skipcore · 4 years
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anikithefox · 5 years
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xlocor · 4 years
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Retour avec des nouveautés
1er photos : Kuriri (forme normale) il peut se transformer et rester hors de l'eau après un accident qu'il à eu, sa durée de vie est plus longue que les autres axolotl
2eme photos : j'essayer de faire des ombres et rondoudou sanblai le plus facile à faire
3eme photos : Penets avec son pots «infini» de beurre de cacahuète (le pots n'est pas infini)
4eme photos : Steve dans l'espace, je m'entraîner juste à faire des l'arrière plan
5eme photos : Tender sous un autre angle
6eme photos : je sais pas trop ce que j'avais fait, c'est une âme entouré par quelques choses qui le protège
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hazoret · 6 years
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Inktober Day 13!
SCP-1011, “Humanization Process.”
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beartrapinuwu · 3 years
Week 3 of drawing an scp everyday of the month
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I think this might be my favorites so far, I got so exited to get the oportunity to draw one of the scp's from AWCY >w<
Also happy to get an use the fact that I speak spanish xp
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samatedeansbroccoli · 3 years
Here they are!
Fav SCPs:
• SCP-001 (The Factory)
• SCP-049 (Plague Doctor)
• SCP-294 (The Coffee Machine)
• SCP-499 (Old Sun Man)
• SCP-323 (Wendigo Skull)
• SCP-939 (With Many Voices)
• SCP-093 (Red Sea Object)
• SCP-1233 (The Lunatic)
• SCP-5000 (The Suit)
Cool SCPs:
• SCP-2399 (A Malfunctioning Destroyer)
• SCP-179 (Sauelsuesor)
• SCP-1529 (King of the Mountain)
• SCP-1400 (Sirens)
• SCP-055 [unknown]
• SCP-1983 (Doorway to Nowhere)
• SCP-343 (God)
• SCP-1011 (Humanization Process)
• SCP-409 (Contagious Crystal)
• SCP-096 (Shy Guy)
• SCP-407 (The Song of Genesis)
Some yt channels I watch for scp animations:
TheRubber | Detective Void | Dr Bob | SCP Explained
another guy I'm new to is Professor Lucius so I'm still kinda developing an opinion of him but the others are great!
apparently I'm also subscribed to SCP Animated yet I don't think I've really watched their stuff. maybe one or two videos but the more the merrier!
Also here is my favourite SCP of all time! I've watched this video of way too many times
WELL this got really long. I went through everything you gave me, and was aiming for this to be a short response, but NOOOOO. I can't make anything short because I'm an analytical bitch. SO we're gonna put a line break on this response, and split my response into two parts: reactions to your favorite/cool SCPs, and reactions to the YouTubers.
I am tagging this SCP, so I'm sorry if I offend anyone. And with that, may I present you...
A Non-SCP Fan Reacts to SCP
First part is the list. I went through each one and googled them, looking at the pictures that google provides. I have no idea about the personalities, so I'm probably missing stuff.
• SCP-001 (The Factory):
Oh so he's just basically what Supernatural could have given us if they weren't on a budget.
• SCP-049 (Plague Doctor)
This guy I've seen around a few times. He tends to be people's favorite on Instagram.
• SCP-294 (The Coffee Machine)
I... I'm not really sure why I was expecting something more.
• SCP-499 (Old Sun Man)
He looks like one of those famous scientists that I'm blanking on the name of.
• SCP-323 (Wendigo Skull)
Interestingly, this guy is one of those mythological characters that haunts my area, so his look isn't too surprising in the slightest because I see it quite often.
• SCP-939 (With Many Voices)
So THIS is the bitch that was in Shang-Chi.
• SCP-093 (Red Sea Object)
Why did I think of that one scene in Resident Evil 8 with the blob baby? Also this guy looks like it's straight out of Toy Story 1 or 3.
• SCP-1233 (The Lunatic)
ngl I was expecting a witch. I literally got a lunar-tic. Also, I wonder how many SCP are out there if we're hitting quad digits.
• SCP-5000 (The Suit)
Next gen Halo.
• SCP-2399 (A Malfunctioning Destroyer)
Wait wait wait wait. Now I'm just straight up confused. What did Jupiter's Big Red Spot ever do to the SCP community? I mean, yeah, it would rip you in half but...
Okay after looking up what SCP even stands for, I've decided to let my Jupiter hyperfixation from the past blow over and we can continue.
• SCP-179 (Sauelsuesor)
No idea how to say this one, but I like how the first image I got was a Minecraft fanwork of this one.
• SCP-1529 (King of the Mountain)
Please tell me the SCP community plays Edvard Grieg every time this one appears. Also he makes me think of the Superman comics.
• SCP-1400 (Sirens)
Ya know, I was expecting a lady siren or an actual police car siren, and not a praying mantis.
• SCP-055 [unknown]
Does this guy even have an appearance? Reddit is giving me memes instead, and also telling me that Anti-Meme is the joke name for this one.
• SCP-1983 (Doorway to Nowhere)
It's... exactly what I was expecting.
• SCP-343 (God)
That's Odin.
• SCP-1011 (Humanization Process)
See, this guy actually looks like something straight out of an SCP story. Aka the most normal one here that I was expecting.
• SCP-409 (Contagious Crystal)
...I'm not sure at this point whether to be continuously surprised or disappointed that it's a pure white crystal. Very boring color. Could have gone for green.
• SCP-096 (Shy Guy)
Hey look, it's the monster from Cry of Fear. Also reminds me of that Creepypasta story about the sleep experiments that I read years ago.
• SCP-407 (The Song of Genesis)
"It's just a tree, man. Just a tree." --Max Dillon, Spider-Man: No Way Home
And now onto the Youtubers
• TheRubber: SCP-096 is his pinned video, and this thing could throw hands with General Grievous. They're close enough in height (sort of). Also, mild malnutrition??????? MILD??????? NO??? THATS SEVERE???? It's kinda cute tho, being shy and docile, and also a learning what to not attack.
About the YouTuber himself, I like his talking pace. Very quick, but very informative. Not wasting any time, which is always appreciated. Easily watched the 5 minute video.
• Detective Void: SCP 4026 - Guardian Angel. SCP is the featured video on his channel. Lowkey reminds me of the anime style storytelling XD. I like how no one remembers SCP 4026, just that someone talked them out of death, and yet somehow we're talking about SCP 4026.
About the YouTuber: pretty decent. I think in terms of bite sized information he's good. I do like in depth though, so this would be something I'd listen to if I needed something quick to watch.
• Dr Bob: SCP-3700 Tides of War is the pinned video on his channel. As an ocean nerd, this one already got my interest from the get-go, though I ended up cackling at the fact it's just an area, especially when he talked about SCP 3700-1 being 6km long and moving at 100km/h. Tbh I'm trying to apply too much logic to these guys.
I like this guy! I can see him being an easily bingeable type of Youtuber, similar to TheRubber.
• SCP Explained
Top video is 2 hours long, and I don't have time for that, so we're watching one of the most recent posts, which is SCP-682 vs. SCP-2578-D. SCP-2578-D is... a... spacecraft. I feel like I'm the wrong person to show this to because all of this is comedy to me XD. Also SCP-682 is the guy that went after SCP-096, yeah?
Honestly, I can see this channel being really fun if I was wicked into the whole thing. Probably not the most friendly for starting SCP learners simply because of how long the videos are, but definitely a cool channel to have!
• Professor Lucius: Top video is Who Killed Jane Doe? | SCP-6868 | Bubbly Bobby the Rubber Ducky. OKAY THIS GUY IS COOL!!! The fact he can do so many voices, and keep it in a rounded, consistent tone, and how he has that podcast type voice. It makes for a fantastic combination. Also this guy goes out with all the background music. It's like a mini movie because he makes little music themes simply by the music he picks. Also the quips are great. "I'm not just good looks, doc. There's brains up here too."
I didn't even talk about the video. The animation quality is fantastic, from the different types of faces, to body shape, to the backgrounds, and making sure all characters are recognizable. I'm subbing to this guy.
• SCP-001 Animation:
So in other words, this is an Amazon warehouse. Good to know. Tbh I really appreciate how TheRubber brings in all the struggles of the story. Easily, this could have been something that was brushed over and just brought out the most important details. Instead, he brought in all the details, from dates, to events, to characters, and all that above. Very well put together!
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hisclockworkservants · 10 years
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SCP Foundation fanart. SCP-1011, Humanization Process.
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xlocor · 6 years
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1011(tender) est un virus créé pour anéantir la Fondation SCP mais une mauvaise manipulation du code l'a rendu fainient et joueur ,sa corne fait de l'électricité et elle lui fait faire de gros problèmes ,une fois il a fait un blackout alors qu'il nager les yeux fermés
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