#scp 511
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Lil cat creature
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I posted this on Reddit, surprised I haven’t posted it here yet
SCP-511ic: A gender related or connected to SCP-511
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France, Conseil d'État, 8ème chambre, 22 novembre 2024, 495035
https://justifiable.fr/?p=914 https://justifiable.fr/?p=914 #8ème #chambre #Conseil #dÉtat #France #novembre Vu la procédure suivante : La société anonyme (SA) SNCF Réseau a demandé au juge des référés du tribunal administratif de Montreuil d’ordonner l’expulsion de la société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) JMC et de tous occupants de son chef des emplacements qu’elle occupe dans l’enceinte de la gare de la Plaine – Stade de France à Saint-Denis-la-Plaine (Seine-Saint-Denis), de restituer les lieux en bon état et d’évacuer tous les matériels, mobiliers et marchandises entreposés, sous astreinte de 500 euros par jour de retard à compter de la notification de l’ordonnance à intervenir et de l’autoriser à procéder, à compter de cette notification et au besoin avec le concours de la force publique et l’assistance d’un huissier, à la libération du domaine public et à l’expulsion des personnes l’occupant sans titre. Par une ordonnance n° 2402991 du 26 mars 2024, le juge des référés de ce tribunal a enjoint à la société JMC de libérer sans délai les locaux et terrains qu’elle occupe et d’évacuer l’ensemble des biens meubles lui appartenant dans un délai de dix jours à compter de la notification de son ordonnance, sous astreinte de 200 euros par jour de retard, a autorisé la société SNCF Réseau, à compter du terme du délai ainsi fixé, à faire procéder à la libération des lieux et à l’évacuation des biens meubles aux frais, risques et périls de cette société et a rejeté le surplus des conclusions de la requête. 1° Sous le n° 495035, par un pourvoi, enregistré le 10 juin 2024 au secrétariat du contentieux du Conseil d’Etat, la société JMC demande au Conseil d’Etat : 1°) d’annuler cette ordonnance ; 2°) de mettre à la charge de la société SNCF Réseau la somme de 4 000 euros au titre de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative. 2° Sous le n° 495750, par une requête, enregistrée le 5 juillet 2024 au secrétariat du contentieux du Conseil d’Etat, la société JMC demande au Conseil d’Etat : 1°) d’ordonner, sur le fondement de l’article R. 821-5 du code de justice administrative, le sursis à exécution de cette même ordonnance ; 2°) de mettre à la charge de la société SNCF Réseau la somme de 4 000 euros au titre de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative. ………………………………………………………………………… Vu les autres pièces des dossiers ; Vu : – le code des transports ; – le code général de la propriété des personnes publiques ; – le code de justice administrative ; Après avoir entendu en séance publique : – le rapport de M. Jean-Marc Vié, conseiller d’Etat, – les conclusions de Mme Karin Ciavaldini, rapporteure publique ; La parole ayant été donnée, après les conclusions, à la SCP Zribi et Texier, avocat de la société JMC et à la SCP Piwnica et Molinié, avocat de la société SNCF Réseau ; Considérant ce qui suit : 1. Le pourvoi par lequel la société JMC demande l’annulation de l’ordonnance du 26 mars 2024 du juge des référés du tribunal administratif de Montreuil et la requête par laquelle elle demande qu’il soit sursis à l’exécution de cette ordonnance présentent à juger les mêmes questions. Il y a lieu de les joindre pour statuer par une seule décision. Sur le pourvoi : 2. Aux termes de l’article L. 822-1 du code de justice administrative : » Le pourvoi en cassation devant le Conseil d’Etat fait l’objet d’une procédure préalable d’admission. L’admission est refusée par décision juridictionnelle si le pourvoi est irrecevable ou n’est fondé sur aucun moyen sérieux « . 3. Pour demander l’annulation de l’ordonnance qu’elle attaque, la société JMC soutient que le juge des référés a : – rendu sa décision en méconnaissance de l’article L. 511-2 du code de justice administrative, dès lors qu’il ressort de celle-ci qu’elle émane du tribunal administratif de Melun et que ce juge a statué sans avoir été régulièrement désigné à cet effet au sein de ce tribunal ; – commis une erreur de droit en jugeant que le terrain en litige appartenait au domaine public alors qu’à l’exception de ce qui relève du domaine public ferroviaire, dont ne dépend pas ce terrain, les biens immobiliers attribués à la société SNCF Réseau, entreprise de droit privé, sont insusceptibles d’appartenir, par nature, à un domaine public. 4. Aucun de ces moyens n’est de nature à permettre l’admission du pourvoi. Sur la requête à fin de sursis à exécution : 5. Le pourvoi formé par la société JMC contre l’ordonnance du juge des référés du tribunal administratif de Montreuil n’étant pas admis, les conclusions qu’elle présente aux fins qu’il soit sursis à l’exécution de cette ordonnance sont dépourvues d’objet. Il n’y dès lors pas lieu d’y statuer. 6. Les dispositions de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative font obstacle à ce qu’une somme soit mise à ce titre à la charge de la société SNCF Réseau, qui n’est pas dans les présentes instances la partie perdante. Il n’y a pas lieu, dans les circonstances de l’espèce, de faire droit aux conclusions présentées par la société SNCF Réseau au titre des dispositions de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative. D E C I D E : ————– Article 1er : Le pourvoi de la société JMC n’est pas admis. Article 2 : Il n’y a pas lieu de statuer sur les conclusions de la requête de la société JMC tendant à ce que soit prononcé le sursis à exécution de l’ordonnance du 26 mars 2024 du juge des référés du tribunal administratif de Montreuil. Article 3 : Les conclusions de la société JMC et de la société SNCF Réseau présentées au titre de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative sont rejetées. Article 4 : La présente décision sera notifiée à la société à responsabilité limitée JMC et à la société anonyme SNCF Réseau. Délibéré à l’issue de la séance du 10 octobre 2024 où siégeaient : M. Thomas Andrieu, président de chambre, présidant ; M. Jonathan Bosredon, conseiller d’Etat et M. Jean-Marc Vié, conseiller d’Etat-rapporteur. Rendu le 22 novembre 2024. Le président : Signé : M. Thomas Andrieu Le rapporteur : Signé : M. Jean-Marc Vié Le secrétaire : Signé : M. Aurélien Engasser Source link JUSTIFIABLE : Indexation des Jurisprudences depuis le 1er novembre 2024 JUSTIFIABLE enrichit son offre en indexant désormais les différentes jurisprudences publiées depuis le 1er novembre 2024. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité couvre les décisions rendues par les juridictions françaises, offrant un accès rapide et structuré à une base de données constamment mise à jour. Ce service vise à faciliter la recherche juridique et à garantir aux professionnels du droit, étudiants, et particuliers un accès clair et précis à l’évolution des décisions judiciaires en France. Explorez dès maintenant cette catégorie et restez informés des derniers développements juridiques.
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SCP MTF Monster Hunter Badgers
Part 2
Welcome to part two of my blog on the creation of Silverfang. In this post I will be going over the details of how I put together the vest and the rest of the costume as well as the nerf rifle and the plan for the future.
The Clothing
The clothing aspect of this costume was a bit easy as most of the pouches and gear was purchased on Amazon, 511 Tactical, 3d printed, or already had. Some of the stuff I had came form the previous years version of this costume, that being the pants and the under shirt. the next thing I had to looking to was the plate carrier. I had looked online at many of them but always cam back to 511 Tactical. I have had luck with several of there other products so I decided to go with their TacTec Plate Carrier. It was the closes to what I wanted his vest to look like and it had enough attachment points on both back in front to set up the look I was going for. I then decided that I needed to add hydration to this costume as it was all black at this point, so I brought Convertible Hydration Carrier and a 3 litter hydropack to add to the costume. This was all brought at 511 Tactical. The last things i had to buy was the patches and the pouches. Most of the patches and all the pouches and holster had come from Amazon, but the the "Do not pet" leather patch and the badger one was purchased at 511 Tactical.
The Rifle
As I was working on the costume I had came back to a project known as Project FDL. It was on that I had followed many years ago and been wanting to make one so with this costume I decided to finally make one. I settled on going with a full auto/full length dart setup with a longer barrel and larger more powerful battery. I end up do the full print in black and then detail in by hand all the gold and it took me almost 2 weeks to print this. I also had to do some custom cowlings and for grip. I added the fangs to the top cowling on both sides.
In the pic you would see that there was a bit if fur on the stock but in the end it was removed. The stock was a pair of finds on thingiverse. it is a combo of the Nerf stock extender by Egghebrecht and the butt form the Nerf Rapidstrike Stock with Battery Compartment by tungstenexe. I later found the FDL3 Tacticool Shorty Kit by Lyza on printables witch i modded to work with the full length setup I am using.
The Future of Silverfang
I plan to add many features to the costume and have all ready started this process with some new gold paint and metal plats.
I also plan on updating the eyes so that I can setup independent colors. I will use ElectroMage's Pixleblaze and their WS2811 Breakout boards as I already have LEDS. I have since decided to add the Yeethammer by Spyr on printables.
More Links to come
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Aww come here little kitTOH JESUS CHRIST!!
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Just Smile
A fic for @chartlana
“Just smile so I can take the picture!” Mikell all but yelled. His younger brother Jack was being frustrating, changing his facial expression just a second before he would take the picture each time. The 8-year-old was a menace, and his Aunt wanted Christmas cards. Jack would jerk his head back and forth, clutch his eyes shut, even stick his tongue out.
“Nuh-uh!” Jack replied, sticking his tongue out once again. Mikell closed his eyes in annoyance and turned around, hands covering his eyes. As he closed his eyes, he heard the pitter-patter of little feet and a door opening. He whipped around in time to see Jack running outside, the sunlight streaming in to illuminate the motes of dust that filled the room. He swore and began to run after him.
Jack was already half-way across the field in front of their house by the time he got outside, almost to the long rows of wheat that lined the property. Mikell watched as Jack ran into the wheat with a loud laugh. He pulled on his boots and was out the door in seconds, sprinting across the field towards the disturbed plants. Jack was far too fast for his age, outrunning the other children in the schoolyard. As he pushed stalks of wheat to the side, he heard growling and a terrified scream from his left. Jack’s scream.
Whipping out his revolver, Mikell quickly made his way towards the sound, eyes flicking around for signs of movement. Only a handful of seconds passed before he found the source of his younger brother’s screams. Jack had fallen down onto the muddy ground, some creature in front of him. It could loosely be called feline, a human sized amalgamation of viscera, fur and waste with the vague shape of a cat.
Mikell didn’t think, putting two bullets into the thing before hoisting Jack up under his arm. The thing screamed, a mix of a mountain lion howling and shifting scrap metal. It lurched back, shaking blood and waste all over the plants around it. Black blood streamed from the two holes that his bullets had gouged into it. Without a second though, Mikell turned and ran back towards the house, all thoughts of Christmas pictures forgotten.
He raced down the gravel path and up the steps, slamming the door and locking it behind him. He let Jack down and leaned heavily against the wall, attempting to calm his racing breath. Whatever was in the wheat field wasn’t normal, wasn’t rational. Seeing it was sending him into a panic, a feeling that he desperately tried to shove down to where it came from, at least for Jack’s sake.
He reloaded his revolver, peeking out the window. The shambling monster was clawing itself out of the rows, it’s back half more akin to a slug than a cat, trailing blood and refuse behind it. It was at least fifteen feet long, and the stench it gave off was reaching the house. He turned to his younger brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Jack, I need you to go upstairs and lock every door behind you. Get to a room with a window, and if it gets to you, go out the window. Run to town and get help. Do this for me, please.” Jack nodded, his expression terrified. He turned and ran up the stairs, and as the door locked, Mikell grabbed and began to load the shotgun that hung over the cold hearth.
Pushing up the window, Mikell aimed his revolver and took all six shots, the sound of animalistic screaming greeting his ears. He ducked down, reloading the gun with shaking hands. Before he could finish, he was jolted by the sound of the door shaking, and another unearthly screech. He dropped the revolver and picked up the shotgun, steadying it at the door. The door shook again, once, twice, three times, and no more. Mikell paused, the air eerily quiet besides a strange whistling sound.
He was about to move when the sound of an explosion and the smell of searing meat reached him. The whistling continued, a western tune that sounded like something a cowboy would whistle. He peered around the window frame, jerking back at the sight that greeted him.
The thing was dispersed, seared meat and waste formed a pile next to the stairs, blue smoke curling up into the air. A man stood on the gravel path, a silver revolver held in his hand. He was the source of the whistling, a tune escaping his lips as he walked forward. He was fairly short, maybe 5’6” and dressed in a cornflower blue suit. His hair was wild and tousled, and an eyepatch covered his left eye, hiding part of the long scar that split his face.
He motioned at Mikell, ceasing to whistle so he could call out:
“Hey boy, is there anyone else here?” He motioned at the house with the gun before he tucked it into a belt.
“My… My little brother is upstairs!” He called back, and he heard the man swear, wiping viscera off his shoe.
“Well get him out here! We all need to talk for a bit!” Mikell ran up the stairs, knocking on the door. After a minute, he heard the patter of Jack feet and the unlocking door. Jack threw his arms around Mikell, sobbing with relief.
“Shh, it’s okay now Jack, it’s okay.” He ran his hands through Jack’s curls as he comforted him, gently lifting him up. He carried him down the stairs and out the door to the man. The stranger stood there, a cigarette expelling grey smoke Into the sky. He turned, and Mikell caught sight of a blue “5” embroidered onto the fabric of the eyepatch. The man smiled before speaking.
“Well, I suppose I can say sorry about that. I’ve been chasing this bastard all the way down from North Dakota and he’s been slippery. Are you both a‘right?” He offered a cigarette to Mikell, who gladly accepted one.
“Physically, yeah. I’m not sure about everything else.” The man laughed, a short bark of noise.
“That’s everyone’s first reaction to the anomalous. I’m O5-5 of the Foundation, but you two can call me Manifest.” He made a polite bow.
“Wh-What’s the Foundation? What was that!” Mikell said, only to be shushed by the man.
“That’s SCP-511, and the Foundation keeps things like that out of public eye. I’m one of the Foundation’s leaders.” He held up a vial of clear liquid shimmering with flecks of silver. “This is an amnestic. Take it, and you can forget everything that happened today. You can go to bed with peace of mind. You’ll wake up tomorrow and won’t remember anything that happened today. Unfortunately for us, I only have enough for one person. You two have to decide who it’ll be.”
Mikell looked down at Jack, eyes buried into his jacket, tears streaming down his face. He sighed and took the vial and sat jack on the ground. He looked up as Mikell kneeled down uncorking the vial.
“Jack, I need you to drink this.”
“Why?” He sniffled, wiping the tears away.
“It’ll help make this better. For me, can you take this?” Jack nodded and gingerly took it, swallowing it all. He closed his eyes and buried his head back in Mikell’s shoulder. He looked back up towards Manifest, who smiled sadly.
“We have a lot to talk about cowboy.”
[Enter Security Credentials: Does The Black Moon Howl?]
[At The End Of All Beautiful Things]
Item 963-55 is a sepia picture of a young SCP-963 with two figures, one dresses in a suit and eyepatch, the other a jacket and cowboy hat. All individuals are smiling. The two adult figures have been proven to be the former O5-█ and present O5-█.
On the back of the card is a note written in blue ink: “
Until next time cowboy.” -Manifest
#SCP Foundation#scp#o5-6#mikell bright#o5-5#manifest destiny#dr jack bright#jack bright#scp 963#scp 511#does the black moon howl#manifest is an uncle-figure to mikell
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SCP-511: Basement Cat
Object Class: Euclid
The Flesh
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Finally I draw scp
proud of me (not worth it)
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Scp-511 is my favorite tbh
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SCP-511 userboxes, I can’t decide which one I like more so I’m posting both
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You inspired me to look it up and Soap and Laugh apparently don't even crack that 5' mark, for bonus "holy hell sweetie is so Tall"
wait Laugh is 3″9′
#yet.... according to shapey the threshold of Mister height is around 50' to 511'........ shapey you have lied to us#laugh is at the perfect height to steal your kneecaps#scp#little misters
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SCP-511-9 Past
A young Woman age 20, Blonde hair, Green eyes, pale skin, named Sky was walking through the park when she felt a cloth cover her mouth. She felt her world turning black... she blacked out.
She woke up in a Lab of some sort. She was strapped to some bed... Sky looked around and saw surgical tools, needles, kinves,... a chainsaw.....
A tall man with greasy hair, and crazed eyes walked in.....
It was painful
It was horrible
She became a mutant
What happened to the Model? The Angelic Sky? The Butterfly Woman?
She was an ACTUAL Butterfly Woman now...
She had the wings of a Monarch
The Atennas of A butterfly
Her tounge was black with a swirl....
Her eyes were a mix of Blue and Green
She was the Queen of a Butterfly Colony
She attacked whoever threatened her... She sucked out their blood
She licked her black lips and laughed... a insane laugh.....
{1 Year Later}
Sky- Well now known as Monarch, saw a little boy. He had Black hair, and like Monarch his eyes wwere covered by his bangs. His arms had Yellow and black stripes, same as his legs. He wore a rainbow flower crown and had a fuzzy thing around his neck. He had wings and atennas as well.
Monarch carefuly stepped towards the boy, He picked up a rock and yelled "S-Stay back!" He cried, "Or e-else!!!" Monarch felt bad, "Shhh, it's ok Darling, I'm like you...." Monarch said, The boy looked up. "You born like this to?" Monarch pulled the boy into a warm embrace, "No sweetie....," She paused, "He turned me into this, but that doesn't matter, Are you ok?" The boy got closer, "Are you Okay?" Monarch asked. "N-no... H-He hurt m-me!" The boy said, voice cracking. Monarchs gaze softened, "How old are you?" She asked, "How old are you?" The boy asked. "I'm 21, you?"
"I-I'm 7!" He managed to get out, Monarchs eyes widened.
"Kid I swear on my life I will free you!" Monarch said, hugging the boy tighter. "Whats your name?" The boy asked. "I used to Be Sky, aka the Butterfly Woman, But I'm Monarch now, How about you sweetheart?" Monarch says patting the boys fluffy hair. "Milla-Bee!" He said smiling, "Milla-Bee is an adorable name!" Monarch says. Awkward silence. "May I see your eyes?"The boy asked. Monarch pulled up her hair and smiled. Her eyes were without pupils. Half Green half blue.
"pretty..."Milla Be said.
Milla had developed Blindness and had learn to see with sound and smell.
"Where are the SCPS!"
Everything went black
@the-undead-writer-and-artist @saltyfrieswhywontandusernamework
#SCP-creators#SCP Creators#tw implied torture#tw torture#tw implied murder#tw kidnapping#tw cannibalism#tw child abduction#Twisted#Dark#SCP AU#SCP#Scp-08-0#SCP-511-9#Mutant#Implied abuse#Implied Child abuse#TW blood#butterfly#Bee
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Description: SCP-511 is a mass of biological matter taking the form of a large feline, often with extra limbs, eyes, mouths or other organs. It is typically coated with dirt, blood and fecal matter, making its fur appear black despite its actual coloring. (Tests have shown SCP-511’s fur to actually be a random patchwork of various feline coat patterns, colors, and lengths.) SCP-511’s mass varies from 10kg to over 50kg, roughly in proportion to the number of SCP-511-1 in the associated colony. The tissue that makes up this mass consists primarily of the bodies of deceased SCP-511-1. The portion of SCP-511 that does not comprise SCP-511-1 consists of other biomass; small rodents, various plant materials, insects and insect larvae, black mold, a human [DATA EXPUNGED]. Incorporation of dead tissue into SCP-511 does not appear to slow the normal process of decay. Different areas of SCP-511 undergo different stages of biodegradation at any given time; some areas show little more than lividity, while other areas may show active carrion insect infestation, and some areas may even show liquefaction of tissues.
I didnt make the submission date for the SCP art contest, but I decided to wrap my take on SCP-511.
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Who's your favorite scps?
I have too many to count but I really love SCP-2598 (moth w/ helmet), SCP-1762 (Here be dragons), SCP-323 (Wendigo Skull), SCP-511 (Basement Cat), SCP-637 (Viral Cat), as well as some of the more well known ones (049, 096, 999, 682)
omg best question ever thank you
1762 and 5031 are definitely the systems favorites as a whole, but we each have our personal biases. mine (bright) is my brother tj, iceberg is attached to 914, clef of course loves meri, and talloran likes 113 and 111
we also like 498 becaause it was the first scp we ever read!
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