#scp seth
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entomo-maniac · 8 months ago
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I think this would be a nice dynamic for them, but I know very well that it will be too much to ask.
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carcasscounty · 11 months ago
Siblings not getting along
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Based on a conversation me and my siblings had recently
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black-stella · 4 months ago
Los hijos de Adán y Eva en mi AU, yeeei (?).
Probablemente alguno tendrá un rediseño en el futuro.
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Algunos datos de ellos (menos de Cain y Able).
Azura y Seth.
–Mellizos, siendo Azura la mayor de ambos.
–Nacieron después de la muerte de Abel/Able, literalmente el MISMO DÍA, DOS HORAS DESPUÉS. Así que Able los conoce cuando estuvo en su modo espíritu por unos seis años.
–Gracias a que Cain fue desterrado y dejó de ser el heredero de sus padres, la corona pasó a Azura, quien fue criada por Adán para ser gobernante y instruida por Eva en la magia.
–Al ser mellizos, se tuvo la posibilidad de que ambos fueran gobernantes al mismo nivel. Pero Seth decidió ser solamente como un consejero porque no le gustaba mostrarse mucho en público. Esta decisión fue tomada cuando tenían diez años, donde empezó la educación anteriormente mencionada para Azura.
–Ambos tenían personalidades algo opuestas, siendo Azura muy social mientras que Seth era más tímido y reservado.
–Pasaban casi todo el tiempo juntos ya que eran como mejores amigos, aunque llegaban a discutir con frecuencia.
–Azura murió en un incendio a los 25 años de edad, murió sin dejar heredero, por lo que Seth tuvo que tomar el puesto mientras criaba a su hija junto a su esposa.
–Seth como gobernante fue bastante torpe en un inició, pero lentamente fue mejorando en eso. Dejaría su puesto a la edad de 68 años para pasar el tiempo con su esposa, quien falleció a los 93 años.
–Seth no volvió a tener ninguna pareja después de ella.
Aclima, Tashie y Noaba.
–Trillizas, nacidas cuando Azura y Seth tenían ocho años.
–Aclima es la más parecido a Eva de todos los hijos, a su vez, es la que más explotó su magia y creo varios hechizos que transmitía por el boca a boca, solo algunos quedaron escritos en pocas tablillas. Probablemente la más fuerte entre los hijos de Adan y Eva solo si consideramos el ambito de la magia. Se comprometió a los 22 y tuvo solo un hijo con su esposo.
–Tashie es la segunda del trío, conocida por ser muy seria y responsable con las actividades burocráticas, adoraba tener todo en orden y limpió. Sería la primera en odiar a Cain y Able (en especial a este último) si los conocíera. No se casó ni tuvo hijos.
–Noaba es la menor de las hermanas, a diferencia de Tashie, era muy relajada, desordenada y prefería pasar un tiempo agradable con amigos, familia y amantes. No estuvo comprometida, pero tuvo en total a cuatro hijos.
–La última en nacer, desarrolló un fuerte interés en la vida que habitaba los ríos y mares.
–Era una especie de bióloga marina, amaba registrar sus descubrimientos y todas las teorías que tenía de ellos. Sus ropas principalmente tendrían una temática de aguas o corales.
–Una vez, a sus cinco años, saco a una serpiente marina de una playa cercana y se lo fue a mostrar a su padre, quien le grito que la devolviera de inmediato y dejará de jugar con los animales. Terminó castigada por esto.
–Coleccionaba caracolas de mar y algunas piedras y flores que encontraba cerca de los cuerpos de agua.
–Tengo la idea de que se casó con un dios/semi dios de los ríos y tuvo a varios hijos con él. En este final probablemente hubiera sido transformada en una diosa menor por su prometido.
–El menor de la familia, no es hijo biológico de Adán y Eva. Fue adoptado por ellos cuando era un bebé, poco después de que naciera Delborah. No se sabe quienes son sus padres biológicos.
–Al ser el más joven y casi no tener responsabilidades encima, comenzó a asistir a pequeñas fiestas y reuniones con personas de su edad, para después, comenzar a organizar sus propios festejos en el palacio. Así gano la reputación de ser muy fiestero y extrovertido.
–Se llevaba bien con todos sus hermanos, pero en especial con Noaba, ya que a esta también le gustaban las fiestas y festejos.
–Fue padre joven, a los dieciocho, gracias a que tuvo un encuentro con una mujer estando ambos muy borrachos. Aún así, crio a su hija lo mejor que pudo, aunque nunca se caso con la madre de ella (el ejemplo que podría poner es de padres separados, pero ambos están muy presentes en la educación y crianza de los hijos).
–No comprometido, pero estuvo a punto de hacerlo con un@ extranjer@ que le terminó robando unas copas que tenía para luego desaparecer.
–Cabe aclarar que no sabía elegir a sus parejas.
Edit del 7/12/24: Tras comer el fruto en el Edén, Adán y su descendencia quedó destinada a morir en su vejez (aunque fueron bastante longevos, por ejemplo, Adán murió alrededor de los mil años). Eva sería la única inmortal de la familia, en un principio.
Cain será inmortal junto a Able hasta que no arreglen sus problemas. Mientras que Seth y (probablemente) Aclima alargaron sus años de vida gracias a experimentar y aprender magia por cientos de años, mientras que Delborah es inmortal gracias a que fue convertida en una deidad.
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sillykytty · 10 months ago
Hi SCP fandom
Can you tell me why all of you portray Seth (SCP 4840) as evil, ruthless, or a bad person overall¿ /SRS
I'm serious I don't get it 😭😭😭. Did I miss something or...???
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snsl7jr-and-d3er · 4 months ago
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xenahikart · 2 years ago
King, Soldier and Poet
Seth, Abel and Cain and Adam
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cassketti · 1 year ago
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Family reunion part 3
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05-redacted · 2 years ago
Got some prompts for ya:
- 049, 073 and 682 being the worst group of friends (not related to the kids, just them being buddies, also not "worst" in an abusive way, more in a cringefail queer people way)
- 076 finds 073's drugs and learn about all the weird story behind it (Cocaïn would 100% be the nickname Bright would call him, yes Bright is the reason Caïn can access drugs, yes I know all of that doesn't make sense)
- (Absolutely unrealistic/anacronic) 073, 076 and Seth finds old videos/pictures of when they where children, half of them are of 073 or 076 kinda bullying Seth or forgeting that he's just a lil bean
- 073 and 682 bullying (not too violently, just silly harmless pranks and banters, Caïn wouldn't do otherwise) 076
- Josie the cat being secretly a khajiit from TES (If you don't know the Elders Scrolls, just a cat who have human intelligence and ability to speak) and TJ just chilling with her, not worried even a bit
- 073 and 035 trying to scam Bright by making him buy some worthless trinket
Those three are the most mature scps I could think of. They are the caretakers of the rest of the Scps. Imagine if they were in a teacher AU?
049 would be a Chemistry teacher
073 would be a History teacher
682 would Definitely be an English teacher.(You would understand if you heard him speak during that one interview) They would be called the "Three Muskequeers"
Bright better get away from Cain. And able better drop that coccaine bag I don't want him getting fucked up by them, he already got a drinking problem as it is. Instead of torturing Cain I now decided to put him through therapy and counseling.
Bright I'm coming for yo ass.
This would actually happen if there was an Scp who has both age reducing factors and memory altering abilities. Omega task force would be the ones to take pictures and the ones who have to take care of an oddly less angry and more calm version of Able.
Cain and Able giving Seth shit is something that would absolutely happen.
Any dumb shenanigans would be pictured by Iris as she wants to use it to bother Able if turns back.
I think I remember that there was a scp cat that had the capacity of human speech and was actually intelligent. That same cat ended up being a spy of sorts? (I don't quite remember it's been about three or four years since I read it)
People would be suspicious of her but once they see her being cute and cuddly to TJ some of thier initial suspicion would leave.
I see that happening more with 106 and 035. Both of them would be gaslighting and convincing Bright he'll regret not buying it later.
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technomanceer · 1 year ago
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some doodles of one of my many fucked up guys and his nerd bf
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entomo-maniac · 12 days ago
Adam: *Points at Able* Faggot
Adam: *Points at Caïn* Faggot
Adam: *Points at Seth* My sweet gay son whom I am very proud of
Adam showing his favoritism in the most subtle way
(this post was made by a pair of queer people, any complains shall be handed to my legal representative)
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simply-sammm · 1 year ago
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Jsajs me encanta, aunque con scp 076 pienso que sería peor xD
i love scp 073 but for the love of god, someone needs to get him brown contacts.
imagine discussing really important foundation information and this is how he looks at you
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black-stella · 16 days ago
Me salve de la escuela porque me enferme, pero ahora me caga no respirar bien porque ando con la nariz tapada.
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plaguedocboi · 1 year ago
Monsters vs Aliens really is a wild movie. Like imagine you get abducted by the SCP Foundation but the only other things there are Seth Brundle, The Blob, an Innsmouth Fishman, and Godzilla. And then you have to save the world together. Who came up with this plot and can we please do a collab
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snsl7jr-and-d3er · 25 days ago
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I got bored at work so I finished this bro trio. Here's Seth's arm and hand headcanon (he will probably get another one or two)
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doggocake · 2 months ago
A little recreation of this silly pic I took of me and my friend @top-hat-sam roleplaying on Gacha online. <3
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These two silly characters are mine and Sam's oc's Carter, and Seth. These little BAD BOIz are from an scp au me and me friendos do :]
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theyanderespecialist · 7 months ago
Base Yandere SCP 073/Cain Headcanons: Jealousy Is His Thing (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back finally with a new SCP Yandere headcanon! This one is With SCP 073 aka Cain! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: SCP 073 aka Cain is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are Not Ideal partners to have in real life! Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With SCP 073/Cain From SCP Foundation Fandom-
.Cain is the son of Adam and Eve and he has two brothers. Abel and Seth.
.Cain is an anomaly. He is immortal and cannot be physically harmed. Any attack that is done to him ends up affecting the one who did the attack or physical harm. So if someone stabbed him he would feel it but he would not be stabbed, the one who stabbed him would be.
.The other part of his anomaly is that he cannot be around plants as he has a radius around him that kills all plant life in the soil. And that he cannot touch anything that has plants in it. Even cotton, so he has specially made clothes that he can wear.
.He had this anomaly sometime after he killed his brother Abel.
.Cain is now in the foundation and he loves to help people.
.He met you by chance and fell for you right away.
.He knew that you were the one for him and he is a puppy dog yandere type.
.In which he follows you around like a puppy dog and always wants to help you.
.He wants to be useful to you and wants to make your life easier.
So he will always be willing to help you out and do anything that you need him to do.
.He also would be the type of yandere that would stalk you as well.
.Watching you from an affair and following you like a hawk.
.He would do it so you would have no idea that he is stalking you, but he calls it that he is watching over you.
.To make sure that you are safe and sound.
.That is what he would say at least, we know that this mother fucker is stalking you! FR FR!
.He is also going to break into your room and steal things, such as your toothbrush, fragrance sprayers, and any pillowcases or clothes (such as underwear) that he can that do not turn to ash in his hand.
.He comes off as a very sweet, loving, and protective man.
.But really he has a dark side.
.He can become very jealous and that makes him very, very possessive.
.More so than most other yanderes even!
.He had been jealous enough of his brother that he went to kill him!
.And that was before he was yandere for you.
.So he would very much be willing to kill someone for you!
.He also would be a bit controlling trying to keep you away from anyone and everyone else.
.At the very least the ones that he knows that are into you.
.Since he has been stalking you he knows which men or women keep an eye on you.
.So he does everything he can to keep them away from you.
.With rivals Cain would be intimidating to them, showing them that if they try anything with you. They will be dealt with, it is vague and ominous.
.And worse of all he makes it seem to everyone that he has none of these toxic traits.
.So if Rivals go to people and say that Cain was threatening no one would believe them.
.He would be so scary and threatening that most people end up being switched to other section and such away from you.
.Cain would be the type to isolate you from everyone else if he can.
.And if you told someone how bad Cain is, since he is a two-faced yandere and very manipulative with others, make them think he is a good person. They think you are a liar or that you are confused.
.They would all trust Cain over you, that is a fact.
.Same with if Cain got rid of the rivals, no one would believe or trust the rivals that cain had messed with them.
.Cain is also a bit too controlling.
.In which he starts off small with controlling who you can see and be with.
.And then it comes to where you are with him almost twenty-four seven.
.He is manipulative enough that he can get you to be with him all the time.
.He also would be a bit good at gaslighting, making you feel that it is your fault or that he is doing this for your own good.
.He also does not realize his own strength, and when he does lose his temper with his jealousy he might grab onto you.
.Never raising a hand to you of course, but grabbing onto you, or pinning you down so hard that you have bruises.
.He would never want to hurt you and he would feel awful. He still would tell you if you were not with that person he would have never grabbed onto you like that.
.Again gaslighting you so that you think and feel that it was your fault.
.He would also use his anomaly to his advantage in which he would throw a punch "to defend himself" and then the person would defend themself only for them to get hurt and affected by their defense.
.No One would be able to fight him and it would be a one-way fight pretty much.
.When he confesses to you it would be in his mind a romantic gesture, in which he is being sweet and kind.
.If you say yes to him and accept his love, he will be over the moon and kiss you deeply.
.If you turn down his feelings he is going to be thinking that someone is in the way of his love for you.
.He may even grab you and demand who is in the way of his love.
.He will increase his stalking and protective possessive nature until you have no choice but to accept his love because he is all that you will know.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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