever wanted, little do you know about the secret that lies above.
💉: (sealed! monster x fem! reader, dub- con, blood play, religious text, monsterfucking, hallucinations, happy ending(?))
₊˚♱ ━ October 15th — LOVE POTION.
🩸: you come back to town after a long vacation. Every person you come across has this love crazed look in their eye? You rush to return home after getting cornered by people you’ve thought were your friends? what’s gotten into everyone?!
💉: (threesomes, overstim, breeding, possessiveness, aphrodisiacs, mentions of non-con, and dub-con)
₊˚♱ ━ October 20th — SERIAL KILLER!
🩸: An odd alert shows up on your phone? A serial killer has escaped! and it’s—? … soon you start to receive calls and messages from an unknown number. will you be the sadistic killers new victim?
💉: (knife play, dub-con to consenting, threats, mentions of murder/gore, mentions of rape.)
🔪 : OPEN
₊˚♱ ━ October 25th — THE CONJURING.
🩸: Series of people in your town have been found in massive murder-suicides. Some believe the small- time life finally got to them. others an otherworldly demon.
💉: (possession, mutual masturbation, monsterfucking, suicide/murder mention, dub-con)
₊˚♱ ━ October 30th — UNDER LOCK AND KEY!
🩸: you and your friend are invited to a Halloween party! Unfortunately the two of you get lost on the way there, however an old timely couple picks you up and allows you to stay for the weekend. Everything seems to get along quite nicely, except for the screaming you hear in the basement.
💉: (mentions of incest, gang-banging, corruption, cockwarming, cannibalism, brat taming,dacraphilia, drug use)
🔪: OPEN. 🔪: OPEN. 🔪: OPEN
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scary-lasagna · 1 year ago
OH OH?’ YOU WRITE SCPS?! If you can, can I request Able (076) where he’s in love and dating SCP foundation worker reader?
My first SCP ask!! :] I haven't given Abel nor Cain much thought outside of Abel just assisting with breaches. Sorry I went a little crazy on the length!
SCP-076 - Abel
Abel is one of the more...difficult SCPs that you have researched.
You've been at this site longer than you can count back to, and even a previous site as well, before that one was nuked terribly.
And you've never met a creature such as him.
Whenever he wasn't killing people, he was pacing the viewing glass of his cell, staring at you.
You felt terrible, like a mouse being stalked by a lion.
Abel was always agitated, always angry, and the only time you've seen him smile was either when he was ripping out intestines, or, recently, when you shot him in the head with an automatic pistol.
It's freaky.
A part of you thinks that he wants to act on revenge.
Another, more human part of you, which is rare these days, almost suggests that he's looking at you with respect.
You were the only one to stop him without that explosive collar he wore in the past 5 years, after all. That had to count for something, right?
You had piles and piles of paper work pertaining to him, knowing him inside and out for the past 2 years.
And on the day of an MTF operation, you thought you were safe in your office. This was your first mistake, you should never feel safe in this field of work.
But in the midst of a small, harmless breach, Abel had launched himself through the locked security door of your office like a fucking looney-tune character.
And this was it. You would die. He would kill you, and you would be written off as another causality in this breach.
But lo and behold, a quite large axe materialized in his hand, and swung it right over your head, missing you by at most 3/4 of an inch.
SCP-439, an insect to bigger than 3 centimeters, had been the SCP to breach containment during MTF patrolling hours.
"You are safe now." His voice, husky, still held a certain gentleness as he spoke toward you.
And out of the two years of studying this creature, this violent, animalistic entity, you’ve never seen him act in such a cautious, intriguing manner.
The axe disappeared into the supposed pocket dimension of weapons, and he very unceremoniously grabbed your face on either side, cocking his head to stare you down.
You couldn’t move, didn’t have any last words to say, and you didn’t have that automatic pistol that saved your life last time.
This might be where you finally succumb to the horrors of the foundation.
But…Abel only studied you, taking in every little feature of your face, counting every eyelash and freckle and noting the way your nostrils flared with fear.
“I would not hurt you, Reasearcher. You are much too…unique. I would like to propose a-”
Not another word left his mouth, because it was shot off by the sudden wave of MTF entering your office.
So much for proposing a courting.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 5 months ago
WhaleOfATjme's Kinktober Masterlist 2024
Everything on this list is subject to change if I feel it necessary.
Reblogs are appreciated
Exorcisms [Slender Man X GN!Reader]
Terms and Conditions [Toby X F!Reader]
White Rabbit [Eyeless Jack X F!Reader]
Gone Fishing
Still Fishing
Gas Station Bathrooms [Masky/Tim Wright X GN!Reader]
Red Light District [Hoodie/Brian Thomas X GN!Reader, AFAB]
Step Right Up! Win a Prize! [Laughing Jack X F!Reader]
False God [Jeff the Killer X GN!Reader]
Binoculars [Kate the Chaser X F!Reader]
Invited Fish Over For Tea
We're Going Thrifting For Costumes (And Getting A Sweet Treat)
Until I Say So [Toby X GN!Reader]
Coping Mechanisms [SCP 682 X GN!Reader]
Bad Habits [Alex Kralie X F!Reader]
Sharing Occasionally [SCP 035 X F!Reader X SCP 049]
Carnival Ride [Laughing Jack X GN!Reader]
Out For Lunch With The Fish
Fish And I Are Making Halloween Cookies
Beautiful Even When You Cry [Bloody Painter X F!Reader]
Hers [Jane the Killer X F!Reader]
Sitting Pretty for Him [Masky X GN!Reader]
Bad Decisions [König X F!Reader]
A Birthday Present for Someone Else [Hoodie X F!Reader X Masky]
Fish And I Are Going Trick or Treating
We're Enjoying All Of Our Candy
Urban Explorer [Pennywise X GN!Reader]
Open for Requests!
Outbreak [Ghost X F!Reader]
In (the) Heat [Eyeless Jack X F!Reader]
Happy Halloween! [A surprise,,,,, maybe?]
(Fish's Mom Came To Pick Them Up)
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wolveria · 8 months ago
I'm kinda curious who would be part of Reid's harem they must be pretty strong too👀
Oohhh that's a good question. You would think 035 would be, but he's a part of the Queen's Court as the Black Lord. I could see him trying to sink his claws into poor little Reid though
Cain and Able certainly--who wouldn't want a pair of hunk brothers in their harem. MalO as well, and he would also act as her protective hound. 682 is also part of the harem, and the few times she leaves the palace he allows her to ride him. No I won't make any mounting jokes this time
And then you've got the secret tryst with 049 on the side ;) I'd say that's a decent lineup
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an-albino-pinetree · 1 year ago
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Happy (early) Valentines!
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bitedownme · 1 month ago
Omg do y’all remember that image of a blonde woman with ponytail sitting in a white couch and the men behind her? That one ask with the gods made me remember it😭 (please someone draw it with Mc and the gods, it would be hilarious)
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It was way too late for me to realize what I was drawing, why did I agree to draw this WHY flsj;LJL;FDSJL;GKD;L
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yjhariani · 2 months ago
Ghost X gn!reader (CoD X SCP)
You're an MTF soldier. They had to give you amnestics, but it went wrong and made you forget ever meeting your significant other. Was it actually just an accident or was there something more? (no promise of making this a series, but I'm trying).
Angst but not really.
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Once Simon got the call, he knew something bad happened.
It was not your number. It was not your voice that called from the other side. Being in roughly the same field as you, he knew what this call meant.
Bad news.
Even though Simon personally had never made this kind of call before, he had been there a few times when his colleagues had to. Price dominantly.
All the calls were the result of one specific event. Death of a soldier.
So, Simon did not even let the caller finish their first sentence. He cut them off with a simple, “I’ll be there,” before hanging up.
Simon considered putting on his uniform, but he realised that where you work, everything was classified. It would be no use hiding himself because they knew who everybody was anyway. He was especially attached to you and he knew that meant the place you worked at probably knew what he ate for breakfast better than he himself did.
Once arriving at your base, Simon was not even surprised that one mention of your name got him rushed straight to the base hospital.
As of now, Simon had not decided what to feel. He just kept walking, following this person who took him to the dark part of the hospital. However, he accepted that he felt the slight confusion tugging at his mind when they continued walking pass instead of walking into the morgue.
Even so, Simon kept his words behind his tongue.
Soon, they reached a thick, barred, metal double door with two securities standing in front of them. The person leading their way only mentioned your name before the security officers—if that was what they were—unbarred the door and opened it.
Simon’s guide turned to face him and quietly, as if they were not supposed to make a noise here, said, “I don’t have clearance for this level, but you will see your partner’s Team Leader.”
With an understanding nod, Simon walked through the door into a short, dim-lit tunnel. At the end of it, a twin hospital door stood. From here, it looked like a regular hospital, only it was placed underground and had barely anyone inside.
Inside, stood awaiting, a soldier still in field uniform. She looked quite messy. It made Simon wonder if he had looked that messy when something this horrible happened to him in the field. Whatever this something was.
Seeing Simon, that older woman walked up to him and nodded, rubbing her hands nervously.
“Ghost,” she greeted. “Or do you prefer Lieutenant Riley?”
Outside his uniform? Both sounded bad. Simon was here for you. He could not care less what people address him with.
“Are they in one piece?” Simon asked right away.
Just after saying the question, it registered in Simon’s mind that he had been thinking that it must have been so bad that they had to bring him into this super-secure underground hospital just to ID you.
Connecting the dots, the woman scrunched her eyebrows as her head tilted slightly to the side.
“They’re not dead,” she said. “I tried to tell you in the call, but you didn’t seem to be taking any explanation.”
They’re not dead, Simon repeated in his head. A bleed of warmth grew in his chest.
“However,” the woman continued, “on our mission, something terrible has happened. Out of the five of us, only your partner and I made it out.”
Simon did not react. He did not say anything. He did not move a muscle.
“Your partner… needed amnestics administered in their system. We did—uh… we were in the middle of administering the amnestics when,” the woman took a deep breath and sighed, “we had a breach in the facility.”
There came a halt as the woman flipped through the words in her mind.
“We successfully administered the amnestics,” the woman stated. “Just… not the correct one.”
This time, a spasm came about Simon's forehead.
“Usually, we don’t share this detail, but your partner is very important to us and we respect them, so we are telling you this,” she paused before continuing, “What we initially intended to modify was the events of the last two days, but… with the breach happening, everything went, uh… out of our hands. Your partner has lost… the memory of all that happened in the past two years.”
It took a moment to sink in Simon’s head. Once it did, all he thought about was that he met you a little bit less than two years ago.
Simon was just about to meet the 141 at a pub when the whole area was suddenly secured. There were soldiers from the Foundations all over the place and they clocked them instantly. They asked for their assistance on a job that Simon did not have the memory of any more. One of the Foundations’ soldiers he worked with was you.
It was not the worst of missions that the 141 was able to not get amnestic administered—at least that they knew of. So, that meant Simon got to keep your memory. The two of you had not stopped talking since.
The thought of having himself removed from your memory at once made warmth that bled in Simon’s chest froze in an instant.
“I know how much they mean to you and we can offer to have you—”
Knowing what she wanted to say, Simon immediately cut her off with, “Where are they?”
With so, the woman led Simon to a room. She opened the door for him, but did not step in.
Stepping in with a heavy heart, Simon eventually saw you. You were sitting on the hospital bed, an IV plugged into the back of your hand, and several recent injuries were painted on you.
In your hands, Simon saw a familiar white envelope. Then, he saw that you finally looked at him. No smile. No recognition.
“Are you Simon?” you asked.
“I am,” was all that Simon managed to say.
“They told me,” you nodded before lightly waving the envelope in your hands. “Two weeks to go, huh? Guess you’d want to call off the wedding?”
Bullets in his flesh felt like nothing compared to what Simon just heard coming out of your mouth.
Stepping closer, Simon exhaled. He glanced at the wedding invitation in your hand, seeing that it was addressed to ORCA. You said it was your Team Leader, who Simon guessed was also the one to give you that invitation. The woman who Simon just saw.
“If you want to call it off, we call it off,” Simon did not even believe he said that, but refused to show that.
“You sound like you don't want to?” you asked.
Simon looked at you, lightly raising an eyebrow.
“I mean… I don’t know who you are,” you said. “I think?”
For a while, Simon only looked at you. What you had on your face was not your lying face. It was not a joke. It was real. You did not remember him at all.
There came the moment when the two of you said nothing, hardly looking at each other. Then, you stretched an arm out to the side table and lifted your phone.
“I read our texts, saw our pictures,” you said. “You seemed to be my everything.”
If he could, Simon would punch something so hard right now.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly said once seeing how Simon’s subtle reactions were. “I… I’m just trying to figure things out.”
“‘s all right,” Simon nodded, understanding.
You tried a thin, apologetic smile.
“Must be hard for you,” you said.
Another long pause came in between you both.
“Do you want to hug me?” you offered, arms lightly opened.
Usually, you did not even have to ask and Simon would just come right at you. However, it took a lot for Simon to hold himself back when you saw him as a stranger.
“You don’t have to–”
“I want to,” you cut him off. “Maybe it’ll feel familiar, I don’t know. If you want to.”
After a moment of consideration, Simon carefully approached you. Even though he moved slowly and with care, once the two of you got close enough, you attached yourselves to each other like magnets. Your arms lightly wrapped around each other before, as if there was a whirlpool in between you that pulled your cores, your arms tightened around each other.
The only reason Simon released you was because you let out a slightly uncomfortable exhale.
“Apologies,” Simon said, thinking he might have hugged you too tightly.
“No, it’s alright,” you replied.
Another moment passed with the two of you just looking at each other. It was apparent that you were studying him.
“At some point I’m going to have to be released from here,” you brought up. “Can I go home with you?”
“Sure you’re alright with that?” Simon asked.
“Are you?” you asked back.
Simon almost said ‘Totally!’ but then, he kept getting reminded that he was just a stranger to you and he was not always good with that type of relationship. Strangers tended to see him and avoided him, praying to never make eye contact with him.
However, you seemed genuine. He still saw the kindness and the shimmer in your eyes even though it was different from how you looked at him last–two weeks ago.
So, Simon said, “Yeah.”
“I don’t want to burden you,” you added eagerly. “If you don’t have the space, I don’t–”
“We just bought a house,” Simon almost excitedly replied.
“Oh,” you responded.
“We,” Simon hesitated to continue, “we adopted this devilish cat not long ago and he already pissed on everything.”
For the first time after Simon saw you laugh a couple of weeks ago, he saw you letting out a chuckle. For a second, Simon almost forgot that something bad had happened to you.
“I can help you clean up if you let me stay in your house,” Simon almost did not hear you say.
Our house, Simon wanted to say, but refused to.
“So… can I?” you asked.
“Already said yes,” Simon reminded.
“Okay,” you nodded.
No words were exchanged for some time after that.
“Are you staying here long? I wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little,” you said.
Simon let a small smile bloom on his face.
“You said that once,” Simon said, pulling a chair before he sat on it next to your bed.
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moon-buggg · 8 months ago
SCP au drabble
set a week after YN gets taken to the facility, basic au info here
warnings: yn was kidnapped by an offbrand scp foundation after they didn't get killed by Moon and thats whats being discussed and im not sure how to tag that. Yn is a little emotionally dumb, flirty sun
no word count because I wrote this in the tumblr post maker in a frenzied haze
"You are stuck here... because of us?" Sun asks, carefully, tentatively. His, frankly, absurdly tall body hunches over so he can be at eye level. Under any other circumstances, you'd be terrified of the strange creature trying to comfort you. As is, his presence is incredibly comforting; the sole friendly face in a sea of questionable actors.
"I mean, pretty sure they expected Moon to kill me," Sun flinches just slightly, ears tilting ever so slightly back, "so I don't think I was ever meant to leave this stupid place, anyways."
You'd fallen asleep in the darkness of what you now know as Sun and Moon's room, and had awoken to several researchers and armed guards preparing you for a barrage of tests. Those first few days had been a horrible mess of exhausting tests and tedious interviews as your white-coated captors tried desperately to discover what made you different.
Why you'd survived.
They still hadn't found anything, but at least the tests seemed to be slowing down ever so slightly. After an uneventful introduction to the more passive, daytime version of the thing they expected to kill you, it was decided that you'd be allowed to visit him once every other day.
Jury seemed to still be out on if it was worth risking another encounter with Moon.
"It's not your fault," you add after a beat of silence, "or Moon's for that matter. You're both trapped here just as much as I am."
A soft, crooning sound rumbles out from Sun's chest as he slinks back into a seated position that leaves him still about a head taller than you. Gentle lights pulse across his fur, barely visible under the harsh fluorescent lights. He seems to struggle to find the right words, before giving up.
Carefully, as if approaching a startled animal, he reaches out a hand. When you don't react to the long claws coming at you, he continues. Turning over his hand to keep those sharp claws decisively away from you, he runs his knuckles over your head in a clear attempt at a comforting gesture.
It's startling how much it works.
"Oh starlight, far too kind for a place like this." His voice is soft and quiet in a way that makes your face feel warm. You choose not to think about it too hard. "You shouldn't be locked away."
"Neither should you." The words are harsh and automatic, and seem to startle Sun who draws back as if burnt. His glowing fur brightens significantly, its starting to get uncomfortable to look at, actually.
He recovers quickly.
"There you go," the words are teasingly chiding, "proving me right starlight." He reaches a long claw out again, this time using his knuckle to gently boop your nose.
He bends, using his long neck to crowd into your space. It's hard not to feel a little threatened by those big teeth so close to your face, and Sun's widening smile does little to help. Seems like you can't help but feel flustered today.
"At least you'll have me to keep you company." His voice is just a bit too hopeful, like he's desperate for you to agree. Poor guy seems utterly starved of positive affection. The urge to comfort him is hard to ignore, so you don't.
It's easy enough to thread your fingers into the long mane of fur that frames his face. The feeling is distracting, it's so warm...
Movement brings you back to the moment as Sun leans ever so slightly into your touch. Right, right, you had a reason for this.
"We're in this together," you say in what you hope is your most sturdy, comforting voice. Sun's presence has done a lot for you in the few days you've been here so far, and you want to do your best to be a comforting presence to him in return. You don't miss the way his fur seems to glow brighter and hotter at your words.
Acutely aware of where your hands are, you realize that grabbing a giant monsters face out of no where probably wasn't your best idea.
"Sorry!" you quickly release Sun's face, your own face hot with embarrassment, "Sorry! I shouldn't have just grabbed you like-"
"We didn't mind, starlight," he interrupts, pulling back out of your personal bubble. His hand ghost over where you touched, smoothing the fur back down, "no, don't mind at all."
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