dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
❝ You are no angel of mercy swooping down to mop the brows of grateful men, ❞
❝ You are a 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞𝗘𝗥- and you will do whatever you are asked.
- - No matter how 𝗗𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗬,
- no matter how 𝗗𝗨𝗟𝗟, ❞
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SMALL DISCLAIMER: this is an SCP-style document for an original character used in roleplaying, feel free to reblog, but just be aware this is for roleplay purposes!
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ITEM #: SCP-8713 (& 8713-B, by extension) aka. Inter Arma Caritas
OBJECT CLASS: Thaumiel Safe Euclid Safe
DESCRIPTION: SCP-8713 refers to both an anomalous painting, dubbed SCP-8713- and the anomalous entity spawned from it, dubbed SCP-8713-B
SCP-8713 is a 1m x 1.5m x 5cm reproduction copy of William Hatherall’s The Last Message, painted using a gouache medium on linen canvas stretched over stretcher bars constructed of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and a set within an ornate black american walnut (Juglans nigra) and plaster rococo-styled gallery frame with gold gilted detailing and sealed beneath 1cm of glass.
Analysis of the print has dated it's approximate construction and painting to date to 1919, while a stamp on the back has been traced to the since defunct J.T Williams & Sons LTD photography and printing company based out of Birmingham, England.
SCP-8713 displays wear and tear in the form of minor sun bleaching, paint cracking and canvas warping, as a result of incorrect storage in a humid environment and being displayed in direct sunlight. While it's frame exhibits boring activity consistent with Powderpost Beetle (Lyctus linearis) predation, though no living specimen of Powderpost Beetles (Lyctus linearis) or their larva could be found within the frame.
SCP-8713 depicts a Red Cross nurse seated at the bedside of a dying soldier. The soldier lies weakly with his head propped up on pillows, a bandage running over one eye and across the side of his face. The nurse holds a pad and pen in her hands and is taking down a letter. The soldier's overcoat lies over the foot of his bed, and there are a pair of slippers on the other side of the nurse's chair.
Between the hours of 23:00 and 05:00 local time, SCP-8713 exhibits inanimacy consistent with other non-anomalous reproduction copies and images of The Last Message.
At exactly 05:00 local time, SCP-8713 will begin what has been referred to as a 'shift' event and will manifest approximately 5,500 litres of a highly viscous, liquid polymer at a rate of 18 litres per second since the restoration work performed on SCP-8713 on 04/02/2000, the rate of liquid manifestation from SCP-8713 is 30 litres per second through anomalous means from the nearest unobscured hard surface.
This anomalous activity does not extend to physical or digital copies of SCP-8713, either through printing, scanning or recreation and all manifestations of anomalous behaviour have thus far been unique to SCP-8713.
Per incident report 8713.049.0204, testing of apparent deceased liquid instances shed by SCP-8713-B following physical contact with SCP-049 has determined that its contents consist of ingredients which commonly formulate traditional gouache paint (various pigments, gum arabic & chalk), water, and trace amounts of a presently unidentified chemical of anomalous origin and composition.
Analysis of 'shift' events has indicated that despite the source of this highly viscous liquid seeming to originate from the hard surfaces from which they emerge, the true origin of the liquids is presently unknown and is believed to originate from an alternate dimension, with the hard surfaces serving as a conduit for the liquid to emerge.
Liquids manifested by SCP-8713 appear to display a sort of rudimentary intelligence and a single purpose. It will seek each other out and defy gravity to build on themselves and assume a humanoid figure measuring exactly 1.8m tall, and roughly 46 cm wide at the shoulders.
To date, all attempts to hamper or halt the process of SCP-8713 liquid manifestations have thus far failed.
In situations where no clear hard surfaces are available within a distance of 12m from SCP-8713, liquids manifested are known to absorb and destroy items at the closest proximity to the painting. This feature is exclusive to non-feeling objects, as in cases of living beings occupying all available space in SCP-8713's manifestation range, manifestations will begin in place and appear to attempt to absorb and destroy the living beings until the living being has expressed pain at the process through vocalizations or movement, at which point manifested liquids will halt the process and relocate at the nearest available hard surface outside of a range of 12m.
In situations where the liquids manifested by SCP-8713 are damaged or destroyed, SCP-8713 will manifest more liquids equal to the amount damaged or destroyed. Similar behaviour of reconstruction and rebuilding is exhibited by SCP-8713 liquids that are damaged while assuming its humanoid figure.
In total, the time taken to assume this humanoid form is 5 minutes from the time of the first manifested liquids. Since the restoration work performed by Foundation on 04/02/2000, the time taken for SCP-8713 generated liquid to assume its humanoid form is exactly 3 minutes from the time of the first manifested liquids.
Upon assuming a humanoid figure, SCP-8713 manifested liquids will appear to callous and harden at the surface and undergo an anomalous process of transmutation, through methods unknown into an SCP-8713-B instance. Following manifestation of an SCP-8713-B instance, the Red Cross nurse depicted in the painting will seamlessly disappear from the composition until the destruction of the SCP-8713-B instances or the conclusion of an SCP-8713-B 'shift' event.
SCP-8713-B refers to the entity created by the transmutation process outlined above that is exhibited by SCP-8713 liquids. SCP-8713 has, to date, only been able to manifest a single instance of SCP-8713-B at any given time and SCP-8713-B instances have been recorded to exist for a minimum of 18 recorded hours and at a maximum of 21 recorded hours, provided SCP-8713-B instances are not destroyed.
In events where SCP-8713-B instances have been destroyed or killed prior to the natural completion of a 'shift' event, SCP-8713-B has been witnessed 'dissolving' into a pure puddle of SCP-8713's manifested liquid and then dissipating from that state, rather than dissipating and demanisting from it's SCP-8713-B form.
Destroying an SCP-8713-B instance prior to the completion of a shift event have shown to have no adverse effects on SCP-8713, and manifestation events will continue to manifest and demanifest at recorded times.
SCP-8713-B instances visually appear as a Caucasian female in its mid to late twenties, with thin eyebrows, grey eyes, and black hair which is pinned back beneath a rectangular white veil. Subject stands at 1.8 m and anomalously weighs 80 kg. SCP-8713-B instances appear to wear dress consistent with Red Cross VAD nursing uniforms consistent with uniforms seen between 1917-18, though notably has three horizontal white stripes and two vertical red stripes on either sleeve.
SCP-8713-B identifies itself as a Miss. Ophelia Elise Penwell, though it also answers to: Penwell, Nurse Penwell or Nurse Ophelia. SCP-8713-B when interviewed has expressed to Foundation staff that it was born in Aston, Birmingham on the 26th of July, 1891 to a Mr. Charles Edward Penwell and an unknown mother who had left the two at an early age, but whom SCP-8713-B has stated it had reconnected with and cared for, but who had recently passed prior to it ❛re-entering the working world❜.
SCP-8713-B instances exhibit sentience and intelligence on par with those typical of an adult human, testing administered by foundation staff has placed the intelligence of SCP-8713-B to be considered above average for its self-identified age range, and consistent with licensed and registered nurses both of its time period and the modern age.
When interviewed and cross-tested with SCP-8713, SCP-8713-B has appeared unable and unwilling to grasp that it maintains any connection with the painting, even when directly shown footage of its own manifestations and the apparent anomalous capabilities of the painting, and its own anomalous traits.
Therefore SCP-8713-B identifies as wholly human and will speak at length about its self-pertained history both during its alleged experience as a VAD nurse during WWI, following WWI and prior.
Research has been conducted into the stories and accreditation that SCP-8713 claims about itself, however no records on any 'Ophelia Elise Penwell' or any potential variations of this name in any records held by the schools and hospitals mentioned by SCP-8713-B, the British Red Cross Society, British National Archives, QAIMNS or the Order of St. Johns, have ever been found. However, tracking of names and events explicitly mentioned by SCP-8713-B have been found to have a basis in our reality that is backed up by news, archival and anecdotal information at the time, further SCP-8713-B has disclosed information from the time period which it has claimed to serve which is accurate to events from the time which have never been publicly released.
Pushing of the subject in interviews and attempts to use SCP-8713-B self-described knowledge to prove that it is not human or that it possesses knowledge not logically able to exist at the time have thus far only served to aggravate SCP-8713-B until it is unwilling to converse with Foundation Staff.
SCP-8713-B has demonstrated an inability to maintain memories between 'shifting' events. Following manifestations, SCP-8713-B is able to form and retain memories from any events or knowledge gained during its 18-hour 'shifts'. However, following SCP-8713-B's apparent death and demanifestation, all memories and knowledge gained during its manifested period will be lost. No attempts by Foundation staff have been able to recall memories and information lost following demanifestation events.
The exact cause of these memory issues is presently unknown, and MRI and EEGs performed on SCP-8713-B have shown no abnormalities in SCP-8713-B's brain function, and it's ability to recall memories in the short term after acquiring them.
In what has been described as a 'reverse prey instinct,' SCP-8713-B has demonstrated an innate ability to detect physical and mental distress within a 710-metre vicinity of its person, an unwavering fixation on the condition of the wounded or distressed individual in question, and an irresistible, unshakable compulsion to both track and find the individual it has detected injury or distress in and treat them until their wounds and mental distress has been stabilized to a degree where they no longer require medical attention.
SCP-8713-B instances have exhibited the innate ability to understand the severity and general manner of a detected injury or cause of distress in an individual down to the manner of severity and type of injury in question regardless of whether or not SCP-8713-B should be logically able to understand the injury or distress undergone by the individual in question. In blind tests performed by Foundation, SCP-8713-B was able to accurately assess the general manner and severity of mental and physical distress to a percentile of 85%, with the accuracy of 8713-B's predictions increasing based on the injured or distressed party's physical proximity to SCP-8713-B.
When unable to access, treat or see to the care of the wounded or distressed individuals within its detection range, SCP-8713-B undergoes intense mental turmoil, panic, distress and fixation on the subject of its detection until it is no longer capable of detecting the wounded or distressed party, be it do to them having treatment administered to them by a 3rd party or succumbing to injury.
SCP-8713-B has expressed to Foundation staff, that such mental turmoil and distress caused by an inability to locate or treat physical and/or mental distress in a patient causes it immense physical pain SCP-8713-B has related in severity to the pain of a stab wound and mental anguish it has likened to losing a patient due to error on its part.
When exposed to multiple parties experiencing mental or physical distress, SCP-8713-B will attend to injured or distressed subjects in a manner consistent with triage principles going from patients of most urgency to least urgency. SCP-8713-B will not need to speak with patients to perform these assessments and will consider them to be innate knowledge in the same manner as their aforementioned ability to detect distress and injury, though will elaborate and explain their reasoning if requested.
Treatments undertaken by SCP-8713-B to treat injured or distressed individuals are not anomalous in nature and are commonly employed methods of treatments known to field and clinical medical staff. SCP-8713-B has expressed that it is only capable of treating and assisting when the tools and methods of treatment are available for it to use. However, SCP-8713-B has displayed a measure of resourcefulness when it comes to administering treatment and has been seen witnessed during several breach events repurposing non-medical clothing and equipment in order to aid staff in escape and to treat injuries.
Moreover, SCP-8713-B will adopt an uncharacteristically aggressive, defensive, and even violent demeanour if it senses the well-being of any individuals nearby is threatened by any means be they physical, emotional or even merely intentional. Though initially this behaviour was initially thought to only extend to injured or distressed individuals, in line with SCP-8713-B's 'reverse prey instinct,' analysis and repeated behaviour displayed during breach events have displayed that SCP-8713-B is not picky about who it protects, only that they are not the instigator/on the receiving end of threats to their person or well being.
Though SCP-8713-B under standard circumstances has shown itself physically incapable and mentally unwilling of even considering causing deliberate harm or pain to another living being if it is not conducive to the betterment of another living being, while in a state of defensiveness, SCP-8713-B has been to injure and kill both SCP and human beings it considers to be an active threat to other parties. This behaviour has been shown to cease in instances where the aggressor relents or retreats, however, cases, where the aggressor refuses to back off, will inevitably lead to either SCP-8713-B or the aggressor being killed in the ensuing struggle.
Further, SCP-8713-B has demonstrated the ability to both possess and display both fear and a heightened and panicked sensory response conducive to fear; SCP-8713-B has both displayed and expressed that it is physically incapable of employing any self-preservation when it relates to perceived threats to another human being. SCP-8713-B has related such behaviour to its perceived duty, however, it cannot express any reasoning behind such behaviour and has often expressed that it wishes it did not undertake these actions which it understands will lead to its destruction.
Due to these abilities, and SCP-8713-B's self-described mentality of 'do what you must until you can't anymore,' SCP-8713-B has been credited with directly aiding or facilitating the survival and evacuation of an approximation of 16 SCP staff and security members across six breach events. With further staff mentioning that SCP-8713-B displayed cool and methodical and gallantry in the face of breach events. Refusing to even consider evacuating itself into shelters alongside other staff and free-roam SCP subjects until it was confident that all staff who could be retrieved and taken to safety were.
These actions are not be confused with loyalty or fondness towards the SCP facility, as though SCP-8713-B has repeatedly displayed itself willing to lend aid to Foundation staff, SCP-8713-B has neither expressed or displayed any true loyalty towards the Foundation, and is known to shift affiliation between the Foundation staff and external and internal forces within the facility dependent wholly on who it feels is the instigator in situations and who it feels requires its aid.
SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-8713 is kept in a two room, connected containment cell which is referred to as the primary containment cell one and secondary containment cell for brevity.
In the primary containment cell, SCP-8713 is to be kept at all times within its frame, within a wall-mounted and climate-controlled vitrine. An area of exactly 12m X 12m is to be outlined using some form of tape or marking and left entirely clear of any objects/debris within SCP-8713's primary containment chamber to allow for unhindered and controlled SCP-8713-B manifestations.
Following SCP-8713-B manifestations, SCP-8713-B is to be directed into the secondary containment cell for holding to allow for separate observation and the perseveration of both SCP-8713 and SCP-8713-B.
SCP-8713's secondary containment cell is to be outfitted in accordance with Standard Secure Humanoid Containment procedures.
In response to concerns regarding SCP-8713-B's resetting memory and immense emotional and mental distress caused by SCP-8713-B's lack of understanding surrounding it's containment as a result of it's resetting memories, SCP-8713-B has been allowed to utilize 20 cm by 5 cm ruled journals to transcribe important information for itself to reread and refamiliarize it with it's surroundings, rules in place by the foundation, individuals it is required to interact with and anything else SCP-8713-B had felt important enough to detail. These journals are to be confiscated following each shift event to be read and thoroughly analyzed by containment staff tasked with SCP-8713-B's care. Any classified information contained within that SCP-8713-B is not authorized to possess is to be redacted, And the journal, along with writing implements are to be returned to SCP-8713-B upon manifestation for reading.
As of 16/08/1994, SCP-8713-B has been granted limited free-roam allowance by due to SCP-8713-B's inability to cause knowing harm to any living beings, SCP-8713-B's repeated and extensive history of aiding Foundation staff. This limited free-roam allowence is restricted to the public cafeteria spaces, the medical facilities of any Site SCP-8713 is housed within and the areas in between these two points and SCP-8713-B's chambers.
SCP-8713-B has been given clearance and allowance to assist and administer medical care where allowed by Site medical staff but solely where given explicit permission in writing by at least two members of medical staff in positions of supervision or management.
This permission may be retracted at any time by medical staff and in cases where applicable, SCP-8713-B is to be escorted back to it's containment cell following dismissal.
Further, given SCP-8713-B's well documented inability to retain new knowledge past a 'shift' event and its tendency to become 'confused' when entering unknown locations, SCP-8713-B is to be escorted at all times by staff assigned to it or permitted sentient anomalies with free-roam allowance.
Though rare, in incidents where SCP-8713-B refuses recontainment orders or proves aggressive to Foundation staff, the application of water (H2O) has been found to painlessly and efficiently terminate SCP-8713-B instances, additionally lethal force is authorized where Security and MTF staff feel applicable.
DATE OF RECOVERY: 04/09/1986LOCATION OF RECOVERY: SCP-8713 was recovered from a farmhouse located at ██ █████, outside of Epping Upland in Essex, UK.
RECOVERY DETAILS: Though SCP-8713 itself remained unknown to the foundation for years, its instance, SCP-8713-B was well known to the foundation. Sightings and reports of interactions with SCP-8713-B and an individual matching the physical description of SCP-8713-B were extensive throughout the years of 1970-80, due to the benign nature of the tales of SCP-8713-B and the unconfirmed anomalous nature of 8713-B the Foundation declined to investigate, though kept SCP-8713-B on a list of potential objects and phenomenon of interest.
On 12/11/1983, Foundation agents received a report from an informant of an incident. Two police officers, later identified as Officer ███ ██████ and Officer ██████ ██████ responded to a call at 22:30 GMT about a distressed woman sighted outside of a convenience store in Hastingwood, UK. Responding to the call, Officers found SCP-8713-B being accompanied by a Mrs. ███ ████ who had made the call to law enforcement. Officer ██████ recalled upon being interviewed by Foundation agents that SCP-8713-B, appeared physically uninjured but appeared 'out-of-it,' disoriented and confused and recalled. Fearing that 8713-B may have sustained a concussion, the officers asked the individual accompanying SCP-8713-B why they had not called an ambulance, however, SCP-8713-B reportedly became adamant that it did not need aide and couldn't accept their aide and waste resources. Insisting that it was 'fine,' although 'foggy,' and 'needed a moment before returning to work,' Both officers, the woman, and SCP-8713-B reportedly spoke back and forth attempting to convince her to go to a hospital for roughly 20 minutes, before SCP-8713-B entered the backseat of the cruiser to allow the officers to escort it to the hospital to seek treatment.
Upon arriving at the ██ ████████ Hospital at exactly 23:00 GMT, SCP-8713-B was reportedly unable to exit the vehicle on its own, collapsing in the backseat on its side. Officer ██████ recalled that 8713-B began shallowly and raggedly breathing and appeared to be grasping at its throat. Speaking of the sound that it was
❝ haunting- I thought it was the cab that was making the sound at first- but it was her, her hands were at her throat, and it seemed like she was choking- but she kept making this awful rattling sound like when you go to shake up a can of spray paint, she (SCP-8713-B) didn't sound human, ❞
After 8713-B collapsed, Officer ██████ reportedly ran from the car into the hospital to get help while Officer ██████ remained outside, attempting to remove SCP-8713-B from the vehicle; when he had successfully dragged the anomaly onto the pavement, it reportedly went dead weight and became unresponsive to verbal commands and stopped breathing. Officer ██████ then began attempting to perform CPR on SCP-8713-B. Shortly thereafter at 23:05pm GMT, an emergency room nurse identified as Nurse █████ ████ and Officer ██████ returned. Nurse ████ dismissed Officer ██████ from CPR in order to administer aid to SCP-8713-B herself. Resuscitation attempts and aid were performed on SCP-8713-B by Nurse ████ for two minutes when 8713-B reportedly began disintegrating. Nurse ████ described the event as saying
❝ she (8713-b) was laying there- and I was trying to give her chest compressions when I heard ██████ scream. He just starting yelling ❛her arm! her arm!❜ and I looked over, and her arm was like- cracked- but not scaley, it was like- it was dried mud! But there wasn't any bones or nothing under it; it was just falling apart into thin air-then I tried to do another compression, and my arm went INTO her chest, up to my wrist, and I just- it felt like honey, runny honey- and I lifted my hands out and all this, this goo was all over me and dripping onto the pavement, then it dried too to my hands and just vanished like it was never there in the first place! ❞
At 11:08pm GMT, SCP-8713-B fully dematerialized from the front entrance of the ██ ████████ Hospital. Officer ███ ██████ and Officer ██████ ██████, returned to their patrol car and drove back to their station located in ██████ to report the incident. Upon receiving the report, Officer's ██████ & ██████ were sent home due by their Superior, and the Foundation was made aware of the occurrence.
Following this the Foundation began a formal investigation into the apparent anomalous activity associated with SCP-8713-B
Sightings of 8713-B were conclusively localized within a 55 km radius of Epping, though reports of an individual matching the known appearance and behaviour of SCP-8713-B were found as distantly as Birmingham, Southampton, UK and Dunkirk, Amiens and Verdun, France.
Analysis of urban legends, witness sightings and occasional police reports from the areas located within 8713-B's most active and frequented areas indicate that 8713-B was active in the areas between 1967-1986 though no witness account, report or urban legend could recall any interactions with the anomaly prior to September 1967.
Upon noticing the pattern of behaviour associated with SCP-8713-B and the area with which the activity seemed fixated, Foundation Agents codenamed Tailor, Drummerboy and Bonnie, disguised as police officers were dispatched to the areas of Epping, Harlow and Loughton and where 8713-B had been most frequently spotted. All attempts by the Agents to apprehend and take SCP-8713-B into foundation custody after being spotted ultimately resulted in inconclusive and unhelpful interviews and SCP-8713-B seemingly dying and dematerializing, in an identical manner as the inciting incident which warranted the Foundation looking into SCP-8713-B.
On 02/09/1986, Agent Bonnie, through observation of SCP-8713-B's movements, was able to backtrack SCP-8713-B to one definitive location, a farmhouse just outside of Epping Upland at ██ █████. Agent Bonnie, alongside Agent Tailor, was able to make contact with the inhabitants and owners of the home a Mr. ███████ and Mrs. ███████ and their adult child, Ms. ███████ and were able to confirm firsthand that none of the occupants were SCP-8713-B, nor matched the description and that they did not recall anything matching SCP-8713-B's description residing in the home, although inhabitants did seem familiar and at ease with the description of SCP-8713-B. Mrs. ███████ in particular responding to Agent Bonnie's description by exclaiming,
❝ Oh, Ophelia- what a lovely girl- she often stops by in the morning for tea, ❞
Agent Bonnie and Tailor conducted an informal interview with the inhabitants regarding the activity of SCP-8713-B; however, aside from a familiarity with viewing and interacting with the anomaly and confirming that it frequented the area, none gave any information of any value.
Upon confirmation that SCP-8713-B was commonly present in the building and the link between ██ █████ and SCP-8713-B was confirmed, Agent Bonnie and Agent Tailor used an approved 'imminent threat' narrative and offered paid accommodations to the residents in order to peacefully convince them to exit the residence in order for the Foundation a full investigation of the area.
On 03/09/1986, residents vacated the housing to stay at the ██████ ██████ hotel until the conclusion of the investigation, and Agents secured and searched the home. In doing this, Agents Tailor and Drummerboy outfitted the home with surveillance cameras and monitoring equipment and waited to see if SCP-8713-B would manifest.
At exactly 05:00 GMT, CCTV cameras captured unexplained movement within the attic of the home; when Agent Bonnie responded to the movement by running up to the area, he reported witnessing what he described as a ❛monstrous stream of sludge❜ pouring out of the floor directly in front of a painting, later identified as SCP-8713 in a manner Agent Bonnie recalled as being ❛geyser-like,❜
Agents Tailor and Drummerboy, reportedly hearing the commotion and cursing from the attic, ran into the room at 05:02 GMT in order to aid Agent Bonnie, however, seeing that Agent Bonnie was in no danger, all three watched as the stream of liquid assumed the form of SCP-8713-B and became sentient and animate. At 05:12 GMT, Agent Tailor took SCP-8713-B into voluntary custody following its animation, while Agents Bonnie and Drummerboy conducted a thorough canvas of the area and took several items of interest with them, including SCP-8713.
Further observation was conducted on the home, however after SCP-8713 was removed all anomalous activity ceased.
ADDENDUM #1: On 15/07/1995, Professor. L███ Sandoval, then serving head of the Arts and Artistic Interpretation Department of Site 19 raised concerns surrounding the condition of several anomalous objects, including SCP-8713. Professor. Sandoval asserted that the current state of each anomaly and the disrepair they had received from improper storage prior to their acquisition by the Foundation had the potential to cause the objects to become irreparably damaged or neutralized unless the Foundation intervened and employed restorative measures and upped conservation efforts.
The proposal was put to a vote and after several weeks of deliberation by O5 command, the request for proper was approved under the strict conditions that;
No instance of the original paint may be altered or covered in any way shape or form, even for the sake of aesthetic improvement and repair.
Where possible, the original frame and stretcher bars are to be reinstated on SCP-8713 following their repair and restoration.
The purpose of restoration is focused on maintaining the anomalous capacity of the object, not the aesthetics.
The above conditions, the previously unrealized extent of damage exhibited by SCP-8713, the commission and careful replacement of important components of SCP-8713 along with the complex cleaning and restoration process led the restoration project to continue through the periods of 1998 and 1999
In early 2000, all restoration of SCP-8713 was concluded and SCP-8713’s canvas and frame were reinstated within a newly commissioned climate-controlled vitrine within it's containment chamber.
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the-one-true-cure · 2 years
I don't understand. Is she a world war woman? Do you know where I can find her painting?
Ophelia’s painting is called 'The Last Message.’
Also known in the databanks as SCP-8713.
She is in face a stunning work of art on her own, yes, but she also is very talented with her craft and a lovely person.
I am very much fond of her.
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pollyannisms · 3 years
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dollarstoreghostie · 3 years
Real thinking about SCP oc hours, please feel free to send asks asking me about them or how they fit into the world of the Foundation 👀
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bunniisms · 3 years
Anyways my favourite trope in SCPs are when the researchers assume the SCP classification at first but get it very very wrong, you see the multiple crossed out classifications until you get to the present one.
It’s why my SCP oc, SCP-8713, or Nurse Pinwell as she prefers to be called, gets recategorized at least three times before they finally come to the decision that she is Euclid. A very helpful, beneficial and kind, if not annoying Euclid, but a Euclid nonetheless! Still that won’t stop the ongoing debate about classifying her as a keter due to the fact that they physically cannot contain her within her painting, regardless of the fact she’s truthworthy enough to stay inside a cell as long as there’s no one within her innate detectable radius in any distress that needs her (self prescribed) assistance. Be it medical, mental, or a just a hug!
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
Thirty-five minutes; it had been thirty-five minutes since the Old Man had breached his containment. Though to all contained within the oppressive walls of the foundation, there must have been a strange numbness to the sight and the sounds. Another day, another breach, the doors all shut up like fort knox and the alarms blaring through the now emptied hallways rife with fear and dread.
Moments like these challenged the notion that the Site was a cold, emotionless creation of steel and plastic and the moralless pursuit of science. Indeed, beneath the pulsing red emergency lights, it seemed as though the building itself was almost alive. Lights flickered, directing fearful staff to safety, a sense of urgency present in the flashing battery-powered LEDs, the doors of each anomaly barred tight like a desperate mother's grasp over their children, hoping against hope that by holding each of them dearly that somehow its strength could keep them safe. The wailing of the alarms had the same intensity as though the building itself cried out in anguish from the loss of one of its precious imprisoned, or rather, in horror at the sights unfolding within its walls, a travesty inexpressible through anything but sheer emotion.
Thankfully, despite the display of emotion from the Site abuzz in panic, the bloodshed during this breach was minimal or even non-existent. It was a pointlessly hopeful thought, shared between staff in safe corners, playing games on their phone and awaiting the all-clear from MTF. Some even whispered that it might have been a malfunction. But, it was not as though there was not a crumb of truth to it. Not a head seemed out of place. The flickering camera feed showed no sign of the Old Man on the hunt through the halls, and things seemed still despite the anxiety hanging in the air, and for a moment, it seemed like the storm had broken.
The alarms overhead stalled, and silence reigned for a moment before the familiar chime of the Site intercom system buzzing to life took hold and spoke,
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
what's the weirdest / crackest ship you ever rped? alternatively, do you have any fun ship related story?
Hey Gio!!! I’ve missed seeing you on my dash! How have you been?
To answer your question, I gotta first be completely honest with ya! All my ships tend to start out with that little grain of humor or irony in them.
Like SCP-8713, her entire ship with 106 started out because they were so completely against the very concept of each other and would, logically, duke it out to the death on very sight. So that in mind, making them start this twisted romance that was a kind of moral greying arc for 8713?? It sounded hilarious! THEN I GOT ATTACHED, and now they’re a thrice divorced, on again off again married couple!
It’s like… if I ship it, it’s gotta have something more than just the cuteness alone to make it stick, and that’s where the humor comes in! Because I find it funny, I ship it even harder and it moves into my brain rent free!
Now, the weirdest ship I’ve ever roleplayed: that’s Ben and his love affair with water bottles. It has been mentioned and brought up in rps and I do roleplay that all of the events have happened and lowkey do continue to happen. Why? Well, because he’s Benjamin Kondraki, that’s why!
Funny stories though, hmmmm, I won’t lie, I don’t have a ton of just overtly funny stories I can relay because a lot of them are very time and place oriented! They’re funny but in a ‘you had to be there’ type of way! So I wouldn’t be doing them Justice by talking about them in the past tense, y’know???
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
A question while I work, would any of your muses participate in RuPaul's Drag Race (assuming an au where they are normal humans/in normal circumstances/are alive)
HMMMM, this is a good question! And NGL Ozzie, it is embarrassing that I needed to do research to answer this question! I know of drag but sadly I'm more of an outdoors gay, so it is far, far from my wheelhouse!
Anywho! The only muse of mine who would be willing to go straight from next to no knowledge of the topic, to having fun and possibly making a fool of themselves on live TV is Ophelia/8713! It's no surprise there, but she is a try-everything-once sort of gal, and though she has some understandably low self-esteem, she has more than enough of a nihilism bumper to let her live in the moment and absorb up the validation of the people she'll be learning from and having fun with!
THIS SAID, other muses of mine would be on a spectrum of wanting to try drag/performing drag/ comfort and range from a 'loving the art and expression that goes behind the fashion and makeup' to the ones that are just in it for the entertainment!
More below bc this is LONG
Evan would be EXTREMELY interested, he'd want to try, he'd like to really really bad, but I don't think he has the internal strength to allow himself that freedom.
Even going so far as to touch something like makeup would feel sacrilegious to him; stigma, chastisement, he'd almost be able to hear the jeers in his mind's eye, and just those spectral taunts are enough to have him recoiling from a wound unseen. Truthfully, he doesn't see any big deal around the subject, of dressing up, creating this character and painting with makeup on his body. But Evan knows, he KNOWS others don't share this same opinion, and after all the years that have passed... he's learned not to trust himself, at least not in this respect.
Sadly, though, I know in my heart that Evan would not accept drag, at least not socially and when he's in the company of others. He's not going to rock out with the slurs, but he won't hesitate to mention that he feels the queen or king in his company looks ridiculous and humiliates themselves.
But behind closed doors? I don't think he'd be able to maintain that venom, largely because it's not his. I have to quote Game of Thrones in this instant, but with Evan, he does this funny trick where he moves his mouth, but his father's voice comes out.
His bigotry, in this circumstance, is superficial and pretty damn fake. Evan is just emulating his father to protect himself from all these imagined knives he feels lay waiting to cut him if he strays from proper masculinity and the man his father wanted him to be. He really does imagine the world to be just as cruel and unaccepting as his father once was, and as dishonest as his father's gaslighting made it seem. It's a cowardly smokescreen enacted to distract from the fact that he'd want to try and be a queen too. Maybe not more than once, but he wants that choice, he wants their freedom and their confidence, and he really, really wants to break out of the mould he's been beaten into.
Sally, she doesn't want to try it herself, but she is interested, at least in the history and supportive of it, not solely in the sense of the typical ally-ship, but in the sense of how healing she's heard it can be for some people that practice it.
Sally's the sort of gal that would hear about RuPaul's Drag Race in passing, likely from the orderlies around the break room and get curious enough to look into it. This would, in turn, send her down a RABBIT HOLE until she's watched several documentaries on the subject and gone to at least one live performance.
She's also the sort of woman who would try to adopt some of the more therapeutic aspects she found explored when listening to the words and experiences of current and former queens and try to bring those aspects of the practice in to help some of the patients she works with
Kondraki has 10000% done drag for an SCP staff Halloween party before. Now typically, it should be noted, Kon does not dress up for Halloweens, like EVER. He's a grumpy bastard. But this Halloween, a comment from some co-worker in ethics on his lack of holiday spirit got to him, and he decided 'fuck it'. Got a Sailor Moon costume, accessories and all and was thoroughly done up except for shaving his beard and legs. Which, in retrospect, he feels made it better. Everyone loved it, and he had a blast. Partially because it was just an exciting experience, partially because he recruited some of his interns to do the makeup because he is/was hopeless, and partially because he wasn't the only one! In the end, countless pictures were taken, Konny's heart grew a couple sizes, and he still has pictures of the event hanging in his office.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
María Rafaela Cardona Moscoso | 22 years old | original character | pansexual, demiromantic and polyamorous | multiship
+ sociable, compassionate, intelligent, thoughtful, inquisitive, studious & responsible - withdrawn, uptight, self-sacrificing, neurotic, competitive, insecure & subservient
full about page | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Leshy, Scrybe of Beasts | hundreds of thousands years old, possibly timeless, immortal | canon divergent / headcanon based canon | graysexual demiromantic | closed shipping
+ wise, principled* with his own morality, intelligent, educated, theatrical, introspective, polite, patient & sentimental - arrogant, apathetic, callous, egotistical, unethical, humourless, verbose, stubborn & an old god ( which is a negative personality trait in of itself )
full about page | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Dr. Benjamin James. Kondraki | 48 years old | canon divergent / headcanon-based canon | bisexual heteroromantic ( unfuckable by nature though ) | selective shipping
+ bold, brave, decisive, easy-going, honest, independent, passionate, persistent, proactive, protective - withdrawn, uptight, short-tempered, easily frustrated, cocky, arrogant, volatile, pessimistic, self-destructive, stubborn & just a general jackass
full about page ( WIP ) | headcanon tag | pinterest board
SCP-8713 ❛Inter Arma Caritas❜ aka. Ophelia Penwell | 34 years old | original character | bisexual ( HEAVY female preference ) | multiship
+ decisive, honest, independent, persistent, proactive, protective, loving, maternal, merciful, humble, hospitable & realistic. - unable to sympathize, inhibited, confrontational, uptight, no-nonsense, pushy, self-sacrificing, haughty, morbid, worrywart & workaholic, superstitious, apologetic for loved ones and need to be right
full about page | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Rubedo, The Red Lord of Alagadda | ageless, previously 47 years old | canon divergent / headcanon-based canon | pansexual and omniromantic ( however unable to love healthily, ) | selective shipping
+ innovative, energetic, quick-thinking, charismatic, loyal, well humored, easy-going, patient, passionate, reliable, hospitable, protective, observant
- sadistic, cruel, manipulative, uninhibited, catty, controlling, devious, extravagant, frivolous, flaky, gossipy, greedy, vain, melodramatic, materialistic, possessive, pushy, pretentious, self-indulgent, vain and vindictive (also hot and weak for cute mtf agents by the name of Leo)
full about page ( WIP ) | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Cassia ❛Cinnamon❜ Ghoul | ageless, 2,000 years old | original character | heterosexual | multiship
+ ambitious, affectionate, bold, bubbly, confident, creative, couragous, courteous, easy-going, efficient, enthusiastic, energetic, extroverted, feminine, focused, friendly, gentle, passionate, reliable, hospitable, protective, optimistic, quirky - air-headed, childish, compulsive, defensive, disorganized, flakey, foolish, fussy, gossipy, gullible, naive, inattentive, inflexible, know-it-all, over-sensitive, perfectionist,
full about page ( WIP ) | background | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Tarragon Ghoul | ageless, 3,500 years old | original character | asexual, homo-romantic | multiship
+ adventurous, alert, ambitious, bold, centred, charming, confident, courageous, decisive, focused, friendly, funny, honest, industrious, imaginative, organized, passionate & proactive
- abrasive, callous, catty, childish, cocky, confrontational, cynical, defensive, frivolous, fussy, gossipy, hypocritical, impatient, impulsive, inflexible, judgemental, melodramatic, pretentious, pushy, tactless
full about page ( WIP ) | background | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Horehound Ghoul aka. Marru Ghoul | ageless, 3,000 years old | original character | bisexual ( HEAVY male preference ) | multiship
+ adaptable, calm, chill, cautious, compassionate, centred, diplomatic, empathetic, focused, gentle, generous, honourable, honest, humble, loyal, mature, perceptive, patient, playful, philosophical and supportive
- antisocial & withdrawn, cowardly, evasive, inhibited, insecure, nervous, neurotic, self-destructive, subservient, suspicious, timid, uncommunicative, uptight, weak-willed
full about page ( WIP ) | background | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Fíadh of Kirknathoul or The Green Maiden | hundreds of years old, immortal, though between 19-33 ( depending on the verse ) typically depicted as 33 | original character | pansexual | selective shipping
VERSES AVAILABLE: Fandomless ( modern in addition to medieval periods, and a more general fantasy form available, ) Human AUs ( slice of life, modern, ancient in addition to a slasher/horror verse THOUGH I MUST WARN THE LAST ONE COMES WITH ITS OWN NARRATIVE ) ASOIAF , Inscryption , GOW , Dead by Daylight ( both killer and survivor verses available ) Cult of the Lamb, Monster Prom
+ bold, passionate, protective, loyal, sentimental, tenacious, down-to-earth, disciplined, extroverted, resourceful, open-minded, cunning, resilient, independent
- a little arrogant given her supernatural status, cutting, callous, confrontational, cruel, devious, impertinent, impatient, short-sighted/focused on the present, inflexible, morbid, rebellious, stubborn, tactless, temperamental, vindictive, violent,
full about page ( WIP ) | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Jean Doe, dead woman with a hundred names and no identity |highly variable depending on verse, generally between 19-24, verses for 14-16 and 30+ | original character | pansexual | multiship
VERSES AVAILABLE: Too many to count tbh. Fandomless ( modern in addition to medieval periods, and a more general fantasy form available, ) Nothing-Bad-Happened AUs, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (both game and movies) , Scream, Fear Street , After-Death / Ghost AUs , Monstergirl AUs (more lighthearted monsterprom-esc) , Zombie Apocalypse ( tlou, L4D, Walking Dead, etc ) , Dead by Daylight ( both killer and survivor verses available ) mythical creature AUs , The Lost Boys, Crazy Fun Park and more!
+ Adaptable, Bold, Shrewd, Practical, Imaginative, Ambitious, Determined, Hard-Working, Perceptive, Persistent, Responsible, Magnetic, Eccentric, Energetic, Light-Hearted
- TROUBLED, cowardly, irrational, prone to fleeing and running from difficult situations (emotionally, physically and situationally) or entirely ignoring them, secretive, reserved, mistrusting, prone to anxious / paranoid thought patterns, dishonest, self-saving, forgetful,
full about page | dedicated tag | pinterest board
William Jesus ❛Jesse❜ Cromeans, actual last name is unknown due to the sheer number of aliases adopted and dropped by Jesse throughout the years, though this is ultimately irrelevant as he prefers the title Chromeskull | 34 years old | HIGHLY canon-divergant, canon is dead and I burned it | highly greysexual, sex-neutral but next to no libido | shipping exclusive/closed shipping
(no personality listed as he's a developing/request only muse!)
headcanon tag | pinterest board
Sarah ❛Sally❜ Smithson née White also known as The Nurse | 42 years old at the time of her death in 1898 | canon-divergent | demisexual | multiship
+ adaptable, alert, analytical, courageous, disciplined, discreet, passionate, loving, loyal, principled, observant, duty-bound, sophisticated, worldly, wise, protective
- humorless, abrasive, cruel, confrontational, cynical (to the max), aggressive, unyielding in her principles, haughty, know-it-all, grumpy, obsessive, flippant
full about page ( WIP ) | background | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Evan MacMillan, also known as The Trapper | 31-34 (undecided personally!) | canon-divergent | homosexual but pretty please have a conversation with me about shipping up front: some are blacklisted | canon-divergent | multiship
+ confident, decisive, hardworking, honor-bound, loyal, generous, perceptive, patient, objective, introverted, industrious, honest, resourceful, proactive
- cowardly, codependant, abrasive, callous, defensive, hostile, distant emotionally, martyr, rebellious, reckless, masochistic for punishment in a non sexual sense, selfish, suspicious
Zuriya Vyasi, known also as the Crystal Magus | 8,500 years old thanks to the Edenian expanded lifespan, in terms of human ages she would be roughly 33 years old | original character with extensive lore built off MK source material | pansexual | multiship
+ grounded but ambitious, curious, wanting to push the envelope, centered, charming, courteous, playful, creative, diplomatic, friendly, happy-go-lucky (at least at the surface), approachable, reliable, responsible, hospitable, spiritual & whimsical
- evasive, aloof, frivolous, gossipy & involved in petty politics, impulsive, dreamy & inattentive, melodramatic, materialistic, rowdy & a touch immature
full about page | verses page | headcanon tag | pinterest board
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
Before I go all in on posting my ASOIAF muse, I will want to add the headcanon that Ophelia/8713 lashing out using all the strength of her anomaly to disable someone she deems to be an active and real threat via malice or physical aggression is solely a problem caused by the SCP Foundation.
Her painting IS cognito-hazardous in its own right and has the ability to, for lack of better terms, rewire the brains of sapient beings around her into a more docile state by acting as either comfort or sedative depending on how the situation warrants it.
So, her aggression towards those she deems to be an active threat is merely a backup measure in case the cognito-hazardous effects of her painting don’t nullify any threats in her presence.
However because her painting will alter the mind of those in its surrounding environment, the foundation isolates it from her manifested paint self and places her painting into an area where these abilities cannot permeate and act as the primary deterrent and solution to protect her patients and wards, hence her immediately flipping from trying to reason to KILL.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
For Ophelia / SCP-8713
this isn’t enough for you
the words creep into your head in the dead of night one night and you cannot get rid of them. 'this isn't enough for me anymore'. you thought this was enough for you at some point, or maybe you hoped that it would be, but it isn't, and it hurts. you need to change something, or die trying. this - life like this - does not make life worth living. there is a lump in your throat that demands attention every waking moment of the day. there is pain in your body like a cavernous maw you cannot keep balance over. this is not what you wanted. you need to change. you can't stay here. it is not a character flaw you want more.
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to do this!
Tagged by: I stole this! Haha
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
For Ophelia / SCP - 8713
Bold for traits that are always accurate Italics for traits that are situationally accurate
absent-minded  |  abusive  |  addict  |  adrenaline  junkie  |  aggressive  |  aimless  |  alcoholic  |  anxious  |  arrogant  |  audacious  |  bad  liar  |  bigmouth  |  bigot  |  blindly  loyal  |  blunt  |  callous  |  childish  |  chronic  heroism  |  cheater  |  clingy  |  clumsy  |  cocky  |  codependent  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cowardly  |  cruel  |  cynical  |  delinquent  |  delusional  |  dependent  |  depressed  |  deranged  |  disloyal  |  ditzy  |  egotistical  |  envious  |  erratic  |  fickle  |  finicky  |  fixated  |  flaky  |  frail  |  fraudulent  |  foul  mouthed  |  guilt complex  |  gloomy  |  gluttonous  |  gossiper  |  gruff  |  grudgeholding  |  gullible  (always wants to believe the best in people ) |  hedonistic  |  humorless  |  hypochondriac  |  hypocritical  |  idealist  |  idiotic  |  ignorant  |  immature  |  impatient  |  incompetent  |  indecisive  |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lazy  |  lewd  |  liar  |  lustful  |  manipulative  |  masochistic  |  meddlesome  |  melodramatic  |  money-loving  |  moody  |  naïve  |  nervous  |  nosy  |  ornery  |  overprotective  |  overly  sensitive  |  paranoid  |  passive-aggressive  |  perfectionist  |  pessimist  |  petty  |  power-hungry  |  proud  |  possessive  |  pushover  |  reckless  |  reclusive  |  remorseless  |  rigorous  |  sadistic  |  sarcastic  |  senile  |  selfish  |  self-destructive  |  shallow  |  sociopathic  |  sore  loser  |  spineless  |  spiteful  |  spoiled  |  stubborn  |  suspicious  |  tactless  |  temperamental  |  timid  |  thief  |  tone-deaf  |  traitorous  |  unathletic  |  ungracious  |  unlucky  |  unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  |  vain  |  withdrawn  |  workaholic
Tagged by: No one! I am a sneaky little thief in the night!
Tagging: all of @scp-040-jp, @anomalous-river, @krvegerr's roleplay blogs! @abel-uncontained, @o5-10 & @o5oflies, @tempest-toss (for muses of your choice!)
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
do you recognize the bodies in the water?
Ophelia didn’t give even a moments pause from her knitting, wrapping yarn around the blunt, bamboo needles and silently counting to herself the stitches. Instead, she responded simply and flatly, busy but not disinterested.
“ Bodies in the water? Now that is certainly new, pray tell, is that one of Poppy’s newest interests? They do love their horror films— of course I think they are a touch too mature for a child their age but, they do make them so happy. How could I ever say no?” Ophelia couldn’t help but stop and being a hand to her cheek, almost as if to shield her from the embarrassment.
“ God, I must sound like a terrible mother, but they give the poor dear so dreadfully little, I figure that if this silly show of corn syrup and pasta noodles makes them happy, who am I to deny them? haha.” The lighthearted sound of the nurse chuckling faded off into silence as the anonymous speaker did little more than stare at her, blankly.
“ Or are you talking about the youngsters, the, ah— high schoolers? I believe that’s the term ” there is a pregnant pause between the anon and the nurse, both staring at each other, recognition in both eyes. The anon was about to repeat their initial statement before Ophelia cut them off, her eyes staring both directly into theirs and almost straight through them at the same time. “ The bodies in the water, I am familiar, ”
“ There was 12 of them, no, 13? It’s difficult to recall, poor dears, poor, poor dears. I cannot think of a worse fate. The things some men— no, not even men, some beasts will do to cover their sins appals me. They will get their just deserts some day, they will join those poor kids at the bottom of that lake and they will know the hell they have created. I know it, I’ve seen it,”
Attempt at interview terminated from hereon due to SCP-8713-B spreading what was determined to be cognito-hazardous verbiage and description. Subject was terminated and information redacted. You do not recognize the bodies in the water.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
What form of love do you embody?
Ophelia / 8713-B
Love as a Tenderness
[ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
Rubedo / the Red Lord of Alagadda
Love as a Violence
[ love as bloodshed, crimson as a knife slipped between your ribs ] when ocean vuong said "to arrive at love, then, is to arrive through obliteration" and when franz kafka said "you are the knife i turn inside myself; that is love" and when ada limon said "how do you love? like a fist. like a knife" and when richard siken said "sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine"
Tagged stolen from: @jewelpain
Tagging: @teeth-and-ashes, @liver-solemnity, @collective-minimalist, @scp-040-jp (for any of your muses but especially Leo, Moon Champion and Ben!), @brightcarnate, @helloyesthisisdado, @themeaningoffear, @ukulclc & @raiighn (just to say hi as my newest mutual and because it looks like you'd enjoy doing this quiz! Haha)
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
Send 📷 to have a picture taken of your muse with SCP-978 || ACCEPTING
🐇 || ooc. Rubedo got another ask of his own so he’ll be done there!
Subject: SCP-8713-B
Initial photo activity: Subject was photographed from the waist up while standing before a white wall while smiling for the camera and with neutral pose.
Result: Undetermined, Subject destroyed photograph before the details of its contents could be transcribed. Assistant Researcher ████ Mason who had taken the photograph and viewed it prior to destruction recalls the image taking place in a kitchen which appeared consistent with the 1930s. The photo to Mason's recollection contained 6 humanoid figures in some manner of leisure and play, a further two humanoid individuals can be seen outside a window and seemed to be speaking with one another. None of the contents of the photograph where graphic or explicit in any nature.
Comment: It seems that some manner of the contents appeared to trigger SCP-8713-B to experience an episode of brief and intense discomfort and paranoia. SCP-8713-B, following its destruction of the photograph was found to have returned to its containment cell of its own volition and refused to discuss either the contents of the photograph or its reaction to it when prompted. SCP-8713-B did not emerge from its containment chamber for the duration of its shift. SCP-8713-B, for reasons unknown, did not write of the events or contents of the photograph within its journal during its evening entry.
It was remarkably, no, even comically simple for Mason to get a photo of 8713-B, or Ophelia as he had come to know her. He remembered hearing tales of juniors having to run beside her as she insisted on continuing her work in the clinic rather than heeding their request for interview, or better, the tales of researchers, bright eyed and bushy tailed being severely instructed to make themselves useful or to leave, and walking dejected from the clinic.
Mason snickered to himself at the thought of that, he’d been working with Ophelia for what? Three years and she was nothing if not dedicated and no nonsense. He once mused that had she a mean bone in her body, she’d make a fine drill instructor. But for the topic at hand, he had been pleasantly surprised to find her agreeable as he pulled her off to the side.
Initially, when he had approached her, her voice held reluctance, like a dog pulling on its lead— though her task had thankfully been moving fresh bed linens to empty rooms, she hated to leave a job unfinished and hated worse to be distracted on the job. But she listened, Mason was a friendly face, she trusted him enough to think he would not waste her time, and when he posed to her the question of being a willing participant to a ‘new form of photography,’ her eyes lit up with curiosity and interest. Perhaps she could step away, just this once, for learning! They were not busy after all!
Standing with her back against the plain white wall, a broad smile worn across her face as proudly as a necklace of diamonds. She stared at the camera held aloft in Mason’s hands, only briefly blinking and flinching at the flash, before turning her attention back to him and opening her mouth to speak as the internal printer churned to lift and began humming as it printed her picture into Mason’s waiting hand.
Ophelia asked him, voice still bubbling with restrained girlish excitement about what they did now, as he laid the photo facedown on a cart, and he responded with a smile that they’d wait, and wait they did. Standing there in an awkward silence, waiting for the photo to develop. Minutes ticked by, passing like gallstones as the two waited, trepidation dragging every second on as though it were an hour.
After ten minutes, whether through frustration or confidence, he couldn’t tell himself. Mason threw up his hands and responded in the affirmative, whether or not it was truly done be damned, as he didn't want to wait an instant longer, and reached for the photo. Moving close, Ophelia peered over the Mason's shoulder, waiting to get the first glimpse at the image. However, as he turned the image around, Ophelia's blood ran cold and she froze in place, stuttering and stammering over her words as she asking, no, instructed Mason to drop the photo, before lunging forward and snatching the film from his grasp before he had even taken its contents to memory.
He had been about to complain and tell her to return it when he noticed the change in her demeanor and appearance, though still herself, her eyes were wild and her body tense and defensive- like a rat cornered by a cat, she stared at him and him her in complete silence, before he watched in horror as she not only ripped the photo to shreds as though it were nothing more than damp tissue shoved the remains into her mouth and ate it. After that, and with no further word, Ophelia ran off, leaving Mason in shock and awe and abject confusion. What the hell was that about?
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
tagged by @teeth-and-ashes
Filled out for Rubedo, the Red Lord & Nurse Ophelia, SCP-8713-A
i. the fairy.
chipped nail polish . glitter highlight . tall trees with smooth bark . tangled hair . the taste of cinnamon sugar . talking too loud and too fast . overgrown flowers in your hair . crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature . flirting . walking home at 3am with no coat . platonic hand - holding . blowing smoke out of your nose . dragonfly wings . chaotic good . freckles . fairy rings . secret meetings . gender nonconformity . leather . smudged eyeliner . forbidden fruit .
ii. the reaper.
computer errors . a shiver down your spine . haunting beauty . hard liquor . crowns of thorns . shadowed alleyways . decaying plant matter . shattered mirrors and broken glass . corrupted memories . stopped clocks . the scent of stale cigarettes . tattered black hoodies . walking your friends home . the crescent moon . the sea . a graveyard on a foggy day . cold rings on cold fingers . absolution . looking out the window of an airplane . soft kisses .
iii. the witch.
graffiti . pretending to know what you’re doing . worn paperback books . growing up too fast . parsley , sage , rosemary , and thyme . lace and combat boots . moth wings . candles on every surface . a weathered deck of cards . turning the music up . fireflies in jars . calloused fingers . drawing on your skin . sunlight filtering through clouds . petrichor . a dying rose in a jar . wearing a crystal pendant . illusions and spells . black cats . mint gum . chapped lips . dirt under your fingernails . the cycle of life and death .
iv. the wolf.
murders of crows . frost-bitten leaves . wolves howling at midnight . knocking on your door . leaving food out for stray animals . the twang of an acoustic guitar . honey . tiny red buds on trees . claw marks on the walls . golden eyes . slightly too long stubble . sharp canines . soft , thick fur. hunger . a small cottage in the middle of the woods . knitted fingerless gloves . sleeping on the forest floor . always finding your way back home .
tagging; @scp-040-jp (all of the blogs you haven't done this with), @tempest-toss, @brightcarnate, @jewelpain, @ukulclc
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